Ingraham, Cain explain the Trump surge, rip Obama's final United Nations speech

This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," September 20, 2016. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, HOST: And welcome to "Hannity."

And tonight, the general election is only 49 days away, and Donald Trump, propelled by a wave of positive polls -- he's campaigning harder than ever in all the key swing states. And earlier tonight, Trump was in North Carolina. Let's take a look.


TRUMP: We have to, and we don't have any choice, replace a very failed and very corrupt establishment with a new government that serves you, your family and your country. And that's going to happen.

Hillary Clinton represents insiders, she represents the donors, the politicians, the big banks, the multinational corporations and everybody getting rich off a very rigged system. And we know that.


TRUMP: She represents everyone responsible for the decades-long squeezing of the middle class -- the middle class in this country has been treated so unfairly -- as jobs and wealth move to other countries.

Hillary Clinton is the chief emissary for globalism. And I'm not running to be president of the world. I'm running to be president of the United States.


TRUMP: Hillary is all of the sudden going to get tough. The debate comes, and she'll say, I want strong borders. I believe she meant (ph) the term "extreme vetting." Where did you hear extreme vetting before? Only from me. Because I made up the term! I mean, I came up -- I said, We need extreme vetting to come into our country.


TRUMP: All of a sudden -- all of a sudden, she's got extreme vetting and she's got all of these terms. Folks, it's not going to happen. And the reason it's not going to happen is because her special interest donors -- they like it when our businesses move out because they own businesses.  They move to Mexico. Lots of this -- really, lots of advantages for them to do that. No advantage for our country, no advantage for our jobs!


HANNITY: And here with reaction, the editor-in-chief of Lifezette, Fox News contributor, nationally syndicated radio host Laura Ingraham and Fox News contributor, also a nationally syndicated radio host, Herman Cain.

Look at this. If you go back 18 days ago, Reuters and others were predicting a landslide for Hillary, Laura. Now, 18 days later, they show this massive surge in electoral votes for Donald Trump. It's literally 243 to 242 in the Electoral College, by their estimates and the polls that back it up.

What has happened, and where does this go?

LAURA INGRAHAM, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: I think pragmatism and common sense is winning the day. And I think Hillary's health stumble certainly didn't help her at all. The more revelations we get about her dishonesty on the private server, the graft that was taking place at the Clinton Foundation, all leads voters to conclude, We've had enough, more of the same, we're sick of politics as usual, let's change this up, let's switch things up with a businessman who has maybe a less ideological but more pragmatic way of handling difficult problems.

And I think, in the end, a lot of these voters might be swinging in that direction just because of the common sense that is involved in thinking things -- like things about refugees, Sean, when we know five million refugees displaced from the Middle East, a lot of them because of, frankly, failed policies of this administration. And we're supposed to now take in 100,000-plus people and think it's all going to work out well.

I think people are very hesitant to do that, and Trump's speaking to concerns such as that. And I think that's beginning to resonate.

HANNITY: You know, one of the biggest areas where we've seen a jump, Herman Cain, is among black and Hispanic voters. He's now up 7 from where Mitt Romney was with Hispanic voters. One poll actually had him at 19 percentage points for -- for black Americans voting for Trump.

I'm going to be with him at a town hall, predominantly black Americans.  He's been to black churches. He's reaching out. Polls show that Hillary's black voters are switching to Trump. That was in an article in The New York Post.

Obama came out harsh yesterday, says he's personally insulted by black Americans who support Trump, Trump doing better than Romney with Hispanics.  What has changed here? Is it the fact that the last eight years have not been good to the minority community?

HERMAN CAIN, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Absolutely. In addition to what Laura said, there's one other thing that's happening. Some people are afraid to go from Hillary to Trump, so they are undecided. But the American people are not stupid. Black people are not stupid. That's why you see a surge in those numbers, and that is a good thing.

People are not believing President Obama when he says, as you showed in a previous clip, that we're safer and people are more prosperous. No, we are not! They are not stupid. They're not falling for it. And as a result, that's why you see a surge in Trump's numbers not just nationally but also among blacks and Hispanics.

HANNITY: Let's go to next Monday, six days from now, Laura. Hillary Clinton vows to come out swinging against Donald Trump. And OK, I don't know what that means. But she says she's not going to take any insults lying down. Why do I suspect the insults are going to be coming from her?

INGRAHAM: Don't you half expect, Sean, that the Democrats are following around David Duke with a GoPro camera, hoping that he says something that's pro-Trump so they can then put it in one of their, you know, ad campaigns?  Oh, the KKK likes Trump!

I mean, the whole thing is so obvious for anyone who cares to spend five minutes thinking about this. When you don't have a record to run on, when you have no record of accomplishment, when your record is checkered with dishonesty and misrepresentations and ethical problems, then what do you have? What do you have to do? You say, Well I sat down in the Situation Room and I flew around the world, and the whole world is in flames, at least in the Middle East.

What does she have to say? She has to say Donald Trump is this that and the other thing. Donald Trump...

HANNITY: Basket of deplorable.

INGRAHAM: is a racist, all those things. That's all she has.

HANNITY: Racist, sexist, misogynistic, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic.

INGRAHAM: So Sean, back to the debate. I was just going the say Trump has to remember the great moments for Reagan in these debates, when they tried to do similar things to Reagan. He was stupid, he wasn't smart. He has to be, like, you know, There you go again. I mean, is that all you have?  Really? That's the debate here, Hillary, I'm a bad person?

HANNITY: You see, I agree with -- see -- Because Hillary is going to do this. And I don't think this is hard to figure out. I would anticipate this. She can't run on Libya. She can't run on Egypt, can't run on Iraq or Iran or Afghanistan or Putin or North Korea, China. OK. And she can't run on Obama's economic policy, which she says she's going to continue.

So she can't run on honesty and trustworthiness. So what's left? Ad hominem attacks, what she said, "basket of deplorables." That'll come up.

The key for Trump, Herman, I think, is, as she pokes and prods and aggravates and annoys and tries to piss off Trump and irritates him, she's going to try and get him -- get a reaction, get him to roll his eyes like Al Gore or get him to huff and puff. And I don't think Trump is going to fall for it. If he does, I think he'd be very foolish. He needs water off a duck's back, an impenetrable shield. Nothing she says can bother him, and he comes out a winner.

CAIN: She's going to come out swinging, but the only thing that she comes out swinging with are names, name calling. And you're right. He doesn't fall for it, she's going to look very weak because he has put more substance on the table in the last several months than she has ever talked about!

So yes, it's only up to name calling to try to provoke Trump such that he comes after her, and then the liberal media is going to try to turn it into a sexist attack. I don't think it's going to work because I don't think Trump is going to fall for it.

HANNITY: And God forbid, Donald Trump walked over, like poor Rick Lazio...


HANNITY: ... and tried to hand the poor woman a piece of paper! The damsel in distress...

CAIN: Not going to work.

HANNITY: ... couldn't handle the stress of somebody getting in her space and her grill a little bit, which I thought was absurd.

All right, you agree, Laura? I mean, is that the biggest challenge?  Beyond that, I would think that with all the speeches and interviews Trump has done, he doesn't really need a lot of prep. I think to cram his brain with facts and figures would be a bad strategy, in my opinion.

INGRAHAM: Yes, the gotcha questions. You know, you know what I would say when they start pulling the gotcha questions -- Well, you know, the secretary of defense of Poland, Donald, you know who that is, right? I mean, he needs to say something like, Look, I'm sure Hillary knows all the names of all the government officials of every country on the planet because, frankly, she was probably going around, flying around on our dime asking them for donations to the Clinton Foundation.



INGRAHAM: Well, what I know is I know solutions, OK? She knows all the minutiae that I can learn with my top staff and all this focus we're going to have. I'm going to solve the problems for America.

She can -- she can pass -- you know, pass the pop quiz, but I'm going to pass the most important test, which is leadership and competency and delivering results for the American people.

So he can't get sucked in to say, I don't know. He's not going to know all the minutiae. If they try to pull the pop quiz, I think he can turn that on them really easily.

HANNITY: Agree with that. All right, we'll take a break. We'll come back. More Laura Ingraham, Herman Cain right after this.

And also coming up next tonight...


OBAMA: We should all understand that, ultimately, our world would be more secure if we are prepared to help those in need.


HANNITY: That's Obama at the U.N. earlier today ignoring the growing Islamist threat and actually said the world is safer than ever before. And he also was talking down the U.S. He's going out the same way he came in.

And later tonight...


TRUMP: We must deliver a just and very harsh punishment to these people!



HANNITY: Donald Trump saying it's time for America to get a lot tougher with dealing with radical Islamic terrorists. Judge Jeanine Pirro, Jay Sekulow weigh in on that and much more tonight on this busy night here on "Hannity."



HANNITY: All right, welcome back to "Hannity." And during his speech to the U.N. General Assembly earlier today, President Obama gave himself a big pat on the back and said the world is safer than ever before. Really?

And that's not all. He also said that countries would be even more secure if they accommodated more refugees. Watch this.


OBAMA: We've taken away terrorists' safe havens, strengthened the non- proliferation regime, resolved the Iranian nuclear issue through diplomacy.

A quarter century after the end of the cold war, the world is by many measures less violent and more prosperous than ever before.

We have to open our hearts and do more to help refugees who are desperate for a home.

We should all understand that, ultimately, our world will be more secure if we are prepared to help those in need and the nations who are carrying the largest burden with respect to accommodating these refugees.


HANNITY: All right, we continue with the editor-in-chief of Lifezette, FOX News contributor Laura Ingraham, as well as former presidential candidate, FOX News contributor Herman Cain.

You know, Laura, what's interesting about this, this is front and center now because big choices on this issue. Do we want a president that will say the words "radical Islam"? Trump will say it, Hillary won't. Do we want a president that will vet refugees from countries that have values that directly conflict with our constitutional values. Hillary wants a 550 percent increase, he wants extreme vetting. Huge difference.

Also, do we want -- Hillary says we need to not build walls but bridges.  Trump wants to defend our borders. Hillary wants open borders. So big differences and distinctions here just on this one little issue.

INGRAHAM: Well, it's big...


INGRAHAM: It's a big issue, Sean. And we now know, of course, France is building a wall to stop the spillover of refugees that might be making their way into the U.K. That was reported. We know that only 36 percent of Americans, according to that big poll that was done in August, support allowing these refugees to enter the United States.

So once again, Obama is thwarting the will of the American people in an attempt to live up to the ideals of the global community. And I think the speech at the U.N. today was really -- really bizarre. I mean, he's completely out of touch with what's happening in Western Europe with the rise of the populist movement and completely out of touch with the sentiment of the American people.

I think that crosses party lines on endangering American lives by allowing people who are vetted by the U.N., when even our CIA director, Sean, a few months ago, John Brennan, said the refugee population will be used by ISIS to bring...

HANNITY: Laura, it's...

INGRAHAM: ... terrorists into Western Europe, and of course, then into the United States. He said that before Congress!

HANNITY: By the way, not just him, our FBI director...


HANNITY: ... our assistant FBI director, our House Homeland Security committee chair, Mike McCaul...


HANNITY: ... our former special envoy to defeat ISIS...

INGRAHAM: But Obama doesn't care. He does not care!

HANNITY: Sell, that's the point. And Herman, they're willing to gamble with the lives of the American people and ignore our top intelligence officials! That to me is unacceptable.

Now, we can have sympathy for people that are victims of a civil war like in Syria, but what about a safe zone that Trump support, where you provide food and safety, medicine and baby formula and cots and blankets and supplies, and then they could move back into their own country eventually.  Why not that? Why is that not compassionate?

CAIN: That is compassionate. The people of this country, they do care about helping those in need. Look, the comments made by President Obama simply say this. He thinks he's the president of the world, when in fact, he is the president of -- he is a failed president of the United States of America.

We care about helping people, but we're not going to be suckers. You know these bridges that he talks about building, and Hillary talks about building these bridges? The problem with those bridges is that they are all coming one way, over here to hurt us, to kill us and take advantage of the generosity and the compassion...

HANNITY: All right...

CAIN: ... that the people in this country have!

HANNITY: Let me play Obama. He came in apologizing for America, and he walks out apologizing for America. Boy, the radical, true to form, never grew in office, the same left as he was coming in, the same guy going out.  Watch this.


OBAMA: Yes, in America there is too much money in politics, too much entrenched partisanship, too little participation by citizens in part because of a patchwork of laws that makes it hard to vote.

The United States works with many nations to curb the excesses of capitalists.

We've made our share of mistakes over these last 25 years. I've acknowledged some.

We can only realize the promise of this institution's founding to replace the ravages of war with cooperation if powerful nations like my own accept constraints.

Surely, we can rally our nations to solidarity while recognizing equal treatment for all communities, whether it's a religious minority in Myanmar or an ethnic minority in Burundi or a racial minority right here in the United States.


HANNITY: The only thing missing, Laura, were the terrible deeds done in the name of Christ.


INGRAHAM: Yes, well, I think Obama once again really -- really pushed the issue of, like, the Prophet Mohammed cartoon today, bringing that up. I mean, he speaks very rarely about what's happened to the Christians in the Middle East. He'll speak very generally...

HANNITY: There's genocide! We're doing nothing!

INGRAHAM: Yes, very...

HANNITY: Genocide!

INGRAHAM: Yes, the Christian population is suffering so greatly. They've been displaced from their ancestral homelands...

HANNITY: We're not taking them in.

INGRAHAM: We took in, like, what 52 out of 11,000? That's 99-point- something percent Muslim. So none of this -- none of this surprises me.

But you're right, Sean. You hit on the important point. Despite his track record of failure, Obama took a victory lap today at the U.N., completely disassociated from reality and having learned apparently zero in eight years in office. He has learned nothing about this country, nothing about what concerns us. And apparently, his view of the world is that things are safer and more prosperous than when he came into office.

HANNITY: It is pathological!

INGRAHAM: Maybe for China.

HANNITY: It's like a cognitive dissidence with this guy, Herman.

CAIN: Yes. There's -- look, President Obama doesn't understand two things that other countries respect us for. Donald Trump understand these things, Hillary Clinton doesn't and Obama doesn't. Two things. Our economic strength and our military strength. That's what they respect.

All of this feel good stuff does not matter to the rest of the world. This is where President Obama and Hillary Clinton get off track. And all Donald Trump is saying is, Let's get back on track. Let's have our economy growing as fast as it can grow, and let's rebuild our military. That's what the rest of the world will respect, and that's what rest of the world...

HANNITY: All right, last question...

CAIN: ... will respond to when we try to increase the strength of the community.

HANNITY: Predictions. Who's going to win the election in 49 days, Herman Cain?

CAIN: Donald Trump.

HANNITY: Laura Ingraham?

INGRAHAM: Trump, and he's going to win states that Republicans haven't won in decades.

HANNITY: I hope you're both right. All right, thank you both.

Coming up next tonight right here on "Hannity"...


TRUMP: We must deliver a just and very harsh punishment to these people!



HANNITY: So after a wave of attacks here on U.S. soil, Donald Trump says we need to get a lot tougher with these terrorists. Judge Jeanine and Jay Sekulow are up next. They have reaction.

And also tonight...


TRUMP: The schools are failing, the jobs are leaving, and millions are trapped in poverty. So to the African-American community, I say, Vote for Donald Trump. I will fix it. I will fix it.



HANNITY: Donald Trump -- he continues his outreach to African-American voters. We'll have a preview of our big "Hannity" town hall tomorrow night with the GOP nominee from Cleveland, Ohio.

That and more all coming up straight ahead.



TRUMP: We have caught this evil thug who planted the bombs. Thank you, law enforcement. Thank you, police. He will be represented by an outstanding lawyer.


TRUMP: His case will go through the various court systems for years, and in the end, people will forget and his punishment will not be what it once would have been. We must have speedy but fair trials, and we must deliver a just and very harsh punishment to these people!


HANNITY: Donald Trump talking about how we need to be tough on terrorists.  Here now, the author of the brand-new book, "Unholy Alliance: The Agenda Iran, Russia and Jihadists Share for Conquering the World," chief counsel for the American Center for Law and Justice Jay Sekulow, and "Justice With Judge Jeanine," host right here on the Fox News Channel. Welcome both of you -- Judge Jeanine Pirro.

Well, that's a pretty interesting, book by the way, because I think you're right. I mean, if you look at the alliance, Iran, Russia, radical jihadists, they -- two of the senses (ph), anyway, they want to advance a caliphate that's worldwide domination and Islam is the main religion, and it's convert or die. How does Putin fit into that, Jay?

JAY SEKULOW, AMERICAN CENTER FOR LAW AND JUSTICE: Well, here's what you've got. You've got an alliance that hasn't even existed before, and that is Russia and the Iranians are working together. You had Russia launching aircraft out of Iran into Syria, which, by the way, violates the Iranian constitution, which I have in the book "Unholy Alliance."

There's an interesting aspect of this, Sean, and that is -- and I think Donald Trump actually got this very much correct. The Russians historically -- and you go all the way back to Benjamin Disraeli, prime minister of Great Britain in 1870, said, The Russians understand power, that you don't arbitrate, they understand power. And he said, Look, diplomacy can be power, but there has to be power behind it.

And we're not projecting power. Thus the Russians, the Iranians look at our weakness and they project their strength. And they're working together, and that's where this "Unholy Alliance" -- including Syria involved in that, as well. There's a lot of different parts moving right now, but I think we're probably on the jihadist issue, the worst in our lifetime. I think this is worst than 9/11...

HANNITY: You know, it is interesting...

SEKULOW: ... as far as the level of this.

HANNITY: And Judge Jeanine, this had happened with Reagan. I mean, he compared himself to Carter. Carter had shown weakness, the Iranian hostage crisis obviously the most prominent. And the world had the feeling that if Ronald Reagan won that the world was going to change dramatically and the American wouldn't be weak and timid anymore. And the world was safer as he built up our military, and the concept of peace through strength was proven to be effective.

JEANINE PIRRO, "JUSTICE" HOST: Absolutely. And I think that's what the Americans are feeling right now, and I think that's why you're seeing the polls changing dramatically and how Donald Trump is staying strong and how he's starting to possibly turn a previously blue states red.

I mean, Americans are fed up with this. They're fed up with hearing the FBI knew about someone, the FBI knew that this guy was -- stabbed someone and a grand jury didn't indict. But nothing happens. And then these people -- these wives disappear. We never hear about any of this ever again.

And you know, the whole justice system, the military system -- Americans are disappointed. It is time for a change. I don't think we've ever been more...

HANNITY: I honestly think that the issue of not saying "radical Islam," Jay -- and there's such a different between Hillary and Donald Trump -- the issue of vetting refugees and allowing people that come from cultures that clash, directly clash with our Constitution, that Americans fundamentally understand that we have to know if they're coming here to become American and assimilate...


HANNITY: ... or do they want to proselytize and bring their value system, which is the opposite of ours, with them. And I also think the issue of the wall -- I think it's now clear to Americans that there is a clear and present danger with radical Islamists. How many more incidents do we need to prove it?

SEKULOW: Well, I mean, look, the Israelis have utilized both -- as you said earlier, they've used profiling successfully, by the way, and they have a wall. And they have a wall to protect their citizens.

Now, here's the issue, Sean, that I think is front and center on this. I think you're exactly correct and I think what the judge said was also absolutely correct. And that is, if you talk to even young people, people that are just starting their families, young kids, their number one issue, the issue that they thinking about is, Can I walk down the streets of my town without worrying about a jihadist attack? Can I go through an airport not worried that, looking over my shoulder, that I've got to be prepared?  Where are the exit ways (ph)? When I into a movie theater...

PIRRO: A mall.

SEKULOW: These are the things people are worried about right now, and...

HANNITY: Yes, a mall. Right.

SEKULOW: Just think about this. Look what the last eight years of Barack Obama's leadership has done to the Middle East and to our country.

HANNITY: And then all the...


SEKULOW: ... four years would be.

HANNITY: You know, watching the governor of New York, you know, the mayor of New York, Comrade Bozo de Blasio -- this was an intentional act. I mean, I...


PIRRO: I've never heard that before. I've been in criminal justice for 30 years.

HANNITY: What's an intentional act?

PIRRO: No kidding! You think somebody would put together a pipe bomb...


HANNITY: They're threading this needle and they're riding this razor's edge.


PIRRO: It's like Benghazi was due to a video. It has nothing to do in their opinion with the terrorism that is coming for us. So in order for them to protect their positions, they have to say we're defeating it. And this is just a little of this and a little of that. And I've got to tell you, Sean.

HANNITY: It sounds insane.

PIRRO: It is insane. It's insanity. But when we've got these guys beating their wives, you've got domestic violence, you've got them hating gays, and we are bringing them to this country. We think they're going to assimilate. They are not. And what we've got to do, they've got to move their citizenship.

HANNITY: This is a clash of cultures.

PIRRO: Exactly.

HANNITY: We either want to be a constitutional republic or we don't. And if you're coming from a country that said if I was married to you, I could tell you how to dress, tell you whether you can go to work or school, you can't drive a car. By the way, gays and lesbians get killed, Christians and Jews get persecuted. But Hillary takes money from those countries, tens of millions.

PIRRO: She doesn't believe in the Constitution. She doesn't believe in the First Amendment. Look at the U.N. resolution 16-18 where they can limit your speech about someone's religion. Obama gave his last speech at the U.N. but he started by saying no one who criticizes Islam should be allowed to be a leader of the future, whatever that line was. And what we've got are people who hate us and we let them in. We're suckers.

HANNITY: You know what, I can see 9/11 like commission reporter after the next big attack, Jay, and you know what they're going to mention? They're going to mention New York and they're going to mention New Jersey and San Bernardino and Chattanooga and Fort Hood and Orlando, and they're going the say they were at war with us. We weren't at war with them again. We're making the same mistakes we made in the lead-up to 9/11/01. We have a pre- 9/11 mindset under Obama and Hillary.

SEKULOW: And, Sean, we've got the paradigm is absolutely backwards. The president in his administration starts with the proposition that these are not acts of terrorism. These are intentional acts. No kidding, by the way. But they're not acts of terrorism, prove that it is. It needs to be turned around. When these incidents happen, a bomb going off in New York, assume it is terrorism and then work the facts. That's how you have to do it. But the entire paradigm has to shift. And until we acknowledge, and I say this in the book "Unholy Alliance," until we acknowledge that we are at war with radical jihadists, the fact of the matter is we will lose this war. We can win it, but we've got to have the words to call it what it is.  These are radical jihadists.

HANNITY: Guys good to see you both, appreciate it.

Up next tonight here on "Hannity."


TRUMP: The schools are failing, the jobs are leaving, and millions are trapped in poverty. So to the African-American community, I say vote for Donald Trump. I will fix it. I will fix it.



BAIER: Donald Trump, he continues his outreach to African-American voters.  Up next we're going to have a preview of our town hall with the GOP nominee tomorrow night in Cleveland, Ohio. You don't want to miss that. Stay with us.



TRUMP: We're going to rebuild our country. Our infrastructure is a disaster. Our country is a mess. We're $20 trillion in debt. Think of it, $20 trillion. At the center of the effort will be in fact the rebuilding of our inner cities. Nearly four in 10 African-American children live in poverty, including 45 percent of African-American children under the age of six. Think of that.

The schools are failing. The jobs are leaving. And millions are trapped in poverty. So to the African-American community, I say vote for Donald Trump. I will fix it. I will fix it.



HANNITY: That was Donald Trump earlier today at a rally in North Carolina.  Now, tomorrow night I'll be in Cleveland, Ohio with the GOP nominee doing an hour town hall focusing on issues that impact the African-American community. We'll be doing that event tomorrow and we'll have guests at the church at the buckeye state. Joining us now is the CEO for the National Diversity Coalition for Donald Trump, the reverend Darrell Scott, and also joining us, senior adviser for African-American outreach for the Trump, Omarosa is on my show. I can't believe it.


HANNITY: You only have one name. Everyone knows you as Omarosa. And Fox News contributor Deroy Murdock.

Since Obama has been president, there's been a 58 percent increase, black Americans on food stamps. We have 12 million more Americans on food stamp, 8 million more Americans in poverty, a 20 percent increase of black Americans out of the labor force. These are real people, real suffering, our fellow countrymen. Democrats play the race card every year. Will it work this year, pastor?

REV. DARRELL SCOTT, NATIONAL DIVERSITY COALITION FOR TRUMP: I don't think it will. You know, Americans are not stupid, and black Americans are not stupid. We hear Hillary, we hear Donald Trump. And what Donald Trump is saying makes more sense than what Hillary Clinton is saying. She's trying to sell us on some type of fantasy of some utopian society while Trump assesses the world through a realistic viewpoint. And Trump is saying we have to deal with the world the way it is and not deal with things the way we wish they were.

And so what happens is the Democrats, Hillary Clinton, they try to make it a personal choice rather than a political choice. She'll say women, don't vote for Trump because she's a misogynist and foreigners, don't vote for him because he's a xenophobe, and blacks and minorities, don't vote for him because he's a racist. But that's not working. The field is clearer now.  We don't have 19 different voices to hear. There are two candidates left.  We're able to hear what she says, we're able to hear what he says. We're able to process it, and, once again, what he says makes a whole lot more sense that than the crazy stuff she's talking about.

HANNITY: Omarosa, you're going to be joining us tomorrow. I look forward to seeing you again. And what are your thoughts on all of this?

MANIGAULT: I think it's important to note that the African-American community has been extremely loyal to the Democrats. But unfortunately the Democrats have not been loyal to the African-Americans. Among those statistics that you mentioned, we also saw home ownership among African-Americans drop significantly. When you look at a city like Chicago where 60 percent of the young African-American men are either unemployed or not in school, we are failing the community, and Donald Trump wants to bring change to the inner city.

HANNITY: And he's reach in deep. He keeps giving speech after speech in black church after black church. He's saying I want your vote. I'll fix the educational system.

MANIGAULT: He's willing to earn it. He's not going to take the African- American community for granted as the Democrats continue to do.

HANNITY: And I like that he's asking for the votes, because Republicans, frankly, in the past have not done enough outreach.

DEROY MURDOCK, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: That's exactly. Somebody asked me, what is the secret, why is Trump increasing his support among black voters, according to one poll up to 19.6? If that's true that's just astonishing.  I said it's very simple.

HANNITY: That was the Pew poll.

MURDOCK: Yes. Very simple -- he's asking for black votes. That usually doesn't happen. Usually Democrats say, well, they're going to win, so --

HANNITY: What about Obama, he takes it personally as a personal insult.

MURDOCK: Really an astonishing comment that somehow we owe it, we're his property and we're supposed to do as our master says or something like that. That's just appalling.

And I think that Trump is doing the right thing. He's going out and asking for black votes, which is unusual, and he's doing so on very specific issues, like school choice, for example. He's very, very specific about school choice. He wants to have a block grant program to give states I believe $20 billion they can you for school choice initiatives. And you look at Hillary, and she's a tool of the teachers union.

HANNITY: And coming, in the wake of the terror attack this past weekend, is it time to start surveillance like they had in New York up to 2014 in some mosques here in the U.S. looking for radical Islamists? Do you think that's smart? We'll speak with two imams, that's straight ahead.



TRUMP: Our local police, they know who a lot of these people are. They're afraid to do anything about it because they don't want to be accused of profiling and they don't want to be accused of all sorts of thing. In Israel they profile. They've done an unbelievable job, as good as you can do.


TRUMP: But Israel has done an unbelievable job, and they'll profile. They profile. They see somebody suspicious, they will profile, they will take that person and they'll check out, do we have a choice? Look what's going on. Do we really have a choice? We're trying to be so politically correct in our country, and this is only going to get worse.


HANNITY: That was Donald Trump yesterday reacting to recent terror attacks all across the country. Is it time for Americans start surveilling mosques here in the U.S., in other words, to find radical Islamists? Here with reaction from Nur-Allah Islamic Center, Imam Muhammad Siddeeq, and from the Islamic House of Wisdom Imam Mohammad Ali Elahi is with us, actually in studio. What are here for the U.N.?


HANNITY: What are you doing with the U.N.?

ELAHI: Some meeting, some litigations, probably we can meet with President Rouhani of Iran tonight.

HANNITY: You want to meet with the President Rouhani.


HANNITY: The number one state of terror is Iran, the number one state sponsor of terror.

ELAHI: That is a big lie.

HANNITY: That's a lie?

ELAHI: I'm not representing Iran. I'm not a spokesman of Iran.

HANNITY: Let me talk to Rouhani. Tell Rouhani I want to interview him.

ELAHI: They are fighting ISIS. They are fighting Al Qaeda. What about that? Real people who are on the ground and fighting terrorism --

HANNITY: The Iranians have been fomenting terror, killing Americans during the Iraq war. They have been fighting proxy wars against Israel. They have also repeatedly said they're -- they've called for the destruction of Israel repeatedly, Rouhani and Ahmadinejad.

ELAHI: Israelis are targeting the same thing about saying the Iranians --

HANNITY: That's not true. When did Prime Minister Netanyahu call for the destruction of Iran?

ELAHI: You didn't hear that?

HANNITY: When has -- I have heard Ahmadinejad and Rouhani both call for -- let me finish, the destruction of Iranian. Name me one instance where Prime Minister Netanyahu every called for destruction of Iran, name one time, once. When?

ELAHI: When was Rouhani asked for destruction of any country?

HANNITY: They said it repeatedly. They burned American flags, they burn Israeli flags. They chant "Death to America." Chant "Death to America" in Iran.

ELAHI: I'm talking about the president who is a man of wisdom, a man of peace, a man of rationality. He is meeting some --

HANNITY: You tell Rouhani I want to talk to him.

ELAHI: You know, he is the one who brought this resolution, the United Nations, just last time against terrorism and extremism. What about that?

You know, Sean, two months ago when I called you and your office, I said 3,000 Muslim community in the United States, we are in front of the Saudi embassy demonstrating against ISIS and marching from the Saudi embassy to the White House, and I said we are saying Saudi and ISIS are the same. The only difference is the name. None of you guys came.

HANNITY: I criticize Saudi Arabia.

By the way, let me ask this, and then we'll get to Imam Siddeeq. Why is it that under Islam, and I don't care if it's Shia or Sunni, that they kill gays and lesbians in Iran. They kill them.

ELAHI: Who said that?

HANNITY: Two weeks ago, they killed a gay guy.


HANNITY: Women, you feel you have a right to tell women how to dress. In Saudi Arabia women can't drive. Christians and Jews, are you allowed to build a Jewish temple in Iran?

ELAHI: Of course, they have their representatives in the parliament, the Jewish community. More than 40,000 Jews live in Iran, and they have a friendly relationship.

HANNITY: Saudi Arabia you can't do it.

Let me go to Imam Siddeeq. Imam Siddeeq, welcome back to the program. How are you, sir?

IMAM MUHAMMAD SIDDEEQ, NUR-ALLAH ISLAMIC CENTER: Thank you, Sean, for honoring me to come back.

HANNITY: You're very honored.

HANNITY: Why is it we don't have radical Catholics and radical Jews. Why is it in the America and the world, why would we keep facing radical Islamists? Is it a direct interpretation of the Koran that says take neither Christians or Jews for your friends and talks a lot about jihad and holy war and infidels?

SIDDEEQ: It's because evidently somebody is reading the stats wrong. Have you seen the stats where there's more extremists and terrorists among the Jews than among the Muslims according to the FBI --

HANNITY: According to who?

SIDDEEQ: According to the FBI report from Princeton University, six percent for Muslims, seven percent for Jews.

HANNITY: I have no idea to what you refer. I will say this. The greater victims of hate crimes in America are Jewish Americans, not Muslim Americans.

SIDDEEQ: I'm not trying to say who did what. I'm just trying to tell you --

HANNITY: Let me hear you say this. I don't hear you say radical Islamists are hijacking your religion. What won't you say that?

SIDDEEQ: Because there's no such thing as radical -- you want to call the --

HANNITY: They're told they get 72 virgins when they kill innocent men, women, and children.

SIDDEEQ: That's not in the Koran, Sean.


HANNITY: Jihadists are promised 72 virgins.

ELAHI: You know, all of us, the Muslim community --

SIDDEEQ: Wait a minute, who is he going to talk to, me or -- I don't want to talk over, but that's not in the Koran. There's no such thing.

HANNITY: OK, but that's what they're promised. That's just a fact.

SIDDEEQ: But they're not promised that. They're not promised that.

You see, Sean, what we need to do, I keep trying to tell you. Let's you and I sit down and have some coffee and have a one-on-one so we can at least your stuff up to day.

HANNITY: Let's have some beer. Do you drink beer?


HANNITY: You don't drink.

ELAHI: I'm somebody who doesn't want to drink beer. You can drink.

HANNITY: You never had a beer in your life?


HANNITY: I'm all for having a beer. Let's sit down and have a beer.

ELAHI: Lets' have something both of us agree.

HANNITY: All right, I've got to let you go.

SIDDEEQ: You drink the beer, Sean.

HANNITY: When we come back, we need your help. Our "Question of the Day," a very important one, is straight ahead.


HANNITY: And welcome back to "Hannity." Time for our "Question of the Day."

All right, up until 2014, New York City had a program where they had surveillance at mosques. What do you think? Should they continue that?  Go to, @SeanHannity on Twitter, let us know what you think.

Quick programming note. Tomorrow night, tune in, 10:00 p.m. We'll be in Cleveland, Ohio, with Donald Trump for the full hour, doing a town hall focusing on issues that will impact African-American voters. That's tomorrow night, 10:00 eastern. Hope you'll join. Thanks for being with us. Hope you have a great evening. We'll see you tomorrow night from Cleveland.

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