New Jersey gym owners: Shutdown is a violation of our constitutional rights

This is a rush transcript from "Tucker Carlson Tonight," August 5, 2020. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

TUCKER CARLSON, HOST: Good evening and welcome to "Tucker Carlson Tonight. "

For most Americans who don't live in New York City, New York is a lot like your half-drunk ne'er do well uncle: flashy, loud, always bragging about himself though someone less impressive than he claims to be. You love your uncle, you just don't want to know too much about his personal life. There's no question, it is messy and weird. You suspect he owes a lot of people money, you know, he eats with his mouth open.

Still, he is your uncle. Your lives are intertwined. If he gets some incurable disease and dies, you will be sad about it -- and New York is the same way.

Even if you dislike New York too much to visit, you should care what happens there because you're an American and New York is by far this country's biggest city. ' New York has more than twice as many people, in second place, Los Angeles. It's physically tiny. The entire Island of Manhattan is smaller than Dallas, Fort Worth Airport, but New York produces close to 10 percent of our total GDP in this country.

So what happens to New York matters to the rest of us, like the place or not. Until recently, New York seemed to be thriving. Officials there have succeeded in doing the single most important thing that civic leaders anywhere can do.

They made their city safe for normal people to live there. New York is one of the least dangerous metro areas in the world. They bragged about it. There's no mystery how they did it. The city hired tens of thousands of cops. They threw criminals and anti-social destroyers in jail and they left them there and it worked.

New York improved dramatically. People with choices, people who could live anywhere wanted to live there.

And then in a short space of time, Mayor Bill de Blasio arrived and he set about reversing the formula. On the basis of no evidence, de Blasio attacked the Police Department of New York as racist. He then cut a billion dollars from the NYPD budget.

Demoralized cops stopped making arrests, and almost immediately, crime and violence in the city exploded.

In a single Manhattan neighborhood, the Upper Eastside, robberies have jumped by 286 percent this year. Things fell apart. New Yorkers who could leave the city did leave. The entire tax base fleeing to Florida.

Bill de Blasio watched these entirely predictable things happen, glassy eyed, breathing through his mouth probably too high to process it all. In the end, de Blasio concluded that none of it was his fault. New Yorkers, he decided, have had it too easy. What they need is more suffering.

So today, de Blasio announced that he plans to encircle the entire city with military style checkpoints, not to stop violent criminals, but prevent people from visiting from other places. There was no public discussion of this ahead of time. There was no debate, de Blasio just decreed it.


MAYOR BILL DE BLASIO (D), NEW YORK CITY: So starting today, we're going to do something new in New York City. We will have checkpoints at key entry points to the city.

Travelers coming in from those states will be given information about the quarantine. They will be reminded that it is required, not optional. They will be reminded that failure to quarantine is a violation of state law and it comes with serious penalties.

In fact, under certain circumstances, the fines can be as high as $10,000.00.


CARLSON: Got that? It doesn't make any sense at all. He didn't bother to explain why they're doing it. There's no science behind it. But the one thing that you know for sure is, it's your fault, not his -- yours. Your failures are a severe violation of the law says Bill de Blasio. You'll be punished if you disobey. You are bad.

So travelers to New York City are about to learn a very important lesson. It's a lesson that residents of nursing homes in New York, the ones who survived, have already learned. And it's this, the people who make the worst decisions, the decisions that kill people never face consequences for those decisions. Only you do. So shut up and show us your papers, peasant.

Now, one of the many ironies here -- and there are many -- is that back in March of this year, New York threatened to sue the State of Rhode Island for trying to set up the very same kind of checkpoints.

At the time, Andrew Cuomo, he is the Governor of New York, called checkpoints like this, quote, "unconstitutional and reactionary." So what changed?

Well, who knows? Don't waste your time looking for consistency. Bureaucracies don't have to be consistent because they're in charge. They can do whatever they want. They don't have to explain why.

So the very moment that they've decided to treat taxpayers of New York like refugees in a war zone, with checkpoints, leaders in New York seem to be doing all they can to make life easier for thugs with guns.

Back in May, for example, the City of New York released a gang member from custody without bail. He'd been charged with attempted murder, but they just let him go.

Here are pictures of the alleged crime. Imagine letting that guy -- the guy with the gun -- shooting someone on the sidewalk, just walk out free. Why would you do that? You would have to hate the people who live in your city in order to do that.

Prosecutors say that that suspect, a man called Darrius Sutton, went on after New York led him out to commit three more shootings, because of course he did.

Bill de Blasio doesn't want to talk about any of that. He doesn't want you to talk about it either. The thing about social justice is you're just going to have to ignore the details.

Instead, city officials would like you to stay terrified of the coronavirus because more anxiety about invisible viruses will take your mind off the shootings and the decay.

So in a few days, New York will begin following and harassing travelers. They're going to text and call you if you plan to travel. If you don't respond, city workers may come to your home in person.

Listen to a man called Ted Long explain the plan. He runs something called the Test and Trace Corps in New York.


TED LONG, HEAD, TEST AND TRACE CORPS, NEW YORK CITY: Tomorrow, we're going to be deploying teams to Penn Station to stop travelers to ensure that they've completed the travel form.

We've made more than 86,000 phone calls to travelers coming into New York City from the designated high risk states, and we've sent more than 20,000 text messages to date.

And if we can't get through to you on the phone, we've deployed teams that are now knocking on your door to check in with you.


CARLSON: Oh, so Ted Long is going to deploy teams to Penn Station. Have you been to Penn Station recently? It's a homeless shelter. The whole thing. Oh, there's a guy with his trousers down relieving himself in the corner. Hey, they're dealing crack right there. Oh, they're smoking it over here.

Go to Penn Station and ask yourself, is this real? Is this America? But Ted Wong is going to deploy teams to hassle people who are traveling to New York, to help the city stay afloat. Right?

Keep in mind, the vehement little lecture you just heard about public health comes from the same people who forced coronavirus patients into nursing homes and killed many by doing it.

These are the same leadership lead violent rioters control of the city streets, but suddenly they are very concerned about your health. Right?

What they're actually concerned about, as always, is maintaining political control. And of course, money. Money is suddenly a pressing concern for them. And the main problem is -- and they're going to fix this if they can -- that under our current system, it's pretty difficult to force people to remain in crumbling cities because for now, we still have freedom of movement.

Rich people are running away from New York. They have more freedom of movement than anyone because they can afford to go wherever they want, and they see what's coming. It's pretty obvious. They plan to be somewhere else when it arrives.

And this raises the question of who is going to pay for all of these failed and poisonous social experiments? The ones that turned a train station into a homeless shelter in Midtown?

Andrew Cuomo is smart enough to be worried about this. He is now begging millionaires to come back to the hellhole he helped create.


GOV. ANDREW CUOMO (D-NY): We used to be worried millionaires tax people might leave. No, no, no. The burden shifted. We're trying to get people to come back.

I literally talk to people all day long, who are now in their Hampton house, who also lived here, or in their Hudson Valley house or in near Connecticut weekend house. And I say, you've got to come back. When are you coming back? We'll go to dinner. I'll buy you a drink. Come over. I'll cook.

They're not coming back right now.


CARLSON: It's pathetic. It's pathetic. Well, they're in their Hampton house. Come back to New York. It's great. I'll meet you at Penn Station. We'll get a burger and some hepatitis.

Yes. So it turns out rich people may be evil, but in the end, you need a few of them to pay for everything otherwise you have no political power. That's an obvious truth that Cuomo is in effect saying.

The city's pothead mayor, by contrast, cannot admit that out loud. It's entirely possible he doesn't even understand the principle.

But Bill de Blasio does know that his disintegrating city will need money from somewhere and soon, so he is thinking that the rest of America should pay for his disaster.


DE BLASIO: If we do not get Federal support soon, I'm very worried about the stimulus talks in Washington, Wolf, because they seem to be going nowhere fast.

My challenge is, where am I going to have the people to do this work? I may have to do as many as layoffs of 22,000 city employees from every department by October 1st if I don't get Federal help.


CARLSON: So consult your Bill de Blasio cheat sheet. Look it up. We keep ours right here. And if you do, you will see that it was less than a month ago that this same man, Bill de blasio, threatened to sue the Federal government if they helped too much, if they deployed Federal law enforcement officers to his city.

Now, he's whining that the Feds are not doing enough. Shameless? Obviously. Of course, it is. And yet to be fair, it's possible that de Blasio has no short term memory left and simply doesn't remember what he said last month.

Either way, Matt Walsh has been watching all of this very carefully. He hosts "The Matt Walsh Show" for "The Daily Wire." We're always happy to have him on our show. He joins us now.

Matt, thanks for coming on. So, again, the ironies are kind of inexhaustible here, but one of them is New York City seems to be doing a little better with respect to COVID-19, but the restrictions are getting more severe. I'm beginning to suspect it's not entirely about public health.

MATT WALSH, CONTRIBUTOR, THE DAILY WIRE: Yes, I think so. Speaking of ironies, you know, the other great irony, of course, is that we've got people in the street that are screaming about fascism coming to America, and in a way they're sort of right. We do -- you know, you've got checked by in New York City.

You've got Bill de Blasio, saying he is going to shut down churches. He's going to shut down churches permanently he claims if you dare go worship and practice your religion.

So that's a good example of actual fascism, but the people that are worried about fascism aren't worried about that type. They're worried about the imaginary type of racist cops prowling the street, murdering innocent people. It just isn't happening.

But I think with the coronavirus, look, a lot of the news is pretty good right now, relatively speaking, we're past the -- you know, we're on the other side of the curve in New York and you know, Texas and Florida.

You know, we already know that the mortality rate is much lower than what we originally thought. We were originally told, especially if you're below retirement age. We've known for a while that if you're a child, you know, children are very unlikely to contract it or spread it.

So that's all positive news. But I think the problem is that from the media's perspective, they've already told us that Donald Trump is literally Hitler and he is up for reelection, and so for -- it would take a lot of integrity, I think on the media's part to actually report the good news because they know that it's going to help the guy they hate and so we have to ask ourselves, does the media have that kind of integrity? Of course, they don't.

They've got a nuclear weapon politically speaking with the coronavirus that they can use against Trump and do they have the discipline and integrity not to use it? The answer is no, they don't.

CARLSON: It's just amazing if they can ignore the decay around them. If you woke up one morning and there was a vagrant in your living room shooting heroin or setting fires, would you turn to your wife and say, you know, I'm really concerned about COVID-19? No, you'd say get the vagrant out of the living room. Like how can they ignore what's happening right in front of them?

WALSH: Well, I think you nailed it. You said that they despise or de Blasio despises the people that he governs. I think that has a lot to do with it, or at least he doesn't care.

I think whether it's despise or indifference, I think the real issue is and this is why we're seeing cities across the country that are run by Democrats are in shambles, and I think one of the reasons is that Democrat voters and leftists, they vote for ideologues, they vote for people that say the right things and have the right ideology.

Bill de Blasio has the right ideology, according to them anyway. Now, he is completely incompetent as a governor when it comes to actually doing things. He's a total joke. He's a clown.

He says the right things and so that's why they elect him and this is what happens.

CARLSON: I just want to go there without getting mugged. That's it. Not too much to ask. Matt Walsh, great to see you. Thank you so much.

WALSH: Thanks a lot.

CARLSON: So around the country, you're seeing politicians because they are politicians, they can't control themselves, use coronavirus restrictions to reward their friends and punish their enemies.

In Anchorage, Alaska, the mayor, a guy called Ethan Berkowitz, blocked off the street to allow a wine bar to stay open with on-street seating. He prohibited indoor food and drink services in everyone else's restaurants.

The thing about that wine bar, he has financial ties to the wine bar, apparently. We'd love to have on the show to explain that. By the way, he is welcome anytime.

You're seeing that a lot. You're seeing it in New Jersey. The owner of the Atilis Gym in Bellmawr, they've gone through all of this, many abuse of coronavirus policies. They have gone to great lengths to keep their customers healthy. Not a single one has become infected with the virus at their business. But it's not enough to satisfy the Governor, Phil Murphy.

Atilus Gym would like to do what it does, which is help people stay healthy. If it were selling liquor or lotto tickets or committing abortion, they'd be able to stay open. But they can't. They've defied the order. Now, they're facing prosecution and fines for what they've done.

On Saturday, they broke into their own gym to keep it open for customers. Here's a clip.


CARLSON: The gyms owners, Ian Smith and Frank Trumbetti spoke to the resident bodybuilder over at CNN last night. It makes sense. Here's how that went.


FRANK TRUMBETTI, OWNER OF ATILUS GYM: You're knocking Trump because of the total numbers.

CHRIS CUOMO, CNN ANCHOR: I'm not knocking -- I'm knocking Trump because he is not doing -- hold on. Frank --

TRUMBETTI: Fifty three point three percent of the debts come from 0.06 percent of the population. Bottom line, that's [bleep] upset that nobody is talking about.

CUOMO: Frank, watch your mouth, we're on television.

TRUMBETTI: Sorry, sir. I'm sorry.

CUOMO: Don't worry about it. Don't worry about it. I get the passion.


CARLSON: Oh, gym owners who can do math. I guess they weren't they weren't expecting that. That's too great.

Ian Smith and Frank Trumbetti join us tonight. Gentlemen, that was quite a performance. I am just going to let you jump in and explain. What was your take away from that exchange? What did you learn?

TRUMBETTI: We learned actually, if actually, you put the facts out there, it doesn't matter what side of the line they're on, they are going to listen and they're going to actually not be able to rebut you because I gave facts. We put things out there that actually on, you know, the fake news network, they don't actually put out there for anybody else and our hope in going on there was to actually provide the real data that was out there for the people who actually don't believe that these things are going on.

He couldn't argue with anything I said, because I was a hundred percent right and that was the most important thing.

CARLSON: You have faith and reason. You're a son of the enlightenment. Amen. I love this. I love that you guys own a gym.

So, Ian, we've talked a number of times on this show. You all had been -- I think it's fair to say persecuted by the State of New Jersey. Two questions for you, quickly. One, has anybody been -- I ask you this every time. Has anyone been infected with COVID-19 in your gym? And two, where are you in your legal fight to keep working?

IAN SMITH, OWNER, ATILUS GYM: Our current total right now is 15,546 COVID- free visits to our facility and the legal fight, we have a couple things coming up. They're throwing everything they can at us.

Next Tuesday, at five o'clock, we go in front of the town of Bellmawr. They're trying to revoke our business license. We are going to be in court later this week. Governor Murphy is requesting that the courts fine us in the amount of $10,000.00 per day every day that we've been in operation.

And they even cited reason not based off of our income, but based off of the amount that was in our GoFundMe. So he basically admitted that he is trying to cripple our legal defense fund by fining us to death with it.

And finally, he's, he's looking for possible imprisonment of six months or more.

CARLSON: Imprisonment, okay, for keeping people healthy during a pandemic. So I just have to ask you guys. You were just on with quite an avid workout fan over on CNN, would you invite him, the governor's brother into your gym? Would you let him work out at Atilus Gym in Bellmawr?

TRUMBETTI: Absolutely. I would love for him to show up -- and Governor Murphy.

SMITH: Our gym is open for any politician to the local all the way up to the highest office in the land to come and see the protocol that we've put in place. That's why we did it in the first place.

There was no plan in place, and we wanted to work with government. And to this day, at least the State of New Jersey is not interested in doing so.

TRUMBETTI: We would invite Donald Trump to come in and check the place out.

CARLSON: You guys are brave. I love it. Thank you for coming on. I really appreciate it and Godspeed as always.

SMITH: Thank you, Tucker.

TRUMBETTI: Thank you.

CARLSON: So a store clerk in Arlington, Virginia was confronted by armed burglars he shot at them and now he is the one in trouble. The store owner says the burglars are walking free tonight.

The more you know about this case, the more mind bending it is. Stay tuned for that.

Plus, Joe Biden confronted about taking a cognitive test. His reaction on camera. Pretty amazing. We'll show it to you after the break.


CARLSON: Joe Biden is doing pretty well in the polls. The only problem for his staff is when he is allowed to speak in public, it often doesn't go well. He struggles to remember simple things. What year it is, what state he's in, what his wife looks like.

Today, a reporter Astro Biden if he'd ever take any cognitive test, and here's how it went.


ERROL BARNETT, CBS REPORTER: Have you taken a cognitive test --

JOE BIDEN (D), PRESUMPTIVE DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE No, I haven't taken a test. Why the hell would I take a test?

Come on, man. That's like saying you, before you got in this program, you take a test where you're taking cocaine or not. What do you think, huh? Are you a junkie?

I'm so forward looking to have an opportunity to sit with the President or stand with the President in debates.


CARLSON: As far as we know, Senator John Kennedy of Louisiana didn't take a cocaine test before coming on tonight. Come on, man. We still don't think he's a junkie. He joins us now.

Senator, great to see you. You're not a junkie are you?

SEN. JOHN KENNEDY (R-LA): No, sir. I was just listening to that tape and I would offer the observation, Tucker that Vice President Biden's handlers have clearly decided that the very best campaign that the Vice President can offer to the American people was no campaign.


KENNEDY: That's why they're hiding him. On most days, even Google can't find him. Is that because of his health? I don't know. I hope not.

My biggest concern with the Vice President is his policies. He has changed. He no longer wants to be the second coming of Barack Obama, which, in my estimation would be bad enough. He has now decided that he wants to be the second cousin of Bernie Sanders and Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez.

And look, this is America. You're entitled to believe what you want, but they believe -- they don't believe that America is an exceptional country. They believe that America is wicked. They believe that most Americans, white Americans anyway, are racist, and misogynistic and ignorant and evil, and I don't agree with that.

Instead of having gratitude for America, they have contempt. And I don't agree with that either.

They now believe, apparently, all for edict, socialism and illegal immigration and abortion are moral goods. And I don't believe that either and that's not the America that I want my son to grow up in.

CARLSON: Amen. I agree with that completely. Quickly, Senator, there does seem to me something very cynical about a candidate hiding his real program or hiding himself.

I mean, agree or disagree with the ideas that you just explained, don't voters have a right to hear them explained?

KENNEDY: Well, of course they do, and when you decide that the very best campaign you can offer to the American people is no campaign, and that your campaign slogan is the other guy is worse than me that doesn't present the American people with a legitimate choice in my opinion.

Now, is it because of his health? I don't know. I mean it, I hope not. But the American people deserve to know what their President stands for, and in this case, he has clearly changed. The Vice President has changed.

CARLSON: I think that's right, and you knew him before I've known him a long time also. And you're absolutely right, he has changed and that's sincere. That is totally right.

Senator Kennedy.

KENNEDY: Thank you, Tucker.

CARLSON: Good to see you.

KENNEDY: You too.

CARLSON: So Joe Biden's wife Jill appeared on Fox News yesterday. She wants you to know that her husband is just fine.


DANA PERINO, FOX NEWS CHANNEL HOST: Listen to this and let's get your reaction.


DONALD TRUMP (R), PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Biden can't put two sentences together. I say he is not competent to be President. To be President, you have to be sharp and tough and so many other things. He doesn't even come out of his basement.


PERINO: What do you think about that characterization?

DR. JILL BIDEN, WIFE OF JOE BIDEN: You know, Joe is anything but that characterization. You know, we've been campaigning. We've been listening to the expert, the scientists and the doctors, and they have told us, stay home and be safe, and I think Donald Trump is really about Joe's age.


CARLSON: Dana Perino did that interview as you saw. She hosts "The Daily Briefing." It's 2:00 p.m. weekdays Eastern. She also co-hosts "The Five," and joins us. We're happy about that. Dana, great to see you tonight.

So what was your -- just give us an overview. You talked to Joe Biden's wife, Jill, and what did you think?

PERINO: So she has written a book called "When the Light Enters" and I read it over the weekend and had a chance to interview her when the paperback edition came out. And when I -- you know, I didn't know a lot about her. I didn't know that she was the first second lady to work the entire time.

She was a community college professor at Northern Virginia Community College, even while she was in the White House. Well, you know, obviously, as second lady.

I wanted to ask her those questions because she spends more time with Joe Biden than anybody else, and I know that she is fiercely protective of her family, as a lot of people are and should be. And even President Trump said today, she should have defended him. That's exactly appropriate.

CARLSON: I agree.

PERINO: The question about his capabilities and his policies, that's why I think the debates are so important, because when you have the two of them at a debate with no audience this year, there are no safeguards. There's no handlers. There's no guardrails, right? It's just going to be the two of them, and then the American people can decide what they think about their cognitive abilities.

CARLSON: I think that's a very wise point. I think it's absolutely true. And as of today, they seem to have boxed themselves in to appearing the Biden campaign at all three of those scheduled debates unless I'm missing something.

PERINO: No, so I asked her yesterday, will he debate? She said, of course.

His spokesperson today again said he will debate, Joe Biden himself said he will debate. They'd say that Donald Trump is the one who hasn't said in writing to the commission that he'll debate. And I guess somebody could start a rumor that President Trump won't show up at the debates.

But I think both of them need to debate. We deserve a debate in this country. And they're going to want to debate because the American people, some of these ads, they'll tune them out. People are going to be focused after September.

I think that the numbers, the polling that you'll see at the end of August will be a lot tighter than what you saw at the end of July, and then you're going to have to decide, you know, which of these two guys do you want for the next four years as you look at the last four years? And can the President figure out a way to allow the media to focus on Joe Biden rather than the media focusing totally on him and he gives him so many opportunities all day long.

CARLSON: Yes, it would. I think it would be helpful for the country to know more about where Biden stands on things now. You raise a good point. Dana Perino, great to see you. Thank you.

PERINO: All right. Have a good night.

CARLSON: Thanks. So an immigrant store clerk who makes basically nothing was in the store when burglars broke in and he defended himself and for that, he is being punished. He is on house arrest tonight. The man who tried to rob him is out on the street. The store owner joins us tonight to tell us about the rogue prosecutor who made that possible.

Also, Democrats caught on video refusing to distance themselves from Antifa, a domestic terror group. Hard to believe that we have that tape, next.


CARLSON: Here's a story that will enrage and shock you. An immigrant employed at a tobacco shop in Arlington, Virginia, exactly the sort of person who left is always telling you they defend, defended himself against an early morning burglary by firing three warning shots at the burglars. He wounded one of them, not fatally.

In a shocking inversion of justice. That man, the immigrant clerk is under house arrest and the man who owns the store says the burglar, the ringleader of the group who broke in has been cleared of all charges and walks free tonight. How does that work? Exactly.

Jowan Zuber owns the Arlington smoke shop in Arlington, Virginia and we are happy to have him back on the show tonight. Mr. Zuber, thank you so much for coming on.

So to the most shocking part first, the man who defended himself is under house arrest, but the burglar has been let out. Are you sure?

JOWAN ZUBER, SMOKE SHOP OWNER, ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA: I am hundred percent sure. This is so sad and this is so shocking. The justice system is not working in Arlington, Virginia. We went to court on July 30th, and finally we see the video. I hope that the Arlington County could share the video exactly and is edited by the prosecutor's office because they do not play the volume.

The reason why they don't play the volume because they've broken so violently, that the volume will be enough to get Hamza off the charges. So what happens, we saw the video, three masked men rush in and he even said they all had knives. They all had weapons. They were prepared with mask and gloves.

And when they approached, Hamza even had scream of warning, but they decided to ignore, so when Hamza opened the bedroom door. He meets guy face-to-face with a mask on all black. He admitted it was pitch black. The criminal admit it was pitch black, and as soon as he meets face-to-face, what Hamza does, shoots him, close the door, because there's three people in there.

He closes the door, picks up the phone, calls the police, opens the door again, the guy is not on the ground no more. They're actually running around the shop, so he shoots two more times because he's scared for his life. This never happened to him before.

And what happens was one of the guys drags the other criminal out outside. That's when the officers arrived and they put Hamza in jail and that's very sad. And I still can't believe it that he was being protected by the prosecutors and the prosecutor's office is very upset that I came on your show and speak the truth.

And now they're looking at the whole thing a different way. They want to show me and Hamza, something different. I can't believe they're protecting the criminal. I'm sure if the criminals broke to their house, they would be doing 10 years in jail right now.

And poor Hamza has a GPS on him. He has to pay $350.00 out of his pocket every month for the GPS, $800.00 child support. Poor guy he cannot take his five year old daughter to the park. He cannot play soccer with his son.

While the criminal right now on Snapchat, on Instagram, smoking joint, celebrating that he is free and this gives the community juveniles out there, hey you could go rob and steal and the prosecutor will stand next to you and defend you and put the real people who work hard, who try to live the American dream and put them in jail.

This is very sad. Parisa Tafti, the prosecutor hears this and Joshua Katcher, please look deep into this case. You have kids. You understand. I'm sure if the criminals broke into your house, this would -- it would be a total different thing.

And we're all also still struggling. We have a court appointed lawyer, but we definitely need help out there because this is sad for justice. This is not -- this is injustice really.

CARLSON: It enrages me hearing that, and the armed robber is smoking weed on Snapchat while your employee --

ZUBER: Yes, on Instagram and hanging out --

CARLSON: He is sleeping in the store to protect it, and they break in and threaten him with knives. Defending yourself is now a crime. The whole thing is so grotesque and Orwellian.

Mr. Zuber, I appreciate your coming on and I hope that you will keep us posted on what happens and I hope the prosecution should be ashamed of themselves, turn back from the course they've chosen.

ZUBER: Thank you.

CARLSON: Thank you.

ZUBER: Thank you so much for standing up for the truth. God bless.

CARLSON: It's shocking. While chaos has obviously gripped this country for months, good leaders would restore order because the weakest among us are always the most injured by chaos. But we don't have leaders like that. Instead, we have people like Massachusetts Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley.


REP. AYANNA PRESSLEY (D-MA): As we reflect on the life of John Lewis, we've been revisiting many of our -- what I consider the original architects of the Black Lives Matter movement, okay, because as we have seen with movements, they will try to coopt it and undermine it and sanitize it and whitewash it.

But the Black Lives Matter activists that are today called Antifa were in the 1960s being called communists, okay? They were just as disruptive and agitating the status quo and just as impatient.


CARLSON: So the real problem obviously is our education system. Presumably that person grew up in this country and learned absolutely nothing, and could therefore with a straight face tell you that the people burning down Wendy's and looting the Nike store are exactly like Martin Luther King. Right? They're the Civil Rights leaders of our times. They've been to the mountaintop. It's called CHAZ.

The Senate held hearings on all of this yesterday. Here's how it went.


SEN. MAZIE HIRONO (D-HI): If this subcommittee wants to protect Americans right to peacefully assemble, we should be focused on preventing Federal officers from beating up protesters, teargassing them and shooting them.


CARLSON: Like fellow Democrats in the Senate, Mazie Hirono of Hawaii lied about what's actually going on, what's actually going on is that thousands of Joe Biden voters are spray painting the F word on statues of Abraham Lincoln, racial slurs.

Senator Ted Cruz confronted her about the reality of what's happening and about Antifa.


SEN. TED CRUZ (R-TX): Throughout her remarks, she still did not say a negative word about Antifa, nor has any Democrat here. They instead engage in a political game where they depend -- you're welcome to say something negative about Antifa right now.

HIRONO: I think that I've covered the subject quite well. You are not listening.

CRUZ: Okay, she declined to speak. So that is the position of the Democratic Party.


CARLSON: Why is it so hard to condemn violence? We used to think that all of us would condemn violence. Violence? No. They won't.

Here's footage of the modern day Civil Rights protesters campaigning for justice.


CARLSON: Julio Rossa is a senior writer at Townhall. He shot the footage you just watched. We're happy to have him on the show tonight. Julio, thanks so much for coming on. Why is it so hard to condemn that? It doesn't seem hard to me.

JULIO ROSSA, SENIOR WRITER, TOWNHALL: No, you're right, Tucker. It shouldn't be hard, but it's really disturbing to see when you have Democratic senators not call out Antifa by name, especially when you consider that Portland is in day 69 of not just protests, but riots and I saw those riots firsthand when I was in Portland last week, and I saw how, despite the fact that the Federal Protective Service warned the crowd multiple times to stop throwing fireworks, stop infiltrating the fencing perimeter that had been set up, the crowd continued.

And so that forced the officers to have to come out to disperse them away from the fence, and I can say that the rioters made my job a lot harder because when I was recording the officers being attacked, when a rioter would throw a projectile from behind me. Naturally, the officers would respond with teargas, pepper balls and flashbangs ion my direction.

And so the video that you could see that I captured for Townhall, you could see me having to duck and get behind cover multiple times to avoid getting hit because a rioter would throw something from behind. So it was really quite frustrating for that to happen.

CARLSON: It's just -- it shouldn't be an act of bravery to walk through downtown an American city. The Feds could shut this down tomorrow, by the way. They actually could by arresting the people running it, but they're not. Interesting.

Julio, thank you for covering this and for the perspective and for your video. Appreciate it.

ROSAS: Thank you.

CARLSON: So we measure the strength of a political campaign by how much money they spend on political ads. But in fact, one campaign has the backing of the most powerful companies in the world, the tech companies, they're doing everything they can to help that candidate win, including silencing voices they don't like.

Heather Mac Donald was just silenced. She was censored by Google. She joins us next.


CARLSON: They're not taking salaries, but the richest people in the world, America's tech oligarchs are effectively working for the Joe Biden for President Campaign. They're doing their part by censoring anything that counters the official line they think might hurt Biden and that's why YouTube -- Google censored a lecture on the topic of policing by Heather Mac Donald. Here's a clip of what they censored.


HEATHER MAC DONALD, AUTHOR, "THE WAR ON COPS": The idea that the police are wantonly killing black men, is a creation of a politicized press and an elite establishment dedicated to the idea that racism is America's defining trait.


CARLSON: They fear Heather Mac Donald because Heather Mac Donald knows the numbers because she wrote a terrific book on it called "The War on Cops." We're happy to have her on tonight.

Heather, tell us how you were censored and why you think you were censored if you would?

Heather, I'm not -- I don't know if Heather Mac Donald can hear us. Heather, can you hear? Oh, you can. Great.

So tell us how you were censored by Google and why you think they censored you?

MAC DONALD: Well, Tucker, in 1860, Frederick Douglass said that free speech was the dread of tyrants. It was that right which they first of all strike down, and facts are the dread of our Silicon Valley oligarchs, facts which disprove their favorite narrative that America is endemically racist.

I gave a speech last week on policing that used Federal data, the gold standard to disprove the lie that police are engaged in wanton racist violence against black men as Joe Biden and the rioters maintain.

No sooner had I finished the speech, then Google wiped it off the web on the grounds that it violated its community guidelines for keeping YouTube a safe space for all.

My host, the Center of the American Experiment appealed the decision. YouTube grudgingly put it back on, but with age restrictions, meaning that your child can't watch the speech unless you sneak them in behind you.

Now here's what your child can watch, Tucker, in the privacy of his bedroom, a porn star giving a lap dance. Nubile naked young women spooning with an equally naked young man, a narco communist praising the destruction of a Minneapolis police precinct as the high point of the rioting to date, and tips on how to become an Antifa warrior.

Now those videos do contain salacious content, and arguably do incite violence, unlike my speech, which condemned violence, and especially the violence that has taken hundreds of black lives since the rioting began.

So what's the problem with it? The only thing I can conclude, Tucker, is that it gives young people facts that will allow them not to become an Antifa warrior, and not to join in the destruction of the civilized order, which is tearing this country apart.

CARLSON: So your children can watch pornography, but they're not allowed to watch a scholar read Federal crime statistics out loud, and nobody is doing anything about it. Nobody is standing up to protect our right to tell the truth and to even read facts.

Has anyone stood up for you by the way? Just wondering.

MAC DONALD: Has anybody -- what?

CARLSON: Stood up for you? Has anyone in power -- I don't know sending a threatening letter to Google saying we're not going to put up with this in this country, this formerly free country?

MAC DONALD: Well, again, the Center for the American Experiment has appealed, and they're appealing the age restrictions. But I don't know. Obviously, there's a revolt going on.

What we know is that the Big Tech companies are filled with leftist that can't stand the facts.

CARLSON: Yes. They also operate at the mercy of the Federal government, which has done nothing. And it's really -- in the autopsy of this moment, I hope that blame is assigned.

Heather Mac Donald, great to see you. Thank you so much.

MAC DONALD: Thank you, Tucker.

CARLSON: You won't believe who showed up at an anti-police BLM rally in Midtown Manhattan. Pretty amazing. It's next.


CARLSON: So guess who showed up at a BLM protest the other day in Manhattan to attack the police and demand quote, "justice"? Jussie Smollett, the fake hate crime guy, the guy who made America a little less just and a little more divided by staging a fake assault on himself then blaming an ethnic group for it. That guy, the single most privileged man in America.

Nauseating, you say? Ridiculous? Fraudulent? Yes. Absolutely, but not really any more than the rest of it.

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