Media gush over Joe Biden's DNC speech

This is a rush transcript from “Tucker Carlson Tonight," August 21, 2020. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.


After three tries, more than three decades of attempting it, Joe Biden last night finally got his party's nomination. A year ago, virtually no one would have predicted this moment. For most of the long primary season, Biden floundered near the bottom of a crowded field. He got so few votes in New Hampshire he didn't even bother with a concession speech. He fled the state on a late night charter flight and tried to pretend it never happened.

In the end, Biden won anyway, the last kid picked for kickball somehow wound up captain of the team. So, no matter what you think of him, that is an undeniable achievement. And yet still, even now, very few people take Joe Biden seriously. Why is that?

Well, if you've seen Biden talk, you know why. He is fading. That's not a partisan point. It's not intended to be cruel. It's true. Seventy-seven- year-olds generally are not meant to lead large countries, 77 is not the prime of life, and it is old age. Vigor declines over the course of a lifetime, particularly in men.

Joe Biden has grown weak. That's why we don't take him seriously.

But as it turns out, there's another way to look at Joe Biden's decline. It's a perspective that hasn't occurred to most Republicans. But clearly, it's at the center of the Democrats' election strategy.

Yes, Joe Biden is slowing down. For 50 years, he couldn't stop talking; now, he has trouble starting sentences. He forgets words. He misnames states. Occasionally, he mistakes his sister for his wife.

Every time he gets confused, Biden grins in that charming way old people do when they know they're losing it.

So yes, Joe Biden has gotten a little daffy, but for that very reason, he is not going to hurt you. There's nothing threatening about him. He's not aggressive or overly ambitious.

In a time of chaos and shouting, it might be comforting to be led by a man who talks about record players and wears slippers with the socks attached.

That's the actual message, the subtext of the Biden campaign. No one in the Democratic Party will say it out loud, no one ever will. But Biden's handlers understand that his punchiness could be his biggest asset.

Because Biden is so obviously ineffective, he is harmless. Because he is passive, you assume he is well meaning. You wouldn't put Joe Biden in charge of your dinner reservations, but on the other hand, he is probably not going to send you to an internment camp.

In that way, Biden is the mirror image of say Elizabeth Warren. Warren's eyes gleam with the menacing promise of Germanic efficiency. Biden's eyes are like windows onto an empty sky. There's nothing there. Just a placid void.

Democrats see an advantage in this. A party that no longer represents the mainstream needs a leader who won't scare voters. Joe Biden's job is to soothe your fears about what the left will do if they ever take power.

Stacey Abrams or Beto O'Rourke could never do that. Their plans for you are too obvious.

Joe Biden has no plans.

The most radical mass political movement in American history has found a front man who seems like he should be feeding pigeons. Democrats are happy about that.

If you didn't see Biden speak last night, you may not fully appreciate this dynamic. Some Republicans in Washington will tell you that Biden's acceptance speech was scary. It's their job to say things like that.

But in this case, that's not true. Watch this clip and ask yourself what you disagree with.


JOE BIDEN (D), PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: But while I'll be a Democratic candidate, I will be an American President. I'll work hard for those who didn't support me, as hard for them as I did for those who did vote for me. That's the job of a President, to represent all of us, not just our base or our party.

This is not a partisan moment. This must be an American moment. It is a moment that calls for hope and light and love, hope for our future. Light to see our way forward and love for one another.

America isn't just a collection of clashing interests of red states or blue states, we are so much bigger than that.


CARLSON: An American moment, an American President, an American leader, who represents everyone, regardless of party, a country that's more than just a collection of clashing interests, a future with hope and love for our fellow Americans.

That's what Joe Biden promised last night. Is there anyone who doesn't want that? Well, the leaders of Joe Biden's party for one thing.

What you just heard does not represent the D.N.C.'s vision for America. It's not even close. Read their platform. Watch their speeches. We just spent all week doing it.

Democratic leaders are not calling for unity. They're demanding division. They staged an entire convention that amounted to an extended tribute to the zero-sum viciousness of identity politics. This group gets this, that group deserves that. Give it to us now.

A nation of 350 million people splintered into countless warring tribes united by nothing, apart from a common loathing of their own country.

It was an orgy of anti-American grievance mongering and from start to finish, it was relentlessly savagely partisan even by the standards of a partisan political convention.

Watch the Reverend Freddie Haynes explains the Jesus hates Republicans, too.

REVEREND FREDDIE HAYNES, FRIENDSHIP-WEST BAPTIST CHURCH: You had the nerve to build a wall, while at the same time you have in the harbor there in New York, the Statue of Liberty saying, give me your tired, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.

Jesus will say, America if you don't get your act together, you can -- you may well go to hell.


CARLSON: America is headed to hell says the Reverend Freddie Haynes, damned for eternity. Flames, smoke, pitchforks, gnashing of teeth -- the whole thing. That's not speculation. It is a straight Red Letter prediction from Jesus himself.

And also, by the way from the Reverend Jeremiah Wright of Chicago. Jeremiah Wright was the Reverend Freddie Haynes's spiritual mentor, he and Barack Obama have that in common.

Jeremiah Wright didn't actually speak at this week's D.N.C., but he was certainly there in spirit, Kamala Harrised Jeremiah Wright in her primetime speech.

Watch Harris diagnose America with a fatal case of racism.


SEN. KAMALA HARRIS (D-CA), VICE-PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: There is no vaccine for racism. We've got to do the work for George Floyd, for Breonna Taylor, for the lives of too many others to name.

We've got to do the work to fulfill that promise of equal justice under law because here's the thing, none of us are free until all of us are free.


CARLSON: There's no vaccine, explains Dr. Harris. It looks like the patient won't make it, sorry.

America is dying from the virus of racism and there's nothing we can do. We've reached the limits of modern medicine. We're going to have to let this country go and start over.

Kamala Harris was hardly the only one to say that. Speaker after speaker this week hit the same theme, America is beyond redemption. Tear it down and build a new country with us in charge. There's just no vaccine for America's sin. It's terminal.

It's unlikely that any major political party has ever had Speakers say anything like this from the podium. Attacking the country or trying to lead is a radical move. And typically, it's not a good way to win a majority.

But this message wasn't aimed at the majority. In fact, they would rather you didn't hear it. That's why they tried it out Joe Biden.

The job of the President is to represent all of us, Biden reassured the country last night, not just our base. Everyone is for that. And yet virtually every word of the convention other than Biden's speech was aimed directly at the left's base, the coalition of the miserable that is the engine of the Democratic Party.

Needless to say, the base loved it. Here's the single dumbest talking head on the single dumbest cable news clapping her hands in infantile glee because Democrats managed to exclude an entire racial group from this week's proceedings.

She's grateful for that. She just couldn't bear to look at them anymore.


ANA NAVARRO, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: It was all about representation. My little myelinated cynical heart, my immigrant myelinated woman heart felt so full last night.

Actually, today is -- today with David and John is the first time I see a white man like in eight hours. This -- you know, other than then Joe Biden last night, and that's okay. They've had 240 years of representation. They're going to be okay.


CARLSON: What kind of person would say something like that or even think it? If you ever catch yourself feeling thrilled that you don't have to see certain racial groups.

If you find people who look different from you that horrifying, that repulsive, then you can be certain that you are indeed a racist, a nasty one, too, and that's exactly the sort of person the Democratic National Convention was aimed at.

Meanwhile, outside the convention, the base stayed busy. Thousands of Biden voters worked to help the Democratic ticket in the ways they know best, by hurting people and destroying things.


CARLSON: None of that was hidden. Anyone who lives in an American city or can navigate a computer knew exactly what was going on.

But if you got your news exclusively from the Democratic message machine, you would have no idea, you'd have no clue that your country was being completely reshaped by violence in the streets.

There was no mention of that at all from Democratic leaders at the convention this week. Antifa wasn't allowed to send delegates.

Various speakers made BLM sound like a branch of the United Way. The media did not contradict this message. They simply refused to cover the violence outside. It was like it all never happened.

It's possible that Joe Biden never found out about it. Biden doesn't get outside much. He knows only what they tell him. Judging from his speech last night, Biden has come to believe that he is Mahatma Gandhi, leading a movement to restore love to the human heart.


BIDEN: We can choose a path to becoming angrier, less hopeful, more divided. It a path of shadow and suspicion, or -- or we can choose a different path and together take this chance to heal, to reform, to unite - - a path of hope and light.


CARLSON: A path of hope and light. It sounds like a Beatles lyric from their acid phase. But actually it's a beautiful sentiment, if we are being honest. Who doesn't want hope and light? We all do. All decent people want that, and that's why it's a winning message in a national election.

Unfortunately, it's also a deeply dishonest message. Unity is not what the Democrats are promising. Unity is not what they plan to deliver.

The media understand that very well. They're committed Democrats themselves. Hope and light, please. These people cheered when they thought Roger Stone was going to die in prison for some made up crime. They cried when he was spared.

These are hardened partisans and not just the ones whose brothers are sitting governors. They know perfectly well that what Joe Biden said on stage last night was absurd. But they also know that many Americans will believe it. So, they loved the speech.


WOLF BLITZER, CNN HOST: It may have been the best speech that Joe Biden ever delivered.

GLORIA BORGER, CNN CHIEF POLITICAL ANALYST: I think this may be the best speech Joe Biden has ever delivered.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This was one of the strongest speeches of Joe Biden's career.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It was probably the best speech I've ever heard of Joe Biden.

VAN JONES, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: Whoever wrote that speech needs to get a cookie and a hug and a flag and a puppy. That thing was crafted so well.

DON LEMON, CNN ANCHOR: He came ready, Chris.

CHRIS CUOMO, CNN ANCHOR: He absolutely did.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He spoke passionately and from the heart.

CUOMO: It is a tale of two visions of what this country is about. One is about anger. Joe Biden gave you something very different tonight. He said and I quote, "I will draw on the best of us."

JENNIFER GRANHOLM, CNN SENIOR POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: He --I am just like, if I could jump out of the chair, I mean this is the best night for Joe Biden ever.


CARLSON: The best night for Joe Biden ever. Jennifer Granholm might be right about that. Unfortunately, in the short term, lies often work.

CNN went farther than that, by the way. They described Biden's speech as, quote, "a moment when the destiny of a man and his nation converge." What does that mean for you exactly? What does it say about them? That's next.


CARLSON: Joe Biden's speech last night at the Democratic National Convention wasn't really speech for our media, it was a transcendent, indeed almost biblical experience.

The seas have parted, salvationists at hand, Joe Biden was able to read from a teleprompter effectively. That means the rapture is on the way.

An actual headline from CNNs website reads this way, quote: "A moment when the destiny of a man and his nation converged." Give that man a raise.

But CNN wasn't the only news organization beside itself. They all were and they reacted this way to almost every speech all week. Watch.


JOY REID, MSNBC HOST: Michelle Obama is riveting, was riveting. One of the best speeches I've heard her give and I've heard her give many speeches.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She is clearly one of the most talented political minds of our time right now.

NIA-MALIKA HENDERSON, CNN SENIOR POLITICAL REPORTER: She is also this kind of pop culture figure who also kind of comes across as your favorite next door neighbor.

GRANHOLM: It was all tied together in a beautiful bow by Michelle Obama.

JONES: I mean, this extraordinary speech. I mean, she's beautiful.


CARLSON: Michelle Obama is one of our most talented political thinkers in America. Quick, name something she said that isn't banal. Whatever.

The bar is not that high if you're a Democratic Party figure who could plausibly be on the cover of "Vogue." Steve Krakauer is the founder and editor of the media newsletter, "Fourth Watch." We're happy to have him on the show tonight. Steve, thanks so much for coming on.

It does seem like -- look, let's say you've got strong political views. You're covering this stuff on TV. You know, you can kind of shape the message in a way that's maybe more subtle than just coming out and calling a candidate Jesus, but they're going for that. Why?

STEVE KRAKAUER, FOUNDER AND EDITOR, "FOURTH WATCH": Well, you talk about Joe Biden. I mean, this was a true victory in expectation setting. I mean, the expectations could not be any lower for Joe Biden's speech.

CARLSON: Good point.

KRAKAUER: And look, he exceeded them. So good for him. I mean, I think if he didn't go out there and say that "you ain't black," if you think a certain way, it would have been, you know, a big praiseworthy moment.

You know, it's funny, you played a clip of Van Jones actually, and Van actually said on air that, you know, we were all preparing for it to be terrible. But as long as Joe Biden didn't embarrass himself, we were all going to come out here and praise it.

It's like, man, you're reading the stage directions and not the script. Like that's something you'd sort of think and not say.

CARLSON: That's true.

KRAKAUER: You know, set it up so that as long as he didn't, you know, go out there and call, you know, and ask if someone is a junkie, it was going to be this perfect moment.

CARLSON: The Republican Convention is next week, it's Monday, and so there's going to be not much time for people to forget the way the media responded to the Democrats as they compared the way the media responds to Republicans. Is that a problem, do you think?

KRAKAUER: Well, you know, I think that it's going to be very clear to contrast the two. I think that there's -- honestly, I'm very curious to see how much of the Republican National Convention they even cover.

You know, there was a story this week that some of the media networks actually covered a little bit less of the D.N.C. than they were originally going to plan to, because they don't want to look like they are really giving a short shrift to the R.N.C. when they really don't cover it next week very much at all.

So I'd be very curious to see how it gets even covered, if at all.

CARLSON: Do you think it's possible that they can, with a straight face say, you know, we gave this amount of time to the Democratic National Convention, we're giving less to the Republican National Convention.

KRAKAUER: Oh, yes. Especially this year, right? I mean, look, you know, this is a Zoom convention. It was a pretty boring D.N.C. and I don't really necessarily fault them all that much, it kind of matched the tone of the vibe of Joe Biden may be, very like, you know, base it on Zoom.

But I'm not sure it's going to be very different for the R.N.C. either. It's a very strange and different unique time. So it would not surprise me at all if there is a significant reduction in coverage next week than there would be 2016 or 2012 going forward, because you know, this is a very different time.

I believe networks like CNN and others believe they are in this existential fight with the person in the White House. So covering it as this you know, this great essentially like, you know, documentary style for, you know, a campaign ad for two hours, I'd be very surprised if that happens.

It is not fact checked immediately as these things are going on.

CARLSON: It's fine with me when reporters are tough on politicians even ones I vote for. That's their job. It's the sucking up that bothers me a lot.

And you worked in TV. If you were a TV producer, and you see one of your on-air people, you know, say Michelle Obama is great, that's fine. But then say she is one of our most important public intellectuals and of course that's absurd. Would you get in the person's ear and say, settle down a little bit. You know, take a deep breath. She is not actually Socrates.

KRAKAUER: Yes, well you know, honestly it's unfamiliar to me.

Look, I was at CNN, Tucker. You were at CNN, too.

CARLSON: Yes, I was.

KRAKAUER: It is a completely different world there, I think right now and it's because they believe that they are in this fight.

So honestly, it's almost unrecognizable, the network right now. But I would say this, look, one of the biggest problems -- Joe Biden, he can read from a teleprompter. He gave a good speech. Obviously, you know, it's all about unity and then everyone liked it.


KRAKAUER: But look at the people who he has interviewed with. His last two interviews, and he will be on ABC on Sunday -- the last two people he has interviewed with is "People Magazine" and Cardi B.

You know, he is not being pressed by any significant, you know, media figures, and I honestly don't even know if he would be pressed, if they actually got him in a room and sat down with him and wait until we get to the debates.

I mean, you know, assuming that all happens, Joe Biden and Donald Trump on stage in a way that you can't go and pick and choose how you're going to cover, then it's really going to see how this is all going to play out and the media is not going to be able to really weigh in as much as they have been in the past.

CARLSON: No, they will be against the debates. You watch. He's always welcome on the show, by the way. Well, we'd give him two blocks even.

Steve Krakauer, great to see you tonight. Thanks so much.

KRAKAUER: Thanks, Tucker. Appreciate it.

CARLSON: We've got news tonight. An update in the case of that horrifying beating of an innocent man last week in Portland, Oregon. We will tell you the latest, next.


CARLSON: Last Sunday in Portland, Oregon, a man authorities have identified as 25-year-old, Marquis Love brutally beat another man, Adam Haner during that city's never ending riots.

We showed you the tape the other night. We're going to show it to you again. It's real. It happened. The other networks don't want you to see it. Here it is.


CARLSON: This morning, authorities in Portland took Marquis Love into custody. There was a manhunt for him. They finally got him. He faces felony assault and riot charges.

Haner, the victim said he tried to help someone who was being mugged. He believes he was targeted by the mob because of his skin color.

Now, this story is an awful story, but it's more than about just one beating. It's about punishing normal people for the crime of living their lives in peace, which most of them do.

As long as there is suffering anywhere, the mob believes, there must be suffering everywhere.

So watch as rioters terrorize local residents in Portland this week for flying American flags on their porches.


RING LEADER ON MEGAPHONE: Right here is another example of white men feeling comfortable. I bet you've never had a struggle in your life.

Your flag represents incarcerated black bodies.

So [bleep] your flag.

[Bleep] your flag.


CARLSON: These are explicit racial attacks as explicit racial harassment. Would the country ever put up with this in any other context? No.

But the Justice Department stands by, the local authority stand by, our media stands by. Democratic politician stand by, even Republicans. No one says anything.

What are the people sleeping in their homes do wrong exactly? Well, nothing. They never attacked anybody. They didn't even fight back against the people screaming at them. All they're doing is living in peace. But that's not allowed in Portland and major cities everywhere. You are not allowed to do that if they don't like the way you look.

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot wants you to know that rioting is good. She is totally for rioting. She has allowed it in her city for many weeks now. But you're not allowed to do it near where she lives. Watch.


MAYOR LORI LIGHTFOOT (D), CHICAGO, ILLINOIS: I'm not going to make any excuses for the fact that the given the threats that I personally receive, given the threats to my home and my family, I'm going to do everything I can to make sure that they are protected.

And I make no apologies whatsoever for that and I have an obligation to keep my home, my wife, my 12-year-old and my neighbors safe.


CARLSON: Well, to Lori Lightfoot, having a safe neighborhood is sort of like getting a haircut. No one is entitled to one except Lori Lightfoot.

Meanwhile, scenes like this are playing out currently across your country.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Wake up. Wake up. Wake up [bleep] up. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up [bleep] up.


CARLSON: So what do you do if you find yourself surrounded by a mob like that? It could easily happen. No one's going to help you. No one you voted for will move a finger. No one who says oh, I care about you really cares.

You're going to have to defend yourself and your family. How do you do that? Jack Carr knows the answer. He's a "New York Times" bestselling author, a former Navy SEAL. He's the author of "The Terminal List: True Believer in Savage Son." And we are happy to have him on tonight.

Jack Carr, thanks so much for coming on. So --

JACK CARR, FORMER NAVY SEAL AND AUTHOR: Tucker, thank you so much for having me.

CARLSON: Well, I'm glad you're here. We were thinking about doing the segment for a long time, and until we saw a recent piece you wrote, we didn't know who would be the right person you clearly are.

What do you do if you find yourself, for example, driving with your kids surrounded by a mob of screaming people?

CARR: Well, there's a few things to unpack here and the first one is that Lori Lightfoot, of course, she's not the only politician that does this. There are politicians and senior level officials across the country that do the exact same thing and it is the height of hypocrisy to have a taxpayer funded 24/7 armed security for the same people that want to defund the police on one hand and take your guns on the other.

And I say the height of hypocrisy, because we're talking about the most precious gift of all here. We're talking about human life, your life, and the lives of your family members.

And we know that police by their very nature, no matter their intentions, they're going to get there after a crime has been committed. They respond to criminal activity. They're not standing next to you unless they happen to be on Lori Lightfoot's personal security detail.

So what do you do?

CARLSON: That's a great point.

CARR: Well, if you have you take this turn and I started thinking about this, I've been thinking about it for a while. It's been my whole life really, professionally and personally. But this video of the last few days having this guy pulled out of his truck, beaten to within an inch of his life on the streets of America.

And I thought, what if my wife is somewhere, she takes the wrong turn, all of a sudden she is surrounded by this mob. We have kids in the back of the car. We have a special needs child like many people do. He is strapped into a seat in the back there. What is she supposed to do?

So some of those basics are stay in the car. Doors closed. Locks. Locked doors. Windows up. And that only allows you some level of protection. It does give you a level of protection, but it only goes so far.

But the main thing is to avoid those right away. So situational awareness, looking around, being aware that there are threats. Picking your head up out of that phone and turning around.

If you turn a corner and you see something that doesn't look right, as an Army Special Forces sniper from Vietnam told me years ago, he said, if it doesn't look right, it's probably not.

So trust those instincts and pay attention to that sixth sense that has kept us alive as a species since we've been on this planet. If it doesn't look right, turn around, reverse. Get out of there.

Now, if you're surrounded by a mob -- a violent mob, like we saw in Virginia, a woman in her car, kids in the back, surrounded by a mob that's beating on her windows, beating on the doors, beating on the hood, beating and climbing on top of her car, calling 911 and being told by the dispatcher, we can't send the police. But you can call your City Council and express your frustrations to them.

So meanwhile, she is scared. Her kids are scared. She made it out of there, luckily.

So remember, your vehicle is a weapon, but you don't want to be in that position to begin with. Now, if you do get to that phase where you have to fight, it's good to be prepared and to know how to fight.

And we've seen even before these riots, we saw an uptick in gun sales, uptick in ammunition sales, and then those riots hit and we saw even more so. It gets compounded.

So we've also seen is people wanting to get training with that firearm, which is the most important part if you're going to invest in that firearm to also invest in that training.

And right now, for better or for worse, we've been at war for close to 20 years now and that means we have a lot of people with experience that have come back from the battlefield. They're in the private sector. They're passing on their lessons learned. They're passing on those skills and we're about to get a lot more law enforcement into the tactical training industry as well as they leave their departments in droves. And who can blame them?

So we're about to get that. And you don't have to be a veteran of the military or law enforcement to be a great firearms trainer. All you have to do, search for these people, do a web search and get that training.

And for those that are wrestling with the fact that they might have to defend themselves, I always think, hey, what if you were to just appear here, out of nowhere. If you just appeared out of thin air, and all of a sudden you were violently attacked by a person or a group of people, you wouldn't need a piece of paper that told you it was okay to defend this gift of human life.

And I wrote something down here. It's from Cicero, and I didn't want to misquote Cicero on your program, but he said, "There exists a law in born of our hearts by natural intuition, if our lives are endangered by plots or violence or armed robbers or enemies, any and every method of protecting ourselves is morally right," so protecting your life, the lives of your loved ones is as natural as breathing.

CARLSON: It is. It's the most basic right. It's the fundamental right.

Jack Carr, I knew you were the right man to talk to. I hope you will come back for some more granular lessons on what that would look like. We appreciate your coming on tonight. Thank you.

CARR: I certainly will. Take care, Tucker.

CARLSON: Well, the Pentagon has announced a new UFO Taskforce. It turns out "The X Files" are real. We will tell you what they are working on, next.


CARLSON: The vast majority of people out there on the streets wrecking our country have not been charged, but actress Lori Loughlin has been charged. She was sentenced today for the crime of clumsily bribing officials to get her unqualified daughters into the University of Southern California.

Why would you want to do that? Not clear, but she tried.

Now, it's important to emphasize that the real federal crime here was not that Loughlin used her celebrity status to gain an unfair advantage. That a lot.

Prominent liberals have placed their mediocre children in prestigious schools much more prestigious than USC for a long time, in fact forever.

For those students, people like Chelsea Clinton, Dante de Blasio, CNN's bodybuilding correspondent, the Admissions Department at schools like Stanford, Oxford, and Yale were more like welcoming committees.

But Lori Loughlin went wrong by being too obvious about it. Next time she wants to get one of her kids into USC, she'd be better off calling a Democrat and then we can be certain everyone will just look the other way and call her kid a genius.

The DoD has announced the creation of a new UFO Taskforce. It will analyze the nature and origin of unidentified aerial phenomenon. That news comes after several videos surfaced showing U.S. Navy pilots coming across unknown objects moving in ways that seem to defy Physics. We played them on this show.

Those images were captured by advanced jets using infrared technology. So what will this Taskforce be looking at? And what do we think they'll find?

Nick Pope is the man we ask these questions to. He's a former U.K. Ministry of Defense official. He joins us tonight.

Nick, thanks so much for coming on. So we've touted this story a couple of times that there's this new Taskforce, but we haven't gotten into the details and this is an important story, just to be clear, maybe even more important than our presidential election.

It's not clear what they're looking for, and what people who pay attention expect them to find. What do you think?

NICK POPE, FORMER U.K. MINISTRY OF DEFENSE OFFICIAL: Well, when the Senate Intelligence Committee demanded a report on all this from the Director of National Intelligence, one of their concerns was that a lot of different people in the U.S. government, the military, the Intelligence Community, maybe were doing things on this, but no one was pulling it all together.

So I think one of the first things this taskforce will have to do is find out who knows what about this and, you know, pull it all together and see what we already have on this issue perhaps highly classified and deeply compartmentalized.

CARLSON: So one piece of information, it would be nice to get right away is, where's the physical evidence? There's apparently somewhere in the bowels of a U.S. government storage facility physical evidence, the remains of one of these unidentified flying objects. So, why don't we know more about that?

POPE: Well, I've heard these stories too, about this debris, this meta material, whatever one calls it and again, I think the Taskforce must have access to all that information. And one hopes the fact I mean, this is a Navy lead, interestingly, probably because of all these videos, of course, these interactions with the U.S. Navy jets that you mentioned.

But the Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security also has oversight of this, and that's very important. And I hope the Taskforce will get to the bottom of this and find out what these materials are.

And you know, look is this something of ours? Is it Russia? Is it China? Or is it something else? The time has come when we need answers to these questions.

CARLSON: It's pretty clear from our conversations with U.S. government officials that they've ruled out Russia and China. They don't believe these are aircraft from foreign militaries. Why would they be keeping the details from the public? What's your best guess?

POPE: Well, I think all of these programs when you get into this subject, it's all very highly classified. And of course, when you've got these interactions between the phenomena, whatever it may be, and these, you know, multibillion dollar assets, the U.S. aircraft carriers, the Nimitz, the other ones involved in this.

I mean, there are extreme sensitivities. And that's the other point. No government really likes to turn around and say, look, we've lost control of our own airspace. There's something in our skies faster and more maneuverable and we don't know what it is.

CARLSON: Yes. And maybe our understanding of Physics isn't broad enough. No, I think it's a very good point.

Nick Pope, thank you for the update.

POPE: Well, yes.


POPE: Thank you.

CARLSON: Thank you. So Democrats, as you doubtless know control virtually every lever of power in the State of California, the largest state of the union, effectively is a kind of laboratory for leftwing ideas.

Democrats can do whatever they want, no one pushes back. So no state is closer to enacting the Green New Deal. No state is even near as close as California is. So what does the Green New Deal look like?

Well, this week, California is grappling with historic blackouts. Millions of people going without power. It is third world.

According to a new report, the organization that manages the state's electrical grid was totally unprepared for the heatwave underway there now. It's August and hot. They had no idea.

Now, we're told that another wave of blackouts could strike within days; again, still August.

The Governor of California, Gavin Newsom has called the situation quote, "unacceptable and unbefitting of the nation's largest and most innovative state." Not innovative enough to predict the obvious, however.

California's energy operators have warned for years that renewable energy including solar energy doesn't make it work. You can't ensure that residents get electricity if you rely too much on renewable energy.

So Democrats like Gavin Newsom complained about power outages, but they are pushing more reliance on renewable energy.'

Right now, the State of California uses about 36 percent renewables for its power grid. Democrats would like to increase that to 60 percent. What will happen then? You know, more Californians will lose power, but they'll keep doing it because the ideology is more important than the lives of the people who vote for them.

We're telling you about this because we think it's really important for you to understand the rest of the country to understand what this means in real terms. It means moving backwards, obviously.

Well, the Democratic Convention isn't all bad. Some people on stage watched this show. We're flattered. We'll show you what we mean next.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Text vote to 30330 to learn more. 30330, it's actually not that hard to remember. Watch. Person, woman, man, camera, TV, 30330. Anyone can do it.


CARLSON: You recognize that. That's the interview that our own Dr. Marc Siegel did referenced recently at the Democratic National Convention. Of course, we're flattered.

Unfortunately, it doesn't look like Democrats listened to too many other things on that show.

Watch, Kamala Harris explain the real dangers of the Wuhan coronavirus.


SEN. KAMALA HARRIS (D-CA), DEMOCRATIC VICE PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: And while this virus touches us all, we've got to be honest, it is not an equal opportunity offender. Black, Latino, and indigenous people are suffering and dying disproportionately, and this is not a coincidence. It is the effect of structural racism.

Joe will bring us together to end this pandemic and make sure that we are prepared for the next one.


CARLSON: We've got to be honest, which means they're lying. And in this case, they are. Structural racism can't even be defined. Racism has nothing to do with this virus. It's a virus. It's science.

But they're telling you that anyway.

In Maine, they seem to think the problem is the restaurant servers, waiters and waitresses aren't wearing dog cones and official government document from the State of Maine says in order to prevent coronavirus, waiters need to wear a shield that is, quote, "Designed to be worn inverted, attaching below the face, like a collar open at the top of the shield."

Would you want to eat there? And will it work? Dr. Marc Siegel is a Fox News medical contributor, a very famous one now. He joins us tonight. Hey, Doctor.

DR. MARC SIEGEL, FOX NEWS MEDICAL CONTRIBUTOR: Good to see you, Tucker. Well, as far as those dog collars are concerned, they're called cones of shame. You can't actually can't eat in them, I don't think. I don't think you can eat in them.

So in other words, maybe they'll keep you from getting COVID if there is any COVID in Maine, but there's only 19 new cases by the way over the last 24 hours. The restaurant owners are in shame and they can't eat.

Now, in terms of the idea of someone else riding to the rescue here and becoming the President and imposing a national policy of perhaps lockdowns again, which have cost us great in terms of mental and physical suffering and medical problems and tremendous damage to the economy. I want to propose an idea that has not been talked about enough, Tucker.

Tucker, the current President is a deal maker and you know that he has used the Defense Production Act 78 times according to the White House to bring the supplies we needed, the masks we needed, the ventilators we needed, the testing has ramped up. The vaccine we've talked about on the show, Operation Warp Speed is unbelievable at the rate that it's performing the science. And the treatments that are in the pipeline -- all because of public-private partnership and a lot of businesses ponied up in that direction without the super imposition of the government.

The other point I want to make, when you talk about national lockdowns, and by the way the party of national lockdowns is also allowing of course, protesting where masks are not superimposed or even physical distancing is not superimposed. So there's a certain inconsistency to that.

But the most important thing, Tucker, is states vary from one state to the next. How can you superimpose something on Florida right now, which has done so well and is actually down in terms of the case rate of positivity to eight percent or California down now rates are going down, 6.6 percent, meaning that if you're tested, there's only a six percent chance you're even going to be positive or New York or --

CARLSON: No, it's such a great question. How can a country -- I'll use the word diverse is this -- benefit from a one size fits all standard?

I want to play a piece of tape for you. This is Vice President Joe Biden asked about COVID and I want to see your response to this. Here it is.


QUESTION: If you're sworn in come January, and we have coronavirus and the flu combining, which many scientists have said is a real possibility, would you be prepared to shut this country down again?

BIDEN: I would be prepared to do whatever it takes to save lives.

QUESTION: If the scientists say shut it down.

BIDEN: I would shut it down. I would listen to the scientists.


CARLSON: I would shut it down. So that's unequivocal right there.

SIEGEL: Tucker, that's very disturbing, because first of all, we're not even predicting a severe flu season because in the southern hemisphere, we're not seeing it.

But that aside -- that aside -- what about all of the costs of another lockdown imposed? Kids that can't get their teeth taken care of or eyeglasses. No nutrition. Problems with mental health. Problems with physical health. Operations that are put off.

People -- many more people will die of heart disease and cancer from extended lockdowns than will ever die of COVID-19. That's not to mention the depression and the suicide, and again, locking the whole country down, locking down Montana with no cases, locking down Maine. Maine 19 cases.

And you know, and we're going to see more of those superimposed dog collars, I suppose where owners of restaurants are going to have to wear these cones of shame as the state is locked down with 19 cases.

CARLSON: Our politicians become more powerful. Dr. Marc Siegel. Thank you. Great to see you.

That's it for us. Have a great weekend. See you on Monday.

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