Gutfeld on Roseanne

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," May 30, 2018. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GREG GUTFELD, THE FIVE CO-HOST: Hi. Hey, I'm Greg Gutfeld with K.G., Geraldo, Jesse Watters, and she pole vaults with abobby pin, Dana Perino. The Five.

Roseanne disappeared faster than a classified email on a Clinton server. ABC saw the handwriting, hit warp speed. It's new crisis P.R., one-stop liquidation while you wait. But I'll be honest, I'm kind of sad, I'm not shocked, I'm sad. And I'm not sad for Roseanne, I'm sad that this experiment failed. When Roseanne first aired, why did it intrigue us? It wasn't the content, the show was a mess. It wasn't because we loved Roseanne. We knew she was kind of nutty. No, we like it because maybe it signaled progress in civil discourse, where the pros and the cons could break bread instead of bones, but not anymore. And, so the world moves on to whoever is next. Of course, you know who the media will target.


DON LEMON, CNN: We know what Donald Trump thinks. We know what Roseanne Barr thinks. It's racist. They're exhibiting racist behavior.

MIKE BRZEZINSKI, MSNBC: It was a great move yesterday. The thing that's sort of -- is the background of all of this is that the president can be racist and nothing happens to him.

TREVOR SCOTT, COMEDY CENTRAL: Roseanne's show cancelled because she tweeted out racist stuff. You know who I blame for this? Donald Trump, that's who.

UNINDENTIFIED FEMALE: Tens of millions of people voted for him after he shows his heart for years.


JOHN BERMAN, CNN: Are you suggesting that they're racist?


BERMAN: All of the people who voted for Donald Trump are racist?



GUTFELD: See what I mean? The discourse is already over. And so, the left takes the idiotic words of one person and blames it on millions. So, it's no more about Roseanne's awful tweet, it's about the left expanding the tweets to the president, and by connection, half of America, which raises one interesting question, did President Obama own Roseanne's nutty beliefs from years ago? She once said Wall Street bankers should be executed. She believed the Boston marathon was staged. Is that on Obama's since they happened when he was in office and she was a hard-core leftist? No, that's absurd. But this current blanket of blame that's now being spread suggests it's always been there regardless of Roseanne. If it wasn't her, it would be someone else. So, the left doesn't actually need Roseanne to smear you. They're at war with you already.

All right. She's back on tweeting, Dana. She's tweeting.



GUTFELD: Yeah, yeah. I don't think she's going to go quietly. I think she's going to fight.

PERINO: When she said I'm sorry, I offended anybody and I'm off Twitter. It's like, OK, good bye. But then, it's like people are just obsessed with being on twitter. It's like their self-worth is all wrap up on twitter.

GUTFELD: Here's her latest -- I think one of her latest tweets. It was -- I'm not a racist, never was, never will be. One stupid joke in the lifetime of fighting for civil rights for all minorities against networks studios at the expense of my nervous system, family wealth will never be taken from me. Geraldo, what do you make of this? She has been -- she was a socialist, right?


PERINO: Green, green party.


GUTFELD: That's right.

RIVERA: There's something that are absolutely unforgiveable. You may not -- you may not compare a black woman to an ape. I'm sorry. End of discussion. You get fired. And when we start nuancing it and we start taking side and blaming the president, you take away personal responsibility. I am guilty of drunk tweeting.

GUTFELD: You are.


RIVERA: Yeah, drunk towel. But, the thing about drunk tweeting or toweling is -- that it reveals your soul. I believe that drunks are true.

GUTFELD: You're an exhibitionist.

RIVERA: I believe whatever you believe. You can construe by words. But there are some things, a line you may not pass. You may not say what she said. And what disturbs me deeply is that I shudder to think that this is what informs her comedy and her politics, and I think all of us have to examine our own soul. We all say crap. Back in my day, the 1950's, the early 1960's, in locker rooms you said a lot of stuff intolerable, no room for wiggling, no room to nuance, and I make it about ideology or philosophy. This was a killing mistake that she made. I hope it was a mistake. And I hope it doesn't reveal her true soul.

GUTFELD: Jesse, I want to play this. This is Sarah Sanders talking about the double standard. Shall we play that?




SARAH HUCKABEE SANDERS, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: The president pointed to the hypocrisy in the media saying that the most horrible things about this president, and nobody addresses it, where was Bob Ayer's apology to the White House staff where Jemele Hill calling the president and anyone associated with him a white supremacist. Ro Christians around the world for Joy Behar calling Christianity a mental illness. Where was the apology for Cathy Griffin going on a profane rant against the president on The View after a photo showed her holding President Trump's decapitated head? And where was the apology for Bob Iger for ESPN hiring Keith Olbermann after his numerous explicit laced tweets attacking the president as a Nazi, and even expanding Olbermann's role after that attack against the president's family. This is a double standard that the president is speaking about. No one is defending her comments. They're inappropriate. But that's what the point that he was making.


GUTFELD: What do you make of that, Jesse?

WATTERS: You know, I love playing the double standard game. I do it better than anybody.

GUTFELD: You do. It's my go to.

WATTERS: Like, what about-isms? I can do that all day.

GUTFELD: You can.

WATTERS: I just don't think, in this case, get us anywhere. You can say that Bill Marr used the N-word and kept his job. You can say Keith Olbermann said F the president. You can say that Joy Reid was a homophobic, and then lie about it. But we all know Republicans have a very short leash when it comes to mistake. The Democrats and the media will circle the wagon around their soldiers, and they will go for Republicans scalps. That's just the way it is. You can't argue with it. That's the reality of it. Just going back to Roseanne for a second, there's a great scene from The Office where Michael Scott says to Dwight, what's the most inspiring thing I ever said to you? And Dwight said, don't be idiot. It changed my life. And then he looked at the camera and said, whenever I'm about to do something I think to myself would an idiot do that, and then I don't do that thing. That's what Roseanne should have done.

It's just idiotic to do. She's self-destructive. People do it for many reasons, drugs, pressure, they're risk takers. Charlie Sheen did it, blew off his entire career over nothing, over absolutely nothing. We've seen people plant a little time bomb in their careers, and then all of the sudden the Me Too Movement finds them. It's what happens and it's just a sad case. I agree with you, which it's sad for -- not only her, not really her, but the people involved in the show.

GUTFELD: The thing is -- they talk about the double standard. Charlie sheen, liberal, Alec Baldwin, liberal, Bill Marr, liberal, lost his job after 9/11. Cathy Griffin lost her job at CNN, because -- I don't know if the double standard argument holds. Kimberly, what do you make of the -- that montage we've show of people, like, taking her tweet and saying, OK, all of America is racist.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah. I mean, but that's sort of -- the liberal playbook, right? They tie it -- anything that they think might be poignant and tie it to the president in order to try to create this, like, relationship between anybody who might have supported the president and anything bad that is said. So, in this sense, I mean, I agree with personal responsibility, and she has to take ownership of this situation. We can't just blame everything on Ambien. That's not going to work.

GUTFELD: That's our next topic.

GUILFOYLE: That's the next topic. But, you know, in this particular instance, like we covered so well yesterday, in terms of saying the fallout is far reaching in terms of the people who are affected by the economic, you know, impact. Said she's going to stay off twitter, but lacking impulse control she went back on it, you know, today. I don't think it made any better. It muddied the waters -- right on cue.

GUTFELD: Muddy waters.

GUILFOYLE: Muddy waters. Next stop, yeah.

WATTERS: That's my nickname in college.

GUILFOYLE: Was it really?

WATTERS: Yeah, muddy waters.

GUILFOYLE: Interesting.


WATTERS: I'm not going to tell you my nickname.

GUILFOYLE: No, let's not go there. So, Roseanne, I think in this particular sense should just probably just quiet down and, you know.


GUTFELD: I want to bring up this Ambien defense because.


RIVERA: Can I say that the president missed an opportunity today. Here -- it would have been so easy. I mean, when I was with him I said you need more black people around. I think that you have an opportunity here -- just the passing phrase, you know. He could say everything he said, but start it with this is abhorrent, this is awful, I don't condone this. This is -- as much as I like her comedy, this wasn't funny, you know. It would have been easy for him to reach out and to deny the naysayers.

GUTFELD: Now, she blamed Ambien. And I think Ambien responded. Like, a pill actually responded.


GUTFELD: The last sentence there. Well, all pharmaceuticals treatments have side-effects, racism is not a known side effect of any -- clever thing. But, Dana, you and I both know that there are potential problems with Ambien and electronics.

PERINO: Yes. I mean, you've heard lots of stories about it.

GUTFELD: From you. No, I'm kidding.

PERINO: I never had a problem. I don't take Ambien anymore. I did -- I have such a hard time sleeping for a long time, and it was something I would take a half of one, but it really does knock you out. And you can't play around with these. You have to read the side-effects, follow orders of your doctor. You can do stupid things.

GUTFELD: I have.

PERINO: Or funny things.


GUTFELD: I have eaten an entire jar of mayonnaise -- no, peanut butter.

WATTERS: Hopefully, it wasn't mayonnaise.

GUTFELD: Yes, it could have been.

PERINO: There was a New York Times columnist who said after taking Ambien all of a sudden ate in the middle of the night an entire package of double stuffed Oreos.

GUTFELD: I don't doubt that.


PERINO: Ambien doesn't make you a racist?


PERINO: But the thing also that bothers me about that is that yesterday she said I'm going to apologize.


PERINO: OK. Then she said she apologize you didn't get my joke. Now she's defending herself by saying, well, really, I didn't need to apologize because I took Ambien and alcohol and mixed them together?

GUTFELD: Yeah. I know, Geraldo, you'll remember this because -- second to me, the oldest person here. This isn't actually new. If you remember Jimmy the Greek, and remember Howard Cosell what he said about Alvin Garrett on Monday Night Football? People think that this is a new thing, but it happens like almost once every three years. It's just accelerated that people screw up.

RIVERA: You know, but that ape stuff it's like the N-word. It's so blatant though. It's so raw. It's so disgustingly antiquated. You know, at some point where the hell is your head that you conjure up that kind of -- where did that sentence come from?


RIVERA: You know, it's just -- it is so intolerable that that's what all these fuzz is about. It's not -- I mean, to pretend that other people said this or that, and it's sort of the same, or they should have done this and that? I think that misses the point. There got to be some boundary.

GUTFELD: Last word.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah. I just think that, you know, the mainstream media the way they're reacting to situation like this, they just lose whatever shred of credibility they have left because they try to say that this is directly a link to the president or he's responsible for it makes absolutely no sense. And it really cheapens the dialogue about what should be the focus on intolerable racism.

GUTFELD: And they think they can blame on Trump, they will.


WATTERS: You would say that Bernie Sanders is responsible for the Bernie bro that shot Steve Scalise. Very thin analogy.

GUTFELD: And I don't think anybody said that here. I'm trying to remember.

WATTERS: I didn't.

GUTFELD: I didn't.


PERINO: To Geraldo's point about -- it was not me. One of the ways that the president could have owned the media today was to tweet something else.


PERINO: Other than tweet about a grievance for himself.


PERINO: Tweet in defense of someone else and make them eat their words.

GUTFELD: We will never be able to influence Donald Trump's tweeting. It's on its own third rail.


GUTFELD: All right, coming up.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: He's a tool of Chuck Schumer and, of course, the MS-13 lover, Nancy Pelosi.


GUTFELD: President Trump unleashing at Democrat over immigration. How Republicans plan to use this to win big in the midterms, that's next.


PERINO: The road to the midterms heats up as President Trump and Republicans unleashed their strategy for battle at last night rally in Nashville. The president blasted Democrats in congress for being soft on MS-13.


TRUMP: He's a tool of Chuck Schumer and, of course, the MS-13 lover, Nancy Pelosi. She loves MS- 13, can you imagine? Chuck and Nancy, they don't want the wall. They want open borders. They're more interested in taking care of criminals than they are of taking care of you.


PERINO: And immigration seems to be a theme across the board for Republicans in 2018. Check out these campaign ads for midterm candidates.


UNINDENTIFIED FEMALE: Calling people animals is not a good thing.

UNINDENTIFIED MALE: I'll end sanctuary cities to stop illegals from taking our jobs.

UNINDENTIFIED MALE: It's time to build the wall, make English our official language, and put America first.

UNINDENTIFIED MALE: Politicians put Mexico before Muncie, Beijing before Bloomington, jobs disappeared.


PERINO: So, that little compilation of --, Jesse. If you follow the money as to where these -- how these ads are being spent, the messages that they're using, it's not about tax cuts, the economy, all the good news that the president could tout. It's about something that he really wants to talk about which is immigration.

WATTERS: I don't know if they were going into the midterms thinking they're going to run on immigration, but Nancy just handed them this gift with this gaffe with MS-13 by saying there's a little spark of divinities inside of each and every one of them. And then when you combine that with the crumbs of the tax cuts they're going to run on two Pelosi's gaps. So, that was an unforced error by the Democrats. Usually, midterm elections are base election, it's about turn out and the president's popularity at the time.

The president personal popularity a little different than his policy popularity. Right now he's surging on three issues, immigration, the economy and trade. And he's number is really going up with millennials, people's age 50 to 64, church goers and non-church goers, figure that one out, and men. So, that is a very large swath of Americans. And when you put a thing like immigration at the front and center of your message it's not just immigration, you talk about national security, identity, law and order, wages, it touches on a lot of things. I know the Democrats are going to come in with a health care deal, that's why President Trump is saying he's going to release his own Republican health care plan, which I'm sure is going to be great, in the next couple of weeks to counter that..

PERINO: Geraldo, is it a step too far though to say that Nancy Pelosi is a lover of MS-13?

RIVERA: Well, I think that -- Dana, it is very effective to make this argument. It worked with Brexit. It's working throughout Europe with Populist Party. I think the immigration issue -- as a Republican I think I see the wisdom of their choice. As a Latino and as a proud patriotic American I lament this demonization of immigration. They're taking this tiny MS-13, 1 of 33000 gangs in the country. What about the bloods? What about the cribs? What about the KKK? What about the IRA? You know, you go on and on. And to, you know, do you call them all animals? Are they all animals or is it only MS-13?


GUILFOYLE: They're not coming over the border. The point is about letting in people who are criminals -- repeat offenders that prey on society. Those are the cases we saw at the D.A. office. That's why it's a distinction between that over in Ireland, the IRA and the other groups.

RIVERA: I believe that the subtext is -- it is us against them, them being the poor Latinos who come to the country and vote Democratic when they get legalized. I think it is intentional. It is ruthlessly pragmatic. I think it is also unfortunate and will further divide the nation, although, I do believe, to Jesse's point, that it is leading un-mistakenly to a surge and a decrease in the possibility of a blue wave.

WATTERS: Well, you have terrified me about the IRA, Geraldo, running wild with machetes all over the South Bronx. What are we going to do?

RIVERA: You're too young to have been around like in London.


RIVERA: When they were blowing up somebody.

WATTERS: I know. But I'm just saying.


RIVERA: You want to bet?


WATTERS: OK. Well, we're talking about America.


RIVERA: What did they call the IRA? Animals, is my point, Jesse. I believe.


RIVERA: You have racial undertone to that as well.

WATTERS: I'm sure people have called the IRA animals as well.

RIVERA: Do you think if they were different ethnic.

WATTERS: Are we really arguing about the IRA?

RIVERA: I'm arguing about the backhanded use of the demonization of another group.

WATTERS: I would call the cribs and the bloods animals, too.


WATTERS: I'll do it right now.


GUILFOYLE: But, guys, let's think about immigration, about borders, and about Mexico.


GUILFOYLE: Yes, it is.

RIVERA: MS-13 is not about immigration.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, it is. No, look at the documentation of all the number of criminals coming over, and gang members coming in to this country, unaccompanied minors, that's how this whole discussion started, the narrative was built. So, yes, that speech was a campaign speech, it was about midterm elections, five months going in now to make sure to rally and bring out and motivate the base. People say, oh, is he going to alienate independents.

RIVERA: I love Donald Trump. He's been my friend for 40 years. When he came down the escalator and gave his announcement speech that he was running, and he compared Mexican immigrants to rapist and murders I said to myself, oh, my God. But I will give him a pass because he's a rookie, it is his first time, first speech. I'll give him an A.

PERINO: I want to ask about all sorts of things, especially if you think this is persuasive, because, obviously, it's what gets people animated.

GUTFELD: Well, OK, with MS-13 the Democrats have not learn that when they didn't name terrorist, radical Islamist, that helped elect a man who did. So, what Donald Trump did more than anybody was called them radical Islamic terrorist. And if you persists and caught calling MS-13 humans not animals, you're actually the one that's conflating it. It's like they're accusing people calling gang members animals with conflating with immigrants when actually it's the reverse. However, Trump is in a really good position here to do something. He is welcoming the positive, while the Democrats are defending the criminal. This is why you should have an oval office chat with America about a solution to the path to citizenship, a DACA solution. So, while the Dems continue to defend gang members, he's actually saying we want the good people here. So, you have the positives, he's stressing the positive, while they defend the criminal I think would be a good strategy.

PERINO: All right. Well, we'll see what happens. Obviously, is what gets people talking. That's why they're talking about it. Kim Kardashian, she's at the White House. Find out why, next.


GUILFOYLE: Kim Kardashian goes to Washington. The reality TV star is at the White House to discuss prison reform in the case of a 62-year-old great grandmother who is serving life behind bars. Meanwhile, a Tennessee man is headed back to prison after a federal court ruled that his early release 2 years ago was actually an error. The judge who reduced his sentence is calling on the president to intervene. He spoke to Dana earlier.


UNINDENTIFIED MALE: This man has done exactly what we hope people will do and use their time incarcerated to become a productive citizen and he did just that. And I thought that warranted some serious consideration for his release.

PERINO: There are increasingly loud calls for President Trump to commute the sentence or even pardon him. Do you think that's warranted?

UNINDENTIFIED MALE: I think absolutely. And that is his only chance now. I think that's exactly what you should do. This man has done what we asked of him, and he ought to be an example to others.


GUILFOYLE: I couldn't agree more. This case have really moves me, Dana, in terms of, you know, being a former prosecutor and assistant district attorney, I saw so many cases and I tried to do my very best. Always be courageous to stand up when you know the right thing to do like this judge that came on your program and talk about it and say, listen, I'm going out on a limb here and tell you that I believe the president should do this," because he was moved by the case. He got personally involved, and he didn't stand back and do nothing. He wants something to be done. Justice can be served here, if something like the commutation of the sentence or a pardoning is happening.

PERINO: This case really affected me over the weekend as I read more about it. Something's very interesting that -- you guys are not going to believe this.

So as this was -- as they were working on the appeal -- so he gets out based on the judge you just saw there, Kevin Sharp, saying he deserves to be out based on President Obama's reevaluation on mandatory minimums, especially for crack cocaine sentences.

He gets out. For the next year and a half, he works at a food pantry -- volunteers at a food pantry; gains employment; gets a house, a vehicle; reconnects with his family; goes to church every week. And then he finds out, oh, actually, the new U.S. attorney, they say, "Oh, he should have been a career -- classified as a career criminal, a career offender. So therefore, he shouldn't have been eligible for this." And so they sent him back to prison.

Now, the public defenders that were defending Matthew Charles, they thought it would be better not to try to do any publicity about the case so that it wouldn't hurt his chances.

And now, he is back in prison. There is publicity about it now. I absolutely believe that the president, I think that the president will do the right thing and pardon Matthew Charles, or at least commute the sentence.

GUILFOYLE: And you -- and you've have seen him do that. In fact, you know, we just recently highlighted the case of the boxer, Mr. Johnson, that was able to, you know, get a pardon from President Trump. I think it's a very compelling case and really highlights the example, Geraldo, that you know, criminal justice reform should happen. You know, justice is only served when justice is fair and balanced.

And you've got to be able to stand up, especially people in a position to do something about it. And they see something that is happening that's wrong, don't make it -- you know, "It' not my problem. I'm just going to sit back and do nothing." There's nothing more repugnant to me than when people do that.

RIVERA: There's no doubt but that race infuses sentencing. The crack cocaine example is probably the most egregious in recent times. But I want to just change the -- the direction just a little bit.

I just want to say about Kim Kardashian and Jared Kushner. These are two of the most underestimated people in the country. Kim Kardashian gets the brunt -- the brunt of so many jokes. She has 60 million followers. She's created a multi-trillion-dollar -- I'm exaggerating, but a gigantic commercial enterprise. And she now has seized this issue, prison reform and sentencing reform, and God bless her for it.

Jared Kushner, constantly mocked by comedians on the left and deminimized, he and Ivanka. This is a guy, a young man who really has his heart in the right place, his head screwed on right. And the fact that he is -- I think that this is the line of communication. Kardashian, Jared Kushner. That's what brought them to the White House, to the president's attention. And to Dana's point, I think he will do the right thing.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, and he want -- he vowed to improve the system that his father had been through, and you know, was kind of a moving moment.

OK, Greg.

GUTFELD: Yes, I guess this is good politics, what he's doing. But I would like to talk about I'm very wary of the phrase "prison reform," because it's incredibly vague. We're talking about specific cases here, and understand that. And I think these are really important cases, and it's good news. And I hope they are free.

But we have to be very careful with prison reform, because people obsess over incarceration rates while crime rates have fallen. Crime rate goes down when criminals are locked up. I know that incarceration sounds mean-spirited, but it's not supposed to be a reward. And it is a fact, cause and effect, that we have seen dramatic declines in crime because of incarceration.

Now, we get into this point where we talk about this is based on race. There are differences in sentencings that may not be due to discrimination. And I'm going to take a benign example. There's something where studies show that blacks get pulled over more for speeding. Five percentage over Asian- Americans. You would immediately think it's racist. But as Thomas Sowell points out, it -- it's a reflection in age difference. The average age for an Asian-American is about 20 years higher than black Americans. So it's young people who are speeding more. It's not about race.

So when we look at these things, we have to be very, very careful about what we're saying and what we want to change. We need -- we need prison reform. It may not be about incarceration rates, though. It may be about how to transition people out of prison --


GUTFELD: But have a second chance in life, which I'm 100 percent for.

GUILFOYLE: Well, that's why I talk about criminal justice reform, because I think it's too narrow of a focus if you just say "prison reform."


GUILFOYLE: And I think specifically, what people take issue to, Jesse, is the federal guidelines, which are, you know, quite stringent, don't allow for any type of, like, good behavior and credit, et cetera, which is quite a disparity if you look at the juxtaposition between the state system and the federal system.

WATTERS: Yes, there's a difference between sentencing reform and prison reform. And Greg touched on it at the end. It's transitioning felons who are in the penitentiary to be able to go and have a life outside once they're released. They're going to be released eventually, so you want to put them in rehab while they're behind bars, so they can then go out and be rewarded for good behavior and have a positive feeling towards work. And kind of be rehabbed a little bit, because if prisoners that leave the penitentiary and then don't have rehab --


WATTERS: -- 60 percent of them go back into prison for committing more crime. So that's what Jared Kushner is trying to address.

GUILFOYLE: All right. OK.

RIVERA: First Step Act, you should mention it. First Step Act, job training, drug counselling, halfway houses, home confinement.


RIVERA: Passed the Congress 360 to 59, one of the rare bipartisan deeds of our dysfunctional Congress.

GUTFELD: I would do great in home confinement.

PERINO: But it still has to pass the Senate.

WATTERS: You're on home confinement.


WATTERS: This is your work release.

RIVERA: You're involuntary --

GUILFOYLE: If only he would -- if only he would stay there. Two great examples, though, of highlighting this important issue and the president tackling it.

You won't believe what MSNBC's Chris Matthews is saying about Republicans. And we'll show you all of that, next.



WATTERS: Great song.

GUILFOYLE: What's wrong with you?

WATTERS: MSNBC liberal Chris Matthews routinely lashes out at Republicans, but his latest attack might just take the cake.


CHRIS MATTHEWS, MSNBC HOST: Republicans are told, read the Wall Street Journal, play golf and talk about pro sports. I mean, the men especially are all programmed a certain way. They don't have too many outliers, Republicans. They all behave, basically, the same. Right? You must play golf. You must watch sports and talk about the NFL. You must talk -- and what else? Oh, read the Wall Street Journal and believe the op-ed page.


GUTFELD: OK, Greg, what do you think about that characterization?

GUTFELD: He's absolutely right. I mean, the thing is, he is correct. It's a stereotype that I don't fit into. I've been -- I don't play golf. I don't smoke cigars. I don't own khakis. I listen to death metal. I listen to thrash metal. I listen to industrial electronica and punk. I'm pro-psychedelics and pro-drugs. I'm not a typical Republican. And that has been a challenge. We need to have -- we need to have some heterogenous types in this -- in this world.

WATTERS: We're a big tent. We'll let you in.

GUTFELD: Thank you.

WATTERS: Even though you don't --

GUTFELD: I grew up in the tent, by the way.

GUILFOYLE: I mean, you're at the table. So it's a start.

WATTERS: That's right. Dana, what do you think?

PERINO: I only get one out of three of these. I always read The Wall Street Journal. I don't play golf, and you've heard me talk about pro sports. So -- but I do think that what Chris Matthews, in some ways, it mirrors what some on the right say --

GUTFELD: About the left, yes.

PERINO: -- about the left. And that there's very few outliers, with very interesting -- I don't know much about the left on the progressive side of things and how diverse that might be. But what's happening with younger conservatives is very interesting.

GUTFELD: True. They're departing.

PERINO: They may not call themselves card-carrying Republicans. But they call themselves conservatives, and they're voting Republican, and voting is what's going to make the difference.

WATTERS: That's right. We don't care what sport you play as long as you vote Republican.

RIVERA: I hate golf, although I have a major tournament named after me. I'm the worst golfer in America. I've always played tennis.

WATTERS: Typical liberal.

RIVERA: I am a Republican. I just think that when you start stereotyping, you know, I think that's the problem, is to put everybody in the same basket.

GUTFELD: I hate that.

WATTERS: We never stereotype about anybody on this show. Right, K.G.?

GUILFOYLE: Never. Never happens. Not here.

This is just so crazy. I'm beginning to think there's something in the air conditioning system over there at MSNBC, because it's just so pervasive. They go on these rants.

But guess what? I guess it works, you know, for their ratings. But they say these things that are just nonsensical. They're stereotyping of people, and it's just really very limiting. It's identity politics, and I don't know. They're into it. They seem to really, you know, thrive and get off on it.

GUTFELD: I've got to say, I'm guilty of this. I've been editing my book. Do you know how many times I describe, like, professors as having a nose ring and a ponytail and smelling of patchouli?

GUILFOYLE: Churchill.

GUTFELD: Yes, so I mean, it's some --

RIVERA: I hate patchouli.

GUTFELD: It's shorthand. We all do this kind of weird shorthand.

WATTERS: And if you play golf and you read and you like sports, I mean, how bad of a stereotype is that?

RIVERA: But the bigger point is that race and culture, to your point in the first segment, will trump the economy when it comes to identity politics and how people vote. I think that you will see a much -- I mean, it's going to be --

WATTERS: Well, we'll find out.

RIVERA: It's going to be white and other.

GUILFOYLE: I think the color green brings people together. And a good economy that's robust, good jobs numbers, low unemployment.

GUTFELD: Spoken like a true Irish woman.


WATTERS: Not a member of the --

GUTFELD: IRA. But she has an IRA. Very good with her finances.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. I'm an animal.

RIVERA: Kimberly, you're an animal.

WATTERS: Bigger now that Trump's been president.

A former teacher corrects the president of the United States. We'll tell you what happened, up next.


GUTFELD: Garbage.

RIVERA: Garbage?


RIVERA: Everybody is a Trump critic, even a retired high school English teacher whose correction of a form letter sent by the White House has gone viral. Yvonne Mason her name. She wrote to President Trump in the aftermath of the Parkland school massacre, and she was so appalled by the apparent errors in his response, his form response, that she pulled out her trusty teacher's pen. She marked up her edits. She sent it back. Here's why.


YVONNE MASON, FORMER TEACHER: I think mostly I was appalled by the just random capitalization of words that typically aren't capitalized.

JOHN BERMAN, CNN ANCHOR: If the president, you know, was writing in your class, what grade would you give him on his composition?

MASON: I just don't see that I could give him over a "D." I know 100 percent that he did not write this, but he's -- the signature is his, and the buck stops somewhere.


RIVERA: For the record, the federal government style guide says that the White House correctly capitalized the words "nation," "federal" and "state" in the context of that letter.


RIVERA: But this, Kimberly, was picked up hugely by every media, in the mainstream media. Is it just another example of seizing on something that they could use to criticize Trump? "Trump is stupid. He can't -- he has bad grammar," you know, et cetera.

GUILFOYLE: Haters going to hate. That's what this is about.

If you don't like him, you're going to find that you're going to correct that. If the same letter went out from the Clinton White House or whatever, from the Obama White House, you wouldn't be seeing this going viral with the correction and the edits and the whole deal.

I mean, I don't know. Look, she got -- had some fun with it, I guess. People seem to like it. It went viral. But you know, you see what's behind it, the impetus behind it, which is just to try to humiliate and cheapen the presidency.

RIVERA: That's exactly what it is. Exactly what it is. And yet, the personal pronoun "I" is used a lot, and she criticized that. Is that a fair critique?

WATTERS: I think it's legit. I mean, I've defended this president on a lot of stuff, we all know. But I can't defend him on the grammar and the punctuation and the misspellings. It drives me crazy, Geraldo. I'm a stickler for all that stuff. My mother is an educator. My father is in education. And I read these tweets, and it's just gobbledygook.

I get it. He has a great brain, and he went to the best schools, but I don't understand why that doesn't come across on the Twitter. And he speaks properly. He just can't write properly.

Apparently, The New York Times said that he does misspellings on purpose so he's, like, one of the folks. I don't know if I buy that. But it drives me nuts. I think he needs to clean it up, and that would be my advice. Make it work.

RIVERA: George W. Bush was charming sometimes in his lack of sophistication.

PERINO: Oh, yes. He loved to make fun of himself. He used to say that he had a lot in common with immigrants who had assimilated in America and became citizens because he said, "English was my second language, too."

Little-known fact: while I was waiting for my security clearance right after 9/11 and I was going to the Justice Department, I worked in the correspondence office of the White House. And it used to drive me crazy to capitalize "nation," "state" and "federal," because everything I knew from AP style was that you don't do that. But in the Federal Style Guide, that particular part is correct, if you're going by that.

RIVERA: Would you opine on the extent this thing was circulated? And --

GUTFELD: I'll tell you why it was circulated. There's so much good news going on. I love this story, because it's not ISIS. We haven't done an ISIS story in ages --


GUTFELD: -- because our president helped destroy ISIS. So if this lady can have her fun marking stuff up and impressing her friends, that means things are going pretty well. If this is leading -- you know, if this is on CNN and where it was, that means our economy is growing; ISIS is dead, for now; North Korea looks like it could be happening. There's so much good news, this is all they've got.

PERINO: Winning.

GUILFOYLE: People feel good about themselves by putting other people down. It seems to be the case.

RIVERA: And yet, they lost sight of what the letter was about. Nobody mentions. CNN didn't talk about the fact that --

GUTFELD: Good point.

RIVERA: -- this was the Parkland school massacre.

GUTFELD: So true.

RIVERA: -- and they're talking about capitalizing "federal" and "nation."

GUILFOYLE: They're so missing the point.

RIVERA: "One More Thing" is next.

GUILFOYLE: Exclamation point.


GUTFELD: All right, "One More Thing." My podcast is up. It's with John Tamny. We talk about the end of work. It's very exciting.

Let's go to this.


GRAPHIC: Greg's Thatttt'ssss Addorabbbllee!


GUTFELD: "Greg's That's Adorable!"

All right, this is just adorable. Take a look at this. A young boy -- here he is -- attempting several times to get President Trump to hug him. Seven-year-old Jordan McLinn. And then he gets a hug.


RIVERA: That's adorable.

GUTFELD: He is the greatest president that has ever lived, and I predict will ever live.

GUILFOYLE: He's the greatest hugger.


All right.

RIVERA: He's the blondest president.


PERINO: All right. Browns defensive back Damarious Randall wagered on Twitter that he would buy a jersey for every fan who retweeted his post that said that if the Cleveland Cavaliers upset the Golden State Warriors in the NBA finals, they're going to get this jersey. Well, the post went everywhere, and now he's on the hook for over $70 million worth of jerseys --


PERINO: -- if Cleveland can take down Golden State. So I don't know if that's actually going to happen.

GUTFELD: Good sports talk there.

GUILFOYLE: Again, the danger of Twitter.


WATTERS: Remember we brought you last week the Russians slapping each other in the face?

PERINO: Yes, that was terrible.

WATTERS: Well, they have something else that's pretty nuts over in England. Let's roll this.

These people --

GUTFELD: Cheese rolling.

WATTERS: -- chase cheese down a hill. The cheese is rolling down at about 70 miles an hour. And men and women, I guess, hurl themselves down this --

GUTFELD: I've done this.

WATTERS: You've done this?


WATTERS: That explains a lot.

GUTFELD: Cheese rolling has been around for 20 years.

WATTERS: So there you go. And there's the winner. And he didn't even win any money. He just won the cheese.


GUILFOYLE: You just get to eat the dirty cheese?

PERINO: Did he cut it?

WATTERS: Oh, Dana.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my gosh!

WATTERS: This is a family show.

GUILFOYLE: That is so inappropriate. What is wrong with you?

WATTERS: I hope every outlet picks that up.

GUILFOYLE: Isn't it unbelievable? Right.

GUTFELD: It was Dana's corny joke.

WATTERS: I did not make that joke.

GUILFOYLE: No, it was Dana's corny joke.

GUTFELD: I hope you don't have some kind of weird animal video.

GUILFOYLE: How did you know? Who's against pandas? Absolutely no one. Look at this. Adorable. I mean, I can't even stop thinking about this. So cute.

A little baby panda born in a Malaysian zoo five months ago, finally made her public debut on Saturday. The female panda has not yet been named -- come up with a good name -- is the second offspring of giant pandas Liang- Liang and Xing-Xing. The healthy cub weighs 19.8 pounds, could you imagine that? So it's very cool. And they've invested hundreds of thousands of dollars on a panda complex. And that's why we have this great production of this gorgeous panda.

GUTFELD: They're very angry animals.

GUILFOYLE: They're not angry. They're very sweet.

GUTFELD: They don't even like each other. That's why they don't mate.

PERINO: Exactly.

GUILFOYLE: Hey, you're just not -- you're not very nice.

By the way, according to the World Wildlife Fund, there are 1,184 pandas.

And there I am with Charles Payne. There he is. I'm going to be on with him tonight on "Making Money" at 6:30 to talk also about criminal justice reform.

GUTFELD: Excellent.

Mr. Geraldo.

RIVERA: I was going to talk about LeBron being the greatest basketball player, maybe the greatest athlete ever to live, but I'll do that maybe tomorrow night.

If you have not yet bought your present for Father's Day, may I humbly suggest, "The Geraldo Show: A Memoir," on sale. Barnes and Noble, Books a Million, wherever books are sold.

Tuesday, next Tuesday, I shall be in Philadelphia, the City of Brotherly Love, at the Media Theater for the Performing Arts in Media, PA, 7 p.m. Tuesday, June 5. Love to see you there.

PERINO: A book signing?

RIVERA: A book signing. A book signing and you get -- you get a book and a signature and to hear me speak.

GUILFOYLE: Very nice Father's Day present.

GUTFELD: Set your DVRs. Never miss an episode of "The Five." He has so much to share. His name, Bret Baier. Where are you, Bret? There you are.

BRET BAIER, FOX NEWS ANCHOR: You're so good. Thanks, Greg.

GUTFELD: You're better.

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