Netanyahu dismisses notion of personal dispute with Obama

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," March 2, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Dana Perino along with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Julie Roginsky, Eric Bolling and Greg Gutfeld. It's 5 o'clock in New York City and this is "The Five."

On the eve of his controversial address to Congress that put him at odds with the White House, the prime minister of Israel is seeking to down play the notion of a personal dispute with President Obama. Here is Benjamin Netanyahu at the AIPAC conference earlier today.


BENJAMIN NETANYAHU, ISRAEL PRIME MINISTER: Never has so much been written about a speech that hasn't been given.


NETANYAHU: My speech is not intended to show any disrespect to President Obama or the esteemed office that he holds -- I have great respect for both.


NETANYAHU: The last thing that I would want is for Israel to become a partisan issue. Israel has always been a bipartisan issue. Israel should always remain a bipartisan issue.



PERINO: But the prime minister also said he won't remain silent over a deal with Iran that he says, could threaten the very survival of his country.


NETANYAHU: America lives in the one of the world's safest neighborhoods. Israel lives in the world's most dangerous neighborhood. American leaders worry about the security of their country. Israeli leaders worry about the survival of their country. You know --


NETANYAHU: I think that encapsulates the difference.


PERINO: And let's talk about that first, so Greg, on the substance of this, a setting aside the politics maybe not to it on both sides. The substance of this is that the American are -- been engaged with Iran, they're walking up to this deal and there is extreme alarm not only in Israel but in many places -- many people across this country who are alarmed that this is a very bad deal, that now is going to allow Iran in the future to get a nuclear weapon.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: You -- I -- I don't blame Netanyahu for being -- this is his mortal enemy. It brings up this -- issue of what is a normal leader? A normal leader generally seeks like-minded leaders who share your beliefs, they're called allies. Obama, in his belief system, does the reverse. He looks for people that hates him and goes, let's go bowling. I want to go hang out, I want to go talk to Iran, and who does the president listen to? He's not listening to his allies, he's listening -- but he's listening more to Valerie Jarrett. This is her show. Maybe this is -- she is like the high school drama teacher and Iran is her pippin, and this is a big deal, this is a big deal. But -- but in the meantime, we got -- we've got a legitimately concerned leader, and we have a media who thinks his speech is bad, but the potential for nuclear Iran is less bad. That seems backwards to me. It is like being concerned over crab grass when you have poisonous mushrooms.

PERINO: That's -- I think that is the real point here which is --

GUTFELD: Thank you, I took it awhile.

PERINO: Strip away the politics.

GUTFELD: Yeah, I'd rather.

PERINO: But the substance of it is a concern. So much concern Eric, that that AIPAC conference was the largest ever. They had 16,000 attendees that include 3,000 college students from 586 campuses. We've been talking about the growing anti-Semitism on campuses, so I think they are engaged on all levels across the board. They have every state representative as well.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: Agreed. The interesting -- this is kind of like the -- the warm up for tomorrow, 11 o'clock tomorrow Netanyahu is gonna deliver the speech that matters. Look, I believe when he says, this is not about disrespecting President Obama or the office of the president of the United States, I do honestly believe. I don't think they get along, I don't think they particularly like each other, but that is not what this is about. This speech is about preservation of Israel. Don't forget Iran has said, on equivalently, we want to wipe Israel off the face of the map, that well off the map of the face of the earth. The reason why Democrats and the President Obama by default aren't embracing Bibi Netanyahu the visit is because he's gonna outline why the Obama strategy in Iran with Iran isn't gonna work. And what the downfall of it -- when I say isn't gonna work fail means, Iran gets a nuke, Iran wants to get -- get rid of Israel, they will be a constant threat towards on our side to our biggest ally. That's what -- that's why in the Obama administration is fearing that with only a couple of weeks left with these negotiations, a couple of meetings this week in fact with Iran by John Kerry. It will somehow derail some sort of deal. Can I just point out one more thing? A deal with Iran means that we have inspectors that will go to inspect center futures, right? We have international inspectors see what's going on within Iran. We've had that two different occasions and both times when our inspectors with the international inspectors got close to finding highly -- enriched uranium. When they got close to it, they got thrown out of the country and then deals broke down and they had to start over. So why is this, when you got any Different? Israel knows it. We know it. How come Obama administration figures it out?

PERINO: But you have Charles Krauthammer wrote in his column on Friday, I don't have this, I want to read this because I didn't get it to the producers early enough. But he said, "Consider where we began, six U.N. Security Council resolutions demanding an edge to -- an end to Uranium enrichment consider what we are now offering." Kimberly, I want you to response to this, an interim arrangement ending with a sunset clause that allows the most a robust industrial strength -- internationally sanctioned nuclear program. And he ends his column by saying, history will not be kind. I found that alarming.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: I found that alarming. It is alarming and I think he's very serious, he chose his words very carefully, and then when you also look today at the speech and the comments from Bibi Netanyahu, he is making -- I think it very clear that Israel will do whatever for it takes to protect itself and that it is imperative that all leaders of the world understand that Israel will not allow Iran to become nuclear. They cannot survive if they allow that to occur. Does the president get that? Does he understand the severity of the situation? I think a lot of people that are writing about it do, but -- it's left to be seen whether they will acknowledge it --

PERINO: But this morning, Julie, the U.N. Ambassador Samantha Power was sent to AIPAC to sort of greet the crowd and sort of warm up the day, and she was kind of walking back the leaks that have been in the paper already.

JULIE ROGINSKY, THE FIVE SHOW GUEST CO-HOST: She was. You know, I -- this should not be a part of the issue and I have great concerns about what this deal could potentially be for the safety and security of Israel and also for the safety and security of the region, because don't forget, if Iran goes nuclear --

PERINO: And everyone else, yeah.

ROGINSKY: Saudi Arabia, Egypt, all the Sunni powers you don't want a she (ph) a power getting the bomb, will also go nuclear. So -- you know there are Democrats on this side of the aisle whose adamantly disagree with Barack Obama, Bob Menendez being one, Chuck Schumer being another. So this again is not a partisan issue to me. Again, I have to ask the question though, what's the alternative? Because the alternative is if we pull out of this negotiation and I am deathly afraid that the president would rather have a deal on the table. At this point, he is so far gone with wanting a deal that it doesn't matter what kind of deal he's gonna get.

PERINO: Right.

ROGINSKY: My concern is however, if for example we all of a sudden take our marbles and go home and say, forget it no deal, we are out of here, what is going to end up happening? The Iranians will gonna continue to spin on center futures, it's gonna go on and on and on and so --

BOLLING: There is one other alternative.

ROGINSKY: We could bomb them.

BOLLING: Of course.

ROGINSKY: Of course. But here's the problem with that.

BOLLING: Israel did that once.

ROGINSKY: Well, they did it in 1981, of course.

BOLLING: And it worked.

ROGINSKY: Well, if --

BOLLING: And it pushed them back two decades --


BOLLING: Or three decades --


BOLLING: And maybe --


BOLLING: It's time to --


BOLLING: Consider that again.

ROGINSKY: It did. My only concern with bombing Iran is your essentially about (ph) -- first of all, my understanding is even there -- Israeli -- a lot of intelligence forces in Israel don't think that is a good solution.

BOLLING: by the way, I'm not suggesting we just go out arbitrary, hey, by the way, we are out of this deal and we are gonna bomb you. I think you can slap those sanctions back on that we were working. Democrats even admit --

PERINO: I just -- right.

BOLLING: There were working --

PERINO: I was gonna say there is a middle ground. I mean, there -- it's not just no deal or bombing. The sanctions that were working tighten those up a little bit.


PERINO: And also not allow for the sunset clause. I think that was an Iranian demand that we should -- should not --

ROGINSKY: But we have until March. I think it's March 30th is the deadline to get this some sort of framework. And if that framework doesn't happen --

GUILFOYLE: And yeah --

ROGINSKY: The problem with sanctions --

GUILFOYLE: We don't even trust them, you know at this point. I mean, there are intelligence reports suggesting that they have a parallel program developing nuclear enrichment as such they did. They are showing one and there is another one in place like two train crash.

GUTFELD: And if -- I think if this is such a great deal, why is it being done in secret. It's like whenever anything good is happening, President Obama is really happy to share all the knowledge and leak it but this deal is more covered up than an ISIS bride. And -- that's why -- that's why Netanyahu is so worried, because he doesn't know what's going on and he has the most to lose.

GUILFOYLE: Well because he has them.

ROGINSKY: Because apparently he is leaking the stuff they have been sharing with him. That's the problem, that he has been the leaker (ph) in all of this

PERINO: Can we talk about the politics of it? Because I want to show you today, how the White House handled the question, whether the president even bothered to watch the speech.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Wonder if the president had a chance to watch -- from Mr. Netanyahu speech to AIPAC? And if you (inaudible)

JOSH EARNEST, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: I don't believe that he did. The reaction here is that the -- I think is what is appropriately characterized and the remarks that were delivered by Ambassador Power.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Will the president watch the speech tomorrow?

EARNEST: I haven't looked at the president's schedule for tomorrow. I doubt he will spend his whole time watching the speech.


PERINO: I don't get it.

GUILFOYLE: I don't get it.

PERINO: Why do you have to act like you are so disinterested, because you're personally offended, I mean, they -- the White House itself has turned this speech into the biggest international foreign policy event and we -- even this morning, Savannah, (ph) at the airport. People never look at the monitors, right? Everybody is on their phones. The Netanyahu speech came on and it was live -- everybody in the airport.


PERINO: Is watching it. They turned -- they made -- turned this into the biggest event.

GUTFELD: It's like trying -- it's like telling a date or somebody that likes you that you have plans when you really don't. It's like you're trying to be so aloof but it's a philosophical and it's a generational difference. The patriotic defiance of Israel seems so old fashioned to President Obama, it's like Steak Diane or rotary phone. It's like from another era and you get the sense that any kind of authority, reminds President Obama of something in his past that he doesn't like. He's raised by an ideology that favors the powerless over the powerful, even if powerful is good and the powerless is evil.


GUTFELD: It makes no sense.

BOLLING: Can I give one more alternative possible reason why they -- I didn't watch it today, probably I'm gonna watch tomorrow, they don't want to take off Iran, they are so afraid of the Iranians going -- wait a minute, wait a minute, why -- why is the president paying attention to Netenyahu --


GUILFOYLE: You're right.




GUILFOYLE: That's what they care about.

BOLLING: And that's scary that we are more concerned about how the -- that means they have the upper hand. The Iranians have the upper hand in this issue -- and that's one thing.

ROGINSKY: Can I give you a third alternative? Or second alternative?


ROGINSKY: As Dana probably point out, the president doesn't have time to sit around and --

BOLLING: Come on --

ROGINSKY: Watch a speech. No, but seriously.

BOLLING: Come --

GUILFOYLE: Oh my, God.

ROGINSKY: I'm sure, you guys --


ROGINSKY: But seriously, he probably --

BOLLING: He has 30 minutes tomorrow that our kind of world leader -- our biggest ally --

PERINO: They are the ones --

ROGINSKY: He's probably -- he'll get the top lines, I'm pretty sure he's gonna know what's in the speech.

PERINO: But it is -- it is this White House who sent Susan Rice, the national security adviser out this weekend to say that Netanyahu's speech is destructive to the most important foreign policy relationship in the world.


PERINO: I just find that hard to believe that he wouldn't even bother to find out what he's gonna say.

GUILFOYLE: You know what I found -- I'm so embarrass for him. Shame on you, to the president of the United States because you are too cool for school, I would funk you out in the back row of the class. You are not prepared. Grow up, stop being so petulant. There is too much at stake. I can't even believe he's acting so arrogant and there is, Oh, he's gonna be too busy. He can't go ahead and watch the speech.

ROGINKSY: Don't you --

GUILFOYLE: It's like -- get over you.

ROGINKSY: Don't you think he's already seen the speech though? Don't you think he's already seen it?

BOLLING: How is this how is this --


BOLLING: Don't watch the speech. But don't have Josh Earnest tell us and the world --


BOLLING: How the president is not going to watch it. Just don't watch it if you don't want to see it.


BOLLING: But pretend you are at least interested.

GUTFELD: It is possible that President Obama is just confused and he thinks that the phrase, Great Satan is a compliment?

PERINO: I doubt it, I doubt it. But --

GUTFELD: It might be.


GUTFELD: As opposed to your average Satan or good Satan. Iran always calls it the Great Satan.


GUTFELD: It's a compliment.


GUILFOYLE: The problem is, at this summer camp, the president is bunking with Iran and not with Israel.


PERINO: I think we have one minute left. I just want to ask about this one last thing, which is the -- how the media has covered whether these certain Democrats and a list of them who have decided they are not going to go to the speech. That the White House has made the speech so important to the president, that now they are putting them in a position of not going to the speech, so will have to tell our constituents, no, I didn't go to the Netanyahu speech, because I was trying to protect Barack Obama?


PERINO: I don't get that.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, it's craziness.

GUTFELD: Yeah, freewill. Again, the speech is somehow more dangerous than Iran developing nukes. How did that happen? We live in like a funhouse mirror world.


ROGINSKY: They should go. They should go, because at the end of the day he is representing our greatest ally and the region if not the world, they should go despite the fact that they feel he disrespected the president. Even if he disrespects the president, he stills the representative of Israel.

GUILFOYLE: And he made a speech today, saying that he did not intend disrespect. He has the respect for the office and the president of the United States.

PERINO: And don't forget it was the White House where there was a senior administration official that called Netanyahu a chicken -- you know what.

GUTFELD: Say it. Say it.

PERINO: Nope. I'm not saying chicken poop.


PERINO: He's a bad guy.

GUTFELD: You said poop?

PERINO: You can't say that word?

GUTFELD: No, you can't.

PERINO: You can't?

GUTFELD: No, you will be in trouble.


GUILFOYLE: You really went out there.


PERINO: Alright, we are gonna move on. ISIS threat is ahead. Are we already in the middle of another world war? We will gonna talk about that next. But before we go, tonight, right after this show, Kimberly and I will go to answer some of your questions on Facebook, so post them now on our page, have, back in a moment.


GUTFELD: What's missing these days aren't leaders, but world leaders, those inspirational types who speak the truth, not platitude and look like they could strangle you with a loose chest hair. But maybe that's changing, here is Jordan's King Abdullah on something called CNN, it's all in cable I believe. Discussing the response to ISIS -- I wonder if it has to be unified.


KING ABDULLAH, KING OF JORDAN: This has to be unified. I mean, I said this to leaders both in the Islamic and Arab world and to the world in general. This is a third world war by another means. These bring Muslims, Christians, others religions together in this generational fight that all of us have to be this together. So it's not a western fight. This is a fight inside of Islam where everybody comes together against these -- these outlaws so to speak, together. And as a short term part of this which is the military part of the issue, there is the medium part which is the security element of it and then there's a long term element of this which is obviously the idea logical one.


GUTFELD: So the king correctly identified the fight, it's within Islam. It's not BB, bigotry or Boehner, it's barbarians, Barack. This must be heard, because the world needs a Muslim voice to echo the sober and somber facts. The king may finally be the canary among the caliphate, the alarm that tolls a true warning. It's refreshing as our own leader seems more preoccupied with past sins than our present realities. The world war is won by American vets who are in their 80s and 90s, have allowed men much younger and less courageous to smear our republic, undermining traditions that worked in allies that actually mattered. Our ocean privilege, coupled with a society immersed in a leisure driven coma, makes defending our exeptionalism against evil, so old. It's something your grand pop enjoyed, like where there were originals. This lucky complacency found in our media, our government and our campus has blossomed into a potent disdain for America's good. Jordan however, doesn't have the luxury of hating themselves. They have plenty of enemies around them to do that for them. So do we, we just haven't admitted it yet. It's time we do. So K.G., what do you make?


GUTFELD: I make of King Jordan in saying it is basically World War III. Is he accurate? It's accurate?

GUILFOYLE: Long live the king.

GUTFELD: Oh, well.

GUILFOYLE: I like his rhetoric.

GUTFELD: I'm not surprised.

GUILFOYLE: And yeah, I think that he has a very good and clear understanding of it. This is not a man who is afraid of semantics. He is not afraid to call it what it is, it isn't just violent extremism. He knows that this is the problem within the faith and religion of Islam. He is calling two arms, the rest of the people in the world, Muslims that are law abiding that want to put an end to this. I hope they answer the call, because this is someone who has emerged because the United States has left the leadership vacuum here. Thank God that he has that thought, because he's actually changed the momentum and changed the tenor and rhetoric of the situation.

GUTFELD: Alright, Julie. My -- I predict the answer was the vacuum was necessary for people like the King of Jordan to step in.

ROGINSKY: You've been reading my diary? Look who is on here.

GUTFELD: Yes, I have.

ROGINSKY: No, look. I think the most interesting thing that he said in this interview with Fareed Zakaria of -- instead of CNN, and what was most interesting about this interview to me is that he said this is a problem within Islam. Therefore, for Barack Obama.


ROGINSKY: Who despite what people believe is not Muslin, but there's to come in --

GUTFELD: Wait --

ROGINSKY: I know, I know, I'm disappointing a lot of viewers today, but he's not --

GUILFOYLE: That is not what you said in your diary.

ROGINSKY: That's my diary. Have you been reading my diary?

GUILFOYLE: I broke the law.

ROGINSKY: So -- she -- you know, for him to step in, for the American president to step in and to dictate what should happen within Islam, the King of Jordan is a perfect messenger for this. He see of Egypt who's threaten by this is the perfect messenger for this. Kimberly, you are so dead on the people that need to do this are the moderate or you know, to the extent there are any moderates in the region, the people out there -- we need to be (inaudible) to the moderates to go and say, listen, this is not a perversion of Islam, this is not what we stand for. We are not the people to do that.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, but they beheaded Americans, as well. This is a huge problem. We cannot turn and put on our blind folds --

ROGINSKY: Yeah, but the bombing that --

GUILFOYLE: And play eyes wide shut game here.

BOLLING: But what we have here?

ROGINSKY: We have.

BOLLING: Same, we have been bombing, the hell out we. That's the problem. We bombed the hell out of Iraq when we wanted to. We were dropping 2,500 per day on Iraq, when we wanted to. We have done 2,500 in six -- more than six months now in Syria and the -- Iraq with ISIS. 25 total in six months.


BOLLING: Versus 2,500 per day in Iraq. Look, King Jordan said something very important. He said we're small. We don't have the luxury to play around.


BOLLING: We got punch we punch back up, even if he is bigger than us. Egypt did the same thing, for some reason they think ISIS is bigger than Jordan and in Egypt, fine, whatever. There -- ISIS the bully to them. We are bigger than the bully and for some reason, we get punched in the face, we go, OK, well that didn't hurt.

GUILFOYLE: Turn the other cheek.

BOLLING: We will turn the other cheek until -- what are we waiting for? Until something really, really bad until 3,000 more people die on our soil and then are we going to step up and then do a real bomb the hell out of them? That might work. Bombing the hell out them might actually work.

ROGINSKY: So you are advocating us --

BOLLING: Or we're not.

ROGINSKY: Are you advocating us to go into war in Syria or Iraq right now? Is that what are you suggesting?

PERINO: We are at war.


ROGINSKY: I know -- but you are advocating putting boots on the ground?

BOLLING: I'm advocating bombing the hell out of your words, bombing the hell out it.

ROGINSKY: We are bombing the hell out of them.

BOLLING: I like -- I would like air --

GUILFOYLE: We're not.

BOLLING: Boots on the ground in the region. Yes, bomb the hell out if from --


ROGINSKY: It feels and concern and how the Arabs put boots on the ground in the country.

BOLLING: Sure, yeah.

ROGINSKY: Fine. I'm fine with that.

BOLLING: You said bombing the hell out of them. It's like --

ROGINSKY: Well, and you are right, I disagree with you that we earn. (ph)

GUTFELD: Dana, I think you were one of the first people to say we are at world war --


GUTFELD: Many months ago.

PERINO: Well I did, actually. No I was waiting for this to describe that what we are in, and sometimes the history then looks back on a period and says, oh, you --

GUILFOYLE: That classifies it.

PERINO: See the seeds of this world war coming, and I think we are in the beginning of it. But -- the other thing that we are not doing enough talking about or supporting, and he needs more of our help is there are 1 million Syrian and Iraqi refugees -- 1 million in the tiny country of Jordan that he is trying to take care of.


PERINO: So that is -- that's a volatile -- a potentially volatile situation also, horrendous human rights situation. And the question I think that nobody is truly pressing the administration on is, what is our policy on Bashar al-Assad right now?


PERINO: Because --

GUILFOYLE: Evolving --

PERINO: Now are we -- yeah, is it -- is that evolving? Where -- what is the policy? Because, can you bomb the heck out of them or not.


PERINO: Because now -- do we need Bashar al-Assad to help us against ISIS?

GUTFELD: Because you know -- I mean, we have this -- it's a sobering education that tyrants are not as bad as radical Islam. Is that what it is?

ROGINSKY: I -- I agree.

GUTFELD: A lion tamer who is brutal as brutal --

ROGINSKY: Here is the problem. We had Saddam Hussein who's a miserable (inaudible)


ROGINSKY: I mean, not on the (inaudible) what to say about --

GUTFELD: Worst of the worst.

ROGINSKY: The worst of the worst however, he kept Iran to stabilized, because they were fighting with each other and therefore --


ROGINSKY: They kept each other, they stabilized.

PERINO: Mubarak was no prize.


ROGINSKY: But Mubarak -- right. But (inaudible) was no prize when there are most horrible things to people. But nevertheless, a lot of his own people - - but nevertheless, he was not bad towards Israelis, he was good with us, kept the region stable. I mean, Assad is the same thing, horrible human being, but --

PERINO: Horrible. There is --


PERINO: 250,000 people --


PERINO: Have been killed...


PERINO: By the hands of their -- leader.

ROGINSKY: But that's the problem, you wasn't a regime change? You want human rights?

GUILFOYLE: We have the deal, we have to use him, obviously, and then we kill him.

PERINO: So this all goes back to --


PERINO: I mean, this is what you do.

(CROSSTALK) BOLLING: Has Dana has been hit on the right point right here.

PERINO: It all goes back to --

BOLLING: The red line.

PERINO: The red line and not enforcing it. In all, let me say with the day that I know that a former administration official who said, this is the day that wrecked the world.


PERINO: And it's playing out.

GUILFOYLE: And that sticks to Hillary which then goes to --


GUTFELD: Alright, your next segment --


GUTFELD: Stay tuned. Kimberly has got -- thank you for that transition.

GUILFOYLE: You're welcome. GUTFELD: Kimberly has got some 2016 news about Hillary next. See.

GUILFOYLE: Red line.


GUILFOYLE: I like that. Hillary Clinton has been in line little these days that I could change drastically, next month, if the new report is true that she is going to likely launch her campaign for -- El Presidente in April. The Wall Street Journal says, her close advisers are telling democratic donors that she will enter the race sooner than expected and array (ph) in certainties within her party and allow her to rev up the money machine. Julie, just Kimberly, friends of the Democratic Party --


GUILFOYLE: Friend of Hillary?

ROGINSKY: Sort of?


ROGINSKY: I don't know if she remembers me. We did overlap in the Senate together, but yes.

GUILFOYLE: But I mean would you support her?

ROGINSKY: It depends on alternative. That's her politician answer.

PERINO: Is there an alternative?

ROGINSKY: She's going to be coronated? Is there a Republican running against her?

PERINO: I meant Democratic.

ROGINSKY: Democrat? I think she's pretty much going to be the Democratic nominee.

GUILFOYLE: So is this a good idea? She wants to get out because people are saying, "Come on. She's got to be a little bit battle-tested." Is she waiting too long to get in and to announce?

ROGINSKY: So I always thought that she should get in a little earlier, so she'd be in by now, or at least tell people. I mean, she is definitely running. I think there's no question about it, although (UNINTELLIGIBLE) is in place. But this whole hemming and hawing and "Will she or won't she?" If by some miracle of God, she doesn't get in and there's no way that she's getting in, she doesn't get in, she left the party in quite a lurch, because there's nobody else. She's kind of suffocated the rest of the field. And that's a little troubling. But I don't see a scenario where she doesn't go.

GUILFOYLE: So maybe this is about the money, Eric, because she is concerned that she wants to get out there and start, you know, getting some Clinton cash amassed to keep everybody else like the Bidens and the Elizabeth Warrens away.

BOLLING: So I e-mail one of my friends over at the Wall Street Journal, and they sent me some information that they put together a couple of days ago. They published it.

Hillary Clinton, while she was secretary of state arranged for the Algerian government and General Electric to do a deal. A several million-dollar deal, big deal. I don't actually have the actual number. But the Algerian government then gave Hillary Clinton foundation money, and GE gave the foundation between $500,000 and a million dollars.

Same thing happened with Boeing, only Boeing put up $900,000 to the -- to the Clinton Foundation after they arranged a $3.7 billion -- after she helped arrange a $3.7 billion deal.

ExxonMobil. There were at least 60 companies that were helped by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton during her time as secretary of state that ended up somehow, some way giving money to the foundation.

So does every deal have a string attached to it? Probably. But every deal shouldn't have a string attached when the secretary of state may end up running for president down the road and some of that money end up finding its way into her campaign. It may or may not. It may or may not.

ROGINSKY: I'm getting the vapors. There is actual -- there is actual quid quo pros in Washington. You get money, and then you lobby on something. This happens all the time on both sides.

By the way, I'm troubled by the fact that she took foreign money while she was secretary of state for the foundation, but let's not pretend it happens every single time.

GUILFOYLE: Doesn't make it OK. It's pretty stinky. A Dove nice soap bar, pomegranate scent, can't wash it away.

GUTFELD: If this -- if Bill is involved, and there is a string attached, that string is attached to a bikini.

What I don't get, talking about this weekend, Chris Ruddy runs NewsMax (ph), right, right-wing magazine, donated more than Boeing. Donated a million bucks to the Clinton Foundation. That's like Code Pink donating a million to CPAC. It doesn't make any sense. It's a cover charge for something. What is the cover charge?

And it bums me out, because I could use that money. I have more in common with Chris Ruddy than Hillary and Bill. Why don't you give me a billion dollars? I have some serious debts. You get to go on the jet.

PERINO: I think there is a couple of reasons she's moving it up. One, having no formal organization and no formal spokesperson is starting to hurt them. And she has no formal opponent. So there are reporters all across America who are assigned to cover the presidential election.

They've got a lot to cover on the Republican side, several different candidates, got a lot to do. Every day the ones that are covering the Democrats, they have to turn in a story of some sort. So, without something proactive coming from the Clinton camp, the only thing for the reporters to dig into is the shady stuff that they're trying to uncover now. I think that's part of the reason that they want to figure -- formally have something that they can say here is our new policy for this and look at this shiny object over here. Because without any other Democrats to cover, there's too much heat on her.

GUILFOYLE: Then they start talking about...

PERINO: The other thing is that even -- not just people in the media but fellow Democrats are very troubled by the foreign money, and they have used words like "inexplicable" and "indefensible." So I feel like this is pushing them to try to find some way to formally respond every day.

GUILFOYLE: And influence peddling from that chair.

GUTFELD: Foreign money sucks. You ever try to use a peso?

BOLLING: Different shape.

ROGINSKY: Did you ever get one?

GUILFOYLE: To buy Chiclets on the beach. Chiclets. Chiclets. Ahead...

GUTFELD: That is the extent of our traveling.

ROGINSKY: Correct. But I know there's no way that anybody ever, ever, ever gives money to politicians in exchange for access. That never happens.

GUTFELD: She's so rich her pant suits are made of moon rocks.

ROGINSKY: That's a really heavy pant suit.


GUILFOYLE: Ahead, "Saturday Night Live" -- I'm going, people. Bye-bye. "Saturday Night Live" featured a skit on ISIS this weekend. Was it funny or did it go too far? That's next.


BOLLING: "Saturday Night Live" mocks everything, but did the show cross the line with this skit, featuring "Fifty Shades of Grey" star Dakota Johnson? Some people think so.


TARAN KILLAM, CAST MEMBER, NBC'S "SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE": Well, this is it. Need help with your bag?

DAKOTA JOHNSON, ACTRESS: Don't worry. I got it.

KILLAM: How about walking around money?

JOHNSON: Dad, it's OK.

KILLAM: OK. Just make sure to...

JOHNSON: Call you when I get there? I know.

KILLAM: Yes. You know, you can stay home and do another year of high school.

JOHNSON: Very funny, Dad. Jokester.

KILLAM: Well, I'll see you at thanksgiving.

JOHNSON: Yes, I'll see you.

Hey, Dad.


JOHNSON: Thanks.

KILLAM: You got it, kiddo. Looks like your ride's here.

You be careful, OK?

JOHNSON: Dad, it's just ISIS.

KILLAM: Take care of her.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Death to America.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: ISIS, we'll take it from here, Dad.


BOLLING: All right. We're going to bring it around. K.G., you want to kick it off?

GUILFOYLE: Wow. I'm not feeling it.



BOLLING: Crossed the line too soon?

GUILFOYLE: Lots of people whose children have been beheaded by ISIS or the children that they've crucified or the families whose daughters are now missing, not for me.


ROGINSKY: I thought it was hilarious, and nothing is worse -- well, except being bombed into oblivion, nothing is worse than being mocked. So I thought it was very funny, and I have no problem with it.


PERINO: I think that satire and ridicule are critical to destroying something. OK? So we have ISIS now into the pop culture realm, and they are using it as a way to ridicule them. I can -- I didn't say I laughed. You go, "Oh, my gosh," and it's shocking and it's bad. But that was the value in it. And I think that's why they did it.

I understand the discomfort with it, because the feelings are raw. And we love our girls, and we love our daughters and our sisters. And we don't want to happen to them what we know happens to women that end up in the hands of ISIS.

GUTFELD: That's the point, though.

BOLLING: "Freedom to mock is our greatest weapon." That's Taran Killam from the cast of "SNL."

GUTFELD: Two points about the uproar, which is on Twitter. Twitter is for the conversation. It's not the conversation. And when the media cobbles the stories together based on, like, angry people it becomes -- it's like a new conveyer belt of outrage stories.

I thought this was perfect. There was one flaw to it. It reminded me of old "National Lampoon" ads that you thought were real in the '70s. As perfect as The Onion is at their best, I felt it needed to go one step further. When the dad says, "You take care of her," ISIS should have said, "You bet we will." And then it should have flashed to a weeping, enslaved girl, because they should have brought that point home.

And then it would have gone with him driving off, and then it would have been more of a statement on society ignoring what you said, ignoring the hell that's going on. But having said that, I thought that this was, like, an amazingly brilliant and impeccably smart piece of satire. It just needed that one little thing.

ROGINSKY: What a buzz kill, though, if they'd done it your way.

GUTFELD: I think it's important to have a buzzkill. You've got to say what they do.


GUILFOYLE: I would agree with that. That's why I didn't like the way they did it.

GUTFELD: It just needed that extra step, the extra punch in the face.

BOLLING: Let me ask you this. K.G. specifically, you don't like that ad. When we say "Charlie Hebdo" should have the right to mock the Prophet Mohammed. That's got to be as offensive to Muslims as this commercial may be to you. So...

GUILFOYLE: I'm not saying that "SNL" shouldn't have done it. You ask me did I like it? I did not like it.

BOLLING: Fair enough. Fair enough.

GUILFOYLE: I understand that they have the right to do it. And I think they wanted to do it for the specific reason to get eyeballs, to get attention and to poke the cage a bit; you know, to provoke controversy, and they've done that.

GUTFELD: But we've made fun of, you know -- we've made fun of Hitler, Gadhafi. A lot of this has to do with timing, because like you say, it's raw. People feel bad.

GUILFOYLE: And there's girls missing right now.

GUTFELD: Yes. But that's why they've got to show -- you should have showed that.

GUILFOYLE: They showed them up (ph). That's a different -- that's a different skit.

BOLLING: This is only a couple of days after the latest American was announced as being killed.

All right. We're going to have to leave it right there. Want to be successful? Get fired. Career advice, not from the second floor; from one of the most feared women in fashion, Anna Wintour, next.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God. That's...


ROGINSKY: She's the most powerful woman in the fashion world. She was -- it's not Kim Kardashian. She was inspiration for the ruthless character Meryl Streep played in "The Devil Wears Prada." How did Vogue editor in chief Anna Wintour make it the top? She says getting fired helped her.

Sunday Times quotes Wintour in her new book saying, quote, "I think everyone should get sacked at least once. It forces you to look at yourself. It didn't feel like it at the time, but it was definitely a good thing for what it taught me. It is important to have setbacks, because that is the reality of life. Perfection doesn't exist."

So I have been fired from one job. I was a waitress, and I was the worst waitress on the face of this earth.


ROGINSKY: Because I would spill stuff on people. I didn't know how to make a cappuccino after months of them showing me. So I got fired, and it was devastating. My food services career was over very briefly.

But Greg, you've been fired from a number of jobs.

GUTFELD: Six hundred and thirty-seven times.

ROGINSKY: Do you think it made you the man you are today?

GUTFELD: Yes, I enjoyed getting fired. It means that you did something different.

However, she is an elitist editor like I was, talking about -- she's not a cop or a fireman or a doctor. In magazines, you can be fired and still move up, which is what happened to me. I got -- every time I got canned I got promoted. And this -- it's almost like professors who are cocooned in their own incompetence.

But I think it's good to be -- it's good to be fired. But in order to get fired you first have to get a job. And that's the scary part about the latest generation who are so unemployed is that they haven't learned -- they haven't even experienced the joy of being fired.

ROGINSKY: That's a really good question, Dana because people, you know, you get fired, and yes, it's a learning experience. Not when you're trying to collect a paycheck and you have to put your kids through college.

GUTFELD: Yes. It's a luxury.

ROGINSKY: And yes, I mean, Anna Wintour can say that for her.

PERINO: I think that -- I like what she was saying, though. Because she is saying that, if you get fired once, it means that you'll always then try to do better the next time and over-perform, or you'll learn from your mistakes.

And to Greg's point, sometimes you get fired, because you've taken a risk and you went too far; and that joke wasn't as funny as you thought it was going to be, and you get in trouble.

GUTFELD: Three people.

PERINO: A lot of people get fired, though, for cause, for underperforming or for not -- not being able to perform the job that they were hired for. And I think what she's saying was if it happens to you once you will end up being a better employee or future employer or boss in the future.

ROGINSKY: That's true. I mean, you've never been fired from anything because you're such a perfectionist.

GUILFOYLE: Next segment.

ROGINSKY: Move on.

GUILFOYLE: No, that's not true. I lost my job at the D.A.'s office when the new D.A. came in, and the last ten people that had just been hired were all let go, regardless of merit or ability. And they're like, "Oh" -- later to me, "Sorry, we didn't realize you were in that group. You know, we should have kept you. Apparently, you're great."

I'm like, "Yes, I'll be back. I will take this job back. And I did."

ROGINSKY: You ever a job where you're deathly afraid of getting fired, even though you're not?

BOLLING: I did get fired. I got fired from the Pirates. I hurt my shoulder. And mind you, I spent the prior...

GUILFOYLE: You were injured.

BOLLING: ... since I was 5 years old I was going to be a baseball player. I got drafted. I got injured within a very short period of time of being - - after being drafted. And I got fired in four days. So you go from this is what your life is going to be to wait a minute, there was no Plan B. There was no what else am I going to do? It was devastating.

ROGINSKY: You know what's depressing about your story?

BOLLING: But you do learn. She's right. You do learn, especially when you're that surprised.

PERINO: Do you have a Plan B?

BOLLING: Yes. Yes, absolutely. Always.

PERINO: I think about Plan B a lot.

ROGINSKY: Do you think -- you know what's surprising about your story? I got fired from a coffee shop, and I thought that was depressing. He's like, "I got fired from being a professional baseball star." So yes, way to show me up.

PERINO: All right. Have you ever had to fire someone?

ROGINSKY: Yes. That's the worst. That's the worst.

GUTFELD: It's much worse to get fired.

ROGINSKY: That's true. You kind of go and have a drink and forget you fired them.

GUTFELD: Some guy dared me to fire him. That's the only time.

ROGINSKY: Did you do it?

GUTFELD: "What are you going to do, fire me?"

And I said yes. And it was -- we all looked at each other like you're kidding, right? And I go, "No, I'm not. You just dared me, and I'm doing it." It was the most unprofessional way of being fired.

GUILFOYLE: Do you feel bad about that?


ROGINSKY: Do you think he wanted to quit and he just wanted to collect unemployment, that's why he wanted you to fire him?

GUTFELD: No. We just hated each other.

GUILFOYLE: Well, the point is, good opportunity can come out of what are very difficult circumstances that don't make sense at the time.

ROGINSKY: That's true. Oh, that's so positive.

GUTFELD: Well done.

ROGINSKY: Well, on that note...

GUILFOYLE: Love you, L.A. D.A.'s office.

ROGINSKY: "One More Thing" is up next.


PERINO: It's time now for "One More Thing." Kimberly.

GUILFOYLE: OK. Happy birthday. Are you excited?

BOLLING: Wait. Are we doing this?

GUILFOYLE: Yes, it's happening.


ROGINSKY: It's your birthday.

GUILFOYLE: Very strange candle, people.

GUTFELD: Are they cupcakes?

New York only people eat cupcakes. I don't understand why we are not 500 pounds.

GUILFOYLE: Please somebody, don't make another video of me bending over.

PERINO: Feliz cumpleanos.

ROGINSKY: Happy birthday, Bolling, we love you.

BOLLING: Aw, that's beautiful.

GUTFELD: Those look delicious.


BOLLING: So very quickly, my son is right now taking an ACT practice exam. Four hours, and that's my birthday present. Good job, buddy.

PERINO: Congratulations.

GUILFOYLE: And you've got to, you know, share and eat this right now.

PERINO: Everybody.

That was pretty.

Those look good.


PERINO: Too bad he doesn't have any moonshine to put on top.


PERINO: Greg Gutfeld, you're next. Can you eat and talk at the same time?

GUTFELD: Believe me, I can do a lot of things.

GUILFOYLE: Look at mine's got sparkles on it.

GUTFELD: All right. I like this one. This is velvet.

OK. So this is an extremely strange combination for a music video. It's "Red Eye" favorite Robert Dhabi, famous bond villain as you know. And Bob Dylan together in "The Night We Called it a Day," a new Bob Dylan so. You've got to check this out.




GUTFELD: I'm miked? OK. This is interesting, because I don't understand what's going on here, but they do kill Robert Dhabi. I've always wanted to kill Robert Dhabi.

And Bob Dylan, by the way, looks younger than ever. He does. I'm looking over at the -- so I'm not staring. I'm looking at the side of my face now.

GUILFOYLE: Do you use Proactive? Do you use Proactive like Adam Levine?

GUTFELD: I do use Proactive. Thank you, Adam Levine.

PERINO: I'll save you. Mine is next.

I had a great weekend. I was in Charleston, and I went to the Charleston Animal Society's annual meeting. It was their salute to animal lovers at Memminger Auditorium.

GUTFELD: That's disgusting.

PERINO: It was so fun. And Jasper went. He made a surprise appearance. My husband, Peter, also got up on stage and told a little story.

GUTFELD: There's no surprise appearance.

PERINO: They do amazing work. They are 141 years old as an organization. They have a no-kill policy.

BOLLING: That's beautiful.

PERINO: And they've expanded their nonprofit is well-run, well-organized. They don't waste a dollar. AND I was warmly welcomed, and I loved it.

GUILFOYLE: That's really -- you said you had a great time.

PERINO: I had a great time.

BOLLING: So three years ago yesterday the conservative voice lost a huge, huge personality. Andrew Breitbart died at 43 years, way too young, way before his time. We all hung out. We all spent a lot of time with him. But his legacy lives on with And Andrew's -- I want to say the family of Andy Breitbart did amazing work, and I've learned a lot from him. And you guys can still continue to learn from That's it.

PERINO: All right. Good.

GUILFOYLE: Very nice.

PERINO: Julie.

ROGINSKY: So Lady Gaga, who I notoriously cannot stand, pans and (UNINTELLIGIBLE).

GUILFOYLE: That was weird.

ROGINSKY: It was not weird. I just have to say I dislike her. But she and Vince Vaughn did a charity polar bear plunge in Chicago for a lot of money. There's Vince Vaughn.

BOLLING: That's Vince Vaughn?

ROGINSKY: I had the same reaction.

GUILFOYLE: Why do you not like her? Because she does a lot of good charity work.

ROGINSKY: Lady Gaga, I like her for the charity work. I just can't stand her music. I can't help it.

GUILFOYLE: That's cold.

ROGINSKY: Plus some really bad extensions. But other than that she looks kind of haggard -- but other than that this is a very, very good cause. And I think it's fantastic that they did that.

And after these cupcakes, I will not be plunging into anything.

PERINO: I would rather just pay the money and not have to go into the ice.


PERINO: How about that?

GUILFOYLE: I would do the hot sauce (ph) challenge.

GUTFELD: I just wouldn't even pay the money.

PERINO: You would just go in the ice.

GUTFELD: No, I wouldn't do anything. I would just sit at home and cry.

ROGINSKY: And judge.

PERINO: You want to take a cupcake home?

GUTFELD; I just ate the frosting. I was sad.

PERINO: Well, I went.


PERINO: They told me to go ahead. I'm like I went. Oh, you mean get out of the show? Got it.

OK. That's it for us.


PERINO: A reminder, Kimberly and I are about to answer your questions on Facebook. We hope you'll join us online in a few moments at "Special Report" is up next.

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