Hillary Clinton's campaign strategy

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," August 24, 2016. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: Good for you.


GUTFELD: All right. I'm Greg Gutfeld along with Kennedy, Williams, Bolling, and the birthday candle as her street lamp, Perino, "The Five."

According to Politico -- a thing -- Hillary Clinton aims to run out the clock with 75 days until Election Day. When you look at where she is now in the context of a campaign, that's like a quarterback taking a knee at the start of the fourth quarter.

So rather than persuasively dispel accusations of cronyism, she puts a "closed early" sign on the front of the shop and hides in a crawl space under the stairs. The campaign slogan is, I'm with her, but it should be, where'd she go? She's less visible than Pluto, on the run longer than Whitey Bulger, even Waldo was wondering where in the world she is.

Here's why Hillary's in hiding: She's counting on Trump to continue being Trump between now and then, while Trump counts on her scandals to explode. Each candidate's secret weapon happens to be each other. They're playing chicken with their own flaws, banking on the other's mistakes.

So who's winning? Well Hillary assumes we'll all grow bored of the e-mails, after all, with e-mails, there's no tape, there's no visual. But Trump, he's a walking spectacle, the opposite of boring. His deeds always hijack the spotlight. And that's a trend that Hillary could ride all the way to November, except for three obstacles: the debates. When the Empress of Emails meets Captain Excitement, try running out the clock on that stage with no Candy Crowley in sight.

All right. Kennedy, welcome to the show.


GUTFELD: You know, I used everybody's last names in honor of you.

KENNEDY: Thank you.


GUTFELD: Do you think this is a good strategy for her to go into hiding, she's like Julian Assange.

KENNEDY: Yeah. That's the only strategy she got. I mean, if you remember, when she left the State Department that's when she had her highest favorability ratings because she was finally going away. And I think the United States and the world breathed a collective sigh of relief. She doesn't do press conferences because she says things that she'll be held accountable for months. She always makes news for all the wrong reasons. When she's does that, she's bad on the stump and she is not particularly good in debates, so all she has to do is keep her head down, get through these three debates. And, you know, speaking of Julian Assange, we don't know what that final WikiLeak will hold.



GUTFELD: The October surprise, Eric.


GUTFELD: I don't know if it's coming, but who knows.

BOLLING: So Hillary Clinton's not hiding. She's not closed for business. What she is doing though is she's fundraising.

GUTFELD: Uh-huh.

BOLLING: She's in Hollywood, she's in the Hamptons. She's on the Upper East Side. She's putting together a pin-board chess, because as you, guys aptly point out, she's going to have a hard time in the debate going up against Trump. Trump, like him or hate him, he is an attack dog.


BOLLING: He will go after it, he won't shy down. And then, after these debates or in between the debates, she's going to have to spend some money on ads and try to clean up the mess that she probably is going to leave on the debate stage. But it is important to know, we talked about this yesterday and I wrote about it a little bit that was Donald Trump got to Louisiana to talk to the flood victims. President Obama got to Louisiana to talk to the flood victims. Hillary Clinton is on her -- in her private meetings, cocktail parties raising big money.

GUTFELD: I hear there was a water fountain at the cocktail party. So at least she got to some body of water, Dana. And I think that counts for something. I always think about this thing. If this was going to be a problem, why did the DNC continue with her? I mean, you know what I mean, if this e-mail thing was going to be such a catastrophe, wouldn't they have.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Well, I don't know if they knew at the time.


PERINO: I don't think there were many Democrats, like if Joe Biden had known that it was going to be this bad, if anybody had any clue that that was going to be -- they would be in this situation, would they have changed things? Possibly, but I'll say no, they have had this machine ready to go since 2008 when Barack Obama won and she was going to be the heir apparent. She is raising a ton of money, and it's not just for her own campaign, she's now giving a lot of that money to congressional campaigns and senate campaigns, where Republicans are now seeing those races tighten and now you have Nate Silver saying that the Republicans only have 40 percent chance of keeping the majority. So she's basically figuring out a way to -- if she becomes president, to have a lot of friends in the congress to help her get done whatever she wants to get done. So, it's frustrating that she doesn't talk to the media. I don't understand why the DNC didn't do more to deal with this e-mail issue before now because Hillary Clinton knows what's in there.

GUTFELD: Uh-huh.

PERINO: Or maybe -- or maybe she doesn't. Maybe she doesn't remember. I don't know, but they could have done a lot more to probably play bull work (ph) against it.

GUTFELD: I keep hearing sirens.

PERINO: I know.

KENNEDY: They're coming for you.


KENNEDY: I hear that. I think I'm in trouble.

PERINO: I didn't do anything.


GUTFELD: But to reflex. Juan, OK, do you think that this is going to work? I mean, the fact that she's counting on us being bored silly by the e-mails.


GUTFELD: And you are, too, aren't you?


GUTFELD: Yes. Yeah.

WILLIAMS: But Trump throws a lot of stuff out there. Eric's right, Trump's exciting, Mr. Excitement, by the way, he's going to get smashed on the debate stage.

BOLLING: We'll see.


BOLLING: I heard that in the primaries, too.

WILLIAMS: No, no, no, in the primaries.


GUTFELD: How is she going to get smashed? How is he going to get smashed by her?

WILLIAMS: Because she'll ask about his hands.


GUTFELD: Yeah, that really worked.

WILLIAMS: That really will work.

KENNEDY: She will -- to Juan's point, she will try to bore him to death in the debates. And the only thing she's got is being a fact-checking busy body and that worked for her against Bernie Sanders because he didn't want to offend her. But Trump -- Nate even said they can't find someone to step in as his stand-in for debate practice because he's so loco.


KENNEDY: And if he can employ that, it just may work to his benefit.



WILLIAMS: It's not going to work.

KENNEDY: They're two completely different debaters.


WILLIAMS: You know how we talk about Crooked Hillary, Hillary's not being trustworthy, that's her weakness, right?


WILLIAMS: That's why Trump is talking about things like the charity, the e-mail, you know, even suggested she doesn't have the stamina to go forward, right? Everything, he's throwing everything at the wall. Trump's weakness is people thinking he's loco.


WILLIAMS: They also think other negative things about him, so if he comes on stage and acts the fool, people say that's Donald Trump, that's why I'm not voting for him. So I don't think that's a successful strategy.

KENNEDY: Well, we will see.

GUTFELD: We will see. Shall we hear from Charles Krauthammer about the e- mail situation and the Clinton Foundation and other things? Charles, please tell us something.


CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER, SYNDICATED COLUMNIST: What matters is we're there as a result of giving money to the Clintons. The answer is yes, and that is in itself damning. It may not be illegal, but it is damning. The point of getting money is to get access. We accept that in our campaign. If access were considered a quid pro quo, the jails would be groaning with politicians. Up until now, we spent access which by tradition and convention, we seem to accept as corrupt perhaps, but not illegal.


GUTFELD: Corrupt, but not illegal.

BOLLING: So, if it's not illegal, then what is? I mean, access is one thing, but we've already found it goes beyond access. The access leads to the deals. And the deals is the quo -- the quid pro quo, you have a deal that's consummated based on the pay-for-access. You've excluded other people who may want to do the deal in Wall Street terms, that's insider trading-like. There are so many things.


WILLIAMS: Wait, wait, wait, I love it. But I'm waiting for you to tell me. So here's the quid pro quo that gets it.


BOLLING: When GM drops money to the Clinton Foundation, and ends up with a wind plant in Algeria, OK, that other people may have wanted to do business with.


BOLLING: Or when Boeing has a deal with the Russians because of some Russian money that goes into the Clinton Foundation, they've excluded airbus.


WILLIAMS: But that's not true. There's no evidence of that. What you have is evidence that Boeing may have given somebody.


BOLLING: We have evidence of payment for access and then we have a deal list after the payment. That's quid pro quo.

WILLIAMS: Let me help you make your case. Access is a problem.

BOLLING: I don't need help.


WILLIAMS: You do because you're not making it. OK. So there's access, people who paid, according to the AP had higher level of access. Now, the campaign today or yesterday came out and said, the AP numbers are skewed, they're cherry picking those.

BOLLING: Which is wrong.


BOLLING: The campaign's wrong about that.

WILLIAMS: I don't think so by the way.


BOLLING: There are 156 occasions, 85 of them happen to be paid for, and these are all times that were not State Department.


WILLIAMS: Eric, she had 17,000 meetings, 1700.


WILLIAMS: And she had 184 with non-government, so they look at the 184.


KENNEDY: OK. Can I make a very quick analogy here, very briefly?


BOLLING: Take the 1700 out, that's business that she had to do anyway.


KENNEDY: Leave the 1700 in for this, very quickly. If I'm the serial killer and I say to you, I have -- I have paid for the services of over 4,000 streetwalkers. And I have only decapitated three of them, so that is 3997 streetwalkers who are still walking the street, and that is a phenomenal number.


KENNEDY: And you are only cherry picking the ones who no longer breathe or have heads. How dare you, cherry picking.

WILLIAMS: I love your analogy.

KENNEDY: Thank you.

WILLIAMS: It's so fascinating and somewhat scandalous, but in terms of this event here with Hillary Clinton, you guys have yet to say oh here is a deal.


KENNEDY: What about Uranium One?

WILLIAMS: It's not a deal.

KENNEDY: That's a deal.


GUTFELD: Dana, last word on this. Is this ever going to get beyond bickering? Are they going to say this is illegal, quid pro quo or what?

PERINO: Well, I don't know. In one of the examples, it would have been better if the wind plant had gone to a foreign company, and not an American company that got the business. I don't know. You are doing your job as a State Department secretary if that happens. The Clinton campaign might try to make that case. If they have to start going point by point, it could get, one, boring, two, possibly much more interesting from their perspective, they could say look what we did on behalf of America, or it could be even worse, because one of the things that Red State wrote about today was Hillary Clinton and this whole idea of running out the clock, it really is pretty gross what they were doing. The AP and other Judicial Watch had asked for her schedule way back in April. And Hillary Clinton people had said.


KENNEDY: Three years ago, three years ago.

PERINO: Three years. And they said it is just so difficult to do it. And slow walked it to this point because she knew that this problem of this question of who she met with, if there was a connection with the Clinton Foundation was going to come out, she would try to get it past the election. But now, it's coming home to roost right in the sweet spot in the last 70 days.

WILLIAMS: So that's the problem, which is the optics, you know, that's to a political term, the appearance of impropriety given the fact that people already have high level of distrust and that her opponents are so critical of her. It's opened up, you know, a nightmare for her. And from my perspective, I think it is -- I think the Boston Globe is right to say they should shut down that foundation.


WILLIAMS: Why? Because it opens up the door to the kind of question you're asking.


BOLLING: If it's questionable now, why wasn't it questionable 2009 to 2013 when she was Secretary of State?

WILLIAMS: I agree with you. I think it was questionable all along, but I'm saying there's no evidence that there's actual law-breaking or impropriety.

BOLLING: They got to shut it down.

WILLIAMS: Shut it down, because you know what, the appearance is so bad.


GUTFELD: Shut this down. And because we're going to be talking about this for a long time, so might as well save some of it.


GUTFELD: Anyway, Donald Trump admits he's softening his approach on illegal immigration and you'll hear why, next.


BOLLING: Donald Trump has won a lot of praise and faced criticism for his tough stance on immigration. He's now signaling he's open to altering his hard line policy on illegals. Here's what he told Sean Hannity last night.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: There certainly could be a softening because we're not looking to hurt people, we want people -- we have some great people in this country. We have some great, great people in this country. But we're going to follow the laws of this country.


TRUMP: People don't realize -- what people don't realize, we have very, very strong laws.

SEAN HANNITY, HANNITY SHOW HOST: Yeah, but Obama doesn't follow them.

TRUMP: No, they don't follow them. But we're going to follow the laws.


BOLLING: Take it around the table. Greg, your thoughts on -- by the way, is this a big change?

GUTFELD: I think it's -- here's the thing. Trump got tricked into conflating two issues. The issue was about future illegal immigration and it got him talking about the present illegal immigration situation. You always should be looking at the future first and then talking about what you do now. He got in that stuff and started talking about deportation. It was a mistake. But no him, everything is a negotiation. The problem is there's no one on the other side of the table. So when he's negotiating, there's nobody saying, except for, you know, some critics, but there's no negotiation, so he ends up having to negotiate with himself, which makes him a bit schizophrenic. But as I have said before, all of his fans who called people him rhinos for disagreeing with him now are now going to be OK with this.

BOLLING: Dana, so he's stuck in this situation where if he stayed hard line, people wouldn't like him, they will say you're too hard line. And if he pivots or softens, people will say hey, you're a flip-flopper or a softener.

PERINO: Yeah, so who stays with him, right? Actually, I read that entire transcript, and he takes every side of the issue. So it doesn't matter like at this point, you know, I don't know really what he ultimately would come down on, because he hasn't put pen to paper. But I do think it was interesting, yes, it's true, during the primary, if you took the position that he is now taking, do you recall somebody who was for amnesty and somebody who was just trying to do the Democrats bidding. OK, maybe that's fine, but get this. And this is something I kept going back to in the exit polls. Of the 28 states where there were GOP exit polls, immigration was the fourth most important issue out of four issues. The first one was economy, then government spending, then terrorism, then immigration. And also in 20 of the states, I asked this additional question, should most illegal immigrants working in the United States be offered a chance to apply for legal status or deported to the country where they came from, which is what Donald Trump stands for, 53 percent of people said, and this is Republicans, remember, in the primaries, 53 percent of Republicans say they should be offered a chance to stay here legally, not deported. So perhaps Trump now has got to a point where the rest of the Republican Party was or the majority of the Republican Party was, but, he's already made Hispanic population so mad that he's down to like a 12 percent approval rating with them. And he needs to do better with them if he's going to win.

BOLLING: Approval rating, Juan, he's polling around 22 to 23 percent, much below where McCain and Romney were, at least not much lower than Romney was, lower than McCain.

WILLIAMS: Right. But the question is you call people rapists and thieves, and suggest that everybody's cousin, aunt, and grandmother should be thrown out and you're going to create a deportation force. You don't have -- well, sincerity to rely on in speaking to that audience. I don't think he's speaking to that audience. In the next segment, how he's speaking to black America right now. I think all of this is trying to speak to the Dana Perino's of the world. He wants independent-minded Republican women to take another look and say you no what, he's not this racist guy, he's not an anti-immigrant guy, and maybe, maybe I could really consider Donald Trump approaching Labor Day.

BOLLING: Kennedy.

KENNEDY: I think the problem is when you have such a firm stance and you do something that even appears to be a reversal, people have a hard time trusting other issues that you've bought into, that they agree with you on. And I think, you know, what he's trying to do right now is appeal to independents and he absolutely has to. You know, not to mention -- I think he could write off the Hispanic and black vote because his numbers are so low, really only 8 percent of African-Americans say they're going to vote for Donald Trump and he's making a big push as we will discuss in a little bit. But he has to reach out to the independents. And I think this is one of the shifts you're seeing with the change at the top with Manafort out and Kellyanne Conway there and Bannon there. I think this is bearing fruit and they're telling him, you have to stay on message about a few things. You have to soften in other areas. So he's hitting Hillary on pay-to-play and he's been pretty disciplined on that, hasn't given her the missteps and here absolutely, he's making himself.


BOLLING: O'Reilly, Mike Pence, also (Inaudible) and a Trump advisor, Steve Cortez, going to ask him about this, what is the new stance and whether it's working or not. Trump also told Hannity he'd be happy top sit down with the leader of Mexico to talk immigration.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: By the way, the current president of Mexico said he would meet with you. Will you meet with him?

TRUMP: Yeah, sure, I'd meet with him. Absolutely.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They're not going to write you a check. How do you get them to pay for the wall?


TRUMP: On trade, they're killing us. They're killing us. They're killing us at the border and they're killing us on trade. We have a trade deficit with Mexico close to $60 billion a year. So right there, you can build the wall because the wall is a fraction of that.


BOLLING: All right. We will bring it around this way. Kennedy, your thoughts on this one.

KENNEDY: I hope they televise the meeting between him and the President Nieto. Because I think that could be as fascinating and has as many fireworks as the debates.

BOLLING: Throw in a little Vicente Fox in the meeting as well.



KENNEDY: You couldn't throw him in because he's got such a filthy mouth. Vicente Fox considers himself to be, you know, a real free market, free trade kind of person. And it's interesting because Donald Trump is so much of an isolationist with this stuff that we'll see if he makes a pivot in that direction as well, the opposite direction.

WILLIAMS: You know what I was curious, I thought the reason we should televise it is because the president of the Mexico said Donald Trump is the equivalent of Hitler.


WILLIAMS: So I thought if he says that, let's see what Donald has to say. Maybe as you said, the explosive debate stage Donald will emerge, that would truly be great WWE TV. But I think the problem for Donald is that he's got to keep the base that he excited by talking about build a wall. He's never backed off build a wall. Then he's got to keep that base in terms of punish people who already in the country, and instead, he's now, I think under the guidance of Kellyanne Conway, trying to say hey, let's try to be softer. Let's try to be more understanding. We don't want to the hurt good people and families, but that's not going to play with the base.


WILLIAMS: that feels like he's flip-flopping on them.

BOLLING: Does he risk his base by doing this?

PERINO: Well, it doesn't sound like it. Just listening to the town hall, you get cheers for saying that if you're a president of the United States, you would be willing to meet with another foreign leader. I mean, that should be standard. Yes, of course, a president of the United States should be willing to meet with an ally, which is Mexico.

BOLLING: OK. I will take that one step further. So if the base say Donald Trump, or this very, very energized base, he can soften and still keep them and maybe open up to the independent who says, I like this new softer Trump.

GUTFELD: The base should be prepared for Donald Trump relinquishing many of his beliefs because at the bottom line, all positions for him are negotiations. And those negotiations are based on one premise, who will love me more? Donald Trump is running for president to be loved and to be liked, and there's nothing better than strange new respect when all of the sudden you come out and find out the president of the Mexico, we're great buddies, forget the wall, we're building a golf course.


KENNEDY: Cross border golf course.


BOLLING: Let's leave it right there on that one. Don't miss part two with SEAN HANNITY'S town hall with Trump on immigration tonight, 10:00 p.m. Eastern.

Up next, some breaking news to bring you, Iranian vessels reportedly harassing a U.S. Navy ship, the details when The Five returns.


WILLIAMS: This is a Fox News alert. This video that you see right now is of yet another incident overseas involving Iran and one of our ships. Four Iranian revolutionary guard vessels harassed our Destroyer, the USS Nitze yesterday near the Strait of Hormuz conducting a high speed intersect closing within a short distance. Our destroyer was conducting a routine transit in the vicinity of the internationally recognized strait.

BOLLING: Blow them out of the water. Get rid of them. That's the Strait of Hormuz right there. That is one of the most prolific oil-shipping channels. It may be the most prolific shipping channel in the world along with the Suez Canal. They start playing around like that. This has happened before. They've actually mined the Strait of Hormuz threatening the U.S. warships, our aircraft carriers and destroyers telling us that they were going to blow it up. It's time.


GUTFELD: Why does it have to be Strait of Hormuz? It's so hetero- normative.

WILLIAMS: Oh, stop.


WILLIAMS: But here's the thing.


WILLIAMS: Here's the thing. The next sound of five short blasts with the ship's whistle to warn the Iranian vessels that they were creating a dangerous situation. Then the Nitze had to alter it's course away from the Iranian vessel as it closed within 300 yards. That's how close we came to a major international incident. And at that point, it was the Nitz that said, you know, we are preventing your provocative action from escalating, and they've judged this to be and complained to the Iranian. This is unprofessional, unethical behavior.

GUTFELD: And then it never works. It never works. It's like they know exactly how America responds. We're always the same one or the restrained one. Maybe it is -- I mean, it maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea once in while to sink one of them.

WILLIAMS: To sink one of those.

GUTFELD: Just to sink one of them.

WILLIAMS: But remember when they captured a group of our sailors.

GUTFELD: Right and humiliated them.

WILLIAMS: Well I mean but it turns out now the navy says, some of the sailors were two cooperative with the Iranians. What Dana would you go with great suggestion that maybe a more muscular response from the US would be appropriate?

PERINO,: Well I don't know if we have enough facts to determine that at the moment.

GUTFELD: Who needs facts?

PERINO: I think that.

GUTFELD: We just find out this Dana. I'm just operating on nothing. I have nothing to go on.

PERINO: I really should say professions. Because but -- so I think that our military exercise is amazing restraint and for good reason. Is it necessary to create a major international incident at this moment with them over this? I don't know. Obviously this is going to continue from the Iranian. They use footage like this as part of their propaganda that come to just show just how they are -- have a one-up on the United States. And we kind of gave them that with all of the other things that we've sold out to them. I mean, $400 million was not enough, apparently.


KENNEDY: $400 million bought them some a new skiffs and jet skis?


WILLIAMS: Well, you think that's a .

KENNEDY: Apparently, yeah that's impressive marinery (ph). I think they're showing right through there. But maybe, you know, they set some of our guys, maybe instead of -- and also, I have to think WWW PTD here. What would President Trump do in this situation? And I do think that he would allow some sinking of the tiny battleships. But maybe we should gather those people, force them to learn how to play rugby and humiliate them that way, and then create a statue in front of the San Diego zoo and their likeness and ask Iran, how does that feel?

WILLIAMS: Well let me suggest to you .

GUTFELD: Like that thing.

WILLIAMS: I'll tell you what, Kennedy, I will play President Trump and you play the media.


WILLIAMS: President Trump says.

KENNEDY: That's a lie.

GUTFELD: Well done.

WILLIAMS: I think you blew me out of the water. Well -- but let's say, let's not play with there. Let's say President Trump says, you know what United States military, it's not even a contest, we'll crush these guys in a millisecond, but, but, I do worry about consequences throughout the middle east and the world if we do that.

BOLLING: Well, as the media, you know, it Kennedy's right, you're wrong no matter what you do if you're President Trump or if you're president any republican, it doesn't matter. You're always going to be wrong in this, but what do you suggest Juan? aWhat you suggest? Just keep blaming these Iranians do this crap or didn't the Chinese do it? Didn't the Russians just buzz a couple destroyers as well?


BOLLING: This suggest let this countries continue to play games, when this -- when are they going to take the next step? When are they going to hit with that?

WILLIAMS: Well let me just say. Let me just say, I don't .

BOLLING: I'm just thinking about our ship.

WILLIAMS: . I think I'm not trying to be like super patriot. I just think our military is the best.

BOLLING: So what should they do?

WILLIAMS: We spend more, we have more, we have the technology, the ships, it's all there.

BOLLING: Do you know why we're there?

WILLIAMS: Yes, we're protecting trade shipping lanes.

BOLLING: Yeah, yeah exactly we're making sure that the world price of oil is $25 or $30 of barrel, not $100 or $235 a barrel, which the Iranians would like to have. So do we continue to let them play games with our warships?

WILLIAMS: But the question is there, are they actually trying to provoke us to get us to act in a way that would be counter to our best power?

BOLLING: How many times does a guy keep annoying you on the playground when you finally turn around say enough is enough and you guess what .

GUTFELD: He might want -- he might secretly like you though. He was pulling his pigtail or that he's keep in looking for directions. I mean this is the challenge of doing the five when you just get a story with one page of notes and we're going, we .

BOLLING: I think we're doing good.

GUTFELD: . yeah, we are doing pretty good. I'm trying to stretch it. You know.



WILLIAMS: Can we speak to the rational person at the table, Dana Perino, Dana please help us.

PERINO: Well I do think that the Iranians will continue to do that, and especially when you are entering into a transition period between administrations. For some reason, even though we've had 200-year history of peaceful transition. There is a sense by world leaders who would want to maybe harm us that there is instability when you are moving from one administration to the next. Whoever it's going to be. And so they try to show, you know, like they want to show a little like flex little muscle against us, and I think restraint is probably right, although, my concern is that we could be so restrained to a point that one of our people gets hurt. And then that's a whole another question.

WILLIAMS: Yeah, that's .


PERINO: What are you proactively at, if we preemptively acted or if one -- somebody because of this dangerous behavior is harm in America, then it would be a whole different ball game.

WILLIAMS: I know you're not kidding. Ahead, a teacher bans homework so kids can learn from life. She's getting an A plus from a lot of students and parents. Should other teachers in America do the same? We'll tell you what Kennedy thinks, next.


PERINO: She could be the teacher of every child's dream, her name is Brandy Young, she teaches second grade at Godley Elementary in Texas. Last week, she sent a note home to parents that this year, students in her class won't have any homework. Young wrote, research has been unable to prove that homework improves student performance, rather I ask you spend your evenings doing things that are proven to correlate with students success. Eating dinners as a family, read together, play outside, and get your child to bed early. One mom was so pleased she posted a note on facebook saying she appreciated it. And so, if this teacher onto something, homework could be scrapped? I mean, we have a mom here, Kennedy, you like this idea.

MONTGORMERY: I love this idea.

PERINO: And this is for second graders we should point out.

MONTGORMERY: And you know oftentimes in early elementary school, kids still have an hour-plus of homework a night. And it can be very frustrating and I agree with her that there is no correlation between the work student does at home and success in the classroom. What it can do is frustrate a student and a parent because now with common core, they purposefully trying to box parents out of any sort of homework. And so, they don't give you concrete examples, especially math, so you're unable to help your child, and that leads to further frustration. It's also, and I know teachers are not going to want to hear this, it's lazy on the part of teachers. They should finish the work in the classroom. Instead, switch to project-based learning. And that's much more of reflective of how society is right now and not this 19th century german system that school is based on now.

PERINO: The only homework I had in second grade, I think, Greg, was my spelling test.


PERINO: Or maybe I had to read something, but then I got a gold star. I'm proud that I did, that so I would always do.

GUTFELD: That's weird. My homework was always back rubs. Yeah. Maybe, they didn't distinguish between good homework and bad homework. And I think when we think about homework, we think about busy work that you sit down and you go through the encyclopedia or you do this. You do mathematical tables but if you do good homework and the stuff that I remember, the things that you look forward to are projects that involve your friends or problem solving and going off and doing something. That in the lesson in life, you want every kid to learn is to combine pleasure with work. If you can find something you like to do that is productive and you can enjoy it for the rest of your life, and you got it made and I mean, after school, I wrote short stories and I enjoyed it and I became a writer. And if you can find something that you like to do. And I think teachers can make that happen, then that's good homework.

PERINO: After school, I would play school.


And I would make up all these problems and I would make up spelling tests and things like that. But Juan, you're an education expert, do you like this?

WILLIAMS: No, I'm not.

PERINO: But you've written about it.

WILLIAMS: Yeah, yeah, but I got to tell you. I noticed in here in the notes that it says that PTA, National PTA and the NEA, all endorse a ten- minute guidelines. It's a little different on what we described so far because what they are saying, even if you're in kindergarten under this deal, Kennedy, 30 minutes of homework that legit 45 minutes second, and third grade, 60 minute fourth and fifth, 75 in middle school, two hours in high school. So they're not throwing out homework altogether, and I think that things like multiplication tables, understanding, you know, consonants versus adverbs, and all that I think happen at some point. You got to sit down and just make it happen, dude.

KENNEDY: And you did that with your son.

BOLLING: Oh very, very aggressively.

KENNEDY: OK, he just started college this week.

BOLLING: Yeah, he just started college, but as early as first and second grade, I was teaching him multiplication tables.

WILLIAMS: Right yeah.

BOLLING: He could do 1 to 25 squared when he was like seven years old. Look, I'm -- I disagree, I push back on this thing. What you do in second grade dictates what you're going to do in fifth grade, dictates what you're going to in high school and then, eventually what you're going to do in the work force. Can you imagine if we didn't study and look at the notes? We're reading, and making notes. And this is what we do. We don't solve problem analysis. I'm just -- look, I'm just on the other side of the coin that says, I think that during this style, it's .


KENNEDY: Yeah, that's something but .


BOLLING: . what you're calling it outdated, but, I .


BOLLING: . for some people it work.

KENNEDY: You mean, it set up for the industrial revolution, we're no longer in factory and also there's one size fits all nonsense.

BOLLING: But I do I have a son that is a fantastic at mathematics and sciences and got, you know, basically just about every school he applied to. So on a practical basis, I'm in favor of the more structured homework.

PERINO: So my friend Alec Ross, he wrote this about, called the industries of the future. And it's a good parenting book and he saw my twit today and he said, "It's okay if the in classroom education quality is high." And he said, "At home, what you should be doing as a parent now is teaching them or playing games with them about coding, language learning, and things like that."

KENNEDY: Logic, yeah.

PERINO: I couldn't do if I have .


WILLIAMS: Yeah, but you should read with the kid. You know, what they say, you should have dinner with that child. And I couldn't agree more.

PERINO: We always had dinner.

WILLIAMS: Oh you're a lucky soul.

PERINO: I do -- well, yeah, I mean it seemed, it was kind of standard in my neighborhood, I guess. But .

WILLIAMS: Yeah. I think dinner .

PERINO: . it's different now.

WILLIAMS: . I think, you know, not only going out, having experiences, taking a walk with the kids, these were all great things.



WILLIAMS: But I love what you said Greg because I think it's absolutely right. The way that you get excited about a career or whatever, writing for me was to do writing.

KENNEDY: And that's a new, but that is a new school thought in education that is project-based learning. It's much more realistic. There are more schools that are investigating it. I have a daughter going into middle school, and the principal said, most of the work is going to be done in the classroom. We do not believe in punishing kids. We want them to love learning. If they're doing two hours of homework a night in sixth, seventh, and eighth grade, it is going to dampen their light and it does a great to service well.

PERINO: I would do anything to read some of your short stories that you wrote in school in Saturday.

GUTFELD: They're very, very disturbing.

PERINO: It is all right. All right, ever wish you could listen to music while you work? We've got a great excuse, you can tell your boss that could actually benefit them. Ahead, and it's backed by science. Get ready to turn up the radio, up next.


KENNEDY: Those of us with brown eyes enjoy that song very much. And many others, are you at work right now? If so, we are helping you get into the team spirit because happy music like brown-eyed girl and other upbeat goodies actually make co-workers contribute more and they become more cooperative according to a new study out of Cornell. So how do they know? Researchers played songs, like "Yellow Submarine" by the Beatles or "Walking On Sunshine". That upbeat did it by Katrina and the Waves for subjects and it boosted their productivity and made them perform better as a team. Now, on the contrary side, when heavy metal music was played, participants were likely to keep to themselves and do very untoward things and there was back masking and it was very dark. So, Greg?


KENNEDY: Here in these United States of America, we love productivity. Are you surprised at this data that shows upbeat music when listened to as a team only increased productivity?

GUTFELD: It absolutely garbage. Music is effective based on a situation. You don't want to hear a slayer in a restaurant, but it is "raining blood" it's great for running. You know, what I'm more interested in, though is why do you get sick of a song that you love. Let's say in June, you hear a great song and then by August, you never want to hear it again. The song itself has not changed. Nothing, there's no chemical change, electrical change in that song. So that means there has to be a chemical change or electrical charge change in you brain over time which suggests that when you were listening to music, your brain has changed, meaning that you are not really yourself anymore. No, it's true.

KENNEDY: All right.

GUTFELD: If you like music .

KENNEDY: It's boring.

KENNEDY: No, I mean fine.

GUTFELD: . remember, remember when you first hear a song and listen to it over, and over, and over again and you never want to hear it again, that means your actual self has been altered permanently.

PERINO: I'm very impressed.

GUTFELD: What are .


KENNEDY: What's your favorite song though? What's your favorite song?

BOLLING: A permanent?

GUTFELD: . yeah. Permanently. You were not the same person.

BOLLING: So, you never come back to liking the song later?

PERINO: Like "Achy Breaky Heart".


DUTFELD: But you can't. It's you're -- you cannot go back.

KENNEDY: But that only works with that songs like song of "The Summer Like" whatever the song that the summer is?

GUTFELD: That was a "Golden Years," David Bowie, I listened to that 30,000 times when I was 15.

KENNEDY: Then what is your favorite song? Can you still listen to your favorite song?

GUTFELD: "Honey Bucket" by The Melvins. Yes.


BOLLING: But I listen to it twice in the attic .

KENNEDY: Now, you came back though.

BOLLING: . 100,000 times. I get sick of it. And now, I absolutely adore every single cut on that album.

KENNEDY: Yeah. That's right.

WILLIAMS: Yeah, I can just tell you. I'm experimenting on this subject. Because when you drive grandchildren along, they know that song from Frozen.

PERINO: No, no I hate kid's music.

PERINO: No, no, oh .

WILLIAMS: We just let go.

PERINO: . you really want to let it go. And by that I think like you had .

WILLIAMS: Let it go.

PERINO: .you want .

WILLIAMS: Oh my God, four year olds, not only do they like it, they keep singing it.

KENNEDY: Let it go.


WILLIAMS: Well, you got it.

KENNEDY: It is unreal, the hooks to that, that song has created in people's brains.

PERINO: This study wouldn't work in my apartment because Peter and I both work from home from most part during the day. And we have very different music taste. It's not a big place. And so, there's -- it's just silent. Yeah.

GUTFELD: That's nice, and a dog barking.

PERINO: No, he doesn't bark.

BOLLING: What's the song the green room, aren't they making from that, they'd played -- you said were never stop at it?

PERINO: Oh, "Hotel California." because it gets in your head. And never leave.

BOLLING: If you got another .


.I like to you to get.

KENNEDY: I mean, Eric you can check out any time you like. But you can never leave.

WILLIAMS: That's right.

PERINO: I know some reason that you're playing that.

KENNEDY: Yeah. I still content that, that's a good songs, you never get sick of it. "One more thing" is up next. You are of always, thank you.

WILLIAMS: I don't know. What that meant?


GUTFELD: "One More Thing" Juan?

WILLIAMS: All right. I got an inspiring story. Last year 9-year-old Zion Harvey, who suffered infections that the child lost his limb, got a double hand transplant. And it's been a great success.

He's already thrown out the first pitch at the orioles. And now he has his eyes set on another sport.


ZION HARVEY, 9-YEAR-OD BOY UNDERGONE A DOUBLE HAND TRANSPLANT: Convince mom to let me play football.


PERNIO: Oh my gosh.

WILLIAMS: Yes, so here he is, catching a football, and throwing a football. So about two weeks away from the NFL and college football kicking off. But I, you know, my thinking? We've already got the star of the football season. Go Zion! First in 10.

BOLLING: Beautiful, Dana?

PERNIO: All right. You know, one of my fears is going whale watching.

BOLLING: Oh of course.

PERNIO: I won't go because I'm afraid that the whale will come up under the boat and then everybody will fall off.

GUTFELD: In your case, it's actually .

PERNIO: But check this out. Here's a seal, whose very quick thinking and they're out -- this guy, Nick Templeman, he took this group out to watch whales watching. And the sail was being harassed by bunch of killer whales. So guessed what he decided to do?

He jumped up on the boat for protection. And the whales waited around a little while. He kept going around the boat.

The saill waited, waited, and finally the whales gave up. So, you know, that's evolution. That's smart, smart thinking. Yeah.


PERNIO: That was a great one way.

GUTFELD: It was really great. All right.

PERINO: All right, Montgomery.

GUTFELD: All right. :Let's do something, I haven't done in awhile.

WILLIAMS: "Greg's Apology".

GUTFELD: Two days ago, I said that the "Red Hot Chili Peppers" were the worst band on the planet. I received a lot of flak from a bands all over the world.

What I meant to say is was the "Red Hot Chili Peppers" is the worst band in the universe.

I'd like to apologize for that confusion. I want to explain that we live in a binary universe. You're either a faith no more fan or a "Red Hot Chili Peppers" fan. You cannot love Mike Patton and Anthony Keitus because they're two different people. And you have to love Mike Patton. You cannot love Anthony Keitus.

So that is why the "The Red hot Chili Peppers" are the worst band in the universe because "Faith No More" is the greatest band in the universe.

BOLLING: OK, can I disagree?

GUTFELD: Yes, yes.

BOLLING: Of course, the "The Red Hot Chili Peppers", applications of Scottish (ph). Well, I don't think I know that. And I think "Faith No More".

GUTFELD: There you go.

PERINO: I think that you insist more.

BOLLING: So I'm on .


GUTFELD: How can you think it is?

KENNEDY: I was even incredible vocalist.

GUTFELD: Yeah, Mike Patton is a great singer alive.

BOLLING: All right.



BOLLING: OK. So, tonight while we checked it out that Mike Pence is coming on. But I also dig deep into this Teneo Holdings.

We've been talking about this a little bit. Teneo Holding is like this holding, a very shady holding company who may have brokered access, influence and access between the Hilary Clinton and The State Department. Man, I'm going to dig into that one.

Also Barnes & Noble tomorrow night in Tysons Corner, check it out, 7:00 PM, doing some book signing for "Wake Up America".

KENNEDY: Tomorrow?

PERNIO: On Friday.

BOLLING: Tomorrow.

PERINO: I thought that I was on air (ph) with you tomorrow.

BOLLING: Well, we'll do some magic in television.


KENNEDY: Or you can .

PERNIO: Oh, I see.

KENNEDY: . you can wear my template. I am still delighted about the women's gymnastics team at the Olympics. I think our country has been so divided and having these Olympians do so well not only for our country. Bringing people together, but it has inspired an entire new generation of young women. And they are filling up gymnastics gyms.

There's one gym in particular in Los Angeles that's already up 20 percent. They got record breaking numbers. Just three days outside the games. And just wait until fall. And it's very exciting that we have future generations, not only of gymnasts but swimmers and track and field.

PERINO: Don't forget dancing.

PERNIO: Oh, dancing, wrestling.

GUTFELD: Curling.



WILLIAMS: I know your children are gymnasts. Are you a gymnast?

KENNEDY: Juan, I will show you at 6:00 AM.

GUTFELD: That's right.

WILLIAMS: Oh what an offer.

GUTFELD: Set your DVR. So, you never missed an episode of "The Five". That's it for us. "Special Report" is up next.

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