Gutfeld on the coordinated press attack on Trump

Today, 300 newspapers coordinated articles criticizing President Trump just after he had accused them of coordinating articles criticizing President Trump. And nobody read them. If jerks like me weren't talking about it, would you even know? Yes, another public display of the press exercising their right to irrelevance.

Remember when the New York Times ran an editorial saying you should vote for Hillary, and the rest of the media followed? Now, they say Trump is blocking free speech as they all scream this in unison. Trump accuses them of groupthink and they respond with groupthink. Now since the election, the media has been one malfunctioning car alarm: loud, relentless and broken. This after sleeping through Obama's terms, ignoring Iran, the DOJ, the IRS, immigration, while dreaming of Hillary. And now he's gone, their dreams are shattered and now they're wide-awake because Trump is their Red Bull. What phonies.

They gave Trump endless airtime while wringing their hands thinking it was OK because Hillary had it in the pantsuit. But the palooka you propped up wasn't the empty can you thought he was. While mocking Trump nonstop, people stop caring about what you thought. That Red Bull gored your butt. And now, all you can do is blame him for what you help do. And, they say Trump targets all news, not fake news -- which is fake news. They've ignored the clarifications that are obvious to us. No surprise. Remember when one of us would criticize Obama or Hillary, we'd be called a bigot. I remember that like it was yesterday, probably because it was.

You sought to silence opinion through fear and smear, and now you pretend you're the victim. You're not oppressed, just depressed. Get over it.