Joe Biden splits from Hillary Clinton

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," October 20, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Eric Bolling, along with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Juan Williams, Dana Perino and Greg Gutfeld. It is 5 o'clock in New York City and this is "The Five."

Over the last 24 hours have been wildly turbulence surrounding the democrats' running for president, Jim Webb dropped out of the race a couple of hours ago and Joe Biden has been making some serious waves for her majesty's ship, Hillary Clinton. Remember when Hillary Clinton was asked which enemy she was most proud of at the democratic debate?


HILLARY CLINTON, PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Well, in addition to the NRA, the health insurance companies, the drug companies, the Iranians.


CLINTON: Probably, the republicans.



BOLLING: Well, for whatever reason, Joe Biden seems to have a much different view of the GOP.


JOE BIDEN, UNITED STATES VICE PRESIDENT: Whenever there's a problem I get sent to the Hill.


BIDEN: Which by the way is a useful use of my time because I really respect the members of there and I still have a lot of republican friends. I don't think my chief enemy is the Republican Party.


BOLLING: The VP also made clear that he, not the secretary of state, speaks for the president when he goes overseas.


BIDEN: I will get sent to go speak to Putin or go speak to Erdogan or go speak to whomever, and it's because the secretary of state, we have two great secretaries of state, but when I go, they know that I am speaking for the president.


BOLLING: Well, finally, Clinton and Biden seem to have very different accounts of who supported the bin Laden raid.


CLINTON: It was a really tough decision to advice on because, you know, we didn't -- we didn't have the smoking gun. I was one who recommended to the president that he go ahead. And his advisers were split.

BIDEN: There were only two people who are definitive and there were absolutely, certainly Leon Panetta said go and Bob Gates has already -- public has said, they said don't go. I told them my opinion and I thought he should go, but to follow his own instincts.


BOLLING: And of course much has been written about Joe flip-flopping on that raid, but picture right there, the moment bin Laden was taken out. There's Biden on the left, flanked by President Obama, Hillary on the right, flanked by Robert Gates -- amazing photo. Kimberly, what's all this about? Biden seems to be contradicting everything that Hillary said in the last couple of weeks.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Uh-oh, she just got big footed. I like it. I think he's like being assertive. He's like, listen, I'm the big dog in the town. I'm the one that, you know, be -- you know, calling the shots, speaking for the president, being firm in my decision-making and say that he essentially supersedes her, I like this. That to me sounds like a man with confidence that knows what he wants and is ready to get in.

BOLLING: Dana, in those three clips, Joe Biden said I get along with the GOP. I speak for the president when we go overseas or I go overseas, I'm sorry. And then the last one, I was in favor of the raid when a lot of people have said he never actually was.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: I think the most important one of those three is what he was saying about the republicans because this is a man who is now saying like, I'm ready to lead this party and not be the president of just the democrats, but the president of the entire nation. So he's saying, "If your concern is that you think Washington can't get enough done, look to me because I'm the one who knows how to cut a deal." And then the undercurrent is that what she said the other night is she chose to actually -- I think it's interesting that she said the Iranians might be on that list because actually, she's in favor of a deal that got them everything that they wanted. So to me, when she said the republicans, it was just so clear that she was trying to speak just to that audience right there, rather than realize that she had no competition on the stage and she just could have started running for the general election right there.

BOLLING: Do you think it's a trial balloon? He puts out these fairly provocative comments to see what the media comes back with and come back with something.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: He keeps dropping hints. He's like a spouse whose birthday is coming up.


GUTFELD: And also, he's getting off, he's getting off on the attention. Biden's favorite topic, you know this, Juan, we've been around. His favorite topic is Biden. He loves talking about himself. And the good news, you know, he ran for president, I guess back in the '80s. The good thing about it is there are a whole new slew of speeches that he can plagiarize. So it will be fun. And I know that he is running because I've heard he constructed a greenhouse that's stocked row on row of hair plugs.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, you're mean.

GUTFELD: I am -- you know I'm tired of everybody saying, "Oh, he's such a nice guy. He's a great guy." Either run or don't run. Don't flirt with us. You know, and I get he's likable. I get that, but he's likable in a way that Cosmo Kramer from Seinfeld was. He's kind of a walking misadventure.

BOLLING: Wait, you want to weigh in on this, Juan?

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: Greg, you don't, you don't get the drift here today.

GUTFELD: No, I don't.

WILLIAMS: The drift is that republicans are worried about Hillary and celebrating the idea that somebody can come in and as Kimberly said, cause some turbulence for the great, you know, ship.

GUILFOYLE: No, no. I actually.


GUILFOYLE: Far prefer Joe Biden, and if the GOP drops the ball.


GUILFOYLE: I would rather see Joe Biden president.


GUILFOYLE: Than Hillary Clinton any day.

WILLIAMS: Well, if you look at.

GUILFOYLE: Because he respected the troops. He knows how to work across party-line. He's respected on the Hill.

WILLIAMS: Well, let me just say.


BOLLING: The gist.

GUILFOYLE: So this is the gist.

BOLLING: The gist was, for a long time, everyone has been looking at the fighting going on the republican side. It's kind of fun to sit back and watch it go on the other side.


WILLIAMS: Well, no, that was.

GUILFOYLE: That's Bolling.

WILLIAMS: I was going to say to you is that there's so much dysfunction right now on the republican side. That I think republicans are like, hey, we want to see some of that on the democratic side and they hope that Joe Biden getting in would cause some trouble for Hillary. The problem with this theory is that the polls out today all show, Hillary getting a big bump out of the debate, right?


WILLIAMS: And if you ask democrats, not republicans, but democrats, you only get 30 percent of them who say, "Yeah, Joe Biden should run," in fact.



WILLIAMS: Nearly 40 percent say don't run.


PERINO: But he's not even started to campaign. And Juan, I actually think the analysis that you just put forth is not accurate. I think that the most republican strategists think that Biden would be harder to beat.


PERINO: In a general election than Hillary.

GUILFOYLE: It's true.

PERINO: I'm telling you that that's what.


WILLIAMS: There's no poll that show that.

PERINO: And I know you've been.

GUILFOYLE: There are polls that show that.

WILLIAMS: That shows that Joe Biden would be tougher to beat than Hillary?

PERINO: I'm not talking about poll. I'm talking about just.


BOLLING: No, the head to head? No, no, do you -- you should, we are, yes, yes. Joe Biden, out -- out performs Hillary Clinton, when you go head to head against every single republican.

WILLIAMS: This is it. There might be.


WILLIAMS: There might be some outliers.


GUILFOYLE: What do you talking about this?


GUTFELD: How come liberals aren't going after Biden as a misogynist, for attempting to block a woman.

PERINO: Oh, they will.

GUTFELD: From becoming the first.

PERINO: They will.

GUTFELD: Female president. Whereas you know the republicans are terrible.

PERINO: They will.

GUTFELD: Because they're going up against Biden.

PERINO: Just wait. If she gets the announcement, they will do that.


PERINO: Within 48 hours.

BOLLING: Well, let's move on today.

PERINO: I think I might have seen that.


PERINO: That's why I said 48 hours.

BOLLING: Oh, less than 48 hours.


BOLLING: In front of the House select committee on Benghazi, Senator McCain explains why this hearing is so important.


JOHN MCCAIN, UNITED STATES SENATOR: I think that every major investigation that you and I have seen leads in different directions. Certainly, Watergate was a great example of that. I happen to be on a Sunday morning show right after the National Security Adviser Susan Rice talked about hateful videos and spontaneous demonstrations. And I said then, nobody brings the RPG and a mortar to a spontaneous demonstration. I was at Andrews and Hillary Clinton told the families, well we'll get these people that made this hateful video. By that time, it was obvious that there was no hateful video.


BOLLING: The left thinks his hearings are political, but each time we learn new information on what happened in Benghazi and maybe more importantly, we learn what character, if any, makes up a presidential frontrunner. Quick around and Juan, your thoughts, this is -- I know Benghazi ain't, but every time we have more information.

WILLIAMS: No, more information is legit. So at this point, you can say, well we didn't know about the e-mails and some of the secret accounts before. There's the potential for something there, we'll see if anything comes of it. The big news in Washington recently has been that Trey Gowdy, the Chair, thought he had something in terms of a CIA source being named turned out. The CIA didn't think it was confidential, so that's fine. I think the bigger issue here, speaking to Senator McCain, who's just a wonderful guy and I think, you know, legitimate in what his concerns are, is that there have been seven hearings, she's testified numerous times. There's been an independent authority report. So I think the bigger worry actually could be that Hillary Clinton uses the republicans and absolutely makes this into like Ollie North, who sat there and made them look like chumps?

GUTFELD: Yeah. Yeah, maybe, but here -- we always have to go back to what is the logic behind pushing that video? Like, what were they were thinking. So it's always a walk through on the steps, especially for Juan. Since you know Juan is sometimes not here.


GUTFELD: Even when he's here.

WILLIAMS: That's true.

GUTFELD: For the logic of pushing the video to work. There has to be four steps -- five steps. One, some guy gets on YouTube, right? He wants -- he's looking for cat videos, he says I'm going to watch -- and then all of a sudden, he finds this weird, obscure video about Mohamed. And it's a coincidence that he found it on 9/11. On September 11th, it just happened to happen. And you know what he does? Normally, he was gonna go to work or his piano lessons, but he decides, no. You know what? I'm gonna call my friends. And they are -- they're all accountants and florists, but they go, yes, we're pissed off, too. So they all go out to a consulate, they burn it down and they kill four people. And then they go, you know what, let's go all back to work, to our jobs. And so they go back to their jobs and florists and accounts and they never do it again because they weren't terrorists.


GUTFELD: That's the logic that you need to believe Hillary Clinton.

GUILFOYLE: That's it.

GUTFELD: It's impossible.

GUILFOYLE: Hungry for cat videos started it all.

GUTFELD: Yes, exactly.

GUILFOYLE: Interesting.


GUTFELD: Did I just -- what you want (ph)?

WILLIAMS: You know, but you know it's interesting to me. I sometimes -- because I am not here, you know.


WILLIAMS: Sometimes when I do focus and I focus on, I think, man, is he's from another planet?

GUTFELD: Oh, thank you.

WILLIAMS: Because you know the fact is.

GUTFELD: I'm a brother from another planet.

WILLIAMS: Take it out. I agree with that.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God.

WILLIAMS: But what I'm saying to you is, you know, guess what, there was a video and it did spark protest that everyone agrees.


WILLIAMS: I don't know how many people saw it.

GUILFOYLE: Juan, you know this is not.

WILLIAMS: But it's no question.


BOLLING: Let's get Dana here, weigh on the Benghazi.

GUTFELD: Ghost created more outrage.

WILLIAMS: Well, I don't know.

PERINO: OK. Well, I think that the most important thing that what John McCain is talking about is when there's a hearing like this, sometimes you find out something that you weren't even looking for. In this case, it is the fact that she had a private server at all. She's subsequently told several different stories, change in her stories that made her look like she was lying. And then over the summer because she couldn't get her story straight, she said, "I'll come to that hearing and I will testify because she wanted to get it behind her. Now she doesn't want to go, but there's going to be a hearing, so she's gonna have to show up and answer the questions, but the number one thing that we learned is that there was a private server at all which was -- possibly, against the law, but absolutely against Obama administration guidelines.

BOLLING: Policy, absolutely.

PERINO: And she was the cabinet secretary.

BOLLING: Hence the comment coming out of the last sound bite about character -- if any.

President Bush, 43. Creating some news can self suggesting he doesn't like Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio may not be ready for the presidency. Now Rubio for his part responded couple of minutes ago with Neil.


MARCO RUBIO, PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Well, I don't even know if he said that -- number one. And number two, it sounds like him just telling a joke. It sounds like a funny thing to say.

The press in general operates on conflict. I'm not running against anybody, I'm running for president.


BOLLING: Interesting -- interesting timing on the comments out of 43, though.

PERINO: Well, I think that -- well he has said that he is for his brother, right? So there's been in advance and nobody necessary wants their private comments to be broadcast. But in today's day and age, that's what happens. So your public comments, and any -- even in a private setting have to be in direct proportion to how many people you think are going to tell somebody else about it. I would love to have Rubio handle that because he took it actually kind of as a compliment, made it a nice little moment and moved on to make his point of this is why I'm running for president and I thought he handled that perfectly and has really grown as a candidate.

WILLIAMS: Oh you are a sweet person. You are.


WILLIAMS: Are you just a delight because how you cannot see that in fact, he went after Rubio, at Rubio's main point of vulnerability.

PERINO: But don't you see that he -- didn't you see the follow up comment when he said, "Of course, I could be wrong and next year I'll be back here telling you he was a perfect candidate."

WILLIAMS: Well, at that point you know.

PERINO: That's why he was saying it was joke and that it was funny.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah. And he's saying he's a party loyalist.

PERINO: And he didn't take a stand which he doesn't -- he doesn't make himself a victim, which people like.

BOLLING: So can I be a conspiracy theorist? Well, these comments are provocative and we're talking about it. What are we not talking about?

PERINO: Oh my God, can we please.

BOLLING: No, we are not talking about this thing that -- by the way, there was Jeb Bush was on Hannity last night, Donald Trump was on.

PERINO: There we go. I knew it was coming.

BOLLING: And it continued, but we're talking about something else. I would talk about.


PERINO: I'm sorry.

GUTFELD: I missed something because I wasn't here yesterday. What are you talking about?

GUILFOYLE: You slept in.

PERINO: Unbelievable.

GUILFOYLE: We had a show, it was interesting.

GUTFELD: Really?



GUTFELD: No wait. What are we talking about?

BOLLING: It was a feud with the frontrunner, going in the guy with the most money in the race and those are things tend to be talked about.

GUILFOYLE: They (inaudible) about 9/11.

GUTFELD: Well, here's the issue, I guess -- we're talking about Donald Trump and 9/11. What's interesting is that he has managed to pull right- wingers even at Fox News into the same camp as left-wing haters. So there's almost no difference between people, some people at this table and Chris Matthews and Trevor Noah, who all agree that Bush is a bad guy. That is a major. That's a quite an achievement.

WILLIAMS: Agree that Bush is a bad guy?

GUTFELD: Yes. Because he knew, he knew that 9/11 was happening.

WILLIAMS: Oh my, gosh. This is so absurd.

GUTFELD: No, I'm mocking it.

BOLLING: At this table, necessary.



BOLLING: What would Greg think that you would think.


GUILFOYLE: I love the Bush family. I've got to tell you, I can't get enough. I hope more of them run. I'm looking forward to it.



PERINO: Pierce Bush is gonna run in 2028.

WILLIAMS: But wait, before we go. What about his comments about Cruz?

GUILFOYLE: And George -- I don't know.

BOLLING: Getting to know -- I'm not sure.

PERINO: They probably.


BOLLING: Where is the point?


GUILFOYLE: The comments are everybody knows.

BOLLING: I don't like, though.

GUILFOYLE: It's not a secret.

BOLLING: But I don't like his policy.

GUILFOYLE: It's not.

BOLLING: I don't -- like where he is on.

PERINO: Again.


PERINO: And I thought Cruz -- and I -- you know what I think, Cruz handled that well too because he said look, I worked for him. I really respect and they provided my wife and I, an opportunity to actually meet -- we loved working for him and he didn't take the bait on it. But also, Ted Cruz has been running against the establishment for the whole time. It's one of the reasons -- it is actually probably helped him.

WILLIAMS: This helped him, but Dana, the idea that -- he didn't say policy.

PERINO: But I'm sure in public -- I mean, with his little base.

WILLIAMS: But Dana, he didn't say policy. He is like -- it was like he said, "I don't like that guy."

GUILFOYLE: Are you there, Juan?

WILLIAMS: That's what he said?

GUILFOYLE: I don't -- did he say it like that?

WILLIAMS: Oh, in other words.


GUTFELD: It's bold, it's refreshing.

GUILFOYLE: How many people haven't heard you say that?


GUTFELD: Bashing other people.


GUILFOYLE: Counter-punching.


BOLLING: Bashing.


BOLLING: Bashing. All right, let's leave it right there, directly ahead.


BOLLING: Have a question about the 2016 election? Tweet it to us @thefive, #thefive. Let's see your questions answered, coming up next.


GUTFELD: Because I'm hung over, it's time now to answer -- might as well be honest.

GUILFOYLE: It's honest, yeah.

GUTFELD: We're going to answer some of your questions that you tweeted us about the 2016 election. I'm going to go to the first one. We'll go around the table to the lady in blue. Kimberly, because that's navy.

GUILFOYLE: That's teal.

GUTFELD: That's teal?


GUTFELD: All right, the segment is over. Let's.


GUTFELD: Wilson asked. Is the weak democrat field intentionally crafted by the DNC, so HRC has an easy time?




GUILFOYLE: I mean of course, they don't want anybody good to run, OK? I mean no offense, look at poor Lincoln Chafee. Where is he now?

GUTFELD: Oh, he's not too mowing my lawn.

GUILFOYLE: What's going on, right?


GUILFOYLE: That was weird.


GUILFOYLE: And poor Jim Webb was up there. And he dropped out. He was like, where am I? Who are these people on stage with.



GUILFOYLE: It was like awkward.

GUTFELD: Yes, that's true.

GUILFOYLE: Right? Forget about it. Martin O'Malley is like, does anybody know my name? That was weird.

GUTFELD: It was like Webb was on stage.


GUTFELD: With a folk band.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, so -- it's so crazy -- it's crazy. And there was like Hillary.


GUILFOYLE: And like the long pant suit situation -- and that was it. That was it. They don't want anyone else to show. That's what his saying Biden doesn't want to be bullied by the Clintons -- sorry, go ahead.


GUILFOYLE: That's my question.

GUTFELD: So Juan. Is it -- what is like that? I mean, do you feel like it was like Gladys Knight and the Pipsqueaks?

WILLIAMS: I thought she was the class of the field, there's any question. You know, I was kind of disappointed in fact, did you tell me you thought O'Malley might do better, or you just think you thought he was.

PERINO: I didn't think -- I didn't think he was.


PERINO: Because I did say that I thought he wasn't bad looking. But I also thought that he had a better debate than a lot of people gave him credit for.

WILLIAMS: Oh, I don't think he had a good debate at all.

GUTFELD: Oh yeah, yeah. He's a little too airbrushed for me -- Eric?

GUILFOYLE: I mean, he's not bad looking.


BOLLING: Not on O'Malley, right?


BOLLING: On Clinton?

GUTFELD: On just anything.

BOLLING: Here's what I think. I think Bernie Sanders showed the hand -- the democrat hand. First of all, DNC, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, clearly wants Hillary. She's pushing Hillary, everything that Hillary wants. She gets everything she doesn't want, she doesn't get. Number of debates -- that's example. I think Bernie showed his hand, though, when he turns and said, enough of the e-mail stuff. He is the number two trying to get the nominations and lets her out of the most egregious thing, the thing that could really bring her candidacy down. They're looking like I'm crazy.

WILLIAMS: Because it would bring her down among republicans.

BOLLING: No, no.

WILLIAMS: Democrats don't care.

BOLLING: It would -- it could take her out of the race.

GUTFELD: He's looking for job.

WILLIAMS: Oh, if the FBI gets involved.

BOLLING: Of course.


WILLIAMS: But if you're trying to appeal to democratic voters and you're Bernie Sanders, that -- in fact, Bernie Sanders did better, got more money after the debate for having done that.


PERINO: It was a mistake.

GUILFOYLE: Juan, you're making this up. Where did you get that, like weird factoid? How are you correlating that his increase.

WILLIAMS: He did raise a lot of money.

GUTFELD: But wait. He did raise a lot of money. Why is he isn't spreading it around with the other candidates?

GUILFOYLE: He did raise money like -- because people liked him. Not because they think he saved Hillary. If there's -- but Hillary, they gave money to her campaign.

WILLIAMS: All I'm saying.

GUTFELD: I said six questions here.


PERINO: You're moderating very well.

GUTFELD: Thank you.

BOLLING: We have 39 more minutes.


GUTFELD: That's good.

WILLIAMS: And you're really wrong.

GUTFELD: He's thought to talk about the Star Wars. You don't want to talk about answer this question?

PERINO: Do I think it's a conspiracy? I don't. No, but I think they've been very strategic in figuring out a way to block out competition. But if a young Barack Obama type character would have came along, then she would have been beatable again. But there just isn't one.

GUTFELD: You called them a character -- interesting.

All right, question two. This is from Sherry09. Why don't they just let the top five republican's debate, considering the rest of them have such low percentage numbers? We'll go this way.

PERINO: Well, we're going to get to that point.


PERINO: When -- just a little bit later on -- in the cycle.

GUTFELD: Well, OK, very good.

PERINO: It will narrow down.

GUTFELD: Nice clip to answer.

BOLLING: Good thing they didn't because Carly Fiorina, who had a fantastic debate performance at the junior table -- the happy hour table.


BOLLING: Bumped herself up to the top five and got tied at one point. So (inaudible).


BOLLING: More than better and.


BOLLING: Eventually, he will get lift and drop out on their own.

GUTFELD: But having said that, I've had ice cream headaches that lasted longer than her success. I mean she's definitely -- and I like her, but she's disappeared, Juan.

BOLLING: You like anti-women or something?

GUTFELD: Yes. I'm a misogynist nexus.


WILLIAMS: Well, you know, speaking.

GUILFOYLE: I knew it.

WILLIAMS: Speaking, as the only conservative at this table. I would say, let people debate. Let candidates run and don't have the establishment pick the candidates. And therefore, if people like a Carly Fiorina for a moment, let her have a surge. If it lasts, it lasts, but don't go around having the party picks the candidates.

GUTFELD: Oh. Well, how about you?

GUILFOYLE: Oh, except for the democrats.



GUILFOYLE: Also, this is -- why this is important, because the standings have changed, right?


GUILFOYLE: Some people that were number one aren't now. You've seen people that were in maybe the top six, not be. So it's moving and it's fluid and eventually it will work itself out. Sort of like natural selection.

GUTFELD: I just feel bad for the other ones. They're like wall flowers at a dance.

GUILFOYLE: they don't feel that.

GUTFELD: Everybody else is writing on the floor and.

PERINO: Why do you ask them to dance?

GUTFELD: I don't know. Let's go to the next question.

GUILFOYLE: Because they're all taller than him.

GUTFELD: All right.




WILLIAMS: Holy smoked. What happened here?

GUTFELD: That was bad (ph).


GUILFOYLE: I meant all about the ladies.

GUTFELD: Yes. All right, all right.


GUTFELD: All right, lady tanner.


GUTFELD: OK. Question.

GUILFOYLE: I know you're gorgeous, are they right?


GUTFELD: Frances Powers asked. How would you talk to young voters, like myself, about why they should vote for the GOP? Eric.

BOLLING: It's very simple. Just go to the tax rates. Just go what the democrats are proposing. Bernie Sanders wants to tax you up to 90 percent of your incomes. Republicans are for smaller government, lower taxes. If nothing else, if do you have a job, you want a republican.


GUTFELD: Juan. OK you can answer, Juan.

WILLIAMS: Well, I love arguing with Eric, but I'm not going to argue with you at this moment. Because I'll say this, my son -- I have a son who is a republican -- I have two actually, but.

GUTFELD: They're both republicans, aren't they?

WILLIAMS: Yes, but the one that works for the republicans, always intriguing a conversation because he says he's a republican because -- you know what, he believes in opportunity, self-reliance.

GUTFELD: Right. There you go.


WILLIAMS: You know what? He's the kind of guy that believes in small government getting out of his way.


WILLIAMS: And letting him do it. And he's this -- I mean, this is -- and he's a family values guy.


WILLIAMS: And that's why he's a republican. So if you're a young person, I think that's a good wrap. I mean, I think that' what I would listen.

GUTFELD: Kimberly?

GUILFOYLE: I think you should listen to your son.


WILLIAMS: Well, thank you.

PERINO: Well done, you Juan.


GUILFOYLE: . free market, opportunity, self-reliance.

WILLIAMS: You know I'm like -- you know me, I'm a party guy.

GUILFOYLE: He just wants some free stuff baby. That's what Juan wants.

WILLIAMS: Oh no, no, no. No, you see, but you -- then you run into republicans who are like militaristic, let's go in, everybody's got the kill the immigrants, you know.

GUILFOYLE: What are you talking about?

WILLIAMS: How about.

GUTFELD: Yes. That's the republicans.

WILLIAMS: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

GUTFELD: Kill the immigrants.

WILLIAMS: How about a fear fest (ph). You should be afraid right now.



GUTFELD: That will be the immigrants.

WILLIAMS: That's (inaudible). That's what the true feeling is.

GUILFOYLE: He is just hungry. He didn't eat yet.

WILLIAMS: I thought he was hung over.

GUTFELD: What would you say.

PERINO: I think if you care about economic and individual liberty that the Republican Party has a better solution for you. And if you look at the places where you might want to live, the places that are doing the best with the lowest unemployment rate, the most bang for your buck and the safest nation in the world, you should want to go for a republican.

GUTFELD: Excellent. I would say identity politics only creates jobs for people who work in identity politics.

All right.



GUTFELD: Up next. The NRA -- never heard of them, launch as compelling new ad about minorities in poor communities arming themselves. Will it make liberals switch gears on gun control? Details, when we return.



GUILFOYLE: Well, the NRA has launched a powerful new ad campaign about guns in America. It features an African-American woman named Josephine Bird who explains why she and other minorities living in dangerous neighborhoods should have the right to arm and protect themselves when the police cannot. Take a look.


JOSEPHINE BIRD, NRA MEMBER: I can't afford a nice house in a safe neighborhood. I live in a government high-rise. Gangbangers and drug dealers walk down our halls every day.

My neighbors and I were scared. We called the police. But they can't keep us safe. The housing authority told me, if I bought a gun, to protect myself, they'd throw me to the streets. If I'm not free because of my address today, what makes you think you'll be free tomorrow?

I marched behind Martin Luther King Jr. at Selma, I know my rights. Now I have my gun. I am the National Rifle Association of America, and I'm freedom's safest place.


GUILFOYLE: And it isn't just Josephine Bird, either. A recent Pew poll found that 54 percent of African-Americans believe owning a gun does more to protect them than pose a risk. So should this ad make anti-gun liberals rethink their position on gun control?

That is a powerful video and message.


GUILFOYLE: You're up.

GUTFELD: Do you think there would have been looting in Ferguson if every shopkeeper had a boom stick instead of a broomstick? There wouldn't have - - they would have found another way to express themselves.

If you're against this woman, you are a racist and a sexist; and I'll -- let's tackle the sexist part first. Men have 50 percent more muscle mass, so a gun is a force equalizer. The gun is the best rape whistle you can have. It makes -- it makes the weakest woman equal to the strongest thug.

You're racist, because you're depriving people that live in, as she says, crime-ridden areas from protecting themselves. So if you don't want her to have a gun -- and that is white privilege. All those white gun control advocates who live in the suburbs, they have suburban white privilege. They believe nobody should have guns, including this poor lady.

GUILFOYLE: The same people who have the ocean privilege -- Bolling.

BOLLING: So 2008, Supreme Court reaffirmed our right to protect our homes with a firearm. But the problem is only 31 percent of homes have a firearm right now. Twenty-five percent of homes have a security system. But this, this number, 1.5 million burglaries per year. Per year. Seventy-three percent of those happening in private homes.

Increase the number of homes with a firearm, drop the number of burglaries, it's common sense.

WILLIAMS: Yes. OK, so can I take a turn?



WILLIAMS: Yes, I know, because I'm not here. Anyway, because what we have is the minute that you have a gun in the home, you increase your chances of being killed 40 percent.

GUTFELD: You're talking suicide.

WILLIAMS: No, no, no, I'm talking suicide and accidents.

GUTFELD: You also increase your risk of a car accident if you own a car.

WILLIAMS: No. But that's ridiculous.

GUTFELD: No, it's a fact. You're more likely to be in a car accident if you're in a car than if you're not in a car.

WILLIAMS: You need a car to go places. Anyway, let me finish my point.

GUTFELD: But you can get in an accident in a car.

GUILFOYLE: Or a plane crash.

WILLIAMS: You were talking about a moment ago about race, and here's my feeling about this.


WILLIAMS: Fifty-five percent of gun homicide victims are black people. Only 13 percent of the population, 55 percent of the victims. Which is why you think, gee, I wonder why, you know, urban blacks, including -- unlike this lady or the man, another Chicagoan who was in the Supreme Court suit who said, "I want the right to a gun because of these gang-bangers in the neighborhood." You wonder why.

A high percentage of black people not only are dying from these guns, but know people who have died...


WILLIAMS: ... as a result of gunshots. And guns are a real threat in poor communities.

GUTFELD: Which is why they should have guns to protect themselves from the assailants, because you left out who the assailants are.

WILLIAMS: Who the assailants -- the shooters...


GUTFELD: If you say the law-abiding person cannot have the gun, even though you cannot control the guns that are in the arms of the gangs, you are actually creating more victims.

WILLIAMS: I don't understand it.

BOLLING: The bad guys are going to get the guns, anyway. You don't take the guns out of the good guys' hands.

WILLIAMS: Oh so, in other words you guys are in line...


WILLIAMS: You guys therefore think, "You know what? We shouldn't do anything except bring more guns in"?


GUILFOYLE: Yes. All right, fine.

WILLIAMS: You see, that's what I...


GUTFELD: No, no, what I'm saying is everybody has the right to protect themselves. And the woman made a very important point. You can't rely on the police to get there when you're being attacked. They only come after the crime. She's got to protect herself in a high-crime area.

BOLLING: The town of (UNINTELLIGIBLE) required households to have a firearm. Crime plummeted in that town.

GUILFOYLE: Dana Perino, my friend.

PERINO: OK, I know we only have 10 seconds left. So let me just say, I'm going to talk about it from a communications standpoint. About the ad, is it persuasive? Could it change minds? It's possible.

And one of the things that I was thinking about when I watched the ad was something I read in Greg's book when he talks about being persuasively correct. Which is you can use liberals' language...

GUTFELD: Against them.

PERINO: ... against them.


PERINO: But you can also do that through the form of video and photographs. OK, so when you see her, are you drawn, at least, to it?

These made me think that there could be some common ground. And I think the element of surprise actually works well for this particular ad in this case.

GUILFOYLE: I think so, too. I think it was effective, and I liked it. Think outside the box.

When we come back, blocked by Democrats, the death of Kate Steinle by the hands of an illegal immigrant in the sanctuary city of San Francisco apparently had no impact on Senate Democrats. We're going to tell you about the important legislation they just railroaded, next.


PERINO: Earlier today, Senate Democrats successfully blocked a Republican bill that would crack down on sanctuary cities. By a vote of 54-45, the measure fell short of reaching the 60-vote threshold the same day the White House issued a veto threat and Harry Reid labeled the bill "vile legislation."

The Stop Sanctuary Cities Act would threaten to withhold funds from local governments that don't cooperate with federal immigration officials. The bill's consideration came months after the murder of Kate Steinle in San Francisco, allegedly at the hands of an illegal immigrant.

And Eric, this was not necessarily a surprise, because the Democrats had made a decision early on that they knew that they had the backing of the White House to vote against this bill.

BOLLING: Right. So they needed 60 votes. They got two Democrats to come over and vote for it. One Republican voted against it.

Rand Paul made a very good point to help understand what goes on here. If someone is convicted if a state, say Illinois, and is serving time for his conviction is Illinois, but has committed a murder in Kentucky and is also has convicted there, when he finishes his term, his sentence in Illinois, he gets exported to Kentucky, immediately transported and goes to jail in Kentucky.

PERINO: Right.

BOLLING: What happens here is what sanctuary cities do is, when you've done something wrong and you either let go or you've done your time in a sanctuary city, they don't make you go pay for your crime of either being here illegally or whatever felonies you've committed while being here illegally, on the federal level. They say, "You're done. We're going to let you go. We're not going to tell the feds." There's no communication. They've got to fix that. They have to fix it.

PERINO: And not allowing sanctuary cities to run like this, I think that, actually, that is common sense.

But Juan, to show you how political this has gotten and Harry Reid and the Democrats must have done their homework, because they know that this works for them or they wouldn't have said this. Not only did he say it was vile legislation. He said it could be called the Donald Trump Act. So now politics is now fully engaged on the immigration debate. We can't even solve something like sanctuary cities.

WILLIAMS: I agree. You know, this is the sad part. I mean, there should be some rationality applied here, that there are steps that should be taken, as you were saying.

I would say the No. 1 step is, if the federal government says, you know, "This is a dangerous person," not some low-level marijuana crime, which is what the guy was in jail for, after having done it five times or whatever, issue the warrants, stop with the detainees. A warrant, the locals will respond. But the detaining -- they don't react to that because of the sanctuary city legislation.

But no matter what the legislation, two points, we should fix this. There shouldn't be such a loophole. And two, you know at this network that we've been pushing -- or O'Reilly has been pushing the idea that, if you commit a crime and you're here illegally, another five years. Try to up the punishment.

PERINO: Mandatory minimum.

GUILFOYLE: Well, doesn't that make sense, to operate as a deterrent? People should be punished for breaking the law repeatedly?

WILLIAMS: That's what I said. I just said that.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, right, that's what I'm saying. So I think that makes a lot of sense.

What bothers me is when you see partisan politics like this. No matter how many American lives it might cost, they're still going to vote their ideology first instead of doing the right thing. So you see people like Harry Reid using this, like, you know, crazy rhetoric.

WILLIAMS: No, no, no.

GUILFOYLE: Trying to call it the Donald Trump, you know, law.

PERINO: Apparently, the Koch brothers are not on his list anymore, so he's gone over to Donald Trump.

WILLIAMS: Wait. I was just going to make a quick point. Yes, but shouldn't we say that -- I'm sorry. Go ahead.

PERINO: I just want to ask you if you think -- we only have a second left. Can either side win here and be correct? And persuade people that they're right?

GUTFELD: Actually, I have an idea. I -- because this is setting a precedent. It's essentially endorsing criminality, saying -- allowing sanctuary cities to exist. I think it is time for conservatives to create their own sanctuary cities. Where any -- choose a certain location, where every law-abiding gun owner can carry in public.

Or perhaps create a city, a sanctuary city, where you can smoke anywhere you want. You can smoke in bars; you can smoke in taverns. Or maybe we could have a city, no speed limits.

Each one of these examples is breaking the law, but we have a precedent here, it is OK to break the law. So let's do it. I want to see the first nude village.

PERINO: Do you really want to see that?

GUTFELD: Milpitas, California. I dare Milpitas, California to go nude.

Seriously, this is absurd. Why can't -- why do we need to have laws?


BOLLING: Did you buy, like, property in Milpitas?

GUTFELD: I just like the name Milpitas.

GUILFOYLE: Bolling wants to go. He's really taken.

BOLLING: I really don't.

PERINO: I actually kind of like that idea.

GUTFELD: It's absurd.

GUILFOYLE: Dana, you want to go to the nudists?

PERINO: No, not the nude city. No. I like the idea of conservative sanctuary cities.

GUTFELD: Yes, conservative sanctuary cities. One is called Dallas.

WILLIAMS: No, wait a second. You know -- you know that old Eddie Murphy. I didn't know conservatives were partying like this.

GUTFELD: They are.

WILLIAMS: I had no idea.

PERINO: Juan, there's so many things you don't know about conservatives.

GUILFOYLE: One more reason, Juan.

PERINO: We will educate you in the commercial break.

GUTFELD: Talk to your sons.

PERINO: All right. Coming up, "Star Wars" mania kicks into high gear after the release of the newest movie trailer. Get ready, Jedi fans. "The Force Awakens," and the preview is next.


WILLIAMS (WEARING A DARTH VADER MASK): Legions of fans are going wild after the new "Star Wars" movie trailer debuted during halftime of "Monday Night Football." Behold "The Force Awakens."


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: There are stories about what happened.

HARRISON FORD, ACTOR: It's true. All of it.

The dark side. The Jedi. They're real.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The force, it's calling to you.

Just let it in.


WILLIAMS: The seventh film in the "Star Wars" franchise is one of the most highly anticipated movies in recent memory. In fact, when advanced tickets went on sale, websites crashed -- kaboom -- across the board. And get this: online -- online ticket service Fandango, they reported they've already sold eight times as many tickets as they did for "The Hunger Games," the previous record holder, for the first day of ticket sales.

GUILFOYLE: Press the button.

WILLIAMS: Press the button. Here's the button.

GUILFOYLE: I like the talking.


PERINO: Very good, Juan.

WILLIAMS: You know what I think? I think I'm Eric's dad. I'm your dad, Eric.

BOLLING: So yes, eight times. They're destroying records. Now I didn't have any talking points, because I really have never seen a "Star Wars" movie.

WILLIAMS (AFTER REMOVING MASK): Come on, you've never seen a "Star Wars" movie?

BOLLING: Never seen it, so I call up -- I go...

WILLIAMS: How is that possible?

BOLLING: Nate Freden (ph) and Ron Mitchell, I said, "Guys, I need something smart to say, because I really don't know what I'm talking about."

Like, "Bolling, don't worry. We got this. You don't want to dis 'Star Wars.' It's huge." He said, "Just ask, since Leonard Nimoy is dead, who's going to play Spock in the new movie." So do we know?

GUILFOYLE: Wow, that was pretty unbelievable.


BOLLING: He's not in it.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, no kidding, that's "Star Trek."

GUTFELD: We know.

PERINO: Got it.

GUILFOYLE: I mean, somebody help me. Bring me back the Darth Vader mask.

GUTFELD: You know what's interesting about "Star Wars"?


GUTFELD: It leaves -- it gives you a glimpse into human nature. It's called "Star Wars." It's not called "Star Peace." There's no room for pacifists in outer space. Pacifists cause war because of their inaction. We love "Star Wars," not star peace.

WILLIAMS: It's true.

GUTFELD: Thank you.

WILLIAMS: Thank you. It's true.

And let me just tell you something, you see these...

BOLLING: Sabers.

WILLIAMS: ... light sabers?


WILLIAMS: They are so popular. My grandkids already have the light sabers.

GUILFOYLE: I want them at my house. It's so amazing. I love Princess Leia. I used to do my hair like that all the time.

PERINO: Do it...


GUILFOYLE: I would do it. You like a Princess Leia vibe?

WILLIAMS (PUTTING DARTH VADER MASK BACK ON): Do you think I look more threatening and masculine?

GUILFOYLE: I think you're sexy.



WILLIAMS: You know why? Because we could be at Milipitas [SIC], California, and I could be in the colony.

GUILFOYLE: Milpitas.

GUTFELD: I'd still recognize you.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God.


GUTFELD: That's my point. You people are disgusting. What has happened to this show?

GUILFOYLE: It's time for a tasty snack and some Fandango tickets.

PERINO: Yes. I got the red one, of course, notice.

I love it, because the good guys always win.

WILLIAMS: The good guys always win.

PERINO: Yes, and America could use a win right now. So this is fun. I think it's fun.

I remember when I was, I think, eight or nine. My mom and dad took my sister and I to Century 21 in Denver. You all know it? Huge movie theater. And that was my first exposure to it, and I loved it. But now I actually have to say, it makes me -- I get too nervous in a suspenseful movie.

BOLLING: This movie is going to, like, blow numbers. What they're saying, 600 million bucks right off the bat. A billion dollars.

GUILFOYLE: You better go. It's far better than all those zombie movies.

WILLIAMS: Hey, Greg, I can't -- In fact, picking up on Eric's point, I thought you would object to this whole segment and say we're just advertising a stupid movie.

GUTFELD: No, I'm a big fan of "Star Wars."

PERINO: He likes it.

GUTFELD: I enjoy it.

PERINO: He's a big fan of wars.

GUTFELD: I just like war.

WILLIAMS: I forgot. And they have guns, too, Eric.

GUTFELD: Yes, they have.

WILLIAMS: They have guns; they have guns.

GUTFELD: They have a saber buy-back, Juan.

WILLIAMS: "One More Thing," coming up, right here.


BOLLING: OK, time for One More Thing. I'll go first. Listen, I don't love his politics, but you've got to give the man extra points in his guts cards for doing this.


MARTIN O'MALLEY (D), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE (singing): Because baby now we got bad blood. You know, it used to be mad blood. So take a look at what you've done and maybe now we got bad blood. Hey!


BOLLING: The president thing doesn't work out for O'Malley, maybe there's a future there.

Dana, you're up.

PERINO: That takes guts.

All right. Check out this organization. It used to be called Soldier Socks, which started as a goal of trying to get socks and supplies to soldiers that are on the front lines. Now they're called Soldier Strong. They just changed their name, and it reflects how their work has helped vets get back on their feet with some state-of-the-art medical devices. Our own Martha McCallum is on the board of Soldier Strong, and this morning the co-founder, Chris Meeks, was on "FOX and Friends." Check out what this Navy veteran, Jason Geiser, says that Soldier Strong has done for him.


JASON GEISER, NAVY VETERAN: When you're a veteran, you have a sense of independence and a sense of the fight and you're right. And then once you lose your mobility, it takes something away from you. And for companies like Soldier Socks to develop something and get veterans back on their feet, it gives us our independence back and a sense of strength.


PERINO: It's really amazing what the technology has been able to advance. It's like -- it's like robotics. Check them out at

GUILFOYLE: Very nice.

BOLLING: Great one. Greg, you're up.

GUTFELD: All right. It is time for something new.


GUTFELD: I love these people.


GUTFELD: Boo. All right. So I was at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, with the -- I spoke to the lovely college Republicans. Here's the group that...

GUILFOYLE: Where are you?

GUTFELD: ... Frank Pray (ph). I'm in the middle there. This is a collection of khakis that we call the collection, the College Republicans. I spoke to them.

I want to thank them and Emily Henseler (ph), who's the executive director of Liberty U.'s YAF, and Emily Weeks, who is executive vice chair of the UNC College Republicans. They're all good people.

I was there to promote or actually sell my book, which you can order anywhere. It tells you how to be right. It's good for kids, because it's really small. It can fit in a pocket, almost. If you have a really big pocket.

GUILFOYLE: I like that.

BOLLING: All right. Juan, you're up.

WILLIAMS: So Oprah Winfrey is fattening up Weight Watchers, at least their stock value. The sales were down, the profits were off 50 percent for the first half of the year.

But now she has said that she's going to buy 10 percent of the stock and guess what? The company's value soared with that news. She's also joining the board and potentially will get to buy 5 percent more, because she was options. So in the last few days, guess what? Oprah Winfrey made $72 million. She is doing very well and definitely on a good financial diet.

BOLLING: And she'll pay $14 million in federal tax and get this: she's going to pay $3 million in Obamacare tax.

GUILFOYLE: Will you let the lady speak?

GUILFOYLE: Yes. OK, so I have a very nice "One More Thing." Just want to wish -- there he is -- President Bush 41 well. This is a new photo of the president, showing him without his neck brace for the first time in months. You remember that he broke a vertebrae in his neck after a fall in his home back in July. And now he is braceless, so happy for him and the family.

BOLLING: Absolutely. I've got to leave it right there. Bye. "Special Report" next.

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