Is Life Really That Tough for Gitmo Detainees?

Now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine:

Gitmo Comfort

Movies, newspapers, Sudoku puzzles, and quality health care — just some of the reasons Republican lawmakers are saying life is pretty good for terror suspects at the Guantanamo Bay detention facility.

Wyoming senator John Barrasso said in an interview with ABC News: "They get Al-Jazeera television, they get USA Today, they have books, a library, teachers, books of Sudoku puzzles to work on... They have one health care worker for every two detainees, an incredible hospital with an operating room with a quality of care that is better than many people get in the United States."

Nevada senator John Ensign notes the food they eat is better than what is served to him and his fellow senators on Capitol Hill.

But the ACLU, according to ABC News, responds detainees "...are still being held against their will, some of them for the last seven years without charge."


Sexual harassment claims are plaguing the United Nations. The Wall Street Journal reports U.N. workers insist the current system for handling complaints is arbitrary, unfair, and mired in bureaucracy.

One case involved a top UNICEF officer in India. He was accused of sexual harassment, yet he still told jokes and made comments with sexual connotations, even to investigators.

A letter from a review panel said: "When you stated that you would not have invited anybody for romantic drinks in your hotel room, because you 'can't do sex without food first,' …Such a comment is highly inappropriate, particularly in light of the fact that you were being interviewed on sexual harassment allegations."

Exhausting Debate

As the cap-and-trade debate rages on Capitol Hill, a new statistic from the Energy Department is sure to turn up the heat on the issue.

The Energy Information Administration says carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels actually fell by 2.8 percent last year — the largest annual decline in almost two decades.

The EIA said last year's record-high oil prices and the start of the economic recession strongly contributed to the decline.

What About Bob?

And one would think the name "Robert" would be relatively easy to remember. Apparently not if the subject is Defense Secretary Robert Gates.

During President Obama's remarks on national security today, the President referred to him as William Gates.

He was introduced as Ronald Gates at a Pentagon ceremony Tuesday.

And he was presented as Bill Gates recently in Afghanistan. The defense secretary was able to laugh that one off, joking, "He's the rich one."

— FOX News Channel's Lanna Britt contributed to this report.