Iran claims U.S. is lying about nuclear deal

This is a RUSH transcript from "The O'Reilly Factor," April 10, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
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BOLLING: In the "Unresolved Problem" segment tonight, two important stories, the nuclear deal with Iran and ISIS demanding $30 million to free hundreds of Christian hostages. But first to Iran. Congressional opposition to a nuke deal grows louder by the day. And the Obama administration is struggling to get Congress to butt out.


JOHN KERRY, SECRETARY OF STATE: Congress will have to vote to lift ultimately some of the sanctions which are congressionally mandated. So, we all understand the process here and I think we just need to be serious in a way that does not interfere with the President's ability to pursue the foreign policy interests of our nation.


BOLLING: And some members of Congress don't exactly see it that way with Senator John McCain even saying that Iran might be right over claims that the White House isn't telling the whole truth about the deal's terms.


SEN. JOHN MCCAIN (R), ARIZONA: John Kerry must have known what was in it and, yet, chose to interpret it in another way, is probably in black and white that the Ayatollah is probably right. John Kerry is delusional.


BOLLING: Joining us now with reaction from Washington, Lieutenant Colonel Ralph Peters, a FOX News strategic analyst. Colonel Peters, John McCain by all accounts is right in that we see a very different deal with the one or two page that Secretary of State Kerry gave us upon leaving the deal versus what the Ayatollah has put out in Iran.

LT. COL. RALPH PETERS (RET.), FOX NEWS STRATEGIC ANALYST: Well, the human capacity for self-delusion is almost infinite and Obama and Kerry are champions. Eric, the Iranians negotiate. We beg. And the Iranians are really, really good negotiators. They are tough. Now, part of what you are seeing or hearing with what Ayatollah Khomeini is saying is negotiating strategy. Their Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, he is the good cop. Ayatollah Khomeini is the bad cop. So before they could go back to Lazana (ph), where they hold the next round of talks, say to Kerry oh gee, John, you know, I would like to help you out but the Ayatollah says I can't do that. So, that's part of it. But to me the fundamental issue is that these are people, Kerry and company, just aren't serious negotiators. The Iranians the Persians of the core of Iran. They have a bizarre merchant culture. They are born hagglers and they look at Obama and they size up their customers. And they know Obama wants to buy this Persian rug no matter what. He is fixated on buying it. People are telling him that's a fake, don't buy that rug. But he just wants to buy it and by God they are going to get the highest price they can.

BOLLING: Colonel, do a side by side comparison of the two deals -- two countries ideas of the deals. Under inspections, the U.S. says, they are permanent, the Iranian say, they are temporary. And this one, right here, sanctions. The U.S. says the sanctions are phased in where Iran says the Ayatollah supreme leader says, he is not doing a deal unless those sanctions are lifted before he signs it. I have got to tell you these aren't deals aren't even close on paper.

PETERS: Well, I don't think the paper is very specific. I think there is a tacit, if not overt agreement between Kerry and Zarif that, you know, okay, we are going to agree to disagree and we will spin ours and you spin yours.

BOLLING: Did Kerry and company lie to us? Do they lie to the American people? Do they have a separate deal or the ones that the Iranians believe it is? That's the real deal. And they just want a deal so badly back here. They said, don't worry I will tell the American people what I need to tell them to get them on board.

PETERS: Of course they are lying. I mean, next question? Of course they are lying. Kerry lies, Obama lies, Secretary Clinton lied when she was secretary of state. My question to you would be, when in the course of these negotiations, or our engagement in the Middle East has the White House told the truth about ISIS being the jayvee team, about Yemen being a success story, about what we were going to do in Syria or Libya? I mean, this is an administration that has lied so long about so much they no longer have a grip on the truth.

BOLLING: Okay, colonel. By the way. After President Obama leaves office, I'm going to have a poker game, you, me, President Obama, John Kerry, but we don't want Zarif, we don't want the Iranian --

PETERS: No, no, no, no, no.

BOLLING: He can stay away from our table. The other story, the other topic quickly. Only about a minute or so. ISIS demanding $30 million for Christian hostages. What do we do there?

PETERS: Well, our position is correct. If you're not personally involved. Our position is we do not negotiate with or with terrorists or pay ransom for hostages. And as long as you don't have one of your relatives as a hostage. That sounds pretty good. The problem is this. We have this devil's dilemma whereas if we don't -- if nobody pay as ransom, they will graphically and brutally film the murder of hundreds of Christians. If somebody does pay a ransom, they will kidnap more Christians and more Yazidis and more -- and more who don't measure up. So, in the short term, you have to take the pain. You got to say no, we don't pay the ransom. And anyway the bottom-line here is the way you avoid paying ransoms to people like the Islamic state militants is to kill them before they take hostages. You know, I'm sick and tired, Eric, of people saying there is no military solution. We have never tried a military solution. We have sent our troops whether under Bush or Obama into the Middle East for so many restrictions upon them. So many lawyers on the battlefield. So much fear of any collateral damage that we have never tried a military option. You kill these suckers, that's how you stop the kidnaps.

BOLLING: We'll have to leave it right there, Colonel Peters, thank you very much.

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