Is Sex on College Campuses Toning Down or Heating Up?

This is a rush transcript from "The O'Reilly Factor," February 11, 2008. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

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BILL O'REILLY, HOST: In the "Personal Story" segment tonight: socializing on college campuses.

In the year 2000, a study by the American College Health Association said that male college students in America had about two sex partners every year. But by the year 2006 that had dropped a half percent, and some pundits said college kids were becoming more conservative. But is that the case? With us now, magazine editor and author Alecia Oleyourryk, whose new book "College Sex by the People Having It" is out today.

OK. You went to Boston University, graduated in 2005. I also graduated from BU. And while you were there you were researching college sex, right? You were involved with that?

ALECIA OLEYOURRYK, AUTHOR, "COLLEGE SEX BY THE PEOPLE HAVING IT": I guess you could call that research, yes.

O'REILLY: You were the editor of a magazine that dealt with that, and this, that and the other thing.


O'REILLY: But Boston University authorities, the powers that be, don't like you or what you were doing. Why not?

OLEYOURRYK: They weren't supportive of the magazine. They never said they didn't like me. They said they didn't support the magazine, and they weren't going to sell it on campus.

O'REILLY: They banned it. Banned in Boston.

OLEYOURRYK: Well, we were banned on campus. We weren't banned everywhere in Boston.

O'REILLY: But why didn't they — it's an explicit situation that you're into. But was it that that they didn't like?

OLEYOURRYK: Well, I can't presume to know what.

O'REILLY: Did they tell you?

OLEYOURRYK: All they said was they don't support or condone the magazine.

O'REILLY: OK. So you never asked them? You never got a discussion with them?

OLEYOURRYK: Well, it wasn't really anything that had to do with them. I mean, it was college students, freedom of speech, and we were just looking to put out a magazine. We didn't really need their permission.

O'REILLY: Did you do it for money?

OLEYOURRYK: We — no, we didn't do it for money, actually. But we do need money to continue the magazine. So of course, there are financial thoughts there. But we did it for entertainment. We did it so people would have something to look at, to turn them on, to arouse them.

O'REILLY: There's a million magazines out there and the Internet.

OLEYOURRYK: This magazine is a little different though.

O'REILLY: It's — OK.

OLEYOURRYK: There's nothing wrong with having a lot out there, too. It's different strokes for different folks. This magazine is...

O'REILLY: But there was no higher purpose for you other than to entertain?

OLEYOURRYK: Absolutely. It's meant to turn people on. It was something we wanted to put out there that had college students in it, written by college students.

O'REILLY: OK, so the entertainment. Now, in the study from 2000 to 2006.


O'REILLY: OK. It is. But there hasn't been another study since. It's only about a year and a half.


O'REILLY: It showed a decline. Did you see more conservatives — you graduated in 2005.


O'REILLY: You would have been in the study zone.


O'REILLY: Did you see a more conservative approach on campus among students?

OLEYOURRYK: Well, I mean, specifically speaking, I wasn't in college in 2000 when the first part of the study was done, so I couldn't compare. But, you know, I mean, I can't speak for all college students. Sex was going on. I mean, that's to be obvious. That's blunt. Was there less sex than in 2000? Who knows? And who knows who's saying what is true on these studies.

O'REILLY: Did you find at Boston University, which is a liberal campus in a big city, did you find a libertine attitude toward it, like there was in the '60s, like the early '70s?

OLEYOURRYK: Not as much as you would think. Everybody assumes because it's in a city that it was very liberal. But we found it to be rather conservative. We had trouble getting the magazine published. We had to go to a printer in Canada.

O'REILLY: So the kids themselves at BU, the students, you felt were somewhat conservative?

OLEYOURRYK: I think that — no. I think that there were both ends of the spectrum. I think there were conservative people, and there were people that want to look at it and are glad that it's out there.

O'REILLY: Is there a dominant feeling among college students that — what I'm trying to get at here is it's a very hard group to pin down. Obviously, at any big university you're going to have liberal people, conservative people. But what is the more? Is it do your own thing like it was in the '70s? Or is it more private?

OLEYOURRYK: I — you know, I can't speak for everyone. But I think it is. I think people know that there's a lot of different opinions going on these days. And the feeling is it's your prerogative. You do what you want. And that's what I think...

O'REILLY: Is it out in the open or is it more private?

OLEYOURRYK: I think it's more out in the open. I mean, you can see that by pop culture right now. I think that everything — progressively, everything is getting more and more out in the open. And sex is more everywhere.

O'REILLY: Is it socially acceptable for a girl, a student, college student to sleep around? Is that socially acceptable, or is there a double standard still there?

OLEYOURRYK: I think the double standard is still there if you're speaking respectively to males.

O'REILLY: Even at Boston University?

OLEYOURRYK: Women, yes.

O'REILLY: They're not as empowered as men in that area?

OLEYOURRYK: In that area, it's still going to be that the girl is being promiscuous. And that's not necessarily...

O'REILLY: That's still in place.

OLEYOURRYK: I think so. Absolutely.

O'REILLY: All right. Alecia, thanks for coming in. We appreciate it.

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