Jihad on your dime?

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," April 24, 2013. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

ANDREA TANTAROS, CO-HOST: Well, you're not going to believe the latest news on the Boston terror suspects. You, the hard-working taxpayer, may have been picking up their tab. Yes. Massachusetts state officials have confirmed that 26-year-old Tamerlan Tsarnaev, who was killed in a shootout with police, was living on taxpayer-funded welfare up until last year. So, in fact, both brothers grew up on welfare with their parents in Massachusetts.

So there you have it -- taxpayers potentially funding jihad.

Greg, this brother living off welfare with his wife. Also both brothers, I should say, grew up on welfare. If you could get in a boxing ring and if you could slug it out, don't you think could maybe get a job?

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: Well, I mean, let's face it, a lot of criminals in the United States are on welfare, so this isn't a big surprise. But we've heard of state-sponsored terror. The United States is now a state that sponsors terror. It sponsors its own terror.

And, frankly, welfare is no different than tenure. We already sponsored terrorists with Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn, Kathy Boudin.

BOB BECKEL, CO-HOST: There you go.

GUTFELD: They were involved in death, more death. They exchanged their pipe bombs for pipes. By the way, I just want to point out that, you know, this is kind of the symbol of what has been happening in Europe. You have intense pockets of Muslim supremacy in Europe. England, France, also in Australia, they let it happen. Bigots leave their countries because they are horrible. Then they come to countries that make them horrible.

And this is what America is doing. It's a symbol of a decline derived from a rejection of exceptionalism. We are becoming exactly what Europe is.

TANTAROS: But here is the worst part. He's not a citizen.

That was bad, Greg. Thank you for part one. Part two, Kimberly, he was here on a green card.


TANTAROS: So, can we officially say, if you are here on green cards, no government money? Can we say that?

GUILFOYLE: See, this is the problem. We become soft. We become weak.

And the other countries are mocking us. I would come here, too. Who doesn't want a free ride? I want to ride in the carnival for free all day long and put my whole family on welfare.

It's an abuse of the system. Nobody wants to take a hard look of the entitlement system to see what it is. Now, it's terrorists are entitled to become radicalize and do harm to American citizens. This makes me so angry. And they hate America, yet they are getting scholarships, getting the benefit of a great education, starting families here and we're the problem.

TANTAROS: And time off, Eric, to sit on their couch and build bombs with our money.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: And here is a part of the immigration debate that needs to come up. This guy Tamerlan came over in the refugee clause in the immigration policy, which basically says if you are asking for political asylum, you can get welfare benefits -- a typical green card recipient would have to wait about five years to start to get welfare recipient. He got it right away.

In Massachusetts, the Department of Transitional Assistance, he likely got section 8 housing, mass transit cards, EBT cards. He got a public defender for his domestic violence offense in 2009.

And now, Dzhokhar, the one who is living, is going to get like a hugely popular, well-known public defender as well. He had scholarships.

Enough is enough. We really need to revamp the immigration policy and our welfare policy.

BECKEL: But you put your finger on it. This is the law. I mean, you can -- you may not like it, you may not agree with it, but it is the law. And so, the law has got to change.

GUILFOYLE: You agree?

BECKEL: Sure. I also agree with Cubans, for example, who automatically if they get to this country, have benefits because of back in the 1960s we were so outraged by Castro.

You know, everybody has got exceptions here. That's part of the problem.

TANTAROS: You made news this week. You stunned not just the four of us but you stunned the world when you came out and you said let's put a moratorium on students coming here from Muslim countries.

How about when it applies to welfare? Would you take the same tact?

BECKEL: Well, first of all, the welfare reform bill took a long -- it was a long step down that road it was done by the Republicans in the Congress and by Bill Clinton.

But listen, the same thing with the immigration bill, we -- them congratulation bill goes through the Senate bill. There will be a time out where you want anybody get here through '11, get up for a project -- program, rather, and then after that nobody gets, not for a period of time. And I think that makes sense.

That's what I said about Muslims. I think we need a time to get a breath.

TANTAROS: Well, what about supervising welfare programs, Kimberly? I mean, look --


TANTAROS: I mean, the devil finds work for idle hands. And this is a prime example of that.

What are we doing? We've also given, if you look at the numbers, over $20 million to Chechnya over the years. If you look at the budget requests for this year, this is really going to make you angry, Pakistan, $2.2 billion, Egypt, $1.6 billion.

GUTFELD: Pakistan.

TANTAROS: Pakistan. Sorry about that.


TANTAROS: Yemen, $72.6 million. Algeria, $3 million. These are countries that hate us. What are we doing?


GUILFOYLE: We are the biggest state sponsor of terrorism. It is true, right? I mean, think about all the money that we are giving. Look what's happening in Egypt. Look what we're doing essentially giving the money to the Syrian rebels, too. This is -- the whole thing is problematic.

BECKEL: Most of this is going to -- I said yesterday I haven't heard a single cleric or head of state in a Muslim country say how bad 9/11 was or apologize for what's going on. But their intelligence communities have been helpful to us. That's where most of this money goes to.

But having said, it outrages people. I can understand why you are outraged about.

I'm just -- I agree with Greg here. I would tell you that most of the families people in prison are on welfare. Whether they are white, black, yellow, it doesn't matter. They are on welfare.

TANTAROS: The mosques that these two brothers attended, it looks like has ties to radical Islam. And so many of these mosques often do, these clerics preach hate. What do you think about that?

BOLLING: First of all, not only that, we found out there is more information tying the Inspire magazine that we talk about yesterday to these guys. They went to -- Tamerlan went to this Phantom Fireworks shop in New Hampshire February 6th and asked for the most powerful and loudest fireworks. Now, on one of the pages of the Inspire magazine, they recommend using gun power from fireworks. If you can't find enough matches take the gunpowder out of fireworks.

BECKEL: You carry that around with you?

BOLLLING: No, I'll carry it around with me for few more days until we get to the bottom of what's going on here. I mean, they're clearly getting radicalized through the Internet and also through possibly through the mosque.

Can I point something out? CAIR, we talk about the CAIR, the Council on American Islamic Relations. Where is CAIR? They denounced the bombings on Friday right after it happened, OK? But they haven't since.

So I emailed Ibrahim Hooper, who is their representative. He's a spokesperson. And I said, Mr. Hooper, do you care to respond? He said about what? I said about what's going on? What we have learned since the bombings?

He came back and gave me the April 19th presser, we have sound --


TANTAROS: I'm letting you finish your point but we have sound.

BOLLING: The point is, I said, no, but that was April 19th. They said, sir, give me one or two lines on what we have learned since April 19th, Friday. There has been a lot of information that's come out where they study, where they prayed, et cetera.

And he said just no comment. Nothing came back.

It's just ridiculous. This is an opportunity for American Islamic relations to get better.

TANTAROS: I want you to respond, Greg, because you made this point yesterday on "The Five." But we have sound of the executive director of CAIR we have to get to, who came on "The O'Reilly Factor" and had this to say to Bill.


BILL O'REILLY, FOX NEWS HOST: Radical Islam is the primary driver of terrorism in the world. Would you admit that?


O'REILLY: You wouldn't admit that?

AWAD: Your testament is absurd because you are trying to redefine religion for me. You are trying to define my faith to me. And I'm telling you, Islam --

O'REILLY: No, I'm not. I'm telling that you radical Islamists under the banner of jihad are causing the most intense terrorism the Earth has ever seen.

So either you are naive or -- I mean, you are just way out of touch. Do you not have a television set?

AWAD: Bill, I think you are just making up some stuff about Islam and --

O'REILLY: Making it up.

AWAD: -- I'm telling you -- I'm telling you Islam is a peaceful religion.


TANTAROS: And he would not condemn Islam, Greg?

GUTFELD: Well, I was thinking, you know what? The poor guy keeps denying the existence of radical ties. So, I was thinking if you are an American, go down, by a radical tie, mail it to CAIR. Their address is 453 New Jersey Avenue, Washington, D.C., 2003. Send them a radical tie because they exist.

This one has a donkey on it. This one has -- I think that's a Seattle --


GUILFOYLE: But the orange one is kind of nice.

GUTFELD: This has trucker ladies on it.

TANTAROS: Wait. Did you steal this from Bob?

GUTFELD: I found this on the street, actually.

You know what's great, though, I love -- the story that I love most, Jeff Kluger from Time magazine, said that the bombing may have been caused by boxing injuries to one of the bombers. So he is blaming the boxing on the -- the bombing on a head injury --

GUILFOYLE: The radicalized the boxer.

GUTFELD: That's a terrorist excuse.

So, I want to know, what's the writer's excuse? Did he get hit in the head?


BECKEL: You know, one of the things that's instructive here is this guy is not the first one to get radicalized from not being radical.

GUTFELD: Exactly.

BECKEL: Imagine now if you can be educated on that way by the Internet and by that thing you carry around?

GUILFOYLE: But is that easy?

BECKEL: Yes, that's what I mean.

GUILFOYLE: That's what's happening.

BECKEL: So, there are probably lots of people out there who may not have been radicalized.

TANTAROS: But we don't know, Kimberly, because there are reports that the mom pressured the son to get heavily into religion. Then, he went and even further radicalized the family.

I went on CAIR's Web site, they do not condemn radical at all. After the bombings, they just said, we must remain united as a nation.

United against what?

GUILFOYLE: Well, that's the problem. You're not going to get any admission out of them whatsoever because they're completely in denial. There's many people feel an unindicted co-conspirator of 9/11. They are completely useless.

I don't think they are ignorant about it at all. They know exactly what's going on. They are not going to disavow any of this.

BOLLING: Can I jump in here?

And the reason why you won't see them disavow radical Islam because, listen, in this magazine, follow the precautions, listen to this -- put your trust in Allah and pray for the success of your operation, which means killing innocent people. That is success. Pray to God, pray to Allah and pray for a lot of innocent people to die. That's why you will never get to push back hard.

BECKEL: Consider the fact that this religion has something what they call fatwas. And a lot of these people are afraid to say something. I think that's a legitimate -- as much as I would like to see them speak out.

TANTAROS: But it proves our point. They could be afraid.

But, Bob, when you go to their Web site, they are more concerned about discrimination against Muslims. They play the victim card on our Web site. We are the ones being attacked.

GUILFOYLE: Andrea -- go ahead.

GUTFELD: Can I just point out that the brother-in-law of one of the bombers says that the reason for his extremism was over our perception of Islam as a violent extremist organization. So, essentially he sought to solve this problem by blowing up innocent people. It's kind of like asking your hard of hearing uncle to stop shouting and he shouts back I'm not shouting. You cannot argue with Muslim supremacy as long as they adhere to that kind of bigotry.

You cannot argue with them. All you are going to get is more terrorists.

BECKEL: I had an uncle who had of those things that you stick in your ear. Those big phones thing, still couldn't hear anything.


GUILFOYLE: I lost it all send donations for my left ear.

But, yes, they act so innocent all the while they are reading this, conspiring against the U.S. collecting benefits.

BECKEL: Not all of them are like that.

GUILFOYLE: I'm talking about these individuals, OK? Milking the system while they are planning and plotting to blow us up. It's laughable. It's laughable. That's how easy it is they were able to do it.

If you think they acted alone, think again. Where did they get the money from all of this and so, the M4 (ph) card that they had. All of that cost money.

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