Obama demands Boehner hold vote to end budget stalemate

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," October 8, 2013. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Dana Perino, along with Andrea Tantaros, Bob Beckel, Eric Bolling, and Katie Pavlich.

It's 5 o'clock in Washington D.C. And this is "The Five."


PERINO: We are back in the nation's capital today for a very special reason that has nothing to do with politics. We're going to tell you why a little later in this show.

But, first, we're in day eight of the ObamaCare rollout and the government shutdown. The president made another statement this afternoon and seemed like he was willing to talk.


BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: We can't make extortion routine as part of our democracy. Democracy doesn't function this way. This is not just for me. It's also for my successors in office, whatever party they're from, they shouldn't have to pay a ransom for Congress doing its basic job.

The greatest nation on earth shouldn't have to get permission from a fewer irresponsible members of Congress every couple of months just to keep our government open or to prevent an economic catastrophe.


PERINO: But -- and then he said this.


OBAMA: This morning, I had a chance to speak with Speaker Boehner. I said what I've been saying publicly, that I am happy to speak with him and other Republicans about anything.


PERINO: And then about 4:30 this afternoon, Speaker Boehner responded with this.


REP. JOHN BOEHNER (R-OH), SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: The long and short of it is, there is going to be a negotiation here. We can't raise the debt ceiling without doing something about what's driving us to borrow more money and to live beyond our means. This isn't about me and frankly, it's not about Republicans. This is about saving the future for our kids and our grandkids. And the only way this is going to happen is to, in fact, have a conversation.


PERINO: All right. We're going to have a conversation right here on "The Five", in the A-block.

Eric, President Obama said today that he's very willing to talk and talk and talk, and it never seemed to end. But did you think he said anything different today?

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: Well, he kind of alluded to it yesterday, where he said, well, listen, I'm ready to talk, negotiate, everything's on the table. But first, two things have to happen. You have to fund the government and then you have to give me the debt ceiling raise, give me a trillion dollars more on the debt ceiling, which are the only two things the Republicans have been holding out, the only two bargaining chips they want.

So, President Obama is willing to deal as long as he gets his way first. It's a lot of credit that -- a lot of wishful thinking of the Republicans, they need to hold out. But President Obama back to the blame game day, blaming the extortionist, arsonists, ransom, et cetera, et cetera.

What really needs to happen is that Republicans have to stay firm. They've got to stay firm up to the debt ceiling. My gut is we're going to get right around that day and, all of a sudden, both sides are going to come to the table and come to some agreement, whether it's medical device tax issue or maybe some movement on entitlements, maybe raising the retirement age -- something where the Republicans can go back and say, look what we got. We got something.

PERINO: Andrea, you were listening earlier today. Do you think -- did you hear a shift in tone from the president and do you think that has anything to do with the recent polling that says both sides are getting some blame in this fight?

ANDREA TANTAROS, CO-HOST: Yes. And I'm shocked President Obama didn't see this coming. That they both had, both parties mutually assured destruction. Of course, the shutdown perceived to be a weakness for Republicans, the debt ceiling would be a weakness for the president.

So, I'm surprised he would allow himself to be backed into this corner. John Boehner I think is feeling a tremendous amount of pressure. The last we had this debate, remember, his base conceived he had caved somehow.

But listen, President Obama said today, no party has a monopoly on good ideas. OK, then, what are your good ideas? He went on and on. But I'm not sure to the American electorate, he actually gave them anything to hang their hat on, besides just saying, do what I want, Republicans, I didn't hear any ideas from him.

And all John Boehner wants is something, something he can go back to Republicans and say, I got this. President Obama could end this right now. He could make a concession. He could negotiate like most presidents do. He won't. And I think it's really unwise that he's digging in this way.

PERINO: Up to now, Bob, President Obama and a lot of the sound byte has been, he's in a strong position and told them ad nauseam he is not going to negotiate. That changed a little bit today. Why do you think that is?

BOB BECKEL, CO-HOST: Well, I think I agree with Eric. I mean, Obama has been saying this all along, I mean, he wants these two things not to negotiate. But I think in there, there is a slight shift. And that is that we're coming down to the 17th -- that's the day that we hit the debt ceiling. That's the day I think that all of this is going to get resolved, 15th, 16th or 17th, there's going to be some kind of deal.

I think Andrea is right. If Obama is smart, he would think of something to give the Republicans. He is not going to give them what they want, which is to do away with his signature program. He has no reason to. They lost. It's the law. It may die on its own, but leave it aside.

I think though there has to be something. And I think there will be something. Whether it's entitlements -- it may be a formula on Social Security. That would be good for the --

PERINO: Isn't it interesting, though, that this for a week, really, in the lead to the shutdown, we're talking about ObamaCare and now, we're talking about entitlement reform again. I think there has been a shift there.

Katie, I want you to listen to President Obama talking about the debt ceiling in particular and get your response to this.


OBAMA: If Congress refuses to raise what's called the debt ceiling, America would not be able to meet all of our financial obligations for the first time in 225 years. Nobody in the past has ever seriously threatened to breach the debt ceiling until the last two years. And this is the credit worthiness of the United States that we're talking about. This is our word. This is our good name. This is real.


PERINO: So, Katie, Speaker Boehner, that is the leverage he has on the debt ceiling, to try to make sure the United States could live more within its means, which is a good message for the Republicans. What do you think of that?

KATIE PAVLICH, CO-HOST: It is. But I also want to point out President Obama talks for the first time in history us defaulting on our debt. But he was the first president in our history that saw our credit rating be downgraded and he actually voted against the debt ceiling increase in 2006.

And so, when Speaker Boehner comes back and talks about, we need negotiations when it comes to what we get in return for increasing the debt ceiling, which, by the way, 58 percent of Americans according to a new FOX News poll say if they were voting on it, they wouldn't increase the debt ceiling.

And for President Obama to say that we're not going to meet our obligations, that people are threatening to breach the debt ceiling, Republicans aren't threatening that. They're asking to have a conversation so we don't get to that point. And President Obama is the one who keeps calling Speaker Boehner to say, I'm not going to negotiate.

BECKEL: But, listen, the change on Boehner's part, because he's not mentioned the debt ceiling. His leverage was on, he thought, on the continuing resolution. That 58 percent, I can understand why people would react to that poll question. But if they knew that would precipitate a huge market crash, it would precipitate endless amount of world economic disruption, I don't think they'd be willing -- Eric seems to think we can get through this and won't have a debt ceiling problem and will explain his numbers here in a second.

But the fact of the matter is we have never allowed the full and faith credit of the United States to go under. And these few Republicans, these few Republicans, these ignoramuses in the House, are doing it to us and it's not funny.

BOLLING: And the good news is we still will never default on our debt. We're not going to do it -- 225 billion bucks a month coming in, tax revenues, fees, licenses. $24 billion to service the debt, once you do that, you will never ever default on your debt.

And, by the way, that's automatic. The first $24 billion goes right to debt service. It's in the Constitution. So, we're never going to default. Then, the military gets paid and Social Security checks go out and Medicare and Medicaid gets paid.

And then you start to negotiate with the rest --

BECKEL: What about air traffic controllers? What about border security? What about homeland security?

BOLLING: Eventually, they'll all get paid, Bob.


BOLLING: When the deal is cut -- when these bozos back in these buildings get a deal together.

BECKEL: You can't let that happen after the debt ceiling limit.

TANTAROS: They're not going to let that happen. President Obama is not going to let the United States default.

John Boehner knows that. He's very, very savvy at this. He's a much better politician as far as navigating this kind of terrain than President Obama is. And he knows he has the president in the corner. He knows he's feeling heat from Democrats.

Absolutely. Boehner has always known this would come.

BECKEL: Who's in the corner of the Republicans? Look at these polls. They've been consistent. The Republicans are taking the heat on this close down and it is going to continue to be that way, and people will feel it more and more everyday. And it is going to be the Republicans who are playing with fire here.

PERINO: Katie, can you talk -- Katie, tell me about some of the things you have seen from the House side, because they have passed eight separate funding bills, including things that would fund the parks, that would fund the National Institute of Health and President Obama today said that he is not going to deal on any of those. That he would veto anything that cane across, that we just fund individual programs.

PAVLICH: Right. It seems like what the media and Senate is saying, it seems like they're offering up ideas, when it's actually the House that passed more than a dozen bills over to the Senate and the Senate refused to acknowledge their existence and have them dead on arrival, and President Obama has offered to veto every single one and they're smaller continuing resolution bills.

And today, President Obama said in his speech he was willing to pass a smaller continuing resolution. But when it comes to the actual legislation that's been passed through the House, he's not willing to move on it.

BECKEL: Just enlighten me. Has the House done anything on the labor bill, on environmental Protection, on Health and Human Services, on the Peace Corps?

BOLLING: No, why should they? Why should they?

PERINO: On the funding --

BECKEL: No, they're passing all this stuff that they think --


PERINO: They prioritize. The House, one of the main things that they asked for, number one thing I think they should use this as their leverage because it is the most important thing, which is the funding of the Veterans Administration. John Boehner has offered that and Harry Reid, Senator Reid, at President Obama's direction, has refused to bring that up for a vote.

I think when the veterans don't get their checks, that's when Americans get a little edgy.

BECKEL: Do you think doing government by piecemeal is anything more than a game?

PERINO: No, I don't -- well, I think it's more than a game. I think it's actually serious.

BECKEL: By the Republicans? Well, what you're doing is, OK, let's not set a precedent. Let's decide to fund the government in pieces as we see it every year.

BOLLING: Like they used to.

BECKEL: No, they used to do it the whole budget. Just like the whole budget. Republicans refused to negotiate.

BOLLING: OK, fine. Fair enough. When was the last time the Senate passed a budget?

BECKEL: The last year.

BOLLING: It took them almost four years.

BECKEL: I agree with you. It took a long time. They have been asking -- now, Dana has said to me earlier when we were talking about this I am wrong about this but I'm not. The fact is that the Democrats in the Senate have had a budget. Republicans had a budget. The Republicans in the House refused for a year to sit down --

PERINO: But the reason why, and I was explaining, is that the Democrats were demanding the debt ceiling be automatically raised in any sort of deal. Republicans said, no, we're not going to agree to that. We think we should live more within our means and there are more spending cuts to be made.

Before we run out of time, we've got to show this clip from last night. Because the whole reason we're talking about this in the first place, we haven't gotten to it yet is ObamaCare. It's been a week since the Web site has been up. It's not going swimmingly. "USA Today" editorial actually called it incompetent.

And secretary of Health and Human Services, Kathleen Sebelius, she did something brave last night. She went on the Jon Stewart show. She got quite a grilling. Take a look.


JON STEWART, COMEDY CENTRAL: How many have signed up thus far?



SEBELIUS: I can't tell you because I don't know.

I can tell you we've had not only lots of web hits, hundreds of thousands of accounts created. We have --

STEWART: So, hundreds of thousands of people have signed up.

SEBELIUS: Of accounts created.


PERINO: OK. There was not only that issue that they have to deal, the glitches, but then she also had to admit if you go on the Web site and it doesn't work, it's OK because then you can just pay a fine at the end of the year. Listen to this.


STEWART: I would feel like you were favor in favoring big busy because they lobbied you to delay it because they didn't want to do it this year, but you're not allowing individuals that same courtesy.

SEBELIUS: Well, again, big businesses are already in the health market. And new rules for companies.

STEWART: So, why is it that individuals, though, couldn't say they didn't want to do it just for a year of business?

SEBELIUS: Well, they can. They pay a fine. They pay a fine at the end of the year. But they don't have to -- I mean, they can say, I don't want to do it.


PERINO: So, Eric, basically what he's saying is that big busy got a break from the Obama administration but individuals can't get the same deal.

BOLLING: Yes, aside from the fact that that's ridiculous, you pay a 95 buck fine and you don't have to go on ObamaCare. No one is going to do. The young and healthy are not going to do it.

There's two reasons -- one of two reasons they don't know. President Obama didn't know how many people enrolled. Kathleen Sebelius didn't know, secretary of ObamaCare didn't know. One is the number is so low, it's embarrassing for them. They didn't realize the turnout wasn't going to be good. They keep saying the glitches are because so many people want it. Maybe it's not, maybe there aren't.

Or number two, which is more likely, the system is so incompetent. They have four almost five years to get this together. It's failing on every leg it's standing on, they're worried with one-sixth of the economy relying on this, almost $3 trillion per year, that it's incompetent, they're worried the whole thing could collapse on itself. The people are going to realize it.

BECKEL: Go ahead.

TANTAROS: And think about the millions of dollars they had to get this thing up and running in taxpayer money. So, this has really been a fiasco.

It's amazing to hear Jon Stewart sound like John Boehner. That's John Boehner's whole point. Let's delay the individual mandate because it's not fair that an exemption was given to business.

Watching Sebelius, though, be the human shield for the White House, rolling her out there, I mean, she has no leg to stand on. She's basically telling the American public, OK, so you have all the information you enter. We get your data. You may log-on, you may not. You may be rejected from health care, you may not. You may get to pay more in premiums, probably. And if not, guess what? You get to pay more in taxes.

That is their message, Bob? And I'm telling you --


BECKEL: First of all, it's not been three years. They were waiting for the individual states to act (ph), whether they would get in the system or not. It's been taking years to get that done.

But leaving that aside, let's assume you all are right, that this thing is going to fall apart, that the structure of this think is terrible, you can't possibly do it.


BECKEL: Then, let it fall apart. It gives you a campaign issue. It gives you everything you want. You don't have to sit here and try to mess with the full faith and credit of the United States government when it's something you think you're going to lose -- win over anyway.

PERINO: You know, they could have -- they could have done it with just one exchange. They could have just had one free market, and they wouldn't be in the pickle that they're in.

BECKEL: They could have one single payer which is what I want.

PERINO: That's the argument, right? So, Jon Stewart from the left is coming at it basically saying, you guys didn't go far enough, we're having -- having to do the shenanigans with employer mandate and individual mandate because you didn't just go to single payer program and you should have when you had the opportunity.

PAVLICH: Right. And the system being a failure and Web site fiasco only puts people who are already frustrated not having insurance to be even more frustrated. When they go to that Web site and they sit on there for hours of a day trying to get their health insurance, they're going to quit. They're not going to come back, and the government will have a lot of explaining to do to get those people to enroll.

BECKEL: And you're right. They didn't have insurance before. Why? Because the insurance companies in this country will not insure them because they're big risks.

PAVLICH: Or young people --

BECKEL: You never blame the insurance companies! You always feel bad about --

PAVLICH: Or, Bob, the young people who didn't want to enroll and get health insurance in the first place. They're not going to sit on the ObamaCare Web site.

BOLLING: Guess who the new insurance company in this country is going to be?

PAVLICH: The U.S. government.

BOLLING: U.S. government.

BECKEL: I wish it were. I wish it were. I wish it were a single-payer and get this --


BOLLING: Looking forward to that.

TANTAROS: No one's talking about this. An October 17th article in the "New York Times" by Robert Parr, U.S. set to sponsor health exchanges. There is going to be a health exchange Barry care that will be sponsored by the government that will run all the other insurers out of busy. That's the end game.

BECKEL: Good. Run them out of busy. It'd be fine with me.

TANTAROS: That's very scary.

PERINO: All right. That was a rip roaring A-block.

Coming up next, Charles Krauthammer has some advice for how John Boehner should handle negotiations with the president.

And then, later, a big decision by the NFL regarding the Washington Redskins. We're going to tell you what it is.

"The Five" returns from Washington, D.C., in just a moment.


TANTAROS: Well, the shutdown stalemate has ignited a huge political battle on both sides of the aisle here in Washington, D.C. Senator Ted Cruz thinks this is a very important battle for the GOP.


SEN. TED CRUZ (R), TEXAS: You look at the past four elections, 2006, 2008, 2010 and 2012. Three of the last four, '06, '08, and '12, were disastrous for Republicans. The only year that was a good year for Republicans was 2010, when we painted in bold colors, not in pail pastels, we stood for principle. I think winning this fight right now is the most important thing we can do to see significant victories in 2014.


TANTAROS: Then, on the other side, here's NBC's Chuck Todd, who sees a silver lining for Democrats.


CHUCK TODD, NBC NEWS: If things really went off the cliff and the economy went down and the Republicans are bearing the brunt, it would mean the Democrats would have to win the, quote-unquote, "generic ballot" by eight, nine, 10 points. That happens in waves, in wave elections. So, it's more possible than I think some people give it credit for.


TANTAROS: All right. So, who's right? Dana, when you look at the current landscape, I know it's tough to tell what could happen in 2014. But do you think to Ted Cruz's point, Republicans, at least with ObamaCare have something to coalesce around, they have something to run on?

PERINO: Definitely. And as Bob knows, when it comes to who is right, the answer is Dana always. That's always right, Bob. The calendar 2014, off- year election, second-term president in that year almost always loses seats. And then, the math is very favorable to Republicans as well.

So, on paper looking at past elections what should happen in 2014, then Republicans have a very favorable outlook. Now, however, this turns out and how they decide to write the obituary of the whole episode the last two weeks, use that going forward, if they can raise the money and motivate the grassroots, but it's usually the opposition party grassroots that come out to vote in an off-year election. Then, yes, I think this would be very good for Republicans if they start to do one thing -- focus some of the ire on the red state Democrats and make them vote on things like funding for the V.A., make somebody like a Mary Landrieu of Louisiana or John Manchin of West Virginia or Jon Tester up in Montana, make them vote on those things and they have to answer that every single week from now until the election.

TANTAROS: Eric, does it bother you there's squabbling in the GOP. It doesn't bother me much. People say, what should the Republican platform be going forward?

I think they have their platform. In an off-year election, or midterm election, they can be against Obama. As Dana says, they can this right to the Democrats. They almost don't even need something big or concrete. They have ObamaCare, but they certainly have a leader to rally against.

BOLLING: Again, we talked about it. Look, we know ObamaCare is not ready for primetime. The Web site glitches that they keep trying to ignore are proof of that.

So, here's what you have. You have a year of ObamaCare in full force by the time the election comes around, which means -- think about this for a second. What do you think of when you think of the DMV? You can't stand it, right? It runs poorly, you're always complaining. Post office, the same thing.

Take that and apply that to your own health care, you can't get a doctor, you have to wait forever to get a doctor. Your premiums going up, your service stinks, and it's fault, ObamaCare's fault. Go and take that Republicans, whether you're Tea Party or moderate centrist, go and take that and run against the Democrats for that.

You wanted it so badly, it didn't work, we told you so. Now, let's make real change in D.C. and get rid of it. And the only way is get the House, get the Senate and 2016, work on the big house.

TANTAROS: Bob, does it matter so much what is happening? I mean, what could be the worst turnout for Republicans?

BECKEL: Well, a couple things, I hate to correct Mr. Cruz, but given the time he's had on television, I'm surprised he hasn't learned some of these things. 2010 was unusual year. They had an election, off-year election. True, it's driven a lot of Tea Party activity. The turnout exceedingly low and Republicans had an enormous number of exposed seats. They don't this time around. They do in the Senate, not in the House. And so, I suggest to you that I don't think it's analogous to 2010.

I do think, though, if ObamaCare, as you just laid it out, falters to that extent, you do have an issue, yes, you can see a wave election. Right now, if this goes the way it's going and this government does not open up and the Republicans take the full faith of the United States government and put it in the ground and we have a worldwide economic uprising, the Republicans will pay an enormous price and they should.

TANTAROS: It's not going to happen. The president won't let it happen.

Katie, our own Charles Krauthammer had this advice for Speaker John Boehner. Take a listen.


CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: They have been shifting their demands every 12 hours. He will have to come up with something stronger than "I want to have a talk with the president", because you've got a president arguing what looks like on principle. And if you argue, I just want to have a talk, it looks weak and indecisive. Unless Republicans can agree, they're going to lose on this.


TANTAROS: Now, Katie, I feel for John Boehner because he's dealing with a divided conference, but is Charles right on some level? Republicans have been all over the map with de-fund it, delay it, medical device tax and delay the individual mandate, now, an entitlement reform. They've been all over the place.

PAVLICH: They've been all over the place but they have been specific what they're asking for, whether individual mandate delay and everything you just listed. It's not that the Republicans say we want to have a conversation, they've offered and passed more than a dozen things to the House, kicked them over to the Senate and that is where they've gone to die.

And that's where Harry Reid and Barack Obama haven't come back with any specifics. President Obama in his speech today talked about he's willing to come to the table with the Republicans after they reopen the government and give him the debt ceiling increase that he wants, but he doesn't say exactly what he's going to give them.

BECKEL: Katie, do you think if the House will send over the budget for the Environmental Protection Agency or the Department of Labor, or the Department of Health --


BECKEL: They're going to get leave on things they love and make political sense.

PAVLICH: The FNC reported military families are no longer getting payouts for their warriors who were killed overseas, not being flown to Dover anymore.

TANTAROS: Directly ahead -- shutdown insanity. The Obama administration OKs a rally for illegal immigrants on the National Mall today because it's a constitutional right, they say, but it's threatening to arrest military chaplains who want to practice their religion. You are not going to believe this story. We've got it coming, up next.


BOLLIING: Today in Washington D.C., immigration reform advocates gathered on the National Mall as they were exempted from the government shutdown. What kind of agenda gets you an exclusion?


REP. NANCY PELOSI (D-CA), MINORITY LEADER: We have no time to waste. The time is now for equality and opportunity for every immigrant, you have a fair shot at the American dream. The time is now for our country to live up to the best traditions of liberty and justice for all.


BOLLING: The Obama administration says the participants were allowed on the Mall because they were, quote, "exercising their First Amendment rights."

First Amendment, you guys. Listen, I'm all for First Amendment rights. But the issue I was having -- I went there, by the way. I have a couple of pictures they may scroll.

I went there, Ands, and I asked people, I get the First Amendment, I get the right to protest, I get that. But they literally shut down the World War II Memorial. They shut down some of the other monuments, some of the other places to go see, but they left that one open and they really put a nice stage up and speakers for them. Curious, what --

TANTAROS: Eric, can I ask you what happened when you tried to jump the fence, shall we say, into she immigration rally?

BOLLING: Want to go there?


BOLLING: Nancy Pelosi finishes her speech, she comes off, she shakes some hands and she comes off the side of the stage. I was on the wrong side of the stage and I went around the other, but I had to jump over a little barrier.

I jumped over and as soon as I did, somebody said -- take this shot. See this, see this -- so, you're not supposed to jump over barriers, I was thinking how ironic that was.


TANTAROS: I had to get you to tell that story. This has turned into a total circus. If President Obama were shrewd, I mean really politically shrewd and not just hell bent on his ideology, he would have gone to that World War II Memorial, and he would open those gates himself.

Can you imagine the press if he would have done something like that? He still keeps his feet into the ground, but it's not even that. He allows this rally, based on the same premise, First Amendment rights those World War II veterans had, lets it go on and they encourage it. Who is paying for the police? Who is paying for all the staff?

BOLLING: I don't know. Big portions of the National Mall were shut down with big barricades.

Bob, on ships overseas, overseas, our troops, listen to ministers, sometimes priests give them sermons -- they're not allowed to do that because of the shutdown. Yet, this immigration reform group can protest.

BECKEL: I mean, it doesn't make any sense to me. I think it's right. It's beginning to look like a circus and will rebound negatively to Obama.

I don't think he had anything to do with shutting down the World War II Memorial. I think his people did. And they should have done something about it.

By the way, the Tea Party can hold a rally at the Mall tomorrow.

BOLLING: No, you need a permit and they set up a beautiful stage with a bunch of speakers, a lot of cops around. A lot of park police.

BECKEL: To give a speech.

BOLLING: Somebody had to pay them.


PERINO: I just think if you are inside baseball and you understand how all the different permit operations work, maybe you could understand this. But if your mom and dad are America and you're looking back and all you're seeing are petty headlines, you're thinking -- one, that everybody in Washington stinks, but you're also looking at the president and saying, so there's political favors for the people that support your campaigns and your agenda, but not for America's veterans or people that want to drive by and take a picture of Mt. Rushmore, they get barricaded from it?

It all seems just so petty. I do think this will come back actually to hurt the president. That's why you saw a slight change in tone today and maybe more to come in the next days.

BOLLING: Katie, let me just throw this out there, not only Pelosi spoke other Democrats. But a lot of Republican Congress people were on the Hill at this protest also speaking, which for me was a good thing. That was a good sign.

PAVLICH: I do think it's a good thing, bipartisan. I think that it's ridiculous the closed the mall to any. The mall is an open air place, memorials are open air, people can go there in the middle of the night or in the middle of the day. But since the White House is playing politics with this and since the White House denied a request for the Honor Flight to go to the World War II Memorial, which is usually open, it's important to point out that the very people who fought for the freedom the immigration rally to have the First Amendment right were locked out of their own memorial and the White House stood by and watched and that was asinine.

BOLLING: Bob, let's talk maximum pain iNFLicted.

BECKEL: I think it's a lot of political pain and it's unnecessary pain particularly at the time like this. I'm not sure it's big enough yet to change the course of events and put the Republicans on the offense. Republicans are on the defense, I expect they will stay there.

TANTAROS: That's Dana's points. Dana encouraged Republicans to go on offense with these exact issues in their districts.

BECKEL: By the way, I will say this, the reason, that the Republicans were down, it makes a lot of political sense for them. If they would just understand that if they get behind an immigration bill, they could really put some damage to us.

BOLLING: All right. We're going to leave it right there. By the way, the other people -- the biggest group represented there, the SEIU and some of the other unions.

All right. Coming up, is political correctness starting to infect the NFL? The league has agreed to meet with an Indians tribe that's upset about the Washington Redskins' name.

Smart move? That debate, up next.


PAVLICH: Over the week, President Obama injected himself into the Washington Redskins main controversy. He thinks they should consider changing it because it's offensive to a very small group of Native Americans.

Today, we're learning that the NFL says they're now willing to meet with an Indiana tribe who says they're upset. The Redskins owner has promised they'll never change the name. What's the point?

Eric, being a sports guy, why do you think President Obama, (a), got involved when we have a shut down going and debt ceiling vote? And also, why do you think he's getting involved in an issue that really probably not going to get changed?

BOLLING: Well, first of all, I think he did it because look at the shiny object over there. Can I create some provocative controversy and take attention off the ridiculousness that's going on right behind us over here?

So many teams, so many professional teams, college teams have Native- American like names, Cleveland Indians, the Kansas City Chiefs, this isn't about this. This is about PC, and for some reason, and I'm not sure why, for years, the NFL pushed back on this.

This comes up, bubbles up by every few years and Roger Goodell and the NLF has also said, look, stay out of it. We don't want to be P.C., it's a busy we're running and they're doing fantastic, doing great. It's not derogatory, it's not a slur. They should just let them go.

I will say one thing -- free market capitalist in me says if you do make a logo change, there's going to be a lot of money generated, all those kids will want new logos and new uniforms, the new jerseys and new hats and new whatever, and generate a lot of funds.

PAVLICH: But, Andrea, do you think when we start pandering to very small groups when it comes to these kind of issues, four or five people actually fans of the Redskins, think the names should be changed, don't you think that impedes on their view as well?

TANTAROS: I do. This is one team that has really held their ground. This team is changing phenomenon started in '50s and '60s and started with colleges. And they really started with pressuring colleges to do it.

I mean, Stanford University has changed its name so many times they've been relegated to a stuffed tree.

PAVLICH: Yes, their pine tree.

TANTAROS: Stuffed tree jumped around -- I mean, it looks ridiculous. If I were this Indiana tribe, while it's smart to sit down with them, I said, you can look at this in a very positive way. And I think that they should.

I mean, they really are in the minority here. They don't have the public on their side. They should embrace it because I do think it is a compliment.

PERINO: Well, speaking of -- but I think that's why President Obama got involved, he likes to be for the little guy, the minority, the one how needs the voice. I do wonder if reintroducing a new brand would be like the new Coke and if it really wouldn't work.

BOLLING: Well, if the team plays well --

PERINO: If they lose the season --


BECKEL: If I could say, this being my hometown and Redskins being my team for 25 years, it ain't going to happen. They're not going to change. We go through this every year and every year, the fans and me included don't want it changed.

But beyond that, the NFL owners, as far as I know can't sit down there with the tribe and decide they want to order the Redskins to change their name. I don't know what the laws or rules are of the owners, but I would find it amazing if they could order the owner. Dan Snyder is not going to change the name of this team and shouldn't change the name of it one of the few things he's done correctly besides bring in Bruce Allen and the new coaches.

But I think that this is something -- ain't going to happen. Why Obama had to get himself into it, I have no idea.


BOLLING: A distraction.

PAVLICH: Speaking of getting involved in controversies, we actually have a new voice has emerged in the Condi Rice situation where she might become a part of the NFL commission or college football playoffs select committee, I should say.

We have sound from former Auburn coach Pat Dye about her potential of being on that committee.


PAT DYE, FORMER AUBURN COACH: Condoleezza Rice, all she knows about football is what somebody told her or read in a book or saw on television. To understand football, you got to play with your hand in the dirt. I love Condoleezza Rice. How in the hell does she know what it's like when you can't get your breath in 110 degrees and the coach asks you to go some more?


PERINO: Like when she traveled around the world on behalf of the nation representing the United States and fighting the global war on terror, like that?

PAVLICH: I found his comments about her --

PERINO: She's an amazing athlete.

PAVLICH: About what someone told her --

BECKEL: I was just to say Dye, I wish we had a translator for what he said.

I have been in those helmets at those temperatures and Condoleezza, one of the problems with football has been it's been in the hands of football coaches for too long and athletic directors. It's time to have the fans' perspective. And Condoleezza Rice is a great fan. She understands the game.

These guys want to keep the fans out, but they want to close it that's like the southern conference -- the southeast conference, that they're always in charge of what they do and don't let anybody mess with them. Well, not a question of messing with them, letting the fans be heard.

TANTAROS: That's why I think they don't like it, one. I mean, she's a perfect geographical pick. She's from the South. She went to Stanford. The SEC runs everything and the NCAA, so they're probably nervous about that.

He just insulted Mike Leach, one of the best football minds, never played a game at Washington state. He's a lawyer but he has a great football mind. And there's Charlie Weiss, former head coach at Notre Dame, never played a snap, genius. It's a qualification but shouldn't be an elimination.

BOLLING: And, by the way, not letting Condi Rice on that NCAA panel like saying a freshman senator from Illinois could never be president.

PAVLICH: All right. And with that, up next, probably wondering why "The Five" is in Washington, D.C., today. It's for a very special reason. Bob will explain when we come back.


BECKEL: Well, it's nice to be back in my hometown. I want to first thank my fellow co-hosts on FIVE and Porter Berry, our producer, for bringing the show down here. Today is an important day for me.

The Caron Foundation, a place that has helped alcoholics and addicts for years. Thirteen years ago, I went to what's called Magic Mountain to try to begin the process of getting sober. Fortunately, it put me on the road to being sober.

And so, tonight I'm receiving an award from Caron and the great work by Tara Handron who's put this together, for an alumni achieving award with my work with alcoholics around the country. It's been a long journey, a difficult one.

I know a lot of you may be watching this who are still actively drinking and need some help. It's there if you reach out for it. It's not easy, but it's there.

PERINO: And part of the thing for tonight is for people, it's a fundraiser. Some people aren't able to afford the treatment they get. So this is a little bit of a fundraiser and awareness.

BECKEL: Yes, the Caron Foundation is there to raise money so people who can't afford to go to a place like Caron can go and help them and get some out of the dark and back into the light again.

BOLLING: So, Caron did a great job with your alcoholism and your drug abuse. Can they help you with your liberalism?


BECKEL: I don't know if they started that program yet, Eric. But I think they are probably going to start with wingism.

TANTAROS: Eric Bolling rehabilitation --

BECKEL: That's a good idea.

TANTAROS: You can get some stimulus money.

BECKEL: But thank you for being down here tonight. I didn't want people to come down today and they insisted on being here, and I love you all for it.

TANTAROS: Oh, Bob, you give them a lot of credit, but you're the one that deserves the credit. It's not an easy thing to do. You deserve this award and you helped so many people along the way, you helped so many people get clean and stay clean and you are really, buddy, you are really true gem.

PERINO: Can we take bets on whether or not you're going to make it through?

BECKEL: I don't think so, because I'm barely making it now.

"One More Thing" is up next.



PERINO: It's time for one more thing. And we are in D.C. and Eric is going to kick us off.

BOLLING: OK. So, a couple, like an hour ago, Dana came in and said, you know, it's really cool when the president of the United States repeats almost word for word what you said yesterday. Apparently, he watched "The Five".

Here's what I said yesterday.


BOLLING: The first thing you do is your pay your mortgage, right? The second thing you do is you pay the electricity. Tenth or eleventh, you start paying in my case, a bar tab or my restaurant tabs. If you don't have enough money to pay for that, you say, look, I'm going to get paid next week, too, just hand in there and we'll be good.


BOLLING: President, a couple of hours ago.


OBAMA: So, again, to boil this down to personal examples. If you've got a mortgage or car note and a student loan that you have to pay, and you say, well, I'm going to make sure I'll pay my mortgage, but I'm not going to pay my student or my car note. That's going to have an impact on your credit.


BOLLING: Mr. President, thank you for watching "The Five".



PERINO: I love that sound. That was a great one more thing.

I have a wonderful one more thing. I'm excited because I read this article about the drug maker GlaxoSmithKline says that they think they have found the world's first malaria vaccine. They have some trials that are going on in Africa, really doing a great job. If this is true, this could be a real lifesaver and changer for people all around the world, excited about that.

Katie, you're next.

PAVLICH: Excellent. We have been talking about football during this show. I'm proud to say that the government has put NFL back on the TV overseas for our troops. So NFL Sunday is back for our guards overseas. Enjoy the game this Sunday.

PERINO: Let's see if they fund the veterans.

Bob, you're next.

BECKEL: I'm going to dedicate the award tonight to Ron Ziegler, who was Richard Nixon's press secretary. He died ten years ago this year. He was a remarkable man.

PERINO: Yes, a very wonderful guy and has a wonderful wife -- he is survived by his wife in California.

OK, Andrea, you're up.

TANTAROS: Big thank you to "Radio Ink" magazine for putting me on the cover of their October issue. Check it out.

PERINO: That turned out great.

BECKEL: Who is that babe?

TANTAROS: That's me, Bob, just with a little bit longer hair.

Yes, you can get it on newsstands or going go to radioink.com, and you can survive to the magazine. But big thank you to Ed Ryan, the editor, over there. My show syndicated 9:00 to noon, Monday through Friday, nationwide.

PERINO: Well, this is -- I run such an efficient one more thing block that we have a little bit more time. Does anybody have a second round? Anything, Bob?

BOLLING: Bob, I just want to say it's an honor to sit next to you all this time. Really proud of you staying clean and sober.

BECKEL: Thank you very much.

TANTAROS: Especially after what we put you through. I'm surprised.

PERINO: When it's one against four, it's hard every day to come here and try to defend yourself.

BECKEL: Ron Ziegler, Richard Nixon left the office, Ziegler went back to California. Every weekend Nixon would call him over to watch football with him. I said, no wonder you drank.

For two years, he had to put up with that. But he and I spent hours and hours talking about life and politics and drinking and other stuff. I miss him very much.

PERINO: All right. That's it for us on "The Five". Thank you for watching. We're going to see you back in New York City tomorrow night.

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