Is Something Better Than Nothing?

If I've heard this once, I've heard it a thousand times: Doing something is better than doing nothing.

Harry Reid says this financial reform bill, flawed as it is, is better than doing nothing — I never understood that.

Like health care reform; we couldn't keep doing what we were doing, so it was time we started doing something else. Totally leaving out the detail that we were replacing something with holes with something that had even more holes and cost even more money.

Or like stimulus. We needed to spend because we'd be spent if we didn't. Then, lo and behold, we discover we're still spent and the economy's still stumped.

Me? I'm stumped. Stumped that we're using the same twisted, untested logic to support a financial reform package we already know is deeply flawed and we already know exempts the two biggest sinners: Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

We already know it has Bank of America hiking checking fees to deal with it; and we already know others will likely follow; and we already know all this is happening and the thing hasn't even become law.

But the rush to do something beats the calm wisdom to just sit back and do something right — just this once.

Big, fat chance.

I think Harry Reid mistakes "looking" busy rushing out bills that stink for actually "being" busy pushing bills that work. But that's what makes him a Senate leader and me a prompter reader.

Weird world.

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