Gutfeld: Jim Carrey's change of heart

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," June 24, 2013. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: All right. Jim Carrey announced that he cannot support his new flick, "Kick-Ass 2" due to violent content. He cites change in heart since Sandy Hook and apologized to others involved with the film.

Well, good for him, and lucky for him, too, a genius like Jim can make conscious-based decisions long after such movie violence brought him great fame and wealth. It's like a star in his 40s denouncing vaccines after getting polio shot when he was a kid. Sound familiar, Jim?

And how odd his conscience bothers him now when it's time to promote the picture. Sorry, an attention-seeking celeb suddenly wants to shut up. I think it has more to do with avoiding publicity than principles.

Or maybe he's really learned the benefits of restraint. Remember his tragic, unfunny anti-gun video that danced on the grave of Charlton Heston, one of the great movie stars and civil rights activist of our time. The hateful video was way worse than the harmless fantasy of "Kick-Ass 2," and it soiled Carrey for tens of millions forever. Maybe he got it.

I doubt it. To him, politics is fashion. Oh, what to wear this month.

But it's good he apologized to the movie crew for his decision effects everyone on that film, from the co-stars who make far less than he does to writers and gophers. Although I doubt it alleviates their anger over him, dissing their work, his soothed conscience pays no mortgage.

What is going on?

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: What is going on while you're doing that, look over, Bob is like beauty school dropout, looking at my compact.

GUTFELD: He was trying -- you know what he was doing? He was trying to ruin my vibe.

BOB BECKEL, CO-HOST: Exactly what I was doing.

GUTFELD: All right. KG, since you're already talking. Is it unfair to the crew of the film to rag on a movie as it is coming out? It would be like if a "Five" started and, all of a sudden, oh, God, I hate that show.

That's what he did to these people.

GUILFOYLE: Or you go I hate that segment?


GUILFOYLE: Yes, that's happened. Gotcha.

So, I worked on movies in a variety of different roles. One of those roles --


GUILFOYLE: Anyway, so I know what it is like, I have done everything from having a speaking role to being what you call a gopher --

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: Speaking roles.

GUTFELD: Where is this going?

GUILFOYLE: To being an extra. It is not fair.

What he does has direct economic impact unfortunately on the film, people that rely on this for their well-being. Their financial livelihood. But this is just more of him trying to get attention on Twitter, being ridiculous and reckless. The guy has no center. He is all over the place.

GUTFELD: Bob, what do you think, product of a guy that moves in and out of political issues because he has nothing else to do?

BECKEL: I think it's probably going to be a dog of a movie, and so, he is trying to lower expectations.

GUTFELD: But, listen, fact of the matter, if he is impacting other people's welfare, as long as there's not a lot of violent movies out all the time. What are we, kidding yourselves? Just because he did a violent movie, there will be another one next week, there'll be another one a week after that. What difference does it make?

I think the problem is he knows it is a dog of a movie, and he wants to get out from under it.

BOLLING: Exactly my opinion. There's no buzz, no buzz about that movie before he decided to do this. Now, all of a sudden people like us put him on TV, saying what's that movie going to be about.

I agree. I think he is helping the people that worked on the film, because he maybe he made the film a little relevant.

KATE PAVLICH, GUEST CO-HOST: I think he should take the money he pays armed body guards outside his home, and pay the people who don't make as much, pay the people he is ruining this movie for.

But on the hypocrisy, where was he -- Aurora happened before this movie, Columbine happened before this movie was made. Chicago happens every single day before this movie was made. Where was he then, why is it now?

GUTFELD: Yes, it's never about the handgun crime, is it?

PAVLICH: No, it's never about the handgun crime in cities with gun control ever.

GUILFOYLE: He has all those guns and bodyguards who is very worried about Greg Gutfeld. But, you know, come on.


BECKEL: He has bodyguards for what?

PAVLICH: He apparently thinks that he's important, that he pays armed bodyguards to sit outside his house while --


GUTFELD: Can we talk about Madonna?

BECKEL: Oh, I'm not supposed to say that?

GUTFELD: Madonna was on "Good Morning America" and they talked to her about guns. Let's check it out.

BECKEL: What a bad word.


ELIZABETH VARGAS, ABC NEWS: That choreography drew criticism with the first act of her tour relying heavily on guns.

Did you ever think about not including that in the movie?

MADONNA, SINGER: No, that's like asking people not to have guns in action movies. I mean, the thing is, guns don't kill people, people kill people.

VARGAS: There were several movies delayed releases because of shootings, for example, at Sandy Hook Elementary School. So, there weren't any --

MADONNA: That's not going to change the situation. It all comes from fear and ignorance and people not really raising their children and paying attention to what's going on.


GUTFELD: Eric, she just echoed the NRA like slogan. Guns don't kill --

BOLLING: Channeling her inner conservative. I love --


GUILFOYLE: He has a crush on her now.

BOLLING: Good stuff, Madonna.

BECKEL: You're in the tank, Madonna. In the tank. You have to cozy up to the right wingers.

GUILFOYLE: No, she's not.

GUTFELD: I don't know if that's what she meant.

It is like out of fear and ignorance. I think she was throwing words together. I don't know.

PAVLICH: She made perfect sense to me. I say amen, Madonna, your career is so much better than Lady Gaga.

BECKEL: If she made sense to you, that means that -- well, certainly -- I don't know who Lady Gaga is, but apparently she's somebody big. Who cares?

BOLLING: You met her.

GUILFOYLE: You met her in the green room, Bob.

GUTFELD: Never heard this story before, have you?

GUILFOYLE: Justin Beiber, Lady Gaga, Rihanna.

GUTFELD: All right. This is falling apart before our eyes.

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