Herman Cain: Obama faces 'uphill battle' to restore trust

This is a rush transcript from "Your World," November 25, 2013. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.


HERMAN CAIN, CEO, THE NEW VOICE, JUNE 13, 2011: Sick and tired of the deception coming from this president and this administration.

CAIN, JULY 30: Well, I got news for the president. The American people, those that are not gullible, they're not buying it.

CAIN, MAY 23: Continue to tell either more mistruths, more lies, and then throw more distractions into the pot.

CAIN, FEB. 21: We have a politician that's more concerned about popularity. And he intentionally and deliberately, along with the Democrats, deceived the American people.


NEIL CAVUTO, HOST: You can agree or disagree, but do not say that Herman Cain was not on to something, because between a health care law that ain't exactly wowing and a deal with Iran that isn't exactly overwhelming, let's just say Herman is heaving, insisting that this president who says he can get things back on track is dreaming.

Herman, good to have you.

CAIN: Thanks, Neil.

CAVUTO: A lot of things you feared and were saying back then got you in a heap of controversy, people saying, "Oh, is he saying the president's lying or not trustworthy," it's coming back to bite the president and the White House on its collective heinie.

What now?

CAIN: Well, what now? Two things.

One, the president is going to have an uphill battle trying to restore the trust of the American people. It started with the promise that the stimulus package of over $800 billion was going to get unemployment down below eight percent. You can't spend your way to prosperity. And we found out last week that they had to fudge the numbers in order to make it get below eight percent. And the people understand that.

Secondly, promises of being laser-focused on the economy, the president promised that in every State of the Union address, but it was the same policies. Let's spend more money and let's raise taxes.

And then now, with ObamaCare, the -- the deception is so blatant that the entire country is shocked at how President Obama and the Democrats flat-out lie to the American people about what's in ObamaCare. And every day, we learn more things that the people simply do not like. So, he has an uphill battle.

CAVUTO: You know, you mentioned the employment data that some, yourself included, Jack Welch and others said was rigged before the election. As you know, the administration's claimed since that's not the case, even these latest revelations not the case.

And it has always said when it came to these surprises in health care that it's as surprised as anyone, that there was no deliberate deceit. But again it falls back on something that I don't know if it's even much better, ignorance. Didn't see it coming. What do you think of that?


Look at the parade of scandals where the administration has consistently denied them. And then we find out more information. The families of the victims that were killed in Benghazi, they now know that the president wasn't being honest with them, nor his administration.

If you look at the IRS scandal, the president claimed that there was no coordination or collaboration. At least staff didn't have anything -- didn't know anything about it...

CAVUTO: Right.

CAIN: ... when we now know for a fact that -- that he does.

Now, here's the biggest one, Neil. In every one of these scandals, the president has a litany of, "I don't know, I didn't know, and I found out when the public found out about it in the media." That doesn't suggest to the public that we have a president that's providing real leadership on any of these issues. And that adds to the mistrust.

CAVUTO: Herman, real quickly, I want to switch gears to the upcoming presidential election. It's never too early, as you know.


CAVUTO: And Chris Christie has been getting some controversy because of this Medicaid expansion via the federal government in his state, repudiated ObamaCare, but did take the money to expand Medicaid within his state.

What do you think of that? What do you think of him?

CAIN: Well, I think that Governor Christie is liked by a lot of people because he has a no -- take-no-prisoners kind of approach and attitude and style of leadership. That's a plus.

But taking the Medicaid money, when it's a temporary fix -- the government -- the federal government is going to dump you in about three years. And so a lot of the other states saw that coming. So, it's a short-term decision on his part.

And so I believe that a lot of people are going to find out more and more about him. And as I suggested to someone the other day, it's great that he's so loved in New Jersey and people, liberals, Democrats, independents, and Republicans vote for him and like him as governor, but -- I don't mean this in any disrespect -- New Jersey is not the rest of the United States of America.

CAVUTO: Do you have a problem with New Jersey, young man?

CAIN: No, not at all.


CAIN: I used to live in New Jersey, but I left.


CAVUTO: Ooh. Ouch.

(LAUGHTER) CAVUTO: Herman Cain, thank you, my friend, HermanCain.com, the CEO.

CAIN: Thank you, Neil. All right.

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