Hate crimes vs. acts of terror

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," April 19, 2017. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: Hi, I'm Greg Gutfeld with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Bob Beckel, Eric Bolling and skydive from a ceiling fan, Dana Perino -- "The Five."

So the A.P. reports that the Fresno feind who shot and killed three white men yesterday didn't yell Allahu Akbar during attack. It was "God is Great" in Arabic.


GUTFELD: Thanks for the clarification.

The Fresno police say it is a hate crime, not terror because he killed over skin color, not religion. Even though the killer repeated what many terrorists have said before.

So once again, we find ourselves obsessed not with saying the right thing, but the correct thing. And we've become a prisoner of two choices: either he is a terrorist or a crazed murderer. Surprise, he can be both.

Kori Ali Muhammad posted racist videos, wrote about "white devils," but his updates included the phrase Allahu Akbar which he shouted after the murders. So maybe he is a racist and a terrorist just like Dylann Roof. As terror breaks apart into tiny little piece, attracting idle men roaming the streets filled with vendettas, any path for vindictive rage works.

Is it surprising there is a nexus between Islamic radicalism and race hate? Both feast on the worst human impulse: and that's envy. The killer was also seriously mentally ill, yet he lived on the streets. That's the third leg to this deadly stool. Modern bureaucrats obsessed with words but refuse to forcefully treat the unstable because, of course, it is a violation of their rights. So our streets become the Serengeti for the deranged.

As the media spent the last decade painting law enforcement or racism as the big problem, we must now investigate terror in all 50 states. Better late than never.

Kimberly, how important is this debate? It feels like it wastes time (inaudible) analyzing and preventing future threats. We go through this whole linguistics gymnastics after every attack.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Absolutely, it is. It is gymnast, we see it over and over again with the mainstream media. They will go so far out of their way, circus all the way to try to sanitize the record so that it is politically correct, instead of factually and legally accurate. I have a huge problem with this because why are they doing this?

Why are they trying to sanitize it? What is it that they're so invested in and so afraid of? That's not making us more safe. Call it like it is. Somebody can be in fact mentally ill. Can be evil. Can be someone who is committing an act of terror. And can be someone who is committing a hate crime.

You see it all the time and I did in San Francisco and Los Angeles with different allegations on the complaint. People charged with different crimes with multiple variables. There is no one specific standard form or uniform for crime or terror like this. Another having (inaudible) because they weren't honest to begin with. GUTFELD: Eric, why is it so important to find the right label?

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: The only thing I can figure and maybe KG can answer is because there are certain levels of punishment that are associated. I mean, do hate crimes -- is there a hierarchy of accelerated sentencing for hate crimes and terror? They fall differently on the ladder?

GUILFOYLE: Well, with respect to hate crime, that actually is a sentencing allegation, which does increase the amount of time that someone could serve on a particular crime. Just like a weapons allegation or enhancement would add additional time and.

BOLLING: And terrorism would as well. I understand it. But is one more severe increase than the other?

GUTFELD: It's weird. It's like it should be.


GUTFELD: It should be one should be enough. It's like if you're terrorist, how could there be room for something else?

GUILFOYLE: You have to reflect the record.


GUILFOYLE: (inaudible) he committed a hate crime, but not an active terrorist, so then he doesn't hit in the criminal justice system and the terror database and the watch list, and that's very important to have the relevant information. DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: I was going to ask if it mattered to the prosecutor. So I guess you would have a different approach to prosecuting the case, if he were mentally ill or if it was a hate crime or if it was terrorism. To your point, it can be all three. GUILFOYLE: It can be all three. When you're looking at a record, another prosecutor going forward. I want to know the truth about the person. I want to know if this is somebody that's a sexual predator, if this is somebody who commits hate crime. What is the record? What is the fabric of the detail tell you? Because it is the best way to prevent future acts from occurring if you have an information.

And then you can say okay, this is somebody who needs to be on this specific list and this is the type of crime that they commit. There has to be accuracy on that. If somebody committed a sexual assault against you, would you want them to be charged with a simple battery if it was a rape or sexual assault? No, that's not telling the true tale of exactly who the person is and what they're capable of.

GUTFELD: I just want to play this, a call for Jerry Dyer, the Fresno police chief, about why this is not a terror-related crime.

(START VIDEO CLIP) JERRY DYER, FRESNO POLICE CHIEF: We do not believe based on the information we have today that this is a terrorist-related crime. Based on the information that we have been provided and our investigation has shown, is that this is solely based on race. And it has nothing to do with terrorism. In spite of the statements that he made, he did clarify that the reason he made that statement in the event that anything did happen to him, that he was in fact pledging his allegiance to God for protection.


GUTFELD: Maybe so, Bob, but you often hear that pledge of allegiance before a violent terrorist act. BOB BECKEL, CO-HOST: By the way, this is the first show in all the shows we've done that I've actually worn a jacket, not just suspenders, because at the end of the show, we've got a big announcement.

GUILFOYLE: Is that because your suspenders are twisted under there?


BECKEL: Did you have to say that?

GUILFOYLE: I just happened to noticed it when you opened up your jacket.

BECKEL: Actually, the suspenders are busted. GUTFELD: Very nice jacket.

BECKEL: Thank you. Listen. The one thing that is factual here and I agree with the police chief. The factual thing is they have plenty of evidence to take into court that this guy hated white people. He recorded it. He put it on his Facebook. He said it to other people.

He has got a lot of things in the case that says that he is a racist. Now, they did very little or none that says he is a terrorist beyond those two words. Now, are you going to go to court with those two words, versus all this stuff he has on racism? GUTFELD: I would use it, definitely. The guy shouted it after he killed these people, Dana, come on. I mean.

PERINO: I don't understand the A.P.'s -- how you opened your monologue, the way that they sliced that, that he didn't say.

GUTFELD: Maybe they were trying to be helpful.


GUTFELD: I don't know. But it seemed to me odd that you said God is great in Arabic. Maybe they figured that no one knew. GUILFOYLE: I think we all are up to speed on that. BOLLING: We can go back to Kimberly's very cogent point where you need both in deciding. Because if they do say it is a terrorist act and they find no ties to anyone, no ties to terror whatsoever, then they don't have that chance to elevate the sentencing that they would with the hate crime.

BECKEL: That's the whole point. I mean, if you went to everybody and said Allahu Akbar, you would have millions of people in the court system. The fact of the matter is. GUTFELD: Well, just the ones that kill people. BECKEL: Well, yeah. But listen. I agree. If you go into somebody's house and find a bunch of information from terror cells around the world, then you've got a case. Right now, the case is racism, and that's it. GUTFELD: You know, we spent so much time trying to parse our words, because we are afraid of offending some group or what not, and we end up instead of talking about like the real terror threat, which is why I'm gonna go to this tape, Secretary Kelly, talking about terrorism across the United States.


JOHN KELLY, U.S. SECRETARY OF HOMELAND SECURITY: The threat to the nation on the American way of life has not diminished. In fact, the threat has metastasized and decentralized and the risk is threatening us today in a way that is worst than we experienced 16 years ago in 9/11. As I speak these words, the FBI has opened terrorism investigations in all of our 50 states. Since 2013, there have been 37 ISIS-linked plots to attack our country. This is all bad news.

(END VIDEO CLIP) GUTFELD: So Kimberly, he is saying it is the worst. I mean, that -- since 9/11, I mean, that's saying something. I don't want to hear it, but it is.

GUILFOYLE: Sure. This isn't a man, a former general, who is prone to hyperbole or exaggeration. He is a man who is studying for facts with a military mind and a keen interest on detail and getting it right. If he is telling us this, then everyone should take him at his word. Because that is the reality of what we are dealing with.

So I'm encouraged when I hear this, because I would rather deal with the truth. The reality of the situation, not what people want to like try and create and fabricate and cover up and worry about PC politics. Tell it like it is and then keep us safe. BECKEL: I mean, (inaudible) PC when it comes to Muslims (ph), that's for sure. But, the.

GUILFOYLE: Okay, General Bob. BECKEL: Let me make one point. Kelly is doing what this administration is doing, and I can understand it. It is budget time. He is making a bigger deal out of the threats against his agency's budget. He is making a bigger deal out of all 50 states. I'm sure there are 50 states where the FBI is working. They're in all 50 states. PERINO: The FBI director said so. Two years ago on "60 Minutes" the FBI director, James Comey, said so. He said that we have open investigations in all 50 states that are terrorism-related. BECKEL: There you go. This guy is two years too late. BOLLING: We've summarized for the last eight years. We've got a president who could not say, had a president who could not say radical Islamic terror, and called out the American people, public for feeling like you're exceptional. No, we're not exceptional, remember that? Leading from behind, remember the speech in Cairo. So from that point forward, that has been the environment in D.C. and now we find out that there is terror investigations in 50 states, over 1,000 of them.

BECKEL: During Obama's administration. BOLLING: Worst than it has ever been. So clearly, he's going soft on terror, hasn't been very good for us. BECKEL: While Obama was president of the United States in all 50 states. When you say the worst, that is one man's opinion.

BOLLING: The most qualified opinion in the country.

PERINO: And the person responsible for keeping us safe, right, that's his job title, secretary of homeland security. BOLLING: James Comey pointed out when Hillary -- Obama was president. BECKEL: That's what I mean.

BOLLING: That was bad.

BECKEL: That was my point. That was bad. He makes a big deal (inaudible) 50 states. Well, we got it in 50 states for eight years. BOLLING: Here's my point, Bob. Did President Obama excel on the war on terror? BECKEL: Absolutely. Absolutely. You don't know differently, because you don't know how many things are stopped. BOLLING: False positive, yeah.

GUTFELD: I worry that in 10 years.

GUILFOYLE: Open borders and people overstaying visas. BECKEL: And there were more people who were sent back home under Obama last year than the first three months under.

PERINO: Well, the one thing we do know.

BECKEL: . Trump this year.

PERINO: . there are four victims here and a lot of families that are reeling, whether it is terrorism or hate crime. They've lost their loved one to somebody who was evil, mentally ill, a racist and.

GUTFELD: Just bad.

PERINO: . possibly a terrorist as well. So we are parsing a little bit, but it does seem to matter what law enforcement calls it, so that we can know how to fight it.

GUTFELD: Right. GUILFOYLE: How about Fort Hood?


GUILFOYLE: You know, it matters to those people and to those family members when this country wouldn't call it what it was, an act of terrorism, and the people that are suffering. It is further insult to injury to those people who say why are they lying and covering it up and not calling it like it is. And it also affects their.

BECKEL: Who lied and covered it up? GUTFELD: They called it a work-related incident at work.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, they called it work-related violence.

BECKEL: That was the military, did they not? GUTFELD: All right. We got to move on, they're telling me. Up next, democrats fail to flip the sixth district in Georgia, to start the anti- Trump revolution that they wanted so badly at the ballot box. The president mocked them on Twitter. They still got a chance, though. Details coming up.


BOLLING: Democrats desperate to deliver any kind of blow to President Trump, they thought they could do so by winning the congressional race in Georgia to fill a set left vacant by HHS Secretary Tom Price, but they failed. A 30-year-old, they pinned their hopes on Jon Ossoff, fell short of the 50 percent needed to claim the sixth district, and there will be a runoff in June between the Republican and Ossoff. Karen Handel dismisses the left's narrative that this vote was a referendum on the president. (START VIDEO CLIP)

KAREN HANDEL, CONGRESSIONAL CANDIDATE: The president, democrats and mainstream media really want it to be about that. But for the people of the sixth district, it is always been about who will be best served and who has the values aligned with the sixth district to serve them most effectively in congress as their next congressman.

(END VIDEO CLIP) BOLLING: President Trump took some credit last night for helping get out the vote, tweeting quote, despite major outside money, FAKE media support and 11 Republican candidates, BIG "R" with with runoff in Georgia. Glad to be of help. Jon Ossoff sees this as a win for democrats and vows to fight on.

(START VIDEO CLIP) JON OSSOFF, DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE FOR CONGRESS IN GEORGIA: There is no doubt that this is already a victory for the ages.


OSSOFF: We have defied the odds. We have shattered expectations. So bring it on. Because we are courageous.


OSSOFF: We are humble.


OSSOFF: And we know how to fight.



BOLLING: Okay, Bob, (inaudible) losing or not winning a win for democrats? BECKEL: It's a win in a big way. Let me tell you why. In most of the states in the south, there has been this argument about whether you win by plurality or you win by majority. I did a race in North Carolina where my candidate who was black got 48 percent of the vote and there were about 16 republicans and the second one was about this woman, whoever she is, she got one out of five votes, and we lost because we only had 48 percent in the runoff.

Except that here is the difference. In no other race did anybody double the votes of the second place candidate and go on to lose. I think he is going to beat her like a drum, and I'll tell you why. The 48 percent that came out and voted for him were committed. They were anti-Trump. Trump can try to take credit.

He didn't do anything except drive down the Republican vote. But the point is that she is not going to be able to stand up against this guy and his people will be out and think about this. The other 11 republicans, gee, we're going to make Mandel or Mendel, whatever her name is.


BECKEL: Handel.

BOLLING: Okay. So, Ossoff got 48 percent. It was probably higher than a lot of people thought he's gonna get. But, now the republicans have two months to regroup and raise some money.

PERINO: Yeah, and they have just one candidate that they have to worry about. Like spreading across 11. It is great that so many people want to run for office, but the Republican Party across the board has to be more disciplined. Because the democrats are going to try to come after them in suburban districts like this.

Another one would be like Fort Bend, Texas, actually where Donald Trump only beat Hillary Clinton by -- actually Hillary Clinton beat Donald Trump in that district that hasn't happened in a long time. Democrats are trying to find where across American can they find some of these seats.

There is not many competitive seats in the congress. That's also why all of these are going to be national races. Would you agree, Bob, there's gonna be a ton of money that's poured into about 25 races the rest of them.

BECKEL: The democrats win one-third of the republican precincts, that's all you need to know.

PERINO: Right.

BOLLING: What do you think (inaudible)?

GUTFELD: Well, you know what, I'm compassionate. I'm looking at this race as politics as therapy. I think a lot of Hollywood liberals needed a release after the Trump humiliation, so they flocked to this kind of an obscure seating Georgia, and I think we should let them have this little mini victory. It is like if you beat a guy that is at the Super Bowl, let him win at trivial pursuit.

It makes him feel better. Like Alyssa Milano (ph) on Tweeter last night. She said she was gonna throw up. It was hurting her so much. So I think -- if she loses here, I'm sure there is like a student court judge race at a high school in Knoxville, she could probably lend her money to.

PERINO: Your other observation though about Ossoff when he was giving. GUTFELD: He was definitely -- he was doing the Obama cadence. I think he read or listened to MSNBC and heard people say that he sounded like Obama, so when he got up there, he was doing the Obama cadence, like he was changing the world, and he wasn't.

BOLLING: Changing it very quickly.

GUILFOYLE: It sounds a little bit weird, right?


PERINO: Yeah, sounds weird.

BOLLING: Take a listen to this, KG, on this one. The mainstream media has been phoning all over Ossoff, listen to our buddy, Don Lemon, and his panelists on CNN last night.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Am I the only one who said -- he sounded like Barack Obama? No, does that sound like Barack Obama? UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes, he did. 30 years old, I guess, you know, it worked for him. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes, we can, Jon Ossoff. Yes, we can.


BOLLING: KG, take it (inaudible).

GUTFELD: I was wrong with CNN.

GUILFOYLE: All the happiness on fantasy island over there. That's what they thinking about. Wow, we can make him into.

PERINO: Clone him. GUILFOYLE: . Obama. Like clone him. No problem. He is the new Obama. BOLLING: This guy didn't live in the district. His money came from outside the district. I mean, isn't it time.

BECKEL: Still got 48 percent of the vote.


BOLLING: Isn't it time we got politicians that come from the district?

PERINO: Are you sure you want to put that out there now?

BOLLING: You want to go there, really?

PERINO: Ever heard of Scott Brown? BOLLING: In fact, I know there are a lot of them. Shouldn't we at least have to pay taxes?

GUILFOYLE: Listen. They propped this guy up. They want to put him forward. He is like the new Ken doll (ph). The Democratic Party, they strapped about 97 percent of the funds from outside of the district and the state to be able to go in to support him. They tried to cast all the chips in. Georgia will fall flat, just like Kansas.

BECKEL: What do you think the Coco (ph) brothers did? They put a lot of money.

GUTFELD: Coco (ph) brothers?

BECKEL: Listen. If you don't think for a second that this kid wins, this is not the biggest.

BOLLING: (inaudible).

GUTFELD: Who are the Coco (ph) brothers?

(CROSSTALK) GUILFOYLE: Koch (ph) brothers. BECKEL: You don't think this is an anti-Trump vote yesterday. You don't know politics.

BOLLING: Okay. We don't know about politics.

BECKEL: None of you know politics.

GUTFELD: (inaudible).

BOLLING: Final thoughts. BECKEL: Yeah, that's the Coco (ph) brothers main thing. GUILFOYLE: Putting them in his brownies.

PERINO: I do think that the democrats raised expectations for themselves a little too much. I think they should have a different media strategy and bend a little bit more stealth (ph). And they might have been able to actually win it without causing all that sort of attention and getting the president to weigh in, which probably did help.

GUTFELD: You reminded of (inaudible).

BECKEL: You think that helped?

(CROSSTALK) PERINO: A little bit. Maybe held him at 48 percent and not 50 percent. BECKEL: I think it drove out republicans vote against the republicans.

BOLLING: They're telling they got a team (ph).

BECKEL: That's how much they hate him.

GUILFOYLE: That's in the Beckel institute.


BOLLING: Facebook CEO delivers his first public remarks on the murder posted on his site this weekend. The video remained there for hours before it's taken down. Facebook do more to police violent content. Mark Zuckerberg, next.


PERINO: Yesterday, the manhunt for the killer who posted his crime on Facebook came to an end. A quick thinking McDonald's employee recognized him and called police while holding the (inaudible). Steve Stephens ended up killing himself after cops closed in. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg addressed the tragedy during an annual conference in California.

(START VIDEO CLIP) MARK ZUCKERBERG, CEO OF FACEBOOK: We have a lot more to do here. We're reminded of this week by the tragedy in Cleveland. And our hearts go out to the family and friends of Robert Godwin, Sr. And we have a lot of work and we will keep doing all we can to prevent tragedies like this from happening.


PERINO: Now, it took several hours for his company, Facebook, to remove the horrific video, sparking some criticisms about how Facebook policies -- I'm sorry, police violent content. Margaret Sullivan from "The Washington Post" thinks the company is denying what really is quote, a media company where people get their news, that's better at making money and capturing eyeballs than at owning its equally huge power and responsibilities.

And now we shall discuss. Greg, yesterday I asked you, would it be going too far to say that blaming Facebook for this is like blaming the gun?

GUTFELD: Well, as a conservative, we mock people who call a terrorist attack and a truck attack. It's a terrorist attack. Also, I think people are getting it backwards. Social networks help solve, not create crime. It is idiot glue. If only all criminals film their crimes, crime will be reduced greatly. And the other thing too is if anybody in the media, I don't know Margaret Sullivan from -- I don't read her stuff, but the media the media should be the last group to point any finger.

It is the spotlight of the media that drives copycat crimes, who collects news clippings of mass shooters, mass shooters. Whenever they go into somebody's house after they've done a mass crime, there it is. Law enforcement and health (ph) officers will tell you, why coverage of suicide leads to more suicide. So the media should be the last place to be telling Facebook that they are guilty. It is just the place that weirdos go as well as normal (ph) people go.

PERINO: We talked the other day, Kimberly, about the possibility of perhaps passing laws that said that, if you commit a crime and that you livestream it or you use social media to promote it, you get -- the prosecutor would have the discretion to say that would be an extra "X" number of years on their sentence. Any more thinking on that?

GUILFOYLE: Yes. I mean, I think it's a good idea, when you think about it in terms of operating as, you know, a deterrence, further crimes, to say, "Listen, you're going to get hit with a bigger hammer if you do this," or it's going to be a sentencing allegation or extra punishment, to try to dissuade people.

But then, at the same time, when you're dealing with people that are this depraved or this unstable, they're probably thinking, "Hey, I'm going to take myself out," like this guy did, versus worrying about whether there's going to be a sentencing allegation.

Nevertheless, I think it should be there. You don't just give up. You put it in, and also put a little bit of the onus on the company to kind of police their video streams and their media content responsibly. I don't think that's, like, an undue burden.

PERINO: Eric, the company -- Facebook is -- just continues to grow, but it's not just Facebook that's using video. It's lots of different companies. I mean, this -- he could have done this on Snapchat, for example, and then, like, so what is the responsibility, then, of the company?

BOLLING: Or the next one. Once you shot one of these or all of them down, then the next one will be it.

I agree with Greg. It's not the gun that kills people. It's the crazed killer that kills people. It's not the car that kills people in a crash. It's the driver. It's not the spoon that causes you to choke when you're choking.

It's not Facebook's -- Facebook's fault, but again, we talked about it yesterday. Maybe there's -- Facebook is all about algorithms, right? They know exactly what you're doing, because they have all these computer programs. They'll tell you what you think, how you eat, what you're going to buy.

Why don't they figure out a way, when they see massive amounts of eyeballs going to a video, that's -- that raises the red flag where you say, "What's going on here?" It might be innocent. It might be something that is just really interesting. But it also might be someone trying to get attention for a killing or something -- doing something illegal.

PERINO: What do you think, Bob?

BECKEL: Well, I think -- I agree with Kimberly. This -- the company has got to take some responsibility here. They came up with the technology, which is terrific, except there's one big difference. And that is they are a news outlet. A lot of people get their news from Facebook, and there's no editors here. You can just shoot this thing out there and do what this guy did. And nobody's going to stop and say, "Oh, wait. Maybe we shouldn't shoot this old man here on live TV."

So I don't know. I don't think you can -- you can blame Facebook for it, but I certainly think that Eric is right. There's got to be a way. If you can come up with technology like this, there must be a way to...

GUILFOYLE: They have the money. I mean, there are free-market solutions here.

BECKEL: Lord knows they've got the money.

GUTFELD: But you guys, we -- like, the media, what do they do when there's a car chase? We watch it. We go -- we'll break in. I don't know. We haven't done it lately. But...

GUILFOYLE: But that's our job.

GUTFELD: Well, you know what?

GUILFOYLE: To cover the news, breaking news.

GUTFELD: Bob just said, Facebook is a news organization.

BECKEL: It is.

GUTFELD: It is. So I mean, we can't point fingers. We have seen some ugly stuff go down on live television, because we're covering it.

GUILFOYLE: And what do we do? We do our best to try, in terms of our standards and practices, to not show things like that that would be disturbing, because we have an obligation to the viewer.

Nevertheless, they -- I'm not saying, oh, you're going to penalize them, et cetera, but they can do better. They're quite profitable. That's the free market at work. Let them go ahead and try to do a better job of doing that.

PERINO: And it's in their interests. Obviously, what he was saying is that they know that they need to do something.


PERINO: Because it becomes...

GUILFOYLE: He's acknowledged it.

PERINO: ... a situation for them, as well.

BOLLING: Can I just point out? I don't -- there's a wall between -- yes, people do get their news from Facebook, but the posting on Facebook Live stuff, I wouldn't put that under the news umbrella at all.


BOLLING: I mean, that's just user...

GUILFOYLE: Social media. Platform.

BOLLING: That's social media generated content going up online. That would be virtually impossible. That's like telling YouTube that they have to know every single YouTube that is uploaded to their site. Eventually, you take it down if it's offensive or illegal. But in the meantime, you can't -- consider YouTube a news source and hold them at the standard that you would hold a legitimate media news service.

PERINO: Well, to be continued, because none of it is going to end.

And congratulations, Kim -- one last question. What about those employees at McDonald's that knew how to hold the fries hostage to try to keep him?

GUILFOYLE: "Sorry, sir, your fries aren't ready."

PERINO: I'd wait for fries.

BECKEL: I think they get the 50 grand, too. Aren't they?

PERINO: I hope they get the 50 grand. I think they will.

GUILFOYLE: Those fries are worth waiting for.

PERINO: They should. We will advocate.

GUILFOYLE: God bless them.

PERINO: All right. Our homeland security secretary offers two solutions to members of Congress who don't like how the administration's enforcing our immigration laws. Change the laws or shut it. Ahead.


BECKEL: Yesterday, homeland security secretary John Kelly delivered his first public speech since taking office to lay out the threats facing the United States. He also took the opportunity to fire back at some of his critics -- his critics in Congress who have taken issue with the Trump administration's actions to prevent illegal immigration.


JOHN KELLY, HOMELAND SECURITY SECRETARY: For too long, the men and women of my department have been political pawns. They've been asked to do more with less, and less and less. They are often ridiculed and insulted by public officials and frequently convicted in the court of public opinion.

If lawmakers do not like the laws that we enforce, that we are charged to enforce, that we are sworn to enforce, then they should have the courage and the skill to change those laws. Otherwise, they should shut up and support the men and women on the frontlines.


GUTFELD: About time.

PERINO: I agree.


BECKEL: Well, that answers -- that answers us here, where it's going to be four to one. This guy better learn a little decorum before he...

PERINO: Why? He's...


GUTFELD: Coming from you? Bob -- whoa, hold on. Bob just said that guy has to learn some decorum.

BECKEL: Wait a second.

GUILFOYLE: Miss Manners.

BECKEL: Or shut up? Is what he...

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my gosh.

GUTFELD: What? What are you saying?

BECKEL: You don't say -- first of all, you're indicting Congress because why? Because they happen not to agree with what his department is doing.

PERINO: No but -- no, but -- but what he's saying that it was the Congress that passed the laws that they are now complaining about.

And in particular, I would say he's also sticking -- he's sticking up for the men and women of the Homeland Security Department, including the TSA, which has been asked to do really impossible things. And they get made fun of all the time, and people want to say bad things about them. But they do a -- we've asked them to do a really hard job.

BECKEL: Well, that -- I'm not disagreeing with the fact that he's supporting his people. What I'm disagreeing, with the fact that he's saying Congress is reading the laws differently than he is, and he isn't reading them right.

GUTFELD: But -- no, no, he's presenting the argument that, for those who people who love to say it's the law of the land about Obamacare and abortion, they don't say the law of the land in certain other laws that then demonize law enforcement.

There are other laws that I don't like either, Bob. But I don't blame law enforcement. I blame the people who made those laws. Congress.

BECKEL: Show me somebody in Congress who blamed law enforcement. Even -- give me a liberal Democrat...

GUTFELD: Oh, my God, where do we start?

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God.

BECKEL: "Oh, my God. Oh, my God," say it over and over again.

BOLLING: Anyone who supports -- anyone who supports a sanctuary city, and there are plenty of them that do -- are exactly what we're talking about. That is against -- it's contrary to federal law. You're not allowed to harbor an illegal immigrant anywhere. In the federal, you're not allowed to. Cities can say they're going to, but that breaks the law.

BECKEL: And they -- in doing that, they criticize the police?

PERINO: Well, they've been complaining about ICE agents and Border Patrol, yes. They have been. They're saying that they're rounding up illegal immigrants who don't have criminal convictions.

BECKEL: I thought the one they -- when they hauled that woman out of the hospital is when they get criticism.

BOLLING: Oh, here we go.

GUTFELD: The one that has around-the-clock medical treatment.

BOLLING: Bob, she was in custody. They took her to the hospital and put her back into custody for the thousandth time.

BECKEL: Well, they pulled her -- pulled her out of the hospital.

GUILFOYLE: And they're kind enough to medically treat her. But anyway, loose relationship with the facts and the details over here.

So here's the deal...

BECKEL: You know, I'm glad you said that, because I've got something I've got to say here.

GUILFOYLE: General Kelly -- all right.

BECKEL: You go ahead.


BECKEL: I've got to...

GUILFOYLE: Blow your roll, big boy.

BECKEL: You go right ahead. Right ahead.

GUILFOYLE: Get ready. No, here's the thing. Follow the law. The laws are there. Congress enacted them. Everybody has an obligation to uphold and enforce the laws.

And what he is saying is very reasonable. If you're going to complain about this, then have the courage and the guts and the wherewithal to go ahead and make an amendment or change the law, redraft something, because that's what you're getting paid for. If not, let us do our job that we were paid to do and enforce the laws. Very simple.

BECKEL: And then he said, "And shut up." That was the one that bothered me.

PERINO: Well, he is a general.

BOLLING: Bob, he was talking about disrespecting the Border Patrol, the law, people enforcing the law.

BECKEL: This raises a point about facts and things. I've sat here for...


GUILFOYLE: It's tough talk, Bob. And you say quite a bit to people, on the air.

BECKEL: No -- I do; you're right. You're right. But I'll tell you one thing that's getting a little bit much here. And that is that every time I try to bring up a fact, I make up some facts, and attributed to the -- and you're the worst, by the way.

GUILFOYLE: You make them up.

BECKEL: Wait a second. The ones that I do have are factual, and then you make fun. You think that's funny now? You think it's funny?

BOLLING: What you're saying is sometimes you make stuff up, but "when I really have a fact behind them, you guys should shut up so I can make..."

BECKEL: Yes, exactly right. Instead of just cutting every fact I've got and just saying -- and laughing it off. Because you know, it's four to one as it is. You might want to take some facts you don't like, because a lot of them have do with that...

BOLLING: All right. Give us one.

BECKEL: ... president.

GUILFOYLE: All right, look at this. Wah, wah, cry baby. Call your camp counselor.

PERINO: Oh! Poor Bob. No!

BECKEL: You know, call your dressmaker. I mean...

GUILFOYLE: And give him a raise. That's what I'm saying.

GUTFELD: You are giving America a raise.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God.

GUTFELD: Bob, Bob, we -- Bob, I...

PERINO: I think you've got a good point.

GUTFELD: Yes. Somewhere.

BECKEL: Thank you. Thank you.

GUTFELD: Trying.

GUILFOYLE: Why don't you just read the tease, babe?

BECKEL: Why don't you just shut up?

GUILFOYLE: There you go.

BECKEL: Listen, stay right with us, because we've got some big news coming up from her, right after the break.


GUILFOYLE: We have some exciting news to share with you tonight. "The Five" is moving to primetime. That's right. Starting on Monday, you can catch us at 9 p.m. Eastern live, every night, and Jesse Watters will be joining us at the table. And Eric Bolling has some big news, as well -- Eric.

BOLLING: Wow, so this is really, really -- you've got to say, bittersweet, because I've been here since day one on "The Five." We're developing a new show at 5 p.m., so I'll be staying right here at 5 p.m. I won't be joining the crew at 9 p.m., but we -- it will have a lot more info on what the show is going to be about going forward in the next couple of days. We'll open it up and talk about what we're going to be doing, and that's going to kick off on, we believe, May 1. I think that's going to be the kickoff date.

But thank you to everyone out there. Thank you to you guys. Thank you to FOX News. It's been great. And I am so much going to miss being at this table with you guys.

PERINO: Are you really?


BECKEL: Yes, sure.

BOLLING: No, I really am.

BECKEL: Congratulations. You earned that spot. I'm glad you -- I'm glad you got it.

GUTFELD: What are you going to do, Bob? If we're at -- "Five" at 9 p.m., we have to get four more people.

BECKEL: I know, we do. Or we have to change it to "The Nine."

GUTFELD: I know four guys.

BECKEL: Oh, you do? OK.

GUTFELD: Yes, downtown.


BECKEL: One thing I'd say about...

GUTFELD: Called "Nine."

BECKEL: ... this hour, though, is we have such a tremendous audience. A huge audience. The prior, I guess, Glenn Beck but before that "The Five" at this hour used to do terrible in terms of ratings. And now we get millions of people.

GUILFOYLE: They still won its time slot, just FYI.

BECKEL: What did?

GUILFOYLE: The 5 p.m. always won its time slot.

BECKEL: Yes, but I mean, not at the level we do. I mean, we...

GUILFOYLE: True. We have...

PERINO: We crushed it.

GUILFOYLE: ... defeated all expectations. And due to the creativity of our producers and the great talent at the table.

BECKEL: This is -- this is going to give people a lot more -- people an opportunity to watch "The Five." We hope you do. Those of you who do watch it, and ask people if they'll...

GUTFELD: Six o'clock.

GUILFOYLE: Six o'clock, 6 p.m. West Coast now, which is fantastic. Then 9 p.m., East Coast.

PERINO: Your brother is going to be happy.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, and then a repeat, as well. So a really great opportunity for us to rise to the occasion, and create great market share.

PERINO: I'm just a little worried about my bedtime.

GUTFELD: You know what? You should treat -- because you go to bed at 9:45.

PERINO: Usually.

GUTFELD: You should bring your pillow and a blanky.


GUTFELD: And just right around 9:45...

PERINO: Can I bring my dog?

BECKEL: You don't really go to bed at 9:45, do you?

PERINO: I'm headed to bed...

GUILFOYLE: Yes, she is.

PERINO: Yes. I'm not -- I'm not asleep yet, but I'm headed there.

BECKEL: The days I don't work, I usually get up about 9 p.m. at night.

PERINO: See? That's good. I mean, you're -- I'm just going to have to reorient. You're just hitting your stride at 9 p.m.

BECKEL: Damn right.

PERINO: You'll have Bob plus.

BOLLING: And Jesse is going to sit here. That's a great opportunity. You guys are going to love that. That's going to...

GUTFELD: But except...

BOLLING: You can't do that. (MAKES "THE FIVE" GESTURE)

GUTFELD: ... you can't do that.

PERINO: No, he cannot do that.

GUILFOYLE: Bolling called his lawyer already.

BOLLING: Do your Watters thing, do this little hand thing. This is staying with me.

BECKEL: Get a haircut, too, Jesse, while you're at it, before you show up for primetime.

GUTFELD: What's wrong with his hair?

PERINO: He has nice hair.

BECKEL: His hair -- did you see his hair?

BOLLING: He has good hair.

GUILFOYLE: Bob, you've got, like, three emergency...

BECKEL: I've got good hair. What are you talking about?

GUILFOYLE: I like it slicked back.

BECKEL: My old man -- my old man left me good hair.

GUILFOYLE: You know what? It looks -- looks very presidential.

BECKEL: He left me alcoholic genes, but he left me good hair. Maybe that goes hand in hand.

GUILFOYLE: Never a dull moment around here, but that's why you love us, right? So we're excited about this opportunity and thank the FOX News channel, Mr. Murdoch and our bosses here for believing in us. We're not going to let you down.

PERINO: And who are we going to be up against?

GUILFOYLE: No. 1, baby. Rachel, we're coming from you.

PERINO: See you there.

GUILFOYLE: "One More Thing" is next.


GUTFELD: It is time for "One More Thing," and I shall start with this.


GUTFELD: I hate these people!


GUTFELD: I call it bank line amnesia syndrome. I was at the bank. A lot of people don't go to the bank. I go to the bank, I'm in line. Everybody is impatient in line at the bank, until the person in line gets to the counter and then, all of a sudden, Johnny Relaxation. "Oh, like, now I'm here..."

PERINO: "Oh, I need my I.D.?"

GUTFELD: "I need my I.D.?"

PERINO: "Let me find my..."

GUTFELD: "Let me have some clever back-and-forth with the nice lady."

No, there are still people waiting behind you, waiting in line, you jerk.

GUILFOYLE: No witty repartee.

GUTFELD: How about the ones who make 15 deposits, too?

BOLLING: Why are you not using the automated tellers?

GUTFELD: I don't like automated tellers. They scare me, Eric.

PERINO: I thought you liked robots.

GUTFELD: I do like robots, but not with my money. They steal from you.

BOLLING: Exactly.

GUTFELD: They steal from you. I catch them.

GUILFOYLE: You can't be held -- they can't be held accountable. OK, so no more witty repartee in the bank line?


GUILFOYLE: Right. You know it's time for? Yes, hard news.


GUILFOYLE: "Kimberly's Food Court."


GUILFOYLE: Right? All right. So the elusive unicorn, which you may be familiar with, Greg.


GUILFOYLE: Raise it if you've got it. Has been making a big comeback on social media, Twitter. Greg is probably going to take responsibility for it. So we're going to treat him for that. So now Starbucks is catching onto this trend. A lot of people are talking about this. I'm not kidding you. They have this unicorn frappuccino, and it's magically delicious.

GUTFELD: What's in it?

GUILFOYLE: Well, I'm going to let you find out out. And I'm going to say, "Cheers."

GUTFELD: I always get those frozen headaches.

GUILFOYLE: Pass it around.

GUTFELD: The ice-cream headache.

GUILFOYLE: Bob tried to drink it.

GUTFELD: Wait. Did he use this straw?

BECKEL: No, I didn't.

GUILFOYLE: We're going to be drinking these right before, live.

GUTFELD: Believe me. I don't have any antibiotics.

GUILFOYLE: A little sugar. Do you want a taste?


GUTFELD: That is absolutely...

PERINO: Are you going to continue Kimberly's report at 9?

GUTFELD: That is the worst thing I've ever had.

BECKEL: Yes, is this...

GUTFELD: It's like leprechaun urine.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, it's vanilla -- which you're prone to liking. Vanilla whipped cream, sprinkle of sweet pink and sour blue powder topping.

GUTFELD: This is disgusting.

BECKEL: This has been a two-and-a-half minutes, longest...

GUTFELD: All right. We're going to move on.

GUILFOYLE: We've got to cut your box short.


BECKEL: You're going to feel bad when you hear what mine is.

PERINO: OK. So we live in New York City. How many people here have ever gone to visit the Statue of Liberty?

GUTFELD: Many times.

PERINO: Bob? Not yet?

BECKEL: I don't live in New York City.

PERINO: OK. So have you gone to the Bronx Zoo?

BECKEL: I have, yes.

PERINO: OK. So I guess my point is, if you live in a place that has great attractions, you should try to go to them, because you always think you should go. And yesterday, my husband Peter took his son, Barry, to the Bronx Zoo. This was a -- they actually were able to get a private tour, courtesy of my friend Craig Hatkoff (ph), which was so nice. And Peter took these pictures, and I just have to say, they could -- were raving about it, that it was just the best experience. There's the lemurs, Greg.

GUTFELD: I love lemurs.

PERINO: I got that in there for you.

And so I'm going to make it a point to try to hit some of these attractions before the end of the year.

BECKEL: It looks like my cousin, that one that was going across.

PERINO: Is that really at the zoo? That looks like...

BOLLING: It's amazing, the Bronx Zoo.

GUILFOYLE: Greg, you've got to stir it, too.

GUTFELD: I'm not touching this.

GUILFOYLE: No, the colors change.

GUTFELD: Yes. This is evil and wrong.

GUILFOYLE: Just give it a little...

BOLLING: OK. Very quickly, earlier today, the world champion New England Patriots visited the White House, and there is President Trump getting the No. 45 -- POTUS 45, get it? -- number from Robert Kraft and Belichick. That went on, but just minutes prior, check out what happened when Rob Gronkowski was wandering through the halls of the White House. Happened to walk in on this.


SEAN SPICER, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: Can I just -- I think I got this, but thank you. Maybe? All right. Thanks, man. I'll see you in a minute.


BECKEL: He'd do a better job.

BOLLING: Hey, hey, hey.

PERINO: Bob, Bob.

BOLLING: He does a good job. Congratulations, New England -- the New England Patriots, even though it wasn't the Giants.

GUILFOYLE: A long time coming.

BECKEL: They did.

GUTFELD: All right, Bob.

BECKEL: My -- all of our thoughts go out to former President H.W. Bush, who is in the hospital in Houston with pneumonia again but improving quickly. He had pneumonia, I think last year -- didn't he? He was in...

PERINO: A few months ago.

BECKEL: For a couple of weeks?

PERINO: Over the holidays.

BECKEL: He was -- in my mind, he is the last of the great bipartisan presidents, who really believed that the...

GUILFOYLE: Very nice.

BECKEL: ... politics ended at the shore, and he's just a magnificent man. And I wish him well, as do all of us.


GUILFOYLE: God bless.

GUTFELD: And now I'm going to take this, and I'm going to throw it at somebody I don't like. Maybe somebody on the street...

GUILFOYLE: That's not nice.

GUTFELD: ... because it it is disgusting.

PERINO: Why don't you thank her for getting you a frappuccino?

GUILFOYLE: A unicorn frappuccino.

PERINO: And thinking of you and being so thoughtful.

GUILFOYLE: You know, this is limited supplies. April 19 to the 23rd.

GUTFELD: It hasn't been limited enough.

All right. Never miss an episode of "The Five." Set your DVRs or download our podcast at TheFoxNewspodcast.com. "Special Report" is up next.

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