Monetary Dean-ominations

And now the most absorbing two minutes in television, the latest from the political grapevine:

Hasn't Made Up His Mind

While Democrats are busy raising questions of President Bush's military service, John Kerry -- who has made his Vietnam service a centerpiece of his campaign -- says he hasn't made up his mind whether to do the same.

But in 1992, Kerry went to the Senate floor to defend Bill Clinton -- who was being accused of dodging the Vietnam draft. Kerry called Clinton's critics -- "latter-day Spiro Agnews ... [who were playing] to the worst instincts of divisiveness and reaction," adding -- "the race for the White House should be about leadership and leadership requires that one help heal the wounds of Vietnam, not reopen them."

Presidential Poll-itics

At least three polls, including a new one from Gallup, show that more Americans would vote for Kerry than for President Bush in a head-to-head challenge held today. But the news is not all bad for Mr. Bush.

In the Gallup poll, more Americans say President Bush is a strong and decisive leader, more Americans say President Bush stands up for what he believes in, and more Americans say he's patriotic.

But more Americans believe Kerry can make jobs available to all Americans, and more Americans believe he puts the nation's interests first.

On Another Ticket in Oklahoma

Remember on Monday we told you that Wesley Clark was pulled over by police for speeding on an Oklahoma highway? Well, Wesley Clark Jr. is apparently annoyed by the coverage it got, and much more.

The 34-year-old screenwriter from Los Angeles condemns this year's political coverage as -- "all horserace and no issues," adding -- "What did we get on the news for this weekend? A speeding ticket in Oklahoma. ... It's a hell of a way to pick a president."

And after campaigning with his father, Clark Jr. now calls politics a dirty business, insisting -- "We sacrificed a hell of a lot for this country over 34 years. ... We lived in a damn trailer when I was a freshman in high school."

Monetary Dean-ominations

More details on where all of Howard Dean's money went. The strapped campaign stopped paying its employees for a week due to financial troubles.

It turns out it had previously spent money on what it referred to as -- "paraphernalia" last year, including $7,000 on chocolates from Vermont, more than $2,700 for unspecified items at Kentucky's Louisville Slugger Museum, and $691 on Vermont cheese.

FOX News' Michael Levine contributed to this report