Kellyanne Conway on President-elect Trump's Cabinet strategy

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," November 18, 2016. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Kimberly Guilfoyle, along with Juan Williams, Eric Bolling, Dana Perino, and Greg Gutfeld. It's 5:00 o'clock in New York City and this is "The Five."

A big day for president-elect Donald Trump as some major appointments for top positions in his administration are announced. Alabama Republican Senator Jeff Sessions for attorney general, former defense intelligence chief Retired Lieutenant General Michael Flynn for national security advisor, and Kansas Republican Congressman Mike Pompeo for CIA director. All three have been outspoken critics of President Obama's counterterrorism and national security policies. Also, this afternoon, the Wall Street Journal is reporting that president-elect Trump is considering Retired General David Petraeus for defense secretary.

And we are delighted to be joined by Trump transition senior advisor Kellyanne Conway. Welcome to the program.


GUILFOYLE: We're very excited to have you on "The Five."

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: We're going to keep you here.

CONWAY: Great.

GUILFOYLE: Exactly. And this great because it was kind of a last minute thing, but shows what a worker you are. No problem, I will come straight over.

CONWAY: Right. I skipped the motorcade because I needed to finish a little bit work. And I thought, let's go over and have some fun.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: Did you take the subway?

CONWAY: I walked.

PERINO: I walked over there today. I walk, too, because the traffic is.


CONWAY: It's easier. And it's 67 degrees.


GUTFELD: I'm a man of the people.

GUILFOYLE: Exactly. As long as you have some sensible shoes without specializing.


GUILFOYLE: All right. So we wanted to hear all the latest about the transition. Obviously, some big announcements today, what kind of feedback are you getting and how do you feel about those choices?

CONWAY: Excellent choices across the board, Kimberly. These are men of great character, all of whom are qualified to do their jobs on day one, which really should be really the first criteria for any presidential appointment. And folks who are loyal to president-elect Trump's vision of the way national security and counterterrorism should go. In the case of Jeff Sessions in the department of justice, I think it's been a politicized department of late. So he can bring it back to the calibration where it should be. He has been a well-respected federal prosecutor of 15 years, obviously United States senator from Alabama for about 20 years, U.S. attorney, I believe, from Alabama. So this is a man who spent his life in legislation and law enforcement. I have gotten to know him in his legislative capacity and certainly, as two of the members of Mr. Trump's core team joined the campaign. I think they are excellent choices. And we shouldn't be surprised that president-elect Trump is staffing up with people who share his views on these issues that the American people apparently decided that he would have the upper hand in governing.

GUILFOYLE: His vision for America. As President Obama once said, elections have consequences. Bolling.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: National security day was today.


BOLLING: And he announced three national security advisors, two people of the cabinet, one advisor. Congratulations, first of all. Number two, can we put something to rest right here, right now, that the transition team is no in disarray. This is the media narrative that's been going on for days. And here you have basically five announcements in the first 9 days or 10 days since he has been elected. That's fantastic. First hand, I will tell you, it's running smoothly.

CONWAY: It really is. And not since we heard again and again that we had no path to victory have I heard something so inaccurate that the transition is not going smoothly. I appreciate the comments just week -- just yesterday really from David Axelrod, from vice-president Biden, both conveying the same message to America, which is you don't form a government overnight. And in the case of vice-president Biden, he very clearly said that he feels confident that Trump and Pence will be ready on day one, that they, Obama and Biden, were not ready on day one. You can't expect to be so. And then, the media wants stories and names and personnel and then going to attack the people that he puts forward, as an extension of the campaign that should be over by now. But at the same time, give us time to really vet and interview. I mean, Trump has spent the better part of eight days mainly in Trump Tower doing nothing but talking to heads of state, interviewing candidates for his senior staff or his cabinet, taking the counsel of his advisors and from many outside folks who are calling him. And you see now, he is talking to everybody to Carly Fiorina, to Ted Cruz, Jeb Bush called him. He is meeting with Mitt Romney tomorrow.


BOLLING: I have to follow-up, Kellyanne. You know, this is coming.

CONWAY: Oh-oh.

BOLLING: What are you going to do.


BOLLING: I obviously think you have to be there. If anyone knows that man, you know that man.

CONWAY: Well, I know enough to respect him. I have great affection for him and his family. I am very happy he is going to be the president of the United States. It is good for the country. And I will serve in my best and highest use. We're trying to figure out what that is. But he has welcomed me to his administration. I have said this before and I will say it again.

GUTFELD: What do you want, Kellyanne?

CONWAY: What I want for my four small children to not suffer because their mom is in the White House.

GUTFELD: Oh, the children, always the children getting in the way.

CONWAY: Not at all. But I would be a hypocrite to say otherwise. But they're great kids. They will flourish either way.

GUILFOYLE: Good for you.


CONWAY: It's an important decision. There are personal and professional considerations at hand. I just -- I know I will be there for him and vice- president-elect Pence, who I have been close to for many years, who I was with today. And I think will be a phenomenal vice-president. But we are figuring it out. I told them don't worry about me, it will come together, but I will be there.


GUILFOYLE: Like a typical amazing mom, not making it about herself. So we respect that. I think that's important. Because your role as a mother is hugely important as to many mothers across the country, too. Dana, you have a question.

PERINO: Well, I have lots of questions. I guess I want to ask about the news about -- I don't know if it's news. But the Wall Street Journal reporting about David Petraeus because I think that would be amazing. You probably can't comment on it. Because I know what your position is. So can I ask you about it?

CONWAY: Sure. You can ask me.

PERINO: And you can say no comment.


PERINO: It's on the record.

CONWAY: I will tell you about David Petraeus and others, we just seem to have a long list of possible candidates for each of these positions. I have seen the list. And they are robust, filled with people who would not surprise you and they're filled with a couple people who would surprise you. But I think what president-elect Trump, Dana, is really think about how everybody would work together. And I know in the heat of the campaign and the fog of war, people have their gladiator costumes on and they look at each other through a political lens. But the fact is you have to look past that when you are forming a government. I don't want Donald Trump to turn into some mushy Hallmark card. You know, he is a tough leader in America, elected him to be a tough leader, and he can do significant things in short order. And indeed, he will. But that aside, this is a man who in business for many years knows how to build consensus, knows how to cut deals, knows how to negotiate. But in the best interest of what he is -- what his fiduciary duty is. And his fiduciary duty here is to the American people and those that he promised to represent.

Having said that, he is meeting with -- he is meeting with Mitt Romney tomorrow. It doesn't mean it leads to a cabinet position. He has had 70 meetings, 60 meetings, not all of them will get cabinet positions. But he learns a great deal. In the case of General Petraeus, obviously, he is well respected across the aisle. You want the best and the brightest in your administration. This is about America, this is about the world. And in the case of Governor Romney, I think these are two businessmen who will talk about job creation. And I think a lot of what Romney talked about in 2012 about the world has become true actually.

GUILFOYLE: That's true. Great point, especially as it relates to Russia. Great sensible question.


GUTFELD: When I want to assess the situation, I call the RVE, that's the reverse view equation. I turn on The View, and whatever they say, I assume the opposite is actually the truth. And they are apoplectic about these appointments. They are worried about General Flynn. They're worried about Jeff Sessions. Everybody is a racist. What do you make of the hysteria that always seems to happen when there's a Republican in the office at the start?

CONWAY: Many people are still fighting the last war, meaning from nine days ago, the campaign. Folks, the campaign is over. He is your president, even if you #notmypresident. I think that everybody was asking the right questions about the wrong candidate and their supporters. They were saying, will Donald Trump accept the election results, will he stop the protesters from -- are you kidding? I couldn't walk to work last Saturday. There were 20,000 people there, not to greet me, called protesters. Some of them not so nice, by the way.


CONWAY: And the fact is that you have to get over it and you have to realize that no one Donald Trump appoints will make them happy. That's just a fact.


CONWAY: Because the wrong guy won. They were for the other team. They are still for the other team. They're not yet quite Team America and they should be. So that goes for a lot of them. The other thing is, I think most of the media did the world a disservice by not preparing them for the possibility of Donald Trump winning the presidency. It simply was not part of the conversation, when it should have been. The cues and clues were there all the time. People wanted change. They did not trust or like her much. She didn't have a positive uplifting, aspirational message at the end. He did actually, at all. Her campaign was about him. His campaign was about people. So I think that people should have looked at the electorate differently. I feel like a lot of the folks who cover America don't understand America. If that's the one thing I can offer from this election is, stop listening to each other. Those who are breathing the air of politics or media or donor class, stop listening to just each other and start listening to people because they were very honest from the very beginning about what their fears and frustrations and aspirations were. And they brought it to the ballot box.


GUTFELD: Are you glad you didn't get -- you didn't go against Bernie? Do you think Bernie would have had a better chance?

CONWAY: Oh, you mean, the general?


CONWAY: No, I don't think this country would elect a socialist.


BOLLING: Barack Obama.

BOLLING: Another socialist.

CONWAY: Watching the Democratic primary, we did see a great deal of vulnerability in Hillary Clinton. And we saw -- we actually chose states early on like Iowa and then Michigan where she had not done well in the primaries, especially Iowa 2008 where she came in third after Obama and John Edwards. And we thought she never went back to Michigan to try to heal that. I think she went to flint and a couple other places. But these key states, a lot of these places felt like the Donald Trump message were writ-large. And people forget Bernie Sanders won 22 states and millions and millions of votes.


JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: Kellyanne, I know you were a pollster, so let me ask you two quick polling questions. One is, when you look at Corey Lewandowski going over to London saying, it was Comey in the last weekend that really shifted this election and gave it to Donald Trump. And, of course, Donald Trump said he doesn't know what is going to do if Comey and Hillary Clinton said she believes Comey is responsible, what does the pollster think?

CONWAY: The pollster doesn't agree with either of those wholesale, and here is why. The polls started to tighten before the Comey announcement on October 28. It was due in large part to Trump being out there talking about Obamacare. At that moment, people were opening up their mailboxes and firing up their computers, and they were getting Obamacare premium increase notices. An Obamacare really is the issue in the off-year election, one as you know in 2010, 2014.

BOLLING: Absolutely.

CONWAY: It won the Republicans everything. They couldn't do it in 2012 because they nominated the political cover in his initial blueprints for Obamacare and Romneycare. But that aside, people may have felt frustrated that Obamacare for many Americans is the most -- is the best example of how.


WILLIAMS: OK. So you think it was Obamacare?

CONWAY: I think it's a combination.


CONWAY: Hillary said on Friday night when Comey made his announcement, she came out and said, people have already decided about how they feel about the e-mail scandal. Her advisor said it's baked in the cake. So they can't say nobody cares and when she loses, oh my God, this man cost us the election. Listen, she has been running for president for decades.


WILLIAMS: That was Corey who said that.

CONWAY: She had -- she's been running for president for a long time. She had all this time to find a better way to connect with the American people, to really scratch the surface of the issues that they tell pollsters they care about. It just wasn't there.

GUILFOYLE: Lack of capacity. It wasn't her fault. She didn't have it in her. That's what happens.

All right. Don't go anywhere. Would you ever want to? Because Kellyanne Conway is staying with us. We're going to be right back. Lots more on The Five.


WILLIAMS: President-elect Trump getting out of the city this weekend, going over to the Trump National Golf Course in Bedminster, New Jersey. That's where he is going to have his meeting with Mitt Romney and continue deliberations as he forms a cabinet.

We're joined today by Trump transition senior adviser Kellyanne Conway. Kellyanne, let's talk a little bit about what's been going on with the idea of a Romney meeting bringing in outsiders. Now, Romney was such a critic of Donald Trump from the start, as you well know. And the specific point of interest to me is Russia where he clearly, even during his run against President Obama said, you know, Russia remains our number one foe. On the other hand, you have Donald Trump. And Donald Trump as well as Mike Flynn, who is now going to be his national security advisor, as well as Paul Manafort, who was over at the campaign, all have very strong, positive relations not only with Russia but with Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.

CONWAY: That's not true.


CONWAY: How do you know that?


CONWAY: Is that a question? If it is a question, the answer is no.


CONWAY: As a pollster would say, strongly so.


CONWAY: There's no indication that any of these people have a strong relationship. But look, what candidate Trump made very clear in the debates and otherwise, Juan, is that if there's a way to work with Russia on things that matter to both countries, we will do it. So, for example, if they want to help us defeat radical Islamic terrorism which Hillary Clinton refers to as our determined enemies, rather than radical Islamic terrorism or savage murders, which is what they are, then, sure, we will explore that. But I took with great note what President Obama said yesterday. He said -- right there in front of Angela Merkel that he hopes president-elect Trump as president will find ways to push back on Russia when necessary, and then also to -- I think he used 36,000 foot level terms, but also find a way to work with them and be cooperative when appropriate. So I think President Obama went further in his advice to president-elect Trump than he has even as president when it goes with Russia. I have to say, too, talk about the campaign still going on and people still being very partisan about Donald Trump's election. That was one of the talking points used against Donald Trump all through the campaign is that he has these ties to Russia and the Russian hackers and Vladimir Putin is his BFF. There is no evidence of that. The American people rejected it. It wasn't important to them. They didn't believe it or they just said, it's one of the many things you are telling me is important to me as a voter that's not important to me as a voter.

WILLIAMS: All right. Dana.

PERINO: I have several questions. One of them -- I'm excited about the policy side of things as to what could happen.


PERINO: I am the resident nerd of the show. So I'm curious what, if any - - you have to prioritize. You have a lot going on. You are forming a government. But how much input can you have or are you having on the lame duck session of Congress that's about to happen? There's things -- government business that needs to get done. It's been amazing to see Republicans on Capitol Hill all come together. So I was curious if there's any news on that front.

CONWAY: Well, president-elect Trump speaks regularly with leader McConnell and Speaker Ryan and other members of the conference in both chambers. At the same time, we know there's already a president in office and he has to deal with.

BOLLING: Finish it out.

CONWAY: Finish it out, even in lame duck. But look, the next president, Donald Trump, will inherit big messes all the way across the board, domestically, internationally. And I think it's important the Congress now at least take stock of what President Trump says he would do in the first 100 days and see how that scares with what they are doing in the next eight weeks, and really to the prime the pump that way. Because divided government -- as you said, a divided government it's over. They have one party control. And it will be much like it was for President Obama at the beginning of his two terms, Dana, where he had a Democratically-controlled House. He chose to do certain things with them. They then lost everything not nailed to the ground in the 2010 election. And so, I just predict that Donald Trump, given how transactional and successful he is as a businessman, he will want to do things -- big things very quickly. He will need legislative support.

WILLIAMS: All right. We're excited. Pick up the pace a little bit. Gregory.


PERINO: I'm not insulted.

GUTFELD: Don't be.


GUTFELD: I will use a mediocre analogy. Imagine that you are going out with somebody and that person dumps you, and that person has second thoughts called you up and asked you out. And you say sure, you go out with that person, just to rub their faces in it. Isn't that what president-elect Trump is doing to Ted Cruz and Mitt Romney? He is inviting them over, just to rub their faces in it.


CONWAY: No, of course not. We're glad they came to him.


GUTFELD: There you go.

CONWAY: No, of course not. He is taking the counsel of in this case, a very popular member of the conservative grass-roots movement, Ted Cruz.


BOLLING: It's not the other one.

CONWAY: And then Mitt Romney. But Governor Romney -- as I have said, Governor Romney and Donald Trump are the two most recent Republican presidential nominees. It takes courage to run for president. One was successful. One was not successful. They will have good things to talk about. Everybody forgets what Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton said about each other. In 2008, he said, she will say anything to get elected and turned around and made her his Secretary of State. Maybe, if that's the criteria.

GUTFELD: You worked with Senator Cruz.

CONWAY: I did.

GUTFELD: It was pretty bitter between those two.

CONWAY: I did. But Senator Cruz called me today after the election and he said he came and endorsed Donald Trump before that and stuck with him, in the last month or so, when others did not.


CONWAY: Others did not, like Kelly Ayotte, the senate candidates who said they weren't sticking with Donald Trump, lost their races.

WILLIAMS: I'm losing time.


WILLIAMS: I have two more wonderful people here.

GUILFOYLE: I'm just curious because you know Ted Cruz and you know Mitt Romney. What positions do you think they might be suited for? You know, obviously, Cruz is rumored potentially to be in consideration for attorney general. The other was Supreme Court. And then Mitt Romney, you heard Secretary of State floated among other things.

CONWAY: We have long, short lists for every position, Kimberly. At the same time, I don't think every meeting needs to lead to a position.


CONWAY: And I believe Senator Cruz and Governor Romney, whether they have a normal or informal position in this administration, they have much to contribute to the conversation. And I'm just very happy to see them.


WILLIAMS: Eric Bolling.

BOLLING: I can't give up. The people -- the never-Trumpers that I fought over last year and a half -- and that head of the never-Trumpers, Mitt Romney, I got to say, that was a lot. It's blowing my mind. But I will get over it. Because Donald Trump sees -- look, he was a transition.


BOLLING: He took the Olympics from negative to profitable. I get that. Can I ask you this very quickly? The national security briefings, this is a big deal.


BOLLING: How is the president-elect handling the new information?


CONWAY: Fabulously. And the vice-president-elect is in on the briefings. He knows it's private, confidential. I find Donald Trump to be an excellent listener and excellent learner. That campaign was his voice, his choice. He was a messenger. Those were his messages. But people would be astonished and I think heartened, Eric, to see what a great listener he is among those around him. I have seen that on full display since he was elected. I'm not in his national security briefings. But I know they are taken seriously. I think the public should respect the fact that any commander-in-chief and president should not be divulging what they learned there.


WILLIAMS: We have to go, but I understand he will settle the Trump U lawsuit. And was that your advice?

CONWAY: Yes. I'm happy he is doing it, but it was not my advice. I stopped practicing law a long time ago. I'm a happy person.


CONWAY: A 12-step program and everything.

WILLIAMS: Kellyanne is staying with us for another segment. Don't go away. Plenty more for us to talk about.


BOLLING: On the campaign trail, then GOP nominee Donald Trump often promised he would keep jobs here on U.S. soil if elected. Well, it appears the president-elect Trump may already be keeping his campaign pledge. Ford confirms one of its production lines is not moving to Mexico as planned, instead, choosing to keep making their Lincoln MKC in Louisville, Kentucky. Last night Mr. Trump tweeted quote, I worked hard with Bill Ford to keep the plant in Kentucky. I owed it to the great state of Kentucky for their confidence in me. Meanwhile, some are saying that Trump had nothing to do with it.

Trump transition senior adviser Kellyanne Conway is back with us. On the surface it looks like, Ford, if you are go -- if you plan on moving to Mexico and shipping the car back in the U.S. with a 35 percent fee, that's quite an incentive to stay.

CONWAY: It's a big incentive to stay. This is one of the issues that Donald Trump highlighted from the beginning. Nobody was talking about illegal immigration. Nobody was talking about trade. Nobody was talking about the fact that jobs have been shipped to China and Mexico and actually could be brought back. And so he elevated the issues from day one. He was at center stage in the first Fox News debate on August 6, 2015 and never lost the top spot, and always stayed true to these issues. And I think you see that now as president-elect, he is taking calls from people like the Ford Corporation. They're having meaningful discussions. And people shouldn't forget this is what businessmen do. They try to solve problems, fix things, build consensus and deliver.


GUTFELD: Can I follow up on this? Threatening a terrorist which is not a capitalistic kind of thing does nothing about the real problem which is the price of a union worker. That problem is still there. How is he going deal with that?

CONWAY: He's dealt with it on the campaign a little bit, Greg, in that. And I think it worked, because look how many union households went for him. I mean, overwhelmingly dramatic.

When we saw it in the data early on. We saw in Pennsylvania, in Ohio, in Michigan, it turned out and other places that, that was -- the rural voters and the union households, many of whom are still registered democrats to this moment, went overwhelmingly for him.

I think they, too, feel that unions have outlived themselves in many places, and that it's also hurting those in the private sector, hurting entrepreneurs who are trying to attract and retain talent, trying to grow their business and succeed and prosper. So, I think it's that basket of issues. And even -- I just want to get back to illegal immigration for a moment.

Donald Trump is actually the first person, after Jeff Sessions in the Senate, to talk about illegal immigration through the lens of the American worker. So, the question was always, what's fair to the illegal immigrant. He also asks what's fair to the American worker who is trying to compete for the same job. And so, it all comes from that same - I think basket of issues and economic concern.

BOLLING: So, can I also throw in there that unions love the idea of breaking these trade agreements, because jobs -- manufacturing jobs specifically, will come back to the United States? KG?

GUILFOYLE: OK. So these are some of the things that he talked about that really resonated because part of the theme of his campaign was about the working men and women that felt like they had been forgotten.

So, doesn't it make sense, essentially, that, you know, a businessman needs to come to the table and essentially to the table in the White House to try to encourage the economy and encourage U.S. companies to come here? What are some of the ideas in terms of taxes and regulation that would support that move?

CONWAY: Well, his tax plan cuts the corporate tax rate to 15 percent. And I know a lot of people are excited about that. It reduces capital gains. He unleashes energy investments and exploration, Kimberly, in a way that would spur economic growth overall.

We have energy under our feet and off in our shores as I sit here. And yet, we're relying on foreign dictators to supply an awful lot of our - of our energy.

Also, he talks about infrastructure investments. And, he talks about immediately doing away with this Obamacare penalty where you have a big -- a non-choice choice. You can buy government-run health care or you can pay a penalty.

So, all of that put together, he also anticipates over 3.5, maybe 4 percent growth. Why are people laughing at - why are we settling for 1.2 percent growth? Why is that enough?

So, that whole tax package that anybody can pull up on our web site and part of this 100 day plan, I think pieces of that are going to roll out very quickly once he gets inaugurated.

BOLLING: Let me get Dana in here?

PERINO: It could also, maybe happen on day one, possibly with executive orders. But I know that certainly on the manufacturing side, one of the things from a policy (INAUDIBLE) standpoint as well, cafe miles per gallon standards. That's one of the things the car industry was saying, you are killing us over here, plus all the added costs from what you're just talking about in terms of Obamacare. Do you anticipate that happening pretty fast?

CONWAY: That's something he'll definitely take a look at very seriously early on in his administration because as you say, it's really -- it's a political capitulation to some of the special interest groups who want that done.

And, you know, Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton on their side of the aisle talked an awful lot about climate change and global warming and fossil fuels, of course, which they seemed to like to consume but don't like you to consume.

And Donald trump won. And, I think that conversation, is because people are so tired of being told what to think and how to act and what to drive and how much water should come out of the sink when washing your hands in a public rest room.

And now, I do think you're going to see swift action very early on in the term.


WILLIAMS: Kellyanne, so we're looking forward now to confirmation hearings in the senate. And again, what we can anticipate, you spoke about this in the opening segment, is a lot of criticism about the selection of Jeff Sessions, the senator from Alabama, and his history. He was the first federal judge appointed by Ronald Reagan who was rejected by the senate over --

CONWAY: 30 some years ago.

WILLIAMS: I think we are - I think we're more racially sensitive today than we were 30 years ago. I don't think that's -


CONWAY: What are you saying about him? (INAUDIBLE)


WILLIAMS: The question is, do you -- how does President-elect Trump expect to deal with so much -- the democrats are just going to be tough on this. I don't doubt he'll get confirmed with the republican majority -


CONWAY: Then, why put the country through it? So, why put the country through it? What are they doing, Juan? Why won't they accept this man and his appointments? He is the president. He was elected fairly and squarely.

Name five people not named Clinton, Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and Barack Obama or Michelle Obama that the democrats would accept right now as an --

PERINO: No one.

CONWAY: No one. That's the thing.

WILLIAMS: I think Mike Pompeo is going to be fine.

CONWAY: That's why we can't take it seriously.

WILLIAMS: I'm just saying, I think, you can't turn away from the racial concerns and the -


CONWAY: I think it's so incredibly --

GUILFOYLE: There's nothing to support he is racist. The fact that has been -

WILLIAMS: No. No. I'm talking about Sessions who was rejected by the senate over this issue --


COMWAY: 30 some years ago. Is there a question --


CONWAY: He's been a federal prosecutor. He's been a U.S. attorney. He's been a United States Senator for 20 years. And we're raising --


WILLIAMS: This is a guy, Dana, who said - who said, you know, the Klan is OK with him until he learned they smoked dope.


GUILFOYLE: That's the time --

CONWAY: He has a very substantial - he has a very civil rights record that's respected by those --


GUTFELD: Can I bring up just one good news for Jeff Sessions? People that rejected him 30 years ago, most of them are dead.

BOLLING: All right. They are yelling in my ear, because Kellyanne has other appointments she's got to get to.

Kellyanne, thank you so much for joining us.

CONWAY: Really, thank you for having me. It's awesome.

BOLLING: Stay right there because Facebook Friday is up next.


GUTFELD: I don't understand this anymore, Kimberly. We have to talk about this privately.

GUILFOYLE: Start reading.

GUTFELD: All right. From Thomas, Facebook, OK, it's Thomas T., short for tank, "Have you always been conservative or liberal? If not, what changed you?" Kimberly?

GUILFOYLE: Well, there are the -- since I was, you know, from San Francisco and previously married, I said, wait a second, you were married to the Mayor of San Francisco. So, does this mean, you're - oh, no. I registered as a republican in college at UC Davis, and he was aware of that -


GUTFELD: It just shows you that love conquers all. Does it? Well, at least temporarily.

GUILFOYLE: Well, some say, some say --

GUTFELD: You did get divorced. Love conquers all for approximately, three and a half years.

GUILFOYLE: And what love doesn't conquer, the law can fix.

GUTFELD: Yes. Holy smokes!

GUILFOYLE: In a nice way.

GUTFELD: Fantastic one. Fox, were you always a crazy liberal?

WILLIAMS: You know that I'm only a crazy liberal when I'm with you guys --


PERINO: Some think you are quite moderate.

WILLIAMS: Moderate? They think I'm conservative, so, because I work here.


WILLIAMS: But that's all. No, it's true. Look if I - look, I'm going to tell you something. In fact I went through this this very day. That if - you know, when I'm talking to most people, they say, "Hey, you're a pretty conservative black guy."

GUTFELD: On what issue?

WILLIAMS: Oh my gosh, you wouldn't believe it.


WILLIAMS: Let me say --

PERINO: Champion of charter schools.

WILLIAMS: No, no. But, you know, I go to church every Sunday. I am a big family guy. So on all - and a pro-business. I'm definitely a capitalist.

So, on all those, people would say -- I will say this to you. I have children who are very conservative.


WILLIAMS: You know, active.

GUILFOYLE: You gave birth to republicans.

WILLIAMS: But I would -- I think the reason there is when you go through -

GETFELD: His wife left.

WILLIAMS: Yeah, my wife had a lot (INAUDIBLE) a lot do with it. But I will say that I think, if you live in a big city and you see the excesses of democratic domination of big cities and the limited sort of orthodox thinking that applies to those cities and specially minority communities, it could make you change your mind.

GUTFELD: There you go. I have similar. Eric?

BOLLING: So, I grew up an athlete, played baseball. And then, I started trading on the trading floor as apolitical. Never has a political bend to my rapport and all of that stuff. And it was neither right nor left.

But, when I went to work for CNBC and saw what money, and saw the economy, how the effects of taxes and regulation, what that had on the economy and spending power, I realized that conservative and liberalism are so vastly different for the - for the economic well-being of the country and the individual, I just migrated this way. And it has been 11 --

GUILFOYLE: You followed the money. And probably the right --


WILLIAMS: But did you follow the money in your wallet? Well, that was changed?

BOLLING: No, because I made money before I went to CNBC. It wasn't that - -


WILLIAMS: No, but you made big money when you realized it.

GUILFOYLE: But he knew how to make money.

BOLLING: The economic engine that lowering taxes really is. That's why -- I'm so high on this corporate tax from 35 to 15. I think that's what's going to cause a four percent growth.

WILLIAMS: Hope it doesn't cause inflation.


PERINO: I would say because I grew up in Wyoming and my grandfather was a county commissioner for western county, republican guy.

And we just -- I just grew up hearing about how federal government was strangling smaller states or states with a low population, like Wyoming. But I would say that, when I really knew was in my first job at a network affiliate right out of graduate school when I was working at Channel 3 in Peoria.

That was when the republicans had just swept -- sort of like this year where republicans swept all across. And the talk in the newsroom against conservatives and republicans was so strong and vitriolic that I think that's when I realized, oh my gosh, I don't belong here. I left.

GUTFELD: I had a similar thing with Juan, except I was a left-winger in high school. I worked for the "Nuclear Freeze," and then I got to Berkeley and in maybe six weeks to 12 weeks, when I saw the end result of leftism, I became a conservative.

GUILFOYLE: It was like electric shock therapy.

GUTFELD: Yes. You become a conservative after being around liberals. And you become a libertarian after being around conservatives -

WILLIAMS: Is that right?

GUTFELD: Because there's moralism on both sides that is sanctimonious crap.

GUILFOYLE: What are you going to morph into next?

GUTFELD: I don't know, Kimberly. I going to become a Kimberly con.

GUILFOYLE: Morph into the -

GUTFELD: Yes, it's Kimberly con. I didn't know what that is. Just means, I'll stalk her.

All right, up next. This weekend, a FOX News Special takes you inside Trump Tower for a rare and revealing look at the personal life of the President-elect. A sneak peak of that when we return.


PERINO: President-elect Donald Trump has been a successful businessman and reality star. But he's rarely given an inside look at his personal side, until now.

In a news special, airing tonight here on the FOX News Channel, Mr. Trump reveals to TMZ's Harvey Levin, some exclusive details about his family and childhood, including how he felt being sent to a military boarding school as a teen. Here is a preview.


TRUMP: Well, my father thought it would be good for discipline reasons.

HARVEY LEVIN, TMZ CELEBRITY REPORTER: That's a pretty extreme thing to send your kid away to upstate New York. What kind of discipline problems were you having?

TRUMP: Well, I was just somebody that was rebellious.

LEVIN: Did you resent your dad when he sent you?

TRUMP: No, not at all. I understood.

LEVIN: Did he sit you down and say here's why?

TRUMP: Well, he said, I want to shape you up.


PERINO: Joining us now, Harvey Levin, the host of "Objectified: Donald Trump."

Harvey, thanks for being here. This is going to be must see TV tonight on FOX News. You've taped this two months ago, September 15th?

LEVIN: Yes. And you know, we have all seen a side of Donald Trump over the last 16 months that is almost kind of linear, that it's this kind of very self-assured, strong guy. There is another side to him that a lot of people haven't seen.

I think it comes through on this show where we go through his penthouse and look at objects that he has acquired through his life from childhood on. And use the objects as a jumping off point to talk about what was going on.

And you're going to hear Donald Trump talk about successes but also failures, fears, shortcomings. He is very candid in this.

PERINO: We're going to take you around the table, Harvey, if you don't mind. We're going to start with Greg Gutfeld.

GUTFELD: Speaking of objects, Harvey, where is your - where is your soda?

LEVIN: Here you go.

GUTFELD: You know what I mean? Where is your big gulp? And what do you normally drink?

LEVIN: OK. Small gulp.

GUTFELD: You're cutting back, I see.

LEVIN: Yeah.


PERINO: Do you have a question?

GUTFELD: No. That was my question.

PERINO: All right. We'll go to Kimberly.

GUILFOYLE: Oh my God. Hi, Harvey, how are you? Good to see you.

LEVIN: Hey, Kimberly.

GUILFOYLE: So, I'm really excited to watch this. Because I'm curious what the reaction is going to be by his detractors and those who like to spew vitriol about somebody that they don't really know, because I find them, some -- the reviews, and what I've read about, it's going to be quite revealing and humanizing him.

LEVIN: Yes, Kimberly. Look, I think that everybody has seen one side of Donald Trump and only one side for 16 months. This will be a very different view of him.

My personal opinion is that Donald Trump is a combination of these two people. And, you know, will it change minds? I don't know. And frankly, I'm not trying to change minds. I just want to show who this guy is day to day, and then you mesh it together.

Some people are going to change their opinion about him. A lot of people aren't. But I think this is going to give you at least a perspective. And that was kind of the point of all of this, that you're going to have to now judge how -- what is the combination that makes up Donald Trump.

And I don't think people have seen this side to be able to even figure that out. And hopefully, that will help them tonight.

REINO: All right. One last quick question from Eric Bolling.

BOLLING: Hey Harvey, how did you get this access? This is pretty amazing access to a man whose time was very valuable, especially, I guess, in September, boy, a couple of months before the election?

LEVIN: Well, Eric I will say this. That he was extremely busy that day. And, you know, I've known him for a while. And I've known him, really, as the star of "The Apprentice," you know, for years.

And when he said he would do this, he didn't bank on having to go to New Hampshire later and do a show later. And it got to a point where he said, look, I've got to go. And I said to him, you can't go. I've got to finish the show. We have this at the end with the outtakes.

But at one point, I literally blocked the door so he couldn't leave. And the Secret Service were standing there laughing.

But I said, "I have to finish this." And he was great about it. And when we actually went from object to object, he was really in the moment.

Again, I'm pretty proud of this. Because I really do think you are going to see a side of Donald Trump that a lot of people just have not seen.

BOLLING: Congratulations. That's outstanding.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, looking forward to it.

PERINO: Very grateful for your time, Harvey. Thank you so much.

LEVIN: Thank you, guys.

PERINO: "OBJECTIFIED: DONALD TRUMP" airs tonight at 10:00 P.M. Eastern here on the FOX News Channel. One more thing is up next.


GUILFOYLE: Nice beat, Juan.

All right, time for one more thing, Mr. Bolling.

BOLLING: OK. Very quickly, tonight, 8:00, big show on "THE O'REILLY FACTOR". Guess who is calling in?


BOLLING: Bill O'Reilly will be calling in to talk about the Session's appointment.

Also, Mike Huckabee, Ryan Paul, and Ric Grennell will be on that show. Big show. But, John Lewis - Congressman John Lewis is a civil rights icon. John Lewis is an amazing man. Watch him accepting the national book award.


JOHN LEWIS, UNITED STATES REPRESENTATIVE OF GEORGIA: I remember in 1956 when I was 16 years old, some of my brothers and sisters and cousins going (INAUDIBLE) to the public library, trying to get a library card. And we were told that the libraries were for whites only and not for colors. To come here, prestigious award, this honor today.


BOLLING: Congratulations, Congressman John Lewis.

GUILFOYLE: Wonderful. Very moving. Dana?

PERINO: Indeed. Well, happy birthday to Mickey Mouse, 88 years old today.

And on -- tomorrow, no time like the present to go down to Florida. I'm going to be on -- let me tell you about the "Jasper" book tour, tomorrow.

"The Villages" at 10:00 -


PERINO: I can't wait to be there. And then, I'll be in Lakeland, Tampa and Fort Myers tomorrow night. And "Miami Book Festival" on Sunday. So, hope to see you down there if you are in the "Sunshine State."

GUILFOYLE: Will Jasper be going?

PERINO: Felt Jasper will be attending.

GUILFOYLE: The one that I baby-sat?

GUTFELD: We love "The Villages."

BOLLING: We adore "The Villages." Great people, they love THE FIVE.

GUILFOYLE: We are moving there. Probably sooner than we think, right? OK, Greg especially.

GUTFELD: Love "The Villages." Love Mickey Mouse. 88.

GUILFOYLE: Looks good on him.

PERINO: And he still fits into those little shorts.

GUTFELD: I know. I own them.


GURFELD: All right. Tomorrow 10:00, "THE GREG GUTFELD SHOW," I got Pete Hegseth. Everybody loves Pete as they say.

James Rosen. You know, James, really smart dude. Catch the (INAUDIBLE) 10:00 p.m. Saturday, Saturday, Saturday.

GUILFOYLE: OK. You ran out of time. OK. Get him off the screen.

GUTFELD: Sunday, Sunday.


So, in another cute episode of animal videos -- in the spirit of it's been a long week, because remember we had a show on Sunday and now we're here on Friday. So, I wanted to get inspiration for how to relax this weekend. Take a look at this.

A little rub there. A little touch there. This relaxed Koala, he really gets it. A resident of a Symbio Wildlife Park in Australia. And, I think it's so cute, Greg. You must have such envy.

GUTFELD: Now, I do. But, you know, these miserable creatures, they're not friendly. They're horrible, horrible animals. The cuter they are, the meaner they are. Trust me, Kimberly.

BOLLING: He is a good boy.

PERINO: Or girl.

WILLIAMS: As the saying goes, you can't bury your head in the sand forever, but one Georgia man, boy, he's trying. Joe Chandler of Atlanta still does not know who won the presidential election. He works at home and he has pledges from friends and family not to tell him.

Chandler, fed up with the political system like so many people, went to bed on election night without learning the results. When he woke up the next day, he say he felt so peaceful he decided to wait a couple of hours to find out. A couple hours have now turned into a week and Chandler says he doesn't want to know at all.

Here he is, wearing a sign that says I don't know who won, don't tell me. Please don't tell me.

GUTFELD: Donald Trump! Donald Trump!


WILLIAMS: By the way, he said it's very peaceful --

BOLLING: You know he's watching, right?

WILLIAMS: -- in his bubble of ignorance.

BOLLING: He's got to be watching.

GUILFOYLE: OK. Somebody could point to a t-shirt and be like --

WILLIAMS: His daughter told him that there have been protests, but he doesn't know who's protesting about what.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, I think, it's going to be Greg, because he's this close to the whole beautiful mind situation. He's going to lock himself in some room and put the bubble suit --


GUTFELD: What makes you think I didn't do that already, Kimberly?

GUILFOYLE: Oh, you totally agree -

GUTFELD: Kimberly con.

GUILFOYLE: That's just on Wednesday.

GUTFELD: Just me in a room with pictures of you.


GUILFOYLE: Join the club. That's it for us.

GUTFELD: Those aren't forever. Don't yell it in my ear.

GUILFOYLE: Thanks for joining us. We're going to see you back here on Monday. "Special Report" is next.

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