Gutfeld: Chris Matthews is truly sorry

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," July 19, 2013. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: On MSNBC, a cable access network for sociology majors, Chris Matthews apologizes on behalf of all white people for the racism experienced by blacks in America. Behold beholders.


CHRIS MATTHEWS, MSNBC HOST: This conversation, gentlemen, privately and on television, I mean, a lot of people out there, I'll just tell you one thing and I'm speaking now for all white people especially who have tried to change the last 50 or 60 years and a lot of them have really tried to change. And I'm sorry for this stuff.


GUTFELD: I think he meant white-haired people.

On behalf of loud talk show hosts everywhere, I apologize for that apology. Now, I don't doubt his sincerity, I think he really does mean well. But do you think his guests really wanted an apology? Short answer: no. Longer answer: no, no, no, no.

See, all white liberal guilt does is create symbolic inaction to alleviate guilt of the white liberal, or worse, creating real action that hurts. Every big handout is born from the destructive selfishness of a guilty white person.

They treat the community like one giant homeless man, maybe if I throw him spare change I'll feel better about myself, even if they don't. For white libs cannot bare to talk about the absence of dads, or self-reliance or black-on-black crime because it makes them look mean.

Instead here's money, and black community suffer because the money only masks the misery. A race-obsessed apologist should come with a warning sticker, beware this person will ruin you.

Maybe why the left have a hard time looking black conservatives in the eye without muttering something about a resemblance to the black man's Uncle Tom, because black cons see right through them and they don't want your apologies. They just want you to stop helping them. They see apologists for what they are, a truly sorry group of people.

Bob --


GUTFELD: Should Chris Matthews have apologized for all of our pasts?

BECKEL: I don't know where, Chris -- I mean, if he had said I apologize, but on behalf of all whites? Where does he get the standing to do that? One.

And, two, I'm a white liberal and I've said on this show and I'll say it again, we've passed a lot of legislation we thought would be helpful.

It turned out to breed three generations of dependent people. We have a responsibility to change that. We thought we were doing the right thing and we weren't.

And I think that that led to a lot of the problems in the black community. And I think we need to get something done about it.

Instead, there are some people who just refuse to deal with the poverty programs and the way we put them together in the '60s. We just -- we made a mistake. Our hearts were in the right place, but we made a mistake.

GUTFELD: I love Bob.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: Can you expand on what you're talking about?

BECKEL: Yes. I can tell you welfare for children of -- there's a program that the more children you get, the more money you get. And the fathers have no -- these guys --

GUILFOYLE: No accountability.

BECKEL: The other thing was we built these God-awful tall buildings.

And they became crime infested -- I mean, projects. I mean, we put projects every place.

BOLLING: So if a welfare program is bad and not helpful, aren't bigger and more welfare programs worse and less helpful?

BECKEL: I don't want to get into that. I want to get into things we did causing a lot of these things to happen. I'm saying it bred three generations of dependent blacks. And we need to change that.

BOLLING: Isn't the accessibility of food stamps that used to be for real people in poverty and now, it's just about anyone that says they'd like to have more? The ease of redistribution, the ease of welfare --

BECKEL: More white people get food stamps than blacks.

BOLLING: Isn't that dependent society we're building a dependent society.

BECKEL: You can say that about every white person who gets food stamps, every Hispanic.

KIMBERLY GUIFOYLE, CO-HOST: Well, food stamps are color blind, Bob.

BECKEL: That's right. There were programs directly directed at the black community.

BOLLING: He's coming around. He's coming around, folks.


BECKEL: Listen, I'm trying to be honest here about some of the things that I recognize.

GUILFOYLE: We appreciate it.

GUTFELD: That's why Bob's awesome. Kimberly, what are your thoughts?

GUILFOYLE: I thought we had a breakthrough moment here. I can feel it.

Look, I don't know what Chris Matthews is doing except I feel like that whole network, they're just chasing an audience or something. It's some kind of like big appeasement puddle they're making over there to try and get people to step into it.

GUTFELD: Appeasement puddle.

GUILFOYLE: Come here, come with us, we have a tent for you.

I don't want to be in that sweaty tent. It's very bizarre the comments that are made, doesn't make any sense. It's sort of sad at this point.

GUTFELD: Dana, what are your thoughts on this?


GUILFOYLE: Appeasement puddle.

PERINO: I apologize for everything at all times for everything. That's kind of in my nature. I don't think Chris Matthews speaks for most white-haired people even.

You know, in fourth and fifth grade when I lived in Denver -- Denver was one of the first cities to start the integrated school system and try to do it through bussing. So, in the morning instead of walking three blocks to a school right near me, I had to be bussed 18 miles into Herrington (ph) Elementary School. I was one of only four white kids in the whole school that was in fourth and fifth grade to the point where I was, you know, I was teased, I was bullied.

And I'm actually embarrassed to say that because I think of what I've gone through and the privileges I've had in my life are -- it makes that experience pail in comparison. So, I understand that.

But that I do think what President Obama said about having been a lot of progress, if I just look at my niece, she never had a negative thought in her head about race and about gay people as a matter of fact. I mean, there has been a lot of progress.

GUTFELD: Dana, that's not your niece. That was your dog you're talking about.

BECKEL: Can I just make one point about this? There's been studies now done with kids who are robust. And in fact, it was a negative. It did not help. It did not lift people up in their grade point average or a lot of other things.

What it did was it was a forced way to force integration which got a lot of people angry. I don't know if you remember, you may be too young, but south Boston went crazy when this happened. And it was unnecessary.

What would have been helpful is to get better teachers and better schools.


BOLLING: Wow, what happened to you?


BOLLING: Started speaking Swedish overnight. It's like you hit your head --

PERINO: Wait until the next block.


BECKEL: Can you please allow me -- will you please allow me -- what I said about this at the beginning which I think there's a lot of programs that are very good, like Head Start. There are a lot of them that did breed dependency and I think we need to deal with it.

I'm not leaving my positions here. I'm trying to move this conversation along.

GUTFELD: Good for you. We've got to move.

PERINO: Wait until the next block when we talk about the unions.

GUTFELD: Yes, this is going to be great. This is all going to go to H-E double toothpicks.

PERINO: Hockey sticks.

GUTFELD: Hockey sticks, whatever.

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