Obama urges Europe not to respond to terrorism with 'hammer'

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," January 16, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Eric Bolling along with Andrea Tantaros, Bob Beckel, Dana Perino and Greg Gutfeld. It's 5 o'clock in New York City, this is The Five.

Today President Obama held a joint news conference at the White House with Prime Minister -- British Prime Minister David Cameron and pledged a united effort to fight terrorism in the wake of Paris attacks. I want you to listen very closely to both leaders, one identifies the terror threat we face by name, the other one -- not so much.


DAVID CAMERON, BRITISH PRIME MINITSER: We do face a very serious Islamist extremist terrorist threat in Europe, in America, across the world. And we have to be incredibly vigilant in terms of that threat.

PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: This phenomenon of violent extremism. I do not consider an existential threat. This is a problem that causes great heart ache and tragedy and destruction. But, it is one that ultimately we're gonna defeat.


BOLLING: And the president also issued a plea to Europe to not respond harshly following one of the worst terror attacks on its soil.


OBAMA: Our biggest advantage major is that, our Muslim populations, they must -- they feel themselves to be Americans, and are parts of Europe in which that's not the case. And that's probably the greatest danger that Europe faces. It's important for Europe not to simply respond with a hammer and law enforcement and military approaches to these problems.


BOLLING: All right. Let -- let's start with that one. We'll get back to whether or not who called them Islamic extremism who didn't -- Bob, President Obama right just there said don't respond with a hammer recommending Europe not respond with a hammer. I'm shaking my head. Couldn't believe he said that.

BOB BECKEL, CO-HOST: Well, I mean, it's a -- it is a caution for these countries that have huge Muslim populations that you don't want to have and you don't want to just divide that community and force them to make a decision on which side they gonna be on, that something that worries me about this. These people are making headway to a point. And now, it's so stalled here. If they get more aggressive what are they gonna do? If they have to sell, (ph) they should have arrest him.

BOLLING: I'm trying to figure what headway they're making, they just had 17 people killed on their soil --

BECKEL: Well, how many have been saved?

BOLLING: Well, I don't know. We don't know. But we do know there's a mass attack that they probably -- well, they may have had information to stop to thwart with that -- they couldn't and they didn't. Dana, would you recommend the president make those -- make that, that analogy don't use a hammer?

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Not necessarily, no. That was not necessarily with the words I would use. I think he was also trying to say was to -- say to Europe, we have done a better job in America of assimilating our Muslims. You need to do a better job of that. And I'm not so sure that's the case. It's been on the scale of it on the numbers are very different than a number of Muslim Americans is much lower percentage wise than in France. Also, France and the rest of Europe -- they have oodles of programs and outreach and ways to try to assimilate and -- you know there is, assimilation is also a choice. It's not that the French people haven't tried, I think that they have. I think that the immigrants have decided that they want to remain kind of close to our communities, maybe that's where the gap is. But I -- think that the president was a little too harsh on Europe there.

BOLLING: Too harsh on --

PERINO: You know, suggesting that they --

BOLLING: Not telling they're not to --

PERINO: I think he was too harsh saying -- suggesting they -- that Europe has not done enough to assimilate. Because I think assimilation is also a choice.

BOLLING: Be more like America. Look to American, assimilate the way we do. I don't know. But it feels -- no?

PEIRNO: No. I'm saying that the Muslim populations are making a choice.

BOLLING: OK. I guess. Greg, it feels to me like he's just too soft on terror.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: Well, you shouldn't -- he shouldn't like accuse Europe of responding to this with a tool, because they are not the ones running around with axes. And he is saying that Europe has to do better to assimilate them, but if they don't want to be assimilated, it's pointless. And it avoids the elephant in the room, and the elephant in the room is the cowardice of the establishment in confronting this danger, because they have this huge fear of upsetting the radicals. And -- here's - - they are worried about this idea of a backlash. Meanwhile, in Niger (ph) Muslims burn down Christian churches and shops run by Christians. A real backlash that you don't hear about because it doesn't fit into the assumptions of the media, the backlash is supposed to be us against them, but it's not, it's always them against us. And -- until you actually admit that, maybe, maybe President Obama should talk to Bill Ayers and consult the mindset of a terrorist and find out what makes them tick.

BOLLING: You see, and Andrea, if he is saying you shouldn't use a hammer in Europe, I would be OK with it as long as he came back with you shouldn't be bull dozing these people into Oblivion, where they came from. I -- I'm just am shocked that he stood up there with another European leader and just showed the difference between the two. You want to talk about that, you want to talk about -- in fact that Cameron said, Islamist extremist terrorists and Obama said, violence extremist.

ANDREA TANTAROS, CO-HOST: I don't want to get caught up in the rhetoric, but I would say this. President Obama said they should use a hammer? I agree with that. They should use an AK-47.


TANTAROS: The problem is, David Cameron and others, and the leaders that have come before him have turned the cheek, because of political correctness. Now, it is a bit different than the United States what's happening in France and Germany and Belgium. I mean, a lot of these countries in Northern Africa that are seeing the rise of Islamists were former colonies, and they immigrated, they asked these countries to send workers to come into the society and work there. And they haven't become assimilated, they haven't -- they have enough, it's been a choice, they decided not to do that. But they are also getting checks from a very socialist government. They have due (ph) passport. They can go back and forth, so they're not working with unemployment in France above 22 percent for young people? So they're right for radicalization. The problem is, they can say whatever they want, radical Islamist, we've had this debate for weeks now.


TANTAROS: It's the policies, Eric. And the immigration policies in the U.K. and in France, until Cameron and others have the guts to do something policy wise. They're not gonna to fix this problem, it's only gonna get worse. Another thing, David Cameron, this was a big campaign commercial for him today. He's up for re-election, so unlike President Obama, the reason he had harsher rhetoric Eric? Is because, he knows people in England want to hear those words. That's why he went through this laundry list of global poverty and inequality climate change, getting the Spice Girls back together, bringing Beckham back, finding a wife for Prince Harry, what else did David Cameron tout himself doing today -- everything.

BECKEL: Let me ask a question. You said like -- do it the way we do it here, we don't do it very well at all. Look at New York City --

BOLLING: I said the assimilation as well --


PERINO: President Obama was saying --


BOLLING: President Obama was saying that, look at how we do it, we properly assimilate that.

BECKEL: That Muslims are -- concentrated in one neighborhood. We know that's true about -- about virtually, every post World War II immigration movement in this country have assimilated and they're not gonna assimilated lived in the same area, they could -- they live with each other, that's why they feel comfortable.

BOLLING: Listen, I'm not saying we are doing it right. I'm saying President Obama was --

PERINO: He said we did it right.

BOLLING: Saying, we do it right here, in Europe before he go ahead and drop the hammer.


BOLLING: I don't think were kind of assimilated.

GUTFELD: The reason why, the reason why he said that is because -- so far the response to terror has been a reactive one, because it is -- his priorities are not in order. He spends more time demonizing a pipeline than pipe bombs. So when you ask about this, he has to down play it as though we are always getting around to terror on the list of things we got to get to. But there's -- there's the environment, there's climate change, there's -- you know, all of this other stuff ahead.

BOLLING: This is a great transition for the next sound bite I want you to hear. President Obama, he addressed the negotiations with Iran with a warning not to Iran -- to Congress.


OBAMA: Why is it that we would have to take actions that might jeopardize the possibility of getting a deal over the next 60 to 90 days? If this diplomatic solution fails, then the risks and likelihood that this ends up being at some point a military confrontation is heightened. I will veto a bill that comes to my desk. We'll see if how persuasive I am but, if I'm not persuading Congress, I promise you I'm gonna be taking my case to the American people on this.


BOLLING: You just nailed that. He said he -- he's got his priorities, he spends too much time demonizing the wrong people. He's demonizing the American people in Congress, rather than bad guys are in.

GUTFELD: Yeah, it's always -- for him it's never -- I loved the strategy with this. It's never a partisan issue when he is making a point. But when you disagree with him, it's always a partisan issue. When you see -- I think the problem for a lot of us is that, we don't trust him as a negotiator. So it's like, when you hear him talking about Iran it's like you are watching the opposite of the world series of poker, where you see the world's worst player get his clock clean by casual players, that have been doing this for a while and he just -- and he's -- you think he's gonna give away everything, including the White House.

BOLLING: Thoughts on this one Andrea?

TANTAROS: I think what Greg just said is really important. What is he gonna give away? What is he giving away? And I'm wondering if he is willing to sacrifice his entire Middle East strategy? By -- perhaps, working with Iran. I got wondering if there is a deal that's been done. And I only ask that because, we've talked on this network about the times at the White House has reached out, written letters to Iran. I'm wondering if he is trying to cut a deal with Iran, to try to defeat ISIS -- because he needs their help. Either he doesn't know how to do it, he doesn't want to do it, and so he is willing to sacrifice the security or some kind of deal with him, by taking concessions off the table for something bigger. I just don't understand Eric, what the incentive would be for Iran now. They're running out the clock, they're taking a knee and they're just saying he doesn't have the wherewithal to stop us, so? --

BECKEL: And that's --

TANTAROS: We'll take advantage of them.

BOLLING: Can we do one?

BECKEL: Yeah, go ahead.

BOLLING: I just had, you -- at this table for the last 2 1/2 years have said that these sanctions against Iran were working. Obama pulled the sanctions and now says he -- he's gonna warn, that he will veto any legislation that would put the sanctions back to its place.

BECEKL: Some of the sanctions, and we don't know whether these negotiations are gonna work out or not, and why not try? You want to just -- Obama is trying to go and bomb it right now? I mean, if we want to do that, I'm saying --

BOLLING: No, sanctions.

BECKEL: Yeah --

BOLING: Sanctions.

BECKEL: I understand that.

BOLLING: What about that?

BECKEL: We don't know -- we don't know, what are the details of these negotiations are, and we don't know whether sanctions are having some effect. We certainly know the sanctions he put on record.

BOLLING: You -- yourself Bob, over the years have said these sanctions are having a massive effect on Iranian economy.

BECKEL: I've never use the word, but I ask you, I said it is having an impact.

BOLLING: All right. Dana -- President Obama vetoing a bill that came to the desk, putting sanctions back in place.


BOLLING: Good idea or bad idea?

PERINO: Well I think, in his mind or in his foreign policy plan, that any deal is better than no deal. And the best deal for him is the one that kicks this problem down the road for two years and the next president has to deal with it. Went -- then he said, went on to say, "I will veto it and then you can bet that I'm gonna take my case to the American people." In which case what Bob just said, I think becomes a communications challenge. On the one hand, we are telling the Russians that we are going to do more sanctions because we think they are effective. On the other hand we are saying to Iran we're gonna withdraw -- it's we're gonna -- not have as many sanctions, maybe give you a little bit of break because we think that's effective. Now in the world of foreign policy, where it's working (ph), that all makes sense. But if you try to take that case to the American people, I think it gets a little bit more difficult.

BOLLING: Speaking of taking a case of the American people, Tuesday night, State of the Union address. President Obama, we heard maybe a preview of that today. Maybe not Dana, what would you expect for Tuesday?

PERINO: Not much, given that the White House communications office talked to Politico in the last couple of days and basically said -- and we're not really gonna host the State of the Union thing again. We're not gonna try to lay out a big plan, you know, he's already sort of settle things he's going to do. He is going to use it as a messaging event. So tune in, that's gonna be great.

BOLLING: Andrea, your thoughts on the State Union?

TANTAROS: I don't know what he's gonna say, because I think he already knows what he wants to do. He just not gonna be able to stand up and say, I don't care what any of you people think in the room, I don't care about the constitution, I don't care how you vote or what you have. I'm gonna use my pen and I'm gonna veto it. I'll see you in court, if you don't like it. He's gonna figure out some fluffy way to talk about the same stuff we've heard him talk about at every other State of the Union.

BECKEL: Let's keep in mind he has only vetoed two bills in the six years he has been --

PERINO: But why?

TANTAROS: But -- right, why?


PERINO: Because --

BOLLING: Because he doesn't get them.

PERINO: Harry Reid didn't send him any bills.

BOLLING: He doesn't have any bills to veto.

BECKEL: I get -- I think what he's gonna do. Can I say about the trade (ph) for a second? I said, I think he's gonna try to find one or two pieces of legislation they can agree on. I think you gonna hear more about working together than you do about --

PERINO: Like what?

BECKEL: On trade? I've said this is for trade and tax and maybe immigration.

BOLLING: Immigration? Yeah. I can see, and Greg, your thoughts on State of the Union?

GUTFELD: It would be -- it would be refreshing if he said, State of the Union -- it's bad. That was great, and then he should talk about, union. The idea of what -- is this country actually unified? We can talk about all these issues but the fact is, there is a sense of division and unhappiness in this country that he -- he's terrified of approaching. And he says he's gonna spend the next two years on the offensive, and I hope that's for America and not toward America.


TANTAROS: And also quickly, he is reaching out to the creators of YouTube? To try to reach Millennials with the speech, which is some of them are doing ads on push up bra and clippings (ph) like that. So it's almost like -- Greg, you talked about this before, he's going where he is perceived to be well liked. He said forget all the adults, the kids still like me so I'll target my speech to community colleges and kids.

BOLLING: I will guarantee you, I'm not sure what he's gonna say about guarantee you. Two things, there are -- will be in that speech tomorrow night. The unemployment rate and the price of gasoline, because he's gonna take credit for both. And there is --

BECKEL: He should.

BOLLING: Those of us who think that he has nothing to do with.

BECKEL: Oh, come on.

BOLLING: Any of the numbers that are positive on note -- I'm sorry, on Tuesday night, and say to it. We leave it right there.

Next on The Five, -- at the rally, it's six years down -- on top. In it's still higher than when he took office. It is the rally to -- in Paris to stand against Paris. So how does the Obama administration make up for the colossal screw up? We gonna have -- you have to stay tune to see who our secretary of state brought to France to apologize. That's a long thing. (ph) Also ahead, the first Facebook Friday of 2015, send in your question for us now, facebook.com/thefivefnc.


GUTFELD: As if the French haven't been through enough, John Kerry showed up a week later and he brought gifts -- if by "gifts" you mean "pain."


JAMES TAYLOR, SINGER: If you're down and troubled and you need some love and care. And nothing, oh nothing is going right.


GUTFELD: James Taylor? And we hammered Dick Cheney over water boarding? I'd confess to creating Ebola just to make that crap stop.

Well at least Kerry didn't look stupid to standing there.


TAYLOR: Now ain't it great to know you've got a friend when people can be so cold. They'll hurt you, yes, and desert you. They'll take your soul if you let them.


GUTFELD: I don't know what to say.

That's intimidating. It got crazy afterwards when they made smores.

Now I'd say Kerry made a fool of himself, but that suggest a temporary condition. But what he did do reflects a 1960s ideology that fights force with feelings.

So what does the president think of this response to the Paris attacks? Let's ask the commander in chief.


VALERIE JARETT, SENIOR ADVISER TO PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: Certainly we would have liked to have participated in the parade. I'd remind you that Attorney General Holder was in Paris for a very important meeting together with his colleagues from around Europe and around the world to take a look at what we can do to make sure we are cooperating fully. And so, I think we certainly got the substance right. But, they would have been -- it would have been great to participate in the parade, and we're delighted that Secretary Kerry is there now.


GUTFELD: Not bad, 44.

But Kerry should have called me first. I have better suggestions than a wimpy warbler. Maybe "These Colors Don't Run" by Iron Maiden, huh? Or side one of Slayer's "Reign in Blood"? That's scary.

Because here is the unintended joke of Taylor's lyrics -- let me quote them. "Just call out my name and you know wherever I am, I'll come running."

No, no, no. That should be, "Just call out my name and you know wherever I am I'll come running -- in a week or so."

So America, once a great country run by great men is now a divided collective run by camp counselors. Worst, it's a camp counselor proud of his famous friends. Instead of a show of force we got show business, because, you know, they're like buds.

But in my opinion, there is only one response to this.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE (singing): I gave my love a story that had no end. I give --




GUTFELD: All right. Dana -- I gonna run the table ask people what song they should have pick. But, first I ask -- Dana, I know it's kind of petty to go off on this but, they make it easy, because this is embarrassing.

PERINO: It reminded me of another time where John Kerry made a decision that was symbolic and it defined an entire --


PERINO: Campaign. And it was in the summer of 2004, we have picture there. Remember of President Bush is out chopping brush in Texas and John Kerry was wind surfing.


PEIRNO: It was great, a flip plop story. I think a better gift would have been to hand over to the French the coordinates of the --


PERINO: Yemen training camp where the terrorist trained.

GUTFELD: Would -- could --

PERINO: So that they could have destroyed it. That would have been a good gift.

GUTFELD: Could the song have been in the code? The coordinates for bombing was in the song?

BOLLING: Play it backwards.

GUTFELD: Play it backwards?


GUTFELD: Let's not be compelled.

BOLLING: Point though --

GUTFELD: Play backwards. It's like Judas --

BOLLING: I don't know than forward --

GUTFELD: What -- what song --

BOLLING: OK. So, first of all --

PEIRNO: My song -- I thought --


PERINO: I have a song.


PERINO: I have -- I came up with a good one.


PERINO: Elton John? Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word.

GUTFELD: Oh, that's nice. That's good.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Say the one is sound low (ph)

TANTAROS: I like that.

GUTFELD: So what are we gonna do? We gonna play --


TANTAROS: Anyone got a lighter?

BOLLING: First of all, can I say that was your best monologue, I think that I've ever heard. They're awesome, perfect nailed everything. ISIS must be hilariously laughing --


BOLLING: Right now. Like, really James Taylor? That's what you gonna do? That's we are gonna be afraid of who? There is some leadership for you. So I was thinking what the right songs artist (ph) would have been, he's dead. Unfortunately, instead of James Taylor maybe some James Hendrix, The Star Spangled Banner.


BOLLING: They play of -- the flag represents --

PERINO: If it's in trend (ph)

BOLLING: Yeah, yeah,


PERINO: That might have been the worst --


BOLLING: All right, fine. Did though -- don't put the France point to the rest -- pointed ISIS, and then -- how about this one? Cee-Lo Green -- only not the clean version.

GUTFELD: Oh, yes.

CEE-LO GREEN, SINGER: Although there's a pain in my chest, I still wish you the best with a. Forget you.

BOLLING: Forget you, the real version that -- and you said that one over to ISIS.

GUTFELD: Bob -- it was the thought that counts, right? They are -- they are trying to actually apologize to -- I'm trying to be nice here. To apologize to France, make a connection.

BECKEL: That was among the worst monologues I have ever heard you give.

GUTFELD: Will I --

BECKEL: Because it is so bad, it was so -- I mean people are dying every day.


BECKEL: And we are talking about James Taylor. Now --

GUTFELD: We didn't send James Taylor over there, Bob.

BECKEL: How about this -- how about --

GUTFELD: Don't say that to me. I know -- I've been talking about this for five years.

BECKEL: OK. I -- I have to fire in ring. (ph) I think that was -- remember, it was the French who refused to allow Ronald Reagan to send planes over to bomb Libya. The French have been wusses throughout all this. They have not been willing to do anything, now they got an aircraft carrier. I think coordinates are good idea. Let's see them put a plane in the air and bomb.

TANTAROS: Wait. Are you saying this is for revenge?

BOLLING: Bob, they have -- they have airplanes. There -- a part of coalition bombing --

BECKEL: They -- I thought. They are not. They are not.

BOLLING: You are going to tell me French aren't bombing ISIS?


BOLLING: They didn't just re-up two days ago, saying they are gonna continue to bomb ISIS.

BECKEL: Would you not? --

BOLLING: Here is the Washington Post, maybe (ph) -- let's take a look at that.


BECKEL: Happy to take a look at it.

PERINO: Andrea.

GUTFELD: Andrea.


GUTFELD: Granted, I was the first to admit. This is red meat for -- people like me. But, if they make it this easy -- at least it wasn't Cat Stevens. What are your thoughts in your choice?

TANTAROS: That's what we are going with? At least it wasn't.

GUTFELD: What's downloading (ph) --

TANTAROS: You said, Islam, we didn't send him over there.


TANTAROS: Isn't that his new name?


TANTAROS: So they can list (ph) us the Statue of Liberty.

BECKEL: Uh-hum.

TANTAROS: And we give them the statue -- John Kerry whose face didn't move, although his eyes were closed. And James Taylor? And you've got a Friend? Wait, President Obama stood in front of the U.N. and wagged his fingers at Charlie Hebdo and blamed them. And had Jay Carney do the same thing so, we actually not? Being a very good friend to the French.

BECKEL: When did he do that?

TANTAROS: In 2009.

GUTFELD: Yeah, at the fire bomb, right?

TANTAROS: So -- it was very embarrassing. I actually don't think we should have sent anyone to give a song. What song? No song. It's not a Broadway musical.


TANTAROS: You don't send a mixed tape after people get slaughtered in the street.

BECKEL: I -- think right about this. Same reason that --

TANTAROS: However --

BECKEL: Rally. And then in the first place, a bunch of --


BOLLING: They have a rally. But they have a rally.

TANTAROS: You ask me to give a song.

BOLLING: He didn't show up.

TANTAROS: I got a song.


TANTAROS: Send in the Clowns by Judy Collins.

GUTFELD: Oh, what a great song.

JUDY COLLINS, SINGER: Where are the clowns.

GUTFELD: There you go.

TANTAROS: There's got to be --

BECKEL: I cannot believe we wasted an entire segment on a James Taylor song.


GUTFELD: All right. We got to go. Facebook Friday is ahead but first, drama's surrounding this year's academy awards.


TANTAROS: Well, the Oscar nominations were announced yesterday. In case you didn't hear, Al Sharpton is not happy with the Academy's selection.  America's most infamous race baiter declares that there's been a racial shutout despite a Best Picture nomination for the civil rights drama "Selma."


AL SHARPTON, MSNBC HOST: Not one person of color was nominated in these categories. That's the problem. Thirty years from now (ph), America will be talking about the age of Obama, about the age of Ferguson and Staten Island, and these will be the nominees in Hollywood.


TANTAROS: Sharpton called an emergency meeting next week in Hollywood, arguing there's less diversity in the nominations today than in recent history.

For reference, last year "12 Years a Slave" won for Best Picture. One of its stars, Lupita Nyong'o, won Best Supporting Actress. Her fellow co- star, Chiwetel Ejiofor, was nominated for Best Actor. And Barkhad Abdi was also nominated last year for "Captain Phillips."

OK, so Eric, affirmative action for Oscar nominations, is that what Sharpton's saying?

BOLLING: I'm not sure what he -- look, Al Sharpton can find racism wherever he looks. So we did a little study, the who's who on the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences board. Fifty-one members, 39 of them are Democrats, almost 80 percent; only two of them are registered Republicans. That's 4 percent.

So is Al saying that Democrats are racist in Hollywood? Is that what -- I would make -- if he wants to make the leap that there is race behind who they chose for the nominations then I'll make the leap saying Al thinks Democrats in Hollywood are racist.

TANTAROS: Well, if you talk to people, Greg, in Hollywood, they will tell you that Hollywood can be among the most racist -- I'm pointing back to the Sony e-mails and oftentimes the most misogynistic. We've heard studies out that women aren't paid as much as the men are. So does Sharpton have a point?

GUTFELD: I just love that it's an emergency meeting. Right away, right away. Got to get on my -- get a first-class ticket down to -- get me a suite.

I love it, though. I have to say, I take great pleasure watching liberals get a taste of their own medicine. Most liberal celebrities believe the rest of America are gun-toting redneck racists. Now they know how it feels when you get smeared with that brush when Reverend Al comes out with race- colored glasses, where he sees everything like race.

This is ingenious. Normal extortion is, like, you know, I've got photos of you. But Al's grip is like he's an extortionist and the extortion. It's like, "Pay me or you get me."

TANTAROS: Yes. Well, it sounds like he wants a certain number of Oscar nominations to be set aside in different categories. I mean, basically, affirmative action. He's not alone, though. Actress Jessica Chastain also echoed the sentiment by saying there isn't enough diversity.


JESSICA CHASTAIN, ACTRESS: Today is Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday. So it's got me thinking about our need to build the strength of diversity in our industry. And to stand together against homophobic, sexist, misogynistic, anti-Semitic and racist agendas. And I would like to encourage everyone in this room to please speak up. Thank you.


TANTAROS: You know, I would love to get a bunch of those women in a room and give them some wine and pick their brains and ask her what she meant.  It sounds like there is a lack of diversity.

PERINO: I think that was a fairly courageous speech that she made. There were probably some in the room trying to have a poker face, so they didn't reveal what they really thought. But you saw Oprah there thinking that that was a good speech. She agrees.

I think the best way for -- to solve that problem is for there to be more of them. There are more women directors and more women producers.  Angelina Jolie was one this year. I haven't seen "Unbroken," but it certainly got a lot of publicity and attention; and it just paved the way for people like Reese Witherspoon, who is doing a lot more production, as well. The best way to beat them is to -- the best way to join them is to beat them.

TANTAROS: Well, that's a great point. I would say to Al Sharpton if you don't like it, if you don't think that there's enough films, why don't you start a film company? Why don't you start producing some of your own films? Spike Lee did a lot of that. He didn't have any money, and he put it on his credit card, Bob.

And it's the same thing I would say to conservatives. At some point conservatives whine about not enough conservative movies. OK, well then, rather than donate money to whatever politician, start a conservative film company and make some conservative films, embrace free enterprise, Bob, and get out there and change it.

BECKEL: I don't -- I really am missing this all together. I can't think of an industry that's been farther ahead in promoting African-American participation in movies than the Hollywood industry. I mean, going back to most courageous move of all, "Guess Who's Invited to Dinner," which broke through the color lines and was criticized from one end of the country to the other.

I don't -- I think there is probably a larger percentage of African- Americans who participate in the Hollywood industry than they do in, for example, I don't know...

GUTFELD: Newsrooms.

PERINO: White House briefing room.

GUTFELD: And you know who walked with Martin Luther King? Charlton Heston.

TANTAROS: All righty. Don't go away. "Facebook Friday" is up next.


PERINO: All right. Time now to answer the questions you sent into us on Facebook. It's our first "Facebook Friday" of 2015. So mark this occasion. Let's get started.

Andrea, this is from Ron S.: "What is it about your job that you truly enjoy?"


PERINO: Be honest.

TANTAROS: I love current events.


TANTAROS: And I don't know. I just really like the people that I work with. I really like -- I mean, you see me on "Outnumbered." I've got Harris Walker and Sandra Smith, and it's super fun. And we laugh.

GUTFELD: Terrible people.

TANTAROS: They're great people. And they make me really happy. And Kennedy. And so it's -- I have to say I'm really blessed. I love it.

PERINO: All right. Good. Bob, this is from Julie M.: "What advice would you give to a newcomer who would like to work on a campaign?" I think a lot of young people are asking themselves this right now. They don't even know how to get started.

BECKEL: Well, there's -- first of all, there are a number of campaigns that are out there that need people desperately to work for them.

You may have to start off as a volunteer. But I found good volunteers in a campaign help get paying jobs in a short period of time. But you're going to have to start.

And I would suggest, by the way, you not go to a big city urban area. I think you go to a more rural area and start there: a congressional race or a mayor's race. Even a mayor's race, I think, is a good place to start.  But you have to start at a lower end of what you might consider the lower end of the political spectrum. You can learn everything you need to know there to apply it to federal campaigns. I would say go into a smaller race. If you have to, go in as an intern, work your way to a paying job.

GUTFELD: Do people really elect dogcatchers?

PERINO: Yes. Some people do. Can I ask you a follow-up on that, though?  What if -- if you're looking into a presidential year, should you go to Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina?

BECKEL: Yes, well, they'll get a lot of people there. But they tend to put their best people they have, experienced people out in those early states.


BECKEL: So I would probably, if you want to work on a presidential race I would probably get one down the road where it's maybe a May primary or caucus and go there, where you probably have a better chance to rise quickly.

PERINO: Great advice for people.

All right. Eric, this is from Marilyn S.: "What's your favorite meal?  I know you don't eat red meat. And where did you have it?"

BOLLING: My favorite one?

PERINO: Your favorite meal you ever had, sounds like?

BOLLING: All-time meal? It had to be sushi. Because I live and die for sushi. Where is the best sushi I ever had? Best sushi ever? Believe it or not, there's a small place in New Jersey.

You have to understand something. Sushi is very expensive in New York City. I mean, like ridiculously expensive. Sometimes it's not the best sushi in the world either. It's the place with the freshest fish, and the people who are buying the fish have access to the docks. They literally go to the docks and buy the fish off the dock and bring it to the restaurant and they prepare it and sell it to you. Sushi in a small place in New Jersey.

PERINO: What's it called?

BOLLING: Sushi Lounge.

GUTFELD: It's above a pet shop.

PERINO: Big aquarium.

BOLLING: A big aquarium.

TANTAROS: That's wrong.

PERINO: For Greg from Tim S.: "How did working at 'Men's Health' affect your workout habits?"

GUTFELD: You know what? I would say good and bad. In a bad way, you become extremely obsessed with it, and obsessions are not healthy.

But I did learn to work out as fast as possible so you spend as little time in the gym, which means you should always do circuit training, where you alternate pushing and pulling exercises. So you don't have to wait between exercises.

And then also, if you cut back on your carbohydrates, you don't have to exercise as much. And I learned that later in life, that I was working out way too much because I kept eating potatoes and bread. And when I stopped eating that, I started losing weight.

We'll be right back with exercising.

PERINO: I get to go next. For Dana from John W.: "Welcome to the Carolinas. Which do you like better, New York or South Carolina?"

Wow. That's a really hard question for me.


PERINO: I love South Carolina. I do. I don't dislike New York as much as I did last year. OK.

TANTAROS: That's not saying that much.

PERINO: I was like in negative territory. And now I'm getting better. I just feel like I'm blessed to be able to go to South Carolina so I have the best of both worlds.

TANTAROS: You don't hate New York any more. You just don't like it.

GUTFELD: I hate New York.

PERINO: I don't dislike it as much as I did.

TANTAROS: Should we do one from all?

PERINO: For all, since we have -- running out of time? OK. For all from Janice K. We can go around and start with Andrea. "When you were kids what did you want to be when you grew up?"

TANTAROS: A backup dancer for Madonna.

GUTFELD: Me, too.

TANTAROS: I still do. I would do -- I don't know, do Pink or Janet Jackson. Yes, I wanted to be a backup dancer for Madonna/Janet Jackson.

PERINO: I like it. Bob.

BECKEL: Well, first and foremost, I wanted to get out of my house. That's the first thing I wanted to do.

And secondly, I was into politics from the time I could remember. Because I watched the 1960 Kennedy/Nixon race. It was so much different now than seen on TV, and I was taken with it. I asked my father. He said one day - - he told me one day everybody votes for president, yes. One day you're going to know whether you're good or bad. I like that whole idea.

PERINO: I like it. OK. What about you, Eric?

BOLLING: So I grew up playing baseball. I knew that was what it was going to be. I was fortunate enough to get drafted by the Pittsburgh Pirates.  And the second year in, I blew my rotator cuff, and I got thrown out the following week, a few days later. Nowhere to go. I accomplished a goal.  I wanted to be a pro bowl player. I got it. But then when I had nowhere to go, I did a little trading; and then about seven or eight years ago someone plucked me off a trading floor and said they wanted to do TV, and it's been great since.

PERINO: Three good things.

BOLLING: So I've been blessed with three amazing careers.

PERINO: That's good. All right. You, Greg?


PERINO: You wanted to be -- when you were a kid what did you want to be when you grew up?

GUTFELD: A grown up.

PERINO: What did you want to do when you grew up?

BECKEL: Well, you haven't gotten there yet.

GUTFELD: I know. I still have a couple of years. I was always into writing. I mean, I was a huge -- I was a huge monster movie fan. I mean, I was -- every Saturday they had a creature feature Friday night in San Francisco. I'd watch -- I just ate up monster movies. And then in the daytime, I would write my own monsters.

BECKEL: How old were you when you had your first piece published?

GUTFELD: Twenty -- what was it, 20 something; 25, 24, 23. Twenty-three, I think.

BECKEL: That's good.

PERINO: A long time ago.

GUTFELD: Yes. "Penthouse" letters.

BOLLING: Did you like "Tales of the Crypt"?


BOLLING: Did you like "Tales of the Crypt"?

GUTFELD: I loved it. But yes, I loved all of that stuff. I loved "Twilight Zone." I loved "The Outer Limits," everything.

PERINO: All right. And when I was a kid I wanted to be Tom Brokaw. It's true.

GUTFELD: How were the hormones?

PERINO: There were no women. There were no women anchors at the time.

TANTAROS: But you know how to speak much better than he does.

PERINO: I love Tom Brokaw.

GUTFELD: You can pronounce "L's" and "N's."

PERINO: Yes, I can.

BECKEL: If you follow -- if you follow up "Silence of the Lambs," you can find a way to do that.

PERINO: He's from South Dakota, which was my part of the world.

All right. Who do you think is going to the Super Bowl? We're going to tell you our predictions for this weekend's championship face off, next.


BECKEL: The Super Bowl is just a couple of weeks away, and this weekend will determine who the teams are. One will represent the NFC. And the other will represent the AFC. AFC side will be the New England Patriots on the -- against the Indianapolis Colts. And the NFC, the Seattle Seahawks and the Green Bay Packers. Eric, you go first.

BOLLING: Quick story. Last week, Cowboys went to Green Bay, and Greta said, "Hey, Bolling. I'll take Green Bay if you take the Cowboys."

I said, "Greta, I'll do that, but I want the 5.5 points," which would have had me win that game.

She said, "No, you have enough confidence in the Cowboys. Take it straight up."

So I said no.

So this week, Greta, I'm turning the table on you. Green Bay goes to Seattle now. Seattle is favored by 7.5. Let's do it straight up, and I'll take Seattle. Deal or no deal? I think Seattle, home team advantage in that one. And I like Indy, too. Greta?

BOLLING: Dana, of course, Dana now will scoot (ph).

PERINO: I usually do mascot theory, but it's getting kind of old, because I don't really -- these are the same teams as always. So I'm just going to go by where I have the best friends. I love everybody, but everyone I've ever met from Wisconsin I like. And I have really good friends in Seattle, too. So that one's going to be tough.

Indianapolis, I got to love Mitch Daniels. You know, he's there, and I don't really have any friends in New England.

BECKEL: There you go. There's a way to pick it. Gregory, are you going to be watching?

GUTFELD: Well, it's going to be tough, because you know what else is going on this weekend? Glow in the dark Capture the Flag, which starts tonight, 7 p.m., the University of Washington Seattle. Meet at the Red Square.  It's their seventh year. They have a capacity of 400. Costs 5 bucks a person. They say -- they didn't say you can do Capture the Flag nude, but they didn't say you couldn't do it nude. So I leave it to you. Glow in the dark Capture the Flag.

TANTAROS: You do that at your apartment, but it's called something different.

GUTFELD: It is. The police call it something different.

TANTAROS: Yes, they do. And the nudity rule does not apply.

BECKEL: Andrea -- Andrea.


BECKEL: I want you to please pick your teams.

TANTAROS: All right. I think I will go with Seattle, even though I want the Packers to win, because I think they should win. I really like them, and I like the fans. I think Seattle is probably going to win, because that's a tough stadium to play in, and their defense is just super-duper.

On the other one, I don't know. I mean, the quarterbacks are so cute. I can't make up my mind. But I think I'll go with Indy. Tom Brady is adorable, but he's got enough rings.

BECKEL: All right. Well, I'm going to go with Seattle again. This home field advantage. They also have a terrific defense. And they've got most of their players on the field. And they won this the first game this year.  And Indianapolis is always one team that is beginning to peak at the end of the year. And Indianapolis, of any team in the "N" -- National Football League is peaking.

And the last thing I'll say for the first time in a long time, you're going to see four winning Super Bowl quarterbacks in the games.


BOLLING: Is that right (ph)?

BECKEL: Yes, you have four winning Super Bowls.

BOLLING: Andrew Luck hasn't won.

BECKEL: I'm going right off this right here from this thing.

TANTAROS: He's got a great name.

BECKEL: Why do you always argue with me about these things?

TANTAROS: But Luck hasn't.

BECKEL: OK, we've got to go. "One More Thing" is up next.

It's right here, see?


BOLLING: All right. Time for "One More Thing." I'm going to kick it off.  It's Friday so...



GRAPHIC: Fool of the Week


BOLLING: All right, 2015's first Fool of the Week and no stranger to the "Fool" is my pal Al -- excuse me, the Reverend Al Sharpton who never misses an opportunity to play the race card. Sharpton released a statement -- I believe it was yesterday -- claiming the Oscars' low number of African- American nominees was due to -- wait for it -- a direct result from Ferguson, Missouri, racism. And then he reiterated this foolish comment.


SHARPTON: Hollywood is like the Rocky Mountains. The higher up it goes, the whiter it looks.


BOLLING: Al Sharpton could find racism in a rainbow. And for that, Al, you are again "Fool of the Week."

All right, Greg. You're up.

GUTFELD: All right. Catch me. I'm going to be on Greta tonight. Dana is hosting, so it might be OK. I don't know. Could be a disaster. And then I'm on O'Reilly with Bernie McGuirk, talking about weird stuff.

Go ahead and roll something.


GUTFELD: I hate these people!


GUTFELD: All right. So Thursday a bunch of protesters who were calling attention to racial oppression, they blocked traffic on Interstate 93 north and south of Boston, which is, you know, exciting and everything, except when there's somebody who's been in a serious car accident and is trying to get to the hospital and is dying and you're blocking the road by attaching yourself to barrels. A bunch of jerks.

You know that if they were hurt, they would sue. If they were hurt by the police, they would sue. But if somebody else dies because of their idiocy, they don't care. They should be put away for 100 years.

BOLLING: All right. Ands, you're up.

TANTAROS: I think the same people who don't move when they hear the sirens coming, I hate those people, too.


TANTAROS: OK. Comedian Steve Harvey asked a question of one of the contestants on "Family Feud," and the entire studio erupted in laughter.  So what did he ask? Take a listen.


STEVE HARVEY, HOST, "FAMILY FEUD": Talked to 100 women. Name something the Pillsbury dough boy and your man have in common?


HARVEY: Oh, that's funny. That's the best answer I ever heard.


TANTAROS: Oh, God. I love Steve Harvey.

BOLLING: All right. We've got to move it along. Dana, you're up.

PERINO: Well, I'm going to give a shout out and a big welcome to a new colleague. He's a friend of mine for a long time. Kevin Cork has just joined the Fox News Channel. He actually left Miami, your favorite city, where he was the local main anchor and the man about town, but he came back to Washington, D.C., which is his first love. And he's going to be reporting for us on the news channel. So we're very excited to have him.  And welcome to you, Kevin.

BOLLING: Great. Great acquisition by Fox.

OK, go ahead, Bob.

BECKEL: First, a correction. Eric was right. That three of the four quarterbacks will be...

BOLLING: Say again? Eric was right, again.

BECKEL: If you say as many times, "Bob was wrong."

TANTAROS: Or as usual.

BECKEL: OK. But this is something Dana gave me, which is -- I've been waiting for this for the longest time. You know, I love to gamble. I love sports. And there's a new place you can do it, "I Predict It." And it is a place where you can go and place bets on not only who's going to win political campaigns but are they going to shut Guantanamo, are they going to finally realize that ObamaCare is going to work? And it is...

PERINO: I'll bet on that.

BECKEL: ... it's a great idea. I mean, I like...

BOLLING: I'll bet -- I'll bet Bret Baier is going to take the show in five seconds, and he's going to have a great show. Have a great weekend, everybody.

BECKEL: Right. "Special Report." Forgot about that.

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