Media Love Black Friday Chaos

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," November 28, 2011. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: So, that convulsion of capitalism known as Black Friday was a huge success, resulting in a record $52 billion being spent -- up 16 percent from last year. Now, some say this is the start of the "Obama recovery." And by "some" I mean Bob -- Bob only, really.

The fact is if you praise the anti-market message of Occupy Wall Street and then suddenly embrace capitalism when it helps Obama, it's like John Travolta's hair.


GUTFELD: No one buys it.



GUTFELD: So, while Black Friday spreads the wealth, it's not the way the left likes it. As stated in the latest New Yorker pop piece on the Wall Street protest, their true goal is clearly the overthrow of capitalism. They take it after you make it, which has its enablers. See how the media handled Black Friday focusing on chaos -- like the fight over $2 waffle irons, which I totally get. Those were worth $5.

But I wish the press would expose the mayhem of the protesters like they did with the shoppers. But, dream on. Let's face it. Reporters share the protesters' assumptions, which is why they forgive them their offenses.

As for those crazes shoppers, to the media, they are zombies overcome by consumption. But at least they help the economy, unlike the protesters who tried to stage a boycott, which I wish would have worked because I'm positive Bob got us all waffle irons.

GUILFOYLE: I hope so.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: And then who's going to make the waffle mix?


GUILFOYLE: No. Aunt Jemima or Bisquick. You just get the pre-made. I got it.

GUTFELD: So, Bob, is this the economic turnaround we've all been waiting for?


GUTFELD: The quote or paraphrase.

BECKEL: And, by the way, it was on this very show last week that with great fear and loathing that the Occupy Wall Street people were going to shut down Black Friday. I think the producers thought that was a big story.

And what happened? Not a single store was shut down. Everybody was fighting each other, using pepper spray to get over each other and get the waffles. And, by the way, that was me right behind the woman with the pepper spray.

GUTFELD: I know. I noticed by your lower back tattoo.

BECKEL: Yes, that's right.



BECKEL: Demand and supply does work. People who are buying down there --

PERINO: Demand for the $2 waffle iron.

BECKEL: No, wait a minute. The middle class re-entered the consumption market on Friday and they got to be there to stay. And you guys are facing a reality, Obama is going to be reelected big.

GUTFELD: But that's what you hated about -- that's why you wouldn't support Occupy Wall Street. This blind consumption.


ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: Dana hit on something very important. I mean, you see the lines, you see people camping out overnight. You see the doors open and they are flooding the Wal-Marts. They're flooding the shelves for the $2 waffle iron -- because the economy is so bad, people are hurting so badly, they have to fight for stupid sales they probably don't even really want.


GUILFOYLE: Did you see what they did to Neiman Marcus, too?

BECKEL: Yes. See that?

GUILFOYLE: Disgraceful.


BOLLING: That's not helping my point here.

BECKEL: It's not just Target and Wal-Mart and Coscovo (ph) or whatever that ridiculous thing.



GUTFELD: That's a country. Costco is a great superstore.

BECKEL: That is -- it doesn't have any bags, man.

GUILFOYLE: No, but they have the best --

PERINO: I am going to help Eric out on his point because the other day, on Twitter, I put out a tweet that said I cannot imagine anything that would get me out of my house and to a Black Friday sale at midnight on Thanksgiving.

And there were a lot of people that responded quite pointedly towards me saying, well, you don't have to worry about getting your kids something for Christmas. I mean, it was a good eye-opener for me and a lesson that I took away from it.

BECKEL: I can guarantee you that all the people in the lines were not a bunch of poor people barely making it day-by-day.

BOLLING: Are you sitting there, leaning back in those flame suspenders you got going on --

BECKEL: You gave this to me. And by the way --

BOLLING: Taking an Obama economy victory lap? Am I hearing this right? This is what your -- this is your great economy?

PERINO: This is the summer we've all been waiting for.


BOLLING: Forty-eight million people on food stamps in America?


GUILFOYLE: Greg has a point.

GUTFELD: I want to bring Kimberly in. Do you think Obama has the election all wrapped up?

GUILFOYLE: I was trying to bring you in and you were trying to bring me in. That's really sweet.

Do I? I think he does. I said it before the show. So you've called me out on it. Nice.

I think he's going to get re-elected at this point. I kind of feel like what Bill Kristol, Bill Clinton was saying Kristof's article in The New York Times, saying that, look, we -- Republicans can't get it together. They can't even figure it out for the primary -- decide who they want.


PERINO: But, boy, do they look good in 2016.

GUILFOYLE: Exactly. That's they're like, OK, you know, Governor Christie, Romney surrogate and probable candidate for 2016. It seems like the leapfrogging ahead and almost conceding it.

GUTFELD: By then we'll all be speaking Chinese. So, what's the point?

BOLLING: Anybody but Obama.

GUTFELD: Huntsman will be president.

GUILFOYLE: You can say that. But it's everybody's flavor of the week.


PERINO: It wasn't just Black Friday. It was the idea of Small Business Saturday.


PERINO: And President Obama did something that I thought, OK, this is what you do with presidents. He went to great store in Washington, D.C. called Kramer Books and Afterwards, which is where I used to go all the time to buy books back when you bought hard copy books. And he went shopping and really showcased Small Business Saturday.

BOLLING: Did you see what he bought?

PERINO: I did not see what he bought.

GUTFELD: "Communist Manifesto," right?

BOLLING: Almost. I mean, you know, what do you do for the American people?

BECKEL: The fact of the matter is -- I know you, but Eric said the "Communist Manifesto." Look, the reality, is that Obama, it has been late in coming. But you've always argued about the --

BOLLING: Late in coming?


BECKEL: I am telling you something. You wait until this time next year, this economy --

GUILFOYLE: Can Greg get in?

GUTFELD: Can I shoehorn a very important story, big development today. Barney Frank, the great Barney Frank, will not be running for re-election. He had like 700 terms as a lawmaker. He's 830 years old. Where is he going to go? Is he going to be a contributor to MSNBC? Is he going to be sitting at Bob's spot when Bob is on vacation?

GUILFOYLE: He's not going to be contributor on "O'Reilly" -- I'll tell you that.

BECKEL: When that great legislator leaves, when his I.Q. leaves there, that means that entire Tea Party Caucus doesn't add up to his I.Q.

PERINO: I just can't wait to see the revolving door. Can we mark this day?

GUILFOYLE: Thanks for the housing --


BECKEL: I'm surprised flags aren't at half-staff. Mine is.

BOLLING: When people leave jobs they've had for a long time they say, I wanted a little more time to spend with my wife, my family. So, he just wasn't "ready" for another term.

BECKEL: Why don't you have him come on the show? He could teach a little bit about economics.

PERINO: The thing I liked about him is that you always knew what you were going to get, though. I mean, he was a true liberal. And you know what it was. And he has great interviews on "O'Reilly."

GUTFELD: That was entertaining.

GUILFOYLE: Big housing and loan mess. Thanks. Bye, Barney.

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