New York Times: President 'seething' over Ebola response

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," October 20, 2014. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone, I'm Greg Gutfeld along with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Bob Beckel, Eric Bolling and she brings bricks to the movies to keep the seat down, it's Dana Perino. This is "The Five."

Here's my favorite New York Times headline: "Amid assurances on Ebola, Obama is said to seethe."

Oh my, poor thing, our president's upset because bad stuff is happening, where have I heard this before?


PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: I think people are right to be angry. I'm angry.

OBAMA: Every day I see this leak continue, I am angry and frustrated as well.

OBAMA: It's inexcusable and Americans are right to be angry about it and I am angry got it.

OBAMA: Nobody is madder to me about the fact that the Web site is not working as well as it should, which means, it's gonna get fixed.


GUTFELD: I'm so angry over his anger. And so once again in the role of protective parent, The Times shields their precious snowflake from criticism by portraying his anger, not yours. After all, he's under so much stress, no one understands what this does to him. It's the other kids that are holding him back. Would hiring a tutor help? Should we take away his golf clubs? No, he'll only sulk.

This is not news. Similar stories appeared that said no one is madder than he is which absolves him of responsibility, an option never afforded to President Bush. And the media loves these behind the scenes stories. Spoon-fed by aides, the press always obliges to make Obama the brooding hero.

Now if you took that headline and replaced this one word, you'd have a more honest take: "Amid assurances on Ebola, [America] is said to seethe." Of course, the article would then blame such seething on race, because that's what they do.

And so the media keeps bumping its head into the mirrored glass that is Obama, constantly clueless as the swelling gets worse. President Obama is the creation of their own doting adulation. He was the man they were waiting for and they let him walk all over us. And so every ignored screw-up deteriorates until it's disastrous, as a crisis in spine always lead to a crisis in life.

Congrats, media, you built that.

So D.P., what is the strategy behind these stories, these stories that say he is seething. Is this all orchestrated?

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: A little bit, yes, because I would
imagine last Wednesday, the White House communications team thought to
themselves, we're gonna have to get through to the Sunday shows, and
everyone's going to continue to talk about this, but we need a way to
change the story line, and one of the best way to do that is to give the
media a little bit of something special. The New York Times is a great
place to do it, they love a little, you know, peek behind the curtain, and
what was Obama thinking, when he had that meeting with the aides and then
he can say, he was so angry.


PERINO: And it tell -- and it basically said, "The president shares your
anger" you know what? He's just like us. And that way you took a full
pitied (ph) President Obama then, absolved of the responsibility, he's got
Ron Klain now as the Ebola czar.


PERINO: Nice day out, goes golfing for four hours. That's how works.

GUTFELD: Yeah. Eric, I don't mean New York Times ever wonder what
President Bush was thinking, because he always assumed he wasn't. So they
never did this story.

PERINO: All day he was thinking, his noble thoughts.


ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: But -- Dana's right, President Obama
was so mad, he was so seething, that he hit a white ball around the golf
course for four hours, kept chasing Ken Hagan, taking his anger out on the
golf ball. Look, he's angry, he's seething, because they screwed up the
debate so many times, the information flow so many times, they lost the
confidence of the American people that, not -- again, not that the American
people thought we were all going to catch Ebola, that we weren't sure that
they knew what they were doing.

First, they let the nurse fly. Then -- now there's even a question whether
that the nurse should have flown -- that the nurse that they're taking care
in Dallas, should have flown into -- to the CDC in Atlanta. So there's a
lot of questions, they bungled the whole thing, so Obama, if he's seething,
he looks like, he's on our side, he's with us.


BOLLING: If we're seething, he's seething.

GUTFELD: Exactly.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: So because if he move somebody,
should there right away, not after they have been getting the treatment for
a while, not why the conditions now says fair, which is unfortunately not
as -- that is stable or get so, let's hope for the best for her.

GUTFELD: Yeah. What did you make of that article?

GUILFOYLE: Here's what I think. This is no surprise, I think that he's
probably -- wouldn't you be angry? Because once again, he's taking a hit,
but he has no one really to blame but himself, because he's got to put the
time in, he's gonna be focused, he's got to make the right decision,
because ultimately the responsibility rests on him Bob, I'm sorry to say,
he can't keep throwing people under the bus on this convent -- Ebola bus.
Because this should have been handled better, no other country is better
when it comes to science and medicines and resources than the United States
of America, we didn't show it here, I like to aspire better outcomes than
we've had so far.

BOB BECKEL, CO-HOST: The other two thoughts about - one is
that's a damned big bus, is it by now?

GUILFOYLE: Well, hey.

BECKEL: And secondly, I'm shocked.

GUILFOYLE: He commissioned the bus.

BECKEL: That you all are shocked. That's the thing that really shocked me.
We're two weeks from the election, every president -- Clinton, George Bush
uses angry as thing before, it's not the -- Obama does it more, aggressive
-- Clinton use to do it, he was a master at it. The president was upset
angry, blah, blah, blah and Dana is right, they all look like a butt in a
little peek in the curtain. Well, it's perfect, I mean, if I they've done
too, I does exactly the same -- that (inaudible) more, might have it cry, I
don't know. But -- so I don't know why everybody's so shocked by this, this
is what people do.


GUILFOYLE: It doesn't matter if he's angry. I just want him to do something
right and get it right, let's win.

PERINO: And in contrary to being shocked, it looked like to this to --when
I first saw the article, and I go, here we go again, because I remembered
most not all of the examples that Greg showed in his monolog, that every
single time there's a government screw up, then the president comes out and
says, that he's really mad.

BECKEL: If you had Greg's ability to edit like that, you can make any press
on your credit.

GUILFOYLE: Oh come on.

GUTFELD: I didn't edit that. That was a fine producer, did that work. Look,
speaking of tape, let's talk about Fox news Sunday yesterday, Brit Hume and
Juan Williams, as all you know those guys.

PERINO: I know them.

GUTFELD: Great gentlemen. There on there, they were talking about this
article, but they were also talking about the appointment of Ron Klain and
whether or not that was helpful or not for this whole problem.


was the president's aides, most of them anonymous, portraying him as having
all this empathy with the public about all this.

(UNKNOWN): Seethe this.

HUME: I would say that I think the appointment of Ron Klain, so as the
administration thinks this is more of a political and public relations
problem than it is a public health problem, it is clearly both.

curtain has gone up on this theater and I think Ron Klain is part of it, I
think it's a political response, did not please me, I thought we need
somebody with more expertise on this specific issue.


GUTFELD: So, Eric, when you lose Juan Williams.

BOLLING: And you're entitled.


PERINO: We only have Bob Web.

BOLLING: Well, Bob is still rolling above.

GUILFOYLE: Feast your eyes on this, Bob Beckle, last one standing.

BOLLING: I've been thinking about this all weekend long, and I'm thinking
on Ron Klain, Ron Klain.

BECKEL: All weekend?

BOLLING: Yeah. I was -- I'm trying to figure out why is Ron Klain, it is
sounds absurd, and then -- look at this way, what if we were Republican
president, and they brought in someone like Karl Rove to do the exact
thing, will that not be apples, apples.

GUTFELD: Yeah. You know they're crazy.

BOLLING: Will go crazy, right?

GUILFOYLE: This solve at all in the white board.

BOLLING: He -- whether he -- listen, it's not a knock against Karl Rove,
this is that's the type of person on the left that they brought in to
handle an Ebola crisis. It's tone deaf.

GUILFOYLE: And you would prefer somebody with some have of medical
background or experience in addition to communicative ability.

BECKEL: Well, you know, first of all, I would -- if this situation were
taking place during the bush ways, I would like to see Karl Rove doing
that. This is a political.


BECKEL: Absolutely. It's not handing, it's a question of organizing big

BOLLING: It's the Ebola czar.

BECKEL: I understand that.

BOLLING: Ebola response.


BECKEL: Maybe they named him the president of the universe, but the point
here is, why are you so surprised that we requires somebody who was
political half with two weeks before the election to do this.

GUTFELD: But you know it Bob, you are probably the only person besides Dana
and I much -- I never heard of this guy, and I think America like maybe
would have heard of who this person was. Agree on talking, I mean did that
even Rove would be better.


BOLLING: I would still like the basis in medicine, at least some


GUILFOYLE: And by the way, where's our surgeon general?

BOLLING: When the doctors come to Ron Klain and say we need these assets
here, he would at least understand what the medical background. Do we
really all of those, maybe we need more of those.

PERINO: But -- and Ron.

GUTFELD: That's George Clooney play the doctor in ER, remember?


GUTFELD: My choice.

PERINO: I think. I have say that in Ron Klain's defense which it.

GUILFOYLE: And President Obama.

PERINO: By the person that matters the most is that he has the confidence
of President Obama at one, the number two, Dr. Anthony Fauci the head of
the NIH, said that he taught that this is the right type of person to help
-- make sure that everybody's talking to one other and information flow and
implementation so there's that.


BECKEL: You have plenty of doctors involved in these things. When in all
doctors involved didn't work all that well.

BOLLING: Bureaucrats weren't better?



BECKEL: Well that appears -- Ron Klain's on bureaucrat. Because he makes
bureaucrat work, I can tell you, the public may not know that Ron Klain was
a damn good about the administration people though.

PERINO: And then also, I think is good in a way Ron Klain would be able to
ask doctors questions that people like us, would ask. So that you could
push the doctors a little bit more to say, "What is that mean and that's
not gonna fly, we need a better answer to this," and then -- I actually
think it could work in his favor.

GUILFOYLE: You know what? Let's see.

GUTFELD: Let me ask you.

GUILFOYLE: Let's wrap it up.



GUTFELD: President's declining poll numbers among women are getting worse.
And Tena Brown this morning said that female voters no longer feel safe
with President Obama.


GUTFELD: Now exact what is this all about the tape?

GUILFOYLE: I think this is about safe. I don't feel safe either, I really
don't. Because, I'm worried about the choices he's taking, I'm worried
about his lack of focus and attention to details. God knows the man has
tremendous amount on his face.

BOLLING: Can I add to that.

GUILFOYLE: No doubt.

BOLLING: She said, he makes promises, he promises to make changes, he calls
a meeting, nothing changes and then this is her line, "He blames everybody
else." And wow, when Tena brown says that.

GUILFOYLE: No mom likes that.

BOLLING: Plus one way it was Tena Brown in this weekend.

GUTFELD: Yeah. Yes, Bob?

BECKEL: Should I say that I'm frightened sitting next to Kimberly every

GUILFOYLE: In a weirdly excited way.

BECKEL: Exactly.


BECKEL: But -- you know, I don't quite -- this is a good example of how you
read polls, this is among likely voters, there are more likely Republican
women voting than our likely Democrat female voting.

GUILFOYLE: In midterms.

BECKEL: And so -- yeah in midterms. So you're gonna get this kind of skew.
I don't think Obama's that bad, if this were a presidential election year,
it will certainly would be. But there now measuring, in this stage over
campaign, you gonna measure unlikely voters and you screen out everybody
who it's really not certain they gonna vote. So what you got here is a
skewed election, the way election days gonna be.


GUILFOYLE: Go ahead.

PERINO: Well, there's is a trend and an important question that is ask in
most polls in Bob, even correct my language, but it's basically along the
lines of, "Do you think that the president cares about people like you? Do
you think the president cares about issues that are important to you?


PERINO: And that trend line for President Obama has been decreasing,
especially since April, may time through the summer. With the terrorist
threats and with Ebola is not the best timing for him politically, but it
is just the reality that they face, because of -- let's just wrap this back
up. The monolog, when you show there's a systematic problem with government
at every level. People don't want to worry about government every day, they
wanna think that the government.


PERINO: Is doing what it's supposed to do, so you don't have to worry about
it. Women have enough to worry about it. They don't want to have to worry
about their safety as well.

GUTFELD: Yeah, there's a new polls 64 percent, this political poll,
overwhelming majority, 64 percent of voters say, "It feels like events in
the U.S. are out of control."


GUILFOYLE: Out of control.

BECKEL: Why does that shock you, too. It's been one thing after another
after another. Of course, it feels a little bit out of control. I'm
sympathetic with Obama. You have one bad thing -- but first of all.


BECKEL: When is the last time we talked about pudin? (ph)


GUTFELD: That's a good point. There's a submarine floating around outside

PERINO: Or Hong Kong. Well, Hong Kong.


PERINO: We have major Democratic protest happening in Hong Kong that are --
there very important to U.S. politically and no one talks about it.

GUTFELD: Yeah, get this. The wildest is happening while you're dealing with
Ebola and all this things are going out in New York, attorney general is
going after energy drinks, because they encourage college kids to drink - I
have news for him, drink encourage colleges - college kids to drink, not
energies drinks. But, that is the problem, it's always gonna be priorities,

BECKEL: Yeah. It was about saying that -- think about Tiananmen Square, how
much coverage that got.


BECKEL: Hong Kong is a serious problem -- how many thousands of people are
out there protesting, were in that.

PERINO: That is a problem, but an opportunity.

BECKEL: Yeah, that's exactly, it's an opportunity, but.

PERINO: Well, that was like five blocks in one.

GUTFELD: I know, alright, ahead.


GUTFELD: Monica Lewinsky, remember her? She returns to give her first blue
address, ready kid, public address.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, really?


MONICA LEWINSKY, FORMER WHITE HOUSE INTERN: I have been publicly silent for
a decade. But now I must, as T.S. Elliot crew Fox (ph) said, "Disturb the


GUTFELD: Amen. What the former White House intern, had to say about
whatever, coming up on The Five.

GUILFOYLE: Whatever.


GUILFOYLE: I don't need you, Bob.


GUILFOYLE: Could Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital and Centers for Disease
Control face civil liability in the aftermath OF THE THRREE Ebola cases.
That question is likely on the mind of health officials, as the family of
Amber Vinson, the second nurse to contract Ebola lawyers up. In the
statement, the family strongly refuted the CDC versions of event, in the
lead up to Amber's official diagnosis. Jean Ross, co-president of the
National Nurses United, says health officials have dropped the ball,
jeopardizing the safety of nurses like Amber.


that would because of the system we have, we don't have a national system,
it's piecemeal, it's fragmented and so each hospital is going to do,
according to, I believe CDC guidelines, what they want to do.

(UNKNOWN): Ms. Ross, do you have confidence in the CDC?

ROSS: Yes and no. Yes, you cannot anticipate every possibility, but the
nurses and other workers did anticipate what they needed before these
errors occurred.


GUILFOYLE: So can interesting not question, because of course, she does
have an attorney now, they feel that she's being maligned and
misrepresented in the press, there is some factual questions as to whether
or not she received specific direction, have the answer the CDC to go ahead
and board a flight, and there's also allegations back, and then perhaps,
she wasn't as forthright, a forthcoming with the nature of the symptoms and
how she was feeling that day. Who knows, but I do know, Texas is very
difficult to bring cases where there's, the Duncan family bringing him out
practice case or this individual, she tries to bring a case, you know, good

PERINO: Can you bring it to federal court? Because, you've been to it -- it
would be -- the family is mad at the CDC

GUILFOYLE: Right. You can try to bring to a case, I think it's gonna be
next to impossible to bring a case against the CDC.

PERINO: Even when the CDC said that, it made a mistake and should not allow
her to fly?

GUILFOYLE: The CDC would not even make a statement like that if they were
that worried about our legal case against them, because otherwise, that
would be very damaging to make an admission like that. Bob, do you find
that segment amusing?

BECKEL: I do find amusing. I always find your segment amusing, and I think
it's a testament to you. Here's the situation, here's the high -- I feel
terrible about this nurse with Ebola, but here's a high profile situation,
and they bring out lawyers to sue. Now there's a big surprise, I mean, come
on, they're taking advantage of a high intensity.

GUILFOYLE: They haven't filed any lawsuits yet, but nevertheless.

BECKEL: They got Billy Martin working for them. That guy couldn't do it, go
out to bathroom and doing some.

GUILFOYLE: In another intellectual.


GUTFELD: The only thing that spreads faster than a virus is litigation, and
whenever something bad happens a trial lawyer grows its wings, and it's
just the fact, but I will say the nurse -- nurses really are no different
in firefighters, you don't send them in to fight a fire without proper
training or protection. And if they weren't properly protected or trained,
that was bad. The good news is, I mean, for it well not good news, but
there are twice as many Americans killed in Chicago shootings over the
weekend, IE2 (ph) than there were Americans who died from Ebola, so bullets
are more airborne than Ebola and it's something to think about when we do
these stories.


BECKEL: You can't blame -- this is on the hospital, it's not on the federal
government, it's on the hospital.

PERINO: Bolling.


BOLLING: I actually think it's both, I agree in you Bob, it's on the
hospital because, Thomas Eric Duncan, he came and told the original
admitting nurse that he had been in Liberia, but that information didn't
get to the nurses down the road and the doctors, so they let him go home.
Now that's clearly Dallas Presbyterian's problem, right there part of it.
But the other problem is that the CDC protocol, they'd admitted their
protocol is evolving.

GUILFOYLE: We'll get web (ph) is now they're saying no skin showing.

BOLLING: Right. No skin showing.

GUILFOYLE: Before you could.

GUTFELD: That's why they even call.

BOLLING: It was clearly not airborne you had to have bodily transfer
between the infected and the not infected. So the CDC seems to have dropped
the ball. Dallas Presbyterian seemed to have dropped the ball. I think the
nurse probably has a lawsuit, I don't think there are Duncan's family has a
lawsuit, because number one, he's not even an American citizen right? Am I
right about this?

GUILFOYLE: He's Liberian national.

BOLLING: He keen over here to be treated.


BOLLING: Right. OK, so the family may have lawsuit, I guess.

GUTFELD: They're changing their stories too, I mean, at first they said
that he saved somebody and now they're saying he didn't. So there's.

GUILFOYLE: Well, now they're saying that he helped her but he didn't know
she had Ebola.

GUTFELD: And now they're saying that never happened. And so as stories
changed, that happened -- tells your lawyers are involved when the stories
are changed.

BECKEL: Texas has more trial lawyers than they've got Spanish flies. I
mean, these guys are.

PERINO: What is that?

BECKEL: I thought you wouldn't notice.


BECKEL: I lived down there and it was something that went around, but any


GUILFOYLE: What are you talking about?


BECKEL: Whenever you have a high profile situation, trial lawyers just
descend and Texas has more trial lawyers than they got, anybody I have

GUILFOYLE: I think what they're saying is that they have a cap for damages,
the $250,000 they're tight with the boots around there.

BECKEL: I don't.

GUILFOYLE: I was trying to help you there.

BECKEL: You don't have to make sure of what I say, it's OK, really. And
they speak English but.

BOLLING: Can I add one more related to this. Now the CDC has transferred
Vinson's from Dallas to, I think she's in CDC in Atlanta right? Am I right?
And now the doctor has said, maybe she should not in this.

GUILFOYLE: Right. That what I was saying in the beginning, because, yeah,
it could have worsen their condition.

BOLLING: Its start could have been something bad happens to her now. Does
the Vinson's family have a lawsuit against the CDC?

GUILFOYLE: I mean, again, then who you gonna -- who made the decision, who
in sue, in which court, and when you're trying to do the best you can they
say, "Look we were trying to in fact save her life and give her the best
medical treatment under the best facility with the best medicines
available." You know, it's a very tough call, but for sure people are going
to bring lawsuits.

PERINO: One silver lining has said, "Because of the two nurses having gone
through this and now the changes, awareness is at an all-time high, so
hospitals around the country now are going to be at least more prepared to,
if a patient like Duncan first walks in hopefully, be a lot more ready than
before." So -- and these nurses hopefully, they're both gonna make a full
recovery. That's should be the focus, the lawsuits can come later, but most
important thing, is not the CDC is changing guidelines and hospitals are
more aware.

GUILFOYLE: And she is, Dana, silver lining Perino, perfect. Ahead on The
Five, earlier this month, President Obama told us this, remember?


OBAMA: I'm not on the ballot this fall, but make no mistake these policies
are on the ballot, every single one of them.


GUILFOYLE: He voted earlier today in Illinois, did he vote for his
policies? Will other Americans? That's next.


PERINO: 15 days, that's how much time has left until most voters head to
the polls for the midterm election. Others are getting an early start
including President Obama, who cast his vote earlier today, in his home
state of Illinois.

He's now on the ballot, but he has told us that his policy that his
policies are. The chair or the RNC tried her best to reverse that remark
yesterday when she squared off with the chair of the Republican Party, on
Fox news Sunday.


ballot here, Republicans are desperate to put him on the ballot, because
they are trying to run away from their own terrible record.

REINCE PRIEBUS, RNC CHAIRMAN: The Democrats are trying to walk a very
difficult balance and Debbie's got a very tough shop. Because what's
happening here is that the Democrats that are running, number one, they
don't want to be aligned with the president, but number two, they also have
to defend the fact that they have supported the president, in most cases,
95 percent, 96 percent, 97 percent of the time.


PERINO: They also disagreed about the outcome on November 4th?



(UNKWON): Chairman Priebus, will your party take the Senate?

PRIEBUS: Yeah, absolutely, I think we feel really good about our chance of
taking the Senate.

(UNKNOWN): Congresswoman Wasserman Schultz, you could make us the really
news making thing, are you gonna lose the Senate?

WASSERMAN SCHULTZ: No, we're gonna hold the Senate. And we're gonna hold
the Senate because over the next couple of weeks, and leading up to even
today, the one question that voters gonna ask themselves first is, who has
my back?

PRIEBUS: That you guys are losing everywhere first of all, and the
president hasn't had anybody's back, but he hasn't even had your back.


PERINO: Bob, last month you dangled out a little bit of information saying,
union in October surprise, it's 15 days of the election, have we seen this
surprise yet?

GUTFELD: It was Ebola.

BECKEL: No, it could how you predict Ebola. Listen, given the situation,
first -- when Obama's says his policies are on the election, of course they
are. I mean, that's why you've got the voters are so on us, the Democrats
are just gonna vote. It's tilted towards the Republicans, Republicans will
probably get the Senate, that' true, they'll probably get 9 or 10 House
seats, but -- and the fact of the matter is that the lowest turned out will
be among blacks, which they're trying how to to genen up (ph) that is very
difficult to do. And even among his Hispanic his space, the young people.
So the people that really made up his base in the presidential election
will be missing in action from this one which these republicans will do.

GUILFOYLE: That's a big problem.

BECKEL: Well, of course it's a problem, but it's not a reflection of the
entire country.

GUILFOYLE: What is that the October surprise then?


BECKEL: No, no. We still have 15 days left.

PERINO: Do you think they're up to your surprise is still gonna happen?

BECKEL: Yes, soon.

PERINO: OK. We'll see if Drudge picks that up.

Kimberly, you have liked the Republicans' chances up until now. What do
you think today, 15 days out?

GUILFOYLE: I still like them. I mean, come on, if they can't do it this
time -- I mean, forget it.

BECKEL: How many seats do you think they're going to pick up, do you

GUILFOYLE: I think that -- I think basically probably three to four.
Don't you think?

PERINO: No, no, no, you're going to need six to eight. That's the magic

GUILFOYLE: I don't know.

PERINO: You're the numbers guy here, Eric.

BOLLING: I love this. Larry Sabato took Nate Silver's 538 group, put
together the last 16 years of all elections, they show you by days out and
by leads, what are the odds of winning.


BOLLING: And as of, right now we're at 15 days with anywhere between above
1 percent lead, you have -- go from a 77 to 91 percent probability of

In other words, it is really -- the ones that are 2 and 3 percent above
right now are very, very likely to be wins, and ones that are -- the races
that are 1 percent, they tend to skew back and forth either way. The point
is, if you take those leads, the Republicans win it.

There are only four seats that are within this area of margin, the 1
percent or so -- Colorado, Kansas, North Carolina and Iowa. And also for
all four of those, the Republicans...

BECKEL: Is that -- is that just the targets you're talking about, or are
you talking about the Congress...

BOLLING: This is every single election since 1998. He took where the
candidates were a certain amount of time out, going up to the very

GUILFOYLE: They'd been better if they were ahead by more than that.

BECKEL: I really don't agree with Sabato. But here's the problem with

BOLLING: This is the data from 538.

BECKEL: No, I understand that. I don't necessarily agree with that
either, because what they're doing, if they take Congress, you have
incumbents who are going to win by huge margins, and so it's not surprising
to get 90 percent.

BOLLING: No, no. I'm sorry. Pull the Senate. I'm sorry.

PERINO: OK, Greg, you can answer whatever you want. But I was going to
ask you this. The one thing that they can't measure in all those polls is
the turnout.


PERINO: What would you do to motivate voters to turn out to vote?

GUTFELD: I would threaten them with violence. No. Here's the equation.

Liberals in general are motivated by sentimentality and symbolism. That is
why President Obama won twice. Both of those elements, those variables,
are missing in the midterms. So the general election to them is like "Gone
with the Wind." You actually go out and see it. But the midterms is like
"Sharknado." You sit home and you watch it.

So nobody's going to go out. That's why I think the Republicans are going
to win big. And the fact is, the novelty is over. The novelty of
President Obama is over. He's like a song you heard at the beginning of
summer that sounded great, but then by September, you never want to hear it

PERINO: Skip ahead.

GUILFOYLE: But even if some of them stay home, the Democrats are still
better at getting out the vote. That is the problem.

BECKEL: The one thing you can do, Dana, is you can measure turnout now.

GUILFOYLE: And these races are too close to say for sure Republicans have
it in the bag.

BECKEL: Excuse me, I think you're stepping on my story.

GUILFOYLE: I was still speaking.

BECKEL: All right. Can I just say one quick word?

PERINO: One quick word and then we've got to go. OK. You'll tell us on
the break?

BECKEL: No. I'll tell you.

PERINO: We'll decide whether to tell you guys or not.

OK. Ahead Monica Lewinsky gives her first public speech. A senator gives
an interview he'd like to do over. And Payton Manning gives football
historians something big to write about. Next on "The Five."


BOLLING: All right, welcome back. Let's have some fun time for...


GRAPHIC: Fastest 7.


BOLLING: ... "The Fastest Seven" minutes on television. Three exceptional
stories, seven exigent minutes, one expedient host. First up, it's been
over a decade, but at 9:57 this morning, Monica Lewinsky re-entered the
fray. Tweeting her very first comment, #herewego, and a few hours later,
she stunned a crowd of, quote, "high achieving millennials" with these


of college, a 22-year-old intern in the White House, and more than
averagely romantic, I fell in love with my boss, in a 22-year-old sort of
way. It happened. But my boss was the president of the United States.

Now, I deeply regret it for many reasons. Not the least of which is
because people were hurt, and that's never OK.


BOLLING: Now, Bob, you're more than averagely romantic. What was that?

BECKEL: All I can say is, Clinton's got bad taste. I don't understand

No, she's right. She was 22. She was vulnerable. It was a terrible thing
to do, but she knows politically, the country did not fall off their stool
when they heard this, when he finally admitted he had done this. And it
got -- overcame impeachment and did quite well.

BOLLING: All right. Can I bring it to the two ladies here. She says that
-- let's put it this way, Monica Lewinsky, victim?


BOLLING: Innocent or not. Yes or no? K.G.

GUILFOYLE: You know, Bob is -- I'm totally focused. He's just bothering
me so much today.

BOLLING: OK, Monica Lewinsky.

GUILFOYLE: Monica Lewinsky, I don't think that was a good idea. That
didn't even sound good. It wasn't delivered properly. I don't know why
she's talking. Have some self-dignity, move forward. To me this whole
thing is bizarrely gratuitous.

BOLLING: Your thoughts, Dana. She's playing victim. Victim or no?

PERINO: Kind of she is. Let's be honest. If that had been a Republican
president, then he would have been the villain, OK? But the Clintons all
worked together to make sure that she looked like the villain. Remember
they called her a stalker and things like that.

But the thing about Monica Lewinsky is she keeps getting billed as this is
her first time back out. But it was just last -- a few months ago that she
was a big Vanity Fair piece. She did a big interview with National
Geographic Television.


PERINO: I don't think people are that interested.

However, the people in that audience are young people who probably had
never even heard of Monica Lewinsky, didn't even know that that happened.
And maybe they don't care. But, you know, it's just -- it's different, I
think, for a young woman to go -- to take the stage and say that she was
more than romantically inclined than others. It's maybe not something I
would have said.

BOLLING: You're right. She got a standing ovation.

GUILFOYLE: But she minimizes it.

GUTFELD: She claims in the speech that she was the first victim of the
Internet, which to some extent, she's right, because that was the initial
conduit for the scandal.

However, you cannot -- you cannot diminish the importance of this event by
blaming, like, The Drudge Report or Linda Tripp. When you consider the
alternatives, what could have happened. It was better that this was
exposed to the public by Drudge, than if a deeply flawed president had been
blackmailed into destructive behaviors by a foreign agent. It was great
that this got exposed, because if this had been discovered by somebody else
who wanted to do damage to our country. What would Clinton have done?
Clinton would have done anything to save his sorry butt.

BECKEL: Well, you're right about the one that was -- they've been very
(UNINTELLIGIBLE) when that took place. Years and years ago.

BOLLING: Highly achieving millennials. Right.

To Colorado where a Democrat and incumbent senator Mark Udall finds himself
down in the polls to Republican challenger Cory Gardner. Keep that in

Now, one of the things you look for in an elected official is the ability
to think on your feet. Here's an example of not that, watch what happens
when the senator was asked to name three of the most influential books in
his life.


SEN. MARK UDALL (D), COLORADO: So the three most influential books in my
life. "Profiles in Courage," the -- let me think -- we can play this over
right, or retake this?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, let's go back to -- what about -- what about
music? What's the last song you listened to?

UDALL: I'm brain dead today.


BOLLING: Let's bring it around. Greg, cringe worthy.

GUTFELD: What are you going to do? The worst part of this is when he
thought about the answers, he had to fabricate them so that they were
linked to Colorado. So he could not actually step out of the mind frame of
being a politician. He couldn't say what his favorite book was, which was
"Joy of Hate," one of my books. And...

BOLLING: "Not Cool."

GUTFELD: Yes. "Not Cool" he loved. But it wasn't listened -- it didn't
happen in Colorado. But this Republican is so stupid -- what they're
telling me is, he's a Democrat. Oh, never mind.

BOLLING: Dana -- let's -- Bob.

BECKEL: Dana's coughing.

BOLLING: All right.

BECKEL: Look, I feel sorry for Udall.


BECKEL: This is one of the most -- because this guy has been campaigning.
It's down to two weeks. This guy has probably been working 20 hours a day.
It happens. It happens.

PERINO: Every candidate needs an answer to that question. It's Campaign
101. If a sitting senator can't even come up with three books he's ever
read in his life, let alone have them on his night stand, he doesn't
deserve anyone to feel sorry for him. Who felt sorry for Sarah Palin, when
she was asked what do you read, nobody felt sorry for her.

GUTFELD: Thank you, Kathleen Turner.

BECKEL: I understand it. I said I understand it. The guy is probably
exhausted. That happens to candidates. It just does. I mean, don't
assume that...

PERINO: Let that be a lesson, EB2016. Have an answer to that question.

BOLLING: But I think Greg's right. I honestly think that he couldn't find
three books that were related to Colorado.

GUTFELD: Yes, that's what he was trying to do.

GUILFOYLE: Listen, that was disturbing. It's not a good moment. That
was sad.

BECKEL: When are you going to -- when are you going to announce your

BOLLING: Let's do this one. Last night, superstar quarterback Peyton
Manning did what no man has ever done before. Watch.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And Manning guns it, and it is the winning touchdown.
You have just witnessed history. With that touchdown, Peyton Manning has
become the NFL's all-time leader in career touchdown passes, breaking Brett
Favre's record.


BOLLING: All right, Bobby. Seventeen seasons. Five-time MVP, an
incredible quarterback rating. Near 100 for his career and now 510.

BECKEL: I don't think how many people can appreciate what this guy has
accomplished. That is a huge number of touchdown passes. And he's got a
good receiving court. He has all throughout. But still, this guy is --
he's the kind of guy that doesn't, unlike Udall, freeze in the pocket. You
know, this guy is the most deliberative quarterback I've seen. He knows
where his people are, and boom, he gets them three (ph) times.

BOLLING: Good point. And K.G., he's got a couple good years left in him,
too. A couple good years. He's having a monster year.

GUILFOYLE: Amazing. I'm all in. I'm all in on Manning's stock. I mean,
he devastated my Niners. It's not a happy moment for me. But
nevertheless, I love the prowess.

BECKEL: Judging from the 49ers are in the NFL, right? I'm sorry. I'm
just curious.

GUILFOYLE: You know what, Bob?


GUILFOYLE: There's something seriously wrong with you.

GUTFELD: I don't know what's wrong with you people. I could not watch

GUILFOYLE: You keep going, "Blue dress, blue dress."

BECKEL: I didn't say that. You're the one that said it. You want to say
it, probably?

BOLLING: Bob, can we get Greg in on Peyton Manning's incredible...

GUTFELD: What's with this clown car of a show? All right.

Forget it.

BOLLING: All right, we're going to leave it right there.

We'll figure it out on the break. All right. The breakfast of champions
is expanding the definition of what a champion is. We'll show you who
Wheaties just put on the cover of their new box. And stay tuned for who
"The Fivers" would put on the cereal box, if they could. Coming up next.


BECKEL: You know what's the true mark of a champion? Getting your
plastered on the cover of a Wheaties box, of course. Greg's been there
three times. Mary Lou Retton has had her honor -- was honored. So has
Jenner and other Olympic athletes.

But now Wheaties has broadened its definition of champion and has placed
former secretary of state Madeleine Albright on its new commemorative box.

All right. My choice -- your choice for who you'd like to see on the cover
of Wheaties. I'm taking this seriously. I think Bill Gates would be a
good choice. Bill Gates, for kids, he's a guy who worked really hard,
never got out of college, made it.

GUTFELD: Good point. Good point.

GUILFOYLE: I like that. It's a good point.

BOLLING: Dana, you're next.

PERINO: Of course, I would choose the true champion of my family, Jasper.
Look at him.

BECKEL: Oh, no. Oh, no.

PERINO: If they're going to broaden out the champions.

GUTFELD: Nobody would buy that, they think it's dog food.

PERINO: Everyone would buy that. Are you kidding?

GUTFELD: No. They'd think it's dog food.

BOLLING: Nobody would buy it.

GUTFELD: You would be fired.

PERINO: I don't think -- well, maybe I could be on it with him.

BECKEL: All right, that's enough of that. I'm sorry folks about that dog
in here again. Greg.

GUTFELD: All right. First, I want to explain why they put Madeleine
Albright on the cover. Because people are going to be wondering. She's
less likely to get a DUI. She's less likely to beat a spouse, and she's
less likely to run a dog fighting ring. They're running out of athletes to
put on there that aren't going to get them in trouble.

So my choice was an inanimate object, the Brooklyn Bridges, completed in
the 1883. Over 27 people died building this bridge, including the designer
of the bridge, who got tetanus after getting his foot crushed. It's one of
the greatest accomplishments of men and women. And I think you need a
whole lot of Wheaties to build a bridge, so it reflects the determination
of humanity, and Wheaties should celebrate that and position themselves as
the supplement.

PERINO: Did you think of that when you were looking out your window?


BECKEL: OK. We've got to move here. By the way, you don't mind (ph)
Madeleine Albright. Kimberly, go ahead.

GUILFOYLE: I pick Condoleezza Rice.

PERINO: Good choice.

GUILFOYLE: I think she's the most...

GUTFELD: She should be on Rice Krispies.

GUILFOYLE: Women are -- I was (UNINTELLIGIBLE). I like Rice Krispies,
actually, probably more than I like Wheaties. Nevertheless, they don't
have famous awesome people on the cover.

GUTFELD: They have those three kids.

BECKEL: All right, Eric. You're up.

GUILFOYLE: I wasn't done.

BECKEL: I'm sorry. Excuse me. Oh, sorry.

GUILFOYLE: And I think that she just may well be the first female
commissioner of the NFL. And boy, will she get those...

BOLLING: Big call there.

GUILFOYLE: ... out of line.

BECKEL: Eric, how about you?

BOLLING: So I tried to figure out who do we owe the biggest, greatest debt
of gratitude to, and I came up with this one right here, the American
military. The men and women who put their lives on the line for our
freedom, for our free markets, capitalism, for our way of life. We owe
them a debt that we'll never be able to pay and this would be one nice way
to do it.

PERINO: Wow, you guys took this seriously.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, we did.

GUTFELD: Yes, you put your dog.

BECKEL: You took it seriously, that's the scary part. "One More Thing" is
up next.


GUTFELD: Time for "One More Thing." Here's mine.


GUTFELD: "Greg's Secret to Happiness."


GUTFELD: Copyrighted Greg Gutfeld, 2014.

The definition of true happiness in life is never to get into things that
you can't get out of. Like this little fella here, if you take a look. He
overestimated the size of the hole and underestimated the size of his butt.
Who hasn't been there? Whether it's leases or relationships or dinner
parties or genes, you've got to be able to have a way out of things. Now
luckily he did get through that hole.

BECKEL: What was that little thing?

GUTFELD: That was a little -- just a little hamster.

GUILFOYLE: It looked like a mouse. It was very small.

GUTFELD: It was going through a hole. The moral of the story is always
find a bigger size. All right, Dana.

GUILFOYLE: I mean, a hamster (ph)?

GUTFELD: I don't know. I'm not a rodent expert.

PERINO: I want to do a book recommendation.


PERINO: And in fact, Senator Udall in Colorado, if you need a good book to
read, I recommend this one. It's called "Glass Jaw" by Eric Dezenhall. I
read it over the weekend. If you are interested or work in the world of
crisis communications or P.R., I highly recommend it. It is a no bologna
way to look at the state of the industry and its trajectory, and it takes
all these cliches that we should no longer use. It's kind of like...

GUILFOYLE: Greg would like it.

PERINO: You would like it.

GUTFELD: He's stolen my thing.

PERINO: Like get ahead of the story. It's a very good book, I highly
recommend it.

GUTFELD: I hate him. Thank you, Kathleen.

GUILFOYLE: All you can do for "I Hate These People."


BOLLING: So yesterday afternoon, last night, Adrian and I had the very
good fortune -- take a look at the picture, please -- to spend some time
with Steve Winn and his lovely wife, Andrea. He's a gracious host. He's a
great American success story, great patriot, by the way, very involved in
the American political landscape. Here's a quick little video I took.


BOLLING: Selfie video. Steve Winn and Eric Bolling, Steve Lawrence, check
it out. We're having a great time here at the Winn Resort. What a great
place. Steve, you're a great patriot.

STEVE WINN, ENTREPRENEUR: What fun. This is good.

BOLLING: We're loving it. Look, we have a couch behind us, too.

WINN: That's great. This is fun.


BOLLING: He's a self-made billionaire, man. He's a great guy.

GUTFELD: My advice is when you're -- you know, don't have selfies that
close. That's all I'm saying.

BOLLING: Well, my arm is only that long.

GUTFELD: I saw too much of him.

Where are we? Beckel.

BECKEL: Am I up?

GUTFELD: Yes, you are. Don't be so excited.

BECKEL: Bob to you.


BECKEL: Thank you.

Talk about having a bad day. Yesterday, the global news weatherman, Mike
Sobel had a guest. His name is Ripple. And let's take a look at this.
Ripple and he's doing the weather, and this guy's a weatherman. And Ripple
is invited on for this guy to do a calm weather forecast. And watch this.


MIKE SOBEL, WEATHERMAN: Ripple wants to play. Minus 3 in Cloud Prairie
(ph). The temperature is at 4, getting into the weekend. All right,
right. As we get into the weekend, 6 -- 17 on Sunday. We'll be back with
more in just a moment.



BECKEL: Rough day at the office.

GUTFELD: You know, I don't like that, when you go do the weather at a dog
park, this is just stupid. Kimberly.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my gosh. Well...

GUTFELD: I hope this isn't about royalty.

GUILFOYLE: It is. But we have -- can we get the weather guy out? What's
going on here? This is like bizarre.

OK. So in other royal news, guess what? They have a due date for the
baby, the second royal baby. Very exciting, due in April. They just made
the announcement that the Duchess of Cambridge will be delivering her
second child. Very excited about it. You know it. I will definitely
cover it when it happens. Right, Greg?

BOLLING: You know what I just realized?


BOLLING: You really don't like the royals.

The Giants are playing the Royals.

GUTFELD: I know.

GUILFOYLE: These are the only royals I like.


GUILFOYLE: We're united on this.

GUTFELD: All right.

BOLLING: I meant those Royals.

GUTFELD: Yes, I understand it.

OK, set your DVR so you never miss an episode of "The Five." That does it
for us. "Special Report" is up...

GUILFOYLE: ... next.

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