Is the era of identity politics over?

This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," June 21, 2013. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, HOST: A few weeks ago, we invited an entire audience made up of distinguished African-American conservatives to talk about some of the most important and controversial issues regarding race in our society. Now, especially since we have seen time and time again, if you're African-American and you're conservative, you're vilified, you're demonized.

Now, tonight, due to the overwhelming response that we received about the program, we decided it was important to do a second show. So for the next hour I'll be joined once again by another group of renowned African- American conservatives. And before I turn to the floor and turn it over to them, there are a few statistics that I believe are important to highlight.

Now, first, Democrats like to perpetuate the lie that they are the party of minorities. And to their point, in the last election, the presidential election, according to our Fox News exit polls, 93 percent of African-Americans voted for Barack Obama. Only six percent voted for Governor Mitt Romney. My question is, why?

Well, let's take a look at some of the statistics. Now, back when Barack Obama became president in January of 2009, the unemployment rate among African-Americans was a startling 12.7 percent. But guess what? Fast forward, four years. That number is even worse. The current unemployment rate of this group is now 13.5 percent. Now unfortunately those aren't the only startling statistics when it comes to those for example who need food stamp assistance.

In 2009, over seven million African-Americans participated in the program. Now according to the most recent information that we have, this number has now risen over 10 million. And that's not all. In 2009, over nine million African-Americans were listed as living in poverty. This shouldn't come as a shock today. That number is worse. According to the latest data, over 10 million are now listed in that category.

So my question is this -- clearly President Obama's policies are not working or helping African-Americans. So why wouldn't they want to see what at least conservatives have to offer?

And joining me now to help answer this question, a distinguished group of African-American conservatives, give yourselves a big hand.


Welcome. Thank you. All right. Last time I got in trouble for saying African-American. You were just -- why are you -- why is that the wrong term? You all agree, let me survey, is that the wrong term?


HANNITY: Hands up, wrong term. How many right term? I see, right term.

ANGELA MCGLOWAN, FOX NEWS POLITICAL ANALYST: I don't think it matters as much dealing with African-American versus black. I had a conversation with James Jones who said it took him a long time to get from color to Negro. The bottom line is this -- poverty knows no color. And the fact of the matter is, Liberals utilize an agenda that actually exploits us.

DAVID WEBB, SIRIUS XM PATRIOT HOST: And I understand intellectually that's the right argument. Language, however, matters. And when you hyphenate yourselves as Americans, what you don't focus on the fact that we're people, we're human, we're American. The left uses the hyphenation to separate you. And if nothing else, fight back at the language itself and take it for what it really is, intellectually to your point.


CAROL SWAIN, VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY: What bothers me about it is that Jesse Jackson is the one that amends that we would henceforth be African-Americans. He moved us from blacks. And so, that's why I rejected it.

HANNITY: OK. You're agreeing with that? Yes.

CHARLES LOLLAR, NEW DAY MARYLAND PAC CHAIRMAN: Sean, I look forward to the time and day when whether it is black American or African-American, we completely get away from hyphenated Americans. If we are going to be -- we are Americans period. If we are going to make the transition the way we need to. And see, America in my opinion come to this revolution of our constitutional foundings and come together as a country moving forward, we have to start seeing ourselves as Americans. You don't go to French and see black French or Italian and see brown Italians.

HANNITY: You have a point.

LOLLAR: We are Americans. That African-American, not black Americans --

UNIDENTIFIED MAN: It's really self segregation when we hear this term, you know, when you hear African-Americans -- all right, we are African- Americans but a certain kind. We are Americans like everyone else and I really reject Jesse Jackson's self segregation parody.

HANNITY: Yes. Go ahead.

STACY WASHINGTON, TOWNHALL.COM COLUMNIST: -- using the left's tactics, and we should reject that every opportunity. The Left puts people in boxes. The Llft says, war on women, war on -- it's identity politics. And I refuse to be placed in their box. I have never been in their box, I've never been to Africa. I'm black. It's OK. If you want to be African-American or anyone wants to be African-American, I'm fine with that, too, but I refuse to allow someone like who is a charlatan like Jesse Jackson to define who I am.

WEBB: Sean, there is an important point here about the culture. And it is American, not just blacks. Anyone can become an American by coming to this country, going through the process, come from any country in the world. It's unique about this country. You can keep your Italian, your Irish, your every heritage wherever you come from.

HANNITY: Are you making fun of my Irish family?

WEBB: Yes, I am. Because I have Irish in my family that's why I can do that. But my point is you can become an American, anyone, anywhere in the world from any country can become an American. Why do we self- segregate to use DeRoy's word? Let's focus on what really matters.

SONNIE JOHNSON, BREITBART.COM CONTRIBUTOR: God -- God did not make us color behind, OK? God gave us the ability to see in color. I look at whites, I look at blacks, I look at Hispanics, I don't care! That's the point we need to get to. It's not so much as I'm a black American. I don't care to say that. I'm black and I'm proud. I was raised into a house with James Brown. So over and over again it has been beat into my head, and I'm not ashamed of it. I don't care. And that has to be the message we take. Stop caring.

HANNITY: I want you to know. I lost all control of the show. This was not the topic. But this is important, isn't it? Go ahead.

MCGLOWAN: We have spent the last couple of minutes talking about color. When we have a high unemployment rate, when we have more black men in prison today, when the fact that we get a college education but can we find a job? But yet when Sean read those statistics, the majority of us still voted for a president that does not represent our conservative --

HANNITY: All right. Wait a minute. I got a question. Why?

CJ JORDAN, NATIONAL BLACK REPUBLICAN LEADERSHIP COUNCIL: Why? Because right now we as Republicans have not put forth an urban agenda to counter what the Democrats and President Obama has said. Not one time when we look at high unemployment, when the president introduced his nominee for secretary of labor, he talked about disability, he talked about the LBGT community. Not one time in that five-minute speech of Mr. Perez that he talked about anything about the African-American or black community and the unemployment.

HANNITY: Yes. Back there and then Star. Yes. Go ahead.

WAYNE DUPREE, NEWSNINJA2012.COM FOUNDER: I want to say this, with the color thing, my mom is 86-years-old. Somebody walked up to her and said, sister, do you know where you're from? She said, yes, I'm from Long Island, New York. No, do you know what country you're from? Yes, from the United States of America.

So, I mean, that's the way that they are trying to shove it down their side. But if we can say, hey, guess what? You know what? We are Americans. I mean, I served in the military. We weren't black and white in the military. Well, we weren't black and white in the military, we were the United States military. We die -- we protected each other, we watched each other's back. Whether we were black or white, yellow or gray, we watched each other's back. That's what we have to do.

HANNITY: Isn't there also a spiritual component to this?

DUPREE: There's a lot.

HANNITY: I'm a Christian and I believe God created every human being with talent and ability. And unfortunately the way society is now, a lot of our kids, all races are falling behind. And these statistics ought to scare everybody because the unemployment rate for black teenagers in this country right now is 50 percent. Those kids are now going to be on the street, they are not going to be out working and developing the skills they need to get ahead later in life.

STAR PARKER, CURE PRESIDENT: To the point that was made about having a rapid response when they play race, the president just made a declaration that we should do away with Christian and/or Catholic education because these are divisive. And yet one of the primary reasons that we have such high unemployment rate in the black community is because these young people are not getting a quality education. And what we see from the left, the president on down, NAACP, is fights against any type of school choice movement in this country. People are begging, parents are begging to be able to send their children to Christian and Catholic schools.

HANNITY: And he went to a Muslim school in Jakarta. I mean, seriously.

PARKER: I bet he won't go there and say they should stop their segregated schools.

HANNITY: I got one question as we go to break, then I promise we have a whole show.

WEBB: Since I started this, let me wrap it up with something really simple.

HANNITY: Oh, you started it, you want to wrap it up?


WEBB: No, I started this fight last time. I excoriated you last time.

But let me bring this to a point.

None of us chose our birth, but what we should be able to choose regardless of color, and we recognize it and see it for what it is, we should be able to choose our future and we have opportunity in this country. And that's what is the promise of America. And you don't choose your birth, you choose your future and should have the right to pursue it.

HANNITY: All right. I have a question, show of hands, how many in this audience think the president's agenda, you have 93 percent of the black vote in the last election, how many of you think his policies have hurt black America? Anybody?

(AUDIENCE): All of Americans.

HANNITY: All of Americans. But specifically when dealing with -- OK. We are going to take a break.

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