New Meaning to Heinz 57?

And now some fresh pickings from the political grapevine:

New Meaning to Heinz 57?

In his campaign speeches, Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry often vows to go after -- "Benedict Arnold companies that ship American jobs overseas" -- but those words may come back to haunt him.

Kerry's wife is Teresa Heinz Kerry, the heir to the Heinz ketchup fortune. Columnist James Glassman reports that of the 79 factories owned by Heinz, 57 (isn't that an interesting number) are located abroad. According to it's Website, Heinz ketchup, pizza crust, baby food and more are produced in countries like Poland, Venezuela, Botswana and India.

Spy's Ties

A Maryland woman accused yesterday of spying for Saddam Hussein is related to White House chief of staff Andy Card - and what's more, Card told the FBI a year ago that he suspected his second cousin of espionage.

Card's information only served to bolster what was already an ongoing investigation of Susan Lindauer, who reportedly received $10,000 dollars from Iraqi intelligence for spying on the United States. Card told the FBI that he grew suspicious when Lindauer repeatedly tried to contact him on behalf of Saddam's regime.

By the way -- Lindauer worked for a number of democratic congressional offices over the years -- and a number of news organizations including US News and World Report -- and briefly back in the 90's -- Fox News.

Negative Networks

Broadcast news coverage of President Bush was three times as negative as coverage of Senator John Kerry over the last two months, that according to a study by left-leaning watchdog group The difference was strongest on CBS, where Media Channel found that 35 percent of statements about President Bush were negative compared with 8 percent of those about Senator Kerry.

Meanwhile, the Media Research Center notes that of the broadcast networks, only NBC led its Tuesday night newscast with Kerry's candid accusation that Republicans are a -- "crooked...lying group," but back in 2000, ABC, CBS and NBC all led with then-candidate George Bush's comment calling a New York Times reporter a -- "major league A-Hole."

FOX News' Michael Levine contributed to this report