Hallmark giving away 2 million cards to promote togetherness during coronavirus pandemic

This is a rush transcript from "Your World with Neil Cavuto," April 1, 2020. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

NEIL CAVUTO, FOX NEWS ANCHOR: You know, one of the things we try to look at it with America together is how we stay together and good ways we can talk to one another, be with one another, look out for one another.

Mike Perry is the CEO of Hallmark, of course, the big card firm and all, but he’s giving away a gazillion of these, and trying to help people stay in touch with one another that goes way beyond just a chat or a text.

Mike, good to have you. Thank you for taking the time.

MIKE PERRY, CEO, HALLMARK: Hey, thank you for having me, Neil. Appreciate you giving me a chance to be on today.


Explain how this works, Mike. What are you doing?

PERRY: So, like you said, we are giving away a lot of cards, two million, in fact.

The background on this one is, we are clearly living in unprecedented times, where many of us, at least, are self-isolating. And one of the really unfortunate consequences of that is that we’re connecting less than we would want to and, frankly, less than what we should be with family and friends.

And from a Hallmark perspective, we looked at that and said, wow, that doesn’t feel good. So, what could we do that would be helpful during these times?

And our solution was, hey, let’s give away a couple million cards.


PERRY: And, frankly, when you think about one of the most powerful things that we can do as human beings is to reach out to somebody else on purpose and tell them that we love them, that we’re thinking about them, that we care about, maybe just to reach out and say -- give them a little bit of encouragement that, yes, indeed, we will get through these times.

And these are always important things...


CAVUTO: How do they get those cards, though, Mike? I’m sorry. We have a delay here. My bad.

PERRY: Yes, it’s simple.


CAVUTO: But how do get those out to people, if everything’s closed?


So, what we -- what we -- all you got to do is, you go to hallmark.com/careenough, and just put in your name and put in your address, hit submit. And we will send you out a little pack of cards directly to your home. And then you can take it from there.

And the response that we have got has been fantastic, really great feedback from all the folks that are getting their cards and telling us about how they’re intending to send their cards to different people.

CAVUTO: How do younger people feel about this?

The only reason why I mention it is, they communicate via text or any one of the social media sites. I love this, but, again, I’m an old fogy, and not that you are, by the way, but I like traditional cards and traditional letters. I write quite a few myself.

But how do you get young people into this? Because I always like to tell my teenage sons, there’s a concept. You could physically write something to someone. But how do you do that?

PERRY: Yes, yes, yes.

No, I think -- I mean, one of the misnomers is that young people don’t send cards. I mean, in fact, young people do send cards.

But I think what’s been really great about this is just -- it’s just another form of connection. You’re texting. I’m texting. We’re making phone calls. We’re doing things that we can do to stay in touch with people.

This is just a very different way and I think, in some ways, a really authentic way to say something on purpose in a really thoughtful way to another human being.


A card is something you physically say it. It’s a physical embodiment of an emotion. I think it’s a great idea.

Mike Perry, thank you so much.

PERRY: Yes. Yes, thanks for having me on, Neil. Really appreciate it.

CAVUTO: Same here, the Hallmark CEO, Mike Perry.

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