Imagine a World Without Steve Jobs

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," October 6, 2011. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: So, really, the big story isn't Steve Jobs' death but his life.

Jobs died Wednesday at the age of 56, was given up for adoption after his birth to an American mom and a Syrian-born father. Apparently, the mom's father didn't want his daughter to marry a Syrian, so the baby was adopted by working class couple who encourage the child's later interest in electronics. Their names were Paul and Clara jobs.

So, one hero in all of this is Steve's birth mother who gave him up for adoption instead of choosing a more finite alternative. Imagine what a hole there would be in this world if she went the other way. Lucky for us, the choice she made was the one she made.

In that sense, Steve Jobs makes me think not just of the people here but people who aren't. Even more, he makes us think about all the stuff we have. These things we use, we often forget had to be invented or created by people.

Steve Jobs reminds us that there are just a precious few actually make the world we live in. And the rest of us, like me, who simply consume, occupy, burp.

The good news is, in America, everyone has the opportunity to become a Steve Jobs. All you need is garage and a brain. But its achievements also remind us how only a few of us actually do that. In this case, just one.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: That was very nice.

GUTFELD: Oh, thank you.

GUILFOYLE: Except for the burping part.

GUTFELD: Well, it's true. I do burp, Kimberly.

So, Kim -- Kimberly, since you are already talking, this guy started everything from scratch. And he got very little help from anyone. Should every teenager know this guy's story? Shouldn't they teach his story in classrooms?

GUILFOYLE: Yes, that's why it was so important that you did it in your monologue and you choose to focus on that and about how he came in this world and the fact that we're also appreciative like he was born and like you said, the mom made the choice that she did. I think that's fantastic.

And this guy is an example of true innovation. This is what the American Dream is about. And for me, I think this is inspirational for young people growing up to see that if you believe it, if you think you can accomplish something, you have interest like this -- go with it.

And you have parents that encouraged him. Think about how different the world would be if we didn't have Steve Jobs.

GUTFELD: So, Bob, how did he change your life?

BOB BECKEL, CO-HOST: How did he change my life? You know, on a serious note, which is not often for me. But I will say this -- I never thought I'd use a computer in my life. This guy actually changed my life. I know he didn't exactly invent tweeting, whatever it is, Twitter. But I twit.


BECKEL: I think he made social media, all kind of things. I actually learned how to use an iPhone. I'm three behind, but I've used it. The guy is going to go down with Galileo, was one of the great inventors of all time.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: You're bad, Bob.

BECKEL: And, by the way, "Hannity" tonight, 143 conservatives and one liberal.

GUTFELD: Yes, Kim, let me ask you -- go ahead. Go ahead, Dana.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Well, I was just going to say that on the flight down here today, knowing that we were going to have a moment to be able to celebrate Steve Jobs' life, I just look around on the plane and almost everybody had something from the Apple company. Whether it be an iPad, iPhone or laptop, or what are the other ones? Pod, pad, iPad.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my gosh, putting them together. I love it.

PERINO: It was really amazing that it doesn't matter your income is in America, some people -- people will find a way to try to get something from Apple.

BECKEL: Yes, absolutely.

MONICA CROWLEY, CO-HOST: He also represents -- he represents the beauty of capitalism, too. I mean, we have been spending so much time talking about these "Occupy Wall Street" anti-capitalist clowns who are taking over city blocks across America.

But his example really showed strength and the beauty of American capitalism. He never asked for a handout, he never took the government money, he never took taxpayer money. He built a corporation. He actually made billions of dollars doing it.

But this is all about risk and reward. That's what the free market is all about.

GUTFELD: Well, I mean, it's a good point, Juan. This guy made our lives better by pursuing profit. So, it can't be that bad, right?

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: Nobody says profit is bad.

BOLLING: Obama did.

WILLIAMS: But let me just say -- I don't know how you manage to make Steve Jobs' life into a testament against abortion in this country. That's wacky to me.

GUTFELD: What part of what I said isn't true?

WILLIAMS: Of course it's not true.

GUTFELD: What part of what I said?

WILLIAMS: Can we go in jails and say this person really didn't contribute to society so -- we wouldn't do that. No way.


Let me just say, let me say. I like the myth, the myth, the whole thing that he did this all by himself. Steve Jobs, the idea is he is working with Steve Wozniak. He is working with people at Pixar and he is bringing a lot of leadership talent to the table. I think that is part of it. And the fact he is there. He is asking the people from Hewlett- Packard, for, you know, help in his garage putting things together.

GUILFOYLE: That's amazing.

WILLIAMS: It's amazing stuff.


BOLLING: There are people are saying we need to destroy capitalism. They're tweeting on the --


BOLLING: Steve Jobs at 20 went and borrowed $1,300 and turned $1,300 in a multimillion hundred billion dollar company that spun nothing but produce profits. Profits ain't bad.

WILLIAMS: Nobody said it was bad. What you're saying that bailing out Wall Street, let Wall Street have the bonuses --

GUTFELD: We're going to talk about this in the next blog. Get to Bob because he's patiently waiting and raising his hand.

BECKEL: I have been patiently waiting. Eric stepped all over everything, but I want to say that this guy showed enormous amount dignity when he was dying. He knew he was dying for a long time and stayed working up until the end. He deserves credit for being a human being, not complaining, unlike Eric Bolling.

BOLLING: Just very quickly, because of Steve Jobs I can go on my iPhone and find out that Apple only dropped 88 cents, $378 stock that dropped 88 cents today. This company is -- that's it. That's all.

GUTFELD: We'll take a break. Dana, Bob, the "The Seven" thing isn't working out for anybody anymore. So it's time for to us go back to "The Five." Thank you for gracing us with your presence. Bob, please don't get arrested.

BECKEL: Juan, thank you for being there and putting up with Bolling.

WILLIAMS: I'm telling you.

GUTFELD: We'll be right back.

WILLIAMS: My burden to bear.

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