Mob of teens terrorize downtown Louisville

This is a RUSH transcript from "The O'Reilly Factor," March 26, 2014. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

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O'REILLY: "Unresolved Problem" segment tonight. Mob violence that is sweeping across America. Last Saturday night in Louisville, Kentucky, a gang of young people rampaged through the city.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It only took a few minutes for teams to descend on a downtown convenience store.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: As soon as he started seeing them coming over, he tried to lock the door.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: But the clerk at Bator's Market was too late. Surveillance video shows the mob trying to force entry and police say they even punched the man several times. Around the same time police say a group of teens assaulted a woman while she waited in traffic. Bloody and beaten, she came to the gas station to find help. In all police say there were 17 incidents that night. But so far, only two people have been arrested. 18-year-old Jerece Archie and his juvenile counterpart. The two were seen pulling a gun out of a trashcan at the Big Four Bridge.


O'REILLY: Joining us now from Louisville, Thomas McAdam, an attorney who is very familiar with the case. So, I mean this is kind of frightening, you have got 200 kids running around main part of Louisville looking for trouble. Is that what it was?

THOMAS MCADAM ATTORNEY: Yes, that's what happened. This all stems from a stabbing two weeks ago. Two teenagers were stabbed on a city bus by an old man, and one of them, a 14-year-old boy died. And so there was kind of an uproar over it.

O'REILLY: Is the white/black thing? Was the old man white?

MCADAM: No, the old man was black.

O'REILLY: He was black?

MCADAM: And so were all the teenagers. And so what happened Saturday night was there was a flash mob, essentially kids getting together on social media to assemble at our Waterfront park near the - we have got a Big Four Bridge that crosses the river, and it's a walking bridge. It's for pedestrians only. And they were gathering there as kind of a memorial service and it just sort of got out of hand. The grand jury, the Jefferson County grand jury met today and dismissed the charges against the old man after they saw the surveillance video from the bus. It was pretty obvious that about ten kids jumped on the bus and surrounded this guy and were just kicking him and beating him.

O'REILLY: So he was defending himself according it to the grand jury? All right .

MCADAM: He pulled a knife out, right.


MCADAM: And unfortunately, one of the boys died.

O'REILLY: On Saturday night the victims, there are 17 victims. Some of them still in the hospital. They were both black and white. So it wasn't a racial thing, even though the perpetrators were primarily blacked, right? They attacked other blacks?

MCADAM: That's true. The first victim was a 13-year-old black girl who was attacked for her tennis shoes. They took her tennis shoes off of her. But then there were a number of different people that there were attacked both races.

O'REILLY: All right, now, I understand this isn't the first time this has happened. That maybe, you know, this stabbing has gotten people upset, but this has been going on in Louisville for quite some time and the city fathers they don't want to hear about it.

MCADAM: Well, they don't want to talk about it because we have invested a lot of money in our downtown and developing the riverfront and we have a big tourist industry with the Derby and various celebrations downtown. So, unfortunately, the administration, this administration and the predecessors have tried to sweep it under the rug. We have a computer site that shows where crimes are committed in the city and if you look at the waterfront area, it's crime-free. There are no little green dots or red dots for assaults, and burglaries, and so forth. And it's because the police have told me, that they have been informed by their higher ups not to report crimes that occur at the waterfront park.

O'REILLY: All right. Now.


MCADAM: That's not the solution, that's the problem.

O'REILLY: I mean, you know, you have got a lot of this we saw in it in Norfolk, Virginia a couple of years ago. They were doing the same thing, trying to tamp the story down, local media doesn't cover it. But here, you have 200 kids, 17 victims, two arrests? Two arrests? What were the police doing? These kids were out there for quite some time. Two arrests?

MCADAM: Well, we have the one of best police forces in the country in Louisville. I don't want to put this blame on the police. We don't have enough policemen. The mayor announced today that he is stepping up the patrols, we are going to have some policemen on horseback. The city is spending $250,000 to put some surveillance cameras down at the waterfront park. So, these are all things - certainly steps in the right direction. But, obviously, police presence is the best deterrent for this type of behavior.

O'REILLY: Well, two arrests with all that carnage that went on last Saturday night is kind of amazing. Counselor, thanks very much. We appreciate it.

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