Obama Photo Reenactment

And now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine:

Photo Re-finish

Photojournalists from the Associated Press and Reuters say images from President Obama's speech announcing the death of Usama bin Laden actually were taken after the televised speech during a brief re-enactment for the press. It is apparently standard operating procedure that during a live address still cameras are not allowed to photograph the actual event.

Meanwhile, both AP and Reuters have announced they are not going to publish any photographs of tonight's Republican presidential primary debate on Fox News Channel because of media restrictions. AP says it will not send a reporter either.

The wire services are upset that still photographers will be allowed to shoot before and after but not during the debate.

Fox News is following the same procedures it has used in the past.

Allergy Season

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says it might just have been her allergies captured in that situation room photograph during Sunday's Usama bin Laden raid -- quote -- "I am somewhat sheepishly concerned that it was my preventing one of my early spring allergic coughs. So it may have no great meaning whatsoever."

Comparatively Speaking

And finally, liberal radio host Mike Malloy is equating George W. Bush to Usama bin Laden. Malloy says the former president is responsible for needless deaths in Iraq not bin Laden.


MIKE MALLOY: So when does Seal Unit 6, or whatever it's called, drop in on George Bush? Bush was responsible for a lot more death, innocent death, than bin Laden.


Mediaite's Matt Schneider calls that statement - quote -- "one of the most outrageous things said in the aftermath of the Usama bin Laden killing."