Hannity: Biden campaign in 'panic' about enthusiasm for Trump

This is a rush transcript from "Hannity” November 2, 2020. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, FOX NEWS HOST:  All right. Tucker, thank you.

And welcome to HANNITY.

All right. Wow, you just heard Newt Gingrich.

We're going to get to the president. He just got on the stage in Kenosha.
We will take some of his rally tonight, I promise.

The countdown almost over, the election just of a few short hours away.
Democrats, they -- I can report to you -- are in a full-pledged panic
tonight, now even doubting their basement bunker, hiding, doom and gloom,
dark winter pessimism of Joe Biden, and now they are feverishly last-
second, all of a sudden, trying to add events in Pennsylvania and Michigan
tonight and tomorrow.

Honestly, they're planning on campaigning on Election Day and a full-
fledged panic has set in, and the reason I have been told by Democrats,
they actually have sources within the Democratic Party, they are watching
the size and the magnitude and the passion and enthusiasm of every single
Donald Trump rally, and it has them rocked to their inner core, every
Democratic operative in the country is like, what did we just do?

And, by the way, now it has now dawned on all of them that President Trump,
as I've been saying, can absolutely win Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and
Michigan again. And insiders within the Democratic Party are pointing to
what is a significant, dramatic polling decline that started after the
second debate and has gone on all weekend long. Minorities and young
people, now they see in record-breaking numbers seem to be breaking for
Donald Trump, older people that were a little cautious on COVID, they are
now returning to the Trump campaign as well.

Now, let me be clear, I don't trust any of these posters, I really don't. I
mean, no one. I trust the people most that got it right last year and we
will talk to them tonight.

But what they say, nobody's going to be able to predict what will happen.
That I cannot tell you with any certainty how this ends. I can tell you
this: Donald Trump absolutely can get reelected.

What does it mean for we the people? It means we cannot control the outcome
of what the polls are. You can control doing your part. That means all of
you voting, that means participating in the election.

If you don't want Biden socialist hell hole, and you don't want the loss of
freedom, and you don't want the destruction of capitalism and you don't
want amnesty for 15 million people, and you don't want the Supreme Court
packed, and you don't want four additional at least Democratic senators,
every one of you need to do your part and vote.

And President Trump, he's doing his part obviously. He's been crisscrossing
the country at a blistering pace. We're watching what is nothing short of a
campaign phenomenon.

We may never see something like this, a movement like this ever again in
our lifetime. You know, five massive rallies in five different states
yesterday, four on Saturday, five more today.

You got Trump's frail, confused, weak, cognitively impaired opponent Joe
Biden barely lifting a finger and every time he steps out of the basement
bunker, he steps in it, you know, Joe struggling through a short speech in
front of a dozen campaign supporters from Pennsylvania. Biden has been and
is banking on the powerful institutions that have been protecting him to
carry him across the finish line.

He's got the media mob. He's got big tech, he's got weak, never Trump
establishment Republicans, the entire Democratic Party, the entire deep
state all aligned against President Trump. Only we, you, the American
people, you have the power to stop and defeat all of them again and shock
the world tomorrow.

They hate President Trump. They also looked down on all of us that support

And, by the way, for the last four years, their entire world has revolved
around destroying all things Donald Trump, attacking him every second,
minute, hour of every 24-hour day. They don't care about making the world a
better place. They don't care about improving anyone's life. They don't
really even care about Joe Biden.

And, by the way, they all are covering for him. They all know he is
struggling cognitively and they act like it's not happening. They all know
by the way, they didn't care for four years the damage they inflicted on
this country by dividing everyone, by lying, the conspiracies, the hoax,
the slanders, libel, smears.

They're only concern is all things hating Donald Trump 24/7. But like most
Americans, you probably have a lot more at stake than a personal vendetta.
Policies and beliefs that will matter to you, your future, your family,
your children, your job matters to you.

Your freedom matters to you, law and order and safety and security matters
to you and your family. The future of this country for future generations
matters to you, so be warned. Without a doubt, this is by far the most
important and the single biggest choice election in history. This election
frankly to me, been doing this 30 years, matters more than anything in my

Joe Biden is not physically, he is not mentally fit, capable of being
president. He is not fit for the office and everyone, by the way, even in
the media, they all know it and they know they've been protecting him. They
know he's weak. They know he's frail. They cringe every time he speaks.
They know he is struggling cognitively.

And during the campaign on multiple occasions, Biden, you know, thought he
was running for the Senate. He once confused his wife with his sister. He
called President Trump last week "George" twice. He forgot who met Romney
was, that Mormon guy.

He literally for the last number of months, he barely left his basement
bunker, hoping that -- oh, this will just about Donald Trump. When he did
leave the bunker, a disaster every time. Take a look.


JOE BIDEN (D), PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE:  Look, Donald care -- Donald Trump
doesn't understand health care.

Donald thinks health care is a privilege. Barack and I think it's a right
for people to have badakathcare.

I'll lead an effective strategy to mobilize true international effort to
pressure, isolate and punish China.

I'm running as a proud Democrat for the Senate.

I got in trouble when running against the senator who was a Mormon, the
governor, OK?

Look, tomorrow is Super Thurs -- Tuesday. And I want to thank you all. I
tell you what? I'm rushing ahead, aren't I?

We hold these truths to be self-evident, all men and women created by --
you know the -- you know the thing.

If you agree with me, go to Joe 30330.

We choose truth over facts.

Play the radio, make sure the television -- excuse me, make sure you have
the record player on at night, the phone. Make sure the kids hear words.

Donald Trump does pose an existential to this -- the -- it's not


HANNITY:  Endowed by the thing, you know the thing.

All right. Let's go to Kenosha, the president now, his fourth rally of the
day. He'll wrap things up in Grand Rapids later tonight.

Take -- let's dip in.

president back. We have to bring -- we have to bring Trump back. They would
be out of business. They would be out of business.

If Biden, Harris, and the radical left gained power, they will collapse our
economy and send your nation -- this wonderful nation into a depression.
That was his -- you know, they want -- this is the only guy I've ever seen
who runs by saying we will -- he doesn't say it like that. He goes

We will raise your taxes. I've never heard that before.

You know, I've covered politicians. I've been friends of politicians. I've
been enemies also, but I've never seen somebody saying we will raise your

They want to give you the largest tax increase in the history of our
country and we can't let that happen.


We can't let that happen.

So get out and vote. Tomorrow is the biggest. Tomorrow will be -- I think
will be the most important election in the history of our country and I
never thought I'd say that. I never thought I'd say it. So get out and

Sleepy Joe Biden will raise your taxes $4 trillion, massively increase your
regulations, shutdown your farms, close down your factories, how is he
doing so far?

Send your jobs overseas.


They start booing him.

I don't know. Is this guy really thinking about -- I mean, could he really
win? Are we serious about this?

What the hell is going on? Is he serious?

The guy has no clue. He's shot. Some people is shot. He's shot.

Did you see him today with the aviators, right, the glasses, right? Came in
very tough, he's very agitated. You know, he's like -- sort of like going
crazy, I think.

Destroy the suburbs, dissolve your borders, terminate religious liberty,
outlaw private health care, confiscate your guns.

Second Amendment is in deep trouble.


Not with me, it's not. It hasn't -- you noticed it hasn't been touched,
right? It hasn't been touched.

You think that was easy? It wasn't easy.

And indoctrinate your children with anti-American lies.


So I just signed an executive order to teach your students pro-American
values, right? Pro-American values.


Biden has vowed to abolish the American oil and natural gas industries and
ban fracking.

Now, from your standpoint, you don't like it because you don't want energy
costs going up, right? That's what he'd do. Biden's energy ban will send
every state into crushing poverty from Wisconsin to Michigan, Nevada, and

As long as I am president, we'll remain the number one producer of oil and
natural gas in the world. And we are right now.


And we will remain energy independent. You know we're energy independent.
We don't need foreign nations anymore, but we have good relationships in
the Middle East.

You know, we're doing peace in the Middle East. You believe it? No blood in
the sand, peace in the Middle East.


Joe Biden is a globalist who spend 47 years outsourcing your jobs, opening
your borders, and sacrificing American blood and treasure on foreign wars.
You know what they called them, and endless foreign wars, countries that
many of you have never heard about. What?


AUDIENCE:  Lock him up! 


TRUMP:  I don't know, I think we're doing fine with this mike. I don't want
to put this guy under pressure.

You're on stage, you've got 27,000 people watching, don't get nervous. Oh,
he is not nervous, he's a professional. I'll give you the name of his
company, never use that company.

No, he's fine, don't worry about it. This is okay, this isn't bad.

You want to -- oh, you want to just put it in there? Well, that's -- is it
the same mike as the other one? It's a different mike. That means that one
is supposed to be better, right? That's not good.

All right. Okay, we'll take that sucker out of there, right?
Congratulations. Go ahead.

How's he doing? He's doing a good job, right?

Come on.


TRUMP:  Now we're back where we started. Did a whole deal, right back where
we started, I take the mike out

OK. OK. You know what? And then I won't pay the bill of the company that
did this crazy microphone, and they'll do a story Trump is a horrible human
being. He doesn't pay a bill.

No, I don't like to pay bills when people do a bad job. You don't either,
but I don't know -- they look like nice people, they come from Kenosha, so
I'll pay the bill anyway. What the hell, you know?

Well, at least I proved one thing. You know, did you ever see where I
lifted the glass of water and I wear the red tie, and it's sort of
expensive and you don't like to spill water on the red tie, right? So
sometimes I'll use two hands because I want to catch the water because I
want to save the tie, because I'm basically cheap, you know?

So I'll take the water and go like this and I'll take a little sip, and
they'll say, there's something wrong with him. They're something --
something. No, I'm trying to save. So I go like this.

So, now, by holding a mic all night long like this, you say there's nothing
wrong with that right-hand or left hand.

No, did you ever hear that? There's something wrong. He can't lift a glass
of water. No, I have no problem with that. Someday I may, like Joe, but I
don't have any problem.

Biden was a cheerleader for NAFTA and China's entry into the World Trade
Organization. Wisconsin lost half of your manufacturing. Think of it, you
lost half of your manufacturing jobs after the betrayals. These were
betrayals by a lot of people and Biden was one of them.

He's a corrupt politician and he sold out Wisconsin to China but he's a
corrupt politician, and these people never told you that and they don't
want to write about it and big tech doesn't want to talk about it, and it's
off bounds and they're not allowed to talk, and we have suppression. We
have suppression.

This is a media suppression the likes of which nobody has ever seen, and if
you take a look, you never seen anything like it.

The last -- famous last words, right? But no, no one's ever seen anything
like it. You know, his son walks and his son had no job. He left the
military unfortunately. It wasn't good.

And then what happens is the father becomes vice president and this kid
becomes like a human vacuum cleaner. He follows the father into countries,
dad, who you're going to today? Well, let's go to China.

And he's is a vacuum cleaner. Follows the father, takes in money, right?
It's terrible. To give him one and a half billion dollars, one and half
billion, one -- think of it, one and a half billion dollars and he gets
fees off that, million of dollars a year.

There's only one problem, he has no experience investing money. They gave
him the money. They gave him the money after 10 minutes.

I think our Congress has to take a look at that, what do you think,
fellows? I think they'll have to look at it.

Can you imagine? You know, I have a lot of my kids tonight, can you imagine
that kid -- got a billion and a half dollars from China. Oh, I don't think
they want to write about that mother fake news, do you think they'd write
about that?

And then he gets three and a half million dollars from the mayor of
Moscow's wife, right? What did he get that for? Remember I asked at the
debate, the first debate, I said it. Chris Wallace thought it was an
inappropriate question. Really? I think? You think?

Chris Wallace, no. I must tell you, I think Kristen did a better job,
Kristen Welker, right? I don't mean she was perfect. Actually, some people
said she wasn't very nice. I thought she was nice. Relatively speaking, she
was great for what I got.

How about the one Savannah Guthrie? You see that one? That was -- 


That was another beautiful -- live at 9:00, she's jumping out of a chair.
She's like going crazy. But we all do well.

You know, I don't get questions like he gets. He gets, sir, what kind of
ice cream are you eating? Did you see that? They never asked me questions
like that.

In 2016, Wisconsin voted to fire this corrupt -- and really, it's corrupt
political establishment, right? And you elected an outsider as president
who is finally putting America first, finally putting America first.


And if I don't sound like a typical Washington politician, it's because I'm
not a politician, right? If I don't always play by the rules of the
Washington establishment, it's because I was elected to fight for you and
nobody has ever fought harder for you than I am. I will tell you, nobody.


When the violent mob came to Kenosha, Biden opposed sending in the National
Guard. Of course you remember this, right? He didn't -- he didn't want to
send in the guard, he thought it was terrible to send in the guard.

And we sent in the guard and we saved Kenosha. We saved Kenosha.

I said, you know, I think Kenosha is going to like me, we did a good job.

I wish they sent them in a little bit earlier, right? If we had them in a
little bit early, but that's okay, that's okay.

But we sent in -- and how good did the guard do? Did they do the job? Did
they do the job?

Biden and Kamala -- does anybody know who Kamala is?


This wonderful woman, she wants to be your first female president -- I
don't think so, I don't think so. You know, that's a good reason not to
vote for Sleepy Joe, too, right? You don't want to do that. You want to
have -- we all want to see that happen someday but we don't want this to be
the one, right?

But they are waging a war on our police. You know that. Your police -- we
have a lot of police here tonight, I recognize that because -- 


Because I went and I met all of the police. I met a lot of great police,
federal police, I met the whole group and you have great police.


I agree with that.

But I stand with the heroes of law enforcement and I was honored to be
endorsed by Kenosha County Sheriff David Beth. Thank you, David, wherever
you may be.

Where's David?


Thank you, David. That was so nice. That was so nice.

They like you out there, David. That's very good. Appreciate it, David.
Thank you very much.

And as I'm sure you've heard Biden's far left supporters are threatening to
loot and riot tomorrow if they don't get their way.


If they don't get their way.

Are we already did -- everybody ready? If they know we are ready and if
they know we are not playing games, they won't even be here, they won't
show up.

You know, it's like I've brought an old law into existence when I saw them
going around all over the country knocking down statues, right, and
monuments. And we signed, we brought it in, and I signed it, updated and
signed it. Ten years in prison if you knock down a statue or monument.


And you don't see anymore. They look and they say, oh, we'd like to knock
that one down, but you know what, ten years is too much, darling, let's
leave now.

This is yet more evidence why the radical left cannot be trusted with
power. We strongly condemn political violence. We condemn and we condemn it

Biden must tell his supporters -- he doesn't really have supporters, let's
face it. He doesn't have supporters, the guy is shot. He doesn't have --
there is an ideology that has supporters and he's just a vessel.

You know, he happen to be the one that got through because Elizabeth
Warren, instead of getting out like she should have and letting Bernie take
it -- Bernie, I've got to tell you, he -- he is a great loser, he really
is. He loses.

It happened with Hillary and it happened with Elizabeth Warren. What she
did was incredible. You know, that's a similar philosophy.

But Biden ended up being there. Biden ended up being there, and that's the
way it is and he has to tell his supporters and I think you're going to see
-- look at the people over here, oh, hello, can you actually hear this? Can
you hear this?

Because this is the worst microphone I've ever used in my life, can you
actually hear me over there? They can in the back, all the way back. That's
good, thank you.

I can't believe it, it sounds terrible to me. His silence -- It doesn't
sound great, right? To me it doesn't sound great. It's all right. Good.

You know what? Keep saying, that bill -- he's just don't pay them. Don't
pay them.

You hear that, Johnny, don't pay the damn bill? Will you please? A piece of
garbage they gave me.

It's not even the first rate mike -- the one -- the good one is put to
rest, we put it to rest, the good when we put the rest. All right. Don't
pay `em.

But as president, I will ensure peace and order in this country. We are
going to have peace and order.


And you're going to have a day tomorrow, the likes of which I think people
haven't seen in a long time, in a long time.

You're going to have a red wave, it's going to be a beautiful sight and you
know what? We have a lot -- we have -- we actually have a country that
outside of the radical group and this is a radical group, but we have a
country that's very well-united.

When you look at a group of people like this, it's incredible and I go from
here, I go -- I told you Grand Rapids, we have they say, they 40,000 or
50,000 people in Grand Rapids.

Last night in Florida, we had 45,000 people, no problem. Everybody's in
love. Everybody loves our country, it's a beautiful thing. I'm telling you.
There's a lot of unity.

We just don't complain. You know, we don't complain. We just go out and do
what we have to do. But, you know, when we were having that incredible run,
we were doing the best and now, we're almost at that same point. And we'll
be there soon.

But our country was uniting. We were getting calls, we had the best
employment numbers ever, African-American, Asian-American, Hispanic-
American, and we were getting calls like, yeah, maybe it's time we get
together, you know, because success brings people together, success brings
people together and you're going to see that happening because we're having
numbers alike of which we've never had before.

Thirty-three -- think of it, 33.1 percent, nobody's ever had that. The
heaviest was 1952 and it was less than half of that number.

So, rioting, looting, and arson will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of
the law, I'm just telling you that right now.


I'm telling you that right now that if people are -- I hate to see when
they put boards up on a window, there shouldn't be that, it shouldn't be
that. But we are going -- we are a country of law and order. We have to be,
and we are -- and people -- and you notice -- I hate to say it, but it's
true, this is a -- these are Democrat mayors and governors, these are
Democrat-run cities and states.

They're the ones -- if you look at New York and Chicago -- and how about
Portland which is anarchist? We could solve that problem. We tell the
governor, you want us to solve the problem? We solve it in 30 minutes. We
solved it in Seattle.

We went in. We were going to go in, the morning, we announced we're going
in in the morning, and they just raise their hands and they left the night
before. And we did a great job in -- you know, in Minneapolis, we did a
great job. We are going to win Minnesota for two reasons. We did a great

Now, they could have called -- they could have let us do it a week and a
half early, that would have been nice, you know, right? So that the
announcer -- remember the anchor? He looks over and says this is a peaceful


HANNITY:  All right. By the way, earlier today, we're going to get back to
the rally in just a minute. Joe Biden appeared with pop star Lady Gaga
which was bizarre, charter of the Artists Against Fracking Coalition
Saturday, mocking blue collar workers. She urged them to vote for Joe
Biden. Take a look at this.


LADY GAGA, SINGER:  Hey, this is Lady Gaga. I'm voting for America, which
means I'm voting for Joe Biden. And if you live in Minnesota, Pennsylvania,
Georgia, Michigan, Florida, or Arizona, I encourage you to vote and if you
have a friend that lives there, tell them to vote. Cheers to the 2020


HANNITY:  Wow. Don't go campaign with Joe, the arrogant elite. See what's
happening here?

The American people, chumps as Joe calls us clinging to our God, guns,
bibles, our religion, irredeemable deplorables, smelly Walmart shoppers of
America, all on the ballot tomorrow. Safety, security, law and order, lower
taxes, higher taxes, amnesty, open borders, united sanctuary states of
America, energy independence or dependence, higher taxes, radical leftist
judges packing the courts, power grabs like we've never seen before or as
Joe says, not only are we chumps, but 10 to 15 percent of people who are
just not very good people and then he goes on to say, you know, millions of
us chumps are just bad people.

That's why I guess anti-fracking activists went to Pennsylvania. How dumb
was that. No wonder Democrats are in a panic tonight. What, to educate we,
the stupid, American people, that she knows best for us? We'll lose
millions of high paying career jobs.

All right. Quick look at the posters, then Mark Levin tonight, but mostly
the president. We're going to get be back to him in a second.

Robert Cahaly is with the Trafalgar Group. He got it right in 2016. Also,
Insider Advantage, Matt Towery -- they join us.

Quick update on the polls, I ask you both last night, your belief both of
you is that Donald Trump will win Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, Ohio,
Iowa, and Arizona.

Do you both agree with that?



HANNITY:  You both disagree on Michigan. Robert, you have Trump up by
three. Matt, if I remember correctly, you have him down by one or two.

Robert, why are you confident in Michigan where the president is tonight?

CAHALY:  Just looking at some of these early voting numbers and measuring
the people who voted early by mail and voted early in person and the ones
who say they are voting on Election Day, his advantage among those who
voted early in person is significant. His advantage among those who are
going to vote on Election Day is over 80 percent.

There is so much enthusiasm in Michigan. I just think it's a wave and is
going to wipe up a lot of things and people are still frustrated with
Gretchen Whitmer and they're going to -- they are going to show her exactly
how much.

HANNITY:  Why do you think he's at a 1-point deficit, Matt Towery, in

TOWERY:  Well, that was a -- that was a deficit going into the weekend. I
happen to agree with Robert. I see momentum occurring all throughout this
campaign. I think when you saw Iowa go from seven points in the Ann Selzer
poll, three points in our poll, that means that Midwest is in play.

I think Michigan is very much in play. I think he could win it and that
gets us to Pennsylvania which I think the president is going to win as

So I think the president is on his way to being reelected on momentum. You
saw his performance tonight in this rally. He is -- I've never seen a
candidate like this and I've been doing this for 30 years that you're
talking about. We've been doing it together a lot of the time.

HANNITY:  Nobody has seen this. No, I've known you for 30 years.

TOWER:  It's incredible. It's unbelievable.

HANNITY:  But of you believe Donald Trump is in the lead in Pennsylvania.
It's now -- if Donald Trump holds the states I just mention that you both
believe he will hold and wins Pennsylvania, it was funny watching Nate
Silver, 90 percent chance Biden will win, but if he loses Pennsylvania,
Trump is going to be in -- Trump's -- it's add Trump.

Why do you both think quickly he wins Pennsylvania? We'll start with you,

CAHALY:  I think --  think he can win Pennsylvania as I've said before I
have them up by four or five points but he's got to win it by four or five
points to survive what's going on with these funky ballots.

HANNITY:  Yeah, why do you think -- Matt, what are you seeing in
Pennsylvania? I've got to believe energy, fracking, ending fossil fuels,
you know, millions of high-paying career jobs, that's having an impact and
more minorities seem to unless even the Siena/"New York Times" poll in some
of the more urban areas seem to be moving with Trump.

TOWERY:  Well, I -- the reason that he's going to win Pennsylvania is,
because the African-American vote is split more than before. Donald Trump
is doing a phenomenal job attracting African-American men in particular.
Secondly, that turnout is not overwhelming at any of these states, so
that's also affecting that race.

Thirdly, the momentum we just talked about, I'm not sure he has to win it
by four to keep it from being stolen, but he's got to win it by a decent
number of votes. I agree with Robert there.

I'll say one last thing, watch those exit polls tomorrow night. They're
going to try to tell you that Donald Trump lost early, they're not right,
haven't been in the long time. They won't be again.

HANNITY:  Those -- listen, those exit polls are wrong in 2000, 2004, 2016.
Don't listen to anybody -- and, by the way, these are numbers. Unless on
Election Day, you both agree with this statement, day of election, the
turnout for Republicans is critical to win any state. You both agree with
people have got to show up tomorrow.

TOWERY:  Yeah, absolutely, and they have to have that turnout in Florida,
Georgia, North Carolina, all of these states, the Republicans are banking
on a significant turnout on Election Day. Everything I'm seeing suggests
that's exactly what's going to take place.

HANNITY:  All right. Thank you -- 

CAHALY:  Without a doubt, there --

HANNITY:  Yeah, go ahead, Robert. Last word.

CAHALY:  Without a doubt, without a doubt, the Republicans -- if they turn
out, there is a reason Nate Silver is backing out like a cat with a sock on
his head. They know this thing is going the wrong way.

HANNITY:  All right. Let's go back to President Trump. He's in Kenosha,
Lara Trump and Eric Trump just spoke.

Back to the president.

TRUMP:  You know, we have a whole group of family. It's is like a family
reunion tonight.

Now, well, you know, this is the big time because tomorrow is the big day
and we have one more stop. See, actually, you know, I did five today, but I
could say -- I could say I did six because in Miami, we finished it close
to 2:00 in the morning. So let's say I did six today, OK, after Grand

Joe Biden is bought and paid for by a big tech, big media and powerful
special interests, you know that. They own him, they control him and they
know he will always do their bidding, and when he raises $300 million for
his campaign in a short period of time, ask them, what deals did you have
to make because I would be the greatest fund-raiser of all time.

I can call the Wall Street guys, I know `em all. I can say, send me $25
million immediately, please. Yes, sir, Mr. President, I will.

But, you know, once you do that, you are totally compromised. You can't do
anything properly. Once you do that, and I say, I don't want to do that and
we -- we did very well with the fund-raising stuff and a lot of it came in
small donations.

First time a Republican has ever raised a lot of money with small donations
like $61 average or something like that. Every corrupt force in American
life has betrayed you and hurt you and they're all supported by Joe Biden.
The failed establishment that started the disastrous foreign wars, they're
supported by Sleepy Joe Biden.

The career politicians that offshored your industries and you had plenty
offshored and decimated your factories, they support Joe Biden. The open
borders, lobbyists, all the people that killed our fellow citizens with
illegal drugs, gangs, and crime and you know a lot about that, they support
Joe Biden.

The anti-American radicals defaming our noble history, heritage and heroes,
they support Joe Biden. That's cancel culture. We don't believe in cancel
culture, do we?

Antifa and the rioters and looters and Marxists and left-wing extremists,
they all support Joe Biden.

This election comes down to a simple choice, do you want to be ruled by the
corrupt and selfish political class or do you want to be governed by the
American people? That's what it's all about. It's the American people.


And they've taken it away. They've taken it away. And what's going on with
a big tech and what's going on with the media is nobody has ever seen
anything like it.

There's never been anything like it. Nobody has seen anything like it,
where, you know, you can't have -- you can't have a scandal if there is
nothing written about it. It's pretty tough.

A vote for Biden is a vote to give control of government over to the
globalists and communists and socialists and wealthy liberal hypocrites,
hypocrites who want to silence, censor, cancel, and punish you. These are
real, real trouble.

If you want your children to be safe, if you want your values to be
respected, if you want your -- if you want to be just treated with dignity
and respect, then I am asking you tomorrow to go out and vote for your all-
time favorite president, because we still have work to do.



Thank you. Thank you.

Remember what I said four years ago, I am your voice, and we will
altogether make America great again. And that's what we're doing, that's
what we've done.

For the last four years, the depraved swamp has tried everything to stop
me. Can you imagine if they didn't do the hoax, the Russia, Russia hoax,
right? Russia, Russia, Russia.

How about Schiff getting up the other day, the laptop from hell, right?
That's -- where is Hunter? Where is Hunter? He's out there. Where is

Oh, he's in a country. I see, his father just left the country. He's going
to scam them, for a couple of them. Where is Hunter?

No, but he's got the laptop from hell, and Schiff got up with the
watermelon head, right? Like a watermelon, and he goes, this was produced
by Russia.

These people are crazy, I tell you. Aye, yai, yai. What a crazy bunch.

But they know I don't answer to them, I answer to you. It's true.

Look, I didn't need this. I didn't need this. I had a very nice life.

I had a very nice life but you know what? It's the greatest thing I ever
did because no administration, no president in the first three and a half
years, the biggest tax cut in history, the biggest regulation cuts,
rebuilding our military, look at what we've done. Look at what we've done.

Our vets just gave a 91 percent approval rating, the highest in history,
the highest in history.

Look at what we've done, Space Force, I've never even talked about Space
Force. I never talked -- I realized we needed it after I was in office. I
look, I saw --

HANNITY:  All right. The president in Kenosha. We're going to back to that
in a few minutes. But we're going to get quick closing comments on the race
from the great one, Mark Levin, "Life, Liberty and Levin", every weeknights
Sunday night, number one on its slot by far, 8:00 p.m. Eastern.

Mark, your final thoughts. This is now -- it's -- Election Day turnout by
Republicans and all the states I keep mentioning, Florida, Georgia, North
Carolina, Ohio, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan.

It's all about turnout tomorrow and we can talk about numbers until we're
blue in the face. People have got to do their part if they want to save
their country.

irrelevant. The good news is that Democrats are very much spent. Two-thirds
or so the people have voted and now it's our turn, Republicans. It's almost
like a military operation without the violence.

It's time for Republicans to come out of every township, every village,
every city, every suburb and bring family members and vote, too. It is time
for us to make our presence felt on Election Day. We need to make sure
everybody we know votes, too. If more of us about than them, we win and we
save this republic.

I want to tell a quick story. You know, when I was a kid, I live in and
around Philadelphia and we would take the train into Philadelphia to go to
Independence Hall, and Independence Hall was basically the Pennsylvania
assembly building in Philadelphia.

And my friend Eric and I would go there, we're 13 or 14 years old, we would
go all the time, and we'd look in that hall and see where the great George
Washington sat, and other members who of the Second Continental Congress
when they were voting on the Declaration of Independence.

And they would return eight and a half years later to work out the
Constitution of the United States and we go down the hall and we would see
two floors, the upper chamber and the lower chamber. The reason it was on
the lower chambers because it was the first floor and the upper chamber,
where the Senate would meet. And then another hall where the Supreme Court
met, all in this little area where America was born.

And I think to myself, America, where did this idea of America come from?
It came from Aristotle and Cicero. It came from the greatest minds mankind
has ever created, America. They talk about it as an idea. It was an idea,
but we made it a concrete reality.

There is nothing been like America on the face of the earth. John Locke in
Montesquieu where we get separation of powers. These men who created this
country, they were well-read, they were scholars. They understood what came

As opposed to this, Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders and AOC and so forth. Do
you know what this is? This is warmed over Marxism. It's been tried in
country after country.

There is no great thinking behind this. There's no great men or scholars
behind this. This will take your liberty and turn inside out. They will
devour your jobs. They will devour your free will.

America is great because of its respect for the individual. The individual
isn't even discussed in this document. Private property rights are
important, why? What do you do most days? You work, you create wealth, you
own a home, you create your own property.

That is your physical and intellectual labor. This doesn't recognize this.
This is all about government. This is all about power.

Whether you work in the coal mines, whether your work in steel mills,
whether you work in the oil patch, whether you are driving trucks, whether
your grocery store owners. Whether you're white-collar, blue-collar, union,
non-union, middle-class, suburbs, inner-city, liberty is the key.

The word liberty doesn't show up anywhere in here. In these speeches that
Biden has given, the word liberty is never discussed. You know what
equality is without liberty, Sean? It's tyranny, it's totalitarianism.

Liberty is the key and everything in this 112-page document is about
tyranny, not liberty.

So when you go to vote tomorrow, those of you who haven't voted, you've got
to get people out to vote tomorrow even if you have voted, but if you
haven't voted, you're making a decision, keep this in your head, do I back
with this nation was founded on?

All these great men, all these great thinkers, John Locke was asked you
write so beautifully about these magnificent ideas and where does it exist?
Five hundred years ago, he says, one place, America. America.

We don't want to be like Europe. We don't want to be like Canada. We don't
want socialism. We don't want Marxism, all those things have failed.

If people want those things, there's 100 countries you can go to where it
exists. There's only one America.

Think about the men who thought fought at Lexington and Concord and
Yorktown. Think about the men who fought that revolutionary war for eight
and a half years, put everything on the line. Think about the Civil War,
over 800,000 casualties, one battlefield after another, Abraham Lincoln,
his speech in Gettysburg, his second inaugural address.

Think about the beginning of the last century when we were then attacked by
the progressives, the Marxists, the Hegelians and so forth, coming out of
Germany, the counter-revolution against our revolution.

But think about World War I where the Yanks, and World War II save the
world again, the Vietnam War, the Korean War and the other wars that we
fought. What did we fight for? Did we fight for free college? Did we fight
for higher taxes? Did we fight for open borders and illegal aliens?

We fought for our nation, for our unity, for these values, these values.
Who do we rely on more? Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, George
Washington, George Mason, James Madison, or AOC, and Pelosi and Schumer and

Biden is a dime store politician. He's been a politician. He's been on the
public dole for 47 years. The man has accomplished absolutely nothing, 39
years in the Senate, eight years as vice president.

Are we going to reject our history? Are we going to reject the agents (ph)
that inform our history for Joe Biden who runs around, talks about unity,
says he would do more on the virus when you know he would not?

Everything is at stake.

I will close with a quote from one of the great Thomas Sowell, one of the
great living icons, and he said on my show, Sean, back in July -- what I
see is if the election goes to Biden, that there's a good chance that the
Democrats will then control to branches of Congress and the White House.
And considering the kinds of things they are proposing, that could well be
the point of no return for this country.

We've come too far. We are too great of a nation. We have saved too many
people. We have lost too many lives. Think about your own ancestors.

To surrender this country in one vote to a failed lifelong career
politician and a bunch of leftists and Bernie Sanders and old-time red out
of Brooklyn, think about it. That's it.

HANNITY:  Great one, thank you.

And Reagan said freedom is just one generation away from extinction, it
can't be this one. You the American people decide.

Mark Levin, my closing remarks in a minute.

Back to the president in Kenosha.

TRUMP:  You know, she lives in the White House, because she got it probably
from me or whatever, I don't know. What the hell.

Do you ever hear? The first lady lives in Virginia, the beautiful house
over a river or something. No, no, she lives here, but at least -- and
then, I know people love the first lady. They love the first lady. It's


They love the first lady, it's true. They love her. She's doing a good job.
The whole family back there, they love that family back there, great


Hi, Tiffany.

So then -- so Melania has it, but she knocked it out pretty good and I did
a great job, you know? I was surrounded by these doctors, 12 doctors. I've
told the story. Each one was a specialist, Johns Hopkins, Walter Reed
Medical Center is incredible. You know, that's our military center, it's

And I'm surrounded, right? I'm just surrounded by these brilliant doctors.

And one thing when you're president, you get a lot of doctors and each
doctor grabbed a different part of my body. And I said I don't like this at

But they told me about this one thing and I said I really do, I like it, I
really -- but it was very, you know, a little bit early, what we've done
with getting it through the FDA has been incredible. Biden wouldn't have
the stuff done for years.

He had his chance with the swine flu and totally blew it, right? It was a
disaster. It was a disaster.

Anyway, so I wake up the next morning and I'm telling you I felt like
Superman. I was so -- I wanted to get out. I said give me another trade
deal to negotiate that these clowns have screwed up. Give me a trade deal
to renegotiate and where am I supposed to be?

Well, sir, could you take it easy for a couple of days. And people are sort
of amazed. I've done these things. I mean, I mean, I do them -- these are
not easy to do especially when you have no damn microphone, I mean.

I'm working harder on this one than I have in all six that I did today.
This is the hardest one. Because I have a microphone that was obviously
meant for congressmen and senators, not for a president.

So it's a little bit off, but that's okay, you know, you have to learn --
isn't that funny when you put it back in here and hand it to me, I thought
that was better. Nobody got that. Only this front row got that one, I
thought that was very clever, actually.

But then he came up to me, Dr. Sean, he said, sir, I'm sorry to inform you
that your son Barron has tested positive. Again, I said brilliantly, for
what? He said for COVID, I said, oh, that's terrible. Oh, no, he'll be
okay, sir. He'll be okay.

I said, it's terrible. But he's young and he's strong and he's very tall.
Have you ever seen -- I say, hi, Barron. Fourteen years old, he's very
tall. He's definitely tall and he's strong, but he's young, and I said,
that's terrible. He said, no, he'll be okay, sir, he'll okay. And I said,
well, I hope.

Like 12 minutes later, I said, how is Barron doing, Doctor? Sir, he's
hundred percent now. He's -- get your kids back to school, OK? Right? Get
`em back to school.

All right. So we are going to mass distribute the vaccine in just a few
short weeks. It's going to be coming up very soon and we will quickly
eradicate the virus, wipe out the China plague once and for all, and get it
the hell out of here.

We will never forget either. We will never forget. That was not good.

You know, we made a great trade deal with China as you know very well, but,
you know, the ink wasn't dry before we got this, and no good. No good.

Joe Biden is promising to delay the vaccine and turn America into a prison
state, locking you in your home while your far-left anarchists are allowed
to roam the streets, burn down your cities, hit people over the head.
They're allowed to do that.

That's why I always call all of these rallies protests. These are not
rallies anymore because you're allowed to have a protest. You can't have a
rally and you can't go to church.

You know, you're not allowed to go to church, but you're allowed to burn
down the cities with the protest. So we always call these friendly

The Biden lockdown will mean no schools, no graduations, no weddings, no
Thanksgiving, no Christmas, no Easter, no Fourth of July, and no future.
Other than that, it's really not a bad way to go.

A vote for Sleepy Joe Biden is a vote for lockdowns, layoffs, misery, and
no fracking. How about the guy, no fracking for over a year and a half.
There will be no fracking. He goes to Pennsylvania, absolutely, we'll
frack. OK?

And these guys don't do anything about it. If you want a vaccine to kill
the virus, a job to support your family, and freedom to live your life,
then you have no choice but to cast your ballot for a gentleman named
Donald J. Trump.


And as I said -- and you have to remember this, you know, because during
the debate -- the debate was good. Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank
you very much. Thank you.


Thank you very much. Thank you, everybody. It's a great honor to be with

I really did -- during the Kenosha disaster, I really got to be friendly
with a lot of people here because we've had so many different people that
we deal with. You have great people and we will introduce a few of them but
you have great people here. But I really got to know you do bring that
problem, that potential crisis that we put out, very, very swiftly once we
got the called and it's great.

You're great people. You built the county. You're great people.

Joe Biden -- and as I said, he ran the H1N1, he called it N1H1, he couldn't
get it right. He still does, he can't get right. I said, Joe, H comes
before N, it's easy to remember.

H1N1, swine flu and he failed horribly and he was a laughingstock all over
Washington as you remember. And his chief of staff, I don't know why this
guy said it, but he made the worst statement, he said we have no idea what
we are doing and now, all of a sudden, he's coming and he said -- he was
the one that said I shouldn't close it down to China, heavily infected
China, right? You remember that mess?

And now he runs and he says, I should have closed it sooner. It's really

Secretary of defense, Robert Gates, a respected man, he said Biden has been
wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over
the past four years. Right? Four years. He said he's always wrong and he
has been always wrong.

I don't believe he's even running. I can't believe the whole -- I watch --
I watch the debates. You have 27 total killers on the stage and he was
there and -- but you don't have to believe me because it's you and because
it's Wisconsin, we spent a fortune, and hopefully that will work better
than the microphone, try it, put it on.





TRUMP:  This was today.


BIDEN:  No, I haven't taken the test. Why the hell would I take a test?

Come on, man. That's like saying you -- before you got in this program, you
take a test where you're taking cocaine or not, what do you think, huh? Are
you a junky?

By the way, here's my little sister Valerie and I'm Jill's husband. Oh, you
switched on me. Here's my wife, here's my sister. They switched on me.

You have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you
ain't black.

There is not a single solitary reason in the world why be in a position
that everybody. And that's my wife, Jill. Hey, Jill. I'm Jill's husband

And Corn Pop was a bad dude, and he ran a bunch of bad boys, and I did,
back in those days, you see how things had changed.

Play the radio, make sure the television -- excuse me, make sure you have
the record player on at night, the phone -- make sure the kids here words.

We hold these truths to be self evident. All men and women created by --
you know the thing. You know the thing.

You could take care -- you were a quarter master, you can sure help take
care running, you know, the department store, the thing, you know, where in
the second floor ladies department, you know what I mean?

Well, I'm sick and tired of smart guys.

You know, the rapidly rising and with -- with -- I don't know.

Have you been to a caucus? No, you haven't. You're a lying dog-faced pony

UNIDENTIFIED MALE:  Why you attack Sanders?

BIDEN:  You're getting nervous, man.

What kind of country are we going to be? For more four years of George,
George -- we're going to find ourselves in a position where if Trump gets
elected, we're going to be -- we're going to be in a different world.

Lie after lie after lie after lie.

You know, we have to come together, that's why I'm running. I'm running as
a proud Democrat for the Senate.

And by the way, I sit on the stand, and I got hot. I got a lot -- I've got
hairy legs that turn -- that turn blonde in the sun, and the kids used to
come up and reach in the pool and rub my leg down. So watch the hair come
back up again. So I had learned about roaches, and learned about kids
jumping on my lap, and I love kids jumping on my lap.

Barack and I think it's the right for people to badakathcare.

We have to do at least several things, one, we have to depend on what the
president is going to do right now, and first of all, he has to tell --
wait until the case is before anything happens.

Look, exacerbating the need for environmental justice. Sorry, there was a

Folks, we've got a lot of work to do. I only need you to get me elected.

A case where we cannot let this -- we've never allowed any crisis from the
civil war straight through to the pandemic in '17, all the way around, '16,
we have never, never let our democracy take second fiddle, a way that we
can both have a democracy and elections and at the same time correct the
public health.

Everywhere I've been hearing around the country, you're trying your breast,
but it never feels like enough.

And here comes the train. You can try to make sure you can continue up
front. That's a commuter. All right. Folks, look.

Anyway, I am -- I am very willing to let the American public judge my
physical and mental fil -- my physical as well as my mental fil -- fitness.

I will lead an effective strategy to mobilize international effort to
pressure --


HANNITY:  All right. We're closing out the show, tomorrow is election day,
not just about taxes. They'll go up higher.

Oil, gas, fossil fuels, eliminating trillions on the new green deal. It is
important to keep in mind, Joe and Kamala Harris, they will completely
upend our system starting with the U.S. Supreme Court and capitalism,
everything is free, taxes, trillions of new dollars in taxes.

By the way, packing the court, biggest power grab ever. Amnesty that is
vast, ending the legislative filibuster, all of that is on the table. Law
and order is on the table.

What are Democrats going to do? They're not stopping there. They want to
expand the U.S. Senate. They're going to have, what, two more senators from
D.C., two more from Puerto Rico, Democratic majority in perpetuity.

And, of course, they want to end some of them, even the Electoral College.
That's how extreme they are. Amnesty for 15 million people, also, oh, free
health care. Now, we have another generation of Democrats to give you
something of value.

They don't care about your liberty. They don't care about your freedom.
These radical socialists are about power. Power over all three branches of
government. Power over major industry. Power to destroy the entire energy
sector, business, power in perpetuity, no checks and balances, putting the
Constitution aside. One-party rule in this country for decades and decades
to come.

You've all been warned, Election Day voting is critical for Republicans in
all of the states. Don't listen to the mob in the media. Don't listen to
pollsters, block out the noise and do your part, control what you can

After four years of President Trump, you know what to expect. Unlike most
politicians, he kept his promises. He put on the Supreme Court justices.

As promised, he lowered taxes, he slashed regulations, the prison reform,
criminal justice reform. He killed the caliphate, Baghdadi and associates
are dead, Soleimani is dead, the ranking leaders of al Qaeda dead, faced
out the disastrous Iranian nuclear deal. He got us out of the Paris
Accords. No more cash loads of cargo planes of cash and everything, along
with multiple Middle East peace deals. Even move the embassy to Jerusalem,
which so many promised.

Then you got Dr. Doom, gloom and dark winter, Joe Biden. You think in
between spoonfuls of oatmeal and applesauce, they would have told him the
vaccine is just weeks away. The final stage human testing.

This country rests in your hands. Freedom is one generation away from
extinction. Ronald Reagan told us. We just had a whopping third-quarter
growth of 33.1 percent.

I wish America -- I hope you make the right choice tomorrow. Our kids are
counting on you.

That's all that time we have left. Let not your heart be troubled. Have fun
tomorrow, Election Day.

Laura Ingraham takes from here.


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