Hillary Clinton takes on Donald Trump's foreign policy

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," June 2, 2016. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: Hi, I'm Greg Gutfeld with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Juan Williams, Eric Bolling, her beach towel is a washcloth, Dana Perino, and a special guest you will see in a moment -- "The Five," or six.

In Hillary's speech today, she imagined the horror of a Trump foreign policy. She beat him like a rug, an orange one:


HILLARY CLINTON, DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I believe the person, the Republicans have nominated for president cannot do the job.


Donald Trump's ideas aren't just different, they are dangerously incoherent. They're not even really ideas, just a series of bizarre rants, personal feuds and outright lies.


It's not hard to imagine Donald Trump leading us into a war just because somebody got under his very thin skin.


We all know the tools Donald Trump brings to the table; bragging, mocking, composing nasty tweets. I'm willing to bet he's writing a few right now.


Making Donald Trump our commander-in-chief would be a historic mistake.


GUTFELD: That was harsh. Somehow, I don't think she'll be invited to any more of Trump's weddings.

Now she says all of this after the State Department warns American tourists in Europe of potential terror attacks -- all caused by videos, am I right, Hillary? That's the larger point: A candidate running for president can name the threat that is Trump, but not the threat behind terror. Trump's rise is precisely due to the liberal cowardice that refuses to name what wants us dead.

Imagine all the evil things they can name: fracking, coal, traditional bathrooms, Fox News, but they can't name Islamism. When toilets Trump terror, clearly, we need change. Islamists work 24/7 to annihilate America, and we fret over plumbing.

So are we safer with a Trump or a Hillary? Hillary said this:


CLINTON: As a candidate for president, there's nothing I take more seriously than our national security.


GUTFELD: But, she also claimed that a video caused terror and lied to the families of our dead. She treated classified info the way her husband treats women. Imagine if she had been hacked! Then Putin would invade his neighbors without concern, terrorists would have known an outpost of Benghazi was ripe for picking, Syria would have known our red line was a bluff. Oh, wait.

Then there's Trump. He compliments a North Korean nut, admires China's response to Tiananmen Square, bashes NATO, says he's fine with Japanese nukes. Trump's words could be scary, but Hillary's deeds are pretty scary, too. And that's Trump's edge, because they're just words -- for now.

All right, before we begin, let's bring in our special guest, his name is Bill O'Reilly, he's back with us tonight. This time you're here for an entire hour. You host something called "The O'Reilly Factor." Which we (inaudible) 8:00 p.m. I don't know if you've seen it. It's pretty successful. But he's also the executive producer of "Legends and Lies" a great program. Its season two begins this Sunday at 8:00 p.m. Welcome back, Bill.

BILL O'REILLY, "THE O'REILLY FACTOR" HOST: Yeah, I don't know what happened. I got in the elevator and I'm over here for an hour.




O'REILLY: I was grabbed. I was purloined.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: It's called mission creep.



GUTFELD: I'm the creep.

O'REILLY: Thank you for the plug.


O'REILLY: I just (inaudible), talk about it later.


O'REILLY: I think everybody is going to like it.

GUTFELD: What is it if --

GUILFOYLE: I watch it every Sunday, it's fantastic.

GUTFELD: Yeah, it's --

GUILFOYLE: Really good.

GUTFELD: It's a great way to do history -- for someone who doesn't like history.

O'REILLY: We force you to watch.

GUTFELD: I know.

O'REILLY: It's like Gutfeld. It only takes a shoelace.




GUTFELD: Nicely done.

GUILFOYLE: Come back tomorrow.


GUILFOYLE: I like --

GUTFELD: What did you think of Hillary's speech?

O'REILLY: Well, I'm --

GUTFELD: Taunting (ph).

O'REILLY: I'm opening with it in "The Factor." I'm doing the talking points on it. It was -- I took away that the greatest threat to national security is Trump.




O'REILLY: Not Putin.


O'REILLY: It's Trump.


O'REILLY: Because I was expecting a little more depth into, OK, I'm going to solve the Putin problem this way. I'm going to go about China this way. Maybe we'll do this with ISIS. You got very, very little of that.


O'REILLY: So, what it was, it's a campaign speech in California. They try to mobilize democrats to vote for her over Sanders, because she hates Trump more than Sanders does.

GUTFELD: Yeah. And she hope --

O'REILLY: That's what it was.

GUTFELD: She's hoping that people realize that Sanders couldn't do that. What?

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: Or, or maybe she turned the campaign from a primary campaign to a general election campaign .


BOLLING: . saying this is, hey, Donald Trump, we're coming after you right now. She also pointed out her words, quote, "We need to be firm, but wise with our rivals, China and Russia." And then when you think back, what's going on with China and Russia under Clinton/Obama .


BOLLING: . presidency State Department. China is extending into the South China Sea, an arsenal there. And Russia takes Crimea from Ukraine, and eats our lunch in Syria. So I'm not sure how she would be more tough or firm and wise with China and Russia than Donald Trump would.

GUTFELD: That's -- I mean that's the point. We have her deeds. All we have for now are Trump's words. Juan, before the show you said it was the greatest speech you ever saw.


GUTFELD: You broke down crying.

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: I did. I did. I cried.

GUILFOYLE: Weeping, weeping.

WILLIAMS: I cried over the monologue, that's what I cried over.


WILLIAMS: Now actually, I thought it was a very good speech. And I was thinking as I was coming down here, I wondered how you guys would react, because I thought this was Hillary Clinton at her best. I don't think you saw anything shrill. I thought she was pointed. I thought she went right at Trump with regard to some of the inconsistencies in what he said.

O'REILLY: Wasn't this supposed to be a foreign policy speech?


WILLIAMS: It was a foreign policy.

O'REILLY: So can Trump live here?





WILLIAMS: And how would Trump, how would Trump .


WILLIAMS: . impact our standing in the world. She made it very clear that Trump hurts America globally, that when he says .

O'REILLY: Don't you think --

WILLIAMS: . Israel, how about Israel?

O'REILLY: Don't you think that voters are smart enough to make a determination? Do they need Hillary Clinton to say that? I wanted information about what Secretary Clinton's vision is, to defeat ISIS, to neutralize Putin, to stem the unbelievable migrant catastrophe in Europe. I didn't get any of that, Juan.

WILLIAMS: There wasn't time for that.

O'REILLY: There wasn't --


WILLIAMS: No, I say it's not --

O'REILLY: It wasn't. No, it's why --

WILLIAMS: It's not.

O'REILLY: It wasn't time because we had to --

WILLIAMS: You are --

O'REILLY: Trump .

WILLIAMS: You are --

GUILFOYLE: That's right.

O'REILLY: . for 43 minutes.

WILLIAMS: No, no. It's --

O'REILLY: Come on.

WILLIAMS: It is not the time to deliver that message --

O'REILLY: Oh, it's not the time to deliver the message. The --

WILLIAMS: What is the imperative here, Bill O'Reilly?

O'REILLY: The voting California is Tuesday.

WILLIAMS: No, no. The imperative here is to say to people, don't think that just because Donald Trump is so entertaining, and can say such nasty, funny statements about --

O'REILLY: She might get a butt kick on Tuesday.

WILLIAMS: That he's, he's out there embracing Vladimir Putin, isn't it funny? No, it's not funny.

GUTFELD: All right. Would -- Kimberly, what was your take on it?

GUILFOYLE: Well, yeah. I mean definitely it was like, don't vote for this guy, he's the scariest person in the world. He makes the Kim Jong-un, Putin and everybody else look like little Teletubbies; super reasonable, and you shouldn't be afraid of them at all. I would have liked to see some specifics as to why to choose her. She said that she has made, you know, tough decisions, but I also know about the four dead Americans and pushing the video. And you know, not following with State Department policy and deleting e-mails and keeping a private server. So I know about a lot of things that she's done that are inappropriate and conduct unbecoming a commander-in-chief of the United States. So tell people why they need to vote for you. First of all, you've got to get over the Bernie hurdle in California. That's within the statistical margin of error. But she did so, I think Bolling, you know, jumped the shark and tried to get on the whole like hijack the Trump train and say derail it.

GUTFELD: What did you make of it, Dana?

PERINO: Well, agree with most of what's been said, including with Juan. I thought that it was one of her best speeches and I do think she made the pivot to take Donald Trump on directly as he's been doing with her. And he has the luxury of doing that because he was able to dispense with his opponents early on. She tried ridicule without malice, and she didn't yell.


PERINO: She didn't do that arc thing that drives you crazy.

GUTFELD: The arc thing where she raises her voice and then comes back down.

PERINO: Right.

GUTFELD: She kept it level.

PERINO: So this is, this is a speech to appeal to her base and to say this is how I would take Donald Trump on. And I thought if you're a democrat, judging it by that standard, I thought it was a good speech.

GUTFELD: Well, for interest of fair and balanced, should we run a little bit of Trump for contrast?



DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Hillary Clinton, who lies, I mean she lies -- she doesn't know what the hell she's doing. It's going to be another four years of disaster. She's one of the worst secretaries of state in the history of our country. The Libya invasion was disgusting. She went to sleep when her ambassador was murdered. She should not be allowed to run. It's a disgrace.


GUTFELD: When you put them side by side, like that, Bill. This is going to be an interesting race, don't you think?

O'REILLY: You know there was a show in the '50s when you were like 12-- years-old?

GUTFELD: Yeah, exactly.

O'REILLY: OK -- called "The Bickersons." And you remember, you know, the people, "The Bickersons." First it was radio. First it was radio then it was on TV. And this is what we have.


O'REILLY: "The Bickersons." All right, it's like, OK. Now I got Trump on Monday. I got to give him 30 seconds, because I'm running a Hillary sound bite on him that runs exactly 30 seconds.


O'REILLY: So I'll tell Trump, "All right, I gave Hillary a free shot at you on Thursday; you get 30 seconds on Monday." But what really does that do? I mean, as I said, to Juan, you know, voters know basically who they're responding to and who they aren't. Now is the time to put forth, I'm going to solve the ISIS problem by doing this. I'm going to solve the Putin problem by doing this; neither candidate is doing that.

WILLIAMS: Now you, don't you think that people would have said she's in the weeds, she's out there with prescriptions. She needs to right now respond to Donald Trump. And her big advantage with Donald Trump --


WILLIAMS: Bill -- is experience, and saying here's the reality. This is not some kind of reality TV show. This is not "The Apprentice" you're fired, Vladimir Putin.

O'REILLY: How many, how many times are you going to say that?

WILLIAMS: I'm just telling you that --

O'REILLY: Eighty-five thousand times?

WILLIAMS: It's not just me, though, see, republicans. Remember, you had 90 republicans sign a letter saying this guy, Trump, is a threat to national security, to our interests.

GUTFELD: But the threat to national security is radical Islam and that's -- that she is giving this whole territory over to Trump, because no, there's no candidate on her side willing to say "Radical Islam" right?

GUILFOYLE: Including herself.

BOLLING: Including her, yeah.

GUTFELD: Yeah, yeah.


BOLLING: Including her. Because it's going to incite some sort of additional ISIS violence, I guess?


BOLLING: She spent about 10 minutes outlining her ideas for foreign policy. And I think, what was it, 43 total minutes?


BOLLING: Another 33 minutes bashing Trump. And that --

PERINO: But I think --

BOLLING: Bill is right about -- this, if this was supposed to be a foreign policy, here's -- what's her foreign policy? What is it?


WILLIAMS: You think this was the time to do that?

BOLLING: Yeah --

WILLIAMS: As opposed to --


BOLLING: There's no (inaudible) in foreign policy stage.

O'REILLY: And you're right. And don't Bill -- don't get me sitting down. I want to hear foreign policy.

BOLLING: Yeah, right.

WILLIAMS: You know what? They advertise this as they said this was Hillary Clinton finally taking on Donald Trump.


WILLIAMS: And that's what she delivered.

GUILFOYLE: And she said she points it now.


O'REILLY: Oh, I get -- wait a minute. Hold it. I got a Clinton campaign thing .

GUILFOYLE: They said she was going to do it, but it was a foreign policy thing.

O'REILLY: . that this is a foreign policy address.

WILLIAMS: Yeah, yeah. Taking on Donald Trump --


WILLIAMS: You know you disagree with that?


O'REILLY: I don't disagree what it was .


O'REILLY: . because we know what it was.

WILLIAMS: Yeah, that's right.

O'REILLY: And not the way it was billed --

WILLIAMS: Oh, I thought, I thought it was --


O'REILLY: Here's what it is, like a George Clooney movie, and you go in to see George Clooney and you got Juan Williams.


WILLIAMS: All right, that's better.

O'REILLY: I mean, right.

WILLIAMS: That's even better.

O'REILLY; I mean you want your (inaudible), it's a surprise.


GUTFELD: What do you -- I think there's a confusion of what the premise was. I knew that it was about Trump.

PERINO: I man, when we have ever complained about that with somebody else?

O'REILLY: I'm just going both by the handouts from Clinton campaign.


O'REILLY: They hand it out --

PERINO: The way that I heard --

O'REILLY: The foreign policy address in San Diego by Hillary Clinton, I go, right on, I'm ready.

GUTFELD: But we don't mind when Trump bashes everybody, do we?

BOLLING: Oh, let's also -- remember that over the last three or four polls, Donald Trump is beating Hillary Clinton in safety and securing America, Juan, so --

WILLIAMS: Wait, wait, wait, that's not true.

BOLLING: Oh, it is true.

WILLIAMS: The Wall Street Journal/NBC paid -- NBC poll made.

BOLLING: Quinnipiac --

WILLIAMS: Fifty-six percent of voters. Clinton is better handling foreign policy.

BOLLING: Yesterday, Quinnipiac had Donald Trump beating Hillary Clinton in foreign -- in securing America and on the economy. She beat him on immigration.

WILLIAMS: We're talking about .

BOLLING: Yesterday.

WILLIAMS: . who's better .

BOLLING: Yesterday.

WILLIAMS: . at handling foreign policy, Eric.

O'REILLY: The Harvey Lembeck poll says that --

WILLIAMS: The Harvey Lembeck?

O'REILLY: Neither of them knows anything.



GUTFELD: On that note, last word, KG, anything?

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, I think she gave what she said was going to be a foreign policy speech and she attacked Trump, which we also expected. I mean, it is what it is. So now, she lived by it.

GUTFELD: By the way, do you know --

O'REILLY: Have you ever heard that expression before, it is what it is?


GUILFOYLE: It's a profound one.


GUILFOYLE: Yes. When you eliminate the spin, that's what you said.

O'REILLY: Oh, I just, I just have a new one.


O'REILLY: At the end of the day.

GUTFELD: There you go.


O'REILLY: Oh, men. I'm copywriting it.

BOLLING: Can I just --

O'REILLY: It is what it is at the end of the day. It's dark.

BOLLING: Does anyone know where Donald Trump is going to be tomorrow?

O'REILLY: Tomorrow, your house.

BOLLING: Because I want --

O'REILLY: You love him.

BOLLING: Wherever he is --

O'REILLY: You'll love him.

BOLLING: Wherever is going --

O'REILLY: He's coming to dinner because you love him.

BOLLING: Bill, you know I'm going to hang out at your house tomorrow night.

O'REILLY: No, you're not. I got a dog.

WILLIAMS: Hey, wait a minute. Eric --


GUTFELD: That's were to Dana --

WILLIAMS: But Eric, you're always threatening to punch me out, when I say what Bill just said.

BOLLING: No, no.

WILLIAMS: The big dog is here.

BOLLING: You accused me of cutting you off for a time.

WILLIAMS: Oh, no, no, no. I say, you love Trump and you don't say anything to him --


GUTFELD: All right.

O'REILLY: He doesn't like you.

WILLIAMS: Oh. Well I --

GUTFELD: All right, the locker room --

GUILFOYLE: He got the memo.


PERINO: No, I just want to get one word in here. OK, so, yes, two days ago the news media covered an empty Trump podium and didn't cover Clinton's speech. I think it is fair to imagine that if she's giving a speech that you thought that she was going to give .


PERINO: . nobody would have covered it.

GUTFELD: It wouldn't.

PERINO: No one would have talked about it, she can't get on the front page of the paper, you have to give something to the media in order to get on the front page and that's what they accomplished today.

GUTFELD: And it was enjoyable, whether you liked it or not.

WILLIAMS: Well, there you go.

O'REILLY: Best 44 minutes I've ever spent.

GUILFOYLE: She gave a good --


GUILFOYLE: She gave a good speech.


GUILFOYLE: She gave a good speech. I thought she did a good job.

GUTFELD: All right. Next, are members of the press trying to help Hillary take down Trump? One journalist's inside account. And Bill O'Reilly remains with us for the hour -- back in the moment. He's thrilled.


GUTFELD: He's thrilled.



GUILFOYLE: Welcome back to "The Five." Bill O'Reilly is still with us and he's here for the whole hour. But we want to talk now about the media's role in this year's presidential election. We know Donald Trump is not happy with some members of the press, who he calls dishonest. They're not treating him the same way as Hillary Clinton, according to the "Daily Mail's" U.S. Political Editor, David Martosko. Take a listen.


DAVID MARTOSKO, "DAILY MAIL U.S. POLITICAL EDITOR: Having spent time in both bubbles, both the Hillary and the Trump bubble, I will tell you that it's a completely different mindset; totally different group of people. The reporters who are following around Hillary, a lot of them are Hillary fans. They're just in awe of her, you know with the Trump people. It's a feeding frenzy. And a lot of the people I think that editors assigned to the Trump beat are the most aggressive ones. The ones who they hope will dig up the one piece of dirt that will, you know, kill the Trump monster.


GUILFOYLE: All right. So Bill, that's pretty provocative statement --

O'REILLY: You know, I think it's generally true. I mean we do this a few weeks ago. When "The New York Times" ran the women thing on the front page. We found out the woman reporter was a feminist, you know, and (inaudible) she didn't like Trump. Good reporter, generally speaking, but had no use for the Trump and the guy she wrote it with had tweeted anti-Trump things, so I think it's accurate that the editors assign people to Trump to be very, very aggressive. Whereas, Hillary Clinton, she -- I don't think she's getting soft treatment by the press. I don't see it that way. But I do think her crew, the crew that follows her around, much friendlier than the other guys on the Trump.

GUILFOYLE: All right, Dana, what do you think?

PERINO: I think Bernie is getting the softest treatment .


PERINO: . of all of them, because if that is his beliefs haven't really been fully exposed, and he's gotten a free ride. But do you remember the Scooby van, when all the reporters were running and chasing after Hillary Clinton? I don't think this is new. We know that from the pew report, that over last several years that a large majority of reporters when asked, say that they do vote democratic or they tend to, they identify as liberals. And I would imagine they probably wanted Al Gore to win and John Kerry to win, and they wanted Obama to win both times. So I wouldn't be surprised. I do think that it's not just Trump, I think any republican candidate was going to come up against this; maybe not as strong. Trump has called them sleazes and things like that. So there's not a lot of love lost there.

GUILFOYLE: OK. We see things like that. All right, so what do you make of it? This is somebody who has been on the inside, seen both sides of it. I mean, it's one person's opinion, but nevertheless this is what Trump has been saying. Just to give credits to his favor.

BOLLING: Oh, I think we've been saying this for years, and Bill has been point it out this out as well, that the vast majority of the media, the mainstream media, ABC, NBC, CBS, "New York Times," "Washington Post," et cetera, leans severely left. And when you have that there, of course they're going to cover the candidates in different ways. They're going to give Hillary passes or they'll give the republican whether it's Trump or anyone else, when it was other candidates, they gave them the harder time. And again, this, a lot of this comes from the reaction to the $5.6 million that Trump raised. They scrutinized every detail of that donation, well further than they've ever scrutinized Hillary Clinton and Clinton cash and some of the other Clinton Foundation accusations. Here's I'll give you one more example, can you -- besides of the factor .


BOLLING: . what is the most influential television program for a politician, a Sunday talk show, right? George Stephanopoulos, used to work as a communications director for the Clintons, and he's handling, he's holding down one of the most influential talk shows in the morning shows on the planet, politically. That shouldn't -- what world is that OK?

GUILFOYLE: Well, also it's a media bias, that's what you're saying?

BOLLING: Of course.

GUILFOYLE: Prevalent, alive and well and not (inaudible).

WILLIAMS: Well, if you have a problem, I mean with George, I mean, call him out. But I don't think that because someone has a politics that are political background it necessarily mean they can't be a good journalist. To me, the real news here, and I -- it's just striking to me, is that gee, Hillary Clinton gets harsher coverage than anybody. And I --

O'REILLY: And not Trump?

WILLIAMS: Not Trump, right.


WILLIAMS: Hillary Clinton.


WILLIAMS: No, I think Hillary Clinton gets the hard --


WILLIAMS: And in fact there was a study that said Hillary Clinton, of the four major networks and outlets, by far, the most negative coverage. Trump gets the most free media. Everybody takes Trump when he shows up. I mean, I guess we were talking about, oh, why won't Hillary debate Bernie in California, right, which I was a big advocate of. But when Trump doesn't debate Bernie, nobody says anything --

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God, Juan.

WILLIAMS: Let it go. Let it go.

GUILFOYLE: You just like trashing (ph) .

BOLLING: You're like running against Bernie.

GUILFOYLE: . so crazy.

WILLIAMS: Is that right?


WILLIAMS: But she agreed.

BOLLING: She's running against Bernie not --

WILLIAMS: She agreed just to debate him.

GUILFOYLE: Now you -- so he's obligated to debate the other opponent for the democratic primary .


GUILFOYLE: . but the person .

WILLIAMS: I didn't say any -- no, no.

GUILFOYLE: . the front-runner of the democratic primary is not obligated.

WILLIAMS: You're missing the point.

GUILFOYLE: That's makes no sense.

WILLIAMS: He said he wants to do it.

GUILFOYLE: I think you're stretching. Stretching --

GUTFELD: We're not -- but we're making huge mistake here. We're making -- we're failing to make a distinction between commentary and reporters.


GUTFELD: The reporters tend to lend -- lean left. But among commentators, there is an army of advocacy for Trump. He gets more free passes than a hot chick at a nightclub. So let's not forget --

GUILFOYLE: That's a lot.

GUTFELD: That's --

GUILFOYLE: You know what I mean, a lot.

GUTFELD: Speaking for -- and the press loves Trump because they see a career in him. There can be 100 books about Trump and in one year.

O'REILLY: So wait a minute. I'm not quite getting what you say. You think that Trump gets softer .

GUTFELD: Among commentators.

O'REILLY: . reportage?

GUTFELD: Among commentators. Not among, not among reporters.

O'REILLY: Among commentators.

GUTFELD: Exactly.

O'REILLY: So you think the commentators on television --

GUTFELD: Love him. They love him. He's more -- he's the most explosive thing in politics since Bill's cigar.

O'REILLY: They might like him on, but they're cheap-shutting him all day long, on MSNBC, on CNN, or NPR, on Bloomberg. I mean, they're just hammering him all day long. Whereas, Hillary Clinton, if you say one bad word about Hillary Clinton, you're a sexist.

GUTFELD: But you say one bad word on Trump .


O'REILLY: I can't say that.

GUTFELD: . he goes on Twitter.

GUILFOYLE: You got the e-mail?


O'REILLY: I mean, I don't -- I'm not buying that. I think that the talk radio, yes, they're favoring Trump. Yes. OK, but the mainstream commentators and all the vehicles that I mentioned, are desperately favoring Hillary.

WILLIAMS: I don't think they are getting scrutiny to Trump, yet.

O'REILLY: What do you mean scrutiny? What do you want? He's a businessman.


WILLIAMS: OK, so it doesn't matter.

O'REILLY: Do you want to look at his ledger .

WILLIAMS: He can say anything.

O'REILLY: . for the --

WILLIAMS: Oh, go right ahead.


WILLIAMS: Go right ahead. I mean --

GUILFOYLE: All right.


GUILFOYLE: Go right ahead?

O'REILLY: You have what?


GUILFOYLE: Ahead, the State Department admits it deliberately deleted parts of a 2013 press briefing. The part that exposed the administration's lies about negotiations with Iran. But many serious questions remain. New developments on that story, next.


PERINO: A follow-up now on yesterday's bombshell admission from the State Department, after initially calling it a glitch, the department finally came clean and confessed it deliberately cut out a key exchange between Fox News Correspondent James Rosen, and then Spokeswoman Jen Psaki from a 2013 press briefing archives on-line. It was a portion when Psaki revealed the administration had been misleading the press on the Iran nuke negotiations. On "Fox & Friends," a current Spokesman John Kirby was asked if it was an aberration or a practice at the Obama State Department.


TUCKER CARLSON, "FOX AND FRIENDS" CO-HOST: What do you make of Jen Psaki's admission in this tape? And the tape that question, that yes, at times you have to lie from the podium.

JOHN KIRBY, STATE DEPARTMENT SPOKESPERSON: First of all, no. We don't lie, and that's a key tenet of being a spokesman, you can't lie. And the moment you do that, your credibility, your authenticity goes right down the toilet. And that's not what Jen said in that clip. She didn't say it was OK to lie, she said that sometimes diplomacy needs privacy to be effective. And that's, and that's actually true.


PERINO: One question that still remains is who gave the order to erase that exchange? And Kimberly, John Kirby said he's not going to try to check that out. To me, that actually matters, because political appointees that have the power over civilians that make that order should have to answer for it.

O'REILLY: I know what happened.

PERINO: You do?

O'REILLY: Yeah. Hillary Clinton erased it. And when she's erasing all her - -

PERINO: Oh. So that's where it went?

O'REILLY: That all you got to erase one time.

GUILFOYLE: Mass deletion.



PERINO: And (inaudible) -- at least we know how to restore the video.

GUILFOYLE: Well, you know, Dana, you posed that question yesterday to Rosen, and, in fact, they played your clip on that --

PERINO: Oh, they did?

GUILFOYLE: And yes, on Bill Hemmer this morning. So yeah, that is the key and pivotal question. I think it's very important who is making those kinds of calls and decisions, and then of course, essentially, a cover-up. I don't believe for one minute that they don't know exactly who ordered it. Somebody is being protected. At a certain point people are gonna say, it wasn't me, it wasn't me by process of elimination, you should be able to --

PERINO: No, if I was Kirby, I would say nobody is leaving this room or this building until I find out who it is. So like -- because, Bill, they also called it a glitch for three weeks.


GUILFOYLE: They're lying.

O'REILLY: Glitch.


O'REILLY: Look, they just don't like Rosen --

PERINO: But I wanted to ask you about that --


O'REILLY: I mean he does.


O'REILLY: I got Rosen on tonight.


O'REILLY: And I'm going to force him. He knows who erased it. Rosen knows.

GUILFOYLE: He said he's been given some tips .

PERINO: You think so?

GUILFOYLE: . that people was telling him.

O'REILLY: I'm going to force him to tell.

GUILFOYLE: I think he knows, too.

PERINO: Everybody over -- so far we've got a couple of folks (inaudible).

WILLIAMS: But you know Jen Psaki went after Rosen. So she, she said out there, oh, my gosh, you're demeaning, you're defaming me.

PERINO: Which he hasn't.

WILLIAMS: Well, I don't think so either, but that's what she's saying now.

O'REILLY: Who does she work now?

WILLIAMS: She's the White House communications director.

PERINO: White House.

WILLIAMS: As if you don't know. You know, I like your style. You come out here, and you're like a prosecutor.


WILLIAMS: You ask questions you know the answers to.

But what I'm interested in is something you said yesterday, which was you thought this was a violation of the Federal Records Act. Right? But then they come out today and say absolutely not. That the official record was not...

PERINO: The transcript.

WILLIAMS: But it was what was given out for public information. So I want to ask you...

GUILFOYLE: Well, why is that? That should be a distinction without a difference. I mean...

PERINO: As a former press secretary, I have to say, if somebody had -- somebody had said, "To protect you, I had them cut out a piece of your briefing that would protect the president from this lie that we're doing about the Iranians" -- I would have said, "That's not your decision to make."

So Jen Psaki...

O'REILLY: You'd fire them?

PERINO: Absolutely, if I had the power to.

O'REILLY: You'd fire them on the spot, right?

PERINO: If I had the power to. But the thing is, that's why you have to find out who the political appointee was that made the call to the civilians to ask them to do it. You can't fire the civilian.

O'REILLY: Somebody higher up did this. I mean, it's not some flunky.

PERINO: Although I guess...

GUTFELD: I think -- I think a video caused this. Clearly...

PERINO: Who pushed the video?

GUTFELD: Yes. It was a video.

PERINO: Who pulled the video clip?

GUTFELD: Exactly. They were watching some video on YouTube, and they got really upset; and they decided to edit it.

GUILFOYLE: Can you imagine if you guys did that? Can you imagine if 43 or 41 did it?


PERINO: ... something that Cheney had ordered, there would be impeachment hearings.

BOLLING: So what's worse? Is it the actual editing of the exact eight minutes of Rosen's question and the answer?

GUILFOYLE: Or the cover-up?

BOLLING: Or the cover-up?

GUILFOYLE: Cover-up usually sends you to jail. Ask Martha Stewart.

BOLLING: So -- so the State Department has lied about this for weeks.


BOLLING: But only because we caught them when Ben Rhodes said, "Guess what? We've been lying to you about the Iran -- the Iran deal."


BOLLING: "We just -- to sell it to the American public, we've been lying."

GUTFELD: It's all -- that's the best part about it.

BOLLING: It's insane.

GUTFELD: It's Rhodes' ego in The New York Times.

BOLLING: And here's the worst part: How many more of these are there? I mean, we know about this one.

GUILFOYLE: Rhodes led to.

BOLLING: Do you remember when Francois Hollande's comment about Islamic terrorism was edited also, because they didn't want that on the record, as well? I mean...

PERINO: That was a glitch, as well.

BOLLING: I guess...

PERINO: That was the same excuse.

BOLLING: Another glitch.

GUILFOYLE: Robots run amok.

WILLIAMS: Give credit -- give credit to Admiral Kirby. He's a stand-up guy. He came on "FOX & Friends"...

BOLLING: Yes, but he should continue the investigation.

WILLIAMS: ... and he said that there's -- he said there's no cover-up, absolutely.

PERINO: But he also inherited the situation. He inherited -- the person that called it a glitch, he had to deal with that. And he had to -- he wasn't there at the time.

GUILFOYLE: He's got to chase it down.

PERINO: He's doing what he can.

O'REILLY: Who's been fired?

PERINO: No one's been fired.

O'REILLY: No one.

GUILFOYLE: No one. They only give promotions when you lie, cheat and steal.

PERINO: I'll get fired if I don't tease.

Ahead, Hollywood heartthrob Ryan Gosling giving ladies yet another reason to swoon over him. It's coming up in Bill O'Reilly's first ever...

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my gosh.

PERINO: ... "Fastest Seven."


BOLLING: Welcome back. Time for...


GRAPHIC: Fastest 7


BOLLING: ... "The Fastest Seven Minutes on Television." Three pinheaded stories, seven pithy minutes, one patriotic host.

First up, President Obama paid a visit to Elkhart, Indiana, yesterday and made some lofty claims on the economy, completely disregarding the facts. The commander-in-chief says the middle class is doing great, and it's FOX News who's making it seem like it's not.


BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: And I'm going to start with the story that not every Republican, but most Republican candidates up and down the ticket are telling. America's middle class, families like yours, have been victimized by a big bloated federal government, run by a bunch of left-wing elitists like me.

And I haven't, you know, turned on FOX News or listened to conservative talk radio yet today, but I've turned them on enough, over these past seven and a half years, to know I'm not exaggerating in terms of their story.


BOLLING: Now the numbers say something completely different. This has been the weakest recovery from a recession in modern history. Especially affected of course, the middle class.

Now Bill, President Obama deserves credit for a robust middle class? Fact or fiction?

O'REILLY: I don't think he's done a great job on the economy. But the other side, Juan's crew, says that he inherited this giant depression.

WILLIAMS: Thank you.

O'REILLY: If he hadn't done it, then we'd all be living in the dust bowl in Oklahoma. Speculation, but if you look at seven and a half years, if you're the coach of any team, if you're the CEO of any company and your growth rate is less than 2 percent, you're out.

BOLLING: I'll tell you another one, Juan.

O'REILLY: That is the fact.

BOLLING: Another one, wages are flat. Household incomes are flat. Household net worths are down under President Obama.

WILLIAMS: No. Let me just tell you, this is one of the most incredible things I have -- first of all, thank you for imitating me. That was pretty good. If you are only this good looking.

But anyway...

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God.

WILLIAMS: ... the point -- I think the point here is look at Wall Street, look at unemployment rate. Look at GDP, right? Look at our standing in the world. Where would you rather start a business, Eric? Anywhere or the United States? Answer, USA, USA.

BOLLING: If you want -- if you ask me the question, I would start a business with the lowest tax rate.

WILLIAMS: Yes, yes.

BOLLING: And it certainly isn't the United States.

WILLIAMS: Oh, yes. Yes, right. Everybody in the world knows where you'd start a business.

GUILFOYLE: That's why it's exporting America. That's why companies are leaving, closing up shop. It's become -- well, it has. It's become...

WILLIAMS: People are leaving America?

GUILFOYLE: It's become punitive to have businesses here, whether it's small businesses, entrepreneurs.

O'REILLY: You want to shut her up (ph)?


O'REILLY: Sixty-six percent of the Americans think the country is headed in the wrong direction economically.

WILLIAMS: And how many thought that ten years ago?


GUTFELD: Mike drop.

O'REILLY: Now turn out the lights. Control room. Two-thirds across all ideological...

GUTFELD: If it's so great, why are the -- why are the Democrats running for president running against the -- saying that the economy is a mess and they've got to do better?

And by the way, congratulations, Obama, in helping Wall Street.

BOLLING: Dana, your final thoughts on this?

PERINO: I think the arrogance of the speech was that he wanted -- the location is important. He gave a speech in Elkhurst [SIC]...

BOLLING: Elkhart.

PERINO: ... Elkhart, Indiana in 2009, saying, "This is all the things I'm going to do." So this is him going back, "Look at how I've made good on my promises."

And the arrogance of it is he didn't give any credit to the Republican governor, Pence, and the Republican state legislature. And no, he could not have given this speech in Illinois, because most people from Illinois have been fleeing to Indiana because of the high taxes of Illinois.

BOLLING: Right, we've got to leave it there. And how about this one, this guy, the chick magnet, Ryan Gosling. Remember him?

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Now it's too late.

RYAN GOSLING, ACTOR: I wrote you 365 letters. I wrote you every day for a year.


GOSLING: Yes. It wasn't over. It still isn't over.


O'REILLY: This was really good.

BOLLING: Now Gosling, the hottest guy in the world, according to all of our producers, recently did an interview for "ES Magazine," where he stated the obvious: quote, "I think women are better than men. They're stronger, more evolved. You can tell especially when you have daughters. They're just leaps and bounds beyond boys, and immediately, they're better than us. They make me better."

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God.

BOLLING: I was going to go to Bill, because he's a sensitive guy, but can I -- can I get K.G. to weigh in on women better than men?

GUILFOYLE: Wait, so...

BOLLING: Do you agree with Gosling?

GUILFOYLE: So our producer, Porter, voted modest -- it said "All of our producers." Porter, Sean, I don't know. I mean, I think he's fine. He's...

BOLLING: This is Porter's favorite story of the day.

GUILFOYLE: He's not floating my boat. Put it that way. Yes.


O'REILLY: I think he -- I think he should run on a third ticket. Ryan Gosling, yes. He should run on the pandering ticket.

GUILFOYLE: He'd probably get more votes.

BOLLING: Very nice. Well done, well done.

GUILFOYLE: But nice comments about ladies.

BOLLING: Women better than men?

PERINO: Of course, obviously.


GUTFELD: It's pathetic. He's -- we get it, you're sensitive. You're going to vote for Bernie. You wear hemp; you eat vegan. This is -- he's trying so hard, trying so hard. We get it, you're enlightened. You know, he's insecure.

BOLLING: Now -- now Juan and I agree, right? We have to go back to our wives and talk to them about this segment. We agree, right?

WILLIAMS: We do agree. But you know what strikes me, as the father of two boys and a girl? This is so inappropriate to say, but...



WILLIAMS: ... she outperforms the boys. And you look at it in schools these day. Girls are the majority in the college, majority in the graduate schools. They are -- they're the majority of the workforce now. Girls are really kicking butt.

GUILFOYLE: Graduate with honors, presidents of the class. Captain of the team.

WILLIAMS: That's what I'm saying.

O'REILLY: Does anybody ever consider maybe Ryan wants dates? That he did this for dates.

BOLLING: I don't think he's having a hard time getting dates. I could be wrong.

Do you ever get narced out, ever get the dime dropped on you? Ever get snitched on by your own 5-year-old son? Check out this 911 call.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: 911, what's your emergency?

ROBBIE, CALLED 911 ON FATHER: My dad went past a red light.


ROBBIE: Uh-huh.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Is he home right now?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Can I talk to him?



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hi. Quincy police.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Oh no. I'm just going to apologize. That's my 5-year- old son.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Just wanted to let us know you ran a red light.



BOLLING: Now Greg, you love kids. And this...

GUTFELD: This is -- this is reason 500 why I don't have kids. I've worked for 30 years to get where I am. I don't want to be narced on by some brat because I didn't hug him enough.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God. You're the worst.

PERINO: I mean, technology is going -- it's not the robots that are going to kill us. It could be the children, who understand technology better than we do.

O'REILLY: You notice a little girl didn't do that.

PERINO: Of course she didn't.

O'REILLY: Girls are more loyal to their dads.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. So true. We wouldn't rat them out. Daddies rule.

BOLLING: All right. What you've got to say there, Juan?


WILLIAMS: I'll leave it alone.

O'REILLY: I'm sorry. I don't want to speak for you, Juan.

WILLIAMS: You do. You always do. Go right ahead.

O'REILLY: Somehow make the 5-year-old calling 911 into the fact that Obama saved us from a depression. I know you can do it. I know you can do it.

WILLIAMS: No, you know what? I'm going to imitate Bill O'Reilly.


WILLIAMS: It's Obama's fault that that kid isn't loyal to his dad. That's what's going on with the leftist elite.

BOLLING: You didn't blame Trump for that.


BOLLING: You didn't even blame Trump.

WILLIAMS: No. He wanted me to blame Obama.

BOLLING: All right. We're going to leave it there.

Keep it right there, because Bill O'Reilly previews his big weekend kickoff of season two of his wildly popular "Legends and Lies" series. Stick around.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Our brethren are already in the field. I know not what course others may take. But as for me, give me liberty, or give me death.


WILLIAMS: The first season of Bill O'Reilly's hit series, "Legends and Lies," spotlighted key figures from the Wild West. This time around it profiles our Founding Fathers.

The premiere of "Legends and Lies: The Patriots" airs this Sunday at 8 p.m. Eastern right here on the FOX News Channel. It kicks off with a focus on Samuel Adams and Paul Revere.

Bill can tell us more about what we're going to see.

Now, you cover 60 years, 1760s, 1820s.

O'REILLY: Right.

WILLIAMS: What are you going to do?

O'REILLY: It's basically the stories that you don't know, that you haven't been taught in school. And it's more than the Founding Fathers. It's the Swamp Fox, Francis Marion, a guy who fought in the South. Ethan Allen.


O'REILLY: The Green Mountain Boys of Vermont.



O'REILLY: Regular -- regular people like you, Gutfeld. Regular people.

GUTFELD: I am regular.

O'REILLY: All right. Who played this enormous role in getting us our freedom.

But you know, the icons are there, too, like we tell you how Alexander Hamilton started the rap industry. And all of that.

But the one that really took me aback was George Washington. Very few people know what a tough guy he was. I mean, he makes me look like Pee Wee Herman. All right?

And what Washington did to his own troops, it will snap your head back.


O'REILLY: I don't want to tell you, because I want to you watch it. But that's the kind of stuff. That's why it's called "Legends and Lies," because there are lies, not malicious lies, but just myths that aren't true about all of the people who fought for our independence. And we debunk those, while at the same time telling you the truth about these individuals.

GUTFELD: Did he really have wooden teeth?

O'REILLY: Washington did.

GUTFELD: Yes, he did?

BOLLING: What's the biggest lie you debunked?

O'REILLY: Well, it was basically that the Founding Fathers were these pristine people, who never really did anything wrong. I mean, they were worried about Benjamin Franklin in Paris, because they needed the French to come in to help us fight the British. Well, what was Franklin doing in Paris? He's running around with everybody's wife. All right? It was a big thing.

GUTFELD: He was inventing electricity...


GUTFELD: ... under the covers.

O'REILLY: And -- and...

GUILFOYLE: Oh, gosh.

O'REILLY: ... he was doing experiments in the bathtub about that.

And so what we say is that these things were kept quiet, but they were -- Washington and Adams, John Adams, they were going crazy: "What is old Ben doing in Paris? If they catch him..."

GUILFOYLE: Inventing the hot tub.

O'REILLY: "Right. If they catch him, we're not going to get the French fleet to come in and help us." That's the kind of stuff that we -- and it's not a tabloid thing.


O'REILLY: But I'm trying to tell you that it's -- it's an examination of the people, good and bad.

WILLIAMS: Well, let me just say that the Wild West, the first season, just terrific.

O'REILLY: Thank you.

WILLIAMS: The series now is going to be picked up for two more seasons. So it's this season, plus two more. And a special treat on Christmas day. So this series is going to -- there will be nine parts during the summer, three then in December, and one on Christmas day about George Washington crossing the Delaware.

O'REILLY: And winning the most important fight in the Revolutionary War. I just did that cut today. I just did the Christmas thing today.

It's a lot of fun. You know, I'm a former history teacher. We like history. We have the "Killing" books and all that. But this is really a lot of fun to see it come alive on the screen.

WILLIAMS: You do reenactments?

O'REILLY: We do some of that, but we do a lot of historian interviews, and you know, we don't want it to be tabloid stuff and all that.

GUILFOYLE: Very well done.

O'REILLY: But we have actors, and there is a script. But the scripts are taken from real words.

GUTFELD: Can we have roles?

BOLLING: Do you understand...

GUTFELD: Can we have roles in this?

BOLLING: You know who did have a role?


BOLLING: Michael Tammaro (ph).

O'REILLY: Yes. We had him.

BOLLING: He had a role.

WILLIAMS: Wait a minute, wait a minute. You were in -- wait, I saw you in the first series.

O'REILLY: Well, I'm in as a historian.

WILLIAMS: Yes, you were.

O'REILLY: Not in -- you know.

WILLIAMS: Are you in this one?

O'REILLY: I'm in the swamp with the Swamp Fox.

GUILFOYLE: Can I be in the next one? With the, like, petticoat?

O'REILLY: Sure. You can play whatever you want. Yes, you and Ben Franklin.

WILLIAMS: You have to be polite, you know.


O'REILLY: I am. I'm very chivalrous.

WILLIAMS: "One More Thing" up next.

GUILFOYLE: Ben Franklin.


GUTFELD: "One More Thing." Bill, you're up first.

O'REILLY: All right. We have "Legends and Lies," the book, to go along with the TV show.

GUTFELD: Excellent.

O'REILLY: Because you can't tell you everything in an hour. And this is a really beautiful book, written by David Fisher, edited by me. And it's No. 1 in the United States of America.

GUTFELD: Nicely done. Nicely done.

WILLIAMS: Don't forget it for Father's Day.

O'REILLY: And for the kids, too. I mean, it's got lots of pictures and stuff. Kids like it, too.

GUILFOYLE: I'll be watching.

WILLIAMS: There we go.


WILLIAMS: Well, we've come up with Greg's nightmare. Vladimir Putin's Russia has mad scientists who have now created a high-tech Frankenstein to fight wars.


WILLIAMS: In fact, this robot is remote-controlled by operators wearing sensor suits to simulate the actions of the robot. For example, you just saw, he can drive a car. It's called Ivan the Terrorist. That's a nice nickname for it.

GUTFELD: Terminator.

PERINO: Terminator.

GUTFELD: By the way, that's not a robot if it's being controlled externally.


GUTFELD: So that's a big lie. That's not a real robot.

WILLIAMS: What is it?

GUTFELD: It's just -- that's like a toy. It's like a drone.

GUILFOYLE: That's just like "Star" -- Storm Troopers. It's Storm Troopers.

GUTFELD: Stupid. All right. Let's get to this quickly, shall we?


GUTFELD: I hate these people!


GUTFELD: All right. Let's take a shot of "The View" this morning, please. Here we go. If you notice when you're looking at them, three of the lovely women here are wearing basketball jerseys. Oh, I wonder how new those are, right?

You know, I don't like people who wear sports, you know, memorabilia, but I even hate it more when they're wearing it during the championship. You know, as if they've been -- as if this has some kind of effect on the outcome? I hate that.

GUILFOYLE: You're boring.

BOLLING: It's going to be a good championship, though.

GUTFELD: I don't even know what it is.

BOLLING: Golden State.

GUILFOYLE: You know...

GUTFELD: I'm from the Golden State, and I don't own one Golden State jersey.

GUILFOYLE: Those are fun to sleep in. It could be fun.

GUTFELD: I know.

GUILFOYLE: You don't know.

GUTFELD: Yes, I do, Kimberly. I've been on that tree outside your window many times.

It's your turn, by the way.

GUILFOYLE: Chopping it down.

All right. So we have a very great story here, if you want to talk about humanity and people reaching out to give back to help someone in need. A World War II veteran who served his country faithfully, unfortunately, was defrauded by some very bad people. He lost nearly all of his income, his life savings in a fraud scheme. It was $43,000 in total. He fought bravely for our country in Pearl Harbor. And there's a picture of him right there. He said the scam was the worst tragedy he's ever lived through.

However, some good news: a GoFundMe page for Mr. Holder, Jack Holder, has now raised $58,000 as of the show time tonight. This nice woman, Shana Schwarz, was moved to create it after hearing his story. So she's already given him a check, just so you know, for $19,000 this week. Now it's up to $58,000. And I shared this story on my Facebook page, and I think it's a great example of humanity and taking care of each other.

GUTFELD: Nice. Very good.


BOLLING: OK. So on the Twitter machine, which Mr. O'Reilly is now very active on.


BOLLING: I was reading Johnny Dollar, he had a Throwback Thursday on -- from something from 1980. Jimmy Carter in 1980 gave a foreign policy speech when he was running against Ronald Reagan. He used the words "risky, dangerous and beyond the..."

GUTFELD: Mainstream?

BOLLING: "... mainstream of America."

Guess what Hillary Clinton used today? Almost the exact same words: risky, dangerous, goes beyond the values of America. And there it is, 36 years later. Both foreign policy speeches, but both taking shots at their political opponent instead of giving a true foreign policy speech.

GUILFOYLE: My goodness.

BOLLING: And guess what? Reagan.

PERINO: All right. So it's Martha Washington's birthday. She would have been 285 today.

O'REILLY: She looks good.

PERINO: and there was an event at Mount Vernon on the piazza. And a mansion tour. But this is the neat part: 100 new U.S. citizens were sworn in today right there. And it was a Martha Washington look-alike. She gave a speech. And I just want to congratulate those new U.S. citizens. Welcome to America.

GUILFOYLE: Fantastic.

GUTFELD: Make a lot of money as a Martha Washington look-alike, I hear.

O'REILLY: After Elvis, that's No. 2.

GUTFELD: They're everywhere.

PERINO: She could make it into the next "Legends and Lies."

O'REILLY: And she was a brave woman, by the way. We write about her a little bit in this book. Martha Washington wasn't just some dumpling. She was a...

BOLLING: You gave her equal time.

WILLIAMS: What did you say? She wasn't a what?

O'REILLY: She wasn't just some dumpling.

WILLIAMS: Oh, a dumpling.

O'REILLY: Right.

GUTFELD: Thanks to Bill O'Reilly for joining us tonight. Catch him on "The Factor," 8 p.m. Eastern, and catch "Legends and Lies" on Sunday. "Special Report" is up next. Get out of my line of fire, Kimberly.

GUILFOYLE: Leaning that far (ph)?

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