Is Michael Bloomberg Above Influence?

I remember years back, a guy winning something like $50 million in a lottery. When a reporter asked him what was different now, he had a great answer: "I don't have to kiss up to nobody."

Fifty million did that.

Now, multiply that times 100 and ask that same question of Michael Bloomberg. Because, conservatively, that's what the mayor of New York City is worth: $5 billion.

That's a lot of "don't have to kiss up to nobody" dough.

No arm-twisting for cash.

No begging or cajoling.

No PACs.

Or $1,000 a plate dinners — that is, unless they're "your" plates.

Beholden to no one.

Lobbyists can't buy you.

Politicos can't threaten you.

Because you're rich — very rich.

Spending your own dough and not a penny of anyone else's.

Just think of that. Just think of what that means if you win.

Heck, if critics say you bought the election, you can always say, "But I bought it with my money."

I know the odds are daunting — just ask Ross Perot. But just imagine the billionaire victor answerable to no one but the people.

Rich enough to know that his new bosses aren't the fat cats who paid his way, but the Average Joes who did not.

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