Is the left justifying campaign violence?

This is a RUSH transcript from "The O'Reilly Factor," June 9, 2016. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
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O'REILLY: Factor "Follow-Up" segment tonight, you may remember that one week ago Donald Trump hold held a rally in San Jose, California. That exposition devolved into violence.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I was walking out with my Trump sign and he grabbed my Trump sign and started following me and saying I was a racist.










O'REILLY: Now, there are allegations that San Jose Police Department did not do enough to protect Trump supporters and that the mayor of San Jose was derelict in his duties to say the least.


SAM LICCARDO (D), MAYOR OF SAN JOSE: The notions there was some stand down order is ridiculous. I don't have the authority to give a stand down order. I would never give such an order anyway. And I know that our police chief would never accept one.


O'REILLY: Joining us now from Louisville, Kentucky where he is covering the funeral of Muhammad Ali, FOX News correspondent Jonathan Hunt who was on the scene in San Jose last week. First of all, what's the update on the arrest, Jonathan?

JONATHAN HUNT, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Three more arrests, Bill, in the last 24 hours. That brings the total to six, police in San Jose say they are still looking for others and plan to make more arrests. By the way, of those last three, two of them were just 16 years old. One was 17. And that certainly reflects what we saw on the streets that night, Bill. That a lot of those who were protesting, a lot of those causing the violence. A lot of those who were involved in the attacks on Trump supporters were not even out of high school, Bill.

O'REILLY: Okay. Now, we saw a bunch of Mexican flags in the montage we used, but the arrest sheet is all over the place. A couple Hispanic names but not all. And it looks like the only thing that had in common they are all under 20 years old, is that correct?

HUNT: Yes. I would say that the vast majority of those we saw on the streets that night were under 20. Many of them as well as ever saying under 18. Not even of voting age.


HUNT: So that was certainly the demographic that we saw. And interestingly, Bill, it's very similar to what we have seen in other violent anti-Trump protests in Albuquerque, New Mexico and Costa Rica down in Orange County, California.

O'REILLY: What about the cops? The San Jose cops? Did they, as a member in Baltimore, the first night of the rioting there, Baltimore cops just let the crowd run wild? Was this similar situation in San Jose?

HUNT: Well, look, this is what I tell you from what I saw, Bill. The convention center was about 200 yards away from a Marriott Hotel. The cops were concentrated in that 200-yard area. As some of the Trump supporters left the rally, some of them were headed to the Marriott Hotel. A huge group of protesters, I would say around 100 or so, maybe more, tried to follow them into that hotel. That's when the police stepped in. They put what they call a skirmish line between the Trump supporters heading into the hotel and the Trump protesters.

But, what we saw was that is where the police stopped. Outside the Marriott. It was more as if they were protecting property rather than people. Meanwhile, there were 100 or more protesters when around the corner to a different street, where many other Trump supporters were simply trying to get back to their cars to the parking garages. And that's where all the violence took place.

O'REILLY: I see.

HUNT: And I can't be sure of the time we were there, Bill. But I would say it was at least 10, perhaps 15 minutes where we saw fist fights on the streets. People being attacked and not a single police officer in sight for at least I would say 10 minutes.

O'REILLY: Well, the Police Chief Eddie Garcia acknowledges that he didn't have enough officers to control the violence. He actually said that. He had 250. Two hundred fifty should be enough but they weren't deployed as you mentioned in the right spots. But it doesn't look like to me there was any conspiracy to have these punks beat up the Trump people. Would you say that's a reasonable assertion or conspiracy?

HUNT: Yes. You know, I think we have to take the mayor and the police chief at their word that there was no stand down order there was no conspiracy.


HUNT: They were simply outnumbered and they decided to draw a line in one place. And as the police chief has said, they can't simply send a couple of officers out after each, that makes it very difficult for them.

O'REILLY: They should have had more though. They should have more.

HUNT: They should have had more. Absolutely.

O'REILLY: All right, Jonathan. Thanks very much

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