Liberal media not buying Hillary Clinton's email excuses?

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," August 19, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Kimberly Guilfoyle along with Juan Williams, Brian Kilmeade, Meghan McCain and Greg Gutfeld. It's 5 o'clock in New York City and this is "The Five."


HILLARY CLINTON, D-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I know there's a certain level of, you know, sort of anxiety or interest in this. Everybody's acting like this is the first time it's ever happened. It happens all the time.


GUILFOYLE: Really? Top secret information sent on personal servers happens all the time? Hillary Clinton once again nonchalantly blows off her serious e-mail scandal with more jokes and more bluster.


ED HENRY, SENIOR WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: Secretary Clinton, you're blaming this on process and saying this is the way it goes. Isn't leadership about taking responsibility?

CLINTON: Well, I do take -- look Ed, I take responsibility. Look -- and I just told Jeff in retrospect, this didn't turn out to be convenient at all. And I regret that this has become such a cause c,lSbre, but that does not change the facts. And no matter what anybody tries to say, the facts are stubborn.

HENRY: ABC is saying that the FBI believes that you tried to wipe the entire server. Did you try to wipe the entire server, so there'd be no e- mail, no personal, no official, wipe the whole thing?

CLINTON: Well, my personal e-mails are my personal business, right?

HENRY: Right.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Did you try to wipe the whole server? You didn't answer the whole question.

CLINTON: I -- you know I don't -- I have no idea. That's why we turned it over.

HENRY: You said you were in charge of it. You were the official in charge. Did you wipe the server?

CLINTON: What, like with a cloth or something? No, no.

HENRY: You know how it works digitally. Did you try to wipe the whole server?

CLINTON: I don't know how it works digitally at all. I do not have any.

HENRY: Did you not try?

CLINTON: Ed, I know you want to make a point, and I can just repeat what I have said.

HENRY: It's a simple question.

CLINTON: Thank you all very much.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Is this issue going to go away for the rest of the campaign?

CLINTON: Nobody talks to me about it other than these guys.


GUILFOYLE: Awkward. Well, she tried to blame the controversy on a right- wing conspiracy, but the Liberal media isn't even buying her excuses anymore.


RON FOURNIER, NATIONAL POLITICAL JOURNALIST: I counted six deceptions, deflections or lies, six. Unless the FBI is able to recover those e-mails, we're able to see what's in it. She'll never be able to restore her credibility.

SAM STEIN, SENIOR POLITICS EDITOR, HUFFINGTON POST: If she surrounds herself with people who are afraid to tell her no, you can't do that.

CHUCK TODD, CHIEF WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: She's certainly -- I think appears more vulnerable than ever. I think the fact that you have three -- the three letters here that has made this e-mail story sort of go to another level of seriousness is FBI. This is no longer -- she can't just say this is a partisan witch hunt by the House republicans.


GUILFOYLE: Say it isn't so because that whole exchange with Ed Henry is a very awkward, like first date or something. It didn't go too well.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: I -- but -- I have a real problem with cause c,lSbre.


GUTFELD: I'm not sure what that -- I think it can cause celeb, but I'm the last person to criticize how people talk.

GUILFOYLE: No, but the Clintons have that much money, they can buy extra vowels.


GUTFELD: But that was -- that is the worst press conference since the Anthony Weiner presser, when Andrew Breitbart.



GUTFELD: Took the microphone. And he -- it was incredible. She's now entering the John Edwards stage of desperation where metaphorically, she's up against the hotel room door shutting it against the press and the press is not the National Enquirer, its Chuck Todd's goatee, which is to the left of Noam Chomsky.


GUILFOYLE: Oh my, God. That happened to me one time at the SA frat house.


GUILFOYLE: Close -- shut the door. So Brian, what do you think? She's not handling this well. How is she going to go the distance for the White House?

KILMEADE: Well, I think that you -- I think you're missing, Greg, is I believe that she believes that she is not in trouble. I believe that she thinks that she's OK. Hence, the joke about Snapchat that went over like a lead balloon on Friday. Hence, with she just said about wipe you mean, wipe off? That's not -- not only isn't that funny, it's inappropriate. It's as if she doesn't understand how much trouble she's in. I don't know if she's in that bubble because of the people she hired and the checks keep clearing and they're afraid to say anything? But that is why she's able to sit there and take questions. Spot Ed Henry and think, this is a perfect time to take questions.

GUTFELD: So she's not one of your producers?


KILMEADE: Don't get me in trouble. I'm just helping out, OK? Please. Can we not talk about Brian for a second? Look, Meghan is here, and so far she doesn't.

GUILFOYLE: I know and welcome to the show, Meghan.

MCCAIN: Thank you.

GUILFOYLE: And to Fox News.

MCCAIN: Thank you, Kimberly.

GUILFOYLE: We're very proud to have you.

MCCAIN: Thank you so much.

GUILFOYLE: As part of the family. So what's the deal?

MCCAIN: Thank you.

GUILFOYLE: Is she getting bad advice or she just taking her own?

MCCAIN: I just love watching Hillary Clinton squirm like a worm on a hook in the way that she's doing. There's nothing more entertaining. She looks like she's in a prison jumpsuit, which makes this even better. It's all orange. And on top of everything else, this woman gives the American people every day less reason to trust her. I don't think this is funny. I don't think that the four soldiers that died in Benghazi.


MCCAIN: You think it's funny? If one e-mail, one of the 30,000 has one fact that can give us more information on what happened in Libya, this is -- I mean, it's unbelievably disrespectful. And in all seriousness, I can't believe she's going to be the nominee.

GUILFOYLE: Well, there you go, so.

KILMEADE: Maybe not.

GUILFOYLE: And maybe not.

MCCAIN: And maybe not, yes.

GUILFOYLE: And maybe not with the fallout from this and other things. And also, like you said with the Benghazi investigation going on and Trey Gowdy is not giving up on that. Juan, even -- her people that are plan for her team, for her sides are having a problem with this.

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: Well, I think that's what you see in the poll. I think it says 58 percent, think she lied about this. And of course, everybody says look, she could have dealt with this earlier. First of all, she should not have been using a personal server. By the way, I think you're wrong. I think other people have done it. We know Governor Bush did it when he was governor. We know Marco Rubio did it when he was the head of the House in Florida. We know Scott Walker did it as governor.

KILMEADE: Huge difference between secretary of state.

WILLIAMS: That's the key point -- but.

GUTFELD: Yeah, and they didn't keep it in a bathroom.


WILLIAMS: Well, I don't care where they.

GUTFELD: In an apartment in Denver.

WILLIAMS: Yeah, I know.

GUTFELD: I mean, where you keep --

WILLIAMS: That's funny.

GUTFELD: Why would you keep your server, like in a Chuck E. Cheese?

WILLIAMS: Cheese. Well, you know.


WILLIAMS: of course that's because you know my habits.


WILLIAMS: I love Chuck E. Cheese, so.

GUILFOYLE: Frequents.



KILMEADE: It's good for you.

WILLIAMS: Yeah. Is it good for you?

KILMEADE: Well, absolutely.

WILLIAMS: Well, in fact.

GUILFOYLE: They have a salad bar.

KILMEADE: In fact, they're sponsoring in a block.


GUILFOYLE: I wish somebody would, yeah.

WILLIAMS: But my point comes -- keeps coming back to the idea that Hillary Clinton, I think now knows that there is some trouble for her among people who like her. And that's why she's now calling key contributors.

MCCAIN: Right.

WILLIAMS: And she's saying to them, hey, listen. Here's what I understand, but you're right in saying that she still doesn't think and her top people don't think.

MCCAIN: Right.

WILLIAMS: That there's -- they are in big trouble. They just think they need to make sure that they shore up the base.


MCCAIN: I think this could be this generation's Watergate. I really do believe that. I think this could be much bigger than we know. And I think she should be squirming in the way that she is. But you're a democrat, I'm new here, correct? You're a liberal. Does this not give you any cause for concern at all?

WILLIAMS: About what?

MCCAIN: Just -- the way she's reacting, the way she's spinning. The fact that she could be enough.

WILLIAMS: No, no, no.

MCCAIN: Is she could have a felony charge.

WILLIAMS: I think. See, I think that's where republicans get in trouble when you start talk about felony charge and crime. There's no illegality that's been established yet.



GUILFOYLE: You know what? How we know.

WILLIAMS: But no, no, but that's why because things are out of control.


WILLIAMS: Once you get the FBI involved, then you don't. You don't control.


WILLIAMS: And the FBI in the public mind -- remember this is not a matter of legality. That's the better point, Meghan. It's not a matter of the law. It's a matter of public perception. And you guys is saying, hey, she's being damaged and all that, in the court of public opinion.


KILMEADE: Can I just interject? Even though this is your -- you're the legal mind here.


KILMEADE: If it turns out that she wiped out that server after she was told not to, after she was told.

WILLIAMS: They have -- OK.

KILMEADE: And then we've got ourselves a problem.


WILLIAMS: That's all speculative.

GUILFOYLE: It's not speculative.

KILMEADE: But also who wiped it.

GUILFOYLE: It's not speculative.

GUTFELD: You have to understand that. It was -- she's too busy and too above it all, to actually do it herself.


KILMEADE: I mean, why she is.

GUTFELD: Yeah, yeah. Just keep on until we had.


GUTFELD: Somebody down the street.


GUTFELD: To come over and go through the e-mails.

GUILFOYLE: Mr. Queen (ph).

GUTFELD: That's scary.

WILLIAMS: Well, no. But it was.

MCCAIN: What's more interesting is what is on Huma Abedin's computer as well.


MCCAIN: I mean I would start looking at her.

GUILFOYLE: Absolutely.

MCCAIN: In a group.

KILMEADE: It all comes back to Weiner.

GUTFELD: Yeah. All comes back to Weiner.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. It always does. But you know how we know she's in trouble because even her own people out there are spinning for. Take a listen to this. It's Clinton's communication director Jenifer Palmieri and James Carville on the defense.


JENNIFER PALMIERI, CLINTON CAMPAIGN COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR: The press has a lot of questions about e-mails, but voters don't. This woman is durable. You cannot knock her down.

JAMES CARVILLE, DEMOCRATIC STRATEGIST: This is foolishness. I have to come out of vacation to deal with this kind of stupidity, that these people are putting out. And Hillary's going to be just fine.


CARVILLE: It's never going to stop. You know, these people, I think we can run (ph) Carville. Why is (inaudible), James Carville out there defending her? Why can't we just attack her like we want to? And I understand that. I've been dealing with this for 23 years.


GUILFOYLE: Oh my, gosh. I love it.

GUTFELD: He's on vacation. They had to dig up that tomb and pull him out.


GUILFOYLE: Permanent vacation like weekend at Bernie's. Yes. It's like dig him up.

KILMEADE: Can I (inaudible)?

GUILFOYLE: Oh, perfect.

KILMEADE: This is the baiting portion of our relationship with Hillary Clinton, with democrats.


KILMEADE: Ad here's the concern, that the dating the wrong person. That is why they think they're going to be ruthless and unforgiving. That's why Eugene Robinson wrote what he wrote because they're going to have to get married, if she lasts as the leader in December and February. So they going to be ruthless in August and they'll going to be taking no prisoners in September. How was that, Greg?

GUTFELD: That was great.


GUTFELD: But using that metaphor that makes Donald Trump the bad boy on the motorcycle. Oh, it shows up.

KILMEADE: How dare you to look to another block.

GUTFELD: Yeah, yeah.


GUTFELD: He's like the new guy in town.

KILMEADE: Absolutely.

MCCAIN: Then Jeb bush is good on paper, guys. If that's -- we're doing metaphor.


GUILFOYLE: He is good on paper, isn't he?

KILMEADE: Right, yeah.

GUILFOYLE: But he's sort of like sitting back, he's going to wait and when he needs to he's going to like hit the throttle. That's what I think. I mean.

WILLIAMS: Is that right, you hope?



WILLIAMS: That's what you hope.

GUILFOYLE: I always wait for the throttle, yeah. I think it's going to happen. Let's see, but so far he's going to be steady. He's keeping it going. But the problem here, too, with Hillary is that she seems to be very defensive. You can tell she's uncomfortable in her own skin. Do you think Meghan that Bill Clinton would have handled that that way and just like walked off, stormed off? He would have turned it around, tried to make it a positive for himself.

MCCAIN: No. Bill Clinton could charm an Eskimo into buying an icicle.


MCCAIN: And there's no way -- it's the one thing she's completely missing. And I really -- I'm loving -- watching this. I mean, I just want popcorn and beer and to watch her continue to spiral because it's really entertaining. And I think it's the reason why Bernie Sanders is up so high in New Hampshire right now.

KILMEADE: When you're in Fox and Friends you talk about how whiskey, and now you're talking about popcorn and beer.


KILMEADE: I want to hang out with Meghan McCain.

MCCAIN: I talked about whiskey on your show.

GUTFELD: That's a morning drink.

MCCAIN: And then Jack Daniels sent Jack Daniels. It was the greatest thing I ever done in my life.


KILMEADE: Cubs? You talk about unicorns. What do I get?

GUTFELD: Nothing. But you get nothing. You know, though, Bill Clinton would have handled the wiping the server joke much differently.


GUTFELD: Than Hillary did. But you know the problem with Hillary is her jokes come from the safety of power. It's not like -- there's no self- deprecation in her humor. It's.

MCCAIN: Right.

GUTFELD: You deprecation. It's direct to you.


GUTFELD: She's like an IRS auditor who's laughing at you while you're being audited.

KILMEADE: I'd like to add one other thing if I can.


KILMEADE: Because I can't believe how long this block is -- number one.


GUILFOYLE: Oh. No, no.

KILMEADE: Fox and Friends. I would have been halfway done with the show.

GUILFOYLE: By the way, it's that could.

KILMEADE: This is incredible. Did we run out of commercials?

GUTFELD: It seems that way we do.

GUILFOYLE: I've got something for you about Hayden.


GUILFOYLE: You like -- you're a big fan of Hayden, right?


GUILFOYLE: He's saying this is funny, but it's not all fun and games. This is really serious. Hillary should be taking it seriously. Listen to him.


GENERAL MICHAEL HAYDEN, FORMER NSA DIRECTOR: Put legality aside just for a second. It's stupid and dangerous. And now I would challenge and.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Dangerous to whom?

HAYDEN: Did dangerous to her and to the republic and to American secrets. I never had a Smartphone until I left government because of the sensitivity of the information I would put on there, even if it were unclassified.


GUILFOYLE: So that's a former NSA director, Hayden saying this is stupid, it's dangerous. It's a matter of national security. It's reckless disregard for the law and for the security of this country.

KILMEADE: And I think that the thing that would be the death knell to her candidacy if something emerged. Remember how upset she was when wiki leaks (ph) came out.


KILMEADE: And Julian Assange came forward and he said -- and let al communications go. You said you help them know this is jeopardized our relationships with other nations and it did. Can you imagine if China goes, this will be a good time to release the some of the hacking? Remember, Secretary of State Kerry said, I was -- I'm sure I was hacked.


KILMEADE: So why wouldn't they go to the closet in Denver, Colorado where this mom and pop operation as they described it, had her server? Why wouldn't that get out? Unless they want her to be president and they could release this and destroy her and get way too much power.

WILLIAMS: See, this is where you guys just go -- now you're off into China is going to hack her, and.

KILMEADE: I'm just quoting the secretary of state.

WILLIAMS: The point is that Hillary Clinton.

GUILFOYLE: Kind of not going to happen. They've been enjoying their reading and their book club.

WILLIAMS: But, wait, wait.

GUILFOYLE: You know, for months.

WILLIAMS: But the point is, the point that you guys -- look. Hillary Clinton is having trouble even with her own side as you pointed out, Kimberly.


WILLIAMS: OK, but you guys keep this overreach. Like we're going to kill Hillary Clinton now because I think you're so afraid of Hillary Clinton.

GUILFOYLE: Is it working?

WILLIAMS: No, it's not working because you look at the polls.


MCCAIN: Entirely different, you know if this were Dick Cheney.

WILLIAMS: Hang on. Look at the polls.

MCCAIN: I'm sorry.

GUILFOYLE: Is it true?

MCCAIN: Is it with Dick Cheney or Condoleezza Rice?

WILLIAMS: Hang on. The polls say right now there's not one republican that beats Hillary Clinton. That's why you guys are like in a tizzy trying to find some way to bring her down.


MCCAIN: That's not true and honest.

WILLIAMS: I just looked at the CNN poll. That's what it says.

GUTFELD: What are you doing looking at CNN polls?

WILLIAMS: Oh, I said look at it.

GUILFOYLE: Traitor. Go ahead, Meghan.

MCCAIN: I just -- you want to know, think he would sing an entirely different tune if this were Condoleezza Rice's e-mails or Dick Cheney's. I think this is total bias and.

WILLIAMS: Well, it's like, look. If you think that, then you think this is just a partisan argument. I think it's more serious than that.

MCCAIN: I think democrats are trying to play this off like it isn't a big deal it's a very big deal.


WILLIAMS: What's the big deal? Tell me.

MCCAIN: That she has -- she sent e-mails, I think that she is above us.

WILLIAMS: That she's rude. That's she's true entirely arrogant?

MCCAIN: No. I did not say that. I did not say that.


GUILFOYLE: It has nothing to do with arrogance. It has to do with breaking the law.

WILLIAMS: I don't think -- if you prove that she broke the law.

GUILFOYLE: Potential obstruction of justice.

WILLIAMS: I'm all ears if you prove to me she broke that law.

GUILFOYLE: You know what, Juan. Those e-mails belong to the people of the United States of America.


GUILFOYLE: To the taxpayers and she went ahead, willful disregard and wiped the server. And went ahead and deleted the e-mails that we're entitled to see. Meghan made a great point if there's one e-mail that has pertinent, relevant information with respect to the investigation. We should have them. She doesn't get to decide.

WILLIAMS: She does it.

GUILFOYLE: That's the point.

WILLIAMS: And let me tell you, you're wrong.

GUILFOYLE: And there are laws that are in place.

WILLIAMS: She does get to decide because she's secretary of state.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, really? Look at John Kerry.


GUTFELD: As secretary of state, Juan.


GUTFELD: The big problem is she put her own personal privacy before national security.

WILLIAMS: Now they're.

KILMEADE: And now she's dishing for a bigger job.

WILLIAMS: That's what I'm saying. I think if you wanted to make the case she was arrogant, entitled, acting like the rich lady on Fifth Avenue, and she's better than us, OK.

MCCAIN: I didn't say that.

WILLIAMS: But that's my personal argument.

GUILFOYLE: The only person saying that is you.

WILLIAMS: That has nothing to do.

GUILFOYLE: You're the only person saying that, Juan.

WILLIAMS: And the fact is, that the American voters.

GUTFELD: I've said it.

WILLIAMS: It doesn't mean that she can't be president.

KILMEADE: All I'm saying is, we're looking at the leading candidates, we talk and Donald Trump a little bit later. We're looking at two separate divisions. In this one division, the leader's got some huge issues. Lincoln Chafee is clean as a whistle, but nobody cares. Am I right?


KILMEADE: Well, O'Malley can't get a camp fire...


GUILFOYLE: Or debate, yes.

WILLIAMS: And your point is Donald Trump has no issues?

KILMEADE: No, we're going to the c block, in the c block.


GUILFOYLE: He was trying to help and do this.

GUTFELD: It's a tease.

GUILFOYLE: It was like an extended tease to just like pull the viewers in stay with me.

KILMEADE: Thank you.

GUILFOYLE: Stay with me, bounce with me.



WILLIAMS: Ah, dance, dance, dance.

KILMEADE: Are you dancing?

GUILFOYLE: Yeah. This show is one stop shopping. We've got it all for you.


GUILFOYLE: Next, Hillary was recently confronted by protesters from the Black Lives Matter movement and she's actually winning some praise from Greg. That's right. We're going to hear why, coming up.


GUTFELD: So Hillary had a meeting with "Black Lives Matter." It was intense, or perhaps a conference room.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I genuinely want to know, you and your family have been in no uncertain way, partially responsible for this. More than most.

Now that you understand the consequences, what in your heart has changed that's going to change the direction of this country?

CLINTON: I can only tell you that I feel very committed to and responsible for doing whatever I can. I -- your analysis is totally fair.


GUTFELD: It's like an angry tour guide. So after the activist objected to her giving them helpful advice, she had enough.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I stand here in your space and say it as respectfully as I can, but if you don't tell black people what we need to do, then we won't tell you all what you need to do.

CLINTON: Well, if that --

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The conversation push back --

CLINTON: OK. I respectfully -- if that is your position, then I will talk only to white people about how we are going to deal.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That's not what I mean.

CLINTON: With the very real problems.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That's not what I mean.

CLINTON: I don't believe you change hearts. I believe you change laws, you allocation of resources, you change the way systems operate.


GUTFELD: Someone get me a medic. This is the first time I actually sympathize with Hillary. Maybe if more people saw that, they'd like her more. Doubtful.

But the reason for this meeting was because "BLM" had been on the war path. So Hillary chose to meet them separately, rather than risk this.


MARTIN O'MALLEY, D-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Black lives matter. White lives matter. All lives matter.




UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Give her a check (ph) or we are shutting this event down now.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: If you do not listen to her your event will shut down right now, right now.


GUTFELD: So that's not discourse. It's demand. It's based on the idea that empathy cannot cross ethnic lines. Never to be bridged by white people, for the advice given is tainted by evil white privilege.

The cowards of the left resist pointing out that this is sanctioned bullying, a suspension of civility in favor of intimidation. Perhaps they expect incivility from "BLM," which to me is racist. Allowing their rudeness means you think they can't handle manners.

And while few do listen to polite protesters, who can stand loud jerks? I know from personal experience around Brian.

Hillary's response revealed division's ultimate impasse. Why should whites talk to you if you think whites are all bad? Enlistment rests on the shoulders of brave but persuasive voices, those who win converts and create conversations. It's something an activist might seek unless it's not what they really want. If the goal is not to improve, but implode the system, then words are just warm ups to flames.

So Juan, you're an African-American or so you claim.


WILLIAMS: According to my mama.



GUTFELD: What do you make of -- like I'm torn with BLM because I think that they looked and saw how gay rights in the 70s and 80s by becoming aggressive, got to where they were. You know during the age of crisis.

WILLIAMS: I wish they were that thoughtful because I just think this is such a losing hand. And I'm so pleased that you took this up because I know it was painful for you. And I think it was painful for you to agree with Hillary.


WILLIAMS: Painful for me to agree with you.


WILLIAMS: But nonetheless, hold off the doctors. I am agreeing with you. I just think that Hillary Clinton looked like she was confident, as she knew what she was saying. And at one point she says, oh so in other words, you just want lip service. We can fill up.


WILLIAMS: Yankee Stadium with a bunch of white people, oh.


WILLIAMS: And if they give you lip service, that's going to be to your delight. Well, you know there was a t-shirt at one of these things that said, not your mama's civil rights movement. Well, you wish it was your mama's civil rights movement. They got voting rights, housing rights, public accommodations, you know, we could go on and on. They can't even give you an agenda. So when Hillary says, tell me what you want. I'm not trying to tell black people what to do. I'm just saying what is it that you want? Concretely ,they can't come up with it, Greg.

GUILFOYLE: I think you should pull that bite for Fox and Friends and more. That was hot.


GUTFELD: Yeah. I don't think I can improve on anything that Juan just said.

GUILFOYLE: I don't think so.


GUTFELD: Just go to break and show some videos.


GUTFELD: I don't know.

KILMEADE: How about the term All Lives Matter is considered.

MCCAIN: I know.

KILMEADE: So violent statement?

MCCAIN: I agree. I don't know how they expect Americans to get behind something when you're saying in a room all American lives matter and people start screaming.


MCCAIN: Their message is too muddled. It reminds me of occupy Wall Street. I just think -- I think it's probably going to go the same way, occupy Wall Street then.

GUTFELD: There probably is an overlap there.


GUTFELD: I mean it's all fueled by progressive radicalism that is anti -- I guess against the system.


GUTFELD: And you try to subvert the system, Brian, in any way you can.

KILMEADE: I mean, put it this way. I think I like the same thing you like about Hillary Clinton. She would channel Donald Trump and Governor Christie.


KILMEADE: He was honest. You know he got mad at the teachers. He wasn't putting on a show. He was really mad at the teachers unions. Donald Trump was really mad at Frank Luntz and he was really mad at -- whomever? He let you have it, you know and then he brought Chuck Todd and he brought it out. He confronted it. She probably said, all right, I'll just fill it up with white people and then maybe that will make you happy. That's the.

GUILFOYLE: I like that.

KILMEADE: Yeah. That's the.

GUILFOYLE: That was my favorite Hillary moment, I have to say.

KILMEADE: Whoever you are, we'd like to know and then we could make the choice who we want to vote for. You can't keep worrying about persona and perception and what people want.

GUILFOYLE: But I think she's seeing how divisive the movement is. It's not, you know inclusive, whatsoever. She probably went there with a dozen poll tested phrases of what would make them happy, but none of it worked. The disrespectful to Bernie Sanders, you know that shouting down and attacking people. They are trying to be supportive of their cause, whether it's O'Malley or Sanders.

GUTFELD: Only I can be disrespectful.


WILLIAMS: So this is the point. Your point about their being disrespectful, I just don't buy that because I think then you sacrifice the moral high ground in any conversation and then you're saying, you give up.

GUILFOYLE: But there's a right way to do it.


WILLIAMS: Well, there's a way to cause disruption to say, I have a protest and I want people to pay attention. They're getting attention. I'll say that for them, but they're doing it in such a way that they're hurting their own cause.

GUILFOYLE: That is what I just said.

MCCAIN: And it also took way too long to get to the point. I watched the entire videos.

GUILFOYLE: All right.

MCCAIN: It's like if you're in front of a presidential candidate, you got to get your sound bites quickly. This took -- I think it was like eight minutes.

GUTFELD: What we're seeing as they were boring.


WILLIAMS: Here's the thing. Where are the republicans? Not one republican. Hillary at least met with them. Not one republican has met with them.

GUTFELD: Wait. Did Jeb?


KILMEADE: They did try to shout at Jeb?

GUTFELD: Yes. By the way, I got this.

GUILFOYLE: No, but Jeb said that he would meet with them privately and go ahead and sit down and hear what they have to say.


GUTFELD: Also, another problem. One of their leaders, Shaun King, may have lied about being black. That's a rising story right now.


GUTFELD: He's like a male version of Rachel Dolezal, he hasn't admitted whether or not he's white, but that's a story bubbling up on Twitter right now.

WILLIAMS: Is that like the thing with you and your mom, that you're half black and that's not the same thing, no, no, no?


GUTFELD: See what happens when Bill O'Reilly challenges Donald Trump on his mass deportation plans.


KILMEADE: Hi, welcome back, everybody. Donald Trump is dominating the GOP polls. I don't have to tell you that. And now a new survey shows he is closing in on Hillary Clinton in a matchup in the general election. He's within striking distance. A month ago he trailed by 16. Now he trails by just six points.

Author Mark Steyn, who's also a deep thinker, he says a Trump presidency is indeed possible, especially because Donald is not an establishment candidate.


MARK STEYN, COLUMNIST & AUTHOR: The old saying is -- what is it? -- "fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me." Well, the Republican establishment fooled its voters once in 2010. It fooled its voters twice in 2014. And I don't think they're in a mood to be fooled again twice.

It's a two-party system, which is unusual in the modern western world. And one of those parties is ineffective, has been ineffective for the entire 21st century at providing a coherent opposition to the other party.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's very interesting.

STEYN: And Trump is saying -- Trump is saying, "We're tired of being told reasons why you can't do things."


KILMEADE: And I think that's predominantly it over one single issue, Meghan. For one thing if you just want to say, well, Donald Trump...

MCCAIN: You go to me because I'm the one whose family feuded with him?

KILMEADE: Well, you know, you do have the background. If you Google Meghan McCain, a lot comes up and Donald Trump. But I will say this...

MCCAIN: And lots of good things.

KILMEADE: And we're still -- a few weeks ago on FOX and Friends, we were talk about your dad and is statement. And we're saying it's over; it's done; he's through. And now he's still got a double-digit lead in the last -- in the last poll.

MCCAIN: I think we should emphasize that it's 446 days until the election.  Polls this early you can't always go by them.

No one can doubt the enthusiasm Donald Trump has. He's tapping into a very distinct anger in this country that I think we have to pay attention to.

You know, don't forget Newt Gingrich won South Carolina in 2012. If there's anything I have learned from President Obama, it's don't believe grandiose statements about the world that aren't necessarily guarded in reality.

And he's just -- the thing I don't understand right now is I'm not a Trumper. I'm a Carly Fiorina fan. I'm a Marco Rubio fan. I'm a Jeb Bush fan to a degree. And not liking Donald Trump, people automatically accuse me of being a RINO. There's 17 candidates right now. There's a lot of people getting young people excited that aren't like Donald Trump. And I don't think that makes me less of a Republican. So we're in this weird position where, if you're not a Trump supporter, you're automatically being attacked for being an heretic.

KILMEADE: Show of hands. Show of hands real quick: How smart was that to go to Meghan to kick it off? Right?

WILLIAMS: That's good.

MCCAIN: My parents got a little feud -- we had a feud with him.

KILMEADE: That's good. Now I'm going to talk to Bret Baier, and that's the show.

Kimberly, I've got to say this.


KILMEADE: A lot of Republicans are concerned. They say that, even though he's doing good for Donald Trump, he's hurting the party with Hispanics.  Do you see that?

GUILFOYLE: You know, listen, obviously he had some statements that were controversial. Are you the laugh track? Cue the laugh track, Juan Williams. Well...

KILMEADE: He's also winning Hispanics in places like Nevada.

GUILFOYLE: He is, but the point is, he is trying to do some substantial immigration reform, and he is a candidate who's come out very strong on this issue and talking about border security and doing something to correct and fix this problem, which everybody admits on both sides of the aisle that this is an issue that has been intractable.

So you've got to admire somebody that wants to do something about it, whether you disagree about their policy specifics or not. And he is a candidate doing it and leading and beating the other ones in the polls.

WILLIAMS: Did you miss this part where he said he wanted to throw them all out?


KILMEADE: Here illegally. It would cost -- they did some math before. It would cost $160 billion to build a wall and to toss everybody out. But he's still...

GUILFOYLE: He's going to make Mexico pay for it.

KILMEADE: He did debate this very thing about -- about his plan with Bill O'Reilly last night when it comes to illegals...

GUILFOYLE: It was good.

KILMEADE: ... who give birth to a kid and are allowed to stay here. That would change it to Donald Trump. Let's hear the debate.


BILL O'REILLY, HOST, "THE O'REILLY FACTOR": You say, "Well, we've got to have mass deportations." That's not going to happen, because the 14th Amendment says, if you're born here, you're an American; and you can't kick Americans out.

DONALD TRUMP, R-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Bill, I think you're wrong about the 14th Amendment. And frankly, the whole thing with anchor babies and the concept of anchor babies, I don't think you're right about that.

There are many lawyers -- many lawyers are saying that's not the way it is in terms of this. Our country is going to hell. We have to start a process, Bill, where we take back our country.


KILMEADE: All right, Greg, who won that debate?

GUTFELD: Well, you know what's interesting? It's going to force everybody to keep talking about this -- the 14th Amendment and the word "jurisdiction." Which I think is going to be a tremendous waste of time, because realistically -- I mean, it's not going to happen.

Trump might actually be right about the amendment. But that doesn't mean it's going to change.

This is an interesting thing, and I know a lot of people might get mad about this. But babies tainted -- are being tainted by an act that they are not responsible for. If you are pro-life, then shouldn't you also defend a baby that had no choice in the matter of being here? A baby that broke no laws? And the fact that there might be anchor babies that have a stronger allegiance than many people who are born here?

In fact, I would trade one American slacker for three Mexican hard workers.  I'm sorry. Yes. No. I would trade one slacker for one Mexican hard worker. And because I just don't see -- I don't see how you can blame children for something that they had no choice in.


GUTFELD: But I will say that they're a part of the plan that I actually -- I find important. I think that the overstaying the visas are very important.

KILMEADE: It's a magnet, Greg. It's a magnet. If I bring my kid here like Bill Richardson, who was brought here by his parents, who were illegal, he was born here and became an American for that very reason. He hopped on a train and actually was born here. That's how he became an American. And that's how bad his parents wanted to do it.

GUTFELD: And so is that bad?


GUTFELD: Do you think Bill Richardson was a benefit or not a benefit to our country?

KILMEADE: I just -- well, I think Bill Richardson is a huge positive.

GUTFELD: Do you think he should -- should Bill Richardson be deported?

WILLIAMS: No, no, no. Wait, wait.

KILMEADE: Bill Richardson, good or bad?

GUILFOYLE: Going to deport him. Going to deport him.

KILMEADE: Former governor of new Mexico.

GUTFELD: There's a lot of great people who were born here and are actually very proud Americans. And there's a lot of people that...

GUILFOYLE: But that doesn't matter. The point is you have...

KILMEADE: It's a magnet.

WILLIAMS: It does matter. The law matters.

GUILFOYLE: This is what I'm saying. The law does matter, right? So observe the law. Don't cut the line. Try and do things in the way that we have it so you don't -- what about other families that want to be here that are doing it in the right way?

WILLIAMS: You can demonize...

GUILFOYLE: No one's demonizing.


GUTFELD: That plan -- of certain parts of the plan -- if you feel that way about certain parts of the plan but also realize other parts are unrealistic and aren't going to happen.

WILLIAMS: OK, let me just find a way in. One thing.


KILMEADE: ... have another show.

MCCAIN: How are you going to round up 11 million people? That's something we're not talking about.

KILMEADE: We're going to ask them to report in one line, single file, maybe alphabetical order.

GUILFOYLE: What do you want, Juan?

WILLIAMS: I was told to shut up.

GUILFOYLE: You're testy, Juan.

WILLIAMS: I got to say nothing. I got to say nothing, and I'm testy.  Black lives matter, Meghan. Black lives matter.

KILMEADE: Juan's life matters.

Juan, we'll talk about it after the show. Do a "One More Thing." Twenty- four minutes to the top of the hour.

Another prominent Democrat says he will vote to kill Obama's nuke deal with Iran. That will be next on "The Five." Guess who it is?


WILLIAMS: While pushing his Iran deal earlier this month, President Obama took a shot at Republicans who oppose it.


PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: You are going to hear a lot of arguments against this deal, backed by tens of millions of dollars in advertising.

For many of the same people who argued for the war in Iraq are now making the case against the Iran nuclear deal.

The choice we face is ultimately between diplomacy or some form of war.


WILLIAMS: But now a second key Democrat has just broken ranks with the president on the deal.


SEN. BOB MENENDEZ, D-N.J.: I did not vote for the war in Iraq. I opposed it, unlike the vice president and the secretary of state who both supported it.

The president and Secretary Kerry have repeatedly said that the choice is between this agreement or war. I reject that proposition. It is difficult to believe that the world's greatest powers, sitting on one side of the table, and Iran sitting alone on the other side, staggering from sanctions and rocked by plummeting oil prices, could not have achieved some level of critical dismantlement.


WILLIAMS: Senator Bob Menendez has joined Chuck Schumer in opposition to the deal, and more Democrats may follow after some news that broke today.  The A.P. reports that Iran will be able to use their own experts to inspect the country's nuclear sites. Brian says incredible.

KILMEADE: It's unbelievable. All these side deals that come after that nobody wants to talk about. Secretary of State Kerry says he couldn't talk about it when he was asked about this in open hearing. This is not about Republicans or Democrats.

And it certainly is insulting to hear the president say what he said two weeks ago, is this not even a hard thing to do; it's either war or this deal.

I think Senator Menendez has come out, and Schumer has come out, and they have one thing in common. They went into detail on why they didn't like it. They didn't say, "Bad deal. I don't want to do it. My constituents will vote me out of office." They said, "Here are the things." Not one of the centrifuges will be taken down. We had them on the mat is what he's saying. Oil prices were down. The sanctions were in. And we went in there and said, "Please make a deal" and took two years to do it.

WILLIAMS: Yes. But you know, the fact is, Meghan, when you look at it, the United States is part of a large coalition that will not hold if the deal is not confirmed.

MCCAIN: This is something out of Dr. Strangelove. I don't know how you think giving $00 billion to a country that still pledges death to America and death to Israel is a good idea. I have no idea how any pro-Israel American can possibly continue to support President Obama. If this goes through, this is the type of thing that my grandchildren will feel the repercussions.

WILLIAMS: Well, that's -- how come you had, like, 340 rabbis just the other day say that this is a good deal? It's a good deal for Israel.

MCCAIN: We are nuclearizing -- we are nuclearizing the Middle East. We are nuclearizing the Middle East. It is scary. It is very scary. There's reasons why Democrats like this are not supporting it, including Chuck Schumer, who by the way, met with Jewish leaders and ended up swaying.

WILLIAMS: OK, so Kirsten, so you've got...

GUILFOYLE: You mean Kimberly.

WILLIAMS: Kimberly.


WILLIAMS: Kimberly, you've got...

GUILFOYLE: I guess if I do a head stand and turn blond or something.

WILLIAMS: No, but Kimberly, the GOP needs six Democrats...


WILLIAMS: ... to go with 54 Republicans. We just -- over the weekend we got Bob Corker, very influential Republican, Jeff Flake, another influential Republican, saying, "No we're not going to side with the president. We're going to stand tall." So you get pretty much all Republicans opposed. They need six Democrats. Do they get them?

GUILFOYLE: I think they should get them. I think it's game on. Because much is at stake, like you said. And we don't want to have a situation where we look back, and we were the ones responsible for basically nuclearizing the Middle East. And that's what the legacy is going to be.

And John Kerry may be able to collect his Nobel prize. but he will have helped destroy the world in the interim. That's the problem here.

WILLIAMS: But Greg...

GUILFOYLE: That's why I applaud people like Schumer and Menendez, and by the way, that's a little payback, I'm sure. He's like, "Oh, prosecute me?  Yes, I'm voting against you."

WILLIAMS: Greg, what you've got, though, is Senator Majority Leader McConnell, the Republican, saying, "Look, there's really no chance we're going to get the votes to override this."

GUTFELD: No, it's probably true. But the most amazing part is U.N. letting Iran inspect their own site. That's like -- that's like letting Jared from Subway clear his own web history. It's completely untrustworthy.

But the problem is -- the problem isn't with Iran. It's with the White House. It's that we let the White House negotiate this deal. It's like sending a kewpie doll to the world series of poker. We got snowed in, because we have somebody -- we had somebody who's negotiating for his legacy and not for our security.

KILMEADE: Let me say this. When Corker -- Corker and Cardin agreed to not vote on this as a treaty instead of a majority, then they needed to have the supermajority of 67 votes and two-thirds in the House. That allowed this to happen. From the minute Bob Corker signed off on this, that was the minute this whole thing was signed, sealed and delivered to President Obama.

WILLIAMS: Well, that's -- in that case you want to blame the Republicans.

I think it's a good deal, but we'll see.

Tens of millions of cheating spouses may be breaking out in a sweat right now, because hackers have just revealed their identities. Greg is leaving the studio now.

GUTFELD: Oh! That is not...

WILLIAMS: That's next on "The Five."


MCCAIN: It is not a good day for millions of adulterers. As promised, information stolen by hackers from cheating web site Ashley Madison has been posted online. It includes names of customers, their pictures, phone numbers and more. Fifteen thousand accounts are linked to government and military addresses, 44 of them from the White House. This is crazy.


GUILFOYLE: Somebody wants to Snapchat right now. But it's not going away.

Who thought it was a good idea to sign up on that web site? I guess, like right? A million people. But everything can be compromised these days.  Are they that -- is there no other -- I mean, I don't know. It's a really bad idea.

KILMEADE: See the reason why they did it? The hackers, who call themselves the Impact Team, said they did it because they were upset that it cost $19 when you want to resign to wipe out your history. They say, "Oh, you want to leave Ashley Madison? Fine. Give us $19."

The Impact Team or whoever these people are said, "You better get rid of that fee. That's wrong. You lied to us." Because they continued to charge the fee they destroyed the web site.

GUTFELD: They are heroes, then, is what you're saying. They are like modern revolutionaries.

KILMEADE: Yes. The Robin Hood of cheating.

GUTFELD: You know what this is? It teaches you a lesson. Cheating should never be easy.


GUTFELD: The web site made it too easy for people to do horrible things.

MCCAIN: I just want to know, who's in the White House?

KILMEADE: That's the lesson?

MCCAIN: Who in the White House is cheating on Can I guess?

GUTFELD: It's one person with 40 accounts.

KILMEADE: But you know what I think it is? I think a lot of this has to do with these -- a lot of these are dummy profiles that went up there to make it seem like an attractive thing to do to lure people in.

GUTFELD: How did you find this out?

KILMEADE: Because they posted a lot of dead accounts.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God.

GUTFELD: Really?


WILLIAMS: You know what's striking to me, though, is the military angle is striking. And the second thing is that people then put up all of their quirks and tastes in sexual behaviors online.


WILLIAMS: And that's what now...

GUTFELD: Are you nervous, Juan?

WILLIAMS: I'm nervous all the time. I'll tell you what: I just walk around on pins and needles.

GUTFELD: That's your fetish.

WILLIAMS: There you go. There you go. I've given up -- I've given up unicorns. I know somebody who likes them, though.

MCCAIN: All right. I still wonder who in the White House; it's making me crazy.

All right. "One More Thing" is up next. We'll be right back.


GUILFOYLE: Time now for "One More Thing" -- Gregory.

GUTFELD: I like how you did that. Anyway, stop it.

My new book is coming out in a couple of months, but you can order it now.  It's called "How to Be Right." It's how to be persuasively correct about everything. If you need to argue or debate somebody, it has some tips in there. Check it out. You go to Amazon or someplace like that or even my web site.

But anyway let's get to something fun.


GUTFELD: Greg's Celebrity Corner.


GUTFELD: That was professional. Anyway, you know what? A lot of people always wondering, "What does Alec Baldwin do on a hot weekend in the Hamptons?" We've got footage of him enjoying a swim.




GUTFELD: There he is. He's just wandering around. Sometimes if you leave the gate open Mr. Baldwin will wander into your backyard, into the hot tub and clog the drain with his filthy, filthy hair. He is a hairy man. It is disgusting. That's the end of this segment.

GUILFOYLE: God. Stay out of my hot tub, right? My goodness. You got to put -- rope off the hot tub at this point.

KILMEADE: Kimberly.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, it's my turn. I love dancing, right? You know that. So Kirk Henning is a professional dancer, was a ballet dancer. And he married a ballerina -- I think I've got that right -- named Valerie. And he surprised her at the wedding with this spectacular extravaganza of a performance.




GUILFOYLE: Oh, boy. So now we have -- you've got a new, like, marriage corner.

GUTFELD: The more extravagant the wedding, the more likely it will end in tears. My theory.

MCCAIN: Don't you think that's disrespectful. I don't like that. I think it's weird and awkward.

GUILFOYLE: You thought it was weird?

MCCAIN: A weird boy band.

KILMEADE: I think it's a salute to the woman.

WILLIAMS: I thought that was incredible. As a guy, I would love to have been able to do something like that.

GUTFELD: Oh, that's romantic.

GUILFOYLE: He really is, though. You know that? He buys his wife a lot of jewelry. Very liberal.

WILLIAMS: So here's mine. So last week I was on vacation. I went down to North Carolina to the Outer Banks. North Carolina's Nags Head. And I spent most of my time at the Dairy Queen, eating ice cream with my friends.

Here are -- here I am, sitting on the bench with the grandkids. That's Eli, Pepper and Wesley. Pepper and Wesley went a little bit overboard as you can see here.

Look at this picture. Yes, too much. Too much ice cream. You know, sugar shock any minute. And here's Delice, my wife, and Reagan, my daughter, and the girls out by the ocean there.

And we also played a little mini golf. There's Tony -- Antonio -- and Raffi.

KILMEADE: How many more pictures you got, Juan?

WILLIAMS: I know. See, I knew that if I did this Greg would say, like, "Oh, my God. Pictures. Pictures." You know?

KILMEADE: Namedropping you, plugging your book.

GUILFOYLE: If only you were a Republican, like your boys, then you would just be perfect. Very wholesome. Looks like your kind of vacation.

KILMEADE: You stole my "One More Thing," so I'm going to have to do another. Get this.

In a salute to the birth of Kate Middleton's second child, a group called the Licktators have given -- come up with these breast milk ice cream called Baby Gaga.


KILMEADE: Baby Gaga, and it's a huge hit. Guess who's upset about it?  Lady Gaga. She is suing. Says you have two weeks to take this down. This is a copyright infringement.

GUILFOYLE: She wants the money.

KILMEADE: "Gaga" is in the dictionary. You can't take "gaga." "Gaga" is a kid's term.

GUTFELD: You're making me gag-gag.


KILMEADE: I -- I side with the breast milk...

GUILFOYLE: I've got to wrap you, because that was crazy. Crazy town.

Go ahead, Meghan.

MCCAIN: All right. My "One More Thing," I'm moving back to New York City.  This is my first few week at Fox News. I want to say thank you, because this has -- I'm finally on a network my family actually watches. That's a little shout out to my 103-year-old Nana Roberta. Thank you. She watches this show every day, so she's very excited.

GUTFELD: Did a great job, kiddo.

MCCAIN: Tweet me if you have any recommendations for good restaurants and bars in New York. I can always use that. And if you want to send me hate mail you can still tweet me that, because I can handle it.

GUILFOYLE: That's so cute. Bret always says that your nana loves "The Five."

MCCAIN: My Nana loves you. She loves you.

GUILFOYLE: Very sweet. Thank you. It's a pleasure to have you. Welcome to Fox.

MCCAIN: Thank you.

GUILFOYLE: That's it for us. "Special Report" is next.

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