Miller's suggestions for most hated in America list

This is a RUSH transcript from "The O'Reilly Factor," June 6, 2012. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

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BILL O'REILLY, HOST: Thanks for staying with us. I'm Bill O'Reilly.

In the "Miller Time" segment tonight, an online survey by the New York Post asks folks who are the most hated people in America. Here's the top ten: Casey Anthony, Kim Kardashian, Jerry Sandusky, Bernie Madoff, Michael Moore, John Edwards, O.J. Simpson, Mel Gibson, Tiger Woods, Paris Hilton.

So we asked our pal Dennis what he thought about this. He joins us now from Santa Barbara, California.

Now I understand before you want to get to that, you heard the abortion segment before you. You say?

DENNIS MILLER, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: First off, just call me No. 11 tonight. And secondly, I'd say they've got quite an assembly line over there at Abortionville if they have a support group.

You know the left will promise you cradle-to-the-grave coverage. It's just the tricky part is making it to the cradle, it would appear from that interview.

O'REILLY: Well, that's true.

MILLER: So we've got to hurry up tonight, Billy. I've got to get home. I TiVo'd a very special episode of "Walker, Wisconsin Ranger." So we've got to move it along tonight.

O'REILLY: All right. Now, is this list unfair in any way?

MILLER: Well, listen, I don't hate anybody but terrorists. Guys who want to hurt our troops or guys who want to blow kids up in a Sbarro pizza parlor over in Israel. There are people I hate, so I can't do that "I would never hate anybody." I hate terrorists.

But outside of that, listen, the closest I come is Pelosi, and I don't hate her. I won't allow myself to get to that point with other human beings. I find her vile; I find her distasteful. I would encourage my kids to sort of reverse emulate her and go opposite of the way she leads her life. But I don't hate her. That's just -- I would rail against that in my life. I don't want to get to the point where I hate.

But I'm telling you, Billy. Hate is the coin of the realm in this culture now. You go on that Twitter thing, and I'm telling you, you know that vague loathing we all feel for each other when we are driving behind the wind shield? That is Twitter footnoted. That vague hatred for each other.

O'REILLY: Listen, I -- that's a good point, because I don't even go on that any more or on the Internet to read these comments. There's a lot of bitterness, and there's a lot of people who I think they're just disturbed.

MILLER: Yes, well, listen...

O'REILLY: I mean, what they say and how they present about other human beings.

But let me throw out a couple of names to you. Kim Kardashian in the same league as Casey Anthony, O.J. Simpson, Bernie Madoff. I don't understand that. Is that because she used the basketball player husband? Is that what that's all about?

MILLER: No, Billy, it's just because these polls are a caprice. This is like judging the state of the world from a "USA Today" pie chart. It's just a goofy poll. I don't hate Kim Kardashian. I met her once on "The Tonight Show." She's very sweet. She's made $80 million with no talent.

O'REILLY: But why do you think she made the list? Why do you think other people put her there? I think it has to do something with that marriage.

MILLER: I don't. I don't think people really hate her. I'm just telling you my opinion when they say who do you hate? They say that. But if you really stopped and thought about it, most of the people out there...

O'REILLY: Right. I understand that. But I think the banality of the woman in that area, particularly for other women, might have gotten her on the list.

MILLER: Yes. But is she brilliant enough to realize that banal is the coin of the realm right now? That's all I'm saying.

Somebody making $80 million off of no talent, and I'm not even saying that disparaging. That's its own talent. God bless her, man. You know, it's an off-the-rack culture, Billy. She got there early when they turned her red lights on.

O'REILLY: That's for sure.

All right. Here in New York City you want to get a big soda, 16- ounce soda, Mayor Bloomberg didn't want that big soda out there, Miller. And you say?

MILLER: I hate Bloomberg. Oh, wait. I just said I don't hate.

O'REILLY: You can't hate him.

MILLER: I'm sorry, Billy. I take that back.

O'REILLY: All right. Good. I think he's got a Napoleon complex. In this case it's about napoleons.

At least Marie Antoinette said, "Let them eat cake." The Diminutive One telling people not to eat cake. And I would caution, if you go down this road it's going to get tricky for you once in a while, Mike.

Because what happens when they start putting a 5'8" stipulation on height to get into the island of Manhattan. Then you're screwed you are a bridge-and-tunnel guy.

I just find it odd that liberals get so behind this stuff. To think that bump on a log taking a dump on a log at Woodstock is now in bed with a man on all this sort of crap is just so weird to me. How did government play such an important part in liberals' lives?

O'REILLY: I don't know why the soda thing upsets Bloomberg so much. But I do know he wants everybody to be slim. He wants us to be in good shape. And he thinks that the giant big gulp is going to work against that.

MILLER: Billy, the reason it gets to Bloomberg is because he has to look up at the rim of a 64-ounce.

O'REILLY: It's always a height deal for Miller. One more thing about this. It's very, very interesting that in New York at the mania of getting the Big Gulp out of here, they want the big smoke to be OK. Because the cops are now being told don't bother the pot smoking people. Don't bother them. They're out there getting a little high on the street that's OK.

So we leave the pot smoking people alone, but we get the Gulp people. Does that make sense to you, Miller?

MILLER: Wow. All I know is that -- that is a tough thing to get somebody that stoned, have them have the munchies, and then deny them their sweet drink. There's something wrong about that, Billy.

O'REILLY: All right. Now, Al Jazeera, you know the Al Jazeera network? I'm sure you have it on your cable system.

MILLER: Sure. It's right next to the -- it's right next to the Al Jarreau network on my Sirius.

O'REILLY: And it's one of my favorites. You know "Moonlighting"? I love that song. They say -- Al Jazeera says that the USA is torturing terror suspects by playing them "Sesame Street."

Roll the tape.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The lyrics talk about magic numbers. Strange words or the names of the colors.

But these innocent children's songs were abused for inhumane purposes come.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: In 2003, it transpired that U.S. intelligence services tortured detainees with "Sesame Street music for days.

O'REILLY: "I'll tell you anything you want to know. Just stop it. Go ahead.

MILLER: Well, listen, there's a lot of intricacies to this story. And I don't know all the wheres and whys and hows. But I do know this, that they're using music from PBS. Bill Moyers is getting a piece of it. I do know that somewhere down the road.

Listen, I think this helps kids, because it keeps them alive to learn how to spell. If they -- if they Cookie-board one of these pigs and he rats a song of the Grouch out, then it's good for kids, isn't it? It keeps them alive.

And I'll tell you what. I'm getting sick of them whining that they are being tortured by cute songs like "Sesame Street" and the great rock opus, "Enter Sand Man" by Metallica. These are good songs. You ever turn on the Al Jazeera radio in your market? That's crap music. Quit whining about good music, for God's sake.

O'REILLY: Yes. I can understand with "Sugar Sugar" by The Archies. That would be out of control.

MILLER: Then you've got problems. But the "Sesame Street" song is catchy. That leads you right into Indian Lake and then, you know, from there you're in Kelso (ph) land.

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