Hollywood liberals attack Trump at the Emmy Awards

This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," September 18, 2017. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, HOST: Welcome to "Hannity." This is a Fox News Alert. We have a very big announcement about the show coming up.

But first, we are following for major breaking news stories tonight. President Trump is now putting the U.N. on notice as he meets with world leaders. Plus, President Trump will address the U.N. tomorrow, and he is planning on singling out North Korea and Iran. We'll have a preview of his big major speech.

And of course, out of touch Hollywood liberal elitists viciously attacking the president at the Emmys.

And also, congressional Republicans -- they now have 13 weeks. They are on the verge of many major breakthroughs in finally passing the president's agenda. So it's time for the GOP to keep their promises and serve the American people. All of that in tonight's very important "Opening Monologue."

So President Trump arrived at the United Nations earlier today and wasted little time in calling out the organization's many, many failures. Take a look at this.


PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: In recent years, the United Nations had not reached its full potential because of bureaucracy and mismanagement.

TRUMP: We seek a United Nations that regains the trust of the people around the world. In order to achieve this, the United Nations must hold every level of management accountable, protect whistleblowers and focus on results, rather than on process.

TRUMP: Further, we encourage all member states to look at ways to take bold stands at the United Nations with an eye toward changing business as usual and not being beholden to ways of the past.


HANNITY: Now it's really refreshing for an American president to call out the U.N., because for years, we've seen the organization repeatedly attack Israel and push their radical, leftist, globalist agenda that does not respect the sovereignty of individual countries, including the U.S.

Now, this, of course, comes despite the fact that the U.S. provides 22 percent of the funding to the U.N. in their regular budget and 28 percent of the money that goes to U.N. peacekeeping missions.

Now, President Trump's criticism of the U.N. comes ahead of his speech to the General Assembly -- that's happening tomorrow morning. And according to a senior Trump administration official, the president will focus on his policy of principled realism, call on U.N. members to do more across the globe and specifically condemn these rogue regimes of North Korea and Iran.

Now, President Trump's speech could not come at a more important time, with North Korea ramping up their missile and nuclear weapons program. When it comes to this North Korean threat, the Trump administration -- they're keeping every option on the table.

And the U.S. ambassador to the U.N., Nikki Haley, made it very clear yesterday that Pyongyang's aggressive behavior will not be tolerated. This is now coming to a head. Watch this.


NIKKI HALEY, U.S. AMBASSADOR TO THE U.N.: I think we all know that, basically, if North Korea keeps on with this reckless behavior, if the United States has to defend itself or defend its allies in any way, North Korea will be destroyed. And we all know that, and none of us want that. None of us want war.

But we also have to look at the fact that you are dealing with someone who is being reckless, irresponsible, and is continuing to give threats not only to the United States but to all of their allies. So something is going to have to be done. We're trying every other possibility that we have, but there's a whole lot of military options on the table.


HANNITY: Yes, it will be destructive and they will be incinerated. As we've been saying on this program, there are not a lot of good solutions to the dangerous situation with North Korea. We'll have more on that. John Bolton will join us in a few minutes.

Also tonight, leftist Hollywood elites smearing, slandering, besmirching the character of President Trump at the Emmys. Now, take a look at just some of the comments from these overpaid, out of touch, pampered Hollywood liberals -- and they're kind of dumb and hypocritical -- including the host, Stephen Colbert. Let's watch this.


STEPHEN COLBERT, HOST: You can't deny that every show was influenced by Donald Trump in some way. All the late-night shows, obviously, "House of Cards," the new season of "American Horror Story," and of course, next year's Latin Grammys hosted by Sheriff Joe Arpaio.


COLBERT: I thought you people loved morally compromised anti-heroes! You like Walter White. He's just Walter much whiter.

ALEC BALDWIN, ACTOR: I suppose I should say, At long last Mr. President, here is your Emmy.

JANE FONDA, ACTRESS: Back in 1980 in that movie, we refused to be controlled by a sexist, egotistical, lying, hypocritical bigot.

LILY TOMLIN, ACTRESS: Really. And in 2017, we still refuse to be controlled by a sexist, egotistical, lying, hypocritical bigot!


DONALD GLOVER, ACTOR: I want to thank Trump for making black people number one on the most depressed list.


HANNITY: Oh, the person that stole the show was former White House press secretary Sean Spicer. Well, one minute of levity anyway. Take a look.


COLBERT: Unfortunately, at this point, we have no way of knowing how big our audience is. I mean, is there anyone who could say how big the audience is? Sean, do you know?


SEAN SPICER, FORMER WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: This will be the largest audience to witness an Emmys, period!


HANNITY: Not exactly. So while all these Hollywood leftists were hysterical over Sean Spicer's joke about crowd size, it turns out, well, the American people didn't really care to watch this Hollywood hate fest. Last night's awards show just barely missed setting a record for the least-watched Emmys ever. And for good reason.

Hollywood's insane, unhinged hatred for the president is pretty much unlike anything we've ever seen. Just look at how actors and comedians and musicians have repeatedly threatened or encouraged violence against the president. These people have become unhinged, deranged, and kind of in a weird way, obsessed with the president. And it shows how out of touch, oblivious they are to the American people and the agenda that you voted for.

By the way, when are we going to have an awards show for carpenters and doctors that save lives and nurses and people that do plumbing and heating and make our lives better every day, and truck drivers that bring us all the food and materials we need? Do they ever get an award show, ever?

And speaking of agendas, it appears Senate Republicans are actually interested in keeping their promises that they made about repealing and replacing ObamaCare. All right, let's not get our expectations up too high. But after the Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell failed spectacularly to get enough votes back in July, well, Senators Bill Cassidy, Lindsey Graham -- they are offering up a new amendment to get rid of ObamaCare once and for all.

Here are some of the highlights of this plan. It replaces ObamaCare subsidies with block grants to the states. So that instead of a one-size-fits-all approach dictated by Washington, well, states will be able to choose how they want to spend the money. And it ends both the crushing individual and employer mandates. The massive and unaffordable Medicaid expansion will be scaled back. Insurers will have more flexibility to offer catastrophic plans, by the way, currently illegal under ObamaCare, and get rid of a lot of ObamaCare regulations. And by the way, health savings accounts would be expanded. Same with health cooperatives.

And those are all Republican ideas and principles. I kept saying during that debate, where the Republicans ideas we've talked about for 15 years? Now, Republicans do need to get this done before September the 30th. That's when the budget reconciliation process window closes, or else then, they'll need 60 votes to repeal and replace ObamaCare. After that, it would be unlikely to happen. Now, the Senate majority leader McConnell, Republicans need to do everything within their power to get this passed. The clock is ticking.

Now, while the president waits on Republicans to get their act together, his administration -- they are moving ahead on a plan that would allow studies to be conducted on energy exploration in Anwar, the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska. Millions of high-paying career jobs are at stake here. Estimates put the number of untapped ANWR oil reserves between 4 and almost 12 billion barrels of oil. Energy independence has been one of the president's major promises, and allowing drilling in a region -- and we've shown pictures before -- it is a vast wilderness, a huge step in America energy independence.

Congress will also need to continue to move ahead on tax reform. Remember, the plan is simple, seven brackets to three, 15 percent corporate rate to make American businesses more competitive. They'll invest in factories and manufacturing centers, allowing multinational corporations, repatriate trillions at a low rate because they don't want to bring the money into the U.S. because they pay a high rate now.

Again, they'll be investing in American workers and American products. All of this helps the forgotten men and women in this country that were key to the last election.

Now, if you do all of this, you gut regulations, which the president has been doing, unleash the American economy, that's great for everybody.

And finally, we cannot forget Congress needs to fund the border wall. Get the money first. That money needs to be secured first before any other deal is made on immigration, period, end of sentence. You always get the tax increase, never the spending cuts. You always get some type of conciliation on whatever it happens to be, but you never get the promised border security!

Here with reaction, RNC spokesperson Kayleigh McEnany is with us, Fox News correspondent-at-large Geraldo Rivera, Florida attorney general Pam Bondi.

Pam, we'll start with you. Got a lot of issues on the table tonight.


HANNITY: Where would you want to start?

BONDI: Very important issues. Well, I think first with the U.N., since we're in New York and the president...

HANNITY: Is that why you're here?

BONDI: (INAUDIBLE) tomorrow. I'm speaking at the Concordia summit tomorrow on human trafficking, which of course is...


BONDI: ... very near and dear to my heart.

HANNITY: Big part of immigration.

BONDI: Sure is. It sure is. Absolutely. We've been working with the Mexican government, actually, and that's why I'm all for building the wall, too. And the drug crisis and the African government, as well, on human trafficking. But you know, China's got to come to the table, of course, and President Trump has made that very clear...


HANNITY: ... table on North Korea. They have a lot of power over North Korea.

BONDI: That's what I'm talking about, Sean. They absolutely do because they have a tremendous amount of power over North Korea, and that's how we can stop this madman, you know, this maniac from going forward.

HANNITY: Geraldo, I thought of you. We are both big freedom of speech guys. I don't call for boycotts. I don't call for firing people, not even an ISIS pose with the severed head of the president, although you even suggested it could be a crime as a threat to the president.

It seems like the intolerance in this country now is almost solely on the left because if any conservatives spoke at the Emmys about Obama the way they speak about Donald Trump, our president, you know the outrage would be loud, fast, furious, and conservatives probably would end up fired!

GERALDO RIVERA, FOX CORRESPONDENT: I was going to say of the United Nations, Sean, that it was dysfunctional and bloated. I think the same thing about the Emmy Awards show last night. It was dysfunctional and bloated. I mean, it gets so predictable that they're going to hit Trump. They're going to hit him, you know, with whatever their acceptance speeches, they're going to wind it around until, finally, they can take a jab at the president.

Ironically, I thought that the pros did the best job. I think Stephen Colbert was funny and the bit with Sean Spicer. You know, I think it's great when you poke fun at yourself, you know, when you can disarm the audience. And I thought that Sean Spicer did a lot of good for himself.

HANNITY: I agree with you.

RIVERA: He's certainly jacked up his speaking fee.


HANNITY: He jacked up his speaking fee! Why do you go right to the business aspect (INAUDIBLE) which cracks me up.

You know, as I listened a little bit last night, I couldn't watch it. It's intolerable to me, Kayleigh. But there's one thing that is of a note. All of the lies that are told every 2 and 4 years in elections in this country by Democrats -- Republicans are racist, sexist, misogynistic, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic. They basically -- that's what they believe. They believe the Democratic lie.

The president is unlike past presidents. He's fighting back against the lies! And I think it's refreshing because it's something that is so vicious that they've gotten away with, it's now made it to the mainstream where people believe this garbage.

KAYLEIGH MCENANY, RNC SPOKESPERSON: Sean, it's so sad. You're exactly right. This is straight out of the playbook of the left, this demonization philosophy. Go back to 1980. Go back to Ronald Reagan. They said that Ronald Reagan raised the specter of white sheets. They said that voting for Ronald Reagan was like a good German voting in Hitler's Germany, on and on and so on and so forth, demonizing him as a racist, as a misogynist, the same exact thing they're saying about President Trump.

It's false. It's defamatory. And President Trump is fighting back. And it kills those liberals. It kills the Hollywood elites. That's why they used their entire platform to skewer the president.

HANNITY: All right, let's go to the agenda, Pam Bondi. I think the president -- you agree with me, I think, that he's got to get the funding first. I would think you agree it would be a good thing -- as conservatives, don't we always want to always send things back to the states?

BONDI: Absolutely.

HANNITY: The health care. If he gets his tax plan in place, it includes things like getting rid of the alternative minimum, ending the double death tax, which people pay -- I think -- and energy independence, I think that spurs economic growth we've never seen since Reagan.

BONDI: Of course it does because we have a businessman who's president of the United States. And that's what the liberal elite can't handle. And they're not going to get to President Trump. We know him. He's not going to be affected by it. He's going to charge forward with his agenda to fix our country. And it's got to start with tax reform. We've got to build the wall. We've got to repeal and replace ObamaCare. My state, of course, we were lead counsel on that, so that's very important to us and the entire country. And he's not going to -- he's not going to stop.

HANNITY: Geraldo, for the first time in a long time, after talking to a lot of the leadership this weekend in the House and talking to a lot of rank and file in the House and Senate, I'm thinking the items I just mentioned actually could get done. I didn't believe it up until now.

RIVERA: Well, I think you may be a bit optimistic there, Sean. I think the one issue you haven't really focused on this evening I think is the priority. I mean, North Korea has the possibility of affecting all of our lives in a way 9/11 did for the worse! I think that we...

HANNITY: We have John Bolton in the next segment. I did mention it in my opening monologue.


HANNITY: But I think the agenda...


RIVERA: In terms of "Obama care," I don't know where people are getting the optimism that this time, the GOP is going to get their act together.

HANNITY: Because they're one vote away right now.

RIVERA: Yes, but...

HANNITY: I can tell you for a face they're one vote away...

RIVERA: It's going to be John McCain...

HANNITY: ... in the Senate and the House is going to support it.


RIVERA: Remember what John McCain did, though? Is John McCain, the sainted war hero -- is he going to go...


HANNITY: ... best buddy, Lindsey Graham, that's sponsoring the bill! Maybe he can get -- you know, all these people promised us. I think Lisa Murkowski, she could hold it up. Susan Collins could hold it up and Rand Paul.


RIVERA: In terms of domestic policy, let them focus on something that is attainable.

HANNITY: That's attainable!

RIVERA: I think that -- we've been spending the last week or so concentrating heavily on tax reform.


RIVERA: And you laid it out in a pretty clear fashion, three tax rates instead of seven, and so forth and so on. Why can't we concentrate? Why can't we -- now, after 7.5 years with this...


RIVERA: ... ObamaCare phony baloney, why don't we do something that we can actually achieve?

HANNITY: I hate to say it. You may be right. Most people can walk and chew gum. Most Americans that have a sense of urgency, that actually work 16 hours a day and don't take off months at a time -- you might be right there. So I hate to concede a point that they're lazy and never underestimate their incompetence, but I'll give Kayleigh an opportunity to respond to you.

MCENANY: Well, you know, Geraldo talked about health care being attainable or unattainable, in his words. This is indispensable to the wellbeing of the American people. And I want to point out to your viewers, Sean, if Graham-Cassidy passes, look what passed, going back to conservative principles, putting the decision making in the hands of the states, not the federal government, which I know AG Bondi fought valiantly for when she led counsel on this.

HANNITY: Yes. All right, from your lips to God's ears. Pam, welcome to New York. Great to see you.

BONDI: Thank you.

HANNITY: Geraldo, my adopted brother, thank you for being...

RIVERA: I love you, brother.

HANNITY: You've been so nice to me. Thank you so much. Kayleigh, we love having you. Isn't it better the worst person you're dealing with is not Van Jones but Geraldo?



MCENANY: Hey, we love Geraldo!


HANNITY: He's not that bad. He's actually a good guy and one of my best friends.

When we come back, talking about North Korea -- former ambassador John Bolton weighs in and he'll talk about the president's speech to the U.N. tomorrow.

Later, a one-on-one "Hannity" shootout with a former Obama economic adviser, Austan Goolsbee.

And we do have a big announcement at the end of the show, something that I think you're going to like, straight ahead.



HANNITY: And welcome back to "Hannity." So today, President Trump made his first appearance at the U.N. in New York City as commander-in-chief. And he had this to say about an organization that I claim has been historically anti-American and anti-Semitic. Take a look.


TRUMP: The United Nations was founded on truly noble goals. These include affirming the dignity and worth of the human person and striving for international peace. The United Nations has helped advance toward these goals in so many ways. To honor the people of our nations, we must ensure that no one and no member state shoulders a disproportionate share of the burden, and that's militarily or financially.


HANNITY: All right, here with reaction, Fox News contributor, former U.S. ambassador to the U.N., John Bolton. First react to the president's comments, and then you can react to my comments because I saw you look at me when I -- when I mentioned what I feel about the U.N.

JOHN BOLTON, FMR. U.S. AMB. TO U.N., FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Yes, look, the president is an optimistic man. He laid out his criticisms again, not like it was a campaign speech because it wasn't, and said he hopes we can get reform. I wish him all the best.

I don't think it's going to happen. I've watched these efforts for 25 years or more. And the effect overall has been negligible. My view is that the only thing that can get the attention of the secretariat and the other member nations of the U.N. is for the U.S. to move unilaterally to a system of voluntarily contributions. Based on this revolutionary principle, we pay only for what we want and we insist we get what we pay for.

HANNITY: Why do we get stuck with 22 percent of the bill, 28 percent of the money for U.N. peacekeeping? And the majority of forces, let's face it, are almost universally a majority American all the time.

BOLTON: Well, here's an interesting statistic. China, which everybody is telling us their economy is almost as big as ours -- China's going to surpass it. They pay seven percent of the U.N.'s budget.

HANNITY: They have the same power we do.

BOLTON: ... while we pay three to four times we do. So that's why I say people take this 22 percent, 28 percent as an entitlement. And just like in Washington, entitlement programs sap initiative. The best run programs in the U.N. today tend to be those funded by voluntary contributions.

Now, a lot of our European friends won't like it. Life is hard, you know? But I think we need to go to voluntary contributions and do it unilaterally if the others won't go along. Then they will pay attention to us.

HANNITY: Am I using hyperbole, am I wrong, am I being unfair to say the organization, generally speaking, its voting over the years has been anti- Semitic and anti-American?

BOLTON: There's no question about it. If you looked at votes in the U.N. General Assembly, whenever we stand on principle, we lose. Whenever we insist on trying to live up to the U.N.'s founding ideals, we lose. And that's been true for decades. And yet we put this "kick me" sign on us and pay for it, as well.

HANNITY: Yes. You know, one of the things that frustrates me is -- by the way, beyond they're in New York right now. You can't budge in New York because you got every...


BOLTON: ... good exercise. You got to walk. You have no choice.

HANNITY: Oh, I walked everywhere. I -- listen, I'm not complaining. I'm not whining. We have good lives. That's not the point.

But I don't think they -- I don't think they've done anything effective in terms of what their mission was. I would think, at some point -- I like your idea about doing it voluntarily, but a bigger point is if they can't function and have a sense of right and wrong -- when you put Iran on the U.N. human rights commission...

BOLTON: Really, what could go wrong?

HANNITY: OK, a country that kills gays and lesbians. Let's start there, persecutes Christian and Jews, talks about wiping Israel off the map -- how do you put them on the human rights commission?

BOLTON: The United States resign from the Human Rights Council right now. One of the happiest votes I made at the U.N. in 2006, in the Bush administration, was to vote against creating this new body. It was not a reform of its predecessor. It has not performed for over a decade. We just ought to get off of it and defund it immediately.

HANNITY: All right, stay right there. We'll have more with Ambassador Bolton right after the break.

Nikki Haley talking about the possible destruction of North Korea. I've been using the word "incinerate." No, we'll get into that. Also, what about the nuclear deal with Iran? Will that go away? And also tonight, I go one-on-one, "Hannity" shoot-out, Austan Goolsbee.

That and -- well, we have a little announcement tonight. We hope you'll stand by. It's important. Straight ahead.



PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: We are going to be discussing many things, among them, peace between the Palestinians and Israel will be a fantastic achievement. And we are giving it an absolute go.

BENJAMIN NETANYAHU, ISRAELI PRIME MINISTER: I want to say that under your leadership, the alliance between America and Israel has never been stronger, never been deeper. I look forward to discussing with you how we can address together what you rightly called a terrible nuclear deal with Iran and how to roll back the growing aggression in the region, especially in Syria.


SEAN HANNITY, FOX NEWS HOST: President Trump, the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, speaking earlier today at the U.N. We continue now with former U.S. ambassador to the U.N., John Bolton. Nikki Haley said, and I agree with her, if North Korea continues the saber rattling and firing missiles over Japan, and we know they have nuclear capability, they want ICBM capability so they can reach the continental United States. It's only a prescription, in my opinion, she said destruction. I would use the word incineration. That country will have to be incinerated. There will be no option.

JOHN BOLTON, FORMER AMBASSADOR TO U.N.: Look, at the present time North Korea is very close to having the capability of hitting any target it wants in the continental United States with a thermal nuclear weapon. It is unacceptable for the United States and our innocent population to have to with that threat. So when this present crisis ends, if North Korea still has nuclear weapons capability, we have lost.

Susan Rice, Obama's national security adviser, recently said, you know, we've tried for 25 years to stop North Korea. I guess we failed. We have to learn to live with it like we learn to live with nuclear weapons with the Soviet Union.

HANNITY: No, we don't.

BOLTON: We do not, and it's a dangerous and facile analogy.

HANNITY: So Bill Clinton when he announces the nuclear deal after he spent billions in taxpayer dollars in energy subsidies with North Korea, a good deal for the American people. All right, some good deal, because he has a nuclear weapons we were promised they wouldn't have. Now they've got the missile technology. I don't see anything different unfolding over time as I'm listening to the Israeli prime minister as it relates to Iran. Now you've got radical Islam married to weapons of mass destruction. That to me is a-squared, b-squared, c-squared formula, and that is radical Islamists, nuclear weapons, modern-day holocaust.

BOLTON: And it only gets worse after that. Whenever capability North Korea has, Iran can have tomorrow. Forget the nuclear deal. The Iranians will just buy it from them. But I hope this meeting today between Bibi Netanyahu and President Trump gave Netanyahu a chance to explain why the president has to get the United States out of this nuclear deal by the middle of October.

HANNITY: So if he finds in any way that they are not living up to the agreement of the deal, the president -- I think it's month by month he signs off on.

BOLTON: Every 90 days. If he simply says this deal is not in the United States national interests, which it manifestly is not, he decertifies. He also has to get out of the deal. He has to provide political and moral clarity. I think he's prepared to do it. I hope his advisors are going to give him a chance.

HANNITY: I have the Egyptian president, General President el-Sisi who has shown great courage in Egypt standing up to not only the Muslim Brotherhood. They refer to them and designated them a terrorist organization. We have not in the U.S., which is nuts. But he has shown great courage taking on radical Islam and, he said, talking about how Islam needs a reformation, if you will, or a dramatic change. And I'm sure he put himself at great risk.

But it seems that Israel, the Saudis, the Egyptians, the Jordanians and other gulf states now have aligned because of a fear of Iranian hegemony in the region, true or false?

BOLTON: I think that's absolutely right, and I hope that the president lays out tomorrow why the Iranian threat is not confined only to its nuclear program which we've talked about, but to its continuing support for international terrorism, its efforts to dominate the Middle East, its threat to Israel and its threat to us.

HANNITY: All right, ambassador, very troubled times. I think North Korea, we are on the verge. Do you agree? This is going to happen.

BOLTON: A decision has to be made. It cannot be ducked any longer.

HANNITY: I think we are going to have to take out their muscles on the launch-pad.

BOLTON: We can't leave them with a nuclear weapons because even if they didn't have ballistic missile capability, they could sell it to Iran, they could sell it to terrorists.

HANNITY: All right, very dangerous. Thank you, sir.

When we come back, Hillary Clinton actually tells NPR she's not going to rule out questioning the legitimacy of the 2016 election results. By the way, can you say crybaby? If new information pops about the Russia election interference -- there's no information. Up, the "Hannity" shoot- out, former Obama economic adviser Austan Goolsbee. And the big announcement tonight coming up at the end of the show, straight ahead.


KELLY WRIGHT, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: This is a Fox News weather alert. I am Kelly Wright in New York.

This year's devastating hurricane season isn't finished yet. Hurricane Maria has just been upgraded to a powerful category five storm. It's packing 160 mile per hour winds and is still gaining track. Right now it's barreling towards Puerto Rico. It's expected to reach the island on Wednesday morning and could add to the devastation already caused by hurricane Irma.

Prosecutors reportedly told President Trump's former campaign manager Paul Manafort that they plan to indict him. According to "The New York Times" the warning from special counsel Robert Mueller followed the July search of one of Manafort's homes. Manafort is under investigation for possible tax law violations and failure to disclose foreign lobbying. Spokesmen for both Mueller and Manafort have declined to comment.

That's a look at news. I'm Kelly Wright. Now back to "Hannity."

HANNITY: Welcome back to the "Hannity." Hillary Clinton refuses to accept the fact that she lost the election to President Trump. In an interview with NPR Clinton said that she won't rule out contesting the election and the election results if there is actual proof of so called Russia election interference.

This is the exact opposite of what Clinton tweeted about Donald Trump last October. Remember she tweeted this, quote, "Donald Trump refused to say that he'd respect the results of the election. That's a direct threat to our democracy."

Here now, former Obama economic, Austan Goolsbee. All right, so the media in all the conspiracy theorists on these other cable channels in "The New York Times" and "Washington Post," they've been telling us Russia, Russia, Russia. You follow the news as closely as anybody I know, Austan. Can you name one piece of evidence that we have of Trump-Russia collusion in the election?

AUSTAN GOOLSBEE, FORMER OBAMA ECONOMIC ADVISER: You backed away there. Now it's only Donald Trump himself? A couple of months ago, you told me there was no evidence of the campaign's collusion. Now we actually have several pieces of that.

HANNITY: OK, I will help you out. Can you name any specific evidence that has been cited of Trump campaign and Russia collusion in the election or the DNC emails or the DNC emails, the John Podesta emails? Do you have any evidence of it at all that you can --

GOOLSBEE: Certainly there's suggestive evidence. Certainly there's suggestive evidence.

HANNITY: No, no, no, no. Give me a little meat on a bone.

GOOLSBEE: The fact that they sent an email to Don, Jr., saying we have dirt on Hillary Clinton and he says I love it, let's have a meeting. That's evidence.

HANNITY: All right, that is evidence of collusion, that's evidence of collusion. Here's the question I have, when a DNC paid staffer met with the Ukrainian embassy -- with the Ukrainian ambassador at the embassy and then reported back to the DNC and reported back to Hillary Clinton's campaign, is that worse than what you are saying is the little tiny meat on the bone? What you are giving me is maybe a morsel --

GOOLSBEE: I don't know on the Ukraine.

HANNITY: Oh, you don't want to talk about it.

GOOLSBEE: I haven't seen the argument that the Ukraine was trying to criminally --

HANNITY: Excuse me, they were. They actually leaked information to try and hurt Donald Trump during the election, and the DNC paid staffer met with the Ukrainian ambassador.

GOOLSBEE: Sean, we're old friends and I will concede your point. It is in my opinion not Hillary Clinton's place to declare that she considers the election suspect or not. She was the candidate. That's for the American people and the U.S. --

HANNITY: Tell me what the crime is.

GOOLSBEE: So far there's no crime.

HANNITY: You and I are running against each other for president. Let's make everyone laugh for a second.


HANNITY: Something that will never happen. Plus, I would win.

GOOLSBEE: I am the good-looking one in that.

HANNITY: If you consider losing lucky, that's fine. I'm OK with that. But we are running against each other for president. And all of a sudden somebody tells me I've got information that you need to know about Austan Goolsbee that is going to impact this election and the American people to know. Is there any crime if I meet with him and try to find out what they had?

GOOLSBEE: There could be, but let me say this --

HANNITY: Where would the crime be?

GOOLSBEE: -- we're running against each other and they come to tell me that, I'm going to tell them to go sit and spin, and if they are the Russians, I'm going to call the FBI.

HANNITY: You're going to call the FBI, and you're not going to listen?

GOOLSBEE: If the Russians called me up and says they spied on you?

HANNITY: There's no crime in listening to anybody. And you know who I would cite as my source? I'm going to cite Alan Dershowitz. Is Alan Dershowitz liberal enough for you? Yes, he is. He's right there with you. He's kind of close liberal with you.

GOOLSBEE: I don't think --

HANNITY: He agrees with me.

GOOLSBEE: He may agree with you, but, Sean, we have not gotten the report from Mueller and the FBI. I hope that there is no crime, that if there is anything untoward, that it was some marginal person in the campaign and that person tells their account and it has nothing to do with the president, because if it goes higher, then we would be in a constitutional crisis, and I don't want that to happen.

HANNITY: Austan, we don't have a constitutional crisis, and after everybody in the country for a year, even Comey and Clapper and Brennan and everybody in the intelligence community said there's no evidence but there is smoke. After a year of smoke, give me some meat on the bone or it's got to go away. This is a distraction and an attempt to delegitimize a duly elected president. And you should be asking your side to knock it off because it's hurting the country.

GOOLSBEE: I have. I have. As I say, I don't think Hillary Clinton should be getting up and saying she doesn't -- she might not certify. So we agree on something.

HANNITY: Half. I'd win if it's you versus me it's over. I'm going to win because you supported Obama's failed economic agenda, 13 million more Americans on food stamps, 8 million more in poverty, lowest labor participation rate under you.

GOOLSBEE: Look who the president is.

HANNITY: Yes, Donald Trump. Thank God.

When we come back, the Emmys take a hard left turn last night with the onslaught of Trump bashing. It's like they are like drug addicts. They're addicted to it. Country music legends Big and Rich weigh in on that. And I have an announcement coming at the end of the show that I want to share with you straight ahead.


HANNITY: Welcome back to "Hannity." So at the Emmys last night, Hollywood liberals, they took a lot of cheap shots at the president. Here with reaction in studio, and their new CD out, country music legends, superstars, Big Kenny and John Rich, otherwise known as Big and Rich. They also have their album that's out "Did It for the Party." And California is your top-selling signal. How are you doing, man?

JOHN RICH, "BIG AND RICH": Good, man, how are you doing?

HANNITY: Kenny, did you know that he writes liners for my radio show customer

BIG KENNY, "BIG AND RICH": I heard about this.

HANNITY: Firing torpedoes of truth against a wall of lies.


HANNITY: I've never got another line. That was five years ago.

RICH: I think it was over a good cigar. Sometimes that will jar a good --

HANNITY: Any time you hang out with John Rich, you're going to smoke a good cigar and drink Crown Royal, which I would rather -- to me it's like your worst medicine.

KENNY: Your slogan working for five, right? That's a pretty good one.

RICH: I have to say in Tennessee right now, I'd like to give shout out to Granny Rich who watches you every night.

HANNITY: I love granny.

RICH: And she is sitting and watching right now.

HANNITY: She's got to proud. And you come from a background, your dad was a preacher.

RICH: He is a preacher still, yes.

HANNITY: I think holy --

KENNY: "Holy Water."

HANNITY: That song, when I saw the video, it became instantly one of my favorite videos.

RICH: That's a song we still play in the show. We hear people yelling from the crowd, play "Holy Water." It's one of the things I think about our music, we have those rocking songs like "Coming to Your City" and "Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy." But then you have songs like "Holy Water." It became a huge song for veterans and active duty. Every show for over 1,000 shows now Big Kenny and I have brought up veterans and active duty on stage.

HANNITY: You say come on up if you are active duty?

RICH: We read their name, their rank, we give them the microphone, let them say whatever they want to the audience, and that's become a tradition in our show.

HANNITY: I have one question, big Kenny. He and I, we battle politics like day and night. You are not as political.

KENNY: You know what, man, I was raised by her father who wasn't necessarily a preacher but just a hardworking farmer. And back where I came from -- in Virginia. We raised cattle. And there in the community, they built a church, the men built fire department, they started the rescue squad. My father served on the school board. My father is on the board of rural electrification for 40 years. He was all about making sure everybody at the end of the line got a light bulb. And I'm just all about doing.

HANNITY: You were with us in April 15th of 2010 in Atlanta. There was 30,000 people there. And that was the start of the Tea Party rally. You sang on stage. It was rocking, a really fun time. And you guys have got to love that because it becomes alive. And I've always thought you watch people sing your song words back to you, how cool is that?

KENNY: We were in Falcon stadium two nights ago.

HANNITY: In Georgia?

KENNY: In Colorado, where the Air Force Academy is.


KENNY: And there's 35,000 people up there in front of us, and we are singing together. Everyone in there is making a joyful noise together. There's nothing better than that.

HANNITY: This is what I think is a great artist. You have serious, rocking fun, people dancing all over the place. Just take everybody with a range of emotions. You fight. You fall in love. You get divorced. You fall in love. You rekindle the relationship.

RICH: That's country music.

KENNY: That's life.

RICH: That's the essence of it. I think anybody that is really writing and performing their own stuff, you are basically writing time capsules of your life every time you put out another record.

HANNITY: When you had your baby?

RICH: I have two sons. Kenny has two sons. There's a song on the record called "My Son." I think you will like that one. So art imitates life, and life, it's all kind of one thing.

HANNITY: You seen me sing "The Devil Went Down to Georgia" with Charlie.

RICH: Is that's what you were doing?


HANNITY: Wow, I'm going to throw my football.

RICH: Easy. Come on, man. My little sister has a football just like this.


HANNITY: All right, you know what, I break everything in the studio. That thing over there is like $400 million.

Anyway, the CD is phenomenal. You guys are going to be on tour all over the country. And I love you guys. Awesome music. I've been a fan forever. You touch people's hearts and souls and that's what I love about what music does. You can't teach me how to sing, right?

RICH: We can try.

KENNY: We can teach you how to party.

RICH: We can teach you how to party.

HANNITY: I've been out with him, 6:00 in the morning. It's not good. I've done it twice.


HANNITY: When we come back, big announcement about this show, and they are dying to hear it. They don't even know what it is, straight ahead.


HANNITY: Welcome back to the Fox News Channel. Now, we do have a big announcement. Starting Monday, September the 25th, we are going to be moving to 9 p.m. Eastern, back where we started, and we are very happy about it.

By the way, all my career I've started out behind the eight ball. In the month of August, for example, we were number two in cable because for some bizarre reason conspiracy theory TV is working right now. But with your help and if you help us spread the word, give us a little time, we are planning on being number one with your help.

We also really want to congratulate our good friend of the program, Laura Ingraham. She is going to be taking over the 10 p.m. at the end of October. And as I wrote on Twitter earlier today, when you really think about it, I never expected that I would be the bridge between two generations of the Fox News Channel. This is the next generation, and now we've had some changes obviously. Greta and Bill and Megan have all left. I'm glad to be back in my own time slot. It all starts next Monday. And we are very proud of Tucker, Martha, and of course now Laura. We will see you Monday, Monday night at 9.

Anyway, we will always be fair and balanced. Thanks for being with us. We will see you back here tomorrow night.

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