Is it time for Mueller to wrap up his investigation?

This is a rush transcript from "Watters World," June 2, 2018. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

JESSE WATTERS, HOST: Welcome to "Watters' World." I'm Jesse Watters. The mainstream media had the worst week it has had all year. So much to get to, we're just going to have to take it one thing at a time.

First daughter Ivanka tweeted this photo of her and her 2-year-old son, sparking massive backlash with critics calling the photo insensitive in light of her father's immigration policy. I don't know what that means -- in a report about missing immigrant children, which turned out to be false.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Critics are saying that the post is really tone deaf in that the reports of families being separated at the Mexican border.


WATTERS: And that was fake news, but the most despicable attack coming from comedian Samantha Bee.


SAMANTHA BEE,COMEDIAN: Ivanka Trump who works at the White House chose to post the second most of oblivious tweet we have seen this week. You know, Ivanka, that's a beautiful photo of you and your child, but let me just say, one mother to another, do something about your dad's immigration practice, you feckless (inaudible). He listens to you. Put on something tight and low cut and tell your father, to (inaudible) stop it.


WATTERS: They bleeped the C -- word if you hadn't heard that yet. The President calling at a double standard after the cancellation of "Roseanne" earlier this week, tweeting, "Why aren't they firing no talent Samantha Bee for the horrible language used on her low ratings show? A total double standard, but that's okay, we are winning, and we will be doing so for a long time to come."

First lady Melania Trump also taking to Twitter clearing up fake news stories speculating about her whereabouts following her recent surgery, writing, "I see the media is working overtime speculating where I am and what I am doing. Rest assured, I am here at the White House with my family feeling great, and working hard on behalf of children and the American people."

Joining me now to break this all down, the founder of Turning Point USA, Charlie Kirk and media reporter for The Hill, Joe Concha. Charlie, welcome to "Watters' World."

CHARLIE KIRK, TURNING POINT USA: It's a pleasure to be here in your world.

WATTERS: There it is, you've been practicing that move, I see.

KIRK: That's right. It's a little bit slower usually.

WATTERS: It's okay, you know, you have a lot to learn.

JOE CONCHA, THE HILL: The circumference.

WATTERS: Joe has been on the show once or twice. So, let's get to the Samantha Bee thing. Her ratings have deteriorated. She's lost about half her audience in about a year. So, I just think this is a Hail Mary to see if she can get back on track and it looks like it backfired.

KIRK: I mean, is she supposed to be funny? I mean, the left has killed comedy and late night comedy. I mean, these are just endless angry rants from was-be comedians that are now putting politics over any sort of entertainment value whatsoever.

I mean she is shamelessly going after Ivanka. The double standard, as the President pointed out is so abhorrent and so apparent and you are seeing some advertisers back away from it, but this is a common trend.

Look, I think this shows far more entertainment than any of these other crazy late-night television shows at this hour.

WATTERS: Well, thank you, Charlie, we are going to have you back on next week.

KIRK: Thank you, Jesse. The shameless baiting worked very, very well.

WATTERS: Joe, what do you think? I mean, the President is calling her to be fired. Do you think she should be fired? Do you think TBS carved that little spot for her to get nasty. That's their prerogative.

CONCHA: You say you said TBS carved that spot and you're right. Remember, that was scripted. That is in teleprompter. There are checks and balances where several people had to look at that and say, "You know, that's okay."

WATTERS: That was not live.

CONCHA: Right, exactly. So, Laura Ingraham or Katie Pavlich or Michelle Malkin -- what happens if they make that comment about any Obama whether it be Michelle or her daughters or Hillary Clinton or Chelsea Clinton?

WATTERS: They're gone.

CONCHA: So, you asked my question, yes. What should happen? Bee keeps her job, right? There's not even a suspension. That will be the compromise that I would see, go take a vacation for a while.

WATTERS: Because we did suspend a talking head on Fox News for using a derogatory slur against President Obama. I think he got a week or two off. So, there are standards here, to quote the great Tomi Lahren, "If it wasn't for the double standards, the left would have no standards at all."

I want to show you guys these little illegal alien kids in cages that the media went bonkers over earlier in the week. Here is a tweet from former Obama speechwriter, Jon Favreau. He says, "This is happening right now and the only debate that matters is how we force our government to get these kids back to their families as fast as humanly possible." It turns out, Charlie, this picture is from the Obama years.

KIRK: It was from his administration.


KIRK: What I love most about the picture, look up at the left-hand corner, 2014. None of these liberals said anything when these images were actually released back, when it was happening under the Obama years. And look, this again, this goes to this whole idea that the liberals have selective outrage about these issues.

They have such a pathological hatred of this President that they will make up their own facts and their own circumstances to try to go after him, but going to the kind of this whole -- this whole common theme, when a conservative dares does something wrong, they get fired and their life is ruined. When a liberal steps out of line, they have to just issue a fake apology and they get to keep their (inaudible)...


WATTERS: That's because the left protects its gunslingers. They will do anything to make sure they stay and keep hurling insults at the right, and they make excuses because they believe their political cause is righteous.

But these cages, Joe, this is the kind of mistake that I think really destroys what little credibility the fake news media has left.

CONCHA: Yes, and the problem is that even after the mistake is made, there is no contrition. We apologize, I got it wrong, without excuses. So, we always talk about how trust in the media is at an all-time low. I would say, we used the word hatred before, hatred of the media is at an-time high because this was -- I am not going to say it was intentional, but after the fact, there was no apology, and this is the whole problem with media right now, very little fact checking, tweeting before thinking, Jesse.

WATTERS: And if you look at the polling, people trust the President more than the mainstream media. There is also -- speaking of not trusting the mainstream media, another character, Jim Acosta, he's the CNN White House correspondent who you see yelling things and trying to get his face on camera.

I got it, Jim you are a budding superstar over there. So, you remember Kim Kardashian paid a visit to the White House and talked about prison reform. Here was his reaction, roll it.


JIM ACOSTA, CNN: Forget about the fact that Kim Kardashian is here at the White House today and what planet that is anything resembling normal because it's not. She shouldn't be here talking about prison reform. It is very nice that she is here, but that's not a serious thing to have happened here at the White House.


WATTERS: So, a celebrity in 2018 talking about prison reform at the White House, that is illegitimate, but here is what he said about a celebrity talking about prison reform just a few years before.


JOHN LEGEND, MUSICIAN: I am going to push the President to get more involved in criminal justice reform.

ACOSTA: If you change your mind about running for office, give CNN the scoop.

LEGEND: I will, I will.

ACOSTA: John Legend...

LEGEND: Don't hold your breath.

ACOSTA: We might just a little bit.


WATTERS: Take a look at Jim.

KIRK: Oh, my goodness. I mean, they are going -- Jim Acosta, he is my favorite fake journalist that just hangs around the press pool. I think the President just enjoys having him around for the double standard and for calling him out for all of this.

But look, the President did the right thing to take the meeting with one of the most of powerful international celebrities. She has a legitimate cause, not just prison reform, but she has been fighting for the rightful pardon of Alice Marie Johnson, and I think -- look, CNN and Jim Acosta, they can't possibly wrap their head around the fact that a leftist type celebrity can actually interface with a Republican President, so they are trying everything they possibly can to delegitimize it.

CONCHA: And remember, he is not an opinion host. He's the senior chief White House correspondent. He got a promotion earlier this year, right, and he had the audacity to go on Jimmy Kimmel just a couple of weeks ago and claimed that he was just as tough on President Obama than he was on President Trump.

Now, here is the real punch line, when you look at ratings from last May, May of 2017 to May of 2018, CNN has lost one-quarter of its viewers, 25% gone. And you can't say it's been a slow news cycle over the last year. It's been the best news cycle ever up here in this industry, 25% in total viewers, 35% on what's called the demo, that's 25 to 54 year olds that advertisers cover most, more than a third gone. Where did they go? They don't like being told that reporters are reporters when they are opinion hosts and advocates like Jim Acosta.

WATTERS: Right, I mean, just on it, Jim, you are with her, we all get it. The "Roseanne" show unfortunately, for a lot of people that worked on the show was canceled because of some really despicable things Roseanne said about Valerie Jarrett. She compared Valerie Jarrett to an ape, not good. They canned her immediately.

But look how the mainstream media tried to smear Donald Trump with Roseanne Barr.


DON LEMON, CNN: We know what Donald Trump thinks, we know what Roseanne Barr thinks. It's racist. They are exhibiting racist behavior.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It was a great move yesterday. The thing that sort of is the background of all this is that the President can be racist and nothing happened to him

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Roseanne's show canceled because she tweeted out racist stuff. You know who I blame for this? Donald Trump. That's who.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Tens of millions of people voted for him after he showed his cards for years.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Are you suggesting that they are racist?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: All the people who voted for Donald Trump are racist?



WATTERS: All right, so just so many unfortunate things said at that montage. That's like blaming Bernie Sanders when the Bernie bro shot up Steve Scalise. you cannot make that connection with any sort of responsible integrity as a media reporter.

KIRK: Precisely, I mean, this is the left who tries everything they can to loop any sort of bad behavior of someone that is on the center right immediately with the President.

WATTERS: Yet they won't give the President any credit for the good thing that happens.

KIRK: Never.

WATTERS: They only smear him with the negatives.

KIRK: Well, make no mistake. This President has done far more for black American in his short Presidency than Obama did in eight years. Black unemployment at an all-time low, you see wages going up, you see an urban revitalization plan. He's going to get prison reform passed, which Obama refused to do. He's pardoning people that have been unjustly put in prison for racial bias, going back, you know, with the pardon of this famous boxer.

So, look, I think there is a common theme here which is the left wants to continue this narrative of racism because that's all they can possibly have. All they count is this (inaudible)...


WATTERS: They don't have a slogan, they don't have a jobs plan, they don't have a healthcare plan -- well, actually, the healthcare plan is free healthcare for everybody. I really didn't like the woman at the end there that said that all Trump voters in America are racists.

CONCHA: Isn't that amazing.

WATTERS: Amazing.

CONCHA: Sixty five million people that voted for President Trump in 2016 did so because they think that the guy that they are voting for is a racist. Instead of the fact, to your point, that Donald Trump had a message that resonated in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Michigan and Hillary Clinton said vote for me because that guy is bad.

No, by the way, Roseanne made comments about Susan Rice back in 2013 that were very similar to the one she made about Roseanne in 2018 -- the problem is, President Trump wasn't even a candidate in 2015, was he ever even called out for anything, so how could she -- how could Donald Trump be possibly -- it is possible for Roseanne when she has been doing this well before Trump was a President.

WATTERS: I mean, Roseanne botched "The National Anthem." She did the little Hitler mustache. I mean, she has been whacked for a while, I can't blame Donald Trump for that and neither should anybody else.

But CNN is blaming Donald Trump for ruining the White House sports and fitness day because they say he's not fit. Listen to this.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The President is having this event here at the White House today highlighting health and fitness while questions are being raised about the President's own health and fitness. We are told that the chef in the White House kitchen had been told to limit calorie and fat intake in terms of the meals that they prepare for the President.

He has traded his well-done steaks that he usually drowns in ketchup with dover sole and those cheeseburger he eats after he plays a round golf now only come with a bottom bun and no longer the top half of the bun.

When he does go play a round of golf, he uses a cart instead of walking the whole leg like some people choose to do.

So, a great deal of irony here today.


WATTERS: CNN fat shaming President Trump on sports (inaudible)...

KIRK: You know what I love it, questions are being raised -- no one is raising these questions.

WATTERS: CNN is raising them.

KIRK: They do this all the time. We have inside sources. No you don't. You are just making stuff up, I mean, questions being raised. You're the only person that cares about this. You and your four editorial producers that are trying to destroy this President.

CONCHA: And that's a health skit.


KIRK: Parody has become news. Folks, we're reporting live from the White House, his caloric intake is being watched, and everyone would laugh.

CONCHA: The next thing you expect from CNN is that they are going to say that the President gets two scoops of ice cream when everybody else get -- wait, they already get that.

KIRK: Oh, that's right, they already...

WATTERS: Oh look at that swing. Look at that swing.

CONCHA: Or that he only drinks nine things of Diet Coke every -- oh, they already did that, too.

WATTERS: Yes, what was the last President -- remember when he got caught working out in the gym.

KIRK: That was working out?

WATTERS: He was curling about 10-pound weights and I think we saw the first pitch he threw was the Chicago White Sox game. I didn't see a lot of criticism there, or when he bricked -- he went two for 20 at the White House playing basketball. I didn't hear a lot about his fitness then.

CONCHA: Or Bill Clinton for that matter, the last check, looked like he was in his second trimester and we never heard anything about that either.

WATTERS: That's not nice, Joe.

CONCHA: No, I am just saying that. This President currently, and Bill Clinton for that matter had a lot of energy.

WATTERS: That's right.

CONCHA: Had and has, so, who cares if they're a little overweight. He's 71 years old.

KIRK: The guy works hard.

CONCHA: And yes, he is high energy.

KIRK: And let's not forget the stamina. The rallies he's doing, the meetings he is hosting. He has such an unbelievable schedule, and again, he is in his 70s, and yet, the media has these ridiculous questions are being raised. No one cares.

WATTERS: And didn't his doctor say he was the most of fit President of all time.

KIRK: Yes, without a doubt.

WATTERS: The best heart, the best brain, I mean, the doctor said that. That he's fine.

CONCHA: Genetics. Genetics.

WATTERS: Great genetics. Best genetics.

KIRK: And the doctor under three -

CONCHA: The best genetics. And the doctor, who was the doctor under Presidents, he was attacked for his report as if he was lying for him.

WATTERS: There it is. All right, boys, I'll check in with you guys later. Up next spy gate outrage. Stay tuned.


JOHN SOLOMON, EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT, THE HILL: The efforts to begin targeting and reach out to Trump campaign officials to gain intelligence on Russia that would ultimately justify the investigation began weeks and maybe months before the FBI had a formal predicate. There were contacts going on by people identified as informers and informants, people who provided information began much, much earlier than July 31st. That's the first part.

The second part is as the investigation was just starting to ramp up, there are internal FBI documents showing FBI agents talking about the White House trying to take over the investigation.


WATTERS: New reports questioning when and how an FBI spy came to be involved with the Trump campaign and how this will impact the Mueller probe moving forward. The President slamming that investigation and its soaring costs, tweeting, "AP has just reported that the Russian hoax investigation has now cost our government over $17 million. And going up fast. No collusion except by the Democrats."

Joining me now, former US Attorney Joe diGenova, and Philippe Reines. Joe, I now question this entire investigation because what they said was the beginning of the investigation, this Papadopoulos comment to this Australian diplomat about -- he said he had dirt -- doesn't add up because now, we know the FBI was running spies at the campaign months beforehand. What does that mean to you?

JOE DIGENOVA, FORMER US ATTORNEY: Well, I don't think there is any doubt that to a reasonable United States Attorney, what you have here is an out of control CIA and FBI doing counter-intelligence investigations against American citizens in the united states and abroad without a proper predicate and without authority in an effort to start another investigation so that they can do damage to the Presidential candidate of the other party.

I don't think there is any doubt based on the available public evidence that John Brennan, James Clapper, James Comey and others worked together to try to start a counter-intelligence investigation against the Trump campaign, and that in the end, in order to get that done, they fabricated information, fed it to people overseas who were American citizens who then mouthed information about that which was picked up by the FBI and used in FISA warrants.

So, when all is said and done, what we have here is let's have a nice Federal grand jury run by a competent person, either a senior Justice Department official, a US attorney or a special counsel and let's get Brennan, Clapper, Comey, and all these folks in front of a grand jury so they can explain themselves.

And I am not calling for anybody to be indicted. I just want truthful testimony under oath in front of a grand jury, and if indictments result, fine. If they don't, then we'll get an explanation about what happened here.

WATTERS: We want as much transparency on that side as there has been on the Trump side because the President's campaign, Philippe has been very forthcoming with the special counsel's office. Millions of documents turned over, a lot of people testifying, and it's been pretty long since this thing has been going on, and now we know from some of these FBI texts between Page and Strzok that, "The White House is running this." Meaning the White House is running the investigation. We can even put the text up on the screen.

"The White House is running this." What does that mean to you, Philippe? I mean, that goes all the way to the top now.

PHILIPPE REINES, AMERICAN POLITICAL CONSULTANT: Well, I want to first respectfully disagree with Joe on something he said about no reasonable US Attorney would do this because both Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and Bob Mueller were US Attorneys, in fact Rod Rosenstein's previous job was US Attorney, I believe Maryland.

But in terms of your question, I think there is a problem here. We all forget where this started. This starts with Russia trying to screw around with us. What happened from there is American intelligence, counter- intelligence and law enforcement trying to stop them.

The so-called spy gate is flipped on its head. The spying was done by Russia on America, what the FBI tried doing is preventing it. I am not exactly sure why the President and the White House have internalized this as some kind of hunt.

WATTERS: Okay, let's just say that's true that they were trying to prevent all of these Russians from messing with the election. Did they do a good job? Number one. Number two, have any Russians been indicted for collusion? They were indicted for calling Hillary Clinton names on Facebook and dressing up with a little Hillary for prison costume and running around Florida at a rally. These are not high-level Russian spies colluding with the Trump campaign, Joe. After two years, wouldn't there actually be evidence of Russians colluding if that was the object? If it was to get Russians for doing bad things?

DIGENOVA: Yes, and of course it would have leaked by now if there were evidence of it. But the point is, the FBI and the CIA to the extent that it was working overseas were not trying to stop the Russians from doing anything.

Many of the Obama administration officials have bemoaned the fact that President Obama didn't do enough to stop the Russians from meddling in the campaign. But when you look the FBI and see what they did and what they now say they were trying to do as James Clapper said, "We were only trying to help the Trump campaign." That's not what you do. You don't start a counter-intelligence investigation against an American Presidential candidate.

What you do is, you go to that candidate's campaign and the candidate, and the FBI and you say, Mr. Candidate, we think the Russians are trying to influence your campaign. We are giving you a defensive briefing. We would like to you take defensive measures. Prophylactic measures against the Russians.

But the Bureau didn't do that. That's not what they were doing. They were investigating the Trump campaign.


WATTERS: Let me ask Philippe. Philippe, why didn't the FBI go to the Trump campaign in May or April or whatever and say, "Listen, we are getting some word that the Russians might be trying to pull some dirty tricks with your guys or with your team, hey, heads up."

REINES: I would flip it on its head and say two things. First, why wouldn't the Trump campaign say, "Hey, FBI, we have got some weird context coming our way." I served in government for more than a dozen years and (inaudible)...


WATTERS: What were the weird contexts coming their way?

REINES: People e-mailing you say, "I have dirt on Hillary Clinton." I mean, that's pretty clear.

WATTERS: Wait, who e-mailed who? And said, "I have dirt on Hillary Clinton."

REINES: Somebody e-mailed Don, Jr., a Russian e-mailed Don Jr., "We have dirt On Hillary Clinton and he said, "I love it." Especially if it is for the summer. Look, Joe is (inaudible)...


WATTERS: But you know how suspicious that is? If you are Don, Jr., you are a businessman, you are just looking for anything you can get on Hillary, and the woman that comes in gets a special visa approved by Loretta Lynch before the meeting, meets with Fusion GPS, the dossier author and then after the meeting meets with Fusion GPS's President? Doesn't that seem like a little bit of a setup to you, Joe?

DIGENOVA: Well, I don't think there is any doubt that the activities here are very questionable. They are inexplicable. They do not comport with traditional law enforcement and trade craft of spy.

What they comport with is an effort to subvert the campaign of the opposing candidate. And let me just say, it would be one thing if this were just sort of a simple story, but it's not because when you go back to July 5, 2016, and James Comey's famous news conference where he accuses Hillary Clinton of a series of crimes, and then exonerates her, whatever the Russians were trying to do, they couldn't have done anything worse than what James Comey did on that day.

He gave a blow to the solar plexus to the Clinton campaign far beyond anything that either Donald Trump or the Russians could have done.

REINES: Joe, you can't see me nodding, but I am nodding vigorously.

DIGENOVA: Well, there is nothing not to nod about. The bottom line is this, while all that is going on, James Comey, John Brennan and James Clapper are trying to figure out how to subvert the candidacy of the opposing candidate. And I must say, there is absolutely irrefutable evidence now that that's exactly what they were doing. And I am perfectly happy by the way, to have a grand jury look at it and make all the decisions necessary about whether or any of that was illegal.

And I'll tell you, I just think right now, watching the fight between McCabe and Comey about who lied about what during all of this tells you exactly what kind of leadership we had at the FBI and the Department of Justice in the Obama administration -- a disgraceful bunch of dirty cops.

WATTERS: Yes, Philippe is not a big fan of James Comey either and I think he will admit that. He had come to "Watters' World" as are most Democrats and I always will say that Hillary would have fired Comey probably quicker than Donald J. Trump.

DIGENOVA: Why didn't Obama fire Comey after the July 5th press conference? He shouldh have been fired...

WATTERS: A lot of questions.

REINES; You and I would be sitting here talking about obstruction of something else. I mean, the problem with 2016 is you have a lot of people...


WATTERS: Listen, Philippe, we have got to run ,but the only thing Trump obstructed was Hillary getting into the White House. Up next, a judge ordered him out of his parents' home. And we are going to check with this 30-year-old, Michael Rotondo on his house hunt.

EMANUEL: Live from "America's News Headquarters," I am Mike Emanuel. Fox News obtaining a letter sent in January from President Trump's legal team to special counsel Robert Mueller arguing the President cannot be forced to testify into the investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election.

They also argue that Mr. Trump could not have committed obstruction because he has absolute authority over all Federal investigations.

A US delegation in Beijing this weekend to talk trade as fears of a global trade war escalate. US Commerce Secretary, Wilbur Ross arriving in China today in hopes of negotiating a deal that would close a large trade gap with China.

The talks coming after a rocky week during which the White House moved to revive the threat of tariffs on Chinese imports and slapped Canada, Mexico and the European Union with steep metal tariffs.

I am Mike Emanuel, for now, back to "Watters' World."

WATTERS: Michael Rotondo is on the move. By now, you might have heard about the 30-year-old from upstate New York who last week was evicted under a court order from his parents' home after living there rent free for eight years.

Rotondo spent the week packing up his things and finally moving out. He joins me now with the latest on his house hunt. All right, Mike, where are you right now?

MICHAEL ROTONDO, EVICTED FROM PARENTS' HOME: Right now I am in my cousin's sister's house.

WATTERS: Okay, so you're still technically living with the family.

ROTONDO: We are here because there is a nice Skype set up with the camera and microphone and it's very easy to set up very nicely.

WATTERS: What is the flag in the background? What flag is that?

ROTONDO: I don't know what this flag is. Do you know what that flag is?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No, (inaudible).

ROTONDO: This is a -- how old is he?


ROTONDO: This is a nine-year-old's bedroom. It's a nine-year-old's bedroom.

WATTERS: Got it. I want to go back a little while, because I am interested in your back story. You went to college, right?

ROTONDO: Briefly, yes.

WATTERS: Did you graduate from college?

ROTONDO: Briefly means I didn't graduate. No, I didn't graduate.

WATTERS: So, I thought maybe you matriculated quickly because of your advanced intelligence. What was your major when you were briefly in college?

ROTONDO: I dropped -- I won't say that. I started with engineering and I went to business when that didn't work out.

WATTERS: Okay, you dropped out of college?


WATTERS: Why did you drop out of college?

ROTONDO: My academic habits were very poor so I really couldn't just integrate into the classes very well.

WATTERS: Okay, so you like engineering and you like business. When you dropped out of college, what happened next?

ROTONDO: I was -- I started in sales. I've held a lot of different sales jobs.

WATTERS: What were you selling?

ROTONDO: I sold vacuum cleaners. I sold dry-cleaner coupons, I sold -- I've done retail, which isn't real professional sales, but I'd done it. I had done a lot of weird things like where you kind of pitch people on the street sort of in front of businesses. I did that for a while.

WATTERS: Did you dress up in one of those crazy outfits that flap around in the wind? Is that what you mean?

ROTONDO: (Inaudible).



WATTERS: Okay, so you have had a few jobs, mostly in sales. but does that account for all eight years? You must have been unemployed for a lot of that time, right?

ROTONDO: No, I drove delivery, which wasn't really a sales job, but I did customer service. That was a significant -- that a year and a half, mostly it's been sales.

WATTERS: Okay, were you making any money at these jobs and saving it or were you just spending it on what?

ROTONDO: I really wasn't saving have much, but I spent it on things that I needed.

WATTERS: Like what?

ROTONDO: Like food and just conventional things -- entertainment, food, gasoline, things like that.

WATTERS: What kind of entertainment?

ROTONDO: Sometimes housing.

WATTERS: What kind of entertainment?

ROTONDO: Well, bars -- you go to a bar, that's entertainment, I would say or just leisure time. Sometimes movies, but not often.

WATTERS: Okay, were you fired from a lot of these jobs or did you quit?

ROTONDO: I am not discussing my work history at this time, I'm sorry.


ROTONDO: To that effect.

WATTERS: What about voting. Do you vote, Mike?

ROTONDO: I do vote.

WATTERS: Did you vote for President in 2016?


WATTERS: Would you like to share who you voted for?

ROTONDO: I would share that with you. I voted for Gary Johnson.

WATTERS: Gary, somehow that doesn't surprise me.

ROTONDO: Doesn't or does?

WATTERS: It does not surprise me. I don't know why, but I thought it was either going to be Bernie or Gary. I think I was right. Gary Johnson.

ROTONDO: You don't vote for your favorite. You've got to vote for it -- even if it is -- you don't vote for the candidate you support. You shouldn't vote for a candidate because you think other people -- you shouldn't strategically vote. Vote with who you want to vote for. That what you could do.

WATTERS: Okay, what about Gary Johnson did you like?

ROTONDO: I like that he was -- I would say that he was -- I am a libertarian, so basically that's why I voted for him in a nutshell, but I like how practical he is with a lot of things. I like how you know, fiscal responsibility is very important for the libertarian party. So, you know, I would say that personally...

WATTERS: Hey, Mike, so if fiscal responsibility is something that is important to you, don't you think you might have saved some money and been fiscally responsible in your personal life.

ROTONDO: I didn't think of that. That's a good point. I probably should have bought some bonds or something and saved more.

WATTERS: Oh, maybe. Any girls right now in your life, Mike? Do you have a girlfriend?

ROTONDO: No, do you know anyone?

WATTERS: Do you have a boyfriend?


WATTERS: All right, well, listen, I hear job offers are coming in, maybe, you'll get some girlfriends as you get more media exposure, but good luck with the house hunt and I appreciate you coming on to "Watters' World."

ROTONDO: Sure. Thanks for having me.

WATTERS: All right, is there such a thing as too much winning? We sent Diamond and Silk to Harlem to ask the folks.

Diamond and Silk taking a big bite out of the Big Apple. The ladies making a big splash "Watters' World" style hitting the streets in Harlem to find out what New Yorkers think of President Trump and all this winning.

DIAMOND, VIDEO BLOGGER: Do you feel like you are winning?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Winning for what.

DIAMOND: Do you feel like a winner, like you are winning?


DIAMOND: oh my goodness. Okay.

DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Winning, winning. Totally winning. You are going to get sick and tired of winning.

DIAMOND: Do you feel like you are winning?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'm not a millionaire, but I am winning.

SILK, VIDEO BLOGGER: Do you feel like a winner?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: (Inaudible). Thank you...

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Well, it ain't that you are winning and it ain't that you're losing, it's just that you are still here, you are living.

SILK: I love it.

DIAMOND: We love the hair.

SILK: Love it, yes.


DIAMOND: How do you feel about this that the President has been Donald trump because he's responsible for this booming economy?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: President Trump...


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, I don't like him.

DIAMOND: You don't like the economy booming under this President that's (inaudible)?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I don't like the President.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think he's a bigot.

DIAMOND: You think he's a fool?


DIAMOND: Hold up, hold up.

SILK: I won't hold you back. I won't hold you back.

DIAMOND: All right, give me the definition of a bigot.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: A racist. He started a lot of chaos when there is no need to be chaos.

DIAMOND: What did he say?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He says a lot of things (inaudible)...

DIAMOND: Like what? Name one.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He talks about people that he shouldn't talk about.

DIAMOND: Like who?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I am speechless. I am without speech.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: In this day and time, only the strong will survive.

DIAMODND: So, do I get like a thumbs up for our President.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Not so much really. No, not really.

SILK: What about a thumbs up for the economy.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Thumbs up for the economy, all right.

DIAMOND: Okay. What can President Trump do to make it better so that you can feel better about the economy?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Definitely need a better job.

DIAMOND: Okay, have you been looking for a better because had created about six million jobs.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes, he did, he did a good job of creating jobs, right, I appreciate.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think that he could do more for black people, but black people have to learn how to start doing more for themselves.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Get more classy people.

DIAMOND: Get more classy people?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You stay classy, San Diego.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I think he says some dumb (inaudible) and he should not have a Twitter.


DIAMOND: I am Diamond.

SILK: And I'm Silk and it's "Watters' World."

WATTERS: Oh my god, that was really good. You guys are good. You guys are natural. I like how you stuck it to the one guy -- well, give me an example. What did he say? What did he say? He had nothing.

SILK: That's right. He had nothing.

DIAMOND: He had nothing to say, and you know, we have to call people out whenever they wanted to use that racist word. What makes it -- tell me what? And they can't give you -- you can't say it because somebody is a billionaire or is rich, they are racist. That doesn't make a person racist.

SILK: That's right.

DIAMOND: So, it was an interesting conversation being out there on the street.

WATTERS: You know it seemed like they will give Trump credit for the economy and it seems like you've got a lot of that out of them that the economy is doing better under this President, they just don't like the guy's style too much.

DIAMOND: Well, you know what though, Jesse, I think a lot of them really like him but they were afraid because we had a lot of people -- I don't want to be on camera, but I absolutely love him. Yes...

WATTERS: You got a lot of people who love him...

DIAMOND: Yes, we had a lot of people saying that, absolutely. This is Harlem. We had a lot of people saying that to us.

SILK: And I believe that a lot of people were scared to say it on TV, on the camera because they were afraid that they were -- you know, may lose their job or something like that.

DIAMOND: Or be ostracized and criticized.

SILK: That's right.

WATTERS: All right, ladies, well done up there in Harlem.

DIAMOND: Thank you so much.

SILK: Oh, thank you.

DIAMOND: We had so much fun.

WATTERS: Yes, thank you, all right, Chit Chat Tour, tearing up the whole country. Check it out. Now, the party continues with the best of the Party Bros, next.

Experts? Probably not. But that doesn't stop the Party Bros from wading into hot button issues on "Watters' World." Take a look at some of their deepest thoughts and most unforgettable moments.

Our unofficial California correspondents, the Party Bros, Chad Kroeger and JT Parr. What's up, boys?


JT PARR, PARTY BROS: What up, dude?

WATTERS: Your state is in the cross-hairs of little rocket man. The guy is threatening nuclear Armageddon. He's firing missiles all over the place. What do you...

PARR: Elton John?

WATTERS: No, Kim Jong-un.

KROEGER: That's a bummer, dude. You know, I think...

PARR: Don't annihilate California.

KROEGER: Yes, don't annihilate him, you know, I think, in times like these I turn to the original Fast and Furious where Paul Walker, you know like in the first one, Vince was really flexing on him really hard, but Paul sort of remained chill and stoke and he just said like, you know, I love the tuna here and that sort of put Vince at ease. I think if we held that stance of just like, we are chill, dude. We like the tuna.

PARR: And dudes, act agro, but nobody wants to leave the party. If he starts hurling nukes at each other there's not going to be a lot of parties.

WATTERS: I want to understand what you guys think about these Russians interfering in the American election.

KROEGER: Keep it local and stay at your spot.

PARR: I think they are trying to sow seeds of discord amongst us, Americans, but I think they are underestimating how much I love my dogs. Like the love that we share for one another. while it can be tried, it cannot be defeated.

WATTERS: California is a sanctuary state, do you think that's a good idea?

KROEGER: Well, I am glad you asked that, J-bone, by the way, it's good to see you...

WATTERS: Yes, you too, man.

KROEGER: I think in terms of like immigration, JT and I like to go to our sort of party regulation kind of method. Can you explain that.

PARR: Rangers that I have, there is a pretty simple platform for who gets to come in and who has to leave. if you are chill you can kick it. If you are a d-bag you've have got to bail.

WATTERS: Trump in your backyard looking at the border prototypes, was there anyone that you guys liked in particular?

PARR: Senor Jesse, no me gusta.

WATTERS: You are anti-wall?

PARR: (Foreign language).

WATTERS: You want like a half pipe instead of the wall. People could just drop in and come on over to the other side?

PARR: That sounds like one of the fastest ideas I've ever heard.

WATTERS: The parade that the President wants to throw for the military, are you guys pro-military parade or anti-military parade.

PARR: To support the troops and like, for to us give adulation to them, I am totally down. But if it is just for us to flex, it's like, dude, you know, you're jack, like you don't have to like rip off your sleeves.

KROEGER: It's like wearing a tight tee, like we get it, dude.

WATTERS: Weed is legal now out there in California. You guys think that's a good idea?

PARR: I think it's dank.

KROEGER: It's dank.

WATTERS: Donald Trump is talking about launching a space force sending Americans up into space to I guess fight other people or fight the aliens, would you guys ever volunteer for that?

KROEGER: All day. I am totally onboard. That's a dream come true.

PARR: Yes, I'm normally a pacifist, but when it comes to intergalactic warfare, I've got to say, let's do it.

WATTERS: Boys, thank you. Always a good time.

All right, big "Watters' World" promo alert. Chad and JT, next week are back on the show. But up next, "Last Call."

I've been getting a lot of commentary from viewers about how my dance move during the bump-ins and bump-outs during the breaks. I hear you. And I want to do something for you, I found someone that can dance even better than I can dance. Let's roll it.

I like how he sticks it at the end, so we are going to actually try to get that kid on "Watters' World" so we can give you guys more of what you want.

That's all for us tonight, be sure to follow me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, and remember I'm Watters and this is my world.

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