Mozilla CEO controversy; Jeb Bush's immigration stance

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," April 7, 2014. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: Hi. Hello, everyone. I'm Greg Gutfeld, along with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Bob Beckel, Eric Bolling, and she jacuzzies in a glass of Alka-Seltzer, it's Dana Perino.

This is "The Five."


GUTFELD: So Brendan Eich, CEO of Mozilla resigned after being hounded for donating a grand to anti-gay marriage group a while ago. That's him on the left.

So, once again, outrage spreads like Spanish moss obscuring actual debate. The pleasure one derives from exercising your rage muscles, lets feelings trump dialogue because pitchforks don't have to talk.

Me, I don't care who you marry. I marry two-headed unicorn and live in a cave made of pez if it were actually possible.

But, sadly, these days, it's not about getting hitched but staying hitched due to a culture that champions immediate gratification over long term reward. We missed this very important fact: marriage un-pigs men. Since I got married, I no longer wash my underwear on the sink while doing the dishes.

The rise of coercive culture cloaked as compassion is just bullying disguised as butterflies. We need to pitchfork the pitchforks.

And where's Obama? Didn't he hold the same beliefs as Eich? He should have called him, not Fluke. It's odd to see rage against Eich but none for Obama. I guess dishonesty is fine as long it's politically expedient.

The fact is change is outpacing conversation. So, it's not fair to expect everyone to agree at once. We're talking about the biggest biological change since indoor soccer. So forgive those nice people who are sincerely grappling with this issue. Unlike the sheep who embrace gay marriage only because Lady Gaga says so.

Which leads me to my final point, what happens when you finally get what you want? You act gracious. You don't gloat. Be happy, not just gay.

All right. Kimberly --

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: I tried to look down. I'm like, please don't call me, please don't call me. Yes?

GUTFELD: That doesn't work with me.

Should this guy have resigned or put to death?

GUILFOYLE: Well, the former death penalty prosecutor, I usually favor death. But no, I think that will be excessive, Greg, in this case. Thank you for the pointed question.

GUTFELD: But his beliefs are no different than President Obama at the time. However, he's vilified.

GUILFOYLE: That's what I don't like. I don't like that, you know, that he's stigmatized. I think people should be able to express their personal opinions and not be persecuted, like some kind of scarlet letter witch hunt.

I don't think it helps serve the purpose of dialogue and being free thinking and people having an open mind or the feeling the freedom to be able to express themselves without losing their job, right? I mean, this is America, First Amendment, let people say and think what they like. I think it makes us stronger as a country.

GUTFELD: Bob, here's something I know you'll agree with. Doesn't -- OK, does tolerance for opinion disappear if the opinion is viewed as intolerant? We don't see that with Islam, but we see it here with religious folks.

BOB BECKEL, CO-HOST: I think that's a good point. Can I get bad back to one thing you said about how getting married unpegs men?


BECKEL: I got married and I came home one day and my wife was scrubbing the bathroom floor and I said, what, are we moving?


DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: You like your deposit back?

BECKEL: Yes, right. And also, she moved my crap all around, which is why we never stayed married.

Look, I am -- I think if you go back --

GUILFOYLE: Where were you going with that?

BECKEL: Well, I'm not quite sure. I was just trying to follow Greg was saying. I'm almost trying to duck to answer this question.

The reality is if you go back and look at who contributes to what, and you use that then several years later to say that's a reason that you should be ousted seems to me just to be ridiculous. I don't, he gave the money -- he didn't give the company money, right? He gave his own personal money. Maybe something he believes in. So, I think it is a little bit of a witch-hunt.

GUTFELD: What do you think, Eric?

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: Well, one of the most interesting parts of his story. It was years ago. You pointed out a while ago, and it was. It was years ago, but yet he's being held with his feet to the fire regarding his personal beliefs. Now, why is it now and why is it such an outrage with it now? We've know, if you've delved into it, you know you've made his contribution to Prop 8 years ago.


BOLLING: So, I'm not sure the timing of it. Look, I'm Catholic. I'm a practicing Catholic. I believe personally that marriage is between a man and a woman.

However, on the libertarian side which I'm trying to ascribe to, it says it doesn't matter. If you're man, just do your thing, be happy, right? Be gay, be happy, be whatever.

Here's the thing, though -- it shouldn't be gay groups telling other people's what's right and what's wrong, where they should put their money. It shouldn't be the federal government telling people what marriage is. It should be your -- the religion you ascribe to. If that's what you want to go with, go with that. If it's something more, you know, like libertarian, like I said, then it really is. But certainly, it shouldn't be at the federal level. If it's going to be anywhere, it should be done at the state level.

GUTFELD: Dana, people who applaud the resignation are saying the market at work. Like, you know, this company wants to make a profit and doesn't want to lose fans or whatever. So, this is what they have to do. Does that make sense?

PERINO: It doesn't make any sense. Basically, what happened is they went after this guy out of passion, OK? They are not thinking about the business at all.


PERINO: Decided that they wanted to make an example of him for something that President Obama and Hillary Clinton both at the same exact time said was their position.


PERINO: So years later, by all accounts, he had never talked about this at the office. He's a very good choice for CEO. It's not like that company is any great shape, so they could actually use somebody really good. So then they reached back. And my problem is not on the gay marriage piece. My position on that is clear.

It's the larger principle of attacking people for their speech. We've seen this. It's a pattern. What happened at the IRS? People who were trying to express their opinion, their beliefs through these 501c4s were targeted by the IRS. Just today, there was report from testimony from somebody at the IRS said no liberal groups were targeted.

So, it's this acceptance in some quarters of allowing people to be attacked for their beliefs regardless of what they are able to do in business, or what their talents are.

GUTFELD: But the interesting thing here, these were not gay groups that went after -- it was people. It was people, which makes me think that it's easy to galvanize opposition because of social networks and it's a social networking tool, right?

BOLLING: Wasn't there a gay group that was going after --

GUTFELD: I don't think it was GLAAD. I think it was mainly just people.

BOLLING: No. Yes, I could completely wrong about that. I did understand there was some pushback. There were some -- once the word got out that Mr. Eich had made this contribution years ago, there was some push to have the Mozilla board push him out or allow him to step down, which ultimately what he did.


BECKEL: Well, what he didn't do -- what he didn't do is do anything that affected his employees directly. You all sat here and defended Hobby Bobby.

GUTFELD: Hobby Lobby.

PERINO: What's the difference?

BECKEL: Hobby Lobby dovey. The difference is that they did things -- they ordered things and refused to do thing because the two of them, the husband and wife, did not think that it was not their religion forbade it. But the 16,000 people that work for them may not have --

PERINO: No. But, Bob, I actually think that that's -- I think it's the opposite. I think that the groups that are against Hobby Lobby's position in this case actually walk themself into a corner on this one, because their point on Hobby Lobby was that they don't have a right as a corporation to have a particular view. Now, it's like backwards. They're saying that you as a corporation, even if you have nothing to do with it, we will hold you to account for your personal views. So, they're basically saying the same thing.

BECKEL: But what Hobby Lobby says is that --

GUTFELD: Obi-wan.

BECKEL: Obi-wan, Hobby, probably never heard of them before, they're saying, we have our personal views and you all have to live by them. That's not what this guy is saying.

GUTFELD: No, that's not true. Hobby Lobby, they covered, what, 16 types of contraception but not three. They're not saying you can't have that contraception, there's saying, you go pay for yourself. It's not that expensive.

Can I just move on? I want to roll something by Charles Krauthammer or what I like to call him "The Hammer," about the culture of the left.

BECKEL: This is new. Charles --


BECKEL: -- on our air. Wow.


CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: This is the culture of the left not being satisfied with making an argument or even prevailing in an argument but in destroying personally and marginalizing people who oppose them. This is totalitarian discourse, and it shows a level of intolerance, it's absolutely -- it should be unacceptable and people ought to get what they are giving out and feel they counter-boycott.


GUTFELD: Kimberly, were you listening?

GUILFOYLE: I was listening and I was saying how soothing his voice is.

GUTFELD: That's true.

GUILFOYLE: And he presents things in such a way that it's not hostile. You don't feel that you can't have open ears to listen to what he has to say.


BECKEL: Can you just tell us what he just presented?

GUILFOYLE: Yes, he's talking about basically the double standard for liberals and the left here, and saying that this is something that just really -- if you look at the juxtaposition, this is inappropriate, this isn't fair. This isn't an expression of -- First Amendment. It's not showing tolerance and what is supposed to be what the left is about.

So, it's a hypocritical position.

BECKEL: I stand second to none in my admiration of Charles Krauthammer, the Christ of the show.

PERINO: He's Jewish.

BECKEL: Even though he's Jewish, because he is -- worse on Charles footage because apparently our producer can't find anybody else --

PERINO: Can I make a point that's about this topic?

BECKEL: I am making a point about this topic.

PERINO: OK. Well then, let's hear it.

BECKEL: Good. Well, he says the whole left is that way and it's absolutely wrong. I'm on the left and I don't think it's a good idea.

PERINO: This is what I don't understand. The White House seems to be -- get involved in every issue. They don't like pick and choose, right?


PERINO: In this case, imagine how powerful it would have been if President Obama would have said whoa, whoa, whoa, we've all moved on. Let's work together. Let's have some tolerance people.

GUTFELD: He should have said, I was there, too. I was just like him.

PERINO: And I've had a change of heart on something that I think a lot of people have as well on disclosure on campaign donations because -- look what happens. I don't want to be -- I don't want people to feel like they cannot contribute to something they care about today because they -- it might be held against them later on in their career.

GUILFOYLE: That's a good point.

PERINO: You don't know what that's going to be.

GUTFELD: You are worried about that David duke contribute shouldn't, aren't you?


GUILFOYLE: You don't need to start a rumor like that.

GUTFELD: Can I roll to this last thing, because this is interesting. This is from Bill Maher. And he makes a point that people -- other people have made in the past about the power of gay activist groups.


BILL MAHER, COMEDIAN: So this guy apparently does not want gay people to get married and he had to step down. What do you think of that, the question is?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Because he gave a thousand dollars eight years ago and that's come back to haunt him.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Well, he gave him when President Obama still was against gay marriage. So, I don't think it's very fair.

MAHER: Good point.

Also, I think there is a gay mafia. I think if you cross them, you do get whacked.



BECKEL: That means right, it refers (ph) to what Krauthammer said. There's a guy from the left who says it's a bad idea.

GUTFELD: That's a fair point.

PERINO: Krauthammer does quote Sullivan who is from the left and who says the same thing.


So, Eric, OK, he says gay mafia, is that an accurate --

BOLLING: No, he --


BOLLING: Activist group, that's what it's really all about. When you have an activist group that unites other people who say, listen, we need to go after this company.

When you are selling a product, and you start to get, you know, the bad PR, bad branding, then you push away and start making some changes, a lot of time you cave to the activist groups and that's exactly what Mozilla did.

And again, it's all about the money. They did that because there was a group, and Tommy in my hear told me, I was pointing out earlier, it was OKCupid. OKCupid stopped allowing their users to use Firefox, to the Mozilla brand.


GUILFOYLE: Oh, the dating service, yes.

BOLLING: The dating site, so immediately, you go, if this thing starts to spread to other groups, then won't use Firefox, Mozilla, will you please step down?

GUILFOYLE: Because that's the impact of social media and people organizing to try to do a boycott on groups that don't act with --

PERINO: I would love to hear from the CEO that resigned and maybe in time, he'll be willing to come out and talk about it because in some ways, I can see saying fine, people. Take your stupid company and I'll move, because he's very talented, he'll go on to do something else.

But I wonder why he felt he needed to resign.

GUILFOYLE: Can you email him and ask him to do an interview with you?

GUTFELD: That's a lot of work, Kimberly.

PERINO: We don't have guests on the show.

GUTFELD: We just talk here.

By the way, Mozilla broke their online record for complaints. These are people responding to the fact that the guy resigned. So Mozilla is under fire. Now, they're under fire.

PERINO: And the Firefox.

GUTFELD: Yes. By the way, I'm not a big fan of Firefox, a lot of pop ups.

BECKEL: What is it?

GUTFELD: It's a browser.

BECKEL: I always wonder what that means, browsing through what?

GUTFELD: In your case, disgusting things.

BECKEL: I see.

GUTFELD: The one thing you need to know how to clear your history.

BECKEL: Oh, really?

GUILFOYLE: Remember when you use Porter's computer that time?


BECKEL: It was great.


GUTFELD: I never should have brought it up.

Up next on "The Five": Jeb Bush stirs the pot with some surprising remarks on illegal immigration, calling it an act of love. Not a felony. Will his immigration stance help or hurt if he runs for the White House in 2016? That debate after the break.


GUILFOYLE: Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush appears to be stepping closer to the political spotlight once held business his father and brother. In an interview with FOX's Shannon Bream, Bush opened up about his approach to illegal immigration which is raising some eyebrows within the GOP.


JEB BUSH (R), FORMER FLORIDA GOVERNOR: The way I look at this is someone who comes to our country because they couldn't come legally and they crossed the border because they didn't have any other means to work and be able to provide for their family -- yes, they broke the law, but it's not a felony. It's kind of -- it's a -- it's as an act of love. It's an act of commitment to your family.


GUILFOYLE: So, how will Jeb's immigration remarks sit with the Republican Party? This has been the subject of discussion for quite some time. But now, we have some new comments.

Dana, how do you think it's going to play?

PERINO: It's hard to tell. I think initial reaction from some places was pretty negative. What I like him is that he is speaking from principle and from his heart. Like this is what he believes. He knows it's unpopular, but it's a principle that he believes in, so he's willing to say what he believes.

What he will have do is to persuade, if he decides to run, I think that that's still along far off decision. But if he decides to run on that issue, immigration and on education, I think he has a lot of persuading to do to try to get people to coalesce around him. However, I do think that there is a significant portion of sort of the quite Republicans throughout the country who said I think I can agree with that.

GUILFOYLE: And we'll see where it goes in 2016.


GUILFOYLE: Yes. Again, he's not making any announcement thus far about running. But, Eric, how is that going to play with the party at this moment in time, that people are starting to, you know, formulate opinions about who they might want to get behind?

BOLLING: So, he jumped out in front with an act of love immigration and he -- I -- look, there are others on the right, you hear Rand Paul, you hear Marco Rubio also talking about similar ideas. Not necessarily an amnesty but maybe some sort of punishment, but keeping the 11 million or 12 million or 15 million illegals who are here currently, allowing them to stay with some caveats.

I think that he -- that won't be the defining issue for Jeb Bush if he decides to run. I think the education will be. He's a brilliant man. He's one of the smartest people probably in the whole field, but he's got this issue. He's for common core.

Now, the far right, the conservative groups, are against common core. It's like a federal curriculum and people on the right are saying, no, we don't want that. So, I think he -- that's the one thing that could be his Achilles if he's going to get through a Republican primary and then go on and take on Hillary Clinton or whoever.

GUILFOYLE: Well, the more conservative part of the Republican Party, Greg, would have some problems with this. They'd like stricter immigration laws. How do you think this is going to play for him? Is this a smart move? I mean, this is kind of consistent with what he's been saying all along?

GUTFELD: One initial reaction I'm bushed from all the Bushes. Can't we have another names? Can we work down the alphabet? I mean, what's next, Jenna Bush?

PERINO: Down to A.

GUTFELD: Jenna Bush, why don't we get an actual Bush? That would be fun. Have a Bush, at least he wouldn't raise taxes.

Look, I know he's qualified.

GUILFOYLE: I'm so glad I called on you.

GUTFELD: I know he's qualified and I understand what he means by the act of love. That makes sense. But you know what else is an act of love for your country -- is a respect for an actual border. That's love for your country.

You know, I want these people here that take risks. You know, what made America great is people took risks. They came from their country to get here and risk their lives and those people are great people and I like them.

But we should form a line. I mean, right now, our borders are like that bookstore, they don't exist anymore.

PERINO: Right.

GUILFOYLE: OK. Bob, what do you think?

BECKEL: I think that quote would be the single most advantageous quote he could take into a general election. It scares me to death.

I think the Republicans, as usual, will figure out a way to deny this guy the nomination because of things like that because of things like that, because they are such cretins in so many ways.

BOLLING: I just told you, Bob, there's three or four others --


BECKEL: And I think Dana has got a point. I think the Republicans are finally getting to realize that they cannot win national elections without Hispanic votes.

This guy by that one line alone will ameliorate years of hatred that has been built up in the Hispanic community towards Republicans.

GUTFELD: Who build that hatred? The Democrats.

BECKEL: No, no, Tancredo, and people called them whip backs. And people who said they are illegal aliens.

GUTFELD: He did?

BECKEL: Yes, he did.

PERINO: There's somebody else that I will not name but I cannot look this person in the eye because of hateful things that were said that were tagged on to the Republican Party undeservedly. That makes me sick. All right.


BECKEL: Tell me who it is.


BECKEL: On substance, they still to refuse to do an immigration bill. I don't care Rand Paul, the rest of them, Rubio. Here you have Rubio who was probably -- he's Hispanic himself, you would have thought he could get it through, but no, those Tea Partiers in the House, no --

BOLLING: 2016, Bob, we're talking about who is running for president, by then, most of the -- by then, most of the GOP candidates will be on board with some sort of immigration reform. Comprehensive reform.

GUTFELD: I just think, Bob, if you feel this strongly about amnesty. You have a large apartment. You don't live in Arizona. You live in New York. Why don't you offer your apartment open for the first time undocumented workers?

BECKEL: In fact, I have a couple of Hondurans in there right now.


GUILFOYLE: All right.

GUTFELD: I don't doubt that.


PERINO: They're paying them a living wage.

GUILFOYLE: Dana has all the inside information. But he said he's not going to make a decision until the end of the year, about whether or not he's going to run for 2016.


BECKEL: He's running. He can't make the decision yet, what did he say?

GUTFELD: We've got Bush and Clinton again.

GUILFOYLE: By the end of year.

BECKEL: By the end of this year.

PERINO: Not necessarily.

BECKEL: Well, that would be about the right. I thought you end the 2015.

GUTFELD: We're always going to have a Bush and Clinton.


GUTFELD: Bush and Clinton.

BOLLING: You know --

GUTFELD: I have my old bumper sticker.

BOLLING: If Jeb wins and spends two terms in office, it will be almost four decades since the last time the GOP didn't have a Bush in --

GUTFELD: Yes, then you could have an Obama.

PERINO: You can say the same about Clinton.

GUILFOYLE: Guess what? If, you know, you're a winner, you're winner.


GUTFELD: My frustration is where are the new people?

BECKEL: You keep saying that every time. The answer is Republican Party doesn't have any.

PERINO: And neither do the Democrats. Hillary Clinton is not exactly new.

GUILFOYLE: You're going to get to the C-block, guys.

BECKEL: I think Cuomo is supposedly new --


GUILFOYLE: We have to get to the fastest seven, or Bolling's going to be here on the puddle of tears. I don't want to see a grown man to cry. Now the fastest four minutes.

Anyway, coming up, a dramatic day as the Blade Runner murder trial as Oscar Pistorius takes the stand in his own defense. You're going to hear the Olympian's emotional testimony about the night he shot and killed his girlfriend and his message for her family.

That's next on "The Five." Stay with us.


BOLLING: They are "The Five" with their bodies.

Welcome back to the fastest seven minutes in news. Three beguiling stories, seven brisk minutes, one buoyant host.

First up, Rob Lowe played Sam Seeburn, a Democratic speechwriter in the hit TV show "The West Wing." Lowe, a former, quote, "really, really liberal Democrat," made news this weekend sounding pretty darn libertarian. He said, quote, "My thing is personal freedoms, freedoms for the individual to love whom they want, to do what they want, in fact, I want the government out of almost everything."

OK, K.G., Rob Lowe.

GUILFOYLE: This is what you are saying earlier, like a position evolving, to say, listen, have the government out of it. It's consistent, right, to say they shouldn't be in your personal business, making choices about your family, about who you marry, what you do, or how you spend your time, and business shouldn't -- and government should not be interfering overly in business because we've seen what happens when they do that -- overregulate, over tax and it kills entrepreneurial spirit and the free market.


BECKEL: I think his concern is that they are going to regulate sex tapes.

GUILFOYLE: That is such an old joke.

BECKEL: No, it's not an old joke. Do you ever see this guy's sex tape? Ain't nothing joking about that. It's bad for kids.

BOLLING: Why? Did you?

BECKEL: I wouldn't even want to --

GUILFOYLE: What are you talking about, Bob?

BECKEL: The guy had a sex tape.

BOLLING: Let's move on.

Dana, cool to finally see some Hollywood people talking about small government.

PERINO: Well, I think it's like, we're all libertarians now, OK, because there are some very appealing things. That once you start to have a trend and the cycle like the one we're in now, people are starting to think, wait, why is the government involved in everything that I do and they don't like it. I do think that rigid ideology for any party, whether liberal or conservative, libertarian, is actually not helpful to getting things done and some things just can't hold up.

There are some things about libertarians that I really, really like. There are other things I can't stomach and a lot of that for me is on foreign policy. And I'm also curious about on the drug thing, I don't see how it works necessarily on the long run. But I think Rob Lowe is a good writer, and an interesting thinker and somebody that's worthy of listening to for the future, as an interesting good leader in Hollywood.

BECKEL: Is he going to get black-listed in Hollywood?

GUTFELD: Well, that's the point. He is now suffering from wait until you made it syndrome. He waited until he made it to say this stuff. If he had say this stuff 20 years ago, he would be doing slop chop commercials and hosting QVC selling amoles.

BOLLING: Or sex tapes.


BOLLING: All right. Let's move on, next up. Bryan Cranston, star of "Breaking Bad," sat down with Katie Couric for a Yahoo interview. Breaking bad is exactly what he did when asked about ObamaCare.


BRYAN CRANSTON, ACTOR: I personally believe that health care program is fantastic. Yes, there are problems. Anything worthwhile is going to go through a growing pains period. But this is his legacy and I think it's a great one, because I don't think that basic health care should be a privilege of the rich. It should be a right to all.


BOLLING: I love you when the rich guys say basic health care shouldn't be a privilege.

GUTFELD: I mean, you know, he's an articulate guy. But how weird it is that a guy who plays a dark, brooding anti-hero, is really a puppet to the man. I mean, he just propagandized for President Obama.

BOLLING: Your thoughts on --

PERINO: The other thing is we agree. Basic health care for people who can't afford insurance has been available in our country. It's called Medicaid.

My problem with Medicaid is that it's not good enough. The study done over several years in Oregon that show that people that were worse off health-wise after they have been on Medicaid for five years than they were beforehand.

What I think we need as a country is more market forces that will introduce better quality so that people that have to be on Medicaid can have better quality of service.

GUILFOYLE: So, why wouldn't we fix that?

BOLLING: So, Bob, and let me guess, he's not going to give up his massive Cadillac health care plan and sign up for ObamaCare tomorrow, is he?

BECKEL: No. Everybody who happens to be for ObamaCare, do they have to be a puppet for Obama?


BECKEL: The fact of the matter is it works. It is working. And by the time we get to November, you are going to have egg on your face, because right now, millions more people are involved in it, and come November, you are going to have tens of millions of people who are living under ObamaCare and you all are going to lose.

GUTFELD: If I have egg on my face, I won't go to the hospital under ObamaCare to get it removed.

BECKEL: It's a great system.

GUTFELD: How do you know?

BOLLING: Young people are going to watch this guy. They like -- people like "Breaking Bad," maybe if he likes it, maybe I should like it.

GUILFOYLE: Maybe we should have called on him to make one of our ObamaCare infomercials because he would have done it for free. He just did it.

BECKEL: Does ObamaCare hurt you in any way?



BOLLING: Please, are you kidding me? Out of the 3.8 percent investment tax, you have no idea the taxes you are about to get hit with because of ObamaCare.

Finally --

PERINO: You'll complain about it in the green room.


Oscar Pistorius testified today in his own murder trial. It's the first time the public has heard the killer testified in his own words since the shooting of Reeva Steenkamp last Valentine's Day. Let me quote my wife Adrienne when she heard Pistorius testified this morning. She said, "Get out of here, you did it, Blade Runner."

Listen to the very dramatic, tear-filled testimony now.


OSCAR PISTORIUS, OLYMPIC RUNNER: I'd like to apologize and say that there's not a moment, and there hasn't been a moment since this tragedy happen that I haven't thought about your family. I wake up every morning and you are the first people I think of, the first people I pray for. I was simply trying to protect Reeva. I can promise that when she went to bed that night, she felt loved.



GUILFOYLE: She didn't in the morning.

BOLLING: Quick thoughts around.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. I mean, look, I think it's disturbing. If you look at the forensic evidence, I don't buy his story. He's putting on a great performance. So, maybe after he gets out of jail, he can go into acting.

BOLLING: Do you see the judge? She was going to make the decision. She was really clued in --

BECKEL: Yes, this is the South African version of O.J. Simpson. Let's hope the outcome is not the same. This guy is not getting off because he's celebrity Olympic guy.

He -- I think you are exactly right, the forensic evidence points toward guilty and nobody who is not guilty is going to go through that kind of emotional plea.

BOLLING: Your thoughts?

PERINO: Again, I'm just -- I have a hard time getting interested in this. I'm much more concerned about high crime rates in South Africa that affect a lot of other people.

BOLLING: Can I tell you something, Greg? At one point, Pistorius said, you know, I tried to put a pen to paper ever since that night but I haven't been able to do it. But today he did. He found a way at his trial.

GUTFELD: I hate it when perpetrators play the victim. We know now he suffers from depression and nightmares. The poor thing. No wonder.

BOLLING: We're going to leave it right there.

Directly ahead, some angry left wing, Ivy League students stormed the office of Dartmouth's president and staged a sit-down, with a long list of demands. And the school is caving.

Details on how it all went down, after the break.


PERINO: So, here's an outrageous example of identity politics in the Ivy League. Last week, a group of disgruntled students at Dartmouth stormed a university building and staged a 72-hour sit in at the office of the university's president, demanding to negotiate on gender neutral bathrooms, racial quotas and greater diversity in admission. The students claimed they have been driven to this as victims of institutional violence.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The fundamental like basis of this entire gathering is that some people on this campus have more power than other people on this campus. President Hanlon has more power than me. Not just as an authority figure, as president of the college, but also as a male, also as a white person, also as an adult. Granted like it's polite not to cut people off, it's polite to hold discourse, but polite discourse doesn't always change things.


PERINO: OK. Greg, I want you to respond.

GUTFELD: She is a privileged brat. Students have replaced grades with grievances and the irony these are the people with the least amount of substance in their skulls that think they know it all. If you open your heads, you can use them as a salad bowl.

Here's my solution, why don't we expand quotas, include every kind of person -- red heads, short people, the color blind, Sherpas, NRA members, Southerners, fishermen and elbow the rest of them. They can't --

BECKEL: You still wouldn't make it.

GUTFELD: I still wouldn't make it. So, they can't go to school because clearly, they are not using their minds. What a bunch of morons.

PERINO: How -- Bob, back in your day, when you were protesting, you actually were protesting for something of substance. These students are -- one of things they are asking is gender neutral bathrooms. Who would want that?

BECKEL: I would. But listen, I sat in a president's office for a week back when I was in college. The president --

GUILFOYLE: You were in trouble?

PERINO: For something that mattered?

BECKEL: Well, against the war in Vietnam. That's right. But I think every student has got a right to show their grievances. If it means it's going to take away the president's office for a few hours, so what?

PERINO: How about three days?

GUILFOYLE: Three days, Bob.

BECKEL: Some of this stuff is a little bit off the wall. But it is nonetheless what students do. I don't know what the big deal is.

GUTFELD: No, it's not all students do. These are attention-seeking students who will never get jobs in real life because they're too busy trying to get attention for themselves.

BECKEL: I bet they get accepted at Occupy Wall Street.

GUTFELD: You know what? They will never get a real job. They will do gender studies in order to teach gender studies.

BOLLING: Did you do (ph) this thing for World War II?

BECKEL: I don't know --

BOLLING: I'm kidding.

BECKEL: For World War I, I come on that one.

BOLLING: So, here's the thing, right? Dartmouth, $65,000 a year just for tuition, right? So, if you put it all in, probably 100 grand a year, 400 grand, who are these students? Where are their parents? Can you imagine writing the check for $65,000 and seeing your kid protesting wanting gender neutral bathrooms?

GUILFOYLE: This is the dumbest thing I have ever heard of.

BOLLING: Do you know mascot for Dartmouth? Keggy the Keg, and an Indian up until 1972 or so. They -- I'm just blown away, those poor parents of the kids.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. But guess what, there's no -- how about the kids and the students who want some order in school who are actually there to have an education and have a life and get a job and not be big whining moochers for the rest of their life? Who cares?

Go to your weird, freaky, gender neutral bathroom thing someplace else. But don't interfere with the administration trying to run the school. Thank you for your protest. Bye-bye, calling campus security.

BECKEL: My dad went to Dartmouth. As a legacy, I applied. They didn't respond to say no.

BOLLING: Is that true?

BECKEL: Yes, true. My father went to Dartmouth, and they won't even say no --

PERINO: Maybe it got lost in the mail.

BECKEL: Maybe it did. But see, the thing about gender neutral bathrooms is they'll be cleaner.

GUTFELD: That's a good point. You've changed my mind.

PERINO: Not necessarily true. No.

GUTFELD: You've changed my mind. He's right.

PERINO: Don't believe that. Actually, we don't want you in our bathroom. OK. We don't.

GUILFOYLE: How about ever?

GUTFELD: Sit-ins are extremely lazy. If you really care, stand.

PERINO: Or run-in.

GUTFELD: Yes, constantly run.

PERINO: Run right out of your --

GUTFELD: I can't take them seriously.

BOLLING: Yes, or sit outside.

GUTFELD: You can't take them seriously.

GUILFOYLE: No, they are trying to get out of class. That's all it is.

GUTFELD: They argue against fossil fuels, but in the wintertime, that's what heats their dorms.

GUILFOYLE: The whole thing is ridiculous. I wish students like --


GUIFOYLE: Sleep-in. Sleep-in.

PERINO: It would be better. Just keep your mouth shut.

BECKEL: What is sleep-in?

GUILFOYLE: Sleep-in.

PERINO: I got to go.

Directly head, is the Internet to blame for the decline of religious affiliations in the United States? Some surprising new research reveals why we might be losing our faith. Details next on "The Five."


BECKEL: You probably have noticed the weather in New York just absolutely stinks.

All right. Can surfing the Web destroy your faith? The answer yes. A surprising new study from Olin College of Engineering in Massachusetts says that there's been a dramatic drop in religious affiliation in the U.S. since 1990. Some 25 million people and the correlation in the increase of the Internet use. Now, let me say, as a former statistician -- formerly as...

GUILFOYLE: You still are.

BECKEL: Am I still on?


BECKEL: I'm sorry. Thought you hadn't finished agreeing with me (ph). Want to talk about your house again?

OK. Correlate means it is not something as a result of. It correlates. Yes, you can take anything. You can see a decline. It doesn't find anything that's different. They picked out the Internet.

So I'm not so sure I buy this, although there is a lot of evidence that is not correlation -- it's actually truth -- that you follow your parents' religious affiliation generally, and Baby Boomers particularly have been less religious than generations before them. I think that's probably a better reason. But I don't know. You think the Internet interrupts this?

BOLLING: I think you're right. They call it -- sometimes they call it a false fact. Internet use up over the last 25 years, up by 25 million, and also the religiously unaffiliated goes up. You can say the same thing about global warming. So if you believe that the globe is warming over the 25 years, and Internet use is up, therefore, you can conclude, according to this Olin College study, that the Internet causes global warming.

BECKEL: Right.

PERINO: I think it has a little bit to do with fellowship, right? So churches was a place where you gathered and that you have a lot of your social connections. I certainly did growing up. The Internet now allows you to be in this fake social. Right? So you have friends that you talk to all day long on your Facebook, wherever, online that you don't necessarily seek out the kind of fellowship that you might find at a church.

BECKEL: Yes, I agree.

GUTFELD: Are you still in the Church of Satan?

PERINO: No, I gave that up.

GUILFOYLE: My goodness.

PERINO: The politics.

GUTFELD: Religion offers an external process of exploration, going out and meeting people. The Internet makes you feel like you are exploring, but it's actually digestion. Things are coming in, not going out. And what happens is we kind of -- no matter how you feel about spirituality or religion, you are divorcing yourself from the community aspects of it. You're spending more time on your own and less time out talking to people.

Positive of the Internet, though, it does cure loneliness for people who don't have community. You have people out there that you can talk to. The problem is it's taken away from people who had community before.

GUILFOYLE: That's right, because you don't have to go outside the home or your job whatever to go try and have fellowship.

GUTFELD: You don't have to go to a bar, Kimberly.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, thank God. There you go.

BECKEL: One of the things about...

GUILFOYLE: I'm not even going there.

BECKEL: The idea of community and faith is an important, important thing. I think there have probably been more relationships developed between friends as a result of being in church together.

What the Internet crowd considers a community is a chat room.


BECKEL: And a chat room is nothing more than a name. Right? It's not interaction with anybody. What?

PERINO: But there are -- I think there are...

BECKEL: I'm talking about a chatroom. What, you go into one?

My chatrooms? My chatrooms are fine.

PERINO: I think -- I do think that there is a way...

BECKEL: But I go to church.

PERINO: ... that people of faith can actually find more information and a community on line, as well, if the churches find a way to coordinate them.


PERINO: Intersect the two.

BECKEL: Except you're still going to be face-to-face with. "One More Thing" is up next.

GUILFOYLE: See, I was ready for you.


GUTFELD: My phone just died, so I can't order Chinese food. OK. All right. "One More Thing."

I'll start, because I was in the bus tour. Started off in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Met some awesome people. They were fantastic, constantly giving me stuff. That's a terrible picture.


GUTFELD: And I was in Grand Rapids and ended up in Nashville, Tennessee. About 11 cities. It was awesome. People gave us -- gave the gifts -- gave a lot of gifts to "The Five," which I'm having to sift over here. I hope they make it, but a lot of shirts and a lot of stuff for Bob and Eric and...

GUILFOYLE: Did you get any for Jasper?

GUTFELD: Nothing for Jasper.


GUTFELD: This picture, I love this picture. This is any favorite thing. This is a drawing of "The Five" by Ryan Webber. And it's Dana is a T. Rex. Bob is a stegosaurus. K.G. is a brachiosaurus.

And Eric is a triceratops. I am -- I don't even know what I am.

GUILFOYLE: Bob looks like an elephant.

PERINO: It's like an iguana.

GUTFELD: I am like an iguana. But I like the fact that you're a T. Rex, because you have the little chicken tiny arms.

PERINO: I like it that I'm bigger than you.


BOLLING: And I'm a vegetarian.

GUTFELD: Yes, but you're also a RINO. That's the funny thing.


PERINO: Hidden messages.

GUTFELD: All right, where am I? Dana, you're next.

PERINO: Right. Well, one of things that we don't have a chance to talk about on this show enough is something that's happening in another place in the world that's not the Middle East. It's not Iraq and Afghanistan. It's not Russia. It is in Venezuela.

And the protests there have been going on. People are bravely fighting back against their government. So far, 37 people have lost their lives. More than 550 have been injured. There are reports of torture by the government against people that they have picked up on the street.

The government controls all of the television and radio stations, and three individuals from Globovision resigned on air. And one -- this is from FOX News Latino. One executive from Globovision was just kidnapped today. So we should be paying attention to what's going on in Venezuela as much as possible and think about those people that are fighting for their freedom.

GUTFELD: Absolutely.

GUILFOYLE: Thank you for that "One More Thing." It was very good.

BOLLING: OK. So take a look. Happy 5th birthday to FOX Nation here. Roll the B-roll next to me. Take a look. Five years, congratulations, continue to be the defenders of the Constitution and the home for hot debate, hot videos and powerful opinions.

By the way, you can send a birthday wish by hashtag -- on Twitter by #FOXnation with the number 5 and send them your birthday wish and congratulations. Five years, good stuff.


BECKEL: Well, here's -- ever wonder how close kids feel to their cell phones? Take a look at this. This girl in Dover, England. Her name is Ella Birchenough. Lost her phone down a drain. So what did she do? She jumped through the drain to get the phone. It was -- the drain was active. There was a lot of water pouring down there. But she insisted on going in there and getting it.

GUILFOYLE: She's not kidding.

BECKEL: People had to come and rescue this woman. Still insisted she was going to get her BlackBerry, which of course, went away with the water, and so she never got it. But can you imagine? Look at her.

GUILFOYLE: She's not going to fit. Her waist. It's not going to work out.

BECKEL: You can't love something that much. I mean...

GUTFELD: What a way to fix a pothole. Kimberly.

GUILFOYLE: OK, I have an awesome "One More Thing." Greg really wanted me to do some more coverage of the royals, because he's been missing that.


GUILFOYLE: This is very lovely, a beautiful picture. This is part of their three-week Pacific tour, and you have Prince George there looking absolutely adorable. They're in New Zealand, traveling around, and everyone is excited to see such a cute baby.

BECKEL: That is a cute baby. Why is it wearing shorts in New Zealand?

GUILFOYLE: Well, it's his little jumper. A cream jumper and little shorts. That's what babies wear.

BECKEL: Oh, I see. Looks like a king (ph).

GUTFELD: All right. That's it. Thank you, Bob, for not saying anything awful.

Don't forget to set your DVRs so you never miss an episode of "The Five."

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