New reports on Russia investigation as Trump heads overseas

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," May 19, 2017. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

DANA PERINO, FOX NEWS HOST: Hello, everyone, I'm Dana Perino along with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Juan Williams, Jesse Watters, and Greg Gutfeld. It's 9:00 in New York City and this "The Five."

We begin tonight with multiple major developing stories. First, President Trump is on Air Force One en route to Saudi Arabia on his first overseas trip as commander-in-chief. But there is breaking news here on the home front. More bombshell reports about the Russia investigation. According to the New York Times in a meeting with Russian officials at the White House, President Trump called ousted FBI Director James Comey a quote, "nut job."

And that has his firing relieved quote, "great pressure on the president -- relieved great pressure on the president." Meanwhile, the Senate Intelligence Committee announced today that Mr. Comey has agreed to publicly testify sometime after Memorial Day. And then The Washington Post also out with a report saying senior White House adviser -- I'm sorry, a senior White House adviser is now a person of interest in the Russia probe.

Here to break all of this down for us is Chief White House Correspondent John Roberts who is already in Saudi Arabia. And before we get to that breaking news, John, since this is the first time we have had a chance to talk about it, I wonder if you could just sort of set up this trip for us and the expectations for the meeting in Saudi Arabia itself.

JOHN ROBERTS, FOX NEWS CHIEF WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: All right. So the president will arrive here at 9:50 local time. It is just 4:00 a.m. now. So, he is here about five hours and 50 minutes. He is going to be meeting with King Suleiman today, the crown prince, the deputy crown prince. One of the big days is going to be on Sunday where he will have lunch with some 50 leaders. Forty or 50 leaders from the Gulf Cooperation Council.

He will give a big address there on terrorism. And then he heads to Israel and if the schedule holds, Dana, it will be the very first time that he publicly announced flight has gone directly from Saudi Arabia to the Jewish state. From there he goes to Rome where he is going to meet the Pope at the Vatican and then he travels to Brussels for the NATO 7 and then he goes back to Sicily for the G7 summit.

So, he is doing five countries. Meeting about 20 leaders or chief dignitaries from a lot of different countries. So this is a very big and very ambitious first foreign trip. Most leaders, and you will remember this from George W. Bush, they either go south of the border to Mexico or they go north of the border to Canada. But the president has got a very ambitious trip for his first foray abroad -- Dana.

PERINO: And it's a very bold choice. And I love the concept for the trip in terms of combatting and tolerance. We're going to take it around the table here. Let's start with Kimberly Guilfoyle.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, FOX NEWS HOST: All right. Okay, John, I hope you enjoy that trip. And I'm sure it's going to be quite interesting. So, I wanted to know what level of, you know, preparation they have done with the president in light of, you know, some of the past things he said about Saudi Arabia and U.S. relationship and Clintons and Clinton Foundation to really streamline this trip so it's one that's very positive?

ROBERTS: Well, you know, the president has done a lot of research. He has had meetings for the past couple of weeks interspersed, of course, with the odd crisis here and there. But I will tell you something about Saudi Arabia. They are very happy with this president. Particularly in comparison to the last president. The reason why is because they think that he is on the same page not only with combating terrorism.

But he also shares their view that Iran is an existential threat to our Arab allies in the region. So when you hear Adel al-Jubeir who is the Saudi foreign minister talk about President Trump, it is in glowing terms. And I know that our allies in Egypt and Jordan and other areas, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Oman, they all talk about him in the same way. They are, to really put it bluntly, thrilled that he is the president and they are thrilled that he is coming here. If you go up and down the boulevards here in Riyadh, you see big posters of President Trump alongside King Suleiman. So, it's a real, red carpet welcome for the president here in Saudi Arabia -- Kimberly.

PERINO: All right. Jesse Watters.

JESSE WATTERS, FOX NEWS HOST: Yes. Kimberly just brought up the arms deal. Big package, $110 billion or something like that. Lockheed Martin is going to get paid a lot of money. Apparently there were some controversy because Jared Kushner, the president's son-in-law got involved last minute tried to knock the price down a little bit. What are the benefits for the arms deal for America and for Saudi Arabia?

ROBERTS: I don't necessarily think that that's controversial, Jesse. I think it really impressed Saudi leaders when they came to visit with him. And they want what's called the Thad missile system, it's the same one that we sent to South Korea, terminal high altitude area defense. And the necessity for it, we've shown earlier today when Houthi rebels in Yemen fired a ballistic missile towards Saudi Arabia.

Anti-missiles systems here took it down about 120 miles southwest of Riyadh in the middle of unpopulated area of the desert. In terms of what it means for the United States, it's a lot of money for our defense corporations. But what Jared Kushner did was, when Saudi officials were at the White House for a meeting about this, they said that they wanted the THAAD system and he said, he was worried that they were worried about the price.

So, he called up the CEO of Lockheed right in front of them and said, hey, is there something we can do about the price here? We don't know what Lockheed is doing about the price. But we do know that Saudi Arabia wants the THAAD missile system. They want to really overhaul their entire armed forces the United States is going to help them do that with this $110 billion package -- Jesse.

PERINO: All right. Juan Williams, what do you have?

JUAN WILLIAMS, FOX NEWS HOST: John, very interested in these reports coming out of Washington that the investigators have now identified a person of interest who is close to the president. So, of course, everybody is thinking who could this be, you know, who in the White House is this person that has been identified. Do you have anything to say?

ROBERTS: Nobody knows in the United States. The Independent Newspaper and the Guardian Newspaper have identified that person as Jared Kushner. There is nothing to suggest that it is Jared Kushner. But do remember that during the transition Jared Kushner was sort of the point person for contacting foreign officials to try to build relationships so that when the inauguration happened and Donald Trump took over as president, you didn't have to start from scratch here.

So, we do know that Jared Kushner talked with Russian officials. He had an in-person meeting with Sergei Kislyak, the Russian ambassador to the United States back in early December I believe it was and Lieutenant General Michael Flynn was in that same meeting. So, there is nothing to say that it is Jared Kushner. There is nothing really other than this "Washington Post" report to say that investigators have identified a person of interest.

It's interesting though to me, Juan, that this little piece of information was dished to "The Washington Post" just as Robert Mueller is taking over the investigation and will kind of gobble up everything himself and he is well known for running a tight ship. One that will probably be reasonably leak-proof I would think -- Juan.

PERINO: All right, Greg Gutfeld?


ROBERTS: Hello, how are you?


GUTFELD: I just want to point out that while we're doing this, CNN is reporting that Donald Trump isn't really in Saudi Arabia but on a sound stage in Russia. It's being directed by Putin. This is all a big sham, much like the moon landing. Hey, I just have a question for you.

PERINO: A real question.

GUTFELD: As a reporter to a journalist. How is the alcohol situation in Saudi Arabia?


ROBERTS: The only alcohol that I have found in Saudi Arabia was on our airplane when we landed. And I don't know what the disposition of the alcohol has been since we embarked from the aircraft. So I really couldn't tell you. There is a lot of near beer here. I can tell you that and a lot of near wine as well.

GUTFELD: Sorry to hear that.

PERINO: John, before we let you go, I wanted to ask you since you've been to Saudi Arabia several times in your career and one of the princes who has taken it upon himself to try to open up and provide for more tolerance and kind of even some more fun for the Saudis that are living there. Can you and your limited time that you have been there in the past 24 hours, do you notice the difference?

ROBERTS: I have actually -- this is my first time I have been to Saudi Arabia. I've been to Kuwait, I lived in Kuwait for six months -- not six months, six weeks just prior to the 2003 war. But this is the first time I have actually been in Saudi Arabia. And we arrived at 8:00 at night and it's now 4:00 in the morning. So, I'm afraid, Dana, as curious an individual as I am, I haven't really had much of a chance to discover any differences.

PERINO: I thought that --


ROBERTS: No, no, no. One thing can I tell you though and you remember back to Bush 41 and the relationship that he had with the Saudi leadership.

PERINO: Yes. Very good.

ROBERTS: You know, and relations with Saudi Arabia are all about intrapersonal relationships. That's why President Obama had such a difficult time here in Saudi Arabia.


ROBERTS: Because the relationship was fairly chilly. President Trump it looks like is going to have a similar relationship with King Suleiman the crowned prince as Bush 41 did back in the day. So, you know, I think that that could potentially bode very well for U.S. Saudi relations.

PERINO: Well, we really just thank you in advance for all the work you will do on this trip. Obviously, you can see him up there on the top left corner, it is 4:09 a.m. So, we'll let you get back to -- I don't know if you are eating breakfast or going to back to bed but thank you so much, John.

ROBERTS: I will keep my eyes open for signs of fun here in Riyadh.



GUILFOYLE: Get back to us.

PERINO: Toby Keith concert maybe. I guess, you will get to go.

ROBERTS: Thanks.

PERINO: All right. Toby Keith is giving a concert, Kimberly and it's only men are allowed. I'm kind of surprised the White House agreed to that. But I like Toby Keith.

GUILFOYLE: What are you going to do? You know, at least he's there. And that well, the boys will be able to enjoy a good concert.

PERINO: I hope they'll enjoy it. We expect the president to give a pretty significant speech when it comes to Saudi Arabia and setting the stage for this idea of combating intolerance and the arms deal was also a part of that which is to say, we are coming back around to a better relationship with Saudi Arabia. We're going to help you provide the resources that you need but we need your help in helping terrorism. What do you think?

GUILFOYLE: Yes. I think this is just a positive platform for the president. This is one he should really seize especially in terms of this like, media storm around Russia and collusion and special counsel being appointed. This is an area where the president excels in terms of intrapersonal relationships. We have seen him have really great meetings with other foreign leaders thus far early in his presidency. And as John predicted, this should be when the forecast is sunny for his relationship with Saudi Arabia, which should be, you know, a key ally, especially in the fight against terror.

I think it's important that his people get out, you know, the good press, the messaging on this. His communication team and those that are with him, you know, to kind of help bring back some stories to make sure they get positive, you know, play here that it's actually really covered by the press versus just some of the stuff that's going on kind of back home, domestically, you know, with the investigation. And if you noticed, there was like, as they said on the air earlier, document dump right on a Friday, a lot of information coming out just as they were leaving.

And, of course, not with their phones and stuff with them but other devices, to try to get around this story. And just real quick, Dana, about Jared Kushner and, you know, the person of interest. That's very different than being a target of an investigation.

PERINO: Right.

GUILFOYLE: That means that somebody that you would just like to speak to but people shouldn't take that to mean any kind of impropriety or the subject, you know, or target of an investigation.

PERINO: Right. People are getting ahead of themselves on that.


PERINO: Jesse, it is important I think for America to have just like a great trip for President Trump so that we can sort of feel like we are back on the world stage in sort of a more commanding way. What do you think?

WATTERS: Yes. I mean, he looks great going up to the plane with Melania. We talked about that yesterday. It's very good to be there with the first lady. Air Force One looks fantastic. I have been there. Pretty nice jet. And I'm sure they're enjoying it immensely. You know, a lot of it is about optics. You want to see the president there as the commander-in-chief and, you know, putting forth the American vision to the world and selling a lot of arms to our friends. We want to make sure oil stays low.

Obviously because high gas prices here in America could just shatter this guy's base. But it comes at a very troubling time. And I have been the first one to say, you know, there is a lot of smoke but I don't see any fire. But now I'm getting a little concerned. A lot of reports today out about targets and some things that were said to the Russians. And even I, myself, have gotten to the point where I'm like what is going on here with this situation? I'm a little worried about it. I still don't see any hard evidence yet. But, you know, the smoke keeps getting a little bit hotter. And they need to do something to really tamp this thing down because it is swirling really fast.

GUILFOYLE: But as Dershowitz said there hasn't been anything that he's suggesting.

WATTERS: Not yet. Not yet. Getting pretty hot in the kitchen though, Kimberly.

WILLIAMS: I want to say, stop the presses Jesse Watters actually thinks there's news here?

WATTERS: I don't know if it's news but I'm reading a lot of reports from the mainstream media. It could be fake news, Juan.

WILLIAMS: Could be, oh!

WATTERS: A lot of anonymous sources.

WILLIAMS: This is the guy I know America.

WATTERS: Could be a lot of anonymous sources because ton of leaks. A ton of leaks coming out of the FBI and out of this White House.

WILLIAMS: Well, I think what's happening now is that you are entering a more active phase of the investigation and Mueller is bringing in new people and so they are gathering information and I think when you have the subpoena out of the grand jury in Virginia for Flynn's financial records. I think that things are getting hotter.

GUILFOYLE: This is leaks from before Mueller.

WATTERS: Yes. I mean, financial simantial (ph). That's not that big of a deal. The Fallujah thing is the concerning issue. They haven't had anything on that yet but it looks like they're tightening some screws.

WILLIAMS: But the thing is about the Kushner thing is it's so close to the president. Son-in-law.

PERINO: Well, we're going to have a chance to talk about that again. Let me just get Greg in here one last time on either -- well, I wanted to ask you and you might want to talk about the other issue. But President Obama, when his relationship with Saudi Arabia really deteriorated over the Iran deal. And do you think that there is any way to sort of like, get this back into a good position where we can work also with our NATO allies to try to push back against the Iranians?

GUTFELD: I find it really kind of interesting that probably the least holy man that we know, i.e., Donald Trump might be the guy that unifies all of these different people. Maybe it takes a guy who doesn't have a dog in this fight to deal with this. And the real issue in this whole trip is extremism. That's what this is about. And it's not Jews. And it's not Christians chopping the heads off people. So when he goes to the Saudi Arabia and he talks about extremism, it's about radical, Islamic extremism.

He is a blunt salesman. Like I say he could talk a cat off a mice truck. He is -- his salesman like qualities have benefits in this regard. And that he can actually say these things and create a personal relationship. This is related to the Comey stuff. When you are a salesman, you -- the whole position is to be liked, is to create trust. And how do you create trust. You deal in these variables of gossip and tidbits of information.


GUTFELD: So you sit there and you go, you want the guy from Russia to think that he likes you and you like him to so you can go, I just got this nut job off my back. This is the way a salesman talks. And a salesman has the flaw of talking too much. So Donald Trump's flaw, which is to talk too much and say these things casually and get them into some kind of superficial trouble, I believe superficial trouble which is what this Comey stuff is made, is the benefit and these situations abroad to Saudi Arabia. And the sense that he can talk to these people the way Obama didn't. Obama went and was conciliatory and didn't demand respect. But it was just so -- he came across as an academic. Trump is going over there with his head held high, as a salesman --

GUILFOYLE: No apology tour.

GUTFELD: No apologies. And just say, hey, look, we have got problems here. Let's settle it. Again, with a salesman, everything is a negotiation, which is why he says those things to the Russians, why he said those things to Comey about going easy on Flynn because these are what salesmen do. And this is what he is going to do hopefully abroad. So, I took those two issues, and I smoosh them together like a peanut butter cup.

PERINO: You convert its way to end the block.

Coming up, the military is talking about new tactics that will annihilate ISIS. Details up next.

GUILFOYLE: I love it.


GUILFOYLE: The mad dog is unchained. Secretary of Defense James Mattis today briefly reported that the Pentagon where he revealed that President Trump has issued aggressive new orders to take out ISIS.


JAMES MATTIS, SECRETARY OF DEFENSE: He directed a tactical shift from shoving ISIS out of seized locations in an attrition fight to surrounding the enemy in their strongholds so we can annihilate ISIS. There is no escape for ISIS. We're there to drive ISIS to its knees.


PERINO: Oh, my God!

GUILFOYLE: I can't get enough of the mad dog. Do you know what I mean? Okay. Music to my ears. Driving ISIS to its knees. Annihilating. Do you love it, Dana?

PERINO: I do. I love taking the fight to these you know what.



PERINO: I'm sorry, sorry, sorry!


It's interesting. You haven't seen Mattis out there a lot. And they haven't done a whole lot of the DOD briefings yet. And I think that they would benefit from doing more. Because this stuff is good. And I mean that it's nice to like set it up right before the president's conversations with different religions in order to say, look, we are, we've got to fight extremism together and we can get more extreme that ISIS, the other thing, well, and al Qaeda. Which is al Qaeda 2.0 as ISIS.

I think that we forget that the changes to operational procedure has given the Pentagon a lot more flexibility. So, during the Obama administration, the National Security Council like the White House really wanted to be able to sign off on every operation. And now what the Trump administration has done is said actually, no. We trust you. We're going to -- on the big stuff, yes, you will have to come to us. But in terms of these types of things, if you want to hit them hard, you have our permission to do what you feel like you need to do. And trusting them I think is actually very good for all of us and really bad for ISIS.

GUILFOYLE: All right. Well, what do you think about these comments and the aggressive nature kind of doing a different campaign against ISIS?

WILLIAMS: Well, you know, I think the rhetoric clearly pleases you and Dana. But I just wonder if it has any strategic consequences, when you go from a war of attrition to a war of annihilation. So, when you look at the ground, you say, wait a second, how is the enemy responding? Guess what? They say they like this rhetoric. They are using it to suggest that it's a war against Islam. And I don't know if that's real. I don't know if that would be effective.

But I would pay attention. The second thing to say is, President Trump has a history as candidate Trump of saying that Islam was a religion of violence and saying the worst things about Muslims. Now he goes over there and you guys say, oh, he is going to bring everybody together.

GUILFOYLE: I don't think he said that worst thing about Muslims. He's talked about radical Islamic Jihadists.

WILLIAMS: Oh my gosh!

GUILFOYLE: Which is very different, terrorists.

WILLIAMS: No, no, no, no, no.

GUILFOYLE: Go ahead, Jesse.

WATTERS: President Obama wouldn't say radical Islam and the Saudis hated him.


WILLIAMS: No, no, no.

WATTERS: President Trump was pretty tough on Muslim Jihad and now the Saudis are embracing him. So, I don't know if the rhetoric really adds up.

WILLIAMS: Let's tell the truth.

WATTERS: I just did.

WILLIAMS: The Saudis have put so much money, billions of dollars into spreading Wahhabi the most extreme form.

WATTERS: And he's going to go over there and he's going to say, cut it out or else --

PERINO: Actually. It's stronger than that, they're actually, the Saudis are actually going to commit to paper to say that if you fund terrorists that you are then going to be in trouble with the Saudi government which is something you don't want to do.


WILLIAMS: I want them to stop.


WATTERS: And I also think that when Mattis says, we are going to kill the enemy, I'm not scared that that's going to make the enemy want to hurt me more.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. Because if they are dead, if they're dead, they are done, right?

WILLIAMS: You missed the point there because this is a --

WATTERS: You had a point?

WILLIAMS: Yes. I got a lot of points for you but I'm just telling you, this is an ideological fight. It's not as if you can't wipe them out in one fell swoop because the internet. Greg has made that point on the show repeatedly.

GUILFOYLE: Let's let him do that.

WILLIAMS: They spread this thing like a cancer.

GUTFELD: All right. Okay. Number one, the argument that they are going to use our defense against us. Like if you use that to the end of its reason, we could never wage a war. If you say you know what, you defend yourself, that's only going to make them fight you more. You could never fight a war. We could never have fought World War I, World War II. We could never -- we might as well just disband the police. Because if we have the police, that will just make the criminals rob and murder and rape more because the police will upset them.

If you are in a bar fight, the worst guy to be is the bouncer because you are often most restricted talking about change in procedure. America essentially is the earth's bouncer. And it's good to give us the freedom to bounce. And that means to go and to kill. And it is, it's not a short- term act. This is long-term. Terrorists are the termites of planet Earth.
That means you have to go around and you have to exterminate them regularly and never forget about it. The good thing about Trump and why he is different than Obama is he is less handicapped by p.c. ideology and Islamaphobia.

He doesn't conflate radical Islam hating, hating radical Islam with hating Islam. He makes a distinction which helps you to fight terror more effectively. It's called the -- I won't get into it. But anyway, he is less handicapped, he's more willing to do it.


GUTFELD: That's a good deal.

GUILFOYLE: Okay. And he knows the difference between jayvee and varsity.

Directly ahead, bullet-proof evidence of media bias against Trump. You won't believe how bad it is. Stay with us.


WATTERS: President Trump often complains about media coverage and now he has the stats to back it up. New report from Harvard reveals an incredible degree of animosity from the press towards the president. The majority of Trump coverage from every news organization in the study was negative. On the top of immigration, 96 percent of the reports were negative. It gotten so bad that legendary journalist Bob Woodward is warning his media colleagues to tone it down.


BOB WOODWARD, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST, ASSOCIATE EDITOR FOR THE WASHINGTON POST: I think it's time to dial back a little bit about because there are people around who are kind of binge drinking the anti-Trump Kool-Aid.


WOODWARD: And that is not going to work in journalism.


WATTERS: So speaking of binge drinking, Greg?

GUTFELD: Yes. I don't know what that means.

WATTERS: When Mr. Watergate says the media is getting too Watergatey, does that mean they have a problem?

PERINO: Watters world.


GUTFELD: I think they -- that Harvard study -- that was Harvard. Harvard is admitting bias against Trump. That's like Pizza Hut coming out against carbs.


GUTFELD: It's kind of a big deal.


GUTFELD: The negativity reaches 98 percent. I'm wondering of the 2 percent that isn't negative, who that might be. But I tell you, it is because the media hasn't accepted the reality of the situation. They wanted Martin Sheen but they got Charlie Sheen. By the way, Charlie Sheen is better than Martin Sheen. He has some problems.

GUILFOYLE: Good actor.

GUTFELD: He has some problems but -- and also they rail against Trump, but Trump -- they provide media more content than a thousand Kardashians.

PERINO: It helped save their jobs.

GUTFELD: It saved their jobs. He made journalism great again.

WATTERS: That's actually a great point. Dana, CNN coverage, they lead the negative tone.


WATTERS: 93 percent of the coverage was negative and, you know, CNN's ratings have been up since Trump has been in office. What do you think that's about?

PERINO: I think that all media is up across the board. Even The New York Times and The Washington Post both have record subscription...

WATTERS: Even the failing New York Times.

PERINO: Apparently so, so you think that for everyone. I think that this is a reminder that everybody read with skepticism, watch with skepticism. Watch as much as you want. If you really want to be informed, just watch everything with a little bit of a critical eye. I will also mention today had an article about the left falling for a lot of fake Russia news, and it's clouding a lot of judgment.

Everyone that is making against Trump tunes in every night maybe to CNN. They think at the end of this rainbow, we are going to get Trump impeached. So unlikely to happen. Everyone needs to go enjoy your weekend. Don't worry about this. No one is being impeached.

GUTFELD: Watch my show and Jesse tonight.

GUILFOYLE: Fabulous new promo.

WATTERS: That's right, of which they are working on mine.


GUILFOYLE: Don't hold your breath under water.

WILLIAMS: Let me jump in here. Because I think you guys are too high in looking at these numbers.

GUTFELD: We are too high.

WILLIAMS: Yeah, yeah, because it's Friday night. But look at this. It said here that Trump gets overwhelmingly positive coverage for the missile strike against Syria. So a lot of positives.

WATTERS: That's the one thing that's a positive.

WILLIAMS: Wait, hold on. So let's go to them. Let's dive into the numbers. Immigration overwhelmingly negative coverage. Gee, imagine, he's throwing people out of the country who committed no crimes other than being here.


GUTFELD: Being here, that was their only crime?


WILLIAMS: If you want to raid families and break up families, go right ahead.

GUTFELD: He hasn't broken up any families.


WILLIAMS: No gang families. Ordinary working people. How about health care?

GUTFELD: Is MS-13 a family now, Juan?


WATTERS: Never go against the family, Juan.

WILLIAMS: What about health care? Has he delivered for Republicans who said repeal and replace? Absolutely not.

WATTERS: Yeah, it got through the house.

WILLIAMS: What about Russia and the election? Negative coverage. Gee, most Americans think Russia interfered in our election and tried to...


WILLIAMS: Beat me on the head, Jesse.

WATTERS: Let's not get hot for one. Fox News, the most fair and balanced network out there, 52 percent negative.


WATTERS: 48 percent positive. What does that say to you, Kimberly?

GUILFOYLE: Fair and balanced. It depends on you cover the news accurately. Fair and balanced. But I tell you this. Juan referred to week 12. That was when he ordered the cruise missile strike on Syria, air base. So that's one week where it was pretty good, right? It was 70 percent compared to 30 percent.

But, anyway, the problem is that they don't want to cover the positive news because it doesn't fit their narrative and sort of this, you know, soldier march that they have towards this goal of impeachment.

They want to just be able to focus on what it is they don't like about him because they still have this election hangover. And because of that, Greg, and they want to kind of hear what they think, what they believe, and they I think gravitate towards coverage like that.

WILLIAMS: So the American people, the polls, and Trump, no responsibility. He hasn't done anything...

GUILFOYLE: No, first 100 days.

WATTERS: Well, President Obama had 65 percent positive, so...

WILLIAMS: Yeah, gee, maybe different.

WATTERS: ... do the math.

GUILFOYLE: Jesse, first 100 days, 80 percent negative and 20 percent positive.

WATTERS: It's okay. It's a Harvard study, Juan, you can't argue with it.


WATTERS: Joe Biden is taking some post-election shots to Hillary Clinton. You will hear that next.


WILLIAMS: In the last segment, we were talking about media bias against President Trump. The news never stops on the Fox News channel. Look at this from "CNN Tonight."


JEFFREY LORD, POLITICAL STRATEGIST: I don't care what he says to the Russians.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I mean, he's the president of the United States.

COOPER: Right.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If he wants to say that, if Barack Obama wants to say whatever, if George Bush says I looked in his eyes...

COOPER: If he took a dump on desk, you would defend it.


WILLIAMS: Oh, baby. You mean to say -- he said -- just in case it went too quick for you. If Trump took a dump on his desk, you would defend it. I would turn to my friend Jesse Watters.

GUILFOYLE: Please, yes.

WATTERS: I mean...

GUILFOYLE: This is perfect for him.


WATTERS: This is (inaudible) eye roll scandal. He definitely does not need this. And then you have -- I think with the Kathy Boudin the other day went ballistic on Carl Higbie for saying they should check the sources. Something is going there over at CNN. They start to melt down, it seems like.

GUTFELD: I got a new name for him. Anderson Pooper.


PERINO: Well, when you got to go, you got to go. It would be defensible.

GUILFOYLE: What has happened?

WILLIAMS: We're out of control.

GUILFOYLE: It just turned into like South Park or (inaudible).

GUTFELD: I mean, okay, think about it. This -- okay, the conversation has changed. Let's be honest in the last 18 months. Donald Trump introduced the construction worker site way of communicating. It's how he beat everybody. And now everybody is kind of learning, everybody is imitating. And sometimes it doesn't work. Like that probably didn't work.

WATTERS: Because Anderson Cooper is a Vanderbilt. He doesn't sell that. He doesn't speak like that. CNN has been defending Barack Obama taking dumps for eight years. So, come on.

PERINO: You can definitely get away with that. Vanderbilt.

GUILFOYLE: Take it to a new low.

WILLIAMS: To me, he is playing to Democrats far left, don't like Trump, don't want to hear a defense of Trump. But, boy, that's pretty low.

PERINO: Why do they keep -- I mean, what would you expect from that guest? That guest has been...


WILLIAMS: That's right. That's why he is there.

PERINO: Don't ask a guest on and then beat him up for doing what he is going to do.

GUILFOYLE: No, they do that on purpose. It's like a set up. But, listen. I don't know. Anderson is -- I don't know. I found him to be much better behaved than that.

GUTFELD: Anderson Cooper.

WILLIAMS: But that means to say, so this is blowing up on Twitter tonight. That's why we brought it to you. We were going to do a segment about Joe Biden saying that Hillary is not a great candidate, he is a good candidate...

GUILFOYLE: Let's do that. Let's do that one.

WILLIAMS: Well, go ahed.

GUTFELD: Little late.

GUILFOYLE: I know. I love it. I think -- you know what? Good for him. He's telling the truth. We always knew it. We always knew that that's how he felt. And it's true.

GUTFELD: It's one thing to be armchair quarterback on Monday but armchair quarterback on Thursday. I mean, he has waited this long?

WILLIAMS: I can imagine all of you...

GUILFOYLE: That he is a party loyal. I think, you know...

WILLIAMS: You, Kimberly Guilfoyle, would have attacked him as uncle Joe every time that he said something stupid.


GUILFOYLE: Incorrect.


GUTFELD: You would have...

GUTFELD: She loves Biden.

WILLIAMS: You would have been salami on his plate.


PERINO: Basically what's happening is Joe Biden is setting it up so that Kimberly will get that chance in three years.


WILLIAMS: He will be 78 years old, Dana.

PERINO: President Trump will be 74. 70's are the new 50's.


WILLIAMS: That's true.

WATTERS: Biden and Trump running against each other will be the best message of all time.

GUILFOYLE: Joe Biden is very high energy. He also enjoys midnight swims which I think is a very good thing to put on profile. Midnight skinny dipping.

WILLIAMS: That's what I thought you were saying.

GUILFOYLE: I have always loved Joe Biden. I really do. I think he is authentic and so cool.

GUTFELD: It's called skinny dip but very rarely are they skinny.

WATTERS: I know. It's like when you go to a nude beach, it's never good naked.


WILLIAMS: Stay right there. "Facebook Friday" is coming up.


GUTFELD: Okay. It's "Facebook Friday." We answer your questions. Let's begin. I'm going to start with Dana here. This is from Victoria E. If you had a theme song, what would that theme song be? Great question, Victoria E.

PERINO: I feel like that would be better if I got to choose Jesse's theme song from Jesse's girl.

WATTERS: Which I was Jesse's girl. That's mine.

PERINO: I did love Rick Springfield and had that poster.

GUTFELD: Well, remember when people had posters? That's funny.

PERINO: I had posters.

GUTFELD: I still have posters.

PERINO: Shaun Cassidy.

GUTFELD: Yeah, I have him.


GUTFELD: Anyway.

GUILFOYLE: Dana, you didn't pick one.

PERINO: I'm trying to think of something appropriate and sunshiny.

GUTFELD: Okay. You guys say I don't want to have the question beforehand and then you don't have the answer.

WATTERS: I have the answer.

GUTFELD: All right. What is it?

WATTERS: Jesse's girl. I had it.

GUTFELD: All right. That's the song that you...

WATTERS: That's my theme song.

GUTFELD: All right. Juan, how about you?

WILLIAMS: I like -- "It Takes Two to Make a Thing Go Right." That's fun.

WATTERS: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

WILLIAMS: I like Bob Dylan. Bob Dylan talks about like a Rolling Stone because he is just talking down, you know, just telling her. I like it.

GUTFELD: I sense a theme. Kimberly, what's your theme song?

GUILFOYLE: I know people would say, you know...


WATTERS: What do they say, Kimberly?



WILLIAMS: I got a song.

GUTFELD: Stop it, stop it, Juan. Can we move on before we have to go?

WILLIAMS: "Girls Just Want to Have Fun."


PERINO: I have one.


PERINO: "Friends in Low Places."

GUILFOYLE: I did friends in high places for you. That's not a song.

GUTFELD: I thought you would have picked short people. But, you know what I picked? I picked the facts of like theme song because I feel like I'm like Mrs. Garrett if she were still alive.

PERINO: ... about you.

GUILFOYLE: Way to go Mrs. Doubtfire.

GUTFELD: All right. This is great. I want to start with you, Kimberly. This is for Jean A. what one place have you already visited that if you had to could live there forever?

GUILFOYLE: What color am I wearing tonight?

GUTFELD: Ireland.

PERINO: Ireland.

GUILFOYLE: Thank you.

GUTFELD: Interesting.

PERINO: I'm surprised because the weather is terrible.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, but I love it. I love Ireland. You know, I lived there every summer since I was 5 years of age and then I went to college school at Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland. I loved it.

GUTFELD: What about you, Juan. Where have you visited?

WILLIAMS: Well, I just got back -- I mean, just took the grand kids, everybody down to the Caribbean to Bocas del Toro. It's an archipelago outside of Panama. I thought it was the most beautiful place I had ever seen on earth. It was stunning.

GUTFELD: What about you, Jesse?

WATTERS: A pre-scheduled plan vacation in Grand Cayman. That was a beautiful island. So pretty. It was planned for months.

GUTFELD: Your family was already there.

WATTERS: They were there already.

PERINO: Can you show us the receipt?

WATTERS: I met them there. Yes.

GUILFOYLE: Do you have a time stamped travel itinerary from American express that can be authenticated?

GUTFELD: Oh, my God.

WATTERS: Did a reimbursement.


PERINO: I say the low country of South Carolina.

GUTFELD: The low country. Everything is low with you. I guess so you can reach things. If it's a high country, you can't get yourself up the shelf. I know that feeling. I keep everything on the floor for me.

PERINO: I put my place on the bottom shelves.

GUTFELD: If I had to live in a place forever, I would probably pick Allentown, Pennsylvania.

PERINO: Really?

GUTFELD: Very affordable. If you got to live forever, you got to save money. I lived there for 10 years. I could live a thousand years. It's like you got to work on a budget. I can't like pick Tulum or the Bahamas. I'm going to be broke. But if I live in -- if you live in Allentown, you can stretch a dollar. Can you still get a beer for 65 cents.

WILLIAMS: (inaudible) talking about.

GUTFELD: That's Billy Joel.

WILLIAMS: Billy Joel.

GUTFELD: Same difference.

GUILFOYLE: Italy is good.

GUTFELD: There's a place called beer around the world lenses. I don't think it's still there. You can take a pile of coins, put it on the bar, and drink all night.

GUILFOYLE: Okay, little one, let's go now.


GUTFELD: If I had a dollar for every time you said that to me. This next question was so good. All right. One more thing.

GUILFOYLE: What was it?

GUTFELD: If you were able to be in conversation in history, which one would you choose? Save it for next Friday.

GUILFOYLE: (inaudible).

GUTFELD: "One More Thing" next.


PERINO: It's time now for "One More Thing." Mr. Greg?

GUTFELD: I have been informed that Charlotte Rae is still alive at 92. And I'm very happy because I love Charlotte Rae, Mrs. Garrett. Anyway, tomorrow night, at Greg Gutfeld's Show at 10:00, it's gonna be pretty amazing. I got Rob O'Neill and Michael McDonald, great comedian. Back to me, please. You know that joke, there is always a joke a rabbi, a priest, and Imam (ph) walk into a bar. Well, kind of like that on the show, but they walk on my show to talk about Donald Trump's visit.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Called the bar fight. Had been the cause of many of the rise of Islamaphobia. Antisemitism as well.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Let me say with great respect to Iman ((inaudible). Donald Trump is the only one who finally punished Assad for killing Muslims and Arabs.




GUTFELD: It was a fiery debate. Tune in.

GUILFOYLE: And you have great promotions.


PERINO: Jesse, you are next.

WATTERS: Well, we're hearing that Hillary's email investigation might be reopened. I went to go, checked to see if I could get a statement from the former secretary of state in Chappaqua where she likes to hang out in the woods.


WATTERS: You guys seen Hillary?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I haven't. Not today.

WATTERS: Okay. Let her know I'm out here, okay? Tell "Watters' World" is here. I'm with her. Still nothing.



WATTERS: That's Saturday 8:00 before Greg's show. There have you it.

GUTFELD: Watch his show and then my show.

WATTERS: That was it.

PERINO: Be sure to tune in. Check this out. Little premature celebration going on. Check out this rider. He crosses what he thinks is the finish line and starts celebrating. He is 6-kilometers from the end. This is the biggest cycling race in Europe. It happened on Wednesday. And he got swallowed up by the (inaudible) right behind him.


PERINO: How embarrassing, right? Not good for the Slovenians. Not good. All right. Kimberly.

GUILFOYLE: My friend George Neumayr has a new book out called "The Political Pope." How Pope Francis is delighting the liberal left and abandoning conservatives. We talked about this on the show. It's fantastic, Greg. The left has tried to politicize the Vatican and the pontiff.

And now with the Catholic church, there is a whole battle to try to do that because many feel like this is just eroding the main core values of the Catholic church. It's a fascinating read, Greg. In fact, I'm surprised you didn't write this book. But George did and he is fantastic author. So check this out.

PERINO: Great cover, too. All right. Juan?

WILLIAMS: It's graduation season. Vice President Pence is speaking at Notre Dame this weekend. President Trump spoke at the Coast Guard Academy this week and yours truly spoke at Lewis Clark State College in Idaho.

GUTFELD: Who is yours truly?

WILLIAMS: Sometimes it's you, but other times it's me. It was really -- I want to say this. I was really emotional for me. I had spoken at Lewis Clark 23 years ago.

PERINO: Did they have a picture?

WILLIAMS: They do actually in the old yearbook, Dana, but I didn't pick it out.

GUILFOYLE: Juan is such a winner. He could speak everywhere.

GUTFELD: No one has asked me to speak at any commencement.

WILLIAMS: Oh, stop.

WATTERS: Berkeley hasn't asked you to speak?

GUTFELD: No, they haven't.

WATTERS: That's shocker.

WILLIAMS: Anyway, the school is bigger, stronger, and it was a thrill to speak in the gymnasium with so many students who were the first in their class to graduate. 70 percent of the class, first in the family to graduate college.

GUILFOYLE: Did you get any protesters? How were you treated? Well received, I imagine.

WILLIAMS: Yeah, people who have objections to me and Fox.

GUTFELD: I wouldn't have done it in a gymnasium.

PERINO: Lewis Clark University has a great speech and debate team.

WILLIAMS: Is that right?

PERINO: As I recall. Because I have been to a smaller school too in that region.

WATTERS: (inaudible).

WILLIAMS: I could deal with (inaudible) better. I just want to say happy, happy graduation.

PERINO: Set your DVR and never miss an episode of "The Five." Have a great weekend, everyone. "Hannity" is up next.

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