Hillary Clinton takes more heat for press access, foundation funds

This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," June 15, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, HOST: And welcome to "Hannity." Tonight -- Hillary Clinton's campaign denied access to a Daily Mail reporter who was assigned to cover Clinton's event in New Hampshire earlier today. Now, the Daily Mail's political editor was supposed to be the designated print pool reporter, but was told by the Clinton campaign staffers that he wasn't welcome.

Joining us now with reaction from New Hampshire, Fox's own Ed Henry.  This is not going over well in reporter circles is it, Ed.

ED HENRY, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: That's right, Sean, because reporters want the press pool, the folks out here on the road, the actual journalists, picking who should be able to cover Hillary Clinton, not having the Clinton campaign dictate to them.

In this case, the campaign insists they're not dictating to reporters.  What they say is that David Martosko, who is the politics editor, U.S. politics editor for The Daily Mail, basically does not meet the requirements to be a pool reporter.

It's complicated, but the short of it is they used precedent from the White House press pool. The Daily Mail has been petitioning to get into that press pool. Technically, they don't have full credentials yet at the White House for pool duty, so the Clinton campaign says they're trying to work it out and they'll bring them perhaps at a later date.

Nonetheless, there are a lot of reporters not happy with this, saying, Why wasn't this reporter let in, since his colleagues had said that he was fit to do this duty. Basically, you're a pool reporter, you fill in for the rest of the group when the candidate's in small quarters. You take it down and then share the information with the rest of us.

What a lot of people are wondering about is the fact that this particular reporter with The Daily Mail has been very aggressive in his coverage of Hillary Clinton. The campaign tells me tonight that had nothing to do with it, that they're working it out. They'll let him into other events down the road, potentially.

What was interesting is she eventually did take questions from us today. She very rarely does that, as you know. And here she is running a populist campaign, talking about redistributing wealth, saying that income inequality is a big problem. And NBC's Andrea Mitchell pressed her on what about the fact that Bill and Hillary Clinton made $25 million last year.  How can she launch a populist campaign? Listen.


HILLARY CLINTON, D-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE:  I'm very grateful for the success that Bill and I have had. We both come from hard-working families, and we have worked really hard, both of us, over the course of our lives. And we feel blessed.


HENRY: So she tries to push it away by saying she feels grateful. As she walked away, her staff wouldn't call on me. They had a list of reporters they were going to call on. I was three feet maybe from the candidate. I asked her how she feels about these poll numbers suggesting that a majority believes that she is not honest and trustworthy. She didn't answer it.

And you can see from the video, as I walked over to try to get that question answered, her staff didn't want me to talk to her. The Secret Service asked me to move on. So look, this is going to be an ongoing issue about just how much access reporters have to the candidate and how much -- how many tough questions we can ask her out here, Sean.

HANNITY: You know, Ed, those are great -- great points you're making.  I mean, you add into that or factor in staged events with DNC operatives and spontaneous discussions with her, the limited access to reporters, very few questions even when she has taken a couple, and even Obama operatives have been saying she needs to get out there and talk to people. And they still won't even answer your question.

HENRY: Because it seems like she wants to run a Rose Garden strategy.  And from a political standpoint, you can understand why she may think, at least in the short term, it's good. If she is so far ahead of Bernie Sanders, doesn't have a lot of competition on the Democratic side, there's not a lot of up side to her taking tough questions about the Clinton Foundation or anything else.

But long term, you're right that there are some Democrats saying, Well, if you don't deal with this now, it's only going to keep coming back in the general election. It'd be better to address these questions now.  That's obviously -- the Clinton campaign differs about that. That's their political strategy.

But frankly, as reporters, I don't care what the political strategy is of Democrats or Republicans. We're supposed to get tough questions, whether it's Jeb Bush or Hillary Clinton. A lot of candidates out there have been taking tough questions. She's not taking a lot.

She's starting to take more, I should point out, as I noted today, a lot better today than we've seen at other events.

HANNITY: What'd she take...

HENRY: But we'll see if this continues or not.

HANNITY: ... three, three or four? I mean...

HENRY: She took about six or -- she took about six or seven. I'd have to look at my notebook, but not a full press conference, and it certainly hasn't happened a lot.

HANNITY: All right, Ed Henry on the trail in New Hampshire. Thank you, Ed. Appreciate it.

And this is not the first incident by the Clinton campaign that has angered the press. According to Politico, The Boston Globe's Annie Linskey wrote this after covering Clinton in Iowa yesterday. Quote, "The pool is kept in the back yard and did not get to see Clinton walk out of the event and greet a group of neighbors who were across the street. Neighbors later confirmed this occurred. Also, a local CBS News camera caught the exchange. The pool threw a fit when she heard that Clinton had left the house. Your pool got outside fast enough to see Clinton drive away."

Here now is that reporter from The Boston Globe who has been covering the Clinton campaign, Annie Linskey. Annie, it seems like of all the candidates, she is giving the least amount of access, and as Ed Henry points out, she's trying to run a populist campaign. How does that work?

ANNIE LINSKEY, BOSTON GLOBE: Yes, I know. I know. It is very confusing because it's not only journalists that are noticing this. I mean, activists are noticing it, as well.

I spent the weekend in Iowa, and one of the things that people were really upset about was she had a contest for one person to be able to fly to New York and see her rally. And these Iowa activists are saying, Hey, wait a minute, we shouldn't have to enter a contest to see the candidate.  We want to see the candidate in our living rooms every day.

So I think the campaign is beginning to respond to that a little bit, and you did see her have an open event. But you know, I think that those two ideas are at odds, having a Rose Garden strategy and also trying to be of the people.

HANNITY: And you can see it now showing up in the polls. A New Hampshire poll, Bernie Sanders in the mid-30s, and in Wisconsin in the 40s.  I don't think anybody anticipated those kind of numbers for Bernie Sanders, right?

LINSKEY: Absolutely. And you know, I went to -- I had a chance to go to a Bernie Sanders event when I was in Iowa. More than 700 people were there, and they -- they -- they gave him three standing ovations before he even opened his mouth.


LINSKEY: I mean, it was amazing. The Washington Post actually had a story today pointing out that while Clinton had more headlines this weekend, it was Sanders who had more head count at each of his events.

HANNITY: All right, Annie. Thank you so much.

Hillary Clinton officially kicked off her presidential campaign again this weekend with a speech right here in New York City, at Roosevelt Island. Now, we sent a team of "Hannity" producers to the event to ask Hillary supporters if they could just name just one of her specific accomplishments. Let's see what they said.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: My three favorite accomplishments that Hillary Clinton has done? I have honestly no idea.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It's hard -- you know, it's hard for me to pin, you know, point out the three.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Not really. I'm sorry!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Three? That's a big deal. Well, she ran in 2008, and honorably. So that was a big deal.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She ran for president. She didn't win.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She told (INAUDIBLE) What did she say? She made -- she put those cracks in the ceiling?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She tried to get the Clinton health care initiative passed. That didn't work.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That's a good question, and I couldn't tell you the answer. I couldn't tell you anything that she's actually accomplished.


HANNITY: All right, we have more of those interviews coming up later in the show.

Joining me now with reaction, 2016 GOP presidential candidate Carly Fiorina. Good to see you? How are you? Appreciate you coming back.


HANNITY: I would say more than pretty much any other person running up to this point, you have been the most outspoken critic of her. I wonder if some of your male counterparts -- because the headline in USA Today is, "Clinton, gender a factor in campaign." I have the article here.

FIORINA: I saw that headline!

HANNITY: Do you think that maybe they're timid and afraid that an attack may come that they're sexist or the war on women?

FIORINA: I don't know. I can't speak for them. What I would say is that I come from a world where titles are just titles and speeches are just speeches. I come from the world that most of us live in, which is actions speak louder than words. And if you want to lead, you need to demonstrate a track record of leadership and accomplishment. And so way back in January at CPAC, I asked the question. Mrs. Clinton, name an accomplishment. And she cannot and she has not.

HANNITY: It's interesting because -- and I didn't steal it from you.  I thought of it independently on my own. Maybe great minds think alike.  But I've been doing this on radio and TV. Name three specific things that she has done that have made people's lives better, having served in the public eye for so many years. I can't get answers. And we play the "Jeopardy" theme over it, and it's funny! And we just saw that there, I really can't name one thing.

FIORINA: Well, I think Hillary Clinton cannot be president of these United States because she is not trustworthy and she lacks a track record of leadership and accomplishment. And so we have to have a nominee that is going to take her on. We've got to have a nominee who will throw punches at her because this is going to be a fight. And we need to win this fight.

HANNITY: They're going to throw punches.

FIORINA: Well, yes, they always do, so we better be prepared.

HANNITY: Yes. That number that Ed Henry was citing, 57 percent, the question he tried to ask today -- 57 percent of Americans do not think she is honest and trustworthy -- how do you overcome that perception and become president, or can you?

FIORINA: Well, I think what we saw demonstrated in her Roosevelt Island speech is she will have more money and the best political ground game in history. So we shouldn't underestimate her. She may be a deeply flawed candidate, but she's going to have a lot of money. They have a great ground game. They have been building that ground game for two Obama terms. And so she will be formidable.

HANNITY: How -- how -- she has now chosen a path to run to the hard left.


HANNITY: She's trying to create the Obama or recreate the Obama coalition, which is the antithesis of the way her husband ran, era of big government is over, end of Welfare as we know it. She's going to in just the opposite direction.

FIORINA: That's right.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She's not Barack Obama, though.

FIORINA: Well, but the energy in her party is in the left wing of her party. That's why she's doing that. She's got to get her base excited so that they can get that ground game going.

And I think the big fight in 2016 is going to be about who is it who actually can successfully challenge the status quo in Washington. She is the personification of the professional political class, and 80-plus percent of the American people now believe that professional political class is more focused on the preservation of its privileged title and position than on getting the right things done.

HANNITY: Did you get the -- catch the irony of her saying that they're yesterday and that they're old -- it's a song called "Yesterday," they believe in yesterday. And I'm sitting there thinking, How long have you been in the public eye now?

I want you to weigh in on the staged campaign events, the kicking out of reporters, the lack of answering reporters' questions, limited access.  Even Obama supporters from David Axelrod and others, they are saying she needs to get out of the bubble.

Why do you think she's so afraid to get out of the bubble?

FIORINA: Well, I don't know. I can't get inside her campaign strategy. But what I would say is if you know that you're going to be the nominee -- and I think she knows that -- then she may not think there's any purpose in exposing herself now.

Of course, all of that will come back to roost in the general election. And I think what it reminds people of is this professional political class. Honestly, a FOX News poll said 80-plus percent of the American people now think the game is rigged, the game is rigged against them by these professional politicians. and I think every time they see a big staged event like that and a refusal to answer basic questions, they're reminded of that rigged game.

HANNITY: All right, you're going to join us this Friday for the hour.


HANNITY: All right? We appreciate your time tonight, Carly Fiorina.

FIORINA: Great to be here.

HANNITY: And we'll also have Jeb Bush coming up on the program for the full hour tomorrow night, his first interview since announcing today.  Wednesday night, Donald Trump for the full hour, anticipating that he might be running.

Coming up, 2016 presidential candidate Rand Paul. Senator Paul will be here to weigh in on Hillary Clinton's big speech. He'll also react to Governor Jeb Bush's jumping into the race.

Plus, tonight...



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'm not really worried about what they were. At some point, we have to lend trust to the candidates running for the most powerful position in the world.


HANNITY: Supporters at Hillary Clinton's rally this weekend had a hard time answering the question, Is she honest and trustworthy? And what about the foundation accepting money from foreign donors like Saudi Arabia?  That is next, straight ahead.


HANNITY: Welcome back to "Hannity." So in addition to asking Hillary Clinton's supporters about her accomplishments during her campaign speech this weekend, well, our producers also asked them about the controversy over the Clinton Foundation accepting money from foreign donors with terrible and atrocious human rights records. Here's what they had to say.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Does it bother me that she's -- her foundation has taken money from Saudi Arabia and such? I'm going to say I'm neutral on the subject.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I don't know too much about what's going on with the Clinton Foundation. I'm trying to read about that.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I don't think twice about that. I don't think that's necessarily a fair question. They take that money to spend it on, you know, doing AIDS work in Africa and amazing work across the world.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes, I think it almost makes sense that she has had some donations from a wide variety of countries, especially given her background with such (INAUDIBLE) foreign service.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She's not the only one. So if we want to just point fingers, we could have a lot of fingers pointing everywhere.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Does it bother me that she took money from Saudi Arabia? You know what? I think they all do it. I think it was all in good faith.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: A little shady. Something's probably going on there.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hopefully, she (INAUDIBLE) everybody has an opportunity to change and do things differently. And maybe she would.


HANNITY: Now, joining me now is one person who has said in the past that the foundation should return that money, the author of "Take a Stand," 2016 Republican presidential candidate, Kentucky senator Rand Paul with us.

You're one of the few that have targeted that, as I have. Saudi Arabia, Oman, Kuwait, UAE have atrocious human rights records for women, gays and lesbians. She says she's the champion of these different groups.  Meanwhile, she's never uttered a word about how bad these records are. Do they buy her silence, you think?

SEN. RAND PAUL, R-KY., PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Well, the thing is, is that it's so bad in Saudi Arabia that a woman was raped there by seven men, and the woman was publicly whipped. The woman was actually then put in prison for being in the car with an unmarried man. And that's the kind of country and that's the kind of culture that she's taking money from.

It's going to be very hard for her to run as the candidate for women's rights when she's taking money. You know, she took money from the sultan of Brunei, where adultery is punished by stoning. It's going to be hard to be the champion of women's rights when you're taking money from these places.

HANNITY: Yes, taking money...

PAUL: So I think it really is going to be difficult for her.

HANNITY: Taking money, and then -- if she took it but still took a principled stand, maybe you could give her a pass. I can't find any instance where she has criticized the policies of these countries with these atrocious records. That to me is the -- it seems like they bought her silence.

PAUL: And I think it's even worse than that. We're going to have a race to be commander-in-chief. Do we want her to be the commander-in-chief when she's taken money from people who allowed -- you know, she basically presided over the sale of a uranium company to the Russians while taking money from the shareholders of the uranium company. So I would think that that really should disqualify her from being a candidate.

HANNITY: You have a whole lot of reasons. The server would be another reason. The handling of Benghazi, or the $26 million the Clinton Foundation got in Sweden while they were petitioning her as secretary of state so that they can get an exemption and continue to trade and do business with Iran, while everybody else was, you know, living by the sanctions in place.

PAUL: And about this time...

HANNITY: They got this exemption.

PAUL: And about this time, I believe Bill Clinton gave a speech for that company and got about $700,000 while they were applying for an exemption from the sanctions against Iran. Something's really fishy.

I think Bill Clinton also got money from a bank that was lobbying over the uranium deal. So there's a lot going on here. There's an endless supply of conflict of interest, and that's why her numbers as far as honesty/dishonesty are upside down.

HANNITY: Roosevelt Island -- I don't know how much you know about the history -- is a fairly interesting choice to make her announcement. Did you see that?

PAUL: I did see that.

HANNITY: But with its history, I think it's interesting.

Let me -- let me go to Jeb Bush tonight. Jeb announces. He's the latest candidate to announce, obviously does pretty well in some of the polls, as you've been doing well, especially in head-to-head polls against Hillary. What do you make of Jeb Bush's announcement and his candidacy?

PAUL: Well, you know, I think the more the merrier. We have a really competitive field on the Republican side. And I think the question will be, will we get a conservative candidate or will the conservatives divide the vote and we'll get a moderate candidate? And that's the debate we have as we've been choosing presidential nominees really for the last several cycles.

But I think, actually, We need a strong standard bearer who is a conservative. And I think we actually need to be more boldly for tax cuts, more boldly for cutting regulations and more boldly for balancing the budget. And I'm afraid if we get a big government Republican, that that may be the wrong message. And we may not be able separate ourselves so much from Hillary Clinton at that point.

HANNITY: You know, it's interesting. Lindsey Graham is getting into the race, and I don't think he has a very big chance of winning. He's not showing up really in the polls in any big way. Why do I suspect that he might be trying to get into this race to cause a little trouble in South Carolina? Have you thought about that?

PAUL: You know, you never know, but I think that if Lindsey Graham splits the moderate vote with Bush that maybe a conservative could win South Carolina. So actually, I think having another moderate like Lindsey Graham in the race is actually probably good for conservatives.

HANNITY: OK. Rand Paul, good to see you. Thanks for being with us.

PAUL: Thank you.

HANNITY: Appreciate it.

Before we go, quick programming note. Be sure to turn in tomorrow night, 10:00 PM Eastern. I'll be sitting down with 2016 Republican presidential candidate, former Florida governor Jeb Bush for the hour. It will be his first national interview since his announcement earlier today.

And then on Wednesday, is Donald Trump running for president? He will be our guest on Wednesday for the entire hour.

But first, coming up tonight here on "Hannity"...


PAUL: Liberals are definitely more PC. I mean, I used to fight with this audience all the time because we used to get the audience strictly from liberal sources.


HANNITY: Bill Maher takes on the liberal PC police. That and more as we continue tonight here on "Hannity."


HANNITY: Welcome back to "Hannity." According to the latest polls, the American people do not trust Hillary Clinton. A CNN/ORC polls shows a whopping 57 percent of adults polled say the term "honest and trustworthy" do not apply to Hillary Clinton. And a Washington Post/ABC News poll showed that 52 percent don't think she's honest and trustworthy.

But unbelievably, over the weekend, Hillary's campaign manager actually denied these real live polls. Watch this.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE The voters in the polls have shown us voters do not trust her. How does she overcome that?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE Well, first of all, I -- there -- no polls show that voters don't trust Hillary Clinton.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE They don't find her honest and trustworthy.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE Well, no polls -- no poll says that.


HANNITY: Now, the "Hannity" team also asked Clinton supporters this weekend about her honesty and trustworthiness. Watch this.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I absolutely have no qualms about her honesty and her moral...

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Deleting the e-mails, I would say not ideal.

PAUL: At some point, we have to lend trust to the candidates running for the most powerful position in the world.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I like the fact that she's accessible when, you know, she's (INAUDIBLE)


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I know you don't like that she doesn't go in front of the camera, but that's what people who do their job do.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE It's fabulous. I'd be thrilled if she was a third term of her husband. And she's still probably better than most of the alternatives.


HANNITY: Pretty funny.

Joining us now with reaction, the author of The New York Times best- seller "Clinton Cash" Peter Schweizer is with us. Fox News contributor Doug Schoen and the author of a brand-new book out today. It's called "The Quiet Man: The Indispensable Presidency of George Herbert Walker Bush," Governor John Sununu.

You know, one thing you might -- you can't say about George Herbert Walker Bush is he wasn't -- people believed him to be honest and trustworthy.

JOHN SUNUNU, R-FMR. NEW HAMPSHIRE GOVERNOR: That's how he succeeded with getting all the success he did in things like pulling NATO together, getting Desert Storm coalition put together, getting legislation passed.  He worked with Tom Foley and George Mitchell. It was tough politically, but they trusted each other.

HANNITY: But how do you -- is it possible to have those numbers on honesty and trustworthiness where they are for Hillary and still get elected?

SUNUNU: I hope not.


HANNITY: All right, good point. Peter, let me go to you. Still, if you notice, she's spending very little time near the press. Ed Henry tried to ask a tough question about this today, Peter. No access. Doug thinks it's the greatest strategy in the world. I've interviewed him before.


HANNITY: But how long can she get away with this?

PETER SCHWEIZER, AUTHOR, "CLINTON CASH": Well, I think that's the challenge, Sean, is if a majority of people don't think you're trustworthy and honest, standing in front of the press and giving an explanation for something, you've already got half the people that aren't going to believe what you're saying. So I think the challenge is, you know, transparency on some basic issues, and she doesn't seem to want to go there.

I mean, just transparency on the donors to the Clinton Foundation, which they promised President-elect Obama they would provide. There's still more than a thousand of them that they have not disclosed. So she could give a press conference to talk about this, but really, actions speak louder than words. And I think she's convinced that she can ride this out and not worry about it, unfortunately.

HANNITY: And Doug, you're taking the position that she can just ride this -- ride -- ride the way she's going as long as the campaign goes on and get away with not answering questions.

She's going to have to debate at some point. She's going to have tough questions asked at some point about the server, about Peter's book, about ethical issues...

SCHOEN: That's right.

HANNITY: ... Benghazi.


HANNITY: I don't think she's going to have very good answers if she's asked in the right way.

SCHOEN: Well, she may not. But you know what? Strategically, Peter's right, this is not the time for her to do it. She'll have to debate when there are not 17 Republicans, but perhaps one or two.

The other thing, Sean, is as your interviews suggest, the dimensions of political choice are not limited to who you think is honest or trustworthy. Otherwise, Richard Nixon wouldn't have been elected in 1968.

Candidly, she is making the right decision to talk about issues, to stay insulated from the national media, and most of all, to avoid interviews where she has to answer questions. As I've freely acknowledged, she doesn't have good answers.

HANNITY: Governor?

SUNUNU: But Doug, she -- the minute she makes a mistake, it's all going to come down on her. This is a great strategy as long as you don't make a mistake. But she's going to. And then everybody is going to assume that the two months that she didn't speak, she didn't speak because all she does is make mistakes. So it's a high-risk strategy, and I don't think she can pull it off.

SCHOEN: Governor, the launch of her campaign until today hasn't exactly been success after success, and she's still leading in the polls.  So I would draw...

HANNITY: That's an understatement!


SCHOEN: ... the opposite conclusion...

SUNUNU: She's leading in the polls against nobody!

SCHOEN: ... from the day that you're analyzing it.

SUNUNU: She's leading in the polls against nobody! Even on the Republican side...

SCHOEN: Well, you're the one who's saying the field is nobody, Governor.


SCHOEN: She's running against Jeb, who's sinking. And you've got 15 other candidates, all of whom are in, you know, the low to mid-40s. So I think it's working pretty well for her.


SUNUNU: I actually think if you look at those numbers carefully, they're much worse than you think. When you have a party with 15 candidates and somebody calls the supporter of one of those candidates and says head to head, Mrs. Clinton versus the other candidate, you don't want to give the other candidate credit. And so you -- you cast your telephone vote for Mrs. Clinton. And she still is close to most of them.

HANNITY: Let me ask this, Jeb Bush launched today.

SUNUNU: Right.

HANNITY: You are close to the father. Are you supporting Jeb?

SUNUNU: I'm not -- I have too many friends in this race. I'm trying to stay out of it. It's going to be a great race, though.

HANNITY: Let me put on a new ad that was put out by Marco Rubio's campaign addressing the issue of Hillary making the comment about, oh, the Republicans are yesterday. Watch this.


HILLARY CLINTON, FORMER U.S. SECRETARY OF STATE: They're all singing the same old song, a song called "Yesterday." They believe in yesterday.

SEN. MARCO RUBIO,R-FLA.: Yesterday is over. We must change the decisions we are making by changing the people who are making them.



HANNITY: Peter I thought that was a very well-done ad, perfectly timed. And I think it was a good point. The Clintons are way beyond yesterday.

PETER SCHWEIZER, "CLINTON CASH" AUTHOR: I think partly what you're seeing in this campaign, Sean, is this generational shift in change. And we've seen it in American politics before. You could argue this played a role in 1992 when Bill Clinton defeated George H. W. Bush. You're seeing Marco Rubio significantly younger than Jeb Bush and of course certainly Hillary Clinton, saying that it's time for this generational change. And usually those changes take place at a time when the economy is not doing well, there is a certain anxiety in the country. So you could make a very strong case that we are ripe for a generational shift.

HANNITY: Governor, you wrote this book about George Herbert Walker Bush, Jeb's dad. Does the Bush name hurt him?

SUNUNU: I think there are pluses to it and there are some folks for whom it's a minus. The art form for Jeb is to figure out how to maximum the plus and minimize through the campaign. And I think he's thought a lot about it and I suspect he will.

HANNITY: All right, congrats on your new book, "The Quiet Man" about George Herbert Walker Bush. Coming up next tonight right here on "Hannity."


BILL MAHER, COMEDIAN: Liberals are definitely more PC. I mean, I used to fight with this audience all the time because we used to get the audience strictly from liberal sources.


HANNITY: Bill Maher actually slams liberals for killing comedy and sides with Jerry Seinfeld about the out of control PC culture here in America. That's next.

And later tonight.


BILL CLINTON, FORMER PRESIDENT: There's a big national movement about whether the lives of young African-American men count.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Black lives matter, yes.

BILL CLINTON: Yes. You can't have a bunch of people walking around with guns.


HANNITY: All right, Bill Clinton may want to take back that comment after hearing this woman's story.


DIETTA GUEYE, FOUGHT OFF HOME INVADERS: My first reaction was survival. My first thought was shoot. As soon as I was able to sit a barrel in my gun I shot, and I was shooting.


HANNITY: That woman fought off four home intruders because she was armed with a weapon. She's going to tell this incredible story of bravery.  That's coming up later tonight straight ahead.          (COMMERCIAL BREAK)

HANNITY: Welcome back to Hannity. Bill Maher is now weighing in on whether or not this country is too PC. Watch this.


MAHER: I'm sure you saw our colleague Jerry Seinfeld this week made a statement about how colleges are too politically correct. And by the way, if Jerry Seinfeld is too politically incorrect for you, maybe you should look in the mirror.

Do you think it's a liberal/conservative thing? Because liberals are definitely more PC. I mean, I used to fight with this audience all the time because we used to get the audience strictly from liberal sources.  Then we got the audience like from everywhere, and I've had a much better time the last couple of years.


HANNITY: Joining me now comedian Sherrod Small. Now you can, by the way, load his pod cast "Race Wars," -- what is -- why do you call it "Race Wars"?

SHERROD SMALL, COMEDIAN: We need to keep sensitive people away from it. So if you get offended listening to it, you can't complain to somebody and say "I listened to "Race Wars" and go offended." Why are you listening to that?

HANNITY: That's a good point. And also the new host of "Red Eye" Tom Shillue is with us. Do you have any pod casts like that?

TOM SHILLUE, HOST, "RED EYE": No, I don't. Do they still say that, you have to load it?

SMALL: No, they don't.

SHILLUE: You can load his podcast.

SMALL: He's a different generation.


HANNITY: Seriously, you got to take --

SMALL: You pop load a beta max.


HANNITY: Here's the reality. We live in a world where people can't tell jokes anymore. I like Chris Rock. Chris Rock is funny. Chris Rock says outrageous things. I think outrageous things are funny. I used to like Andrew Dice Clay. The he became persona non grata. He's a comedian.  He's trying to make you laugh by being outrageous. It doesn't necessarily mean that he believes everything he's saying.

SMALL: You've got to let comedians breathe. First of all, if you're coming out on Jerry Seinfeld, you ran out of people to attack. He's the whitest, nicest, sweetest dude, next to Santa Claus is Jerry Seinfeld.

HANNITY: That's probably true. You're pretty hardcore in your comedy routine.

SMALL: I'm hardcore but I'm honest. I'm just coming from a good place. I'm not trying to attack people or pull people out --

HANNITY: But you don't mind saying stuff if you think it's true. And all good humor is rooted in truth, right?

SHILLUE: I would say that about myself. I'm hardcore as well, Sean.


HANNITY: You don't -- you're in the nice guy territory. You're in the Jerry Seinfeld territory.

SMALL: He's actually mean compared to Jerry Seinfeld. He's a crip compared to Jerry Seinfeld.


HANNITY: I don't want to even ask.

SHILLUE: I don't think comedians can or should complain about this atmosphere because this is where comedy is born. Everyone is so sensitive now that this will cause a resurgence of comedy.

SMALL: You got to use it.

HANNITY: I can still do skits of Cheech and Chong because I grew up with that. Hey, it's me, Dave. Open up. I got the stuff. Remember, funny stuff it was about.

SMALL: You are asking me about my weed smoke?

HANNITY: I don't touch it. I was asking you.

SMALL: You used to if you was listening to that.


SHILLUE: You know, my brother and I used to listen to Cheech and Chong and had no idea it was about pot.

SMALL: Really?

HANNITY: I could see people protesting. Oh, my gosh, you're doing this. It's a bad influence on the kids. Maybe you should monitor what your kids are watching and listening to and turn the dial.

SMALL: We had Richard Pryor albums.

HANNITY: He's great. He was the greatest.

SMALL: Redd Foxx.

HANNITY: He was great.

SMALL: We were kids when those albums were out. We were fine.

SHILLUE: I didn't hear those, though. I could only get what was at the library.


SMALL: Judy Blume?


SHILLUE: Whatever in the public library in my town.

HANNITY: I remember bringing Cheech and Chong LPs into school and playing them when we had our headphones on and we were dying laughing.

SMALL: That's unbelievable. You would get thrown out of school if you did that. Public school.

HANNITY: Now. What about then?

SMALL: Then they don't care. That's part of the curriculum back then.


SHILLUE: That was edgy for the 70's. It wouldn't be for now, though.

HANNITY: Redd Foxx was funny. Richard Pryor was funny.

SMALL: What room do we have for edgy comedians now? It's like they're closing that box up for us.

HANNITY: "Red Eye" is --

SHILLUE: It's edgy.

HANNITY: You have a leg chair.

SHILLUE: We don't call it that, Sean.

HANNITY: Don't put him in that chair.


HANNITY: I got to go. That's it.

SHILLUE: Nailed it.

HANNITY: I'd like to thank you for joining us for our very last show.


HANNITY: Coming up next tonight on HANNITY.


CLINTON: There's a big national movement about whether the lives of young African-American men count, you know.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Black lives matter, yes.

CLINTON: Yes. You can't have a bunch of people walking around with guns.


HANNITY: Clinton may want to take back that comment after hearing my next guest's story. It's amazing.


GUEYE: I just want to encourage a lot of women, get that CPL and don't be scared. You know, if you got to protect yourself and your life, do not be scared.


HANNITY: Ms. D, the Detroit woman, my hero, fought off four home invaders because she owns a gun. She's here to tell an incredibly harrowing story straight ahead.



BILL CLINTON: We can't have a bunch of people walking around with guns. I used to tell people when we did Bosnia, Kosovo, anything like that, you get enough people with weapons around and there will be unintended consequences. People make mistakes, people do wrong. Things happen.


HANNITY: All right, that was Bill Clinton blaming the surge in violence in places bike Baltimore, New York, Chicago, on residents having too many guns. But maybe Bill Clinton should meet Ms. D from Detroit. I recently spoke with a woman named Dietta Gueye. She made headlines after fending off four home intruders with her hand gun. Watch this incredible story.


HANNITY: What do they call you, Ms. D? You want to be called Ms. D?

GUEYE: That's fine with me.

HANNITY: Everybody in town calls you Ms. D?

GUEYE: Yes, everybody does.

HANNITY: I read your story, and I'm like, all right, let's go back to the first home invasion. This is two now you had to experience. Tell us what happened the first time.

GUEYE: Well, the first time, actually, I wasn't at the house when it happened. But they had completely ransacked my house. And they left quite a bit of damage and they stole everything except for the furniture.

HANNITY: So now walk us through. Since that time you saws your home ransacked the way it was, so you decided to buy a gun, correct?

GUEYE: Well, I had decided, yes, I decided I wanted to protect myself. And at that particular time, I was diagnosed with cancer, also.  So I was fighting. I had fought cancer. And then after I had fought cancer, then the house got broken into. So I was like there was too much going on in my life. I really need to find asset outside of a dog and some bars to defend myself. So I decided to go get my CPL.

HANNITY: Good for you. This all went down a second time. Did you get trained in the use of a firearm? Because I carried a firearm most of my life. Did you get trained in the use of that firearm?

GUEYE: Yes. I did. Actually, that is one of the qualifications when you do get your CPL is that you have to train to not only shoot, but you also in my case I also got familiarized and I wanted to be able to shoot the gun that I had without it being a problem.

HANNITY: And I hope have you a safety for your firearm. I urge everybody to be really safe and secure with it. I have been my whole life.

So you're sleeping. It's 2:00 in the morning. You woke up. You thought the kids were banging on the window. Take it from there.

GUEYE: OK. Actually I didn't see the time at first. And I had heard a tap on the window. So I didn't realize it was as late as it was. So I'm like I know these kids are not playing and throwing rocks at my window. So the next tap I heard on the window it was actually the glass breaking. So when the glass broke it startled me because that was actually by bedroom window. So it startled me so I sat up.

And I had like moved the blinds back because I had thought that they had just broken my window. But oh, to my annoyance, it was a guy threatened me with a gun. So he can see my movement now because I have hit the blinds so hard that they actually got stuck. So, now, I'm thinking to myself fast and quick, like, how am I going to get to my gun?

HANNITY: How far away was it?

GUEYE: It was basically an arm's length away. But the thing was because of the way I set up I had to basically get around to it because I sat up on the opposite side of the bed where the gun was at.

HANNITY: Right. And then take it from there.

GUEYE: OK. And then by that time, now this guy done hopped through my window.


GUEYE: And he done hopped through my window, and he had a gun on me. But I'm in the process of with my hands up, like telling him basically I don't want any problems but my whole thought was to get to my gun.

So now when he hopped through, here go my other window. Now my other window done bust. Now here come one, two guys, three guys, they just hopping through my window like they were just a free-for-all. So now I finally touched the barrel of my gun, and I just went to shoot.

HANNITY: And you have a nine millimeter gun. And once you started shooting, how many? There were four guys in at that time?

GUEYE: It was four that was in my eyesight at that time, yes.

HANNITY: Were you able to, because there is a lot of adrenaline pumping.


HANNITY: You don't know how you're going to react in a situation like that. Were you able to calm yourself enough to aim and fire and aim at them and get them?

GUEYE: Well, I'm going to tell you, actually, I did go blurry after that because my initial thought was I have all of these people in my house at 2:30 in the morning. I am startled out of sleep and the only one here, and I've got to protect myself. So the way my house is set up is that I had a straight aim at them. So I just shot through the door. I don't know if anyone or anyone got hit. I'm not sure about that.

HANNITY: Do you care?

GUEYE: Not -- well, the truth? No.

HANNITY: Well, listen, I applaud you for your courage. I think this is an important story that people need to understand, that guns protect honest citizens like you. You did a great job and we're proud of you.  Thank you so much for being with us.

GUEYE: And I thank you very much.


HANNITY: And coming up, we really need your help. A very important "Question of the Day," and your question may end up on TV tomorrow night.  That's straight ahead.


HANNITY: Welcome back to "Hannity." Before we go, a quick programming note. Be sure to tune in tomorrow night, 10:00 eastern here. I will be traveling to New Hampshire. I will sit down with former Florida governor Jeb Bush for his first national interview since announcing he is running for president. He will be my guest tomorrow for the entire hour.

And that leads us to tonight's "Question of the Day." We need your help. What would you like to ask Governor Jeb Bush? Go to Facebook.com/SeanHannity, on Twitter @SeanHannity, let us know what you think. And we will ask the governor some of your questions tomorrow.

One more thing. On Wednesday we will interview the one and only Donald Trump for the hour. We're assuming he's making a big announcement.  We don't know what it is. I'm assuming he may get into the race.

That's all the time we have this evening. Don't forget, set your DVR so you never miss an episode. Thanks for being with us. We'll see you from New Hampshire tomorrow night.

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