Jeb Bush's strategy for protecting the homeland; Imam: I was forced to resign after supporting Muslim ban

This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," December 11, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

JONATHAN HUNT, FOX CORRESPONDENT:  FBI divers spend another seven hours scouring a San Bernardino lake today for evidence that might be connected to last week's terror attack in which 14 people were brutally murdered.  It is a slow, laborious search, divers blind beneath the surface of the lake, but searching by hand, inch by inch, the FBI believing Syed Farook and his wife, Tashfeen Malik, may have dumped a computer hard drive in the lake.

Throughout the day, divers brought several items to the surface.  Some were then thrown back into the water.  Others appeared to be bagged and taken away for further inspection.  Separately, the FBI says it's looking at potential connections between Farook, his former neighbor, Enrique Marquez, and a convicted terrorist, Soheil Kabiya. (ph)

I'm Jonathan Hunt in San Bernardino, California.  Now to "Hannity."

SEAN HANNITY, HOST:  And welcome to this special edition of "Hannity: Jihad in America."

Now, tonight, fear of a terror attack on the homeland is at the highest level since just after 9/11, that according to a new CBS News/New York Times poll.  It shows that 79 percent of Americans say a terror strike is very or somewhat likely to take place in the next couple of months, with
44 percent indicating that it is very likely to happen.

Now, despite these serious concerns, President Obama has done very little to calm Americans' fears.  According to the same poll, 57 percent disapprove of his handling of terrorism.  That is a record high for that particular poll.

And if you're listening to the president's comments on ISIS, this should not come as a surprise because back in 2014, during an interview, he said, quote, "The analogy that we use around here sometimes, and I think is accurate, is if a JV team puts on Lakers uniforms, that doesn't make them Kobe Bryant."

And then just hours before last month's deadly ISIS terrorist attack in Paris, the president boldly proclaimed that ISIS was contained.  Really?  
Take a look.


BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES:   We've always understood that our goal has to be militarily constraining ISIL's capabilities, cutting off their supply lines, cutting off their financing.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE:  But ISIS is gaining strength, aren't they?

OBAMA:  Well, I don't think they're gaining strength.  What is true is, is that from the start, our goal has been first to contain, and we have contained them.  They have not gained ground in Iraq and in Syria, it -- don't come in, they'll leave.  But you don't see this systematic march by ISIL across the terrain.  What we have not yet been able to do is to completely decapitate their command and control structures.


HANNITY:  Now, President Obama can say that, but according to his current and former secretaries of defense and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, ISIS is not contained.  Watch this.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE:  I think the mission that he said is the right mission, which is to disrupt, dismantle and destroy ISIS.  That's the right mission.  But I think the resources applied to that mission frankly have not been sufficient.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE:  We have a near-term problem that needs to be addressed or a near-term challenge from ISIS that needs to be addressed.

I think there are some things that we could be doing or intensifying that would perhaps yield greater success sooner.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE:  What's happening here is it is completely out of control.  And there's no prospect for bringing any kind of stability, I think, on the path we're on now.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE:  Have we currently contained ISIL?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE:  We have not contained ISIL.

SEN. JOHN MCCAIN, R-ARIZONA:  General Dunford, We have not -- we have not contained ISIL.   Mr. Secretary, do you agree with General Dunford?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE:  I agree with what General Dunford said, yes.


HANNITY:  Even Democratic senator Dianne Feinstein said they're not contained, and they are growing.

Joining us now, 2016 Republican presidential candidate, former Florida governor Jeb Bush.  Governor, good to see you.  Thanks for being with us.

Such a serious issue.


HANNITY:  We're talking about the lives of the American people.  Look at what happened in Paris.  Look at what happened in San Bernardino.  President's wrong on the JV team.  He's wrong on them being contained.  He said ISIS is not an existential threat to Americans.

How could he be so wrong when the smart people around him are telling him he's wrong?

BUSH:  Well, the prelude to this interview is devastating because it shows what we now know.  The president doesn't believe that this is an existential threat to the region or to our country.

And it is.  They've declared war on us, and we have not done anything other than view it as a law enforcement exercise.  And we need to create a strategy to destroy ISIS.  Their containment is their victory because it energizes their ability to recruit homegrown terrorists in our own country and around the world.  And we saw that play out in a tragedy a couple of weeks ago.

And it will continue to occur unless we're vigilant to protect the homeland and have a strategy, a military strategy to destroy ISIS in Syria and Iraq, and mean it and lead the world, as we're only capable to do.

HANNITY:  Governor, we have two big developments this week.  One is the story today, the big news today, which, in fact, ISIS apparently has full access to the passports for Syrians, and they're manufacturing them and using them to get into America.  That coupled with the chairman of the Homeland Security Committee, Mike McCaul, said earlier this week about ISIS has a plan to infiltrate the refugee population.

I want to play it for you.


REP. MIKE MCCAUL, R-TEXAS:  ISIS has said in their own words that they want to exploit the refugee process to infiltrate the West, and they did exactly that to attack Paris.  I can reveal today that the United States government has information to indicate that individuals tied to terrorist groups in Syria have already attempted to gain access to our country through the U.S. refugee program.


HANNITY:  My question, Governor -- if ISIS is trying to infiltrate the refugee population, as the chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee said, and we now know they have the passports, that raises the political question that everyone's been asking this week.  What about a temporary ban to make things -- OK, of all immigration -- to make sure that we have the system working properly?  What are your thoughts on it?

BUSH:  I think we should have a temporary ban on refugees coming here until it's clear that there aren't any terrorists embedded.  But if we -- if a Kurd wanted to come to this country, the strongest supporters of the United States in the region that are Muslim, I'm not sure that that's an appropriate thing, or an Indonesian.  Blanket coverage of all Muslims doesn't make sense.

But the key here is to have a strategy to destroy ISIS.  We need safe havens inside of Syria.  The best refugee solution is to make sure they don't leave, to give them safe harbor and build a Sunni-led force in Syria to mobilize support with the Arab world to take out ISIS.

The argument about protecting the homeland is important.  Don't get me wrong.  It is really important.  And I think we need to make sure the FBI deals with local law enforcement better.  We need to restore the metadata program.  We need to make sure that our intelligence capabilities are shared with our European allies in a far better way.  We need to make sure the visa waiver program is updated with this new threat.

Across the board, we need to review every element, the K-1 visa part of this, the so-called fiancé visa, all of this stuff.  We need to make sure that going forward, we recognize what this threat is.  And we need to do it simultaneously with creating a strategy to destroy ISIS.  And only America can do this.

HANNITY:  Yes.  You know, because ISIS, though, identified the refugee population and they're targeting that and they did so successfully in Paris, it seems that we've got to pay very special attention to that.

I guess one of the biggest worries I would have as an America is that, how do you ascertain -- you know, I'm sure that the majority of people want to get out of the horrible civil war, the conditions that they're living in.  I don't know if we could, possibly have the means of mechanism to vet people because we know that ISIS would train those people that are infiltrating to give all the right answers.  So I don't know if you could even possibly assure the American people 100 percent anyway.  Thoughts?

BUSH:  Well, if you can't, they shouldn't come in.  That's my point.  I think that the focus on the refugee issue, which is what the Congress is looking at, is the appropriate thing to do.

If you can't convince the American people, based on fact, that you've changed your policies to assure that that wouldn't happen, then of course, they shouldn't be allowed in.

And as it relates to homegrown terrorists, we need a much more robust effort to -- to protect the homeland, as well.  Look, they are taking advantage of our freedom.  Our freedom is what they see as our vulnerability, and they will attack it each and every way they can.  And it could have devastating impacts on our economy, on people's way of life, if they're successful in this.

HANNITY:  Yes.  Well, listen, I think that that is the goal of radical Islamists around the world.  Do you think when you look at Hillary Clinton's plan -- and she basically agrees with the president -- do you think that we have gone back to a pre-9/11 mindset?  Because I think we have.  I think we've taken our foot off the gas, our eye off a battle that is being waged against us.  And maybe -- you know, maybe people were war-torn (sic) after eight years of battling, but the reality is, the war's not stopped for the enemy.

BUSH:  I completely agree.  Both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton believe that we can have a law enforcement exercise.  As it relates to taking it to ISIS in Syria and Iraq, they have put so many constraints on the war fighters, including, by the way, sending leaflets out to truck drivers that are sending illicit oil to be -- to be sold by the Assad regime and by Turkey, sending warning signals that we were going to bomb them.

In a Bush administration, those truck drivers would be bombed because they're leaving ISIS-controlled territories.  You want to deter truck drivers from driving to the north, kill a few of them because they are part and parcel of this effort to create this caliphate and sustain it.

HANNITY:  What do you think about taking out -- the president, we learned from Mike Morell, the former CIA director, that, in fact, we didn't take out the financial source of ISIS in Iraq and Syria because they didn't want environmental damage.  Is that any way to fight a war?

BUSH:  You know, you ever seen the ESPN show in the morning before the NFL games, where Mr. Jackson (ph) goes, Come on, man?  That's what that answer is.  I mean, this is ridiculous.

HANNITY:  It really is.

BUSH:  This is a war.  Every element of what you're describing here is an example of why President Obama and Hillary Clinton do not believe that this is a war.  They have more concerns about gun control and climate change than they do about this asymmetric threat to our way of life.

HANNITY:  Let me ask you about the state of the race.  Obviously, Donald Trump remains on top.  I know he's been a thorn in the side for a lot of the other candidates.  But there's been talk that maybe there'll end up being a brokered convention, or that people won't support the winner of the nominating process.  I don't see you in that camp.  If you don't win, you'll support the winner.  How do you -- but more importantly, what is your -- how -- how do you see a path to victory for yourself, you know, seven weeks out of Iowa?

BUSH:  So I think -- I think that -- first of all, I don't think Donald Trump's going to win the nomination.  I don't think what he's offering is a serious set of proposals.  We're in serious times.  We need real leadership.  We need a commander-in-chief, not an agitator-in-chief.

I think Americans in general, and particularly people in Iowa and New Hampshire, who take their first-in-the-nation responsibility seriously, will select someone or a group of people to go forward that have the skills to be actually be commander-in-chief.  And so I'm confident, campaigning hard in Iowa and in New Hampshire and South Carolina that I will be in my ascendancy.  That's my path forward.

I think we need a proven leader to sit behind the big desk to make these difficult choices on behalf of the American people to keep us safe, and my record suggests that I'm a serious person that can make tough decisions.  I don't create an illusion of false promises.  I deliver real results.

HANNITY:  All right, Governor, always good to see you.  Thank you for being with us.  Appreciate it.

BUSH:  Thank you, Sean.

HANNITY:  Coming up next tonight right here on "Hannity"...


UNIDENTIFIED MALE:  The intelligence community is concerned that they have the ability, the capability, to manufacture fraudulent passports.


HANNITY:  More on the new report that says U.S. government officials are worried that ISIS has stolen a passport printing machine and jihadists may have already used it to enter America.  We'll have more reaction coming up later.

And also later tonight -- is Trump's Muslim ban proposal, the temporary proposal, the best way to keep Americans safe?  That and more on this special edition of "Hannity: Jihad in America."



SEN. CHUCK GRASSLEY (R), IOWA:  Are you concerned that ISIS has the ability to create fraudulent passports or other identification documents for its operatives that has a practical -- that as a practical matter, it would be almost impossible to detect?

JAMES COMEY, FBI DIRECTOR:  Yes, Mr. Chairman.  The intelligence community is concerned that they have the ability, the capability to manufacture fraudulent passports.


HANNITY:  Now, that was the FBI director, James Comey, on Capitol Hill earlier this week sounding the alarm over ISIS infiltrating the refugee population coming into America.  Now, tonight, Fox News has confirmed a new report that U.S. intelligence officials fear ISIS terrorists are now manufacturing fake Syrian passports and may have used them already to enter America.

Here with reaction, Fox News military analyst Lieutenant Colonel Bill Cowan, former NYPD detective Bo Dietl and Fox News national security analyst K.T. McFarland.

K.T., I look at this -- basically, it just confirms even further that we need a temporary ban until we get the system right.

K.T. MCFARLAND, FOX NATIONAL SECURITY ANALYST:  Look, I think we need a temporary pause, maybe two months, three months, have some kind of management consultants go and look at the whole visa system top to bottom, see what we're doing, what are we doing wrong, and how to fix it.

This is not a partisan issue.  It's not a Republican-Democrat issue.  It is an issue about how...

HANNITY:  It's homeland security.

MCFARLAND:  It's homeland security.

HANNITY:  It's the safety of the American people, not gambling with their lives.

MCFARLAND:  No terrorist is going to say Republican or Democrat.

HANNITY:  We learned two things this week.  We learned now that they are manufacturing their own passports.  That means there's plenty of phony passports.  And they're coming into America.  And the House Homeland Security chair this week, Mike McCaul, on this program pointed out to this audience that, in fact, ISIS has hatched a plan to infiltrate the refugee population!

BO DIETL, FOX CONTRIBUTOR:  They don't even have to do the refugees.  We've learned that two of the cities in Syria that were taken over by ISIS had two passport officers with boxes of blank passports, and they could put whoever's pictures they want in there.  Also, we've learned that they're coming from our southernmost border into America.   So when Donald Trump...

HANNITY:  Well, you talked to -- you told me this earlier this week that you talked so some of your friends who are on the border patrol...

DIETL:  Yes.

HANNITY:  ... and in ICE...

DIETL:  Right.

HANNITY:  ... and they told you that they're seeing these Syrian passports!

DIETL:  Right.  And it's -- it's -- the border patrol people are picking them up.  They're seeing Syrian passports.  They're coming in (ph).  They're turning them over to ICE (ph), and ISIS is bringing them into the country.

My problem is when you got a jokester, like the guy who's the house -- the White House spokesman, this little jerky kid -- that's what I'm going to call him -- when he's talking to -- on TV, saying how they -- they -- they looked -- they have all this intelligence (INAUDIBLE) he's telling a lie!  It's a damn lie!

They interview them over on the other side at the consulate, and then they let them into America with the visa, with their passport!  And half of the passports now we don't know who's real!  So you have a Syrian passport, it damn well could be ISIS!

HANNITY:  Well, Colonel...

DIETL:  And this is a -- a -- it's horrible!

HANNITY:  Colonel, to me, it's simple.  I mean, if they're telling us ISIS has a plan, that they're getting in, that they now have fake passports, and we've confirmed all this, and there's no way to vet everybody, you know, why not put a pause to protect the safety and security of the American people and not gamble with their lives, temporarily, until we get it right?

LT. COL. BILL COWAN, USMC (RET.), FOX MILITARY ANALYST:  Sean, if we don't put a pause of some sort in, then we do it at our own risk.  But let me add, Canada is letting in 25,000 Syrian refugees on what they're calling an accelerated program.  They're letting them in before February.  We (INAUDIBLE) and this -- which many of them may, indeed, have these false passports.  So they're letting all those people in.

We talk about the southern border.  This creates a whole new problem for us, in my judgment, with the northern border!

HANNITY:  Yes.  You know, the CBS/New York Times poll that came out this week showed 70 percent of the American people view ISIS as a major threat to America.

And I want to play this cut from House Homeland Security Committee chair Mike McCaul.  Listen to what he says, that ISIS has this plan to infiltrate this population.


REP. MICHAEL MCCAUL, R-TEXAS:  ISIS has said in their own words that they want to exploit the refugee process to infiltrate the West.  And they did exactly that to attack Paris.  I can reveal today that the United States government has information to indicate that individuals tied to terrorist groups in Syria have already attempted to gain access to our country through the U.S. refugee program.


HANNITY:  That means Americans will die!  That's how I interpret that.

MCFARLAND:  Absolutely.

DIETL:  You know, I talked to an ICE agent, again, the ICE agent that called me and didn't want their name to be known.  And they (ph) know if they say, I'm afraid to go back to my country, that is the -- that is the signal.

HANNITY:  Magic word.

MCFARLAND:  That's the magic word, I'm afraid to go back to my country.  Well, welcome to America, but who are you?

Donald Trump, everybody laughed at.  He said it a little bit over -- a little bit over the top, every Muslim.  I don't agree with that.  What we should do is we should put a pause until we know who the hell is coming into this country.  This is getting real scary!  And I don't want to frighten people, but it's serious, real serious!

MCFARLAND:  And the other problem with it is, is that we don't hear them anymore.  In the past, there's a terrorist incident, and people would say, Oh, you know, there were dots.  We just didn't connect the dots.  We're not seeing the dots anymore.


MCFARLAND:  ... darkness.

HANNITY:  Here's the problem.  The intelligence failed.

MCFARLAND:  The intelligence...


HANNITY:  I mean, the intelligence in San Bernardino failed.  They've been radicalized for a long time.


DIETL:  They were plotting for years!  They were plotting for years.  And also, 19 pipe bombs -- the guy worked in the school system.  What was the real plan?  I think thing went real fast, but what was the real plan, to kill some children in school?

HANNITY:  Well, they certainly were prepared to do a lot more because they had that triple wrap on three of the pipe bombs.  All right, last word, Colonel Cowan.

COWAN:  Sean, you know, we talk about it, intelligence failure out there, but I think the real failure is law enforcement and intelligence, in my judgment -- they don't get enough credit for all that they do.  The problem is, there may be that we don't know -- may be so many targets that they can't put the resources against all the targets that they'd like to.  And because of that, incidents like San Bernardino happen.

HANNITY:  All right, guys.  Thank you all for being with us.  Appreciate it.

And coming up next tonight, right here on "Hannity"...


REP. LORETTA SANCHEZ (D), CALIFORNIA:  Between 5 and 20 percent, from the people that I speak to, that Islam is their religion and who have a desire for a caliphate...


HANNITY:  Five to twenty percent.  That's 60 to 240 million people, a very disturbing admission from a Democratic lawmaker.  Now, in order to protect the homeland, do authorities need to begin surveilling mosques?  They're doing that now in Paris.  Do they need to do it in this country?  
Some people are debating that.

Plus, later tonight...


DONALD TRUMP, R-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE:  They want our buildings to come down.  They want our cities to be crushed.  They are living within our country, and many of them want to come from outside of our country.  I am saying that until we figure this out, we should have a ban.  It's very simple.


HANNITY:  He's taking a lot of heat this week over his proposed temporary Muslim ban, but is it the best way for politicians to keep Americans safe?  That and more on this special edition of "Hannity: Jihad in America."


HANNITY:  Welcome back to this special edition of "Hannity: Jihad in America."

Now, earlier this week, California Democratic congresswoman Loretta Sanchez made this shocking statement.


REP. LORETTA SANCHEZ, D-CALIFORNIA:  We know that there is a small group -- and we don't know how big that is.  It can be anywhere between 5 and 20 percent, from the people that I speak to -- that Islam is their religion and who have a desire for a caliphate and to institute that in any way possible, and in particular, go after what they consider Western norms, our way of life.


HANNITY:  Now, that's between 60 million and 240 million people.  Now, in light of that shocking statistic, as well as the deadly terror attacks in San Bernardino, do authorities need to start surveilling mosques here in the United States to see if they have connections to extremist groups?

Joining us now with reaction, author of "The Complete Infidel's Guide to ISIS," Jihad Watch's director, Robert Spencer, Act for America founder Brigitte Gabriel, as well as Dr. Nidal Alsayyed.   And he claims he was forced to resign as an imam from the Islamic complex of Triplex after he appeared on this show earlier this week and supported Donald Trump's proposed Muslim ban, temporary ban.

Now, since yesterday, we have tried to contact the Islamic Society of Triplex to get a statement or hear their side of the story, but they have not gotten back to us.

Imam, let's start with you.  So you come on the show.  You say you support the idea of a temporary ban so we can get our vetting system right.  What happened?

DR. NIDAL ALSAYYED, FMR. IMAM OF ISLAMIC SOCIETY OF TRIPLEX:  That's exactly right, Sean.  The problem is, I -- day after day, it's becoming more clear to me that a lot of American Muslims, that's what we have been screaming (ph) for in many lectures we do to the youth (INAUDIBLE) American Muslim, it seems like they have not (INAUDIBLE) They are ready to fight.  They are ready to attack.

I've been receiving since your show over about six or seven text messages threatening me for, How daring (ph) about banning immigrants and Muslims.  Those people -- that's what we have, the problem, especially after being forced to resign yesterday, (INAUDIBLE) some messages from some people who...

HANNITY:  Well, what's the reason they gave that you were forced to resign?  What did they tell you?

ALSAYYED:  His exact statements, how -- how possible that you could support Trump and you know who is (INAUDIBLE) what is -- what do you mean, like I know who's Trump?  We are dealing with facts and we're dealing with certain statements.  We religious people and leaders go with the textbook
(INAUDIBLE) emotions in our viewpoints.  We don't take presidential candidates.  They have their own campaigning.  Why would you mix a campaign with a message that will bring (INAUDIBLE) to us?  See, that's the issue...

HANNITY:  Alsayyed, let me ask you this.  Were those death threats that you got?  And were they from people in your mosque or from around the country?

ALSAYYED:  It's mostly in Beaumont.  (INAUDIBLE) put numbers coming on in some other, you know, numbers are -- I believe it's within the Beaumont greater -- you know, (INAUDIBLE) area.  I don't think it's outside Beaumont or Houston.


ALSAYYED:  (INAUDIBLE) I also received over 102 imams in Houston were also terminated this week also due to some differences in viewpoints they give (ph).  We (INAUDIBLE) here with American Muslims across the United States in all these hundreds of Islamic societies.  They are basically not doing -- doing zero job in trying to give the youth (INAUDIBLE) to live as peaceful American Muslims in this country.

HANNITY:  Let me -- let me go to Brigitte -- Brigitte, because we have been saying we want moderate Muslims -- in this case, you're talking about a leader, an imam, to speak out against those that hijack this religion and use it to kill innocent men, women and children.  He, to me, is part of the solution, but yet he's rejected and thrown out of his mosque and now he's getting death threats, or getting threats from people.  What does that tell us?

BRIGITTE GABRIEL, ACT FOR AMERICA:  This is a reality check -- this is a reality check for everybody who says, we need to reach out.  We need to work with the moderate Muslims.  The majority of them are moderate.

And here when you see someone, an imam like him who actually really steps up and says, Listen, we have a problem, we need to start educating the youth about moving away from radicalism, you see the reaction that he is getting!

And he's not the exception!  We have heard this reaction, Sean.  There were people who spoke up before, like Dr. Hamid (ph) and Zuhdi Jasser, and many of the moderate Muslims that we work with.

And what we need to pay attention to is the radicalization of American mosques in America today.  You know, three separate studies done between 2005 and 2010 of American mosques across the United States and some of the most prominent mosques in America, showed that 70 percent of Americans mosques are radicalized!  And what's happened to this imam is just a reality check for us to learn from!

HANNITY:  Yes.  And Robert Spencer, I mean, you know, I -- what we said, to win this battle, we need moderates.  We need Muslims to stand up against radicals in their religion.  Here you have this imam courageously saying, You know what?  For the safety of American people, the vetting system isn't right.  We now know that they're forging passports, Syrians are, Syrian passports, ISIS is.  ISIS has a plan to infiltrate the refugee community.

And this imam says, No, no, the safety of Americans comes first.  Let's get that right.  And he's thrown out of his mosque!  I'm trying to understand the...

ROBERT SPENCER, JIHAD WATCH:  It's very telling, Sean.

HANNITY:  What does it tell you?

SPENCER:  It's very telling because what you have here is the fact that ISIS and other Islamic groups like it -- they claim to be the exponents of authentic Islam, and they threaten to murder as apostates and heretics anybody who gets out of line.

So if you are a genuine moderate, a sincere Muslim who actually rejects the idea of killing in the name of Allah and Mohammed, then you're putting your own life on the line and you could well be threatened.

This is why -- one of the reasons why we don't see a big pushback among moderates and why it's foolish to count on them.  There have been Muslims against ISIS rallies that have gotten, like, 30 people, 50 people here and there around the country, and they don't have the huge numbers you see for people like protesting cartoons of Mohammed and things like that.  The problem that we have is that the Islamic jihadists can point to the texts and teachings of the Koran and the example of Mohammed to justify their actions.  The moderates have no counter to that.

HANNITY:  Imam, let me ask you.  You heard Loretta Sanchez, a Democratic congresswoman, saying she that believes it's believe five and 20 percent of the population that's been radical sized.  You know, through your experience, do you think those numbers are correct?

DR. NIDAL ALSAYYED, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR:  Even if it wasn't correct, even one percent is too much.  To tell you the truth, if that's happening on American soil, like, the contemporary that we're living right here with all kinds of freedom, both kinds of open opinions to discuss and be different, learning even the laws of differences.  People are getting, there's an inherent violence that is been basically built in many of these Muslims.  I'm sad to say that because I've seen it.  I'm there imam, they're praying behind me.

HANNITY:  Do you feel your life is in jeopardy, sir?

ALSAYYED:  After I see all these messages, lots of people are advising me to contact authorities and FBI, and it seems like this is going to happen soon.

HANNITY:  Yes.  I would do that.  I think that makes sense.  Thank you all for being with us.  Very sad.

All right, coming up, we'll explain what life is really like for women living in Saudi Arabia under sharia law.  You'll meet a woman who has lived there.  That's coming up later.  But coming up first --


TRUMP:  This is about security.  It's not about religion.  This is about security.  We cannot allow people to come into this country that have horrible things in their minds.


HANNITY:  2016 Republican frontrunner Donald Trump came under heavy fire this week for his temporary Muslim ban proposal.  Coming up next, Monica Crowley, Doug Schoen, Tamara Holder, they weigh in on what politicians need to do to keep Americans safe.  That and more on this special edition of "Hannity: Jihad in America."


JONATHAN HUNT, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT:  FBI divers spent another seven hours scouring a San Bernardino lake today looking for evidence that might be connected to last week's terror attack here in which 14 people were brutally murdered.  It is a slow search, divers blind beneath the surface of the murky water searching by hand, inch by inch.  The FBI reportedly believing Farook and his wife Tashfeen Malik may have dumped a computer hard drive in the lake.  Throughout the day the divers brought several items to the surface, some thrown back into the water, others appeared to be bagged and taken away for further action.  Secondly, the FBI says it's looking for potential connections between Farook, his former neighbor Enrique Marquez, and Soheil Kabir, convicted in 2014 of conspiring to kill American troops.

I'm Jonathan Hunt in San Bernardino.  Now back to "Hannity."

HANNITY:  Welcome back to this special edition of "Hannity: Jihad in America."  Now, earlier this week, Donald Trump, he took the political world by storm by proposing a temporary ban on Muslims entering the U.S. for a period of time.  After coming under heavy criticism, the GOP frontrunner defended his plan.  Let's take a look.


TRUMP:  Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what the hell is going on.  
They want our buildings to come down.  They want our cities to be crushed.  They are living within our country and many of them want to come from outside our country.  I am saying that until we figure this out, we should have a ban.  It's very simple.

This is about security.  It's not religion.  This is about security.  We cannot allow people to come into this country that have horrible things in their mind.


HANNITY:  Joining us now with analysis, Fox News contributor Monica Crowley, Doug Schoen, Tamara Holder.  Doug, interesting, I know you agree with Donald Trump on this, but yet you're supporting Hillary.

DOUG SCHOEN, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR:  I am supporting Hillary, but this is a common sense question of security of the nation.  If I was advising Hillary Clinton I would tell her to move as far away as quickly as she could, from Obama.

HANNITY:  If there's another terror attack or two, God forbid, then every Democrat that said this was a bad idea, even though we're learning they have passports, that they're infiltrating the refugee populations.  We don't pay attention to it and Paris comes here, what impact does that have?

SCHOEN:  I don't want to speculate on horrific acts like that.  I will say just based on what we know now, the Democrats are on the wrong side of this issue.  Climate change is not, is not, Sean, the answer to national security.  And candidly, while I do support gun control --

HANNITY:  Tamara is laughing.

SCHOEN:  I do, I think we need to do more than background checks, which I support, and getting guns out of the hands of those who are on the no fly list.  We need tougher national security, metadata program enhanced, greater surveillance, and a greater police presence.

HANNITY:  Monica Crowley, how big an impact is this particular issue coupled with immigration going to have on this 2016 election?

MONICA CROWLEY, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR:  Well, Sean, I think in a normal election cycle the economy is usually dominant, but I think this is not going to be a normal election cycle largely because we're coming out of a presidency that hasn't been normal.  I think national security is going to be the dominant issue because we can talk until we're blue in the face about all these other issues, but none matter if we're all dead.

The American people understand that -- national security, first, last and always.  I think it will affect Hillary Clinton's chances here because she was his first steward of American foreign policy and national security as the secretary of state.  I think Doug is absolutely right.  She has to put a lot of distance between herself and this president, which is going to be very difficult for her to do.  
On the Republican side, strong leaders like Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Chris Christie, who have spoken very, very strongly and aggressively about taking on this threat.  It's not just about fighting bodies, Sean, as necessary as that is with ISIS, Al Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood, it's also about fighting the ideology, and those are the guys who are taking this on, especially Donald Trump, and they're really gaining traction because of it.

HANNITY:  I played this early in the program.  You have all of our -- our national intelligence director, our FBI director, our assistant FBI director, General John Allen, the president's enjoy to defeat ISIS, all warning us that ISIS will infiltrate the refugee community.  And now we're learning that they have the ability to make their own passports, legitimate passports.  They're getting into this country.  Why not -- here's why question to you.

TAMARA HOLDER, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR:  It's great they were employed last week while this happened in San Bernardino.  It's great that they can point the finger at President Obama.

HANNITY:  That was an intelligence failure.

HOLDER:  It was, absolutely.  It was an intelligence failure.  But you don't make up an idea to ban all Muslims from coming into the United States when the issue is national security.  It doesn't matter --

HANNITY:  Let me ask you this.

HOLDER:  No, no, let me finish.
HANNITY:  If it's an intelligence failure, why don't we put the ban in until we get the intelligence right so Americans can be safe.  It's just temporary.  Why not have temporary ban to get it right.

HOLDER:  Because it has nothing to do with Muslims as a whole.  It has to do with extremists.

HANNITY:  If you're coming from a country that treats women like a second class citizen, men tell them whether they can drive, go to school, go to work, how them must dress, marital rape is not even a crime, things like that, really?

HOLDER:  Really, that has nothing to do with extremists.

HANNITY:  Sure, it does.

HOLDER:  No it doesn't, because those people are interpreting the Koran in one way, and they are taking it --

HANNITY:  OK, but they want to come to America.  Do they bring their values with them or not?

SCHOEN:  They're Wahhabist radical Islamists.  We have to do what I think is a wholesale ban on all immigration.  Don't do it on the face of religion.  Just shut it down.

HOLDER:  Sure, I agree with that.

SCHOEN:  For two or three months.

HOLDER:  So, is America safer once we ban Mexican rapists, murderers, and all the Muslims --

SCHOEN:  The rhetoric aside, we are safer.


HANNITY:  Monica Crowley, if we build the wall --

HOLDER:  -- talk to me about rhetoric versus thinking when we have 353 mass shootings in America -
HANNITY:  Monica Crowley, if we build the wall, if we build the wall and we put in this ban, temporary ban, and we get the vetting right, that to me would make us safer.

CROWLEY:  Well, of course.  These are common sense solutions.  Look, a great power cannot remain great if it cannot enforce its borders, control who comes into the country and enforce its own sovereignty.  This is step one to regaining control over our national security.

HANNITY:  All right, guys, thank you.  Good to see you all.  Thank you.

SCHOEN:  Thank you.
HANNITY:  Coming up, you'll meet a doctor who describes himself as an anti-Islamist Muslim.  She once lived in Saudi Arabia and is going to explain what life is really like for women in that country.  You won't
believe what she has to say as "Hannity" continues.   
HANNITY:  And welcome back to this special edition of "Hannity: Jihad in America."  Now, despite the recent wave of terror attacks carried out by radical Islamists, Democratic politicians are largely unwilling to even utter the term radical Islam.  But in order to combat terrorism, we must fully understand the threat and label it appropriately.

My next guest calls herself an anti-Islamist Muslim and wrote about her life in Saudi Arabia before immigrating to the United States in a book entitled "In the Land of Invisible Women, A Female Doctor's Journey in the Saudi Kingdom." Dr. Qanta Ahmed is with us, and she officially became a U.S. citizen earlier today.  So, congratulations, doctor.


HANNITY:  We're glad to have you in our family.

AHMED:  Glad to be part of it.
HANNITY:  It was a long process.  How long did it take?

AHMED:  Over 20 years.

HANNITY:  Wow.  OK, so what kind of doctor are you?

AHMED:  I'm a pulmonologist, a sleep disorder specialist.

HANNITY:  OK, so, you grew up in England.

AHMED:  Yes, exactly.

HANNITY:  And then you practiced medicine in Saudi Arabia for a number of years, correct?

AHMED:  Right, after I finished my American training.  American trained doctors are in very high demand.  And I decided to take a position in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

HANNITY:  How are women treated there?

AHMED:  As a physician, I had all the powers and all the opportunities that I would have had here in the United States.  But as soon as I stepped away from the bedside in the public space, I had no freedom of movement.  I was mandated a veil, not just a minor scarf, but a cover covering my face, clothing and the body.  I had to leave my car keys in the United States.  No expression of religious freedom that I would recognize.  I was raised by pluralistic Muslims.

HANNITY:  Are there catholic churches there?  Are there synagogues?

AHMED:  Not only no place for Christian worship, but even symbols of other religions are prohibited.  So my nurses were sometimes American, Canadian or Filipino Christians would conceal their religious symbols, and I had to protect them to make sure that they were not visible, which even though I was doing it for their benefit turned me into a kind of oppressor.

HANNITY:  What would have happen if they got caught?

AHMED:  It's forbidden by the state to bring these things, so I don't know what the penalties are.  But it's not safe for those individuals.

HANNITY:  Let's talk about a woman that lives there, because women must obey their husbands.  They must dress a certain way.  They must cover themselves as their husbands dictate.  They have the morality police in Saudi Arabia.  They can't be seen in public, women, without a male relative.

AHMED:  They're actually called the religious police, and they are supposedly safeguarding virtue and prohibiting sin.  But they are very intimidating.  I was intimidated by them.  Everything you said about women is true, though a woman is designated legally as a minor, so a woman does not even have the rights of an adult.

HANNITY:  In other words, a man will decide if she goes to work, a man will decide if she goes to school?

AHMED:  Even custody of children, it's very punitive against women.  And if I had an adult female patient, even though she was an adult, I couldn't take medical consent from her.  It would have to be from a male, who might be a 15-year-old boy.  
HANNITY:  So you talk about women being invisible.  They can't drive cars, can they?
AHMED:  No, and I think that is very symbolic of Saudi Arabia, but they are lacking other rights, too.  The women I was mixing with, I was treating women who were Bedouin, but my colleagues were also very privileged, highly educated, many of them educated in the states or in Switzerland or France.  But even then, or a woman with my education was infantilized.  We were not able to be autonomous.  No freedom of travel.  That means that when I entered the country my passport belonged to my employer.  Leaving the country requires an exit visa.  All of these things are still true in Saudi Arabia.

HANNITY:  They also believe that there is no such thing as marital rape in Saudi Arabia.

AHMED:  About this, I don't know.  I have not come across that.

HANNITY:  So when you say invisible women in Saudi Arabia, in the Saudi kingdom, why do you think there are so few women in America that speak out about that?  And number two, do you think that men who grow up in that culture where they get to tell women how to dress, whether they go out in school, whether they go out in public, they can't drive a car, et cetera, et cetera, do you think those men if they want to come to America, do you think some of them bring those attitudes with them?

AHMED:  It could be.  But I saw something more disturbing than that, and that is that even western men who were also working there in positions like I was became comfortable with some of the denigration of women in very subtle ways.  Not opening the door for a woman was quite common.  Getting accustomed to women being towards the back of the room.  I teach male doctors and female doctors.  I did that there.  I did that here.  Women just took a back seat.

Now, the Saudi women themselves, many of them professionals are pugilistic, very assertive, and really are making headway.  Many of the women I knew are changing the country currently.

HANNITY:  Would you be afraid to go back?

AHMED:  It's not my book I'd be afraid to go back.  I have been back after my book was published.  It's the fact that I have very positive relations with the state of Israel, that I advocate for an Israel university, that I believe in Israel's right to exist that would probably -- it has made me persona non-grata there.

HANNITY:  Doctor, good to see you.  Thank you for sharing that with our audience, appreciate it.

AHMED:  My pleasure.

HANNITY:  And coming up we have more "Hannity" right after this quick break.


HANNITY:  That is all the time we have left this evening.  We hope you'll set your DVR so you never miss an episode.  We take attendance.  We get upset if you're not here.  Anyway, hope you have a great weekend.  We'll see you back here on Monday.

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