Joe Biden hides in his basement as corruption claims mount

This is a rush transcript from “Hannity” October 21, 2020. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.


We begin with this FOX News alert, breaking moments ago: the FBI issued a serious warning detailing Iran's involvement in an election interference scheme. Apparently, malignant actors inside of Iran posing as members of a fringe group and attempting to intimidate voters here in the U.S. with violent threats, likely in an effort to help Joe Biden. We'll have a lot more coming up throughout the hour.

But, first, tonight, we are only 13 days away from the election. We are only 24 hours away from what will be the last and final presidential debate.

And, coming up, Bill Hemmer, he's going to join us at the HANNITY big board with the state-by-state collection and analysis.

Also, Eric Trump, Larry Elder, Leo 2.0 who is out on the campaign trail for President Trump, and Senator Ron Johnson will be here.

We will also have the latest from the campaign trail where moments ago the president wrapped up yet another massive rally, this time in North Carolina.

And, meanwhile, with less than two weeks until the election, Barack Obama finally stepped out on the campaign trail on behalf of his geriatric, cognitively struggling former VP, which is more than Joe has done the last three days or the last three or out of four or five days. He has been resting comfortably, taking his naps, having his hot cocoa, doing debate prep every waking moment of the last five days. And, naturally, Obama had some rather typically nasty things to say about the president and to the president's supporters.

We'll play the worst moments for Mr. Hope and Change, and when they go below, we go high in a minute.

But, of course, Joe is still nowhere to be found. He spent yet another day, for the last five days hold up in his basement bunker, with less than two weeks to go before Election Day. No rallies, no press conferences, no big events. Maybe he had a nice, leisurely breakfast, a couple of naps, hot cocoa, early dinner inside, and maybe he's watching HANNITY.

We do hear, by the way, that in moments, we have a big breaking news story we will be telling you.

What we do know is that Joe Biden is still hiding. You could say he is in the candidate protection program. Last night, we sent a camera to Joe's house in Delaware to see if we could get a glimpse of the Democratic nominee outside of the basement bunker.

And did tonight, we sent HANNITY 2020 election correspondent, investigative reporter, Lawrence Jones. He is now standing right outside of Joe Biden's compound. Joe, he could see right there, the cameras right there. If you have anything you want to tell America, you've been very quiet four of the last five days in the middle of an election. If you want to make a pitch to voters, if you're able to answer a couple of questions not about what your favorite milk shake is, just come outside, we will be happy to hear from you. Free any time.

Unlike the phony, lying, misleading propaganda ads that your campaign keeps running. And there are lies in almost every ad.

And, of course, we're not going to hold our breath. Joe probably doesn't have the mental capacity to speak extemporaneously anymore without days of preparation. That's allegedly what he's been doing the past week, memorizing his lies for tomorrow night's debate.

We also know that Joe is trying to avoid any and all questions surrounding the massive corruption scandal that is rocking his campaign.

Now, during a virtual interview conducted from his sofa in his basement bunker, Biden blasted a local reporter for daring to ask if Hunter profited off of the biotin name. The obvious answer is yes. But take look.


JOE BIDEN (D), PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE:  This is the same garbage Rudy Giuliani, Trump's henchman -- it's the last attempt to smear me and my family. And the vast majority of intelligence people have come out and say there's no basis at all.


HANNITY:  OK, Joe is lying to America. At the very least, we know for a fact zero experience Hunter, his son, did use his father's name and office to rake in millions of dollars from sketchy foreign nationals.

Now, Hunter admitted as much during on an interview on "Good Morning America". No experience, oil, gas, energy, got paid millions. Why? I don't know. May be because your dad is the vice president? Probably, that's not in dispute.

And, by the way, the media gave him a pass. It's a fact. But now, because of several major revelations surrounding Hunter's purported emails, now serious questions must be answered. Did Joe communicate with zero experience Hunter about Hunter and his business dealings?

Did he offer special access, or special treatment, or invitations to the White House or anything else to any of Hunter's sketchy international clients? Did Joe profit financially in any way himself?

Was U.S. foreign policy compromised?

In a brand-new article, "The Wall Street Journal" editorial board is now demanding that Joe answer these questions about his son's influence peddling and his own financial dealings notably regarding China. After all, FOX News has now confirmed an email appears to detail an equity distribution to Joe Biden from one of his son's sketchy deals with a state- backed Chinese entity.

These are serious concerns, and they will be raised at tomorrow night's debate, probably not by the moderator -- probably Trump will have to bring it up himself. One way or another, it will come up.

And coming up, we will lay out all of Hunter's sketchy business deals in detail. We're going to connect all of the dots. We're going to follow all of the money from Ukraine to Russia to Kazakhstan, to China, to Hunter Biden's own wallet.

So, buckle up because more shocking bombshell revelations are on the way.

Also, Senator Ron Johnson will join us.

It also makes you wonder if former President Obama, what did he know about any of this, about Biden and their family's elicit behavior and the profiting off their position. According to multiple reports, he reportedly urged Biden not to run for office.

In 2016, you can recall he endorsed Hillary Clinton. In 2020, he waited to the final weeks of the Democratic primary to endorse Joe. Now with only 13 days to go until you are the ultimate jury, Obama, well, he finally stepped out on the campaign trail during a speech to basically a couple of cars in a parking lot in Philadelphia. Obama didn't exactly have an uplifting message.

And sadly for Barack, there's no more hope, no more change, no more positive vibes. There is no more they go low, we go high. And like most of the far left, Obama is filled with nothing but hate and rage for all things Donald Trump. And, of course, Obama also taking several shots at his favorite go to villain, FOX News. Obama has been obsessed with FOX, me in particular, for years.

Take a look.


BARACK OBAMA, FORMER PRESIDENT:  I explained that I never thought Donald Trump would embrace my vision or continue my policies, but I did hope for the sake of the country that he might show some interest in taking the job seriously. It hasn't happened. He hasn't shown any interest in doing the work or helping anybody but himself and his friends or treating the presidency like a reality show he can use to get attention.


HANNITY:  This is a far cry from Trump rallies where supporters line up for hours and hours to hear the president speak. It's like a concert like atmosphere.

Tonight's rally, North Carolina, no exception. The president had this to say about the weak, frail, cognitively struggling opponent Joe Biden and of course, talked about tomorrow's big debate. Take a look.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES:  The first thing Washington Democrats will do, if sleepy Joe was elected, he's going to sleep, I guess.

You know, I had a leader that called me a really dynamic leader called me up about two weeks go inside, I don't want to deal with them, he's always going to be sleeping. Can you imagine that? The word gets around.

If Biden wins, the flag burning demonstrators in the street will be running your federal government. Don't worry, it's not going to happen. It can't happen.

You know my statement: our country will never be a socialist country.


HANNITY:  Now, as we do get closer and closer to the election, the polls are very, very tight, especially in all of these battleground states like Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Iowa, every state matters. Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Trafalgar has it at 46-46.

We saw a very similar trend in 2016 and the once overly competent Democratic Party is now experiencing a sense of deja vu all over again, especially given the Biden campaigns obvious attempt to coast across the finish line and remain in hiding the entire time.

And tonight, like most nights, Joe is not visiting any battleground state.

He's not in Wisconsin. He's not in Michigan. He's not in Florida. He's not in Ohio.

He's in the comfort of his own home likely taking a nap, not campaigning at all anyway. Four of the last five days, he's been on vacation.

Every American needs to examine what's going on here. This is now a conscious decision of Joe Biden's campaign. You need to look at this closely. This campaign has now decided that they can no longer risk Joe Biden being out in public for any prolonged period of time.

They are obviously hiding something about Joe Biden. In all likelihood, they are hiding the full extent of Joe's cognitive struggles, because when he does go out two or three days in a row, it's an unmitigated disaster.

Now, this is unprecedented, and, frankly, it is dangerous for this country if his whole campaign does not believe he has the strength, the stamina, the mental acuity, the mental alertness, to be the president of the United States which is the hardest job in the world.

He looks frail, he looks weak, and we can see he is struggling cognitively.

America needs to now demand a physical, a full physical and cognitive assessment of Joe Biden. The country deserves to know, why are they putting him in hiding and on vacation with the two weeks to go into Election Day?

These are uncharted waters, this never happens. So, with Joe Biden's reluctance to even leave his basement bunker with the full approval of his campaign, we thought we would make it very easy for him. Joe, you want to answer a couple of questions? You want to give a pitch to voters around the country?

As we speak, HANNITY election 2020 correspondent Lawrence Jones, he's outside of your house right now, the Biden compound. I don't think he's been invited in the basement bunker, but he joins us with more.

There's a little activity going on. Anybody bringing in vanilla and chocolate shakes, LJ?

LAWRENCE JONES, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR:  Well, no movement just yet, Sean.

Good evening.

It is the eve of the final presidential debate and Vice President Joe Biden called in his campaign on Monday.

Now, Sean, we've been asking questions on, when we are going to see the vice president? And people are starting to ask if he ran out the clock.

Well, I had the opportunity to talk with some voters right here in Delaware. This is what they have to say about the issue. Watch.


JONES:  What about going out for the campaign, less than two weeks, should he be out there talking to people?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE:  No, I don't think so. I think he has done a great job.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE:  He needs to stay in his house.

JONES:  He needs to stay in his house. Why is he staying in the house?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE:  Because he's nuts.

JONES:  He's nuts. It's not going to help them by leaving the house?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE:  No, I mea, he's cuckoo for cocoa puffs.

JONES:  Do you think the best strategy is because voters have already their minds is to sit back and let the election play out?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE:  No, I wouldn't -- I wouldn't agree with that. He is going to have to get out.

Obama is doing -- doing some of the legwork for him, that's fine, but Joe has to make an appearance.

JONES:  You think he staying in the house because if he goes out he may win?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE:  He ain't going to win. He doesn't need to win. He needs to stay in the house, so nobody will vote for him.


JONES:  Hey, Sean, this is going to come down to the final days.

Now, what we need to know is this, Sean, if he is up in the polls like they suggest, then may be this is a good strategy. But if the polls are wrong like they were in 2016, he may regret this decision.

But we made a very easy for him tonight. We'll be out here all night and the vice president can come up to the podium at any moment.

HANNITY:  Lawrence, you are there -- I mean, I see a lot of cars. Last night, they turned the light off a little bit. I know the basement bunker is in the back of the compound. Has there been a lot of activity, anybody there? Anyone say, hey, LJ, what's going on, how -- good to see you?

JONES:  You know, it's actually -- it's actually funny, the car of the Secret Service is there. But there's been a lot of cars driving by, and some of them are waving, saying, see you on HANNITY. We love you, love what you do. So, a lot of FOX News supporters out here.

I think just a lot of voters that just want to know where the former vice president is.

HANNITY:  Yeah, starting with me. This is unprecedented. These are uncharted waters.

Something is radically wrong. You don't go on a vacation with five days and two weeks to go before Election Day. It doesn't happen.

LJ, thank you as always.

Also, this just breaking right now, breaking news from and Brooke Singman. She is now reporting that the laptop believed to be Hunter Biden's is, in fact, linked to an FBI money laundering probe. Pay attention.

The FBI allegedly subpoenaed the laptop and the hard drive in 2019. They've known about this 2019, which raises a whole series of issues. According to this report, quote: It is unclear at this point whether the investigation is ongoing and if it was directly related to Hunter Biden.

It's his laptop.

Multiple federal law enforcement officials as well as two separate government officials have now confirmed the authenticity of these documents which were signed by FBI special agent Joshua Wilson. Wilson did not immediately respond to FOX News for a comment.

We will stay on the story, we're going to get reaction in just a minute from Senator Ron Johnson. But it is now breaking as we speak.

First, let's turn to the Hannity big board where Bill Hemmer is standing by some very important state by state election analysis.

You know, we invited you on, we figured you might need a little more practice. It's been four years. Now, nobody is better at the big board than Bill Hemmer.

BILL HEMMER, FOX NEWS ANCHOR:  Sean, nice to see you. Good evening.

I'm going to tell you, because it's three states and sort of where we kind of think the state of play is right now. This is Pennsylvania. You mentioned President Obama was there earlier tonight. These were the results from 2016.

This is Pittsburgh, Allegheny, a lot of Democratic votes there at the west side of the state. This is Philadelphia in the southeast. This is -- if you are a Democrat, this is where you win Pennsylvania, and that's why President Obama was here earlier today.

Hillary Clinton with half a million votes in 2016, Philadelphia. Montgomery County should picked up another quarter million votes. So, that's the reason why you see the concentration, the focus.

Now, Sean, watch carefully, this is 2016, red is Trump, blue is Clinton.

Take you back to 2012, what changes on the map? It's very subtle, but you see just slightly here, there are a total of three counties that flip for Trump in 2016. And, really, they made this significant difference. Luzerne over here, and then Erie County up here in the northwestern corner of Pennsylvania, where you had a rally there last night.

The president took that county 51-49, very close. But if you go back to

2012 you see how well Barack Obama did in the same county, 58 percent, hence the reason why you go there.

Now, you saw what a rally about a week ago. This is Cambria County. I think you covered it yourself, Sean. White, rural voters, the president almost got 70 percent of this county. Is he going to rely on all of these places to offset places like Pittsburgh and Philadelphia in this year's -- in this year's vote here?

Take it to 2020 now, this is the advanced vote in Pennsylvania. There's no early in person voting here. You vote by mail or you show up and pick your ballot up and fill it out -- 2.8 million requested or sent, 1.2 thereabouts returned so far. So, Pennsylvania has a little bit of a way to go when it comes there.

Pop on down here, 2016, state of North Carolina. This is Raleigh and Durham in the north and east, and this is Charlotte here, Mecklenburg County.

Tonight, the president was in Gaston County, just to the west of Charlotte,

66 percent of the vote, 61,000 raw votes in that county alone as compared to Mitt Romney's turnout at 56.

So, you up the mark by about 5,000 and that's the reason why -- well, in a big way, as to why you go to Gaston County tonight.

Advance vote in North Carolina has been rather impressive, I think. That's 2012, I'll take you to 2020 now. You've had early voting there for about six days, Sean, 1.4 million ballots sent out or requested, about 660,000 returned.

The early in-person voting is very popular in North Carolina. They like that there, and we're about 1.5 million so far. But I think of all of these numbers here, the one to think about is the percentage of registered voters that have tuned in a vote so far. You're a little more than 26 percent --

20.6 percent.

Four years ago, that number was 30.6 percent. So, you're two-thirds of the way there. I think what early in-person voting you're easily going to eclipse that so far this year in the state of North Carolina.

One more here, this is Florida. Advance voting, I know I'm throwing a lot of numbers that you, but I think this is really important thing keep out the changes with COVID, absentee ballots, the mail balloting, all that factors into an election that really is, you could argue, rather unpredictable.

So, as of tonight at 6:00, October 21, in Florida, 5.8 million of which close to 3 million have been returned. They've been doing early in-person voting now for just a couple of days, OK? That's 720,000 number, this is where I think that numbers important.

From 2016, the early in-person voting in Florida was almost 4 million. You can -- you can wager, Sean. I mean, pretty good money that we are going to fly by that number in 2020.

As for the percentage that I pointed out, 31 percent four years ago, this year in 2020, we're about 17 percent. So, a little more than halfway there.

So, all this now goes into our equation as we try to figure out which way

2020 is going to go. And, Sean, the three states that I just showed you, in 2016, what was the raw vote difference in all three? Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Florida. It was 330,000 votes.

That's the margin so far that we are looking at as compared to four years ago.

HANNITY:  Bill Hemmer, I will tell you, everybody should take this to mean the following in my view -- 

HEMMER:  Yeah.

HANNITY:  -- your vote matters. And every one of the swing states, it matters a lot.

All right. We'll be watching all election night.

HEMMER:  You got it.

HANNITY:  Two weeks from yesterday, 13 days away, anything can happen. But ultimately, it's in your hands.

You, the American people, are the ultimate jury. Not big tech companies that are biased, not the media mob with their abusive bias against all things Trump, not the Democratic Party that hates Donald Trump every second, minute, hour of every day, and not establishment Republican RINOs that also hate the president.

Only you have the power to shock the world and send it Donald Trump back to the White House and prevent the socialist policies of Joe Biden from ever being implemented, which would render this country pretty unrecognizable.

Joining us now, executive vice president of the Trump Organization, Eric Trump, is with us.

So, you look at all of these numbers, very similar except in many ways, we're actually in a better position if you look at the Real Clear Politics average, from where Hillary was four years ago to where we are today. Your dad is doing what he does best and that is going out, working his you know what off.

This guy has been on vacation for the last five days. Now, is it just me or is something off with that?

ERIC TRUMP, EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT, TRUMP ORGANIZATION:  Listen, Sean, something is off with. In fact, you know, something I admire most about my father, you know, the one that he has instilled work ethic in Don, myself, Ivanka, you know, Tiffany, he instilled work ethic in him.

And I look at him and I watch him go out in campaign and what he's doing, what he did in Erie, Pennsylvania, last night, and what he did in North Carolina this evening and the energy he brings to that office. And, you know, on the contrast, you have Biden who literally hasn't left his house, as you've been saying.

And, you know, work ethic is important, showing up is important. It's the respect you want to show the voters. And I couldn't be more proud of my father, I couldn't be more proud of what he's doing.

I could tell you, Sean, I'm out there every single day. I was in Michigan.

Yesterday, I was in Pennsylvania. The day before, I was in New Hampshire.

The energy on the ground is unbelievable. And I did this in 2016, you know that. We spent a lot of time together in 2016.

And I've never seen anything like this. I mean, people appreciate my father. People know that he saved his country from socialism and the radical left, and people love him. I mean, this is -- this is no longer about politics, this is a movement of love. And again, I couldn't just be more proud of the man.

HANNITY:  Somebody, you know, with less than two weeks to go before Election Day, and you are taking a vacation four out of five day -- 

E. TRUMP:  Yeah.

HANNITY:  -- at this point, something is being hidden from the American people from my perspective.

E. TRUMP:  Sure, yeah.

HANNITY:  I think Joe Biden, we need to demand that he'd take a physical exam and to release the results and a cognitive exam like your father did, and release the results.

There -- this is beyond unusual. No candidate that I can think of in my 30- plus years of doing this job on radio and TV has ever acted this way. They had put him in the candidate witness protection program, Eric.

What the hell is wrong with Joe Biden?

E. TRUMP:  Well, listen, I don't think he's ever had the stamina if you want to know the truth. He's never had the stamina of Donald Trump. You know, he's a 47-year politician. He doesn't have that work ethic.

Second of all, he is hiding from the biggest scandal, one of the biggest scandals in American history. There are emails, Sean, where Hunter is asking for $10 million to be held by H, Hunter, for the big guy, Joe Biden.

I mean, then there's emails with his sister, you've seen those as well. You know, unlike what dad makes me do, I'm not going to make you pay half of my salary -- or half of your salary to me.

I mean, Sean, you can't make this stuff up and the kids are getting money from Russia and he's getting money from the Ukraine, and he's getting money from China, and now, it's Kazakhstan and Romania and other places.

And he knows he can answer these questions, and they had his laptop, they have the receipt with Hunter's cell phone number on it, and his signature on it. And you had people on these emails that are corroborating the emails. They are literally attesting to the fact that this was sent by Hunter.

And -- I mean, how's he going to answer for all of this? And America wants to know what is -- what is happening. And that's why he's hiding out.

First, he doesn't have the stamina. Second, he doesn't have the work ethic.

And third, he knows he's got a real problem with his son, and quite frankly, his own fraud and his own bad judgment.

HANNITY:  All right. Eric Trump, thank you for being with us.

All right. We have breaking news now. The laptop connected to Hunter Biden linked to FBI money laundering probe. This is just breaking. We'll get full reaction from Senator Ron Johnson, just coming out on right now. We'll tell you more about it more on the other side.

And also tonight, breaking as well, we have new news as Senator Ron Johnson has formally requested the DOJ and their inspector general open a investigation into the FBI's handling of this laptop.

Senator Johnson, who knows more than anybody in the country, next, straight ahead.


HANNITY:  All right. This news just breaking. FOX News alert, according to a breaking report from, the laptop connected to Hunter Biden is linked now to an FBI money laundering probe.

And as we learned yesterday, the FBI is in fact in possession of the laptop. The U.S. intel officials say it is not in any way -- this is the director of national intelligence, DOJ, FBI, they are all saying it's not connected in any way to any Russian disinformation campaign.

This development tonight is massive. Sources telling FOX News that this, in fact, suggests there was sufficient evidence that a crime had been committed. The evidence being on that laptop.

So, Biden, the media mob, they can't hide from this story anymore. Evidence piling up, and it is damning. And pay attention. This is not hard to understand.

Zero experience Hunter and his criminally convicted partners made millions of dollars as people believe they are buying access and favor from his then-VP father. He had no experience, why else would you get paid millions?

Also tonight, Senator Ron Johnson is pressing the Secret Service for more information relating to Joe and Hunter Biden's travel while he was the vice president.

So, let's also be clear, the Biden campaign has not denied the authenticity ever of one email, text, document, photo, even a crack pipe photo that's been released. The FBI, the DOJ, the DNI all agree this has nothing to do with the Russian disinformation campaign.

FOX's own Mike Emanuel has verified email chains about a Chinese investment firm. What does it all mean?

It means that Joe Biden is corrupt to the core, and that he and his family benefited to the tune of millions of dollars and even $1.5 billion with China with no experience, just like zero experience in energy, oil, and gas, and Burisma Holdings.

And, by the way, he clearly believes in nothing, clearly will say anything to cling onto power and he's trying to duck and dodge, we've for the next

13 days and hope this doesn't rise to the level that it should.

China was on the rise, Joe Biden downplayed the threat, his son got rich.

Joe Biden had a chance to stand up for America's interest around the world, he did the exact opposite. He leveraged your tax dollars.

So, tomorrow, it is time for Joe to answer the tough questions. What did you know, when did you know? How did your son with no experience make all these money from China and all these deals with China nationals, shopping sprees, Russian oligarchs, Ukrainian oligarchs, Kazakh oligarchs, again, no experience?

We have the wire transfers. No more lying, no more selling access to America's adversaries at the expense of our safety and our security.

We will keep developments throughout the night, but also breaking tonight, U.S. intelligence officials have confirmed that threatening emails were sent to Democratic voters were not from a far right group as reported in the media mob, but in fact came from the country of Iran as part of an election interference scheme.

Here with reaction, he's been all over this. Senator Ron Johnson just sent a letter to the DOJ inspector general asking for a probe into the Hunter Biden email case.

I know you've been briefed on this breaking news story, Senator. What it means is that, in fact, you have your answer. The FBI has apparently had possession of this hard drive since December 2019, and in fact, the FBI received -- property which they the Mac shop, which is where they got it.

And it is likely that a criminal case was opened and subpoenas were issued, which means the high likelihood that both the laptop and the hard drive contained fruits of criminal activity according to official on this report.

Sir, your reaction?

SEN. RON JOHNSON (R-WI):  Well, first of all, I think Brooke Singman is doing a great job of investigative reporting. And, fortunately, we have some good reporters. You know, John Solomon, Catherine Herridge, Maria Bartiromo, that are actually investigating this scandal. But the vast majority of reporters are completely ignoring it. And that's a scandal in and of itself.

But, no, you know, from our own standpoint, as we continue to validate and verify, you know, based on emails that are emerging now, that all we have found is verification. We haven't found any discrepancies, we checked Secret Service travel records, those tie out to different travels.

One thing we noticed was that it sounds like Hunter Biden stopped Secret Service protection in July 2014, and yet, they are talking about buying a couple of tickets for Secret Service protection in 2015. So, we got another letter up to Secret Service trying to get to the bottom of that, as well.

So, there --

HANNITY:  Director Wray has some explaining to you to do because, you know, you've been asking him if he had it, he won't even answer your question.

Does he not believe in congressional oversight?

JOHNSON:  That's why it's so important for investigative reporters to start using their sources because they actually have sources who will give you information where, you know, obviously, people like Director Wray, CIA Director Haspel are not responsive to legitimate congressional oversight.

Now, we are starting to get more information out of the FBI. But this is 13 days before the election, we should have this information months, if not years ago. And that's the other scandal. The deep state slow walking legitimate congressional oversight request keeping important information from the American public before an election, that is a scandal.

HANNITY:  Well, Director Wray, that would mean he had this information while impeachment was ongoing, which means he would've been relevant.

Let me put up on the screen, you tell me if any part of what we're going to put up here is wrong. There you have Hunter Biden, okay? You have Rosemont Seneca. You have Burisma Holdings.

So -- then you have his two partners, this one guy Cooney who is in jail, Devon Archer whose name we hear a lot, he is a convicted criminal awaiting a jail term.

So, Hunter Biden -- tell me where I'm wrong -- that Hunter Biden made money and energy from Ukraine with no experience, millions of dollars. He got

$1.5 billion deal with the Bank of China, no experience that I've seen as it relates to private equity. He got three and a half million from a Russian oligarch, the first lady of Moscow, and another wired transfer from a Kazakhstan oligarch earmarked for a purchase of a new car.

Now, if you don't have any experience at all in any of these fields of endeavor, isn't that an awful lot of money to be making? I mean, sounds like a great deal if anyone can get in on it.

What do those countries think they were getting for money, the money they're paying Hunter, because it certainly has nothing to do with expertise in any area of endeavor that he's hired for?

JOHNSON:  They thought they were buying access to the Vice President Biden and then hopefully getting favorable policies out of the U.S. government based on that access.

But, Sean, you mentioned Bevan Cooney and Devon Archer. So, these are two convicted felons now, these are unsavory characters that Hunter Biden associates with. And, by the way, what Bevan Cooney and now Devon Archer have been convicted of -- this the plot they hatched, to fraud against or tried, hatched and implemented during 2014, the exact same year that the conflict of interest was set up in the Ukraine on Burisma.

And here's the first question I would ask out of 100 different questions for Mr. Vice President Biden, is -- Mr. Vice President, why did you meet with Devon Archer five days before you went to the Ukraine and you were named the face of U.S. policy in Ukraine? Why did you meet with Devon Archer and then five, six days later, Devon Archer was named of the board, a few weeks later, Hunter Biden was named to the board?

But now, we are finding out that Hunter Biden might've been on the board on April 13, three days before that meeting.

So, this was a meeting in the White House with Devon Archer, who's now a convicted felon, what (ph) did Vice President Biden meet with Devon about?

What did they talk about? Who else was in that meeting?

Those are the first questions I would ask the vice president about -- among

100 more.

HANNITY:  And was Hunter holding the big guy's money, was that Joe Biden?

Director Wray needs to either show up or he needs to be out of a job. It's time for him to clean up the premier law enforcement agency in the world.

Senator, thank you.

We got a lot of questions. Hopefully, tomorrow night, we'll find out.

Tomorrow night, of course, Biden and the president face-off, the presidential debate. Here's a shocker: Joe Biden loves the rule change that the Debate Commission made in his favor.

And, by the way, we have another liberal moderator just like Scully, the last one that they didn't have because that got canceled because they unilaterally decided it was going to be a Zoom call debate, straight ahead.


HANNITY:  All right. Tomorrow night, the last and final presidential debate, Biden-Trump, they go head-to-head before you the voters head to the polls.

Here now with a preview of this showdown, FOX News contributors Dan Bongino and "Huckabee" host, FOX News contributor, Mike Huckabee.

All right, Governor, people thought the president was too hot in the first debate. Now, you've got the Hunter information, which I don't think the moderator will bring up. You've got a threaded needle here, your advice?

MIKE HUCKABEE, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR:  Well, I think he goes after Joe Biden and the connection, not so much about Hunter, but it's about Joe.

Did he get money? Why did he get money? What did he know? Was he telling the truth when he said he would never talk to his son about it?

Those are legitimate questions, but if he spent sometime about Hunter, then it distracts from the real issue which is, do you want someone running, being elected, and serving as president, who is basically a wholly owned subsidiary of China which Joe Biden would be if this stuff is true?

So, I think he focuses on it, but, Sean, let me tell you the big issue right here. If President Trump doesn't get reelected, this all goes away.

Nobody, I mean nobody is ever going to be in trouble for it. And so, the number one thing that I pray we see is the reelection of Donald Trump.

He will do great in the debate. He's so good at this. I've been on the stage with him. Trust me, he's going to be fine. He's going to do fantastically well.

But when he talks to the American people and reminds them why they should reelect them, I think that's the turning point in this entire election.

HANNITY:  And, Dan, the governor is right about it being about Joe, because there is this picture now with Joe and the Kazakh oligarch that's involved in that part of the scandal, but there is also Joe leveraging $1 billion to fire a prosecutor, so zero experience Hunter doesn't get investigated and can keep making millions.

Now, I'm not for a second believing that Joe didn't know what he was demanding, and he had six hours to do.

DAN BONGINO, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR:  Yeah, this story is super damaging, Sean. Everybody knows what it's like, sadly, to have someone abused their power for cold hard cash. Someone knows someone or heard of someone, not on this scale, the Biden crime family did it.

But that's the story that pretty much ticks off everyone. That's why the left, by the way, and the media are like, President Trump should stay away from it. That's the signal that he should just definitely focus on it.

But President Trump should do a couple of things tomorrow, I'm not kidding.

I'm not saying this in gist. He should bring the FBI receipt with him, a copy, that they gave to the computer (INAUDIBLE). He should read out the case number, because the case number is 272D. 272 is the FBI three letter designation for money laundering, D means transnational, and then BA, it's short for the Baltimore field office.

And he should ask him, he should say, you know, why would your son be involved in the money laundering investigation, is that anything -- anything to do with the big guy? Is that anything to do with allegations that money, potentially billions of dollars was shuttled through Cyprus and Latvia and PrivatBank that may have wound up somewhere near someone in your family?

He should also bring the signed receipt for Hunter Biden who turned over the computer to the store and signed his name to it. He should say, whose signature is this, Joe? You want to go on the record.

Again, I'm not kidding. If they are going to mute his mic, at least President Trump has props.

HANNITY:  All right. Thank you both. Good advice from both of you.

Up next, rapper 50 Cent, he doubles down on his opposition to Biden's disastrous tax plan and Charlamagne Tha God says he understands why more African-Americans are starting to support Donald Trump. Leo 2.0, Larry Elder, straight ahead.


HANNITY:  All right. Rapper 50 Cent doubled down on his endorsement of President Trump after learning of Biden's tax plan saying, I don't want to be 20 cent, because $0.62 of every dollar will go to Joe Biden's federal government.

Here with reaction, radio talk show host Larry Elder, and civil rights attorney Leo 2.0, who's out there stumping for the president.

Larry, you should be with him. I don't know why. You brought him along all of these years, you should finish the job.


HANNITY:  So, you got Joe in hiding -- 


HANNITY:  You have to have Joe in hiding, and then you have his agenda in hiding, to pack the courts, his real agenda on fracking and energy, higher taxes, D.C., Puerto Rico statehood -- the whole thing is one big hide.

It's -- you know, how does America absorb that and the corruption, Larry?

ELDER:  Well, if you are Joe Biden's campaign manager, you'd advise him to do with exactly what he's doing. He ought to hide. The more he gets out, the more likely he is asked about Hunter Biden. He doesn't have any real good answers. He doesn't have no real good answers for coronavirus.

This is a guy who criticized Donald Trump for restricting travel to China on January the 30th, and called it an example of Donald Trump's hysterical xenophobia. But he's got nothing to say. He's flip-flopped on so many different issues, whether it's fracking, whether it's the Hyde Amendment, he's got all of these things to talk about.

So, if I were Joe Biden, I would be hiding as well. I wouldn't want anybody to see my face.

The polls however are getting more and more narrow. You got Investors Business Daily putting it only at two and half-point difference nationwide.

So, in my opinion, if Donald Trump has a strong debate performance on Thursday and I believe he will, he could pull this thing out.


Leo, you're on the road, you're talking to people. What even the every liberal loved Nate Silver of FiveThirtyEight saying that dramatic turn of younger African-Americans and Hispanic voters towards Trump, double digits in both cases? Is that translating into votes, and what is the reaction to you on the campaign trail?

LEO TERRELL, CIVIL RIGHTS ATTORNEY:  Well, let me give -- first, before I give you the answer, let me do this. I am Leo Terrell, Sean Hannity's special reporter in Ohio. Sean, this is Trump country. Ohio is Trump country, and let me tell you why.

Sean, I am telling you that there is a tremendous amount of groundswell support in Ohio. I was in Michigan yesterday, and what's happening is this, the people are energized to vote for Donald Trump. And I'll tell you, there's a divide. I think Larry can understand it.

Older African-Americans, 60 or older, they are still thinking that it is 1960. But the 50 Cent's, the Ice Cube, those individuals under 40, they understand it, the Trump economic plans benefit African-Americans. The platinum plan, $500 billion of investments.

But setting all that aside, Trump has -- again lower unemployment for black Americans, he created the First Step Act, and by the way, for education he has funded historical black colleges.

Joe Biden has done nothing. I'm going to tell you right now, Donald Trump is going to get the largest number of black male votes in the history for any Republican candidate. We are live out here, Sean.

HANNITY:  Larry, do you agree -- the numbers show, the polls show that.

Will they translate devotes?

ELDER:  I think they will. The polls do show that. What's going on, Sean, is the race card is overdrawn. You have 700 counties that voted in 2008 and

2012 for Barack Obama, 200 of them switched in 2016 to Donald Trump.

Now, was the racist radioactive spider that bit him in 2016 dormant for eight years in the city of over 100,000 voted most for Donald Trump is Evelyn (ph). Evelyn also just voted for a black mayor. So, the race card is overdrawn.

HANNITY:  All right. Larry Elder, Leo 2.0, our correspondent on large.

When we come back, we will check in with Lawrence Jones still outside of the hiding Joe Biden, his house.


HANNITY:  We check back in with our Lawrence Jones one more time. He's outside Biden's home in Delaware.

Joe didn't come to say hi?

JONES:  Well, Sean, we thought we had breaking news for you. We did a Hannity investigation. It turns out it was raccoons. So, it's just the raccoons. We got them out of the way.

HANNITY:  And crickets.

I heard people are driving by just to say hi to you, though. Is that true, LJ?

JONES:  It's crazy. There's a Trump parade in front of Joe Biden's mansion.

You know, I see flags and FOX News, and Hannity this, LJ this. Everybody is calling me LJ because of you.

HANNITY:  Tell them to vote. That's what matters. We got 13 days.

It's just the entire country that's at stake. All right, LJ, we'll see you tomorrow. Thank you.

All right. That is all the time we have left for tonight. As always, thank you for being with us.

Right after the debate, 11:00 Eastern, we will have full reaction.

Let not your heart be troubled. Laura Ingraham takes it from here.


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