Obama: Still developing ISIS strategy

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," August 28, 2014. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

ANDREA TANTAROS, CO-HOST: This is the Fox News alert. Hello, everyone, I'm Andrea Tantaros. Moments ago President Obama wrapped up remarks at an unexpected afternoon appearance in the White House briefing room. He addressed the crisis involving ISIS in Iraq, along with Russia's invasion of Ukraine. He also took questions. And we'll get to his remarks on Russia a little bit later, but first, the ISIS threat. The president said our military is continuing to carry out targeted strikes to protect Americans in Iraq, and to address the humanitarian situation on the ground there. He thinks the U.S. will be successful in conquering this growing terror network, but admits, it will take time.


PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: As commander in chief, I will always do what is necessary to protect the American people, and defend against evolving threats to our homeland. Because of our strikes, the terrorists of ISIL are losing arms and equipment, rooting out a cancer like ISIL will not be quick or easy, but I am confident that we can and we will.


TANTAROS: OK. So the headline that really jumped out at me, Kimberly, was the headline that said, with regard to ISIS, we have no strategy.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Who wrote that? Did somebody get barred before the end of the week? This is what I don't get. I mean, does he get how bad that sounds and how good it sounds to the ears of our enemies? A president that has no strategy, well, at least he's being transparent because he just told the truth.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: But how do we know, finally, maybe he's learning. He's tricking them. To say we don't have a strategy, and they're going, aha, and then he just unleashes hell. I doubt it, though. I'm just hoping that he -- President Obama is learning that the world is a scary place, that with radical Islam, if you extend a hand, you get a stump in return. And so maybe he's being clever. However, I know I'm wrong. I know I'm wrong.

GUILFOYLE: You freaked me out for a second.

GUTFELD: I know I'm wrong.

TANTAROS: How do I say in a very nice way you're wrong.

GUTFELD: I'm saying that I hope he's being clever, but I'm probably wrong.

BOB BECKEL, CO-HOST: What we failed to mention, which is, sort of, remark -- is that he also mentioned that there was gonna be a meeting with the joint chiefs of staff about the regional effort. What he's saying here is Syria, and they will be in, I'll wager anything we'll be bombing Syria next week. Also, the Saudis are now in a terrible situation internally. I went read a book last on wahhabism that princes are all divided, because they're scared to take half of them and the other half want to take them on, and they will.

TANTAROS: Bob, can I buckle you and say what you said when we were sitting next to each other and getting our hair and make up done, when we were watching this press conference?


TANTAROS: You looked at me and you said, he knows he's in trouble.

BECKEL: Oh, yeah, sure. The thing that bothers me about this is a lot of this stuff is should have been done before, right? I mean -- but it's -- so we wait now, we hear it all at one time. You know, you live with the economic news, which quickly we won't broadcast, but the fact is that this should have been done before.

TANTAROS: Eric, how many years has the intelligence community been warning this administration about ISIL? We saw that report last night that broke, that Fox News got exclusively from West Point saying, we've known about this growing threat four years, President Obama still walks up to the podium and admits whether he has one or not, that he has no strategy.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: So I'm stressing (ph) him, I had -- what was that all about? So we heard earlier today, President Obama's gonna make a big announce, he's gonna have a meeting with his National Security Council. He's gonna do this discussion at 4:00. Everyone's like, oh, my God, you know what they're gonna say? He's gonna say we've already started bombing in Syria which is what you should have done but instead he came out and said we don't have -- at this point we don't have an ISIS strategy right now. Are you kidding me? What was the point of that? The only thing I can possibly think to the point was, he needed to get on record that he went to make an address, ask the question with Chuck Todd after he patted him on the back. Chuck asked him some softball question. And now he can go do his three fund-raisers this weekend, and the wedding that he's gonna attend, while Rome is burning he's golfing, fund-raising and going to weddings, it's atrocious. (Inaudible) who are now half of them work for him in the administration doesn't have a guts to say President Obama. What is the point of that -- Bob, what did you learn today that you didn't know yesterday?

BECKEL: What I learned today was that the intelligence guys that are saying about they knew about ISIS are lying. You are liars, you're covering your ass in four years...

BOLLING: Well, how did you learn that from there, huh? What did you learn - - how did you...

BECKEL: I answer that for Andrea (ph).

BOLLING: Right. So...

BECKEL: If anybody says that...


BOLLING: ...you're better off watching The Five than listening to President Obama at press conference.

GUILFOYLE: Why would you assume that they're lying? That they're making this up? So what?

BECKEL: For four year they know about ISIS.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, to make the president look bad, the president they work for?

BECKEL: Yes. Sure. Sure. Do you think they knew about it for four years?

GUILFOYLE: Oh, I do believe that. I believe that this group...


BECKEL: Let me give you a (inaudible) I just read a book last night that stated (ph) they started in 1760, ISIS. And it's -- never mind.

TANTAROS: OK. The threat of radical Islam has been around for hundred and hundred of years. And our Sean Hannity decided to take the debate, finally have the guts to take the debate on this news channel with the very, very prominent Imam. Take a listen.



SEAN HANNITY, HANNITY HOST: And I don't want sharia law and neither does anybody in Great Britain.

ANJEM CHOUDARY, BRITISH MUSLIM: Well you have no choice if that, Sean, is coming to a place near you. It's coming to a place near you.

HANNITY: Do you want a worldwide Islamic caliphate?

CHOUDARY: Of course we do. Of course we do. You would be in the (inaudible). And let me tell you something...


HANNITY: I don't need to be liberated by Islam, I'm a Christian. I don't want your religion. I don't want sharia. I believe in women's rights. I believe in freedom. Your version of morality is cutting people's heads off, we don't agree with. You support murder, you support terror, you supported Bin Laden, you support evil, and I don't.

CHOUDARY: And you are...

HANNITY: All right. You're wasting my time. Goodbye.


TANTAROS: You know, I notice that this happens often. Rather than talk about all the people that have been murdered at the hands of radical Islamic Jihadism, they deflect and the start point to other things and say, oh, Mr. Hannity, it was in self-defense, self defense? I mean, they really do think that they're fighting for, not just a holy war, but they do think that we have provoked them to behave this way.

GUTFELD: In that bell curve of religious fundamentalism, radical Islam is still right about here and, you know, we're all over here now. And we're just waiting for them to catch up. Why don't they ever champion the ideology, I mean, he is the champion of a radical ideology but he doesn't champion it. When his questions are asked about what he believes in, the harsher elements, he always denies it. It's an ideology where you can't say what you believe, because it's so crazy. And also, it is an ideology that claims ownership of the universal truths. So there is no debate unless the podium is a guillotine, because every bait ends in death.

TANTAROS: And, Kimberly.


TANTAROS: This administration has gone out of its way to try and be nice, to try and give speeches like the one in Cairo. If we compliment them enough, maybe the radicals will stop killing us, shared history of tolerance. I mean Bob talks about the book that he read, wahhabism has been around as anti western philosophy that's why we can't really trust the Saudis for a very, very long time. I studied this in-depth, Bob. So do you think the administration finally is gonna be willing, Kimberly, to at least acknowledge the threat of radical Islamic threat?

GUILFOYLE: I mean, look, it's been a thrust onto their doors that they gonna have to deal with it, they cannot avoid the news, they cannot avoid the world events, they cannot avoid the turmoil that has been created by their foreign policy of appeasement. I mean, honest to God, what's next? Let's send them some Girl Scout cookies and try to get them to be friendlier?

GUTFELD: Bob, you've got to say something because your head is about to explode.

TANTAROS: What's wrong, Bob?

BECKEL: It's just so -- it's just so...

TANTAROS: Do you think they handled this well? Do you think that they...

BECKEL: No I don't. Do I think -- I said that. But you don't start saying the president of the United States is fracturing appeasement and this -- never mind. Go ahead, send me those thought, that's fine, that's fine. Say he's racing buddy (ph), he's playing golf...

TANTAROS: Bob, if you're gonna say that, you need to deal with the facts. This is the president that welcomed the Muslim brotherhood to the White House. He had them at his Cairo speech, he has complimented them going out of their way in the hope...

BECKEL: I understand that.

TANTAROS: In the hopes they will stop cutting our heads off.

BECKEL: No. But this has nothing to do with -- ISIS did away with the Muslim brotherhood 200 years ago.

TANTAROS: They won't. The Muslim brotherhood, the other ones...

BECKEL: Yes, the one that we (inaudible).


GUILFOYLE: Did anyone pass the Muslim brotherhood that gave birth to al Qaeda?

BECKEL: The present Saudi Kingdom was also knocked out in the early 1900s.


GUILFOYLE: Do we all agree we need to do something.

BOLLING: I know but I love to weigh in on this. One thing we learned in that extensive interview last night is that the Imam Choudary twice said, twice said, sharia is coming to an area near you. Now, the scary part -- I mean, you look at that you go, wow, that's scary unless becomes really scary when he already knows that they're already here. And what we found is that, in Minnesota alone, this little area of Minnesota, place called little Somalia, they're radicalizing our young men right now.

GUILFOYLE: Two from the -- yeah, three now from the same town now.

BOLLING: Three from the same town, two from the same high school. And so he probably does know, he knows that they're radicalizing American jihadists right now and that's why that was so scary.

GUTFELD: So I've been thinking about that and I can't -- remember I had that solution at terror abroad program, where we actively sponsor American extremist? You travel to terror zone and then when they get there, we kill them? A carpool lane, so if a terrorist can actually convince two other extremists to go with them, they all get to travel for free.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, like the high occupancy vehicle, HOV lane.

GUTFELD: Exactly. It's HOV lane.

TANTAROS: It's like a family plan, like the cell phone companies offer.

GUTFELD: Exactly. When they land, we just drone that crap out of them.

BOLLING: It's a high occupancy terrorist lane.

GUTFELD: Exactly.

GUILFOYLE: I'm all for it.

BOLLING: And in there's like a big hole in the road about a mile up.

GUTFELD: Exactly.

BOLLING: No speed limit.


TANTAROS: Well, I wonder if there is been quite the amount of criticism, Eric, from a number of different people on Obama's lack of leadership. Take a listen to the past couple of weeks, weighing in on President Obama and how he's handled this crisis.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Nobody knows what this president is going to do. By all accounts he has no strategy. He hasn't had a strategy in the region basically since the beginning of the administration.

JOHN MCCAIN, ARIZONA SENATOR: What he needs to do is come to the congress with a strategy, with policies that implement the strategy. Does anyone on earth know what the present strategy is?

CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER, POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: The idea that we have to wait for an invitation, what is this, a wedding? This is war.

MIKE ROGERS, MICHIGAN CONGRESSMAN: Our fear here is that this notion, that if we just don't do anything, everything is gonna be OK is going to continue. This is as dangerous a threat matrix as I have ever seen.


TANTAROS: OK. This was the criticism leading up to the press conference the president just gave. And instead of responding...

GUILFOYLE: What did he say?

TANTAROS: He said well, we don't have a strategy. But don't worry, because there's some guy in the White House that's working on a plan. I guess he's gonna turn it in tomorrow before the end of the day and he can take it on Air Force One and review it. No pressure buddy.

BOLLING: And look, we talked about it yesterday. The bipolar schizophrenic strategy, one side says it's terror, and it's, you know, really, really important, that's been happen here in America, the other says, don't worry about it, coming from the Intel Department or the White House, depending on who you're listening to. All of -- my point is, again, as I made earlier, Bob, what was the point of the press conference? To tell us they're still bifurcated? They still have...


BECKEL: Well, let me just say a couple things. He also say, it wasn't that even important, and that is that ISIS has been driven down now by both the Kurds and by the, finally, by the -- some parts of the Iraqi Army. They're not making any ground up. They will probably have the Saudis join them shortly, for a lot of reasons. And I think that ISIS finally, as a unit, has been stopped on geographically picking up more land. I think that's a good thing on our way around. And also, can somebody get me the press -- the transcript of what he said about the strategy?

TANTAROS: How can you say that ISIS has been stopped? Why would you hold a press conference...


TANTAROS: To me it seems like it was box checking activity.

GUILFOYLE: How? Listen, yeah. And listen, I would love if he was doing what Greg said and he's actually masterminding behind the scene, why I do think is we're gonna send contractors in because, let me tell you something, that's how this is gonna get done.

BECKEL: Show me what...


BECKEL: Show me.

GUTFELD: You know who I feel bad for out of all...

GUILFOYLE: How about two airports?

GUTFELD: I feel bad for al Qaeda. They're like the neglected gal pal now that your buddy a new girlfriend and it's like, what's ISIS have that I don't? So now they're at the gym, taking cooking classes. Because now they're saying, we're gonna start bombing, because, you know, what happened to us?

GUILFOYLE: Pay attention to us. Poor al Qaeda, always the brides made.

TANTAROS: Well, they actually released an American al Qaeda recently. So -- and, by the way...


TANTAROS: Tripoli fell this week in Libya. That was a good idea, by the way, to get rid of Gaddafi.

BECKEL: Since in Iraq...

TANTAROS: And Mubarak.

BECKEL: We just turn it here. Since they took the dam back, two towns have been taken, the airports were taken three weeks ago, they will be taken back.

GUILFOYLE: Can you say in good conscience actually that you think now this threat is eliminated?

BECKEL: No, of course not. But I there no longer gonna take over Iraq.

BOLLING: Bob, they're still controlling some around 100,000 barrels of oil a day...


GUILFOYLE: A million dollars a day. Oh my God.

BOLLING: They have almost 2 billion assets in their...


GUILFOYLE: And private donation for wealthy individual.

BECKEL: I couldn't agree more. The oil wells -- it will be taken back from them within a week.

TANTAROS: Next, on The Five, we'll turn to another international crisis. Russia's military has invaded Ukraine and the U.N. Security Council is holding an emergency session today. And later, breaking news regarding Hollywood's hottest couple, you'll have to stay tuned to find out ahead.



GUILFOYLE: Moments ago President Obama spoke from the White House about the turmoil in Ukraine, as thousands of Russian soldiers supported by tanks and armored vehicles spill across the Russian-Ukraine border. The President said Russia is the aggressor. It also made clear there is no military option the U.S. would consider.


OBAMA: Russia is responsible for the violence in Eastern Ukraine. The violence is encouraged by Russia, the separatists are trained by Russia, they are armed by Russia, they are funded by Russia. We are not taking military action to solve the Ukrainian problem. What we're doing is to mobilizing the international community to apply pressure on Russia. A military solution to this problem is not gonna be forthcoming. It is not in the cards for us to see a military confrontation between Russia and the United States in this region.


GUILFOYLE: So what can be done to slow down Putin? Six rounds of sanctions haven't worked, and all military options are off the table. So what do we do? Eric, you said in the past that we've got to do more sanctions, we got to hit them in the pocketbook. What do you -- what do you do at this story?

BOLLING: Two areas. First of all, President Obama, he's confused. He's exhausted. He's overwhelmed. He's got it coming from all directions. He doesn't know what to do. Maybe it's time to stop doing anything and stop coming out and telling the American people what you're going to do, but you're not sure if you're gonna it -- stop. Just stop talking. Two things, the sanctions that we have in place, very weak with Russia, upgrade the sanctions that you have. Two areas, oil and banking, do it the way you did it with Iran. You want to send a signal, say we'll temporarily do the Iranian sanctions on you, Russia. And that will, honestly, that will -- they will see that as a risk to crumbling their economy. They are relying on one major area, and its oil. If you start playing with that, they will certainly get their attention.

BECKEL: What he also say was, he talked to Merkel, and our sanctions were not working that well, new sanctions have been applied by the Europeans. If I can -- just reading what Merkel had to say, it was all the action Russia taken, and major sanctions have been pull apart our European allies. Russia is already more (inaudible) since the Cold War. Capitalist from -- Investors are increasingly staying out, his economy is in decline.

TANTAROS: And you know what? He could care less because he doesn't care about things like that. That's not what motivates Vladimir Putin. It's not what motivates Vladimir Putin. OK. Russia traditionally and historically has a very long and high threshold for pain. He believes that during the Cold War, the Russians were completely humiliated and embarrassed. His goal now, to retake countries like Ukraine and eventually move on to Estonia and restore respect in the region, he feels that Russia has been disrespected. And he's gonna go and bust up NATO. That has been his goal, he will continue with that goal, after Ukraine, he'll probably move on to Estonia. And, Kimberly, what worries me like Bob says...

BECKEL: NATO's gonna be...

TANTAROS: What worries me, Bob, yes, is because of our current treaties and current agreements, we have to protect countries like Estonia.

BECKEL: You think that it mistrusts (ph) Estonia, really?

TANTAROS: I think that we should reexamine this entire NATO alliance and cut loose countries that we don't need to protect and look at other countries in the Baltic like the Czech Republic, Poland and other that worthwhile. Because right now, the way that it's structured, our agreement, we could be in a lot of trouble if he keeps moving his tanks and...

BECKEL: You're suggesting taking NATO to a court?

TANTAROS: I think we need to re-examine our NATO alliance.

BECKEL: Really?

TANTAROS: Yes, because he's ready to bust into it and dismantle it.


GUTFELD: You know, I keep thinking about Russia, and I keep thinking, they're not preaching our demise. You know, they don't have these apocalyptic visions of changing the whole planet.

TANTAROS: That's right.

GUTFLED: Or some crazy psycho world of nutbags. If the United States were Batman, you go after your worst villain, which is the Joker, and you save Catwoman for another time. And maybe, who knows, Catwoman could help you out. Russia's like Catwoman. The government's job, the president's job is to prioritize evil. But it's hard for our president when the number one person on the enemy list is Fox News. And somewhere down the line is Russia, and then ISIS. But compared to our -- in light of our current villains in this world, Russia is nothing.

GUILFOYLE: We should be aligned with them. We've blown that one, too.

GUTFELD: Basically, Putin's been a lousy co-worker. But this new guy, ISIS, makes him look...

BECKEL: I agree with that. But the president also said NATO is making -- they're doing exercises in Estonia, a day after Putin said Estonia, the chances of Russia invading Estonia under treaty will go over them (ph), and they're not gonna do that.

TANTAROS: By the way, how well has NATO worked out?

BECEKL: Very well.

TANTAROS: Oh, really, because they are ones that actually went in and took Gaddafi out of power.

BECKEL: Yeah, they did take Gaddafi...

TANTAROS: Yeah, and that was great. That we've now turned Libya over to...

BECKEL: No, it's not turned over. It's just -- and also...

TANTAROS: Even jihadist control... Libya is now in jihadist control, Bob.

BECKEL: It's Tripoli, parts of it are in control of the jihadists.

TANTAROS: Well, they weren't when Gaddafi was in power. He was...

BECKEL: Then we should get the madman with the atomic weapons back.

TANTAROS: I think Russia is not a serious threat to the United States. The only things that make them a serious threat are their nuclear weapons. If we handle this relationship, if we continue to bungle this, and I already think it's over, I don't think Putin respects us, we are in trouble.

GUILFOYLE: You got to get a new person coming in 2016, because it's blown. It is, Bob. What is Barack Obama gonna do to recover a relationship with Russia or what is he gonna do to recover relationship with Israel and Netanyahu?


BECKEL: OK. I know what you think, I know...

GUILFOYLE: That's all I'm saying.

BECKEL: I'm wan to ask you a question for the record. Do you believe that if he enters Estonia, the United States and NATO will not react militarily?

GUILFOYLE: Do I believe that if Russia...

BECKEL: If Russia enters Estonia.

GUILFOYLE: I hope we don't have to. Listen, we don't want it to get to that point. Do I think the U.S. will -- we have to. We're obligated to do so.

BECKEL: Good for you.

GUILFOYLE: What kind of like a bust a pop quiz was that? I was like...


BECKEL: No, it's important.


BECKEL: Because Andrea said otherwise you just disagree with this...


GUILFOYLE: Coming up, President Obama has got some plans to circumvent congress, Bob, this time on climate change. Greg's gonna tell you about it next on The Five. I mean, it can only get even better, right?


GUTFELD: The president plans to sign an international climate change accord in 2015 without approval of congress. It's nuttier than elephant poop. The New York Times said the thing would compel countries including ours to cut carbon, even though our constitution demands send of approval for such treaties. The White House bypasses that by inking a politically binding deal that names and shames countries into submission. There are four problems here. It's illegal, it's wrong, it's crazy, and it's evil. First, it's illegal. Politically binding is as legally binding as an Ouija board. If that's a treaty, then so is graffiti. To Obama, the constitution is like waiting in line for barbecue, it's for other people. Second, it's wrong. The general science said the 17-year pause in global warming will last another decade, a natural fluctuation in global climate creates 30-year warming and cooling periods. This is what President Obama is about to punish us for, inevitable variability. Third, it's crazy, addressing global warming before global terror makes as much sense as worrying about indigestion while playing in traffic. To him terror is a nuisance hindering his march into the abyss. And that's the evil part. Masked as established science, this is wealth redistribution on a global scale, draining our economy in a spasm of socialism. And he wishes to shame us? Don't bother. We're ashamed, but not of us.


GUTFELD: Kimberly?


GUTFELD: I love how their tactic is to name and shame, as if countries like china would react to that. Oh my gosh, they're upset with us.

GUILFOYLE: I mean...

GUTFELD: If you will stop.

GUILFOYLE: We're trying to do the international walk of shame home in the morning. I mean, what is this? I mean, who thought of this? Don't we have enough real problems to focus on? How is this going to be binding? We're already unpopular enough. Doesn't he at least care about that? What the rest of the world thinks of us?

I mean, this is ludicrous. What does he hope to accomplish with this? That's what I don't understand. They're laughing at us. Russia's not scared. China's not scared. I can't even name anyone who is. And now we're supposed to expect them to toe the climate change line?

TANTAROS: The American public. We're scared.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, wake me when it's over.

GUTFELD: Bob, I'm going to go to you. You asked me in the break, hey, do we have any sound on tape of Charles Krauthammer? And so I actually went and I got one for you.

GUILFOYLE: Thanks, Bob.

GUTFELD: And I'd like to have you comment on Mr. Krauthammer.


CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: The idea of shaming the butchers of Tiananmen Square or shaming a country that just a week ago buzzed the U.S. airplane at 20 feet, a country that is expanding into the East China Sea is sort of the dumbest idea since the Russian reset. Also based on the same assumptions that the Russians and the Chinese and others act the way Obama does with adolescent idealism when it comes to foreign policy. So it is an incredibly stupid idea.


GUTFELD: Naming and shaming, Bob, is that kind of like a misguided grad student mentality?

BECKEL: Well, first of all, it's good. I was worried that Charles may have gone someplace. I haven't seen him in so long. It's really good to see him finally show up on "The Five" for the 83rd time.

The (UNINTELLIGIBLE) guy -- I'm not going to get into this discussion. I wish we could get into the climate discussion. It will go nowhere. This is clearly a violation of the treaty-making power of the president.

GUTFELD: There you go.

BECKEL: That doesn't mean I don't support it. I'm just saying...

GUILFOYLE: He's going to get the EPA to do it.

GUTFELD: But at least you realize that it's...

GUILFOYLE: He's going to bypass Congress and the EPA and do it.

BECKEL: When you get a bonding treaty, you can't possibly do that without...

GUILFOYLE: So why do it?

BECKEL: I don't know.

GUILFOYLE: To raise money?

BECKEL: No, I think that -- I think it's -- believe it or not, President Obama probably believes it. I believe it's a bigger threat than a lot of them.

GUTFELD: He might believe. I mean, that could be it, Eric, that he believes it. But it's a skewed priority, isn't it? I mean, based on hypothetical climate models. There might be an increase in temperature. But we've got big issues going on.

BOLLING: It goes -- if it were that -- you could say, OK, so he believes it. I think it's more about the money. I think it's really -- you know, Tom Stiers (ph) placed $100 million to people who sign on to the climate change agenda that he has, while he's making money off of companies with big polluters overseas.

Can I just point something out, though? President Obama is basically doing, he's pounding the world between our corporate tax structure and this. Remember, this isn't going to come down to the individual. Cap and trade is going to come down to the corporations. Corporations who are polluting are going to get charged. It won't be called cap and trade. It will go through the EPA or some other form of executive action that they'll sign into law. But it's just another strike against doing this.

If you're a startup company, you want to do business in America, and deal with cap and trade, and deal with tax structures and deal with rules and regulations? Forget it. I'm going overseas. I can do the same darn thing in Canada, Brazil, somewhere else, without all this B.S.


BECKEL: It was -- the money is there. It isn't about the money. You know it doesn't have anything to do with that. If it wasn't the money, you wouldn't do it.

BOLLING: This cap and trade stuff?


BOLLING: I think it appeals to his left-wing base. Some do that. It also makes him feel good. I've got your back. We're going to deal with the climate. That's important for them, too.

GUTFELD: What do you -- what do you make of this, Andrea?

TANTAROS: Those two things aren't mutually exclusive. I mean, I think he wants to raise money and appease, as Eric mentioned, through Tom Stires (ph) the people running in the midterm, where he's only concerned about raising money and managing the news cycle, as well. So he's doing this. He believes in this. And he also has no respect for the U.S. Constitution.

We've never seen a president try and stretch the authority like this before. But I mean, you hit the nail on the head, Greg. The world is burning. And the president of the United States is focusing on banning cupcakes, rearranging our menus, and the weather. Controlling the weather. This is what he wants to do. Wow.

GUILFOYLE: He would do less damage if he stayed home and just watched all of us (ph).


BECKEL: All right.

GUTFELD: Next on "The Five," breaking Brangelina news. What's a Brangelina? Is that a cocktail? I wouldn't know.

A late-night "Friends" reunion. I guess that was a show back in the '80s. I don't have a TV.

And if you've ever been wondering, for seven years, whether Tony Soprano got whacked, you should stay tuned.


BOLLING: All right. Ready for this? Time now for "The Fastest Seven."

Seven alluring minutes...


BOLLING: ... one all-in host. No, stop.

They've been Hollywood's king and queen for a decade. Beautiful Angelina Jolie and heartthrob Brad Pitt tied the knot in a low-key ceremony in the French countryside over the weekend. It capped years of speculation on when Brangelina would finally walk down the aisle. Bring it around, K.G. Finally.

GUILFOYLE: Duh-duh-duh-duh! I love it when people get married! A lot.

GUTFELD: The combined (ph) five.

GUILFOYLE: It's amazing. This is what I'm telling you. Great love is possible. Don't give up hope, people. They didn't. And look, they have all these wonderful children together. They do a lot for adoption causes. So I'm feeling this. I'm feeling it.

BOLLING: OK, Bob, I can't wait to hear it.

BECKEL: (UNINTELLIGIBLE) for so long I thought they were going to announce they were going to be grandparents. So I'm delighted, I guess.


BOLLING: Why would they get married now after all this time?

TANTAROS: Because they say that their children asked them to. She's well- read.

GUILFOYLE: I am well-read on the gossip magazines. I have "Weekly" and "InTouch" magazine. Yes, they said the little ones kept asking them, "When are you going to get married?" And so they finally did. I think that's so cute.

BOLLING: Five marriages between them?

GUTFELD: You know, by having their nuptials in France, President Obama condemned them for marriage aversion.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my gosh. I love it.

BECKEL: Are any of those kids by them? Are any of those kids by them?

BOLLING: They adopted a few, didn't they? I should know this.


GUTFELD: You should know.

BOLLING: All right. So if you looked up jilted in the dictionary -- watch this transition. You find a picture of Jennifer Aniston.


BOLLING: Poor girl in love with Brad. He dumps her for Angelina, making her everyone's favorite underdog. But that hasn't stopped one of Hollywood's sweethearts from laughing. Just in time for the show's 20th anniversary, Jen and her friends join Jimmy Kimmel for a funny mini reunion last night.


JENNIFER ANISTON, ACTRESS: Your job's a joke; you're broke. Your love life is DOA.

LISA KUDROW, ACTRESS: It's like you're always stuck in second gear.

JIMMY KIMMEL, TALK SHOW HOST: When it hasn't been your day, your week, month or even your year. Well, I...

ANISTON: I'll be there for you.

KIMMEL: Thank you, Rachel.

ANISTON: Mm-hmm.

KIMMEL: And that's why we're all friends.


GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God.

BOLLING: You know, one of the best ensemble casts around "Friends," "Seinfeld," and "The Five."


BOLLING: Do you want to weigh in?

GUTFELD: You know, I don't know.

GUILFOYLE: You said she had a cool boyfriend.

GUTFELD: Yes. Justin Theroux is a great writer. I don't know. Yes, I guess it was funny. It just kind of reminded me of being broke. During the "Friends" era, I was broke.


BECKEL: That's exactly what I meant.

BOLLING: She's very talented. Do you like her as an actress?

GUILFOYLE: Yes. I like her a lot. I want her to win.

TANTAROS: You have no leg to stand on, by the way.

GUILFOYLE: I want her to be a closer.

TANTAROS: It's getting kind of old, you criticizing women on this show. With the way you run your personal life.


BOLLING: All right. Can we stay on this for a second? She's a very talented actress.

TANTAROS: She's a very talented actress. She's not jilted. I will defend Jennifer Aniston.

BOLLING: You don't think she's jilted?

TANTAROS: Her break-up was on the pages of every single magazine and no one would have cared if they weren't the "it" couple, high-profile. Jennifer Aniston is not this sad, unhappy woman. She's worth millions of dollars. She's happy in her relationship. I love Jennifer Aniston.

BOLLING: Did she ever really get over Brad Pitt?

GUILFOYLE: If she goes on vacation in Cabo San Lucas all the time, which is super, super fun, and she should go again. It's a great place to get a engaged.

BOLLING: All right.

GUILFOYLE: Two for two.

BOLLING: This one opened up a wound that's taken seven years to heal. Those of us who have never quite gotten over "The Sopranos" final scene, where family members gather. The screen goes black, and the speculation begins. Is Tony Soprano dead or alive?


(MUSIC: "Don't Stop Believing")


BOLLING: So, the screen goes black. "The Sopranos" creator, David Chase, indicated Tony Soprano may be alive. Please don't tease us. We'd love to see another...

GUILFOYLE: What are you talking about? I mean, who...

BOLLING: Someone else can play him.

GUILFOYLE: Who's going to play him?

BOLLING: You don't think there's anyone else in the world that can play Tony Soprano?

GUTFELD: Yes, nobody can. There's no other Tony Soprano. By the way, the real ending: It was all a dream. He wakes up; he's in bed with Suzanne Pleshette.

BECKEL: I'll tell you one thing. He hasn't stopped eating since that scene.

BOLLING: He's dead.

GUILFOYLE: Bob, he's dead. It's really crazy. Bob.


TANTAROS: You know what? You said that Jennifer Aniston should get over Brad Pitt. I think people should get over "The Sopranos."

BOLLING: You do?

TANTAROS: It's over? It's done with.

BECKEL: I agree with you.

BOLLING: It's so -- it's so good, though.

TANTAROS: Poor Tony Soprano, God rest his soul. He passed away. It's over.

BOLLING: So did he die in the scene or not? Forget...

GUILFOYLE: Bob was so confused that he thought this segment was about whether or not it was a hoax that Tony Soprano, is he really dead in Italy? Or he didn't die in Italy?


BECKEL: He had a heart attack, and we know the truth.

BOLLING: Well, he -- he actually may have died, or something along that line.

GUILFOYLE: All right. You know what? Let's be respectful to the families of the deceased.

BOLLING: We all know Bob likes to make predictions. Yesterday on "The Five," he made this one.


BECKEL: I'll give you one other piece of advice. Mitt Romney will announce he's going to run for president.





BOLLING: Romney was asked just yesterday -- again, I believe it was yesterday, if he'll try another run for the White House, and he didn't close the door. We're going to debate, next.


BECKEL: Mitt Romney says he's not going to run again for a try in 2016. Last night on the show, I predicted he will. And Mitt himself just opened up the door.


MITT ROMNEY, FORMER PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I had the chance of running. I didn't win. Someone else has a better chance than I do. And that's what we believe. And that's why I'm not running. And, you know, circumstances can change, but I'm just not going to let my head go there.


BECKEL: I'll just say that the three cases that I remember: Richard Nixon saying he would not run again, and he did. That he would not run for president. And I remember also that at a certain point where Bill Clinton said he wasn't going to run. And so I don't know.

GUILFOYLE: You have it on good authority, I think, or you wouldn't have said that.

BECKEL: No, I don't have the sources in the Republican Party. You do.

GUILFOYLE: So what? It could be from the Democrats.

TANTAROS: I hope he doesn't run again. I do. I mean, I think it says something about the Republican Party if we have to draft Mitt Romney a third time to run. That really does speak volumes.

So look, I think he would have made an excellent president, far better than President Obama. But he was a terrible campaigner. He waited too long to go negative. He couldn't tackle the issue of Obamacare, which is a huge issue and will be even bigger in 2016. He takes that off the table because of Romneycare in Massachusetts. So he was scared to go there.

Look, he was right about a lot of things. But I just think they have the playbook, they know how to defeat him. They did it before twice, and they can do it again.

BECKEL: Greg, he's been out raising lots of money for Republican candidates. He's been all over the country. Generally, things you see when somebody is getting ready to run for president. But he kept denying he was doing it. He said he wanted to keep his fingers in to help the Republican Party. Do you think there's any chance?

GUTFELD: I think that if he -- he has one plank to run on, and that is, "If you had voted for me in 2014, what would the world be like now?" And he could go through a litany of things that some would be legitimate. I mean, you know, there would be pipelines. There would probably be a different relationship with Russia.

GUILFOYLE: He would have done a great job, I think; far better than what we're getting.

GUTFELD: He'd essentially be running against Obama for a third term, and not Hillary.

But the issue there I have with him is, when he lost, in that kind of sense he didn't mind losing, do you remember when he -- didn't he say something, or his son said something?

BOLLING: His family was -- seemed more heartbroken about losing him than he did.

TANTAROS: In the documentary, too, it said a lot.

GUILFOYLE: I think he's trying to be stoic.

GUTFELD: Yes. He's a good man.

GUILFOYLE: I don't think he was, like, psyched about it at all. And I think he was quite frankly, surprised, that a lot of people were. Nevertheless, look at the numbers, people. Look at the numbers. Thirty- five percent. This is a poll. Iowa, GOP voters, I mean...

BECKEL: I can't remember...

GUILFOYLE: Huckabee. Imagine that.

BECKEL: I can't remember another time when the Republicans have not had somebody who's, you know, considered a strong front-runner, they've got nobody on the bench. And he would be the obvious guy. I'll tell you.

GUILFOYLE: What about when the Yankees go and they lose, and they go back the next year and win the World Series? You get my point?

BECKEL: They win. I got it.

BOLLING: Mitt Romney is a great guy. A great man. A great person.

GUILFOYLE: Great family.

BOLLING: Great family.

GUTFELD: There you go. There's going to be a big "but."

BOLLING: But -- it's a big "but."

GUILFOYLE: I like big "buts," and I'm not going to lie.

BOLLING: We did that. We tried that. I just don't think Mitt is the guy that can win it. We need some new fresh blood. We have to -- you know, I like Rand Paul.


BOLLING: I love the policies. There are a couple that could fill the bill to win. I think Rand Paul is one of them. Maybe -- I don't know, one of the governors: Chris Christie if he gets his act together.

But you need a vice -- for the Republicans in 2016, the VP is going to be really important. Now Condi Rice, can you imagine anyone up top and Condi Rice as a VP?

GUILFOYLE: What about -- what about Romney? What about Romney and Condi Rice?

GUTFELD: ... always be on the top. She'll always be on the top.

BOLLING: I don't disagree, not because of any other -- not because she's a woman, but because she doesn't have a campaigning -- these guys are out campaigning already. You know? They got -- they've laid the groundwork.

GUILFOYLE: What about, yes, Romney and Condi Rice? Hey, man, I'm just saying.

GUTFELD: Condi-Romney. Cond-ney.


TANTAROS: It's time now for "One More Thing." Bob, you kick it off.

BECKEL: OK. Joan Rivers, who's an enduring actress and comedienne, is in Mt. Sinai Hospital in critical condition. She's now in stable condition. But we wish her well. Our prayers are with her. And she has just been -- for me, I've always enjoyed watching her. So good luck.

TANTAROS: I love Joan Rivers.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. God bless her and her family. And her grandkids, too.


BOLLING: I'm off tomorrow. So I'm going to have to do one of my favorite segments of the week. It's "Fool of the Week" today.


GRAPHIC: Fool of the Week.


BOLLING: All right, so I'm going to Las Vegas, Bob. And so "Fool of the Week" this week, Elena Tsarnaev, this is the sister of Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, you know, the Boston bombers. Well, allegedly, she said this: "I have people who can go over there and put a bomb on you," to her boyfriend's baby mama.

Tsarnaevs, listen, drop "bomb" from your vocabulary going forward, or you will be "Fool of the week."

GUTFELD: I feel bad for the Dalmatian.

BECKEL: We missed that one.

GUTFELD: I'm used to that.

BECKEL: I know.

TANTAROS: Greg, your turn.

GUTFELD: All right. I'm hosting "O'Reilly" tonight at 8 p.m. So be sure to watch. And I think I do have a banned word today, and it is "existential." The word that makes you feel good when you say it. It's concerned with existence.

GUILFOYLE: What is it?

GUTFELD: Just say "deadly." Say it in a philosophy class.


GUILFOYLE: That was a terrible class.

GUTFELD: Existential. Existential threat.

TANTAROS: Followed by crisis, right? "I'm having an existential crisis."

GUTFELD: Everybody's saying "existential threat," including myself.

BECKEL: You don't need to worry about vanity with me, because I didn't know it existed.

TANTAROS: This is a sweet little "One More Thing." So Reese Witherspoon, who I adore, famed from the movie "Legally Blonds" -- there she is -- well, she decided to dress up like her character, Elle Woods, and do a little selfie action for a girl who is stricken with cancer. She also recorded a video. I think she looks pretty much like her. She recorded a video message for this sweet patient. Take a listen.


REESE WITHERSPOON, ACTRESS: Hi, Will. My name is Reese, and I'm the pink lady. I heard from a few people out there that you're a big fan of my movie "Legally Blonde." And I just wanted you to know that me and Bruiser said hi.

And for everybody else out there can make an awesome sign like this. It says "#TeamWill." Because we all want you to get better really soon.


BOLLING: That is sweet.

TANTAROS: Four-year-old Will, stricken with cancer, our prayers go out to you. That was very sweet.

GUILFOYLE: One of the reasons why you like her.


GUILFOYLE: She was super sweet when you met her at the White House.

TANTAROS: I love her.

GUILFOYLE: Good gal.

OK. Well, I want to take a moment to talk about a friend of mine, Chris Lynch. She's a big fan of "The Five." And you can see him on "The Willis Report" with Geri Willis. He has a new book out, and it's called "Within Your Reach: An Author's Life-Changing Journey Through Diabetes Empowering Those with No Hope to Believe, Receive and Reciprocate."

Back in 2007, Chris suffered a diabetic attack and coma and had one of the highest ever recorded levels. What came out from that is that he had to have a lifetime, he thought, dependency of insulin. The good news is, through God and faith and good health change his life, he changed it around to zero insulin dependency. So it's inspirational for a lot of Americans who suffer from that. So pick up his book, Amazon or iTunes.

TANTAROS: All right. And set your DVRs so you never, ever miss an episode of "The Five."

"Special Report" is up next. We'll see you back here tomorrow.

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