Gutfeld: Terror 'apologists' scramble to explain evil

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," April 22, 2013. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: So, after every terror attack, each motive shall be discussed, but one. It is the terror that dares not speak its name.

Actually it does speak. Our media just won't hear it. Instead, we explore the pain of the poor thugs which could be why some have movies made by Robert Redford and other tenure.

What do hacks do when they are wrong about terror? They cling to relativism. Yet Muslim extremism is the same as any other extremism. But in order to make that stick you got to suck at math.

Muslim versus Christian extremism is not apples to apples. It's comparing hurricane Katrina to a squirt gun, which is why they embrace root causes that detached response to evil. Let's focus on the turmoil of the bombers and not the real turmoil they caused.

But this head-shrinking only benefits the killer, while energy attention-craving copycats. It also drowns compassion for victims.

So, we spend less time trying to stop evil and more time trying to understand it. We become the Clarissa to their Hannibal. Our obsession with their death inevitably makes them more appealing.

But all root causes can be destroyed in one sentence. A lot of people don't fit in and still don't blow people up. We all don't wage jihad when we're sad.

Bottom line, the punk placed a bomb next to a child. Why will not change that fact.

So what if we made a pact not to discuss these idiots or show their stupid faces. Enough egging on these creeps. Those who are trafficking root cause pretty to inform us, but they are simply diluting our condemnation of horror.

Like singer Amanda Palmer wrote a love poem to the terrorists instead of writing for the victims. What a hopeless loser. Maybe she will marry the guy.

Look, these bombers show how easy it is to upend society. But that their apologists suggest is far worse that a life of obscurity is inferior to a life of infamy, and that terror is a lifestyle choice.

So, what do you make -- first, I've got to talk to you, Dana, because you are a big poetry fan.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: I write a mean haiku.

GUTFELD: You do write -- I mean, what did you make of Amanda Palmer's horrible poem? It's unbelievable.

PERINO: First of all, I had no idea who she was.


PERINO: I didn't realize she was a singer and songwriter. So, I guess she needed to get her feelings out and so she turned to writing. As I read I thought, is this really about the terrorists? This is the part where I stopped reading if I can quote. This is her poem: You don't know how orgasmic the act of taking in a lungful oxygen is until they hold your head and the water.

It goes on for two pages, feeling sorry for a terrorist that just killed five people and ended up ruining so many lives that are going to have to be rebuilt. It's disgusting.

GUTFELD: You know, it's all about her ego. She got a lot of attention doing this poem.

I wanted to throw to Brokaw SOT from yesterday, sound on tape. Go for it.


TOM BROKAW, NBC NEWS: We have to work a lot harder as a motivation here. What prompts a young man to come to this country and still feel alienated from it and to go back to Russia and do whatever he did? And I don't think we've examined that enough.


GUTFELD: Eric, why do we examine his feelings?

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: He actually goes on a little bit later and mentions that maybe it has something to do with his Muslim faith which I was shocked to her Tom Brokaw for saying that. And hats off to you, Tom, for finally moving off-script, the NBC script.

My problem last night if you watched "60 Minutes" last night, CBS did everything in their power to humanize this killer, this terrorist. They had a friend, a Muslim friend of his say, oh, no he never showed up at mosque. I'm talking about the 19-year-old.


BOLLING: They had a girl who went to high school with him and said, oh, I had a crush on him. He was so cute. How can you not love him, is what she said.

I was like, really, is this how you're going to edit this piece right here to make this kid to be like the greatest little kid in the world?

PERINO: Like he is a victim.

BOLLING: A victim, absolutely.

GUTFELD: Everybody is a victim though. We are all victims. And all terrorists are freedom fighters.

Bob, what do you make of the root cause argument? You know, you find the big argument which is a Muslim supremacy. Isn't that all you need? Do you have to like delve into their psychosis?

BOB BECKEL, CO-HOST: Yes, I was still focusing on Clarice and Hannibal Lecter. I, having been a fan of that movie, watched it 81 times.

Listen, I don't think -- what Brokaw said, we know now. There was enough research done. We know there's one bottom line in the Muslim communities, around the world, they do not like us. They recruit people from poor areas and they turn them into terrorists.

GUTFELD: These guys weren't poor, though, right?


BECKEL: No, they weren't poor.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: They had opportunities and scholarships.

BECKEL: They do go to Gaza and some of the refugee camps and recruit.

It's not hard to recruit, though, because the hatred for the United States runs deep.

And so, that's why I get back to my point. I think we really have to consider, given the fact so many people hate us, that we're going to have to cutoff Muslim students coming to this country for some period of time so that we can absorb what we've got and look at what we've got and decide whether some of the people here should be going -- be sent home or sent to prison.

GUTFELD: K.G., why do make of this? Even on Twitter there is a free Dzhokhar movement, is that how you say it? That's the name of the loser.

People proclaiming his innocence mainly because it's easy on Twitter not to confront evil.

Why are these losers so looserly?

GUILFOYLE: I mean, what can we say? Some people have a serious brain drain. They don't have any intelligence or common sense. They don't care about children being murdered or blown up. It's very disturbing. Instead, they'd rather associate and, you know, kind of look in love and worship of these guys as if they are misunderstood.

They are choosing the wrong side and that's the bottom line.

BECKEL: All of the problems, this kid had, I'd never blown anything up. No, I blew up my neighbor's car.

GUILFOYLE: What problems did he have? He had a great life.

BOLLING: But there's a whole group of people out there who sympathize with the prisoners. They marry them. They correspond with them. They love them.

GUILFOYLE: They wore Che t-shirt.

GUTFELD: I just thought Amanda Perry, whatever her name is, or Palmer, whatever her name, is will no doubt be married to this guy in five years.

BECKEL: There you go.

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