New terror raids under way around Brussels following attacks

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," March 22, 2016. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: A Fox News alert. Hello, everyone. I'm Eric Bolling. Radical Islamic terrorism strike here at once again this time in Belgium with coordinated attacks in the capital of Brussels. And to their report in the subway station hit in the height of the morning rush hour, at least 31 people are dead and more than 200 injured. No surprise ISIS has claimed responsibility. The latest jihad comes just four days after the arrest of a key suspect in the Paris attack, Salah Abdul Salam was captured about 13 miles from the airport and two miles from the metro station. Was his arrest to today's was it high to today's terror? What the Intelligence analysts are saying about that in just a few minutes. But first, President Obama spent all of 51 seconds earlier today to address the new Muslim terror attack while down in the communist state of Cuba.


PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: Before I begin, please indulge me. I want to comment on the terrorist attack that has taken place in Brussels. The thoughts and the prayers of the American people are with the people of Belgium and we stand in solidarity with them, in condemning these outrageous attacks against innocent people. We will do whatever is necessary to support our friend and ally Belgium in bringing to justice those who are responsible, and this is yet another reminder that the world must unite. We must be together regardless of nationality or race or faith in fighting against the scourge of terrorism. We can and we will defeat those who threaten the safety and security of people all around the world.


BOLLING: And that was it. That was the extent of the comments from Cuba. For the very latest on the terror overseas, let's to go Fox News Senior Foreign Affairs Correspondent Greg Palkot, live in Brussels. Bring us up to speed, Greg. I noticed you upped that injury number to 200, recently.

GREG PALKOT, FOX NEWS SENIOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS CORRESPONDENT: Even 230 is what we're hearing now from officials, Eric. There is a lot of, lot of manhunt going on right now for those responsible for the death and destruction that occurred at the Brussels airport behind me. It is dark now. It's been shut down by the ISIS-backed terrorists, a lot of attention now going away from the airport to try to find out who was responsible. Police are circulating a surveillance picture. A closed circuit camera picture of a man in white who they believe is a key suspect, maybe a string puller in these attacks, as well as two men in black. And believe it or not, police think that those two are suicide bombers. One or two are dead right now. There was a blast here and a blast at the subway station two, right near the EU headquarters and the U.S. embassy. These two blasts, people responsible for are now being sought in the center of that, center of the city. There are house to house searches, door to door searches being conducted by the police as the death toll grows. Again, what we have been saying is, at least 30 dead, 230 injured. Among those injured, very sadly, Eric is, are so far that we know of, nine Americans, an active military service member, as well as five members of his family, and three missionaries of the Mormon faith. They are -- their homes are in Utah. Again, as you noted, this comes just four days after the arrest of Salah Abdul Salam. He's a key player in the Paris attacks back in November. And prosecutors over the weekend were saying he was planning more attacks. He had set up a network and that's what he was saying. The thinking is that these attacks are actually what he was planning or a revenge attack by these ISIS-backed terrorists against the (inaudible). A lot of questions tonight, back to you.

BOLLING: All right. Thank you, Greg. Thank you very much for that report. So KG, let's bring --


BOLLING: Bring it around a little bit. They say there are others possibly others on the run still. They're still looking, going door to door on at least one, on maybe two undetonated suicide vests as well, a murder's -- murder vest.

GUILFOYLE: Which is incredibly alarming situation. Obviously, these are circumstances they have to keep a close eye on, I terms of gathering intelligence information in a rapidly evolving situation here. Because they need to find out where those people are and eliminate them before they do some further damage. As you saw, this was obviously very logistically coordinated, synchronized attack, multiple locations. This shows some serious level of intelligence gathering ahead of time to be able to plan this, coordinate and set it off to do maximum damage and casualties. So this is something that they need to pay attention to. Not only -- what is Angela Merkel thinking right now too? And you've got votes going on with Britain trying to exit the EU, very concerned about the open borders there and people being able to move freely back and forth which is an aid to terror. That's the reality of the situation.

BOLLING: Let me build on that a little bit with you Dana. KG points out the open borders. Brussels, Belgium is right between France and Germany on the other side. We know Germany took somewhere around, what a million Syrian refugees with an open border that way. France, at least closed their border. Is it time to maybe start thinking about closed borders in Europe?

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Well, yes. And, however, one of their biggest problems is not new people coming in. This terror cell, and the people that he knew, had been there a long time. They are members of the community. And in fact, it took them four months to try to track him down, Salam who was arrested on Friday. And fortunately captured alive, so that they could get some Intel, but the problem is when you think about that community that he was in. Basically was hiding and abetting him for four months, maybe more. And so you have to wonder what sort of Intel that they get from him and his family or neighbors or his friends, obviously not enough in order to try to prevent this attack. So there is a major concern about refugees that are coming. Obviously, all this thing, not all of them are going to be terrorists. But, what how -- how much -- what is your risk tolerance level? Especially when you have basically infested with terrorists all throughout Europe, in particular, Belgium has been a growing problem for years.

BOLLING: Juan, this is -- does this teach us anything when we watch this? Should President Obama and the administration be seeing what's going on over there and say, well, here's our strategy. Maybe we need to tweak our strategy a bit.

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: I think we have a strategy. The question is how do you prevent these kinds of incidents? I don't know if there is any full proof strategy or policy that would say, oh, we will never have a terror attack on our home front. This is a tragic event. And I would come back to something Dana said that what you see is this neighborhood in Brussels have apparently is a breeding ground for terrorist. And if the people who are involved in the Paris attack last November are directly linked to this neighborhood. The man who was arrested Friday is the prime suspect as the planner of the Paris attacks. And now, four days after he is captured, we see this occur. This morning, Mike Morell, a former deputy CIA director said he thinks that, in fact, maybe these attacks were being planned by Salam -- excuse me, if I mispronouncing his name, but the day was moved up because of his capture.

BOLLING: And Brian -- Brussels, beautiful city at one point. Now all of a sudden it is terrorist cell laden, ridden with risk and fear, the people must be scared to death walking around there.

BRIAN KILMEADE, GUEST CO-HOST: They are already on high alert. They had the arrest on Friday, the killing. The snipers took out another would be terrorist involved in the Paris bombing on Tuesday. So they're all ready. They're already on high alert. So that can say they caught him by surprise. That's kind of scary. Where they got shot, where they were taking out when the bombs went off inside the airport, which wasn't the high security area is also something about. The guy they're looking for, this Najim Laachraoui. This guy, for those who paint this people out, all have nowhere to go, they have no jobs. This guy has an electromechanical engineering degree from a school in Brussels. He is the bomb maker. Now he was given up on Friday by the guy that was captured, part of the Paris thing. We can't find this guy. But knowing, by the way, we found him a few blocks away, this could be the same guy. In the beginning, I understand in retrospect and everyone makes mistakes. The people in Brussels, they allowed these guys to go. When they decided to go to Syrian fight, I think the people of Belgium were like good, get out of here. You've been causing trouble anyway. They didn't know they will be going to come back. And they came back as terrorists. And, so now you've got a trained terror cell, a series of them inside this beautiful city of Brussels, which might never be the same.

BOLLING: And we did. Last week we talked about some of the methods that the police -- and whatever their version of the FBI is in Brussels saying, you know, whether there are times that we can search homes or times we're not supposed to, maybe it is time to throw that pc --


BOLLING: Political correctness out the window --

GUILFOYLE: How unfair for the people, you know in Belgium and in Brussels, in particular, that have lost loved once. Where there's blood spilled everywhere, there was unnecessary that could have been prevented, could have been prevented. People get cancer through no fault of their own. When you allow terror to sleep into your communities, you're homes, to your neighborhoods to kill your women, men, and children, this is what happens. You can't have a curfew on terror. I'm so sorry, terrorist. We want to be not offensive to you. So at 9 o'clock, we're not going to do anything after that time. It makes no sense to me. This is living sad proof of what happens when you have policies like that.

BOLLING: So is anyone at the table thinks that this is not a precursor for something happening here?

WILLIAMS: Well, how do you know or say that? I mean, I don't wish that on us.

BOLLING: No. I didn't say I wish it. I say it's not, is it not a precursor? Is it not something that we should be taking seriously?

GUILFOYLE: Lesson learned.

BOLLING: A lesson learned saying hey, let's not be pc here. Let's go in and start looking. Maybe, even profiling if you have to, to find out if there are terror cells, if people are planning bad stuff here.

KILMEADE: Well, New York has done a great job of putting people in these major cities ahead of time. So there are people deployed there. I imagine Dana would know better. Possibly now, certainly, to be flown over there to study it unless, this great mayor we have has dismantled that as well. I do think there's a go sign being given from Syria, from Raqqah that is disturbing, because we left this heart, this terror heartbeat in Raqqah. We've done ridiculously little. We have 50 special ops outside Syria. We have 3,700 troops in Iraq advising. We have a handful of terror strikes in the big picture of the last three years, and we're surprised these terror cells are continuing to flourish and they're continuing to grow? We're not seriously taking on the evidence.

BOLLING: Dana, we've talked about Raqqah for months, right? We've talked about leveling Raqqah. It's the training ground. It's the headquarters. We know all about, we know where they are. We choose not to because, I guess we're concerned about collateral damage. But also, we learned today that the number, the -- when ISIS said they took credit for it. They did it through their news organization. ISIS has a news organization.


BOLLING: ISIS has a news organization.

GUILFOYLE: And currency.

BOLLING: Can't we shut that down? Should not we shut that down?

PERINO: Well, there is a school of thought that you want to allow it to continue so that you can get the Intel and sort to try to tease that out. I don't necessarily subscribe to that, but there is social media activity is also very concern. And to your point about the United States, just remember what FBI Director Comey has said, publicly, that he has open investigation that are radical Islam or ISIS related in all 50 states. And yet, we still also -- we had a Lone wolf attack in San Bernardino. You almost get no follow-up on that. I think that is a real injustice to those families that we don't know more about how that happened under our nose. And I would love to say that was just an isolated incident. But when the FBI is saying they have 50 open investigations, well 50 -- investigations in all 50 states. We don't know how many investigations per state.



PERINO: . and how good our Intel is. Our Intel has always to be better than theirs. But the way they operate in secret, it's very hard to prevent something like this from happening against the soft target.


KILMEADE: Dana, we find out more investigations if we can open that phone.


WILLIAMS: Well, and I say.

GUILFOYLE: Well, guess what, a third party --

WILLIAMS: . that's what they're trying to do now.

GUILFOYLE: A third party.

WILLIAMS: Apparently, they are going to be able to open up the phone. But I would say this that hats off to the FBI. They should have 50 investigations in all 50 states, and I hope that they would have more, because that's the only way to prevent this people.


BOLLING: Can I be provocative here for one second? Let me be provocative for one second.

WILLIAMS: Oh, sure.

BOLLING: We have a large Somali population in the tri-state -- in the twin city, Minneapolis area. Is it worth having the extra scrutiny in that area by the FBI and other agents?

WILLIAMS: They do already, yes.

BOLLING: And additional, maybe looking into, taking some liberties?

WILLIAMS: No. You mean violate our constitution?

BOLLING: No, no. I don't mean violate the constitution.

WILLIAMS: But I mean, gosh. We track; we track very carefully young people in that area, their travel, their associations, all of that is done.

BOLLING: Are we doing enough?

WILLIAMS: I don't if we're doing -- I mean, you can never say, because if something happens, you want to make sure.

GUILFOYLE: So don't -- more that can be done, because terror takes the path of least resistance. And that's what we don't want to happen here.

BOLLING: All right, we're going to leave it right there. Breaking details throughout the hour on the terror in Brussels. Up next, new developments on the investigation with our own Catherine Herridge, including details on the suspects captured in the camera, on camera inside the airport.


PERINO: Back now to the terror attack in Brussels that killed at least 31 and injured more than 230 others. The Airport and subway bombings comes four days after Europe's most wanted terrorist was nabbed in a rage as miles from the attack site. Did the arrest of Paris bombing suspect Salah Abdul Salam, prompt today the jihadist to act? Former acting CIA Director Mike Morell does say there's a connection.


MICHAEL MORELL, FORMER CIA DIRECTOR: This particular attack, I believe was something that they have been trained, something they had worked out that they accelerated given the arrest of Salah Abdul Salam last Friday. He was probably aware of. They were probably concerned that he was going to talk to authorities and they moved this up.


PERINO: More now with our Chief Intelligence Correspondent Catherine Herridge. Catherine, you've been reporting all day. You have some breaking news on several different topics. Could I start with how they think the people were targeted? What they were looking for when they got to the airport?

CATHERINE HERRIDGE, CHIEF INTELLIGENCE CORRESPONDENT: Well thanks, Dana. The intelligence source who has been briefed on the investigation so far on the ground in Brussels has provided new information to Fox News about the moments inside that airport ticketing terminal when the explosions took place. We're told that shortly after that surveillance video that we're very familiar with now showing the two men, the suspected bombers, and then a third individual who is kind of like a minder or an escort to the target site. The two bombers split up. One went to aisle 3 in the terminal. The other went to aisle 11. And our contact says the evidence indicates that they were targeting the highest concentration of passengers at that time, rather than a specific airline. So they were going for maximum casualties and maximum carnage in that airport terminal. Those aisles or lanes for check-in at that part of the Brussels airport are what are called common use airlines passages. So an airline may be in one aisle one day and then in another aisle the next day, depending on the rotation. But we were told aisle 3 and aisle 11 did not have American airlines. In fact, aisle 3 had Brussels airlines and aisle 11 had Delta Airlines. But again, it was emphasized that the bombers split up and they went for the highest concentration of passengers in order to inflict the maximum number of casualties, Dana.

PERINO: All right. We're going to take it around the table here and start with Eric.

BOLLING: So I understand all the thing about the glove, which I think is the left hand being gloved, am I right? It's fascinating. I think you've outlined that a few times. But I saw a floor plan of this airport. And the common area that you're talking about, the ticket area, very big, very populated. And it is separated by the two gates. Let's call it -- the hallways where you go to the gates where there is security. The thought of that, that there is literally no way to secure that area unless you put -- I don't know, metal detectors and bomb sniffing dogs at every airport as they walk in. It's just insanely scary on how much access they have to being able to kill people.

HERRIDGE: Look, this has always been described as the soft underbelly of any airport facility, because it's at that point before you get to security screening proper inside the sterile area of the airport. And it is in the high traffic area so it is hard to monitor who is coming in and who is going out. What is so striking about this attack today is that it was able to take place at a time when Brussels, Belgium is at the highest threat level, this imminent threat level, yet they were still able to circumvent airline security and get up to those passengers to cause maximum damage with the suicide bombs. If could I just draw people's attention back to that image of the gloves, because we have now spoken to two former senior FBI officials, as well as a former military bomb tech, and they have all provided us with the same insights. It's that they think the black glove served one of two functions. It was part of the detonator function. What they call the dead man's switch. And what that means is that once the hand is off the cart handle, it's that lack of contact. For example, if the individual was shot and killed by police in the terminal, it's that lack of contact that sets the detonation into play. So you can take out the bomber, but you cannot take out the bomb itself. The second is that in a very well- circulated al-Qaeda manual, there are recommendations about the type of clothing to wear into airports that very sort of western American sort of khaki pants. You see the guys there on the left, and then the black sweaters. But it also says that operatives should use a type of leather glove to reduce any static charge that could prematurely detonate the device. So the three people we spoke to today, all came to the same conclusions that the glove is somehow significant in terms of the detonation or reducing the likelihood of a premature explosion and all of this big picture speaks to a group that had a level of sophisticated, pre- planning, pre-meditation in terms of the handling of the devices and the triggering of the devices, Eric.

PERINO: All right. Juan Williams.

WILLIAMS: Catherine, I just was so curious about this neighborhood in Brussels, Molenbeek. I saw that the United Nations working group said more fighters have come from Brussels to Syria and to Iraq from this neighborhood than anywhere else in the world. What is going on?

HERRIDGE: Well look, the numbers are pretty staggering and the United States really has a very small a slice of the pie when it comes to foreign fighters. In the five years that the conflict has been going on in Syria and Iraq, it's upwards of 36,500 fighters. It's up over a thousand about 1,500, since the U.S.-led bombing campaign begun. So that has really done nothing to dissuade people from travelling from North America and Western Europe into Syria and Iraq. But the key point, Juan that you're raising is the number of western passport holders which now stands at 6,600. And the countries with the highest concentration among that group are the western European countries, specifically Belgium, as well as France. These are really staggering numbers. At dinner here in Washington recently with French officials, they confirmed to us that more than 200 citizens have been killed inside of Iraq and Syria, supporting the conflict there. So these are huge numbers compared to what we're dealing with here in the United States. But this idea that the ocean is a buffer or a boundary for us is a very old-fashioned post 9/11 idea. What we're seeing now in (inaudible) Europe is something that can really be here in a heartbeat.

WILLIAMS: Thanks, Catherine.

PERINO: Kimberly.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. Such an important point you're making. Great job on your reporting here and you're really getting to the bottom of this. I want to see if you can take us to the next steps for this investigation, especially as it relates to potential suspects at large.

HERRIDGE: Look, the focus of the investigators we're told through a counter-terrorism source that priority one is identifying through DNA who these suicide bombers are. One thing are identify this allows investigators to map their network of contacts, specifically for us here in the United States. To understand whether they had contacts with individuals inside the United States, leading up to this attack, or whether they had even traveled to the United States. And that will be done once the names are confirmed by running them against the terrorism data bases and watchlist in this country. I don't know what's happening in this particular case. These are the NSA, but in previous attacks oversee the NSA has been extremely forth coming with foreign intelligence services, in terms of providing the call data to them to understand this network of contact or what they call a link analysis chart for each of the suspects, Kimberly.

PERINO: My last question of Brian Kilmeade.

KILMEADE: All right, some fact and fiction real quick Catherine. Is it true that they found an unexploded vest there?

HERRIDGE: Yes, sorry. Sorry, in the airport?

KILMEADE: Yup, in the airport.

HERRIDGE: Based on the media reporting out of Brussels, yes, that is the case. And the most important thing about any unexploded vest is that it is a real gold mine in terms of forensic evidence, usually in terms of fingerprints.


HERRIDGE: . DNA, hair samples. But again, it's how the bomb was made and whether it's consistent with what we saw in Paris. This will tell us a lot about whether the same bomb maker was involved, and whether we are dealing with the wider conspiracy that links back to last November.

KILMEADE: Do you wonder if the guy in white backed out? So maybe that was his vest and maybe he changed his mind.

HERRIDGE: Maybe. He looks like an escort. That's very common. They keep these suicide bombers on target to get them to the location. But more importantly, if these guys are pushing the carts with the devices, they're like a 360 eyes and ears. So as the carts move through the airport, they make sure people are out of the way so they don't have a premature detonation before they get to the high concentration of casualties.

KILMEADE: All right. Thanks, Cath.

PERINO: All right. I think it's fine. And thank you, Catherine.

HERRIDGE: You're welcome.

PERINO: Next, Donald Trump and Ted Cruz are renewing their calls to halt our visa programs in the wake of these new attacks; reaction from all five presidential candidates on the terror in Brussels, ahead.


GUILFOYLE: I'm back now with our continuing coverage of the terror in Brussels. Two bombs set off at the city's main airport today. Another exploding on a rush hour subway train. More than two dozen are dead and more than 200 injured. ISIS claiming responsibility.

Reaction from the Democratic Presidential Candidates ahead, but first three GOP contenders on today's attack.


TED CRUZ, U.S. REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: This is a war with radical Islamic terrorism. ISIS has declared jihad on Europe and on the United States of America. They have declared their intention to murder as many innocents as possible.



JOHN KASICH, U.S. REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: We need to move aggressively against ISIS both in the air and on the ground, and to destroy them. And continue to fight the battle against this kind of radical Islamic activity. When people die and bleed in Europe, we die and bleed a little bit right here in the United States of America.



DONALD TRUMP, U.S. REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE (via telephone): We have to be smarter in the United States. We're taking in people without real documentation. We don't know where they're coming from. We get it from any standpoint. They could be ISIS. They could be ISIS related, and you know, we don't learn.


GUILFOYLE: OK. So strong words in measure and tone from the three GOP contenders regarding the terrorist attacks that ISIS has taken credit for in Brussels today. Let's take it around the table and get reaction in term of the messaging. Do you think the candidates are hitting the right tone?

DANA PERINO, FOX, THE FIVE, CO-HOST: I think for themselves, yes. I think they all represent themselves in terms of how they approach the world very well. I also, I've got to say, I'm actually just a little irritated at Europe. Because I feel like America has been a really good ally. I'm not saying Europe hasn't been a good ally. You take country like Belgium that only spends one percent of its GDP on defense. And they complain about our methods and tactics for trying to protect the world and keep our country safe. They want our help. We want to be good allies. But one of the things I think would be effective for the Republicans, and also for the Democrats, just for the American presidential -- the whole suite of them -- to able to say to Europe, that I'm going to be a good president of the United States. I'm going to continue to try to fight this war on terror. But we've got to have more from you. And we're going to be expecting a little bit more. Whether it is in terms of cooperation or you have to step up and start funding some of these efforts as well.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. Everybody has skin in this game. So, they need to step up. Be strong allies and do something to prevent the spread of terror, because this makes it harder for us as well.

ERIC BOLLING, FOX, THE FIVE, CO-HOST: So for seven years President Obama has jammed down our throat, Islam is a religion of peace, right. Then now we had Chattanooga, then we have Oklahoma, and then recently we had San Bernardino. Now you know why San Bernardino was a game changer was when -- I can't remember who interviewed it -- it may have been one of our reporters was on the streets in San Bernardino just after the attacks. He interviewed a neighbor of the people who perpetrated this attack. And the neighbor said --

GUILFOYLE: Adam Housley.

BOLLING: Housley. The neighbor say, "You know I saw funny stuff going on. I saw packages, but I didn't what to seem racist so I didn't mention anything to anyone." That's PC. That's getting people killed. Let me just finish this.

Of all the people who have been the least PC, I would say Donald Trump has been the least, because he's the one who said stop Muslim immigration. Right now temporarily figure it out. He's the one who said stop taking on vetted refugees, Syrian refugees until we figure it out. The visa program he talked about today. And he also said build the wall. He's kind of built his platform on what's been going on. And people are nervous. So of the three, on the right, I would say he has the one that is resonating the most.

GUILFOYLE: He has a mantra of national security. You see Cruz trying to hit that tone, and again, saying he will call what it is, radical Islamic terrorism.

BOLLING: All right, a couple of things, Donald Trump and Barack Obama have to understand one thing. That America does lead to world. Europeans economy are flat on their back. They should try to find the money, even they have to go with the debt to get to 2 percent like they pledged to NATO. But like it or not, we were born into the finest country, the most powerful country in the land. You can't say, "Oh, my goodness, what is the responsibility?" That's part of the responsibility. You may not like it. It is not the biggest part of the budget. But our responsibility is to lead NATO. And if NATO starts dropping the ball, and our allied nations start dropping the ball, we don't drop NATO, we reinvigorate the alliance. President Obama who's not watching on ESPN right how.

JUAN WILLIAMS, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR, CO-HOST, THE FIVE: You need on explain to the audience what you're saying. Because Trump had said, we should scale back our financial commitment to NATO.

BOLLING: Every chance he gets, he is giving other people the opportunity to lead. Whether it is Sarkozy or whether it's Hollande. He should have been over there after the Charlie Hebdo attacks. He should have been a presence there after the Paris attacks.

WILLIAMS: He was. He did show up.

BOLLING: I know, he watched the football game after the Charlie Hebdo attacks.

WILLAIMS: You're saying immediately.

BOLLING: No, I'm saying immediately in act. You have to get on the line and say attack on Brussels is an attack on us. And yes, we have an additional responsibility. Grow up. If you're the head of the family take the leadership. Don't get mad because you have a 12-year-old that needs to be taken care of. There are certain nations that have to be taken care of. We have to watch the West. We are the watch dog of the world. I know we have $19 trillion in debt, but find a way to do. We just can't say, "World, blow yourselves up, don't bother us." That's our responsibility.

WILLIAMS: So let's look at the reality. And let's look at the track record. First and foremost, who is in the fight right now against ISIS? Who is taking the lead? The United States of America. No, no, let me finish. OK, so the United States takes the lead. Dana Perino just made the point. The Europeans, despite having these terrible thing happen in Paris and now in Brussels, they're not in the fight. They talk a good game, but they're not in the game and even --

BOLLING: I don't want to shut everybody time. Let me tell you what the lead is. Taking the lead is not 3,700 air strikes. That's better than the rest. But we have to be a lot better, we have to inspirational. And we have to call them out.

WILLIAMS: Inspirational? How about we have to be effective. We have to take offensive action. This is ineffective.

BOLLING: This is ineffective, 2,750 troops in Syria is ineffective.

WILLIAMS: It is not ineffective. It is ineffective in terms of saying of saying on this day with people dead. You say, "Well, why couldn't you have stopped it?" But do you think that bombing ISIS to smithereens would stop this. I don't think so because I think it's an idea.

GUILFOYLE: But Juan, Juan --

BOLLING: Why do we try?

WILLIAMS: Let me say in terms of Trump. This is unbelievable. How many Syrian immigrants are here in the United States? I don't even think it's a 100.

BOLLING: No, no, but President Obama --

WILLIAMS: You act as if "Oh, the Syrians are going to come in and wipe us out." BOLLING: President Obama said he wanted -- he going to executive order, signing 60,000 Syrian refugees.

GUILFOYLE: And it takes three to do incredible damage and mass casualties like they did. The problem, Juan is --

WILLIAMS: No, but I'm saying when you panic people, when you scare people, like oh, what was Eric just saying. We can't let anybody in this country. We have to ban people.

GUILFOYLE: He said put a pause on it. Put a pause on it, because what you have understand, Juan, today is not the day for you to compellingly make your case --

WILLIAMS: Why not?

GUILFOYLE: -- that we are winning against terror when you see people being blown to bits. Because when we rest and take a back seat, terror advances, and that's what you saw today. Both Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders have been soft on terror throughout the election. Will they toughen their positions now? You'll hear from the Democratic candidates ahead. Stay with us.


BOLLING: Welcome back to THE FIVE. It is a sad day. Terror tore apart France back in November and also is a say today. That country stands in solidarity with it's neighbor Belgium. The Eiffel Tower, as you see, is lit up in the color of the Belgian flag. More reaction now from the 2016 presidential candidates here at home. Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders addressed the terror in Brussels earlier. Hillary took a shot at Trumps renewed call to close our boarders.


HILLARY CLINTON, U.S. DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE (via telephone): I'm realistic to say we're going to completely shut down our borders to everyone. That would stop commerce, for example, and that's not in anybody's interests. Terrorists are not stupid. They are quickly adapting. And the more they use encryption to communicate, the more difficult it will be to figure out what the heck they're up to. So we've got to work this through consistent with our values.



BERNIE SANDERS, U.S. DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: We are dealing with people who want to do us harm, who want to do Europeans harm. Who want to do innocent people throughout the world harm. And I know that our intelligence agencies people will be as vigilant as they can to protect our country.


BOLLING: Both candidates have still failed to properly define who the enemy is. Here were the two back in November after the terrorist attacks. Remember this?


CLINTON: I don't think we're at war with Islam. I don't think we're at war with all Muslims. I think we're at war with jihadists who have --

UNIDENDIFIED MALE: Just to interrupt, he didn't say all Muslims. He just said radical Islam. Is that a phrase you don't --

CLINTON: I think that you can talk about Islamists who clearly are also jihadists.

SANDERS: I don't think the term is important. What is important to understand is we have organizations, whether it is ISIS or al Qaeda who do believe we should go back several thousand years.


BRIAN KILMEADE, CO-HOST OF FOX NEWS, FOX AND FRIENDS: It is like we're playing password. We give you a hint, will you actually say the word out loud. Dana, which candidate on the left or the right seems to have it right? As we get set to look at the results from Arizona as well as Utah today.

DANA PERINO: Well, I don't think any of them on the left are matching the moment. And Hillary Clinton who wants to say I'm the most experienced, she also could claim if she wants to, that she is most hawkish on the left side. She would be the most tough. One of her big problems in the electorate is with men. She has a deficit with them, particularly white men. National security is important everybody. I think that one of the things she could have done today, she could have been a lot tougher. But she's talking in these code words. She said, the U.S. response must be consistent with our values. What does that mean? Basically that's a code word for saying we will not do anything that's too tough. We won't go as far as, basically saying I won't do what George W. Bush did. That's what she's saying.

KILMEADE: Either one of those candidates make you feel good about fighting the war on terror from Europe to the Middle East?

WILLIAMS: Absolutely. You know it's interesting to me, is listening to Dana, I was struck by this idea that somehow Hillary Clinton isn't using the right language. She talks about we're facing jihadists. That we've got stop them, we've got to fight. Bernie Sanders, the same thing. You guys get locked into this thing about the language they won't say.

KILMEADE: Seems like she's locked into not saying it.

WILLIAMS: No, no, no, they are both into saying it. Both into advancing. The real fight here is the idea that you touched on earlier. You have Trump saying, oh no, don't support NATO. And she is saying, and Bernie Sanders is saying, no, we have to uphold our commitment to NATO. And when you come to this issue in terms of the politics of it, Brian, Remember this, most Americans associate strong national defense with Republicans. So it should benefit Republican Party and the Republican candidates.

PERINO: That's why I'm saying she could have done better.

WILLIAMS: When you come to Donald Trump versus Hillary Clinton in the polls, most Americans overwhelming choose Hillary Clinton as the tougher of the two on national --

KILMEADE: Wait, wait, did you cite the Juan poll? Is that the --

WILLIAMS: I happen to have it in front of me. I think you stole my blue cards today. It says here, Washington Post, ABC news poll, Clinton more trusted than Trump to handle terrorism, 50 to 42.

KILMEADE: Wow, that's huge, Juan. That's huge.

WILLIAMS: That's what I'm telling you.

KILMEADE: Bu by the way that was prior, taken prior to these attacks.

WILLIAMS: Today. Yes, but my point is given that there is disposition on the American Spirit versus Republicans, it is shocking --

KILMEADE: After San Bernardino people came around to Donald Trump's way. In terms of --

BOLLING: Yes, here is all you need to do, Listen to Bernie Sanders, listen to Hillary Clinton, listen to Donald Trump, Ted Cruz and John Kasich and go which is the one I feel most secure with, and vote that way. Because ultimately, that's the most important thing a President can do is keep you safe. The rest doesn't matter. The rest is noise. Especially when things like this are going on. Just vote for who you trust the most.

KILMEADE: Kimberly?

WILLAIMS: The fact that the media knows what he's saying, what he's doing, we should just ignore it.

KILEMADE: That's your opinion, Juan. Kimberly, real quick question, what Donald Trump said over the last couple of days, if you changed the laws he'd be into water boarding Abdul Salam to get the most information possible. And possible in his theory and maybe Jose Rodriguez of the CIA would have got the information to stop this Brussels attack.

GUILFOYLE: Well, right but you have to be able to do what it takes in a lawful way. The point is you can make laws, especially in time of terror like this where there are exigent circumstances, national security is at stake. So you take people that you trust, your valued advisers and you talk to the Justice Department and you come up and craft some means to be able to do so. What they did at the time was legal. There has been a policy change under this administration. A new administration can bring in their experts and their new pieces of legislation like Patriot Act and thing like that to be able to effectively combat terror.

KILMEADE: And for those who say that it doesn't work. And they say this if you're not sliced up in a hospital right now trying to desperately stop the bleeding. If you were able to stop that attack some way, somehow, you've got to think we should be open to it. By the way, Hillary Clinton will have a national security address at Stanford tomorrow. I imagine she is going to cover more about this, maybe Juan's poll. Coming up straight ahead, will Islamic regimes like Saudi Arabia or Pakistan do anything to help stop the Islamic terror spread? We will discuss that next unless you have a different run down.


WILLIAMS: President of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy.


ZUHDI JASSER, PRESIDENT, AMERICAN ISLAMIC FORUM FOR DEMOCRACY: The Islam that we love is going to wither on the vine if we allow this radical political ideology that isn't just a few militants. It is a political ideology that won elections in Egypt. That has large movements of ISIS, Jamaat Islami in Pakistan, runs governments in Saudi Arabia and Iran. So this huge movement of hundreds of millions is going to destroy our faith if we don't wake up, and begin to connect the dots of Brussels, Paris, of Chattanooga, San Bernardino, these are simply symptoms.


WILLIAMS: Kimberly, what would you do, now here you have moderate Muslims? Do we join arms with them or do we say, no? That In fact, the terrorists are all Muslims?

GUILFOYLE: Oh, come on. Thanks for that really difficult question. No. We are not going to say that all Muslims including moderate Muslims are terrorists. That would be ridiculous. We want to build alliances. Build partnerships including throughout Europe so that people who are all united against jihadists, against radical Islamic terrorism will in fact share intelligence, share resources and shut it down.

WILLIAMS: A rare moment of light. Eric, what about the Trump stand? Oh, no, bad.

BOLLING: I don't speak contrary to your belief, I don't speak for Donald Trump. I simply say, look I don't care what he thinks, I think we do need to profile. I'm going to say it. Zuhdi Jasser said it, Laura Ingram said it today, Ambassador Bolton said it today. It is time to start profiling certain Muslim groups. And I would be on board with that.

GUILFOYLE: Which is legal, by the way, so everyone doesn't get freaked out.

PERINO: I think something we could do on the creative side of thing is to look at the American who joined ISIS and then turned himself into the Kurds last week. One of the things he was quoted saying is that I did not see them as good Muslims. So he goes over and he joins ISIS and he says, oh my gosh, this is not what I thought it was going to be. That we could do more with that so we could spread the message that there is evil and that radical Muslims are to be shunned, not joined.

WILLIAMS: Brian, what about the Muslim countries? What about Saudi Arabia?

KILMEADE: You stole my line. We can pressure Pakistan and Saudi Arabia immediately. We have relations with them and have verifiable follow-ups to make sure they're not producing these jihadists. And sending them outside the borders to rattle our cages that could start tomorrow.

WILLIAMS: We've got to do it.

PERINO: Why are we talking about this now? I think that's what bothers people. Why they would be looking for change in November.

GUILFOYLE: And we give Pakistan billions in aid. So why are you handing it over if they are not cooperating and helping us shut it down.

BOLLING: And we gave back, or are in the process of giving $100 plus billion to Iran. We should have tied some of this to that too. You want all your money back you give us a hand in this respect.

WILLIAMS: Well, I think everybody is all perk because this is a global threat at this point. Some final thoughts on the terror in Brussels today. Next on THE FIVE.


BOLLING: Some final thoughts now our ideas that went down today. So final thought, Dana.

PERINO: If you listen and we've played the clip several times and you can hear a child crying and screaming in the background. And if anything, it was a reminder that the evil that exists is going to be a fight that we are going to have to fight for a generation or more. Therefore, all these countries that are determined to try to stop terrorism must do more and must do more to cooperate and they have to be able to fund it. I think that should be the next NATO meeting that that should be the discussion there.


KILMEADE: Joe Dunford and Ash Carter, I think they should take the leadership of the next 48 hours to call in the defense ministers and their appropriate counter parts of all of allies to put together a comprehensive strategy. Whether they meet in the Azores or something else to take out ISIS where it exists. It won't make us totally safe but it will begin to put us on the offensive.

BOLLING: KG, you're up

GUILFOYLE: Chase it down where it lives, where it breathes, where the nerve center is. Places like Mosul and Raqqah and Syria where you have to go after them hard. We live in the best country in the world that has the most significant advanced, defense, military and intelligence capabilities. Release them. Let them do what they need to do.


WILLIAMS: I am so fascinated by this Molenbeek neighborhood in Brussels and I just can't understand why the Belgian authorities have not done more to clean it out at this point. The global issue remains. But there is specific issue on the table today with what happened.

BOLLING: And that's it for us, stay tuned for continued coverage of today's terror attacks in Brussels. "Special Report" is up next. But take a look at this, this is a makeshift memorial that is going on right now in Brussels.

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