Ingraham: 'Biden and the global reset' threaten economy, liberty

This is a rush transcript from “The Ingraham Angle” November 12, 2020. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

LAURA INGRAHAM, FOX NEWS HOST: Alright, I'm Laura Ingraham. This is the "The Ingraham Angle" from Washington tonight, a victory for the Trump campaign in Pennsylvania today, an applet court tossing mail-in ballots from people who had failed to provide required ID. Newt Gingrich gets into all the details. Also, lest there be any doubt that President Trump has completely reshaped the GOP, look at this stat. Of the ten Republicans who have flipped Dem House seats, all have been women and/or minorities, two are here tonight.

Has the squad hijacked the Georgia Senate race? I love the story. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy is going to tell us what he sees. But first, Biden and the global reset; that is the focus of tonight's "Angle."

When news broke of Pfizer's promising vaccine trials, you might've thought normal was right around the corner. After all, the vaccine will be ready for distribution by the spring, and when HHS Secretary Alex Azar, he says there'll be enough doses for every American, wow.

But your idea of normal isn't what the global elites have in mind on the other side of this pandemic. Come on, you know, they hated that old normal.

They like a new normal, and they don't like that old normal where Americans enjoyed their freedoms, the freedoms we often take for granted, like the right to work, to run a business, to attend school, the right to travel, and so on.

For the globalists, the impressive economic gains that we saw in Trump's first three years were something to fear; not to learn from. Because let's face it, if The America First agenda actually took root in France, so we had a France First agenda, then a Spain First agenda, and an Australian First agenda, the national sovereignty movement would expose these global elites for who they are; anti-democratic control freaks.

Because for them, individual liberty must always be sacrificed for the greater global good. Thus, COVID, as horrible as it is, as tragic as it is, presents a challenge, yes, but also for them, an opportunity, for what they call the great reset. You know the line "Never let a cris go to waste,"

that was Rahm Emanuel? Well, with the coronavirus, that idea went global.

And since last spring, powerful people began to use the pandemic as a way to force radical, social and economic change across the continents. In other words, Americans under this new world will - they have to sacrifice liberty and prosperity, so that things are more fair and equitable in the rest of the world. The concept of the great reset was discussed at the World Economic Forum back in June, where they discussed how to save the global economy from crisis.


BERNARD LOONEY, CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER, BRITISH PETROLEUM: Any recovery stimulus should have green conditions attached to it. Secondly, energy crisis should respect real costs, and building back better ought to be about closing the gaps that exists in inequality and social injustice, rather than widening them.


INGRAHAM: Wait a second. Isn't "Build Back Better" Joe's campaign slogan?

Your individual rights are always going to take a backseat to promoting the values of global health and harmony. The fact is, all the signs point to Joe Biden's team being fully onboard with this cynical and sick subversion of American independence and sovereignty.

Strategies for fighting COVID, just like strategies for fighting poverty or climate change, should all follow the same path. No deviation among nations. So, of course, Zeke Emanuel and Michael Osterholm, Biden's coronavirus task force members, they love lockdowns.


MICHAEL OSTERHOLM, MEMBER OF JOE BIDEN'S COVID-19 ADVISORY BOARD: We could lock down for four to six weeks, and if we did that, we could drive the numbers down, like they've done in Asia, like they did in New Zealand and Australia. And then, we could really watch ourselves cruising into the vaccine availability in the first and second quarter of next year, bringing back the economy long before that.


INGRAHAM: Oh, OK. I love that. "Cruising into the spring;" these people think we are complete idiots. Lockdowns failed terribly, miserably in Europe. Huge economic calamities followed. But no big deal to the people like Osterholm and the elites in charge, because they are always going to have jobs. But for the millions of others, businesses will close, jobs will be lost, schools remain closed, depression and suicide numbers will go up, plus other illnesses will be left untreated and undetected. But all for the greater good.

The Founder of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab, makes this great reset sound completely non-threatening though. He says the pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect and reimagine and reset our world. To accomplish this, Schwab laid out a couple of big goals. Fairer outcomes by coordination in tax regulatory trades and fiscal policy.

It all may include changes to wealth taxes, the withdrawal of fossil fuel subsidies, and new rules governing intellectual property, trade and competition, transitioning of course from fossil fuels to green energy.

Now, using policies to achieve fairer outcomes. OK. Well, all of this, this includes the wealth taxes, banning drilling, ming, new trade rules, OK, so outsourcing to China, all of this, transitioning from fossil fuels, all the jobs in our country, to green energy. Does that sound familiar? It is basically Biden's agenda.

When Biden said we are going to work with our allies, what he really means is he's going to let them have veto power over our trade initiatives, our patent and trademark laws, and our energy industry. That's just a start.

And what better time to do this than with the fear of COVID hanging over our heads?

Bill Gates, the WHO, World Economic Forum, Prince Charles, the IMF, big business, and big tech; they are all in big for the great reset. If it means you have to give up your individual rights for global health security, so be it. Remember, surveillance, tracking, it's all good for you.


BILL GATES, CO-FOUNDER OF MICROSOFT CORPORATION: Eventually, what will have to have certificates of who is a recovered person, who is a vaccinated person, because you don't want people moving around the world where you'll have some countries that won't have it under control.


INGRAHAM: They don't want people moving around the world. But he says this is not about tracking. Again, this is just for health security. It is all for your own good. Calling them certificates or immunity passports, it kind of makes them all sound reassuring, like a security blanket. But they may be a lot closer to becoming reality than you think.

In early October, the Daily Mail reported that London Heathrow Airport is testing "digital health passports - passes" which can hold a certified

COVID-19 test status or show that someone has been vaccinated in the future. In this brave new world, you may not be able to, let's say, do much of anything without proof of vaccination. Think about it. You love, let's for instance, I don't know, watching live music. I do.

Well, Ticketmaster has been working on a framework for post-pandemic fan safety that uses smartphones to verify fans' vaccination status or whether they have been tested negative for the coronavirus within 24- to 72-hour window. Now, again, just like Gates, all the reassurance from Ticketmaster says they are not going to make vaccines mandatory. But then, why do it at all?

The New York State Bar Association is also considering a campaign to lobby to make COVID-19 vaccines mandatory. They will decide on Saturday if they really want to push for this. It's obvious, though, isn't it? There is going to be growing pressure across all of corporate America to force proof of vaccination status for movement, for everything. Just like no mask, no entry. No vaccination, no entry. No job, no school, no travel, no nothing.

Democrat leaders across America are doing their part, too, in the great reset. Another day and another COVID-19 restriction from New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. No more than ten people in your home at a time during the Thanksgiving lead up, starting this Friday. Who is going to tell Grandma Mary that she can't come to Thanksgiving dinner because you've already hit your limit? You can tell her.

New York City is a shadow of its former self. Businesses closing, "For Lease" signs everywhere, I say it is resetting to a state of ruin. And all over the country, we are seeing a tightening of mandates, mask mandates, even as 95 percent of the country, a couple months ago, we saw in that survey say they already wear them. Plus, there are more limits on businesses and worse. Tonight, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot announced that she was once again issuing a shutdown advisory for her city.


LORI LIGHTFOOT (D) MAYOR OF CHICAGO: This is serious, life or death. We are sounding the alarm that we are at this inflection point where we have to step up, even more than what we've already done.


INGRAHAM: Now, what has she already done? Except preside over economic decay and rampant violent crime? Again, she wasn't worried about the virus spreading when they were ripping down Christopher Columbus statues. Again though, think reset. Meanwhile, Joe Biden is huddling with staff and advisors in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware this weekend where he is working on his own reset goals, as he plans to tighten the screws on Americans with higher taxes, more restrictions and Lord knows what else.

He plans to open up the country, however, to mass influx of illegal aliens, refugees, guest and H-1B workers. They are going to have an open society, open door, come on in. The rest of us? Not so much. Because that is part of how we are going to get to a world that is fairer and more equitable.

Unfortunately, it's going to require you to work harder for less; less money and less freedom. And now what's more frightening, I don't know, getting COVID-19, or living in that America? And that is the "Angle."

Alright, joining me now is Wesley Smith, Discovery Institute's senior fellow and National Review contributor. Wesley, this is becoming a big global movement; it already is. Boris Johnson and Bill Gates were already meeting this week on the next pandemic plan. Tell us what you know.


CONTRIBUTOR: First off, I think your description of the impending technocracy was right on the money. The question that I have is whether we are going to go along. You know, when I was young and my hair was a different color, the watch word of the day was "question authority." These days, it seems it is "obey authority," especially when it is the experts.

So, the real question to be to me, whether we are going to sit back and say "OK," or whether we are going to say, "No, wait a second, we don't have an oligarchy here, we don't have a technocracy here. We have a democratic nation in which we all are allowed to participate in the deliberations about what to do going forward."

INGRAHAM: Klaus Schwab, who I mentioned - he is the Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum. He wrote in June that to achieve a better outcome, the world must act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies from education to social contracts and working conditions, every country from the US to China must participate, and every industry from oil & gas to tech must be transformed. In short, we need a great reset of capitalism.

Wesley, it sounds like a great jettisoning of capitalism, if you ask me, and a welcome and a hello to some type of Marxist radicalism, perhaps.

SMITH: A national sovereignty - I also want to remind you that Anthony Fauci wrote in a science journal called Cell that we need to strengthen the UN and the WHO, so that we can remake the entire infrastructure of human society. He said the very kind of things you were just describing from the earlier statement in Cell.

So, we have people like Anthony Fauci, people like Ezekiel Emanuel, who really do want to transform the way society operates, and they certainly want to do away with any concept of national sovereignty and the idea that people should be free to make these kinds of decisions for themselves.

INGRAHAM: And again, it's so sick and twisted to use health fears--


INGRAHAM: --to push this agenda, which seems - oh, we are going to take care of you. We are going to make the world safer. You are going to be safe. It is going to be more efficient. It is going to be greener. It is going to be better. And then all of sudden, you turn around and say, "Wait a second, I can't even travel anymore. My kid can't go to school without an immunity certificate." Biden COVID adviser--


You mentioned Ezekiel Emanuel, he co-authored a paper, Wesley, in September, in which he encouraged officials to follow the "fair priority model" that calls for an equitable international distribution of vaccines, rather than what he and his co-authors characterized as "vaccine nationalism." So, could Biden prioritize getting the vaccine to other countries before our country?

SMITH: He could. I mean, Ezekiel Emanuel is probably one of the most influential bioethicists, if you will, in the world and he has Biden's ear.

He was a major architect of Obamacare; he is very well thought of in those circles. And this idea that the United States poured all its money into the creation of, along with the private sector, the creation of the vaccine, and then we are going to have a triage which engages kind of this idea of international fairness.

Again, the question becomes, will the United States citizens put up with this, or will they just meekly go along? I don't know the answer.

INGRAHAM: Yes. Well, these officials swear to uphold the US Constitution, not a global understanding, but the US Constitution - To protect and defend our rights under that document. That is their responsibility. This is something quite different. And Wesley, we appreciate you joining us tonight.

SMITH: Thank you.

INGRAHAM: A lot of people are very concerned about this development. And the COVID police only have one rule this Thanksgiving, under no circumstances are you to have any fun at all.


DR. ANTHONY FAUCI, EX-DIRECTOR OF NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ALLERGY AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES: We would like that college students to remain rather separate from the family when they come home, limit those hugs and kisses, separation for a while, while that student gets home.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Keep the music level down to avoid people singing or trying to shout over the noise.

FAUCI: Stay apart if you can, wear that mask, and enjoy Thanksgiving.


INGRAHAM: Joining me now is Alex Berenson, former New York Times reported, author of "Unreported Truths about COVID-19 and Lockdowns: Part 2." Alex, this is just a preview of what is going to come and happen to our private lives under this great reset approach to health, security, socioeconomic equality, global harmony. You are beginning to see - I think a lot of people for the first time - how far the government can reach into your homes.

ALEX BERENSON, FORMER NEW YORK TIMES REPORTER: Well, I don't know how they will enforce any of this. The advice - the advice in the spring was stay inside, don't go outside. That advice was clearly ridiculous at that time to anybody who was paying attention to what the contact tracing, the epidemiology was finding. Now, they seem to have realized that most transmission does occur inside. But, instead of telling people reasonable things like keep your windows open, and understand that maybe your 80-year- old grandmother is at higher risk, they are telling people how to celebrate Thanksgiving, which is very odd to me.

INGRAHAM: Alex, I want to get back to what I talked about in the previous segment, about this great reset initiative at the World Economic Forum, and another thing that Klaus Schwab who is the Executive Chairman of that group, said when he was reacting to the pandemic fears.

He said, "Incremental measures, ad hoc fixes, will not suffice to prevent this scenario; we must build entirely new foundations for economic and social systems. The pandemic, one silver lining is that it has shown how quickly we can make radical changes to our lifestyles," and he cites the fact that now businesses can abandon travel and working in an office.

What happens if we have no travel and no commercial real estate that is filled with workers? Do you ever think of what happens then, Alex?

BERENSON: It is certainly not good for the economy. Look, to some extent, I have written a fair amount in the last few months about COVID and the lockdowns and how we count deaths. I'm working on a new booklet about masks, but I actually try to focus on narrower issues than what the World Economic Forum is trying to use this to do. I mean, I can't believe that people would fall for the idea that we need to remake society for an epidemic that right now, if you believe the high-end numbers that are being pushed out, has killed about 2 percent of the people who will die in the world this year. OK?

It's - 1.2-1.3 million people have died from the coronavirus, which sounds like a lot of people and is a lot of people. But, you have to understand there's 8 billion people in the world and 60 million of them will die this year. So, I don't understand - and by the way, most of those people were very old and very sick. In places like Africa, this has barely touched an entire continent because those people are young - most of Africa is a relatively young continent, and they are not getting sick and dying - for the most part, in a lot of the world. This is a problem of advanced societies and advanced age, and very sick people. And the idea that we need to remake society for it, to me, it's just insane.

INGRAHAM: Yes. From the same experts who told us not to send our kids to schools, and they are suffering terribly, who told us not to wear masks--


BERENSON: Terribly!

INGRAHAM: --then wear masks and didn't tell us to worry about the mental health aspects, and now they say, "Oh, there is a lot of mental health aspects and drug abuse and alcoholism." I mean, so all of the experts, I mean it is - Alex, we are up against a hard break, but your - second part of your book is fantastic, and we really appreciate you joining us tonight.

Thanks so much.

BERENSON: Laura, thanks for having me.

INGRAHAM: And if this election proved one thing, it is that Trump's plan of populism, economic nationalism has changed the face of the GOP and nowhere is that more evident than the diverse late (ph) of House candidates snatching seats from the Dems. Two of them join us next.


INGRAHAM: If Joe Biden actually becomes president, it's going to be on the shakiest foundation ever, or as The Guardian puts it, Biden's win dependent on suburbanites tired of Trump, who voted Republican down ballot (ph) and will certainly vote Republican in future elections.

This isn't just the slow death rattle of the Democrat Party, but the rise of the new brand of populist that Trump built and inspired. Nowhere is that more clear than in the crop of newly elected GOP members who flipped Democrat seats this year. It's great.

So far, all of the 10 GOP House candidates unseated Dems have been women and/or minorities, and in 2018, that could only be said for about 7 percent of the GOP freshman class. Joining me now is Burgess Owens, former NFL player and Utah GOP Congressional candidate, currently holds a narrow lead in that House race.

Also with me is Congresswoman-elect Maria Elvira Salazar of Florida, who unseated incumbent Democrat as well this election. Burgess, this election battle is still brewing, but Trump's pretty much won the war over the old GOP establishment, that is for sure.

BURGESS OWENS, CONGRESSIONAL CANDIDATE (R-UT): First of all, good to talk with you again, Laura. I'll say this, the genie is out of the bottle. We have been talking for years about the destructive nature of the Democratic Party, their use of misery for political strategy - as a political strategy, and we are now seeing black Americans across the country waking up and Hispanic-Americans, Asian Americans, gay Americans. It is such a great time.

I'll say this, I'm proud of Americans, because no matter how much propaganda, how much hate gets pushed out, we drift toward the light, and what we are seeing now - and again, 18 percent of black men are saying enough of this, we are going to vote for our future, our values and our families (inaudible).

INGRAHAM: And Maria, an MSNBC contributor, I know you are going to love this, blamed the GOP's success with Latinos, and not the Democrats this time on this.


VICTORIA DEFRANCESCO SOTO, MSNBC CONTRIBUTOR: As a result of the pandemic, public health concerns, Democrats were not able to do what they traditionally do, was go and knock on doors, go into houses, have quesarito (ph), have that personal contact. So that was problematic, and the hope is that, once we are past the pandemic, Democrats can drill down on that and continue to fine-tune the micro-targeting.


INGRAHAM: Is that what drew the Hispanics to the GOP?



(ph) - you could have the quesarito (ph), but if you are mixing that quesarito (ph) with the socialist propaganda, the quesarito (ph) is not going to take you very far.

We - and I think I said it last time when I was in your show, we Hispanic- Americans, we like prosperity and we do not like socialism. And we want to be part of the family, we are very happy to be part of the GOP because the values that are entrenched in the GOP are the same values that we have as a community; God-fearing, law-abiding, family oriented, little government, paying your taxes and leave me alone.

That is what we want to live, the American Dream, and that's why I was able win and flip a very difficult seat from somebody that thought that she was going to be there forever, but why, because I knew my community and my community wants to be part of the American family. We were probably the last people that got here, but we are very happy that we made it.

INGRAHAM: I love it. And the Congresswoman-elect is so on point, Burgess, because here we have a situation where Democrats are pushing for more lockdowns, which will destroy immigrant businesses, small businesses, entry-level positions, for people just coming into the workforce. That hurts the working-class people, and the working class are more often than not now looking at the Republicans for a chance to succeed.

Well, keep in mind that these guys are clueless, they've always have been,

(inaudible) get their policy over. But I want to add to what Maria said just a minute ago. What I love about what's happening now is the minority communities across our country, it's truly, we are now standing up. We're fighting for our own communities. And as we pulled, in this case, black Americans, we pulled my community back from the abyss of socialism, because the Democrats have been so addicted to us, we pulled our entire nation back.

I'm so excited by those who came later, those who had to break down the walls of segregation and all those issues we had in the past, we are now the ones because our values and our principles to pull America back to the America our founders saw us in the very beginning. So I'm excited about that. Just get ready. Again, the genie is out of the bottle. There's no way we're going to go back to the plantation. We're done.

INGRAHAM: Congresswoman-elect, do you foresee yourself being able to work on any issues with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez or Ilhan Omar or Congresswoman Tlaib or Pressley on any issues to improve the country?

MARIA ELVIRA SALAZAR, (R-FL) CONGRESSWOMAN-ELECT: Absolutely, we are going to work on immigration, because the Democratic Party for 30 years has said they have our best interests at heart. And now is the time to prove it. And the GOP, as I was telling leadership, we want to be part of the family.

There are 7.7 million people who have lived here that do not have papers, that have been here for more than 15 years, that have American children, that have paid taxes and do not have a criminal record. Those people we need to give them some type of legality. Why? Because I know that they broke the law, but the system allowed them to be here for a long time. So now we should give them some type of legality, and that needs to be discussed in Congress.

And we need our friends on the other side of the aisle to join us, so we can include and welcome those Hispanics to be part of a family. No more in the shadows.

INGRAHAM: That's going to be an interesting conversation, one that I have been involved with for many, many years.

SALAZAR: Correct.

INGRAHAM: And we've got to definitely make sure the law-abiding, legal immigrants are not jumped ahead of in the line to become U.S. citizens.

That would be catastrophic for the rule of law and for, I think, just overall faith in the system. But Hispanic-Americans are huge drivers of this economy, and they need to be -- they need to be properly recognized for it. And I am so excited about this new Congress. I'm thrilled about it.

SALAZAR: I just want to say, it's legality. I'm not talking about citizenship. I'm talking about something quicker.

INGRAHAM: The Squad is not going to go for that, Congresswoman-elect. Not going to happen with them, no.

SALAZAR: Then they do not have the best interests, our best interests at heart, and they need to prove it.

OWENS: Can I say this? Laura, can I say this?

INGRAHAM: Real quick.

OWENS: The minorities will stand up. Those are the ones that now, you need to understand that the left is not going to get them elected next time.

They need to stand up, fight for our country. Let's talk about things we can agree on and move this country forward.

INGRAHAM: All right, Burgess and Maria, thank you so much. Look forward to seeing you soon.

And an appellate court in Pennsylvania just handed a huge victory to the Trump campaign, tossing mail-in ballots from voters who failed to provide any I.D. Newt Gingrich is here next on what that could mean, and where else can this happen? Stay there.


INGRAHAM: The Trump campaign scored a big legal victory today. A Pennsylvania appellate court has barred the counting votes from people who failed to provide photo I.D. before the deadline on Monday. This strikes down a decision made two days before the election by Governor Tom Wolf's administration. So what they did is give people who voted by mail more time to submit their I.D.s for verification. The court now says the Wolf administration has no authority to do this. Unfortunately for Trump, none of those ballots would have been added to the state's official tally, so he's still trailing Joe Biden by about 54,000 votes.

Joining me now is Newt Gingrich, former House speaker, FOX News contributor, author of "Trump and the American Future." Newt, is this a sign that Trump's legal fight might start bearing some fruit on other fronts, even if this doesn't affect the count as it stands now?

NEWT GINGRICH, (R-GA) FORMER SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Well, I think, first of all, it certainly affects the count that Biden hoped for, because most of those would have been his votes. Second, I think in Wisconsin, Michigan, Nevada, Arizona, Georgia, and Pennsylvania, there are going to be a significant number of suits, many of them based on various and sundry witnesses who are now showing up, who are swearing out affidavits. And also on just pure research. The number of dead people who have been found to have voted is pretty remarkable, some of whom were like a 120 years old.

And so I think you see a significant tearing back of the masks that had allowed the election to be a runaway. Now, my position is whether you are for Trump or you're for Biden, it's important for America that we get a hand recount in every single state that's contested so we actually know whether or not these were honest votes.

INGRAHAM: You definitely don't want 50 million, 60 million, 70 million Americans thinking there was any funny business with the election. It's just not good for anyone. By the way, Newt, I have to tell you this, "60 Minutes," they released portions of that interview with former President Obama, who just wrote is, what, 25th autobiography? Of course, he uses it to take a swing at Trump and the GOP for suing now over this alleged voter fraud. Watch.


BARACK OBAMA, FORMER U.S. PRESIDENT: I'm more troubled by the fact that other Republican officials, who clearly know better, are going along with this, are humoring him in this fashion. It is one more step in delegitimizing not just the incoming Biden administration, but democracy generally. And that's a dangerous path.


INGRAHAM: Delegitimize democracy? He should know a little bit about delegitimizing an incoming administration, right, Newt?

GINGRICH: Well, yes, look, I think you've had five years of demonizing Trump, you've had Hillary Clinton saying Biden should never give in no matter what, you've had all sorts of things out there. The fact is, under our Constitution there is a process. And that process is designed to create a sense of fairness and certainty. We are only part of the way into that process. The news media is desperate to close it down because they know that in cities as corrupt as Philadelphia and Detroit, that there are substantial problems, and there may be problems that reverse the election.

But whether in the end it reverses it or not, you are not going to begin to understand what happened if you cut off the ability to explore and to count actual votes. Secretary of state of Georgia did the right thing. They are now going to do a canvas by hand, which is very important, before you get to a recount, because the real changes come when you look at, where did the votes come from? Where were they kept? How do we prove they're real? That's all before a recount. Recounts are just mechanical. Canvases give you the real chance to investigate what's been going on.

INGRAHAM: Now, real quick reaction, Newt. "The New York Times" is reporting about president Trump's future plans, saying that he's told some advisors that if the race is certified ultimately for Biden, he's going to announce the 2024 campaign shortly afterward. Trump 2024, is that a winning -- is that a winning ticket?

GINGRICH: I think he ought to hang a picture of Grover Cleveland in the press room. Cleveland ran in 1884 and won, ran in 88 and lost, and then got elected again in 92. The only president to do it, Trump may be the other one.

INGRAHAM: All right, Newt, great to see you tonight. Thanks so much. And has the Squad hijacked the Georgia Senate races? And does Pelosi have the votes to remain speaker given all these GOP gains, more coming in? Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy has all the answers, next.


INGRAHAM: Huge reaction last night to our "Angle" where we exposed the radical roots of Georgia Senate candidates Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff.

If you weren't convinced, look at who is hitting the campaign trail for them.


REP. ALEXANDRA OCASIO-CORTEZ, (D-NY): I'm going to be spending my next couple of months doing everything that I can to make sure that we don't have a Republican Senate majority, that we win these races in Georgia, that we secure a Democratic Senate majority so that we don't have to negotiate -



INGRAHAM: No negotiation, no cooperation, take no prisoners. Joining me now, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, with a lot of House seats picked ups. Congressman, it's kind of interesting that AOC -- oh, wait, she doesn't like to be called that. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, has entered the Georgia Senate fray before Pelosi. So who has the real power base in this conference?

KEVIN MCCARTHY, (R-CA) HOUSE MINORITY LEADER: That answers the question. It is AOC who runs the floor. They cannot pass legislation without her. It was also that new socialist wing of the Democratic Party who has controlled it.

But it was also the mandate that America does not want to have socialism.

It is the reason why not one Republican incumbent lost. It's the reason why we are going to have 40 new freshmen. It's the reason why the Democrats will have the smallest majority since World War II.

INGRAHAM: But we do see a dividing line with the Squad ganging up on so- called moderates, to the extent there are like three left, it seems like, in the House. So Manchin called out the defund the police effort, and then AOC clapped back by saying, in a tweet, it's a picture of her giving Manchin a death stare at the State of the Union address. And when Manchin declined to back court packing, Omar tweeted "Stop worrying about progressives. This might be the reason we don't win back the Senate races in Georgia." Good grief. That's the true fight for the soul of their party.

You guys are in an enviable position right now.

MCCARTHY: We are in a great position. We won in Miami. We won in New York.

We won in Minnesota. We won in California. These are places that we can win anywhere across the country. But what's really amazing is won these races.

The Republican Party is more diverse than they've ever been before. We have more women in Congress as Republicans than at any given time. Every Democrat lost, lost to either a Republican woman, a Republican minority, a Republican veteran.

And the unique thing is they didn't defeat any incumbents. This is what their problem is. AOC has taken over. Omar, Tlaib, all of them have taken over the party. And they are primarying these Democrats if they will not go along with the socialist agenda.

Nancy Pelosi is very weak. Last time she ran for speaker, 15 Democrats voted against her. But the rules mean you have to have 218 votes on the floor, or you can't become speaker. Ten of those 15 are coming back, and they are not going to have a 10-seat margin. We are going to end up in a much closer margin than that, so she's going to have a hard time being speaker. And right now, AOC is running the floor. Think about how much stronger she'll be in the future.

INGRAHAM: Well, they created the Squad, and they cater to the Squad with impeachment and everything else, now they're going to have to live with the Squad. By the way, Nancy Pelosi described the election results and their meaning this way.


REP. NANCY PELOSI, (D-CA) HOUSE SPEAKER: What Joe Biden got in this election was a mandate, a mandate to address the challenges that our country faces, as well as to have a positive initiative on how to grow the economy in a fair way.


MCCARTHY: The only mandate that the American public said is they are against socialism, they are against defunding the police. And the one thing they really don't want to see is Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats continue to lead. They didn't win any seats going forward. They didn't defeat one Democrat incumbent. Republicans won throughout this nation. So the real problem is going forward is we are going to win the majority. People need to go to , because what we will have is a working majority on this floor. But we will win the majority in two years.

INGRAHAM: Congressman, have you considered trying to get some of your Democrat colleagues who are uncomfortable with the Squad, and there are number of them, to flip parties? Just to switch parties?

MCCARTHY: Remember what we did last time. Jeff Van Drew left the Democratic Party and joined the Republican Party. Nancy Pelosi put all their power in trying to defeat Jeff Van Drew. You know what, they put a Kennedy up against him. Jeff Van Drew won. And remember, he left from the majority party to join the minority party because he believes in the philosophy.


MCCARTHY: If I was a Democrat and I didn't like the socialist party, I would really look, because if they switched, they wouldn't be switching into the minority party, because if only a few of them did it, we would be in the majority.

INGRAHAM: Bingo. And a "Politico" article today says 2022, poised for Republican pickups in the House, you could very well be the House speaker once again. Kevin McCarthy, it's great to see you. Thanks so much for joining us beard

MCCARTHY: Thank you.

INGRAHAM: That was in FiveThirtyEight article, but point made.

And a small business owner puts Cuomo and de Blasio to shame. That's the Last Bite, next.


INGRAHAM: New York restauranteur Butch Yamali told Governor Cuomo and Mayors de Blasio what he really thinks of their new COVID restrictions.


BUTCH YAMALI, OWNER, THE MILLERIDGE INN: To be open, closed at 10:00 or 12:00, I don't know what that's going to prove to anybody. I think the virus is that smart to know that after 10:00 it comes out in the open. We can't sustain anymore closures. I have big places, and it's very expensive to keep them going. So I would plead to them, talk to the restaurant owners and let's come up with a plan, otherwise we are just going to close. That's going to be the end of us.


INGRAHAM: But it's for the greater good, come on, the greater good, closing restaurants, closing businesses, the greater reset. Wouldn't it be nice if our leaders, leaders of New York, were that honest? It's refreshing, isn't it.

That's all the time we have, tonight.

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