Greta: Let's give Jeb Bush a fresh and fair look

By Greta Van Susteren

Let's all go "Off the Record" for just a minute. Big political news: Former governor Jeb Bush announcing his decision to actively explore the possibility of running for president. Everyone has been wondering, "Is he or isn't he?" We even asked Governor Bush's older brother, President George W. Bush, about it last month. Here is what he told with us:


GEORGE W. BUSH: Jeb is wrestling with the decision to run for president. He knows what it's like. He has seen his dad and seen his brother. There is no pressure anybody can put on him. I'm confident as he travels around the country, he is hearing people say you ought to run. And sure is he flattered by that, but only he can make the decision and there is nothing anybody can say to him to help him better understand, you know, the decision-making process.


And the Miami Herald may have had the biggest scoop. Days ago, they suspected Governor Bush will run. Their tell-tale clue - they reported Jeb bush lost 15 pounds that tipped the scales for that paper. So now the Miami Herald can pull its reporter off the weight beat and put him on the race for 2016 beat.

As we all look at the possible candidate Governor Jeb Bush for 2016, how about we give him a fresh and fair look. That means no special advantages for being a Bush. His family is not running. This is about Jeb Bush and likewise, we should not penalize Governor Bush because he is a Bush. His family is not running. This is about Jeb Bush.

So, as we cover 2016, let's in the media be smart. Report about what matters. Be fair and may the best man - or woman - win. And that's my "Off the Record" comment tonight