New scandal for the Obama administration

This is a RUSH transcript from "The O'Reilly Factor," October 9, 2014. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

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Hi, I'm Eric Bolling in for Bill O'Reilly thanks for watching us tonight.

Let's get right to our "Top Story" a brand new scandal for the Obama administration. A stunning report by the "Washington Post" alleges a White House aide was involved in the Secret Service's prostitution scandal in Colombia. The administration found out and then they covered it up because it would negatively affect the 2012 presidential election. At the time President Obama and the administration denied any of its staff members were caught up in the controversy.


CARNEY: There have been no specific credible allegations of misconduct by any one on the White House advance team or the White House staff. Nevertheless out of due diligence, the White House counsel's office has conducted a review of the White House advance team. And in concluding that review, came to the conclusion that there's no indication that any member of the White House's advance team engaged in any improper conduct or behavior.


BOLLING: Well joining us now from the "Washington Post" newsroom one of the reporters who broke the story David Nakamura. David -- thank you very much. A big story, a big huge story I read the whole piece.


BOLLING: Fantastic report by the way.

NAKAMURA: I appreciate it.

BOLLING: Ok so you heard Jay Carney say there was no involvement by the White House -- the knew no involvement. Yet in your story, you say specifically, David Nyeland the lead investigator was told to and I'm quoting, quote, "Withhold and alter certain information in his report because it was potentially damaging to the administration." Now that is a hefty claim. You want to tell us how you got that information?

NAKAMURA: Absolutely. There were two things going here Eric one there was an initial review that Jay Carney talked about that happened in the days after this trip in the wake of the Secret Service scandal. The White House as you said came out very definitively and said there was no evidence.

What they didn't say was the Secret Service director himself in talking to his own investigators said there was evidence and presented it to the White House. The White House chalked it up to a little more than what they call rumor in my interview with him.

Subsequently, after Jay Carney's statement that you heard, the Secret Service director came back and presented more evidence. The White House again interviewed some of the people, including Jonathan Dach the person on the advance team and again said they had no reason to believe it has done any misconduct.

Separately, the Inspector General as you said came up with additional evidence in his own review. He said he presented it in a draft report in the fall of 2012 and his superiors instructed him to remove this information and to delay the final report until after the 2012 election. Now that was his charge. It's been disputed by others in the IG's office. But that's what Congress is concerned about.

BOLLING: That's the most important point of this whole report is he was specifically told to delay, withhold and alter this report until after the election. Who was he told to do this, who instructed him to do that?

NAKAMURA: This investigator, Dave Nyeland told Congress in a briefing to congressional investigators that were overseeing a broader review of the IG's office at that time of the Department of Homeland Security there was a broader review. But this specific allegation, he said he had been instructed by his superiors, he said that instruction came within from his understanding 24 hours of his superiors having briefed then Homeland Security Director Janet Napolitano. He does not say directly that she ordered it. He just said that it happened within 24 hours of that briefing of what he had found and that he was told by his superior to remove it.

Now Janet Napolitano has told us she's in no way order it to be removed. She completely denies this is happening as do his superiors. His superiors were ultimately fired on their own right for broader reasons and this investigator Dave Nyeland he was placed on administrative leave which he says he thought was retaliatory for the concerns he raised about this.

BOLLING: So this investigator investigates what he's told to investigate comes up with some ideas. He's told to delay them. And then he's subsequently put on a leave. And ten were fired. Talk to us a little about that. There were ten people fired surrounding this whole investigation.

NAKAMURA: Ten people were fired. There were people fired in the Inspector General's office. Three were put on leave. What the Inspector General's office said at the time was unrelated to the concerns they raised about this Secret Service scandal in Cartagena and the White House's potential involvement.

But they -- those who were disciplined believed that they were being retaliated against for raising the flags about the White House involvement. There was some dispute inside the office, or do we have jurisdiction over the White House. We only oversee the Secret Service and DHS that's why we have to take it out. But this investigator was adamant we have to include this.

More broadly, there were people in the management ranks that lost their jobs, but, again, there were other issues cited in part for why they were let go. But this investigator did feel like he was being retaliated against, and there were those in Congress who heard his direct testimony, private testimony that we've since learned about who do believe that he -- you know he faced repercussions.

Congress officially could come to no conclusion in their review of this as we point out in our story they came to no decision one way or the other. But there are those who remain concerned, especially among the Republicans and the oversight committee in the Senate. And have asked the White House provide all their documentation of their own review which was again a separate review by the White House counsel.

BOLLING: So let's talk about some of the reasons why he was being leaned on so hard. What did he find? He found this Jonathan Dach that you told us about you mentioned a minute ago 25-year-old son of a major Obama donor who is part of an advance team that goes to Columbia and allegedly was either seen or had spent some time with a prostitute and that looked bad to the administration.

NAKAMURA: What they found and the Secret Service director also found as well as the IG that there were documents from the hotel, the Presidential hotel -- the President had not arrived yet, but the advance team was staying at that hotel there was a documentation that this individual, his room number, 513 at the Hilton had registered a woman as an overnight guest, and the reason they do that in Cartagena, the prostitution is legal but the hotel is required documentation when a guest brings them to the hotel.

So this room number where Jonathan Dach was staying had registered a guest according to hotel laws which were turned over to investigators both from the Secret Service and the IG. So they both determine that, the IG also went down to Cartagena -- IG investigator Dave Nyeland and talked to not only hotel staff, what they saw and what the heard. They were told that individual in the room had presented his Hilton honors card, to get the fee waived for an overnight guest. More evidence that it may be the person in that room.


NAKAMURA: They had documentation who was staying in the room. And they also talked -- this investigator talked to a Secret Service agent who was staying at the hotel who was not otherwise implicated in the scandal who told him that he had seen Jonathan Dach with a woman he believed to be a prostitute.

Now again Jonathan Dach and his lawyer say no way that the underlying charge is accurate that they don't know what happened, but he certainly did not have a guest.

BOLLING: He got the fee waived for a guest in room 513 in Columbia, but there was no one else staying there. I have to leave it there. But we also need to point out that Jonathan Dach works in the Obama administration right now as get this Office of Women's Global Issues at the State Department and his father as well.

David Nakamura, thank you very much for your time.

NAKAMURA: Thanks Eric.

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