Hillary Clinton targets Donald Trump during AIPAC address

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," March 21, 2016. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone, I'm Kimberly Guilfoyle along with Juan Williams, Eric Bolling, Dana Perino and Brian Kilmeade. It is 5 o'clock in New York City and this is "The Five."

The 2016 presidential campaign moved to Washington, D.C. today, where the candidates are attempting to win support from the nation's most influential pro-Israel group, AIPAC. John Kasich and Donald Trump are set to deliver remarks at this hour, and we're going to bring that to you live when it happens. Ted Cruz will speak a little late later. Bernie Sanders, the only Jewish candidate in the race decided to skip the conference, but Hillary Clinton appeared this morning and she's the opportunity to go after GOP front-runner Donald Trump.


HILLARY CLINTON, DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: We need steady hands, not a president who says he's neutral on Monday, pro-Israel on Tuesday, and who knows what on Wednesday, because everything's negotiable.


CLINTON: My friends, Israel's security is non-negotiable.



GUILFOYLE: And it didn't stop there.


CLINTON: Now, in a democracy we're going to have differences. But what Americans are hearing on the campaign trail this year is something else entirely. Encouraging violence, playing coy with white supremacists, calling for 12 million immigrants to be rounded up and deported, demanding we turn away refugees because of their religion, and proposing a ban on all Muslims entering the United States. If you see bigotry, oppose it. If you see violence, condemn it. If you see a bully, stand up to him. Together let's defend the shared values that already make America and Israel great.


GUILFOYLE: Hmm. Well, Trump, of course, fired back ahead of his own address earlier.


DONALD TRUMP, REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: She doesn't know anything about my policy. I mean, she wouldn't know anything about it. Her policies obviously didn't work. What you have to do is look at Libya, look at anything you want to look at and to have it work. And I think if you look back at my projections and my prognostications, they turn out to be very, very accurate.


GUILFOYLE: OK. So Hillary Clinton, taking this opportunity to fire a shot across the bow of Trump to say that he's somebody where everything is negotiable, his position to fluctuating, to try and do something damage to him not prior to his address. Did you think that this worked, Dana?

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Well, I think for Hillary Clinton, she knew her audience very well. And, of course, for whatever you think about her time as secretary of state, she actually has a lot of knowledge and so she also -- and she knows a lot of the people that were going to be there. I thought it was interesting that not only was she trying to get to the right of Donald Trump on her feelings about Israel, but she was also, I think, trying to separate herself a little bit from President Obama. And there are many people in the Jewish community who look at Hillary Clinton's team and think people that are on her team, they're also on the Bill Clinton team have been not good to Israel over the years. So I think that she had a high bar to clear. But I think she probably did a fairly good job of it, in that she knew her audience very well. That's the kind of speech that they were looking to hear.

GUILFOYLE: OK. So do you think overall she did quite well, given --

PERINO: For whom she is and for the audience she was talking to? Yes, she did well.

GUILFOYLE: All right. Eric, what your take away?

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: So we understand, American Israel Public Affairs Committee very pro-Israel, like being group, being hawkish, very republican and very anti-Obama, so I think Dana's right that she's pushing away from President Obama in that respect. She also comes off very well in the group, because she's always been pretty hawkish in the past. So, and then, they like that. That's what they want. That's what they're looking forward -- for, and she gave them some of that in the speech. Sanders just threw the towel in, because he wasn't going to be -- no one would have shown up, or they may have even be boo Sanders, so he said, I'm not gonna go do that. Ted Cruz will come over very -- come off very well. John Kasich will come off very well. And the jury's out on what -- how Trump is going to come off, because he has pushed back on some of the, some of the war initiatives. He pushed back on the Iraq war. He pushed back on a very, very popular among the AIPAC group, George W. Bush. They really love his stance on this, such things. So that should be interesting to see. I hear there's a group of rabbi so that are going to get up and walk out of the speech. So we'll see how Donald Trump handles that. But there -- what they really are about, they spend a lot of money, they give a lot of money to republican candidates primarily, and then they do that to the ones that are typically the most hawkish. So we'll see how it plays out.

GUILFOYLE: All right, so it is an important day and see how each of the candidates there. All right, Brian, you've been discussing and following this all day.


GUILFOYLE: Give us your best now, please.

KILMEADE: Yes, I'm kind of one track lives, all right. I just sit there, I just watch television, but Kimberly, this is what I think. I think that president -- I think the secretary of state Hillary Clinton was extremely well received. And to the point where I was thinking to myself, is the audience listening to a different speech? Why are they so happy? You know, but the other thing is, she's got a problem. A problem is, when she was secretary of state, she laid the groundwork for the Iranian deal, the most unpopular deal among the current Israeli government. And by the way, the current situation between the leader of Israel and the leader of America -- of the United States of America has never been worse. She played a key role in that. She was his secretary of state. So she's associated, yeah, with Bill Clinton, not so great, and now with by Barack Obama, absolutely terrible. You know, for the most of his 7 1/2 years, his approval rating is in the teens, inside Israel. And right now, she even referenced the fact that they're writing anti-Israel slogans on the missiles that they're not supposed to be shooting off, which they are. So she, indeed has a big hard, a big hill to climb. If I was to use it in (inaudible) we all could understand, that was pretty heavy, I came up with it. However, in the big picture, I -- the thunderous applause stunned me. It was like they were looking at something else. Is there somebody in the crowd with a beach ball playing around?


KILMEADE: Because I didn't understand why she was received that way.

GUILFOYLE: Like a side attraction?

KILMEADE: That's an amazing, yeah.

GUILFOYLE: Something like that going on? Yes, she seems to have been well received, and she trying to, you know, was trying to get the crowd going -- Juan, you know, raucous fashion. So what do you think? You give her high mark?

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: Oh yeah. I mean, I think, I think everybody has been straightforward, she did great. But the thing is, Brian, the person behind her is Donald Trump. This whole thing is about Donald Trump. And it's about how the Jewish community responds to Donald Trump. I keep coming back to --

PERINO: You don't think it's about Israel?

WILLIAMS: No. At this point, Israel, in terms of Jewish values, and what I have been reading in Jewish papers, and hear from Jewish around the country, they are upset about Donald Trump. So the idea that Donald Trump is the one that's daring to come in here. Eric was talking about how Bernie Sanders hasn't showing up? If -- the question was, is Donald Trump going to show up, because there could be loud, embarrassing moments here. But Donald Trump shows to show up, much to his credit, in my opinion, and he shows up today. It's not only the walkouts.


WILLIAMS: . that you heard Eric talking about that's going to happen. I think there are people, who will then, immediately say, well, isn't this the guy that was slaughter (ph), say no to the KKK? Isn't this the guy that had people raising their hands at rallies? Isn't this the guy who's a demagogue and who talks about just the things he really quick hit on anti- immigrant violent --

GUILFOYLE: Well, I don't think that's accurate about the KKK, to be fair --

WILLIAMS: Things that could have been used early as Jews throughout history.

KILMEADE: Despite the Palestinian situation, where he said, "I'm going to be a 50/50 broker, that's how you do the best deals possible," which is, when we do go to do those deals, that's how we do approach it. We actually get to it. I don't think you have an anti-Israel background when it comes to Donald Trump. I just found it interesting that she chose to pick -- put Donald Trump as her opponent.


KILMEADE: I mean, that still being hashed out on the republican side.

WILLIAMS: No, what I'm saying is --

KILMEADE: She elevated him to say, that's the problem. Almost like to say, and I got a problem with the people, the guy not in the room.


KILMEADE: . that's why I can't wait for this show.

WILLIAMS: All right.

KILMEADE: . in 45 minutes he speaks.

WILLIAMS: And you're the referee, Brian Kilmeade. Did it work? Yes, in my opinion --

KILMEADE: I haven't seen the other team play.


WILLIAMS: It doesn't matter. At this point, what we're saying is, she knocked the ball out of the --

GUILFOYLE: No, no. Hillary already called the World Series (inaudible).


BOLLING: Yeah, right.

GUILFOYLE: . to choose playing.

BOLLING: She declared herself the winner.


WILLIAMS: No, no. I'm saying.

BOLLING: I mean, look --

WILLIAMS: I just no way --

BOLLING: By the way, the home team still gets -- technically the home team still gets an at bat here.

WILLIAMS: Let me ask you. You said you used to describing AIPAC -- maybe it was Kimberly who said, AIPAC is a mostly conservative republican.

BOLLING: Yes, that's republican.

WILLIAMS: I don't -- I've never -- I have yet to need that. I just don't think that's true about.

BOLLING: Well, that is true.

WILLIAMS: That's not true.


GUILFOYLE: Take this issue with the control room, because I'm gonna go to this next step, let's see what it says.

BOLLING: The republican donate.


BOLLING: They donate almost primarily. Dana will --

PERINO: Well, I don't --

BOLLING: Almost primarily --

PERINO: I don't think --

BOLLING: . the republican candidate.

GUILFOYLE: It's all based of all republican --


PERINO: I don't know about the donation part, but certainly Americans use - - often vote for the democrat.


PERINO: That's true.

GUILFOYLE: All right. And Donald Trump sat down with Sean Hannity for an hour in Arizona that will air tonight at 10:00 p.m. eastern on the Fox News Channel. You don't want to miss it. And we have a clip from where the candidate talks about the effort within his party to derail his bid.


TRUMP: There is something going on. You know, they want to, they want to get it into a convention and then they'll steal it. And if, you know, I sign a pledge, to me, a pledge it means something. They signed the pledge too, I'm not sure it means very much. If I'm right up the -- if I'm right up there, if I'm right up there, let see you -- let's say I'm 50 delegates short, all right? If I'm 50 delegates short, then somebody else has five or 600 delegates short. I don't mind that one as much as somebody else that comes out that maybe got defeated during the process, because that's what's going to happen. So I think that we are going to get there. I think we're going to get there in the delegate count and let's see what happens. I think it's going to be good.



GUILFOYLE: I don't know. A lot of discussion in different circles about if there was a contested convention, who might kind of rise up through the ranks? Would it be somebody like Ted Cruz, if he was behind the votes? John Kasich or somebody who, as Donald Trump just mentioned, Brian, was defeated along in the process, who was one of the people running, buying for the nomination, but did not make it to the finish line.

KILMEADE: Well, I think that Kasich is going to finish -- goes to finish line. So I don't think he's got (inaudible). He's got a million four left. He's got some more money coming in. If he's talking about Governor Perry, which we heard kicked around before, which is unbelievable. All due respect to him, but he didn't get out of the gates in the first go around. He didn't get out of the gates in this go around. Senator Coburn, who retired, he's a great guy, but he didn't put the time in to run. That would be really hard, really hard to sell, I think to --

GUILFOYLE: For Boehner who love Paul Ryan, Bolling?

BOLLING: What -- what it -- first of all, can I just get back to the other thing, very, very quickly? AIPAC does lean right as far as donations go. Yes, Jews -- typically American Jews, typically vote democrat, I get that. By the way, under President Obama, they voted in some of the least numbers for President Obama.


BOLLING: . in recent (inaudible) -- right.

PERINO: Which is why Hillary is trying to separate.


BOLLING: But the best majority of the AIPAC money does go to republican. On Donald Trump, interesting what he's doing, he goes to D.C. and a group of people come, they showed up and they say let's hear what he has to say. I mean, no one knows what came out of there. We don't even know, technically who's -- I've heard who were - this people who were invited to it, but we don't know for sure what he's in or what he, what he was actually talking to you.

KILMEADE: Yeah, I did talk to somebody that went to the meeting, and most of the people are pro-Trump or on the fence. They included Senator Jim DeMint, who was put together by Senator Sessions. He was listening, he had -- he was not hardcore on any issue, he was open, everybody went around the room 25 strong and gave their opinion so far.

BOLLING: Jim DeMint who runs Heritage now.

KILMEADE: Heritage. He is not on board. He's not on board.

BOLLING: And Newt Gingrich as well?

KILMEADE: Newt Gingrich -- Newt Gingrich was there, they've been friends for a long time. He said he listened, he engaged the room, there was no hardcore talk, there was no rhetoric, he goes essentially -- you saw everyone's different styles and different concerns, but it was the beginning of his outreach. But so far, there weren't any detractors, they are enemies on that list. They want to remain nameless. But -- and I talked to somebody else right before I came in. And they also said, they said the same thing, very positive, very strong, but they also -- everyone acknowledges this is going to be an uphill battle.

GUILFOYLE: Well, when the show is over, I'm going to track that folder down. I know there's stuff written on it. Dana --


KILMEADE: I can barely read by the writing.



GUILFOYLE: He's trying to cover so the camera doesn't pick it up.

PERINO: I won't cheat. Don't worry.

KILMEADE: It's all right.

GUILFOYLE: We're going to dumpster dive here, trust me. I don't know.


GUILFOYLE: All right. Juan, so what do you think this meeting in D.C.?

WILLIAMS: Well - so Brian, clearly, Mitch McConnell, the Senate majority leader wasn't there.

KILMEADE: As far as I know.

WILLIAMS: Paul Ryan wasn't there.


WILLIAMS: By the way, I think if there's somebody who could pop up at -- I know you are so (inaudible), I don't want you to jam-pack the chair (ph). But let's say you have an open convention.


WILLIAMS: . and republican establishment types are talking, boy, Paul Ryan is going to look, he's going to look like a model or something. He's so attractive. But I don't think -- I think the people --

GUILFOYLE: You make some interesting comments about men, right?

WILLIAMS: I'm sorry?

GUILFOYLE: You make some interesting comments about men.



WILLIAMS: OK. But I do think that the people who are there, beginning with Sessions, who endorsed Trump and DeMint who's been an outsider forever. I think these are people who don't represent most of the republicans in Congress.

KILMEADE: It's the beginning. It's the beginning.

GUILFOYLE: You have to start somewhere.

KILMEADE: Yeah. It's the beginning.

GUILFOYLE: It's like you got a -- get a rally going, that leadoff.


GUILFOYLE: Get on (inaudible).

KILMEADE: Am I the only one getting yelled at?

GUILFOYLE: Yeah. You know they're saying something to me too --


GUILFOYLE: All right, coming up, violence erupts. Another Trump rally over the weekend, voters prepare to decide two more elections tomorrow. The 2016 development, and much more when "The Five" returns.


BOLLING: Welcome back. We're awaiting speeches from John Kasich and Donald Trump at this hour at the AIPAC conference in Washington. Kasich will take the podium first. We'll bring you that as soon as he takes the podium. Meanwhile, it's the eve of another election date. Tomorrow, voters in Utah and Arizona will pick the candidate they want to see as the GOP nominee. The battle for Utah in a moment, but first, Arizona is the largest winner take all contest left in the GOP race, 58 delegates are at stake. Trump holds the double-digit lead there. And of course, some voters aren't happy about it. They went as far as to stop supporters from attending his rally this weekend by blocking traffic on the roads. Others disrupted an event in Tucson, saving off one supporter to punch and kick a protester in the face as he was led away. Here's Donald Trump on the disruptions.


TRUMP: You know, they're disrupters, and they're really stopping our First Amendment rights. If you think about it, George, they blocked the road. They put their cars in front of a road. We had thousands and thousands of people wanting to come. They were delayed for an hour because of these protesters. And you know at what point do people blame the protesters? These are people that are --

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS, ABC "THIS WEEK" HOST: So you're blaming the protesters, not the person who actually punched and kicked the protester?

TRUMP: No. I'm saying this, these are professional agitators. And I think that somebody should say that when a road is blocked, going into the event, so that people have to wait sometimes hours to get in. I think that's very fair and they should be blamed there too.


BOLLING: John Kasich also commented on the anti-Trump unrest.


JOHN KASICH, PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I heard yesterday that his family was threatened, and that disappointed me, there's no place for this kind of back and forth and violence. So from that regard, I was disappointed to hear that people were threatening that family, that's a disgrace. But I also pointed out at times, when I thought his language was inappropriate. Like if I don't get nominated, there's going to be a riot. I mean, what kind of talk is that?


BOLLING: And so, what do you think, Dana? Some more unrest that --

PERINO: Well, I think that -- I think both George Stephanopoulos and Donald Trump are making good points in that interview. So Trump has a good point about the protesters that are disrupting, and I guess we don't know who -- if they actually had a name or they're just organic and it spread through Facebook like the one in Chicago. But I think George's point also is a good one. And I think that Donald Trump is in a position of extreme responsibility and authority where he can say, "I know there are agitators, I know they shouldn't be here and disrupting us, and we have a right to speak, but let's not have any violence at my rallies. I don't want you to hit or to hit anybody on my behalf, so let's try -- I think that everybody has some responsibility, including security forces in particular.


BOLLING: They tell me Kasich is going to be in just a minute or so, so we're going to break in. When he come to the podium but -- Brian?

KILMEADE: It was brought up at that meeting. I understand that they ended about an hour ago. And he's pointed out to his supporters and those (inaudible) who were in that meeting. He said, you notice in Phoenix he was having control, because law enforce was lack. It was Joe Arpaio was cracked down, he knew exactly what he's going to do, security wasn't there, and therefore, there were no incidents, and except for the fact that people couldn't get there in the beginning because people blocked the roads.


BOLLING: And what is this --

GUILFOYLE: That's Dana's point would make you think that on several occasions, security needs to step up.

BOLLING: With all this going on, what's --

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, what it tells me is, OK, we're glad we're there in America. So the people that are passionate about the candidate and people who are passionate against the candidate can express their view points, so they should do so in a lawful way that does not injure others, that goes for both sides. So I think you should allow people to go in, to hear someone they would like to hear speak. Whether it's Bernie Sanders.


GUILFOYLE: . or Hillary Clinton or John Kasich, Trump, Cruz, whoever it is, let the people go in to listen to make an informed decision. Then if you would like to stand outside with your --


GUILFOYLE: . sign from (inaudible), have that it. This isn't Cuba, right?

KILMEADE: Not yet.

GUILFOYLE: So go ahead and do it.




GUILFOYLE: But you know, that's the problem, I don't like to see violence like that. I mean, I worked my whole life as a prosecutor against violent crimes.

BOLLING: Juan, do you think -- do you blame the candidate for this?

WILLIAMS: Yeah, absolutely. I think he's been -- his language has incited people to think that it's legitimate to respond in this way. I mean, when you see it's a pattern, it's not that it happened at one event or two.

BOLLING: Do you go to WWE -- do you know about WWE and all those --

WILLIAMS: The wrestling?

BOLLING: Yeah, the wrestling or ultimate fighting. You blame the fighters and wrestlers if there's something that goes on in the audience or in the parking lot?

WILLIAMS: Well, no.

BOLLING: Do you blame people who fight in a parking lot after a hockey game when they see a fight on the odds?

WILLIAMS: I think they're out of control when there's -- I mean, this happens at NFL games --

BOLLING: But do you blame the hockey players?

WILLIAMS: No, the hockey players aren't standing up and using the kind of - -


WILLIAMS: That's fine. OK. So people model on the hockey players, do you think? But so they hear they are modeling on Donald Trump saying, "I'd like to punch that guy in the face." Or in the old days, we didn't have to be so careful, we took him out on stretchers, that kind of language, first of all, I don't think it's appropriate for a guy who's running for president.

BOLLING: So when you use language, it is insightful.

WILLIAMS: . but secondly, it is inciting.

BOLLING: But when you use your fists, it's not?

WILLIAMS: What do you mean?

BOLLING: One fight -- do you see where I'm going with this?

KILMEADE: Yes, I hear it.

GUILFOYLE: The point is you have to have some level of personal.


GUILFOYLE: . and individual responsibility for your actions. And nevertheless --

KILMEADE: And I look for that --

GUILFOYLE: After you becoming a candidate.

KILMEADE: I'm sure that's something easily rectifiable for him to -- for here on in to not say this stuff. But I would say this, what is (inaudible) doing in the middle of the audience, taking someone's (inaudible) away. You're running a campaign. Is that really a priority? You shouldn't be doing that. You're one thing, you're not a professional. You know, if you're walking up to a martial artist -- number one. And number two is, just leave that to security. And plus, he's already -- everyone's staring at him, waiting for something after the last incident. So why would you go and put yourself out there again. And he's so viable to Donald Trump. If I was Trump, I'd be furious.

BOLLING: All right. All right, we're going to do Utah, but we want to tease, because we want to make sure we don't miss any of Kasich's speech coming up. Next, President Obama delivers that marks in communist Cuba, after becoming the first U.S. president to visit the country in nearly 90 years, should he be there? We'll debate that when "The Five" returns.


PERINO: After decades of distrust between the U.S. and Cuba, President Obama said today, is a new day. He met with President Raul Castro in Havana earlier, after becoming the first sitting U.S. president to visit the communist nation in 88 years. Following our meeting, Castro praised Mr. Obama's recent steps to relax controls on Cuba, but deemed them insufficient.


RAUL CASTRO, PRESIDENT OF CUBA (THROUGH TRANSLATOR): I have the opportunity to discuss with the president all the steps that we think could be taken in order to remove restrictions that remain in force, and make a significant contribution to the debunking of the (inaudible). This is essential that are profound differences between our countries that will not go away, since we hold different concepts on many subjects.


PERINO: Castro also defended his country's human rights record, something President Obama touched on during their news conference today.


BARACK OBAMA, UNITED STATES PRESIDENT: We continue as President Castro indicated to have some very serious differences, including on democracy and human rights. And President Castro and I have had very frank and candid conversations on these subjects. The future of Cuba will be decided by Cubans, not by anybody else. At the same time, as we do, wherever we go, around the world, I made it clear that the United States will continue to speak up on behalf of democracy, will speak out on behalf of universal human rights, including freedom of speech, and assembly, and religion.


PERINO: This trip is getting widely talked about and why they (inaudible) by some. Juan, you wrote a column that I understand, I guess it was about a week old, but I read it last night, and I thought it was great. So I want to talk about it today. Because you have some personal thoughts about this, and you, actually the headline is Obama's Cuban mistake.

WILLIAMS: I think it's a mistake it terms -- I mean, I have a personal feeling about this, because I was born in Panama, and my dad had to react to a guy who was an ideologue and oppressive sort, much like Fidel Castro. And when -- were Hugo Chavez or any of these Latin American dictators, I mean. And the American left tends to romanticize ideal -- idolize these favors, because they see them as people who are opposed to American economic dominance and even political dominance in the region in terms of CIA involvement. But the reality for people who lived in those countries is that these people were oppressive, they put people in jail, just as we know the Castro's have done. These people were discriminatory, they were willing to confiscate lands in the name of the revolution, take away personal and private property. So when I see the women in white yesterday, coming out of churches, and being arrested, even as Barack Obama is landing --

KILMEADE: On Palm Sunday.

WILLIAMS: I feel like, man.


WILLIAMS: . the president of the United States is lending his prestige.


WILLIAMS: . to an oppressive regime.

Now, I understand. I'm not a dummy. I get it that it's a long-term investment. That American money, American individuals going to Cuba is going to promote Cubans looking at democracy, freedom of association, freedom of expression in a new light and saying, "You know what? We've got to do better."

I'm all for that. It's just that as I said in the piece, it leaves a bitter taste in my mouth when I know that there are people still in jail right now, newspapers that can't publish right now in Cuba.

GUTFELD: And Juan, did you watch the press conference? When it was the worst -- they've had 88 years to prepare for this since Calvin Cole (ph) left. And no one even got the interpreter thing, the Spanish-English thing down. So, he asked 25 times with the same question, was, you know, so you want to know about political prisoners? Give me a list of names and I'll let them out tonight. So, he's mocking. He is mocking the whole idea of a political prisoner release.

PERINO: Well, and while that was happening, Eric, Berta Soler, was somebody who was actually going -- either going to be meeting with Obama or had that met with him and they re-arrested him.

And also, Donald Trump said something I thought was interesting this morning. Because one of things that Americans are frustrated with, some Americans are frustrated with, with President Obama is this whole idea of leading from behind, and that America doesn't look strong in the world.

And Donald Trump's point was that Raul Castro has come to meet the pope at the airport. He's going to meet other world leaders, but he doesn't even come to meet President Obama.

BOLLING: So yeah, I've been on record and I believe this. I think it's a good idea to lift the travel and trade restrictions on Cuba in which we did. And for that, we should get something in return. We certainly don't want -- we got nothing in return.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We got a few question with that.

BOLLING: At the press conference ...

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: That they got re-arrested.

BOLLING: At the press conference, President Obama said to Raul Castro, please, if there are issues that we're falling short as Americans, let us know.

WILLIAMS: Do you believe that?

BOLLING: Instead of going -- no, I was shocked. I actually tweeted about that immediately. I was shocked. And then Castro goes ahead and talks about what we protect our children in Cuba in ways that you don't in America. Meanwhile, Cuba probably has of the highest abortion rates in the world. It's almost used -- it's, abortion is it's free. It's often used quite .

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: That's the contraceptives .

BOLLING: Yes, that is contraceptives. But here's the point. President Obama, again, proves that he can't make a deal. It's a good idea in my opinion to open up trade with more countries, but he can't make a deal as he failed on the Iran deal, which I think was just a bad idea flatly. He is failing at this. He could have offered -- he could've, about a two-way street on some of these. But that's one.

GUILFOYLE: Right. This mirrors the failed diplomacy that we saw with respect to Iran. Instead of demanding that, you know, hostages come home, and then we will be sit at the table with you. We give and we give and also write a big check. So, people see that pattern in practice. This isn't like an administration that is respected, you know, worldwide or internationally. People routinely just make fun. It's very disrespectful that he didn't come to meet, you know, the president. This was a big deal and a big confession about the president to come with the first lady and they didn't show up.

PERINO: And can we show photo? Can we show this photograph from the day before, at least, can we learn and get your last thoughts on this. This is President Obama walks out for a photo op. They get there. And see, so Che Guevara who I heard -- I saw was referred to today as the spawn of Karl Marx. It's in the background. And I have to imagine that the White House planned for that to be the shot of the group so that that's what everybody will remember from the trip.

GUILFOYLE: This is, meaning, based on your experience. This is what you get.


PERINO: I mean, it's either on the state of colossal and I got colossal mistake up there. It was mission accomplished, but -- or, they meant to do it.

BOLLING: It's almost like they didn't expect. Well, they may or may not have meant to do that. But did you see when Raul Castro actually tried to hold up President Obama's hand?

PERINO: Yes, and that was awkward.

BOLLING: His hand went down. It was just -- so no one told the dictator, you don't touch the president.

PERINO: Right.

BOLLING: Just keep your hands off the president, so that it didn't seem like it was well planned out. Also, Noel Rafini (ph) put this in perspective. He write some -- I can't remember who he writes for. He's a good writer.


BOLLING: Commentary, OK. He said he called it, President Obama's ego trip. The trip being, you don't need to go to Cuba. You want to lift the trade restrictions. You want to do all that. Go ahead and do it but do it from Washington.

GUILFOYLE: I know, but Beyonce and Jaycee went.


PERINO: That was the event. Do you remember I said that I thought that Jaycee and Beyonce were doing an advanced trip for the Obama's. I absolutely believe they softened up the ground for them. And I also heard a friend of mine gave me a good line to use, but I felt I couldn't use it, so I'm just going to quote somebody else, that this trip for President Obama is the dreams of his father.


PERINO: That's a good line. But yes, Gutfeld, if he were here, I would have told him to stay.


PERINO: But then, he's not here.

GUILFOYLE: Maybe he's watching.

GUTFELD: Do you write, Michelle?


PERINO: I do write all of Gutfeld's stuff and I will take credit for all it, only the good stuff. I'm kidding.

All right, ahead, NFL star, Richard Sherman taking aim at Commissioner Roger Goodell again. And Tennis Great Serena swings back at a male tournament director who just took a shot at women in the game. That's next.



KILMEADE: As we've been telling you, AIPAC has been having speeches by all the presidential candidates today. Earlier was Hillary Clinton. And next, it's going to be Governor John Kasich. We understand he's running a little bit late but he's now at the podium. And I think it's time to bring his mike up and take a look at John Kasich.

GOV. JOHN KASICH, REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: My late dear friend, Gordon Zacks. As you all know, Gordon was a founding member of AIPAC. And it was on that trip that I actually visited Bethlehem, and I called my mother on Christmas night from Jerusalem. As you could imagine, it was a very, very special moment and Gordon always reminded me of it.

Gordon helped me as much as anyone has over the years to know and to appreciate the importance of our relationship with Israel and Israel's unique security challenges. And I can't think of a better guy who could have taken me to Israel.

It was on my trip in 1983 that Gordon introduced me to Avital Sharansky when her husband, Natan, was still in a Soviet prison. She told me her husband's story over lunch at the King David Hotel in Jerusalem. And said she was going to Washington to plead for his release.

I asked her, would you mind if I organized a rally in support of your husband on the steps of the capital? And so, we came together in a bipartisan way to call for Natan Sharansky's release.

You know, Gordie had taken Sharansky into the oval office to meet with President Reagan. And when the meeting ended, Mr. Sharansky was told by the president, I will not rest until your husband is free. Sharansky's story has always inspired me from the day that Gordie first introduced me to Avital, but I don't know how many of you here have ever read his book, "Fear No Evil".

Natan wrote in that book as I related to him. And he said, I'm glad that you saw it, that when they went to him in the prison, they wanted him to confess something. And they said to Natan, well, you understand that Galileo even confessed. And think about Sharansky sitting in that prison, in that solitary confinement, and he thought to himself and told them "You're using Galileo against me. No one will ever use me against any other prisoner of conscience." For that, he deserves to always be remembered.

I had a phone conversation with Natan for years but I never had the chance to meet him. And ironically, I met him at the cemetery when we laid Gordie Zacks to rest, where Natan gave a eulogy on behalf of our great friend. Look, I wanted to be to clear to all of you that I remain unwavering in my support for the Jewish State and the unique partnership between the United States and Israel.

When I was first introduced to Israel and some of its leaders across the core of our partnership, but Israel was already very well defined. And we give thanks to Harry Truman for the courageous steps he took when Israel was first established. And I applaud our continuing legacy of support for the Jewish State and the struggles and inventiveness and vitality of the Jewish people.

This legacy is one that I will not only honor in my administration, but will take active steps to strengthen and expand.

I want you all to know it's something very special to me because it was at a ceremony recognizing the holocaust that, as Governor, I proposed that we build a permanent memorial so that people, and particularly our young people, could understand the history and the lesson of man's inhumanity to man and the incredible suffering visited upon the Jews across the globe.

I worked with such prominent Ohioans as the Reckoners (ph), the Schottensteins, the Wexler's and many other members of the Jewish community over three years to make it happen. They told me it could not be done and I said, "You watch me. We will build a memorial."

The memorial finally was designed by Daniel Leapskin and it was the first of its kind in the nation. And you all please come to Columbus and look at it. It is just beautiful. But I want to tell you that a very good friend of mine, Victor Goodman, a prominent member of the Jewish community in Ohio, asked me to take him over to look at that memorial before it was unveiled.

We walked over behind the tarp. I had my arm around his shoulder and we read the inscription and the memorial together. And I will never forget when he finished reading it, he buried his head in my chest and wept, and we wept together. And he looked at me and said, "John, thank you for what you have done here". This will exist as long as the State of Ohio exists.

As you may know, I served on the House Armed Services Committee for 18 years. And I worked to implement Ronald Reagan's strategy to revitalize our military and to defeat the Soviet Union.

Together, my colleagues in Congress and I, gave our alliance with Israel meaning. We assured Israel's continuing qualitative military edge by offering the initial 10 million for the Arrow Iron Dome Anti-Missile Program that we know is so critical to the security of Israel.

We supported, in fact, in 2000 program, guaranteeing Israeli air superiority with the latest fighters and the transfer of reactive armor technology that has made the Israeli tanks so effective. I think it can be fairly said that my support and friendship for our strategic partner, Israel, has been firm and unwavering for more than 35 years of my professional life.

Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East. Has, in turn, been a faithful and dependable friends. The American friends of Israel are not fair weather friends. They recognize the strategic hinge with Israel, and that America's and Israel's interests are tightly intertwined despite our inevitable disagreements time to time. We share a critically important common interest in the Middle East, the unrelenting opposition to Iran's attempts to develop nuclear weapons.

In March of 2015, when the Prime Minister spoke out against the Iran Nuclear Deal before a joint session of Congress, I flew to Washington and stood on the floor of the House of Representatives that was in session the first time I had visited since we had been in session in 15 years. And I did it to show my respect, my personal respect to the people of Israel.

And I want you all to know that I have called for the suspension of the U.S.'s participation in the Iran nuclear deal in reaction to Iran's recent ballistic missile test.

These tests were both a violation of the spirit of the nuclear deal and provocations that can no longer be ignored. One of the missiles tested had printed on it in Hebrew, can you believe this? Israel must be exterminated. And I will instantly gather the world and lead us to reapply sanctions if Iran violates one crossed here, one dot of that nuclear deal, we must put the sanctions back on them as the world community together.

Let me also tell you, no amount of money that's being made by a business will stand in the way of the need to make sure that the security of Israel is secured, and that Iran does not have nuclear weapon. No amount of money can push us in the wrong direction. And I want you to be assured that in the Kasich Administration, there will be no more delusional agreements with self-declared enemies, no more.

And as the candidate in this race with the deepest and most far reaching foreign policy and national security experience, ladies and gentlemen, I don't need on the job training. I will not have to learn about the dangerous facing this country and our allies. I have lived these matters for decades, one day and on day one in the oval office, I will have in place a solid team of experienced and dedicated people who will implement a long-term strategic program to assure the security and safety of this country and that of its allies such as Israel.

I will lead and make decisions, and my national security appointees will work tirelessly with Israel to counter Iran's regional aggression and sponsorship of terror. We will help to interdict weapons supplies to Hezbollah. We will defeat ISIS in Syria and Iraq. And we will assist Israel to interdict Iranian arm supplies and financial flows to Hamas.

And let me stress, I will also work to build and expand on Israel's new found regional relations as a result of the flood Iran nuclear deal. Amazing, Israel and the Arab Gulf states are now closer than ever.

The bad news here is that the U.S. is not part of the web of relations. I will work to participate and expand and strengthen those ties.

Israelis lived in one of the world's roughest neighborhoods. And Iran is not the only threat that the U.S. and Israel both face there. ISIS headquartered in Syria and Iraq is of mortal peril. And of course, ladies and gentlemen, its spread must be stopped.

Since it is dedicated to destruction in Israel, the Middle East, Europe, Africa, Asia and the United States, it is a threat to all civilization unless we recognize and unite around this central truth, we will remain committed to an ineffective and piacemeal approach to dealing with ISIS.

Because the world recognizes the existential threat post by ISIS, I believe I can lead a regional and NATO coalition to defeat ISIS, both from the air and on the ground, in Syria and in Iraq. We're all in this together.

I will also provide support and relief to our common ally, Jordan, to the share of the brand of the refugee flows, and I will bring our troops home as soon as we, together with our allies, have created a realistic prospect that regional powers can conclude a settlement guaranteeing long-term security there. I will then support ally coalitions as they destroy ISIS's various regional affiliates. My administration will cooperate with our allies to deny Libya's oil as the resource. Deny Libya as the platform to mount attacks against Europe. And disband what has become a hub for acts of terror throughout Africa.

I will support our common vital ally, Egypt, in its efforts to destroy the insurgency in Sinai and terrorist infiltrating from Libya. And I will provide the Afghan National Security Forces with the key aircraft and support needed to defeat the Taliban, Al Qaeda and ISIS, and then I will bring our troops in Afghanistan back home.

Insurgent states such Iran and network transnational terrorist actor such as ISIS are not the only threats that Israel, the Jewish-American community, and America together face. Believe me, a Kasich Administration will work from the beginning to block and eliminate any form of intolerance, bigotry, racism or anti-Semitism, whether domestic or international, particularly in international bodies.

I condemn all attempts to isolate pressure and delegitimize the State of Israel. And I will support Congress' efforts to allow this activity, both here and in the EU. And I am also very concerned about rising attacks on Israel and Jewish students on our college campuses. I pledge to use .

I pledge the use of full force of the White House to fight this urge. And I will make sure we have the tools needed to protect students from hate speech, harassment and intimidation while supporting free speech on our college campuses.

I've been horrified by the recent spade of Palestinian attacks on Israeli citizens. These are not spontaneous actions of lone wolves. They are part of an unprecedented wave of terror that is involved over 200 attacks on Israeli since October 2015. And they are the outcome of a culture of death that the Palestinian authority and its forbearers have promoted for over 50 years.

Indoctrination of hate has long been part of the plan and well thought-out strategy. Palestinian children raised in the culture that glorifies martyrdom and the willingness to die in the pursuit of killing or maiming Israelis.

Children's textbooks have been filled with vile anti-Semitism. Families of suicide killers receive an annuity after they kill and maim. Imprisoned terrorists needs stipends and receives stipends and are guaranteed jobs in the Palestinian Civil Service, at a salary determined by the length of their sentence. Public squares, streets and even soccer tournaments are named after terrorists.

If they truly want peace with Israel, then Palestinians cannot continue to promote a culture of hatred and depth. We must make it clear that we will not tolerate such behavior.

And I do not believe there is any prospect for a permanent, say (ph), peace until the Palestinian authority and their friends in Hamas and Hezbollah are prepared to take real steps to live in peace with Israel and recognize Israel. Israel's right to exist as a Jewish state and this violence is unacceptable.

In the meantime, we can best advance stability in the region by providing Israel our 100 percent support. We can make sure Israel has what it needs to defend itself with weapons, information, technology, political solidarity, and working quietly to facilitate Palestinian and Israeli efforts at reconciliation.

This is what would be expected of a dependable ally. Folks, let me conclude by talking about the greatest alliances are those with countries such as Israel, where we share a community of values.

The Post War International System that we and our allies build upon these common values, of course, is under challenge or attack. And that's why we have to recommit ourselves to those values. We must not shy away from proclaiming and celebrating them, and why we must revitalize our alliances to defend and expand the international system built upon those values, a system that has prevented global conflict, enlisted over 2 billion people out of poverty in the last 70 years.

In doing this, we can not do it alone. We must hang together and be realistic about what we can achieve. We cannot be neutral in defending our allies either. We must be counted on to stand by and invest in our friends instead of abusing them and carrying favor with our enemies.

For effective governance, in our Democracy and for the sake of the future, we have to work together at home, as well across party and ideological lines whenever and wherever possible.

This is exactly what I've done in the course of my career in public service. I reached out to the other side countless times to see how we can sit together and achieve the progress that America wants and deserves.

And we all look back to the time of Ronald Reagan and his meetings with Tip O'Neill where they came together to put America first, politics and partisanship second. And Reagan, as he reached across the aisle to Tip O'Neill, very partisan, legendary, they managed to hammer out deals that gave Reagan victories in revitalizing our economy and implementing the military build up that ended the Cold War.

But it took a conscious effort and an attitude of wanting to cooperate. So, this is what I want to do, Republicans and Democrats who are here today, we need to work together with Congress on an agenda that serves the interest of the nation as a whole.

We are Americans before we are Republicans or Democrats. We are Americans.

And let me tell you, when regard to that, I will not take the low road to the highest office in the land. I will not do it.

Yes. We will rededicate ourselves to reaching the Bipartisan National Security Policy that President Reagan and the Democrats achieved. And you can be assured that my strategic program will include and incorporate Israel as the bedrock partner for our mutual security in the Middle East. Together, we will combat violence incited in Israel itself, and of course, its eternal capital, Jerusalem.

Thank you. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be here today in front of so many of you who've contributed so much.

I'm humbled by the chance to stand here at this incredible gathering. A people who so much love America and so much love our great ally, Israel.

You see, we're connected together. It's about civilization. It's about peace. It's about love. It's about togetherness. It's about healing the world. The great Jewish tradition is everyone lives a life a little bigger than themselves.

And that tradition has worked its way deep into my soul, where I tell people all across America, "Dig down deep, the Lord has made you special. Live a life bigger than yourself. Lift others. Heal. Provide hope. Provide progress.

And with that, the rest of the century and the relationship between the United States and Israel will grow stronger and stronger for the benefit and mutual security of the world." Thank you all very much and God bless you.


KILMEADE: Hi, you've been watching John Kasich address a crowd of about 20,000, Juan Williams tells me the size of that stadium there and talk about his relationship with the Jewish community, the relationship that he would have at a Kasich administration with the Jewish people and with the State of Israel, something that has not been that strong over the last seven and a half years.

Dana, your thoughts about the way it was delivered and the content it which it would contain.

PERINO: Well, as a very strong end to a solid speech. He drew gentle lines of distinction including what he was trying to say is that we would be better allies than we have been the last seven and a half years if we went with the John Kasich administration.

KILMEADE: He also pointed out too, that with their close -- Israel's closer that never to the Gold States of the Middle East because of what's happened with the current relationship between the U.S. and Israel.

BOLLING: Just very quickly, I'll say that he's stayed true to his message. He's positive. He didn't take any shots at anyone, neither Republican nor Democrats in office. And he said, I will suspend the Iran deal and I will suspend the deal with the Palestinians.

WILLIAMS: Yeah. You know what I like?


WILLIAMS: You know what my favorite part, Bryan, was when he spoke about Jewish students being attacked at campus. I really liked that, and I saw he got a standing.

GUILFOYLE: He came off very much as the statesman that would stark contrast to President Obama and his policies towards Israel.

KILMEADE: Right. Set your DVRs. Never miss an episode of "The Five." Stay tuned for special report. It'll be great.

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