Marine's dad: My son's reporting of sex abuse by Afghan allies led to his death

This is a rush transcript from "On the Record," September 22, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, FOX NEWS HOST: Shocking and disturbing allegations that U.S. soldiers and marines were being told and are being told to ignore known sexual abuse of boys by Afghan allies. From the New York Times, reporting that commanders in the Afghan army have been sexually abusing young boys, sometimes even on American bases. Soldiers and marines have faced discipline, and each had their careers ruined for simply speaking up.

One marine, Lance Corporal Gregory Buckley, Jr., was shot to death in 2012 on a base in Afghanistan. His father believes his son's reporting of an incident led directly to his death. Gregory Buckley, Sr. and his attorney Michael Bowe go ON THE RECORD.

Good evening, sir. Greg, first to you. You know, I never know what to say to it a parent of a child who has died and worst of all, died in uniform trying to protect the rest are of us. So I must say, you know, my condolences to you, sir.


VAN SUSTEREN: Greg, what happened?

BUCKLEY, SR.: Well, Greg went over there when he was 20 in April. And after being there for a couple of months, I started getting phone calls in the middle of the night from him. And he just told me that he just didn't feel safe on his base. And he was going to be murdered on his base, and of course, you know, no father wants to hear something like that. And as time went on, it just worse and worse over there. And at night, he couldn't sleep. He just felt very uncomfortable. He just said these people are not right. He says we are here to help them, but they don't want our help. They keep on arguing with me at night, telling me they don't want us here. And Greg had a disagreement with one with one of his superiors and that was it. The next day, he had to apologize even to him, even though didn't do anything wrong did, but I guess that's what he had to do.

VAN SUSTEREN: Did he know of any sexual abuse by our Afghan allies to boys? Did he ever tell you about that?

BUCKLEY, SR.: Yeah. He told me .... He is the chief of police. He came in the middle of July. And when he came in, he came with nine little boys. I asked Greg what's that all about? He goes they're T- boys, they're sex slaves to him. And within that one night, nine boys disappeared. And they were told to look for the boys on the barracks, and he went to (inaudible). They saw his room and opened up the door, and the little boys, you know, ages from 8 to 13, 14, were underneath the covers. And they were, you know, crying and, you know, they weren't happy, of course, being abused by four other older men. And then, they were told by their superiors, another soldier, another marine, to just back out of the barracks, and leave them alone. And it was an awful feeling for my son who is 20, who believes -- you know, has the right morals and he couldn't understand how could somebody do this as to a little kid. And I see pictures of my son, you know, he was friendly with all of the little kids there. They loved him. And then for this to happen.


VAN SUSTEREN: Michael, what's being written in the New York Times, you know, literally means boy play. And the allegation in the New York Times article is that our allies, our friends, not our enemies, but that they were -- they had this cultural thing where they molest young boys and then the allegation is that our senior military are looking the other way, Greg's son might have been killed as a result for speaking up. Do you have any more information on that?

MIKE BOWE, ATTORNEY FOR BUCKLEY FAMILY: Well, it is -- I would like to address when they say it's their cultural thing. It's not a cultural thing in the sense that the parents of those boys approve of it and people approve of it. It's a cultural thing in the sense that people who are put in power in Afghanistan often abuse that power. One of the ways they do it because they are such a repressed sexual culture, they turn little boys into these sex toys.

VAN SUSTEREN: Just, you know, I wasn't excusing it as a cultural thing, I hope you know that.

BOWE: No, I think it's a misnorm for the military to come out and say well, look, it's a cultural thing. We have to respect our culture. It's not that there are people there who think this is all right. There are people there who overstep their bounds. And in our situation, the people who are overstepping their bounds are the people who we are putting in power.

VAN SUSTEREN: Can I just -- I only have 30 seconds left. Michael, who killed Gregory?

BOWE: It was one of the T-boys from this person from this person's (inaudible) who came in his entourage onto the base. And marines had previously been warned about this person. He had been thrown off the base by Major Jason Brezler, a different base two years prior to that. And commanders had ignored those warnings.

VAN SUSTEREN: Gregory, again, I'm sorry, terribly sorry about your son. Thank you for joining us. Michael, thank you as well.

BUCKLEY, SR.: Thank you.

VAN SUSTEREN: And we should note the Pentagon has responded to the allegations saying we have never had a policy in place that directs any military member or any government personnel overseas to ignore human rights abuses. And my thought? Maybe no so-called policy in place, but what about that nod and wink where you just look the other way. But that's just me.

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